Vida Loca

By Chase Donovon

Published on May 4, 1999


Note: This story is fictional. I wish it had happened, and hope it will one day, but it's not true and isn't meant to reflect on Ricky Martin's sexuality. Although the gossip columns have been doing that plenty!

I looked at myself in the mirror again after changing my clothes for the fourth time. I turned, checking myself out from every possible angle. I'd never been as nervous as I was at the prospect at going to Ricky's hotel room.

"How many times are you going to change your clothes, man? Must be a hot date, huh?" My roomate asked, looking up from his desk.

I nodded my head without responding, my thoughts focused on everything Ricky had said to me, ever smile and look that had crossed his face during our brief encounter. I guess I was trying to find some sort of proof that Ricky was interested in me and not just being polite to a fan.

Finally, I was as ready as I'd ever be. I drove nervously across town in rush hour traffic to get to the hotel where Ricky was staying. As soon as I got within viewing distance, my heart sank. There was a large crowd of Ricky Martin fans gathered in front of the hotel, obviously waiting for a glimpse of the hot latin sensation. There was no way anyone would believe me if I said Ricky had invited me. Half the people there were probably saying the same thing!

Trying to remain as aloof as I could, I pushed my way through the crowd and finally got to the front of the hotel. A man was standing guard at the door, dressed in a red jacket with gold buttons. He looked me up and down with a mixture of politeness and suspicion.

"Are you a guest in the hotel, sir?"

"No. I'm here to see one of the guests," I smiled, hoping to charm him.

"Can I inquire as to which guest, sir?"

"Ricky Martin," I replied in a strong, confident voice. After all, I had been invited!

"Mr. Martin isn't seeing any guests, sir," the door man said dismissivly. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out the hotel business card Ricky had given me in the bathroom.

"He invited me personally. I think you'd better let me in," I said, smiling. He looked at the card and seemed surprised to see the room number written on it.

"Just a minute, sir," he smiled, turning the politeness up just a notch. He turned slightly and spoke softly into a walkie talkie. After listening to a reply I couldn't hear, he turned back towards me.

"Can I have your name, sir?"

"It's Chase Donovon. I don't think he knows my name, though," I replied. Realizing how lame that sounded, I couldn't help cringing a little. My 'date' with Ricky may have just ended before it even began, I thought.

After another brief walkie talkie conversation, the door man turned and smiled as he opened the door and stepped aside to let me in. "Right this way, sir. You'll be met at the elevator."

I walked across the lobby, my heart pounding. I was in the hotel. In a few minutes, I'd be with Ricky himself, in his hotel room! What would happen there was anyone's guess, though.

I reached the elevator doors and stood there, waiting. Several minutes passed and I was begining to think that I'd been forgotten altogether. Finally, though, the doors opened and a good looking guy stepped out and turned towards me.

"Hi. Mr. Donovon?" he asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. I'd sort of expected a secret service agent type, with a suit, dark glasses, and an ear piece, but this guy was casually dressed in slacks and a t shirt.

"My name is Carlos. Come with me, please." I followed him onto the elevator and neither of us said a word as it raced quickly up to the top floor of the hotel. When the doors opened, Carlos gestured for me to follow him as he quickly walked down the hall and tapped lightly on a door.

We waited, Carlos presumably without a care in the world and me a nervous wreck trying to plan out just what I'd say to Ricky when I saw him.

The door finally opened after what seemed like hours, and there he was. Ricky Martin. It seemed like I must be dreaming the whole thing.

"Ricky, this is Chase Donovon," Carlos introduced me and then stepped aside. Ricky smiled at me, his eyes never leaving my face.

"Thanks Carlos," Ricky said. Almost without a sound, Carlos was gone. "Come on in, Chase. I'm glad you were able to get up here, with all those people down there."

I stepped past him and looked around, surprised at how huge the room was. Ricky turned to close the door and I quickly took in the sight of him. He was dressed in slacks and a white t-shirt and was obviously enjoying some leisure time.

"I was a little worried at first. I thought they'd think I was some kind of deluded stalker or something," I smiled. "But luckily I had the card you gave me."

"I'm glad. Let's see, I promised you an autograph, right? And a CD," Ricky said. He walked past me into the suite's living room and took a publicity photo of himself from a stack that was lying on the table.

"So, what do you do?" Ricky asked as he quickly began writing something across the bottom of the photo.

"I'm in college, actually," I said. I was standing there awkwardly, looking down at him. What the hell was wrong with me? Sure, this guy was Ricky Martin. He was hot as hell, not to mention famous and talented. But I'd never, ever had problems in the past with going after what I wanted and making my feelings clear. I'd always been the type of guy who said what was on his mind, no matter what.

"Really? What are you studying?" Ricky asked as he clicked the top back on the pen and through it down on the table.

"I don't know yet. I'm undeclared," I grinned. Ricky smiled as he took a CD from a box sitting on the floor next to the couch. I had a perfect view of his butt as he bent down to retrieve it and nearly moaned aloud at the amazing sight. Luckily, I was able to contain myself.

