Video Fuck

By Greylock Writer

Published on Apr 20, 2021



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This is a work of pure fiction intended for adult readers of legal adult age, at least 18 years-old and older. Anyone younger should leave now. My stories involve sex in various forms between consenting persons and should not be construed as a guideline for living anyone's everyday life.

Video Fuck


Greylock Writer

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard," she screamed through clenched teeth. Sweat poured off her face as she thrashed. Her silky blond hair flew wildly. Juices oozed from her pussy and the sound of a big, hard cock pushing in and out made a loud, vulgar, exciting "Pop!"

"Yes," she panted. "Let your fuck juice shoot up inside me. Toast my cunt with your hot cum, you bastard. Fuck me like it's the last goddam fuck you'll ever throw."

She bounced out of control. Her body was in spasm relishing the rough 10-inch cock plowing in and out, twisting inside her, making her shudder in fiery, white delight. She was past the edge into ultimate pleasure as wave after wave of orgasm poured over and through her. Her muscular partner pulled out his huge prick and thrust it through the valley between her big quivering tits. Now, after the incredible buildup, all hell was breaking loose with cum spurting, dripping, flying, oozing. Their bodies shook like they were in the midst of some great religious experience. They reveled in the excitement they shared.

Most guys would be getting off to this scene with a big-time climax. Most studs pounding their meat would feel an explosion from a rock-hard rod.

But I was bored. Bored out of my gourd. I mashed the off button. The wide-screen image died. The stereo sex sounds were stilled. The disc ejected from my DVD player.

I looked down at my dick. Soft as a tissue after a two-day cry. I squeezed my cockhead one last time, pushing out a lazy drop of pre-cum. My nuts were full, but my shaft was numb from all the stroking I gave it while the DVD played on and on..

Bored, that was the only way to explain it. I had watched every under-the-counter porno in our one-horse town. And as the young hotshot owner of Blue Water's only electronics outlet I had the best state-of-the-art home theater for a hundred miles. But mountainous tits heaving on my eight- foot screen did no good for my limp meat. A year after my divorce, even the hottest videos left me cold. This one left me especially frigid: the beautiful young slut starring in it looked just like Cindy, my ex. Jesus, talk about a downer!

I needed contact with some warm flesh, a creamy mound where I could lose myself and forget about the past. But, I'd already exhausted all the local possibilities just as I had the videos. And most visitors used Blue Water as a staging area for big adventures into the great outdoors.

At The Sportsman, our busiest local tavern, strangers huddled with guides talking salmon and walleye, white tails and black bear, pheasants or wild turkey or whatever the game of the moment was. This week it was ducks. We were on the flyway north and the fucking ducks were past due. I was ready for the hunt. But ducks weren't my prey.

The Sportsman was jammed with wall-to-wall plaid shirts when I walked in. I surveyed the place then edged up to the bar where Fred, the burly bartender, had my icy mug of bock waiting. I jerked my head toward a rowdy table of men and women in the corner, "What's their story?"

"Here to shoot quackers," Fred said. "Yuppie looking bunch of shits, ain't they?"

Fred was right. They smelled like city from across the bar. Of course, so did I. But I'd been semi- accepted into the fold. And I had learned to dress country without overdoing it. I sipped my frosty brew and watched our outsiders at play. It was unusual to see several beautiful young ladies in these expeditions.

A brunette was especially gorgeous with high cheekbones and dark, brooding eyes. She had on a black silk top that projected full voluptuous breasts. It also revealed her upper body was powerful and sleek. She didn't give off one goddamn hint of Cindy except for her cool stare. But just because my bitch was an ice cube didn't mean this beauty had to be one, too. If I could get her alone, I figured I could make her melt and then I could jump right in the middle of her warm puddle and start stroking.

Before long, she caught my intense eye contact. My gaze didn't cause her to turn away. In fact, she stared back, almost challenging me to undress her with my lascivious eyes. I sprung my first spontaneous boner in weeks.

She smiled at me wickedly as she leaned to her male companion and whispered in his ear. He was older than she, with gray streaking his beard, probably in his mid-forties. He had the look of experience and boredom. His eyes shifted to me and even through the roar of the room I heard her low, throaty laugh sounding like the purr of a big game cat. What was their scene? I guessed he liked to watch his woman in hot action.

Soon the companion sauntered to the men's room. I wanted to follow to see what was developing. But I also wanted to avoid a scene if I'd misread the signals. After all, they'd be gone from town in a few days and I'd have to stay behind.

