Victorias Real Dinner Date

By Susie Smith

Published on Nov 26, 2000


Victoria's Real Dinner Date- Part 2 By CDVeronica

As I closed and locked the door Meghan put her arms around me from behind and gave me a hug. "So Veronica, do you think I can see those frilly undies of yours now? I'm just dying to see you in them." She slid her hands lower, and massaged my cock again. For someone in a lesbian relationship, she sure seemed to like rubbing my cock. But I sure wasn't going to complain. Meghan walked across the room to Victoria.

Victoria said to Donna and Meghan, "Well what would you girls like to do?"

"I think we should have a slumber party!" replied Donna. "Have you ever been to a slumber party, Veronica?"

"Well no I haven't," I replied.

"Would you like us to have a slumber party, honey?" asked Victoria.

I hesitated. "I don't know. What do you do at a slumber party?"

"Well, what we used to do was sit around in our nightgowns or underwear. We'd fix each other's hair, and put on makeup and laugh and giggle and just enjoy each other's company," said Meghan.

"And eat pizza and talk about boys," added Donna.

"Actually I had my first lesbian experience at a slumber party," said Meghan. I remember my first kiss. We were both wearing silky nighties. I remember her hands massaging my breasts through the material as we kissed. We snuck away to a separate room and made out for a few minutes. It was heavenly." She had a wistful look in her eyes.

"OK, let's do it!" said Victoria. "Unless of course you object, honey," she added.

"Well yes... I mean no... I mean...whatever you ladies want to do," I replied

"Then let the party begin!" said Donna.

"And I know just how we should get started; with our guest of honor, Veronica!" said Meghan. "Let's get you out of those boy clothes. We can't have a boy at a slumber party." She reached out and removed my suit coat. "Now let me see those pretty undies of yours," she said.

"Yes, let us see what you are hiding under those clothes!" said Victoria. "I've been wondering all evening."

I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it. "Oh, that's a pretty camisole," said Meghan. She reached over and rubbed the camisole against my stomach. "I bet it feels nice against your skin." Meghan was directly in front of me, smiling and licking her lips. She unzipped my pants and they dropped to the floor, exposing my stockings and panties. The panties were white, with lace trim at the waist and around the legs. The white stockings had lace at the top and were held up by a silky and lace white garter belt. "Oh, you look so precious!' she exclaimed. "So virginal, all in white silk and lace."

"Yes she does!" chimed in Donna. "But let us see your bra too."

I lifted the camisole over my head and exposed my bra to the ladies. "That's very sexy," said Meghan as she reached up and touched my breasts through the bra. "I really like silky, lacy bras like these, and the little bow in front is such a nice feminine touch!"

So there I was, in a hotel room with my wife and two other lovely women. I was standing there in a bra, panties, stockings and a garter belt. My wife had suggested that this might be my chance of fulfilling my fantasy of having sex with more than one woman. One of the ladies was massaging my breasts through the bra. I had to be dreaming! This was way, way too good to be true.

"Well I'm ready for a slumber party!" I exclaimed. Who's next?"

"I think Victoria should be next, since she is our hostess, and she invited us here," said Donna. "Have you got a nighty dear?

"Yes I brought a couple," Victoria replied. "They're in the top drawer."

Meghan walked over, opened the drawer and removed a nightgown. It was a sheer white mesh nightgown that Victoria only wears when she knows we are going to have sex. It's short and barely comes down below her panties. She really looks great in it, but she typically wears it to bed for a few minutes and then removes it when things start getting "hot and heavy." Meghan carried it over to Victoria.

"That's not exactly a slumber party nightgown," said Victoria. "I'd rather wear one of my other nighties."

"But that's one of my favorites," I replied. "And it looks so good on you. If I'm going to wear these clothes, the least you can do is wear that for me."

"Well I guess so," she said as she started to unbutton her dress.

"You've had a lot to drink. Why don't you let us help you get undressed," said Donna as she reached over and unbuttoned Victoria's dress. Victoria closed her eyes and let Meghan and Donna undress her. Victoria seemed to enjoy the attention. They removed her dress and her pantyhose and then her bra. As they worked they occasionally touched Victoria's body in a much more than friendly manner. It was very arousing to watch. Judging by Victoria's reaction, it must have been very arousing to her too. They left her panties on as they slipped the nighty over her head. "Oh you look lovely!" exclaimed Donna.

