Vida Loca

By Chase Donovon

Published on Apr 28, 1999


Note: This story is fictional. I wish it had happened, and hope it will one day, but it's not true and isn't meant to reflect on Ricky Martin's sexuality. Although the gossip columns have been doing that plenty! Still, as far as I know, he's straight.

Before I even got out of bed that morning, a smile was on my face. This was THE day. I was going to meet Ricky Martin!! Ever since the Grammy awards when he got up there in those skin tight black leather pants and swiveled his hips, I'd been in lust with him. Hell, so had half of the country! His video for 'Living La Vida Loca' is just as hot, and I'd spent quite a lot of time watching it with my pants down around my ankles, wishing that I could be kneeling in front of Ricky when he makes those incredible moves.

But, I was finally going to meet him! He was coming to an autograph signing in a mall near my house that afternoon. I intended to be there, as close to the front of the line as I could get. I showered quickly, and for once didn't spend a lot of time trying to get my shoulder length blonde hair into the exact postition that made me look my sexiest.

I headed out for the mall, Ricky foremost in my mind. I could see his video playing in my head and it was turning me on almost as much as if I were actually watching it.

To my supreme disapointment, the mall was already overflowing with hundreds of Ricky fans, all there ahead of me, despite the early hour. There was no way that I would be able to meet Ricky, not with all of those people waiting. He was only going to be there for two hours, after all.

Feeling dejected, I walked slowly to the other side of the mall, sighing as I meandered through the various shops that were just opening for the day. It was just my luck, really. I always got my hopes up for something, only to have them crushed.

I continued wandering through the mall for a couple of hours, shopping a little, guy watching, grabbing a bite to eat. Anything to keep my fact off the mind that at any moment Ricky would be there and I would be as close to him as I'd ever get in my life, but I would never see him!

Finally I decided to leave. I was just torturing myself by remaining there, waiting to hear the overjoyed screams of the gathered crowd that would signify Ricky's arrival. I had to use the bathroom before I left, though, so I chose the Men's room closest to me. The mall, or this end of it anyway, was still practically deserted. The usual shopping crowd had obviosly been diverted by the throng of Ricky fans, and the people I had seen were few and far between.

I sighed as I went about my business at the urinal. I was just finishing up when I heard the door behind me open. I kept my eyes straight ahead as a guy came to stand at the urinal next to mine and sighed in relief as he began to piss. I shot a quick glance over at him before I zipped up my pants and turned to the sink to wash my hands.

There was something familiar about him, but I wasn't sure what. The glimpse I'd had of his profile hadn't been much, so I casually glanced up in the mirror as I lathered up my hands. He was a very good looking dark haired guy in a tight black knit sweater that showed off a very toned body beneath it. He had on lose fitting khaki slacks and plain black sneakers. Where had I seen this guy before??

He finished and zipped up, so I quickly looked back down at my hands before he could catch me looking at him. As he moved to the sink next to me, I looked up casually and smiled.

"Nice day to shop, huh? The place is practically empty," I said. I was hoping that he'd recognize me, too, and comment on where we'd met.

"Yeah. Except for all those screaming people," he grinned, looking at me in the mirror. That did it. The grin he gave me just made everything click. I was in the bathroom with Ricky Martin!! I'd been standing next to him at the urinal, and I hadn't even checked out his package!! How could I have not recognized him?

"Well, you have a lot of fans," I smiled, my heart racing.

Ricky looked back at me, a little surprised. "Oh so you recognize me?"

"Yeah. Who wouldn't? You've been everywhere I look since the Grammys," I smiled. "Besides, I like your music"

"Really? Why aren't you down with all the other fans, then?" Ricky asked curiously as he reached for a paper towel. I shut off the water and he handed one to me, too.

"Well, to be honest, I planned to be. But there were just too many of them. I knew I'd never get to see you, so I decided not to wait," I said. I couldn't believe this! I was having a conversation with Ricky Martin in a men's room! This was like one of those erotic fiction stories you read on the internet! Only, without the erotic part.

"I don't blame you. It's nuts out there. Most of them probably don't even really like my music, you know? They just-" Ricky stopped suddenly and looked a little embarrased.

"Think you're hot?" I finished the thought for him.

"Yeah it sounds conceited if it say it, though," he grinned. "But it's true. The real fans of the music get lost in the crowd sometimes, like you."

I felt a little guilty, since although I did like Ricky's music, I hadn't become a fan until I'd seen how sexy he was. Then again, I'd never heard his music until that same performance at the Grammys, so it was fair to say that it wasn't just his incredible good looks and moves that had made me a fan.

"Yeah. Well, you're a good looking guy. You must be used to it," I smiled a little nervously.

"Well, you're pretty great looking, too. Are you into music yourself?" Ricky asked, once again giving me that sexy looking grin.

"Thanks. No, not really. I can sing, but I'm not all that great at it. I'm not in a band or anything like that," I said. We were both standing there, leaning against the counter, carrying on a normal conversation. It felt like the Twilight Zone, though! Stars aren't suppoused to be normal, down to Earth people!

"I bet you're pretty good at it," Ricky said.

"Not as good as you! Not by a long shot," I laughed.

"Listen, I have to get down there and make my enterance. It was nice talking to you," Ricky smiled.

My heart sank. I knew, of course, that he'd have to leave, but somehow i'd been hoping that he'd stay and talk longer.

"Okay. Um, wait! Can I get your autograph?" I asked hastily. I had to have something to remember this amazing incident by, after all.

"Sure. Anything for a real fan," Ricky smiled. I searched my pockets, but found nothing on which to write. I grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and held it out to him.

Ricky grinned and shook his head a little. "You know, I don't even have a pen," he said. I felt my heart sink again. I wasn't even going to get an autograph! "But listen, take this and come to that address sometime around five this evening, okay? I'll get you a picture and a copy of my new CD, too. How's that sound?"

I took the business card Ricky held out towards me and glanced down at it. It was the address of his hotel, with his room number on it. I looked up in shock. Ricky Martin was inviting me to his hotel room? I could have fainted right there on the spot! As it was, I could only nod my approval of his idea.

"Okay. Call that number from the lobby and I'll have someone meet you by the elevator and bring you up. See you then, man," Ricky smiled.

"Great!" I croaked out, my voice not seeming to work. With that, Ricky was gone. I stared at myself in the mirror fow a few minutes, trying to analyze what Ricky had seen. I was good looking. No use denying that. Especially after Ricky himself had commented on it! I had the look of a California surfer boy, really.

I finally left the bathroom just as screams and cheers erupted on the other side of the mall. Ricky had made his appearance! I made my way back out to my car, my head spinning. I was going to Ricky Martin's hotel room in a matter of hours! Why? Was it just to get his autograph and picture? Was he just being nice to a fan? Or was it more than that? I'd heard all the rumors about Ricky's sexuality, but there were rumors about the sexuality of just about every good looking man in showbusiness. They couldn't all be true! But what if they were in Ricky's case?

The thought made me weak in the knees as I drove home. I had to get ready for my 'date' with Ricky Martin!

**This is just part 1. I know it's kind of short, sorry. Please please please let me know if you like it so far!

Next: Chapter 2

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