"So you don't have any idea what you want to do? What about music? You said you could sing. Ever thought about doing something like that?" Ricky asked.

"I don't think so. Just 'cause I can sing doesn't mean anyone else should be subjected to hearing it!" I laughed.

Ricky looked at me curiously for a moment. The picture and the CD were in his hand, ready to be handed to me so I could go on my way. I stared back at him, keeping a smile on my face and wondering what he was thinking.

"You didn't strike me as the type who goes in for false modesty," he finally said. I was taken aback by the fact that he seemed disapointed. "Well, here you go, man. I hope you enjoy the CD."

For a second, I stared at his outstretched hand without saying a word. It was clearly a polite dismissal. I'd blown it!

"Thanks. You know something, man, you're right. I'm not the type who goes in for all that crap. So let me just be straight with you. I didn't come here for the CD or the picture, Ricky. I came here because you're sexy as hell and I'd love to get to know you a lot better," I said. I concluded my words with my sexiest smile, the one that usually worked quite well. I had nothing to lose, after all. If he said no, at least I'd been honest and had taken the chance.

Ricky stared at me for a long time and then his face slowly broke into a grin. "Now that's the kind of guy I thought you were." Ricky dropped the CD and picture down on the table and moved forward quickly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me forward, our bodies meshing together as he brought his mouth to mine.

I reached around him and planted both of my hands firmly on his ass, squeezing and caressing it as our tongues danced together. If he'd been wearing the black leather pants that figured into my fantasies, I might have been convinced that I was dreaming all of this.

Ricky pulled away from the kiss and looked me in the eyes. I could almost have died right then, the look on his face was so heavenly. It was a look of pure sexual desire.

Taking advantage of his obvious lust, I dropped to my knees in front of him and unzipped his slacks. I couldn't wait to finally see in the flesh what I'd seen outlined in those black leather pants and drooled over so many times. Slipping a hand inside his opened fly, I was electrified to feel my hand immediatly make contact with warm flesh. No underwear!

"Oh, si!" Ricky moaned deeply as I wrapped my hand around his hard cock and pulled it out into the light of day. I was far from disapointed at the sight of Ricky's throbbing nine inches, and I quickly wrapped my lips around the head and began to flick my tongue back and forth across it teasingly.

"Mmm...yeah. Suck me," Ricky sighed. I kept my eyes on his face, not wanting to miss one look that crossed the latin stud's face as I went to work on his meat. He kept tossing his head back and letting out little yells of pleasure and he ran his hands through my blonde hair.

"Dios mio!" Ricky shouted when I took seven of his nine inches down my throat in a matter of seconds. My mind was focused on only one thing- I wanted to taste Ricky Martin. I wanted to feel his juices in my mouth and taste the essence that was Ricky. I'd given quite a few blow jobs, but none had ever been as incredibly erotic as this one was, jut because it was Ricky, object not only of my fantasies, but of the fervid desires of thousands of other guys all over the world. And out of all those guys, I was the one kneeling before Ricky, causing him to grunt and moan with lust and pleasure.

Suddenly, Ricky let out a low grunt from the back of his throat and thrust his hips forward, sending his cock even deeper down my throat. I felt the first hot blast of his cum sliding down inside of me and quickly pulled back until on the tip of Ricky's cock was still in my mouth.

The second shot landed squarely on my tounge and I shuddered with ecstasy at the taste, nearing cumming myself. To my surprise, Ricky continued to shoot load after load of hot, delicious juice into my mouth. I'd assumed that, as a heartthrob, he probably got serviced quite a bit. From the looks of things, though, he hadn't cum in awhile.

Ricky sighed as he shot the last bit of cum. I'd swallowed nearly all of it, but held the last little bit back, swirling it around my mouth and savoring the taste as I licked Ricky's spent cock clean.

Ricky reached down and pulled me up gently. He brought his mouth to mine and slipped his tongue inside, flicking it around and depriving me of those last few drops of his own cum as he took them into his own mouth.

I could feel my own hard cock pressing painfully against the fabric of my jeans, right against Ricky's softening cock, which was still hanging out of the fly of his slacks.

Ricky broke the kiss and I watched in disapointment as that beautiful cock disappered back into his pants. He turned and walked away from me, going farther into the living room of the suite.

I sighed a little, but I wasn't about to complain. I'd just had the extreme pleasure of sucking Ricky Martin off, which most guys would never get to do. I couldn't expect him to want anything more from me.

Ricky picked up the phone and punched a number. "Carlos?" he asked after a few seconds. "Get some room service will you? For two. I don't know, whatever looks good."

He hung up the phone and turned back towards me. Seeing my surprise, he smiled. "What? Did you think I was going to let you go that easily? The night is young. We're going to have a lot more fun."

Thank you for all the incredible emails I've gotten!! It really means a lot. I hope this second part isn't a disapointment to anyone! Let me know if you like it and if there should be a third part or not.

Next: Chapter 3

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