"Gorgeous," I added. "The sexiest girl in the world." I've always thought that, even though Victoria would never consider herself beautiful. Sexiness and beauty come from the soul, not just what shows on the outside.

"Now it's you girls' turn," I said. "Let me help you Meghan." I reached over and helped her remove her dress. Underneath she was all in black; bra, panties, garter belt and stockings. The bra barely covered her nipples, and accentuated her ample bosom. "You look fantastic!" I said. I thought of something I've heard somewhere--- A girl only wears black underwear when she wants to get fucked. I was hoping that was true.

I looked over and Donna had removed her dress too. She was all in red. "You look fantastic, too," I said.

I looked back at Victoria. Surprisingly she didn't seem bothered by the fact that I had just told two other half-naked women they looked fantastic. It must have been all the alcohol. "You know, you never wear panties with that nighty at home," I reminded.

Victoria blushed. "But that's a lot different than being here with other people," she replied.

"Oh we're all friends here," said Meghan. "And if Veronica would like you to wear it without panties, I think you should. After all, she is your husband." I wasn't too sure about the pronouns she was using, but I certainly agreed with the concept. Victoria removed her panties. You could see here titties and her pussy clearly through the mesh of the nightgown, but Victoria was too far gone to care.

"Makeup time!!!" said Meghan. "Veronica's outfit is lovely, but I think she'd look even better with makeup. Don't you think so, Victoria?"

"Yes she would," replied Victoria. "I'll get my makeup bag."

"Why don't you start by doing a real close shave," said Meghan. "I'll watch and make sure you do a good job."

She followed me into the bathroom. I picked up my electric razor and began to shave my face. Meghan snuggled up against me from behind. Those big boobs were pressed against my back. She reached her arms around me and rubbed my breasts through my bra. It was getting very hard to concentrate. She reached her left hand down and slipped it inside my panties. "I think she likes me," I thought to myself.

"You don't seem to be doing very well at shaving," smirked Meghan. "Do you have something on your mind?"

"Actually, there's something on another part of me that is very distracting," I replied.

She smiled and said, "Well maybe I should stop then."

"Yes maybe you should." It was Victoria. She was standing at the doorway watching us. She was smiling, but she looked a little jealous. Not as jealous as I'd think she would be, with me standing there while another woman had her hands in my panties, but jealous just the same.

"I think we're finished anyway," I said as I turned off my razor.

"Come sit over here honey," said Donna. She pulled out the chair by the desk and motioned for me to sit down.

I sat down and Donna opened up the makeup bag. She started with some type of foundation, then added blusher to my cheeks. She did my eyes, using eyeshadow and also working on my lashes. She trimmed my eyebrows, to make them a bit more feminine. She added bright red lipstick. "You look lovely dear," said Victoria, with a laugh. Victoria has always told me I look like Tom Selleck, mustache and all. Although there's some very vague resemblance, I've always chalked her opinion up to the old "love is blind" saying. Anyway, think of Tom Selleck in makeup. Interesting? --- maybe. Lovely? --- not likely.

"You know a slumber party isn't complete without some pizza," said Meghan. "Let's order one." Victoria proceeded to order one from room service.

"Now let's do your nails," said Donna. She had me hold my hands out while she painted each nail bright red. The other girls were gathered around as she painted. They laughed and giggled as we all talked. As they were finishing my fingers I suddenly thought to ask whether we had any nail polish remover. "Now why would you need that?" asked Donna.

"Because we are checking out and going home tomorrow," I said. The girls just laughed. I had a funny feeling the answer to my question was no.

"We should really do your toenails, too," said Donna. "You'll have to take off your stockings." Victoria reached down to help me unfasten and roll down the stockings. As she did, she brushed up against my cock a couple of times. It didn't seem to be an accident. It did seem to be fun.... For both of us.

Donna proceeded to paint my toenails. They were painted the same bright red as my fingers. Just as she finished there was a knock at the door. "Room service," said a voice from the hallway. It was the pizza. Someone would have to answer the door.

"Would you please answer the door, dear," I said to Victoria. "I would but my nails are drying," I joked.

Victoria went to the door. She opened it just a bit and peeked out into the hallway. "Did you order a pizza, ma'am?" said a male voice from the hallway.

"Yes we did," she replied but she didn't move.

