Vietnam Warriors Reunite

By randall rumper

Published on Jun 17, 2018


The following story may contain descriptions of sexual encounters and contact among consenting adults. Of course, my story is a work of fiction; however, it maybe loosely based upon facts and experiences that my friends and I have discussed openly or personally experienced. Many of the facts are drawn from actual life experiences and life experiences of people that I care deeply about; therefore, specific names, places, times, and dates have been altered to protect all innocent parties. I'm a baby boomer who grew into maturity during the 1960s. Yes, I did serve in Vietnam. All rights reserved. This story is copyrighted and is not to be reproduced without the express written permission of the author. This story is sexual explicit, so, if you are not of legal age do not read the story. If you do read stories on Nifty contribute.

Chapter 4: Pleasant After Dinner Surprise

Dressed in semi casual attire wearing a sports jacket Mark arrived at Basil's, amid-range restaurant, about a quarter till seven, ordered a glass of wine and waited at the bar for Boomer to arrive. A few minutes before seven, the guest of honor arrived dressed in his uniform. Mark, a regular, ordered his friend a beer and introduced him to the bartender. Then the waiter arrived, show the two to a quaint little booth where they could reminisce about old times as they ate. Once seated their waiter asked, "How long before ordering."

"Give us about 15 minutes Danny. Oh, bring couple more rounds and appetizers."

The waiter disappeared, and Mark began conversation. "So, you're not married what happened? I remember the hot little redhead you dated throughout high school and then heard you all got engaged."

"We never married...Got engaged on leave before going to Nam, but never married. Anyway, the bitch took off for college after she graduated the year after us. In the Nam I get this fucked up letter from her telling me that she's breakin up with me. She's searchin the perfect 12-inch dick. The bitch said that mine wasn't big enough to satisfy her any longer."

Of course, the two boys had seen each other naked on many occasions and although adequately endowed Boomer's endowment no way measured up to a 12-inch porn star super cock; in fact, neither of the two had been blessed with super star endowments. Something neither of them worried about back during their youth. "So, did she ever find the elusive foot long hotdog?"

"Dunno know, never heard from the bitch again," Boomer said. "I heard through the grapevine that the bitch dropped out of college after a semester and lives with some hippie motherfucker at some commune in San Francisco area now. What about you?"

"Nope, never married."

"What happened to that gnarly blonde surfer chick with the big rack that you dated in high school?" Boomer asked. "I remember you used to bring her to swim parties at mom and dads to show her off. All our guy friends used to go blind bumpin into each other droolin over her tits. Then spring boners when she pranced around the pool in her tight ass swim suite--the girls hated her."

"I remember you drooling too," Mark said with a smile. "Anyway, while I'm in Vietnam the bitch sends me this really fucked up letter telling me she married some black Air Force motherfucker who supposedly had a 14-inch dick."

"Fuckin leg."

"Then she went on for half dozen pages raving about this asshole and his cock in graphic language. About how he ate her pussy and asshole before fucking her pussy and then fucking her in the ass. How he fucked her between her tits while she sucked on the head of his cock as he pushed it in and out between her breasts. She went on and on for six fucking pages telling me all those sordid bullshit lies."

"Damn! What a cunt."

"Then she went on raving about how she enjoyed sucking his huge black cock, swallowing all his cum. Supposedly, they ended up having a kid and then got divorced because he beat her. I guess she found her a man with a foot-long hot dog, but it didn't last."

"Wow!" Boomer exclaimed hearing the seamy story. "That shit is just uncalled for man. Sorry to hear that. You two made a great couple."

"What the fuck is it with all these bitches nowadays looking for guys with huge dicks?" Mark asked.

"Beats the fuck outta me," Boomer replied.

"Oh, before I forget, talked to mom this afternoon and told her you're home on leave. They want to see you."


"Mom's planning a big old cookout with tri-tip and pulled pork this Saturday to celebrate your homecoming. You're the guest of honor, and she's inviting your mom and dad."

"Sure. Grub sounds great. Your mom's a great cook and I always liked your mom and dad," Boomer said. "But I ain't even called my folks yet. You know they ain't seen or heard from me in so long...Guess I'm scared to see them."

The two continued a few more minutes of conversation before their Caesar salads arrived. After that onto the main course; part way through the main course Mark looked across at Boomer's uniform. "Can't believe you're a Staff Sergeant with four Bronze Stars, a couple ARCOMs, Purple Hearts, Air Medals and you lived through it all. I sure would've never guessed you a bonafide war hero type."

"Me either. Hell, I don't remember how or what I did to get most of them. Truthfully, I don't want to remember. I'm sure others died so I could get them medals pinned on my chest," Boomer said with flat affect. "The extra stripe and tax-free money is mostly why I stayed in the Nam longer."

"Yeah, I used the tax-free money to pay for my ride and help finance school. Dad made me invest half of my Army pay every month and it really paid off. I accumulated a really cool nest egg...Big portfolio."

"Wish I'd done that." Boomer said. What was you rank when you got out?"

"Spec 5...Spec 5 the whole time in Nam."