On his way back, he elbowed up to the bar. We both stood over six feet, but he had a more muscular build. I'm firm, but it's from natural activities. I don't work out. Clearly, he did. "Another round," he told Fred. "I'll carry them over." His body brushed mine, his right hip rubbing my thigh as I sat on my stool. It might have been accidental in the crush of the crowd. But I hoped it was some kind of overture. Sitting on the stool was difficult as my prick swelled even harder. We stared straight ahead without looking at each other.

"Quiet type, aren't you?" His words were low and breathy, but clear under the din of the bar. "You must find it hard to make new friends."

"I do all right," I responded, watching out of the corner of my eye as his thin lips curled into a major smile. "I just do it better one on one."

He laughed. "Danni said you looked like the loner type."

"Not a loner," I corrected, turning to look him straight in the eye. "But I like to get into people.... in depth and without a lot of distractions."

"Distractions are the worst thing," he agreed. "That's why we come to places like Blue Water.

"This is our last round," he continued. "Then we're turning in." This was it. The invitation back to their suite was coming. "Why don't you come with us tomorrow morning. We're scouting locations to shoot when the ducks come through."

I hesitated at this twist. I love the outdoors and get off on hiking and camping but hunting never appealed to me. Yet the thought of a sexual escapade with a group of gun-toting strangers excited me. A jolt of pre-cum shot from my dick head. If I took them up on the offer, I wouldn't be bored and I wouldn't be shooting blanks.

"We have a lot of equipment and could really use help with it." His voice was soothing, encouraging. "My name's Brad," he said turning toward me, extending his hand.

"Jerry," I said shaking it vigorously.

"So, Jerry, how about dawn Danni and I will take you out for a very interesting day?" He looked deep in my eyes as he waited for my reply. His stare was like a laser; I felt myself flush hot.

"Okay," I nodded. "Dawn."

"You won't need a thing," Brad said, looking deep into my eyes. "We have food, hardware, supplies. Just bring your body." We shook on it and he went back to his friends.

I paid my bill and drained the last of my draft. My thirst might be over. I tried to hide my eight- inch hard-on as I left. I strolled toward home in the cool night air, breaking out into a heavy sweat just thinking about the morning.

The harvest moon was big and silvery on the horizon. All I could think about was my mouth on Danni's milky breasts and my tongue probing her wet pussy as Brad watched. Then I saw me slowly insert my cock in her dark snatch as Brad circled us looking for a better view, telling me what she liked and how hard to stroke in and out.

I undid the buttons of my 501's and kept on walking down the lonely country lane toward home. I yanked my prick out and flicked off the slick ooze of pre-cum leaking from its wet slit. The long slimy string shimmered in the autumn moonlight and fell to the ground with an audible splat.

In my mind's eye Danni was just ahead, kneeling on all fours. She urged me to move forward. Her long fingers tugged the lips of her wet pussy apart. I hiked down the lane jerking my dick in steady, heavy strokes. Juices dripped from her waiting cunt. I lunged forward and could almost feel my prick enter her pussy. But it was sucked in by a rosebud asshole, pink and proud and waiting to be pierced. Rear door action would be a first for me. Whenever my fingers or tongue wandered to her butt, Cindy always quickly said, "No!"

As I imagined my sensitive tip hit that pucker, it quivered and discharged. Cannonballs of spunk shot out. The volleys sparkled in the silver moon's light, arcing and splattering in the dusty road. A long trail of wet circles formed a wavy line where I walked. In my reverie I eased my spent dick back out and pulled back to realize that I had been fucking Brad up his hot, humpy ass while Danni watched. I didn't know why my fantasy had pulled the role reversal. My rock-hard cock didn't give a damn.

A pickup turned and headed toward me down the road. I milked the last drops from my still-hard shaft and smiled at the passing truck. My prick never got soft enough to stuff back into my Levis. It swaggered in the moonlight until I reached home and went to bed.

Sleep was easy and soothing. My recent anxiety was gone. I felt relaxed and open in a way I hadn't for a long time. I rose well before dawn, ate a good breakfast and jogged to The Sporstman.

The rising sun tinted the morning landscape lavender as Brad and Danni rolled up in a fancy van hauling a broad-bottomed boat. I climbed in behind them. Dim light revealed stacks of bulky gear. Brad's eyes surveyed me in the rearview mirror.

"Anything wrong?" His voice had a smile in it.

"Your weapons," I said with an edge of sarcasm. "I don't see them."

"Here's one," Danni giggled as she lofted a small video camera. "The heavy gear's back there."

I was puzzled. "We do it in the great outdoors," Brad explained. "We shoot video for nature shows."

"We scouted locations along the flyway and this seemed the most promising," Danni added.

My expectations were all blown to hell. I sat back wondering what other surprises were to come.

Brad quickly challenged my confusion. "What were you expecting?" he grinned. "Something long, hard, cocked and ready to fire?"