"You'll have to open the door so I can bring it in," said the voice. To my shock (and the shock of the pizza guy) Victoria threw the door fully open. The pizza guy saw a nearly naked woman in front of him, wearing only a short mesh nighty. Meghan was in her black underwear, sitting on the bed. Donna and I were sitting at the desk; two girls in their underwear; one with a mustache. As you'd expect, he was speechless and motionless.

"We girls are having a slumber party!" said Meghan. "Bring the pizza in and set it on the table."

He was a good looking guy, probably in his early twenties. He seemed rather shy, probably understandable under the circumstances. He came in slowly and did as he was ordered. He had a hard time knowing where to look. He kept looking at Victoria, his gaze shifting from her titties to her pussy and back again. I'm not sure he had looked at her face yet.

"Uh, uh, uh... I need someone to sign for this," he stuttered.

"What's your name?" asked Meghan, distracting him from his task at hand.

"Uh, it's Buddy," he replied.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Buddy?" asked Meghan.

"Yes, uh, yes I do." He was still stuttering.

"Does she wear silky undies and nighties like ours?" she asked.

"Uh, uh, uh, not really," he replied.

"That's too bad," responded Meghan. "From the bulge in your pants, it looks like you like girls in silky undies. Don't you Buddy?"

He looked down and blushed bright red. "I uh, uh, uh, I guess so ma'am," he replied.

"When do you get off work, Buddy?" asked Donna.

"Twelve o'clock," he replied.

"I bet our slumber party will still be going on then," said Donna. "You should come join us."

He blushed some more. "Uh, uh, uh, I don't know if I, uh, uh, can," he responded.

"Well think about it, honey," replied Victoria. "We'd love to have you join us." She took the room charge slip from his hand and signed it. As she handed it back, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, reached over and put his other hand on her pussy. "Think about it," she said very suggestively and let go of his hand. "My husband would love to watch me fuck another man."

"Your husband!' he exclaimed, obviously very frightened. "Where is he?"

"Right over there," she said, pointing at me. "He's the one in the white bra and panties."

He was dumbfounded. I don't think he had even noticed me before. Of course I can't blame him with the three lovely ladies in the room, especially the way they were dressed; or rather undressed. Victoria reached down and put her hand on the front of his pants. "Think about it. Think HARD about it," she said. Her meaning of the word hard was obvious. He took one last look at her titties and her pussy through the nighty, took the charge slip and slowly left the room, closing the door behind him. I had no idea whether he would come back. I don't think he did either.

"I bet he cums in his pants before he gets to the elevator," I joked.

"I think he already did. There was a wet spot in the front of his pants," said Victoria. "I think he was almost as horny as I am."

"So Veronica," began Donna, "would you really like to watch your wife fuck another man?"

"I think so," I replied. "At least it makes a wonderful fantasy."

"That's interesting," said Meghan. "You know Victoria said you love to suck her pussy, Veronica. Would you like to suck Victoria's pussy, Veronica?"

"I always love to suck her pussy," I replied. "And I've been getting very excited watching her with Buddy. I'd love to suck her pussy right now."

"Then why don't you two come over here and show us how you do it. Maybe we can learn a few things," said Meghan. She moved over to make room for us on the bed. I didn't think their real reason was for educational purposes. I think they were both as excited as Victoria and I.

I went to my suitcase first and pulled out the three dildos I had brought with us. All were somewhat flexible, and shaped like a cock. One was quite small: we've used it in Victoria's ass before. The second was larger and shaped more like a cock. It was a little shorter and smaller in diameter than mine. It is Victoria's favorite. The last one was huge. We haven't used it very often because it is so large. Victoria says it's almost too big for her pussy. It has a large flat bottom, so you could stand it up and a woman could sit down on it. Victoria and I have never tried that.

Meghan and Donna were very interested in what I pulled out of the suitcase. "So does Victoria like those cocks?" asked Donna.

"Yes she does," I replied.

"I thought she might," said Donna and the two girls giggled conspiratorially. I wondered what they were thinking.

Victoria laid down on the bed and I moved between her legs. I picked up her favorite dildo (leaving the other two on the bed) and started to lick her pussy. It was already as wet as I have ever seen it. "Oh, honey," she exclaimed. "That feels wonderful."

I happily licked and sucked for a few minutes, occasionally reaching up to fondle her titties, and then asked if she would like me to insert `our little friend.' "Oh yes, please," she responded.