The two finished eating in between conversation. After Danny cleared the main course he brought more coffee and another beer for Boomer, before telling the two about deserts for the night. The two looked at each other before Mark pointing at his friend said, "He's the hero and guest of honor tonight Danny, go ahead and order Boomer."

"I'm really full Mark."

"Me too."

"Gentlemen, dinner and drinks are compliments of Basil's tonight," Danny said. "The owner and head chef, an old Marine Corps veteran of Korean War, wanted to honor and thank you tonight Sergeant."

Mark and Boomer thanked Danny and asked that he pass along their compliments and gratitude to the owner. The first time anyone except family had acknowledged their service in a positive way. Mark handed Danny a twenty-dollar bill tip. He took a couple Polaroid photos of them for the guest wall and one each for them.

Mental visions began flooding Mark's mind about what he wanted for desert that night however the visions had nothing to do with food. He had to find out whether Boomer might be up for the same type desert he had in mind. The two finished their drinks, but before they got up to leave the restaurant Danny the waiter brought a Basil's doggie bag with two deserts inside. "The deserts come with the meal, so I took the liberty of choosing a desert for each of you and putting them in the bag for you all to take home."

"Damn!" Boomer exclaimed as the two walked up on the red 1968 Dodge Charger R/T in the parking lot. "Damn this thing still smells new," Boomer said easing into the passenger seat. "So, where and when'd you get this bitchin ass ride?"

"I order it from the PX before I left Vietnam. I picked it up at the Dodge dealer after I got back to the world. Keep it garaged at my folks most of the time."

"Cool fucking ride. Wish I'd done that, but I just wanted to get the fuck outta the Nam alive."

Mark asked Boomer, "Where to now buddy and what you wanna do next?"

"Just someplace where we can talk. Maybe take a ride down by the ocean. I need a couple more drinks and time to unwind."

Mark fired up the engine. The roar told everyone that the Charger's engine was something special.

"Damn, what the kind of fuckin engine's in this thing?"

"Special order, 425 Horsepower 426 Hemi," Mark said as he engaged the clutch pushing the shift lever forward into first gear. He let the clutch out and the wheels chirped, and tires smoked leaving the parking lot. Driving towards the beach Mark said, "Yep, this bitch'll do 0 to 60 in just less than five seconds."

"What kind of gas mileage?"

"When you own one of these bad ass cars you better not worry about mileage," Mark said with a little laugh.

Before shifting into third gear Mark pushed an eight-track cartridge into the center of the dash. Almost immediately the Doo-wop sounds of Walk Like a Man by the Four Seasons surrounded the two as Mark drove towards a more private place on the beach where they could talk. Mark stopped at the liquor store along the way to get a bottle of booze and six pack of cold beer. Once at the beach Mark parked in a secluded area where they could drink and talk undisturbed while listening to more New Jersey Doo-wop sounds of the past.

Boomer began pouring his heart and soul out to his friend. A couple times Mark sensed a sniffle and maybe tears in Boomer's eyes, but it was dark. Mark just listened. The ugliness of war had taken an emotional toll on his friend. After finishing a couple beers Boomer said, "Let's go someplace where we can be alone to talk some more."

"Like where?" Mark asked.

"Your place if possible."

"Sure," Mark said. "Let's go ta my place for a nightcap and desert?"

"Sounds good. Maybe I could stay with you tonight, so we can talk more if possible."

"No problem," Mark said. "As far as I'm concerned you can crash at my pad the entire time you're on leave buddy."

After another a stop at the liquor store a little after midnight the two arrived at Mark's apartment. Once inside, as soon as Mark closed and locked the door, Boomer grabbed his best friend pushing him against the wall, swallowing his face into his, covering him with a soulful embrace. Mark offered no resistance submitting to the paratrooper's seductive advances, returning kisses. The embrace and kiss a sense of déjà vu. What surprised Mark, the two never kissed during any of their sexual escapades as teenagers.

The suddenness of the kiss took Mark back months to that first kiss in Lieutenant Charming's hooch. Boomer had attempted to kiss Mark on a couple occasions when they were younger; however, Mark rebuffed the romantic advances. Two hardbodies pressed against each other passionately; sexually aroused to the max.

With Boomer's face nestled in his friend's neck panting he began whispering, "Mark Hunter I want you so fucking bad tonight. I want you more than anything I've ever wanted in my life. I want you...Fuck me...Make me feel alive again."

The sensuality whispered by Boomer overcame Mark. "I want you too buddy...Let's get out of these clothes."

The two began tearing off each other's clothing dropping items along the route to Mark's bedroom. Mark, nearly naked made a side trip to the kitchen to put away the deserts and turn on the stereo to play more soft Doo-wop music. The first song to come on: Sherry.

In the bedroom with nothing but T-shirts and drawers covering their bodies the two fell onto the bed on top of each other. The white overstuffed comforter on the queen size bed swallowed up Mark first and then Boomer on top while the two continued embracing and humping. Mark, thankful he'd cleaned up and made the bed a few hours prior.

