Video Game Freak

By moc.liamg@sucofraeb

Published on Jul 23, 2008


Notice: This story is fiction. None of it is real. It's written only for the entertainment of my readers. I reserve all rights to this material other than those already granted to the Nifty Erotic Stories archive. If you wish to copy or distribute this story you MUST have my permission.

Video Game Freak Part 5

You're probably wondering how I ended up in this van on the way to serving a new Master. Well Arnie got really busy with school and Cal had some friends who arranged it. I cried when he told me. I couldn't believe that I broke down. That's how fucked I am now. All I can think of is serving a Master.

"Bill you gotta do anything your new Master says", Arnie instructed me. "You don't want to make me look bad do you bill?"

"No sir", I said as tears threatened to burst out of my big stud straight guy eyes from the thought of disappointing my gay Master. "Will you visit me sir?"

"I'm going to be busy with School and then starting a career. I checked him out to make sure he'd take good care of you Bill."

I wanted to beg him not to let me stay. Not to sell me. But it would have been wrong to question him.

I barely slept that night. All I thought of was what it would be like to be with a new Master. I'd never forget Arnie he would always be my Master. Anyone else that I served I'd be serving them because Arnie told me to. I'd make him proud of me and some day he'd want me back.

Arnie had me quit my job since my new Master didn't need me to work. Serving him would be my job. I was gonna miss it though. Not the fucking work, but Cal's big thick rough fingers playing with my hole.

I didn't see much of my new Master's house just front wall and the opening into the garage. I knew we were somewhere up in the hills overlooking Hollywood but not exactly sure where. It wasn't some big mansion either. Just a normal looking house for the area.

I didn't even get to meet him that first day. He was off on a business trip and returning the next day. A young man came out to greet the men who delivered me. He seemed to be around 30 dressed in black jeans, black t-shirt and a pair of flipflops. He was goodlooking in a kind of normal regular guy kind of way. Not girly or wimpy. But he was obviously the other slave.

Arnie had told me that this Master already owned one slave and wanted a second. I was afraid when he told me. Since this started the only thing I had been afraid of was not pleasing Arnie.

The men brought me into the house and into a room right off the entrance. They asked the young man to sign for me and then he handed them an envelope. "Wait here", he said as he escorted the men out of the house and watched until the outer gate closed behind their van.

"Strip", he barked as he walked towards me.

I started taking my clothes off right away.

"I'm Daniel, the Master's boy. You are to follow my instructions until the Master returns."

"Yes sir", I said as I got the last of my clothes off and held them folded over my arm.

"You are to address me as Daniel, never sir. The Master or his guests are the only ones you are to address as sir. You understand me boy?"

"Yes Daniel", I said trying to sound respectful.

"Now put those clothes in that bin over there and follow me", he said walking out of the room. I quickly found an open bin and then ran to catch up with him. I followed a couple paces behind me and he took me outside to the pool area to a small cabana. I could hear the filter equipment going it sounded like it was inside the cabana. I found out later it was in an alcove behind it but I could always tell where it was and if it was running or not. The master had it set on a timer and it came on like clockwork every morning at 6:00 AM to make sure I was awake to start my chores.

"This is your new home boy", Daniel said. Then he read of a list of instructions really fast. I was sure I'd never remember them all, and that must have been what he wanted. I didn't think Daniel liked me.

He didn't like me. I was his younger newer rival for the Master's attention. Everything Daniel did or said that first day was meant to remind me that he was the number one boy.

He ran me ragged that first day. I had to completely clean out the dusty old cabana, paint the walls and then put a small pad on the floor for me to sleep on. Then he made me scrub myself from head to toe on the lawn while he washed me off with the garden hose.

Halfway through all the work I forgot to be scared of Daniel and started getting turned on by following his instructions cause I knew this was what my Master wanted. My dick couldn't get hard in the cold water but it sure tried.

After all those chores I was hoping Daniel would send me to bed. Instead he made me report to him in the living room. "My master wants to make sure you are a good cocksucker. Starting tonight you are going to practice on me until I certify that you are good enough to have the Master's cock in your mouth."

"Yes Daniel." I really didn't want to suck his cock, but if it was what the Master wanted I was going to do my best. I just wish it wasn't Daniel that I had to practice on. He told me to get his cock hard and keep on sucking him until he was ready to shoot. But he wasn't going to let me make him cum. Just bringing him to the edge over and over again until Daniel could verify that I was ready.

I think Daniel had not showered in days cause his crotch didn't smell good. It smelled like rotting asparagus or something. I just pretended it didn't matter and got to work. It was an order from my Master and that made everything easier. I'm not sure I ever got Daniel close to cumming that first night. He had to be holding back or something. I couldn't be that bad at sucking cock I've been doing it for almost a year.

He had me lick and clean up every inch of his cock, balls and asshole. It wasn't pretty but I was serving my new Master.

I was sold three more times.

Never saw Arnie again.

Thought I did once in an airport. I was on a trip with one of my masters. I was watching people stream through the terminal. Saw that familiar dorky haircut and the way he walked. I wanted to run across the terminal and turn the guy around and see if it was him. But I would never embarrass my master that way or dare ask him to let me.

The guy with the familiar walk and hair just continued walking on through the terminal.

If you like this story and want me to continue, then email me at and tell me what you thought of it. I'm a whore for feedback.

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