I sat back quietly. Eventually we pulled off good roads onto a dirt trail and drove along until tall trees gave way to a marshy inlet along a secluded lake I'd never seen before.

"This is perfect," Brad said. "There's no hint of civilization here."

We were all business skirting the marsh and lake checking sight lines and natural cover. "We hit and run," Danni said. "Other photographers build elaborate blinds in one or two locations. We get in, shoot the greatest variety of wildlife possible, and push on to a new position."

"Have I ever seen anything you've done?" I asked innocently.

"No doubt," Brad smiled. "Especially if it had to do with rutting season."

"Yeah," Danni laughed. "Put two or more male animals going at it for sexual dominance and we've probably captured it."

After lunch, Brad and I headed out in the boat. We rowed to landing areas around the lake as Danni checked video sightlines, angles and distances. The afternoon was brilliant and warm. Brad and I peeled off our shirts and worked up a sweat paddling around the lake. I was impressed by his massive quads and incredibly taut stomach muscles as he pulled the oars. His marbled torso glistened with sweat. So much work made my mouth go dry. We quenched our thirst with a cooler of beer he'd lugged along.

"And you do this for a living?" I laughed admiringly while enjoying the serenity of the lake.

"Somebody has to."

By then the beer flooded my bladder. "How do you take a leak?" I asked.

"Piss over the side."

"Is that environmentally correct?" I laughed.

"Urine is pretty sterile. A few trace metals get nasty in high concentrations. But it won't hurt the water. You can drink it when you have to." I looked skeptical. "Trust me," he insisted. "I'll even help balance the boat."

I faced east into shadows fumbling with my buttons; Brad confidently stood toward the west. He opened his fly and fished out a huge piece of meat. My knees buckled, almost tumbling me into the lake. He yanked out his balls and hoisted his monster cock. A golden arc splashed into the lake.

"See?" he smiled. "No problem."

But I was having a problem. I was still unsteady and my semi-hard dick wouldn't let my piss out. I looked back. Brad shook the last drops from his cock. Then he just held his glistening tool. He looked back at me. The grin was gone. His fingers gripped his prick tightly as it filled with blood and rose like a king cobra ready to strike.

I couldn't tear my eyes from Brad's veiny tube now stretching out longer than the ten-inch boner the hero sprung in my last porn video. Brad's cock looked like one of the natural wonders he chased around the world.

My own dick had swollen to eight throbbing inches as I replayed my reverie walking home the previous night. What was Brad thinking? And what was I?

We inched to the middle of the boat. I balanced on my seat. Brad stood before me, flicked the last button holding his shorts and they slid to the deck. He towered over me, his cock straining in my direction. His torso was in shadow, his powerful legs edged in the sun's glow. But his big prick jutted out into sunlight. The shaft was thick, with pulsing blue veins. The head was an angry purple, projecting from a heavy ivory hood. One amber drop of piss and precome mingled and hung from his gaping slit. Heavy balls swayed below his dick and in the low sun all the pubes on his nuts looked like they were on fire. I felt the stab of fire, too.

When I studied Brad's blue eyes, he gave me one sharp nod. I stretched my tongue and licked away the drop of sex juice sitting on his cumhole. His head rolled back in a sigh. I was amazed at the sweet-sour taste of his love drop. My tongue swirled across the head, then down the meaty shaft. I sucked the cock head into my hungry mouth. Swallowing a man's pulsing shaft for the first time was the hottest thing I'd ever done. My greedy hands grabbed his firm ass cheeks and pulled him closer. His sex scent and the salty sweat on his dick were intoxicating.

My mouth stroked his sweet meat with growing speed, greater friction, deeper desire. His cock grew harder as my lips sucked every contour. "You've got one bitchin' mouth," he growled. "You must have gone without it a long time!" Staying silent, I increased my licking and my suction.

Finally, his arms pressed down on my shoulders, pushing me back. "Too soon, baby. Way too soon," Brad whispered.

Reluctantly, my lips slipped off his dick to slurp on his big balls. My tongue lapped up his man flavors, then I chewed the folds of his wrinkled sac. I sucked one nut and then the other into my mouth as I'd seen sluts do in so many videos. I wanted both at once but they were too big. Brad didn't seem to mind. His whimpers and groans grew fierce.

His hands found my nipples. Expert fingers rolled my hard nubs. Brad pinched my buttons harshly and the sudden pain sent a shudder to my excited dick. It jumped with an expectation I'd never felt before.

Brad licked his left palm, then started jerking my dick. His velvet strokes caressed my cock. Carefully, he turned around and presented me with his firm ass. He leaned forward and pulled his cheeks apart. His hairy hole stared at me and I stared back. I knew what he wanted. Was I ready?