Boomer kept whispering into Mark's ear. "Baby, there were times I thought I'd never see you again, never hold you, ever touch or taste you again."

"You're here now and safe tonight," Mark replied with his arms wrapped around his buddy.

"You don't understand Mark. You have no idea how many times I've thought about this moment since the last time we were together in that hotel room years ago. I want to relive that night and more while I'm on leave."

Hearing that his best bud had not forgotten that eventful weekend they spent together before basic training Mark's mind began recalling what all transpired. The two men days away from starting Army training spent two days and nights holed up in the hotel room satisfying each other's sexual needs to the point of exhaustion. They must have blown each other over a dozen times in that twenty-four hours period.

The two knew once the hectic schedule of Army training began there would be no time for sex between them, even if they could find the time. Moreover, they would be too physically exhausted to even think about jacking off let alone sucking each other off. They wanted to show up at the training facility drained of all sexual desire ready to train.

For the entire weekend the two engaged in sessions of frotting, masturbation and sucking. They humped each other with their hard cocks in between each other ass cheeks, but no anal penetration. The small room smelled of sex and the sheets were stained with remnants of sex when they checked out.

"In Vietnam many times I though about you after facing death, wondering if I'd ever see you again; ever smell you again, ever touch you, ever taste you again."

Wrestling around on the bed grinding their hardbodies together both men were so fucking hot for the other. Boomer said, "I wish I could've written you to express my true feelings for you. How much I missed you, missed your touch. How much I wanted to feel you inside me. How much I love you and always loved you. I couldn't write those things in letters because I knew the possibility that our letters would be opened and read by CID investigators."

Mark let Boomer go on and on. One part of the early cooing message that caught Mark unprepared, " much I wanted to feel you inside me...How much I love you."

During their teenage sexual shenanigan years, they'd never engaged in anything romantic or anal intercourse; however, Mark remembered how he'd found the pleasures of anal sex for the first time in Vietnam. However, since then he'd been with numerous anal sex partners. Apparently, Boomer had learned to experience similar. Mark couldn't and didn't want to try to stop his best bud. He knew Boomer had almost two years of jungle rot bottled up inside his head that needed to be released. The badass paratrooper a ticking time bomb ready to explode, so he let his old friend ramble.

"I've wanted you so much the past couple years. Since I saw you this morning my cock has ached for your touch. To stroke it, suck it."

Mark had never known Boomer to act the way he was acting. For the two back in the day nothing romantic ever evolved during their relationship. At least Mark never suspected any romanticism. The relationship, simply a physical means to help two young boys get off. They never cuddled, kissed, or used the word love to express romantic affection for the other. They loved each other as best buds. They enjoyed jacking each other off, humping and sixty-nining. A physical process to simply get a nut, so Mark, somewhat taken by surprise by Boomer's romantic revelations.

Boomer kept whispering into Mark's ear about how much he wanted his friend inside him while they humped, grinding their hardbodies and cocks into each other. Sweat poured off them; their hearts raced and breathing became rapid, producing grunts and nasal flaring. Boomer, all over Mark's face, neck and ears kissing him with passion. "I love you Mark Hunter. I don't want to live without you, don't ever leave me."

Mark lying beneath Boomer stunned by the sudden romantic revelation didn't have a quick response. He just let Boomer coo in his ear while they continued grinding. Suddenly, Mark began to feel wetness pooling on his lower stomach and crotch area. Boomer had ejaculated inside his drawers and semen began to leak through. "Mark, I love you. I love you so much. I've loved you since we first met. I can't live without you any longer."

Lying there trying to reason things out, trying to wrap his head around the latest revelation in his life Mark had no idea how to deal with the situation or what to say. He'd only faced something like what he was experiencing once, and it turned bad.

The thought of a tough battle hardened highly decorated paratrooper saying such amorous things blew him away. Mark became sexually attracted to males more so than females since he and Boomer got together; however, they dated females to present the illusion to their parents and the outside world that they were straight.

On the bed Boomer's lower body slid off to the side leaving his beefy leg draped over Mark's thighs and his head nuzzled into Mark's neck. Crazy thoughts continued to swirl around in Mark's head. At that time, Mark, juggling a diverse field of male and female sexual partners tried to satisfy them all. Lucky for him all were out of town and would be gone for at least week, or they lived out of town. Mark suspected for weeks that eventually that shaky house of cards might crumble and fall. Laying there that night Mark had no idea how he would put the house back together again, or if he wanted to.

An exhausted paratrooper had fallen asleep his body half covering his lover's body. Mark fully awake continued to ponder what had happened in the past and what might happen. He couldn't sleep. He knew full well what had taken place between the two had not been sparked by alcohol. Although the two consumed drinks with dinner and a couple later they'd not drank to excess. Mark decided to see if he could catch a few winks before a new day. A new day that faced new challenges.

As Mark drifted off his dreams focused on what things had been like the past months and what might be in the future. Although he'd never forgotten Lieutenant Charming, Mark now faced a new dilemma. The university had proven to be a fruitful farm from which Mark harvested new meat for his sexual exploits, but nothing of any substance.

Next: Chapter 5

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