Then his damn sphincter shuddered open and closed. I was mesmerized and my tongue drew right up to his sweaty lovebud. I poked my tongue in and his asslips sucked it inside. I was dizzy with his musky taste. I couldn't shove my tongue in far enough, hard enough, fast enough. I pumped and slurped, digging and digging.

"That's it," Brad oohed. "Make your tongue dance in that ass. Kiss my crack, man." I punched my tongue into his pungent hole. "Chew my chute like a good boy. Yeah. Eat me with that tongue."

I ate his hole like a beggar at a king's feast. His right hand pinched my nipples and I was delirious with the sensations. I found his nipples, too, and squeezed them with short, hard tugs. His body trembled with excitement. "You or me?" he asked.


"You or me, man? You want to fuck or get fucked?"

The question alone nearly pushed me over the edge. I was so lost in the sucking and slurping, the chewing and tonguing that was all so new to me that I hadn't even thought about a good old classic fuck.

"Give it to me," I told him breathlessly. I didn't tell him I had a virgin ass.

His tongue washed my ear, then he whispered, "You sure?"

"Yeah, man," I replied while maneuvering onto the center seat of the boat. "Give me the whole nine yards."

"Nine inches," he smiled. "Then a couple more if you're a really good boy."

He lifted my legs up over his shoulders and his head went down to wash my hole. No woman had ever tongued my ass before and I it drove me nuts. I never realized there were so many nerve sensations that went from my asshole to my brain and back to my dick. He chewed my wrinkled pucker a couple minutes until I couldn't stand any more. I pulled his head up so his bright eyes were looking straight into mine. "Put it in," I told him. "I can't wait."

He got down on his knees and I watched his fleshy torpedo home in. It touched my virgin ass and stopped. I could feel his precum leaking from his piss slit as he rubbed his cock head around at my opening. "C'mon," I barked at him. "I won't be a pussy."

His strong arms pulled me closer as his rigid dick drilled through my ass ring. My breath caught short and I tensed, then Brad's lips hit mine and I relaxed. I felt his hard shaft slide inside me. I felt feverish and my ass channel burned. It hurt more than I expected. But I wanted him in me even more than before. He eased his big hard-on up to the hilt. His heavy balls slapped my bottom until my ass tingled. I exhaled loudly.

His lips sucked on mine as his cock began to slowly pulse in and out. Gradually, he picked up the pace and his dick massaged my prostate as he somehow drove farther into me. He stopped kissing me long enough to wet his hand. Then his moist palm surrounded my prick and started to pump. I grabbed his butt and urged him in harder. Then, I reached around and stuck a wet finger into his ass. Then another as he plowed me. I was breathless.

"Fuck me. Fuck me til I pop," I pleaded. Brad grunted and pushed faster and harder. We were off center and the boat began to spin. As Brad pounded my ass, the boat began turning faster and faster. Brad's cock made me feel like exploding. I was filled with his hard throbbing flesh until I was at the edge of my own orgasm for what seemed like forever. My toes curled. My nuts drew up. Jizz was boiling in my juice chute. With the first great spurt, my asslips gaped open and closed, clamping Brad's cock like a vise. Gobs of white cum shot over my shoulder into the water as we spun. More cum sprayed across my body and around the boat. And still my dick kept spurting.

Brad's dick swelled even bigger inside me. My fingers in his pucker felt his ass clench. "Oh, God," he cried. "I'm coming, kid. I'm shooting." Suddenly, his heat soaked my bowels. I felt waves of fiery fluid heating up my insides. I felt tremendous excitement and peace at the same time. We jerked and spasmed in unison.

His shudders stopped. Brad slid down over me and caressed me tenderly. My legs moved from his shoulders to his waist and locked our bodies together. We kissed tenderly and then just lay in the warm sunset until the boat stopped spinning.

"Time to head back," he whispered softly in my ear.

"No turning back for me," I smiled up at him. "But I'm ready to head for shore."

On the way, Brad revealed that Danni had once been Danny. Despite the sex change, Brad loved Danni, he said. But he also still wanted a man all man when he found the right one.

As we hit shore, Danni emerged from the woods with her cameras and a wide grin. When they dropped me off at home, she gave me a kiss and a DVD in an unmarked jewelbox. I suspected what was on the disc and was right. The sight of Brad humping me as we spin in that boat still gets me off in a flash.

My sex life has me spinning, too. Now when sporting folk roam through Blue Water, I'm not waiting for the few women who chance by. I stalk any rugged outdoorsman who might find me game. Plenty do. And now I know that rutting season lasts all year long.

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