I looked over and saw that Donna and Meghan had moved over to the couch next to the bed. They had a `ringside seat' to watch the action. Donna was sitting on the couch. Meghan was sitting on the arm. Both seemed to be enjoying the action, judging from their expressions. "Victoria just loves to be sucked and fucked at the same time, don't you lover?" I said.

"Oh, yes!" exclaimed Victoria. "Please suck me and fuck me!" I plunged the dildo into her pussy and Victoria moaned with pleasure.

I continued to suck and lick for a few minutes. Victoria continued to make noises indicating she appreciated my work. I thought I could also hear some sounds coming from `ringside.' It sounded like Donna or Meghan was enjoying the show. When I finally came up for air, I glanced over to see what Donna and Meghan were up to. I saw that Meghan had turned so her back was toward Donna and she was leaning over the arm of the couch, with her ass in the air. What a beautiful sight! "Maybe Meghan would like to try one of our little friends too," I said. I was really hoping she would say yes. I was still hoping my fantasy would come true, but knowing it was probably unlikely.

Donna reached over and picked up the small dildo. She slowly, sensuously put it into her mouth, wetting it substantially. Then she pulled aside Meghan's panties and gently eased the dildo into her ass. "Meghan has a very sensitive ass," she said. "She loves to have something inside it. Let's see how this does." Meghan moaned in pleasure.

I was enthralled by the sight but knew I still had work to do. I dove back into Victoria's pussy. When I paused again I looked at Meghan and Donna and said, "Victoria's fantasy is to be fucked by two cocks at once. We've done it with our little friend here and she's enjoyed it, but I don't think it's the same as being fucked by to people at once. Or being fucked by someone while being sucked by someone else. Maybe Buddy will come back and she can fulfill her fantasy."

"Or something like that," said Donna and the two girls giggled again. They definitely had something specific in mind. I was looking forward to finding out. So far these girls had been full of wonderful surprises. I could tell Meghan was really enjoying having our little friend in her ass. I went back to sucking.

"Oh please fuck me," moaned Victoria. "I've just got to have your cock inside me."

I decided to tease her. Victoria loves it when I tease her. I pulled out the dildo and set it aside. "Well now Victoria. I don't know if your pussy is really ready for me to fuck you. Maybe we should wait for your friend Buddy to come back. I'm sure he'd like to fuck you. And judging by your actions, I think you'd like to fuck him too. Wouldn't you lover?"

I heard Meghan moan again. Meanwhile Donna decided to help me tease. "Veronica, if you're not going to be using that dildo I think Meghan would really enjoy it. She seems to be enjoying the little one, but I bet she'd like an even larger cock in her ass."

"Well then, by all means take it. I want to be a good host.. I mean hostess," I said.

"But what about me?" moaned Victoria.

"Oh, I think you should rest for a few minutes. We wouldn't want you all worn out when Buddy comes back," said Donna.

"But I need to be fucked!" said Victoria.

"Oh you will," said Donna. "You will. I promise!" There was that conspiratorial tone again. Donna removed the small dildo from Meghan and inserted the larger one. Then she turned and looked toward me. "You know wearing a bra all day can get rather uncomfortable. Do you have a nighty you could slip into?" she asked.

"Yes I do," I replied.

"Then let me help you change," she responded.

"But what about Meghan," I asked. Donna was still slowly sliding the dildo in and out of Meghan's ass.

"Oh she'll be OK," she replied. "She's handled lots of dildos on her own before." Donna let go of the dildo and, sure enough, Meghan grabbed it and continued to slide it in and out of her pussy. She hardly missed a beat.

Donna and I headed over to my suitcase and we removed the nighty. It was pink and silky, low cut in the front. Donna helped me unfasten my bra and slid the nighty over my head, standing behind me. She took time to reach around and massage my breasts through the silky material. "You look lovely in pink," she said and she smiled. I knew I looked anything but lovely, but I was willing to accept her compliment.

She turned around and asked me to unfasten her bra. She removed it and turned to face me. Her breasts were lovely, probably 38 C's with large nipples. I wanted so much to suck on them. "They're gorgeous," I whispered.

"Thank you," she replied. "I'm so glad you approve." She took both my hands and placed them on her breasts, smiled and kissed me full on the lips, a passionate kiss. "You better go check on your wife," she said, but first why don't you help Meghan take off her bra. I headed off toward the chair; my head spinning from the kiss, the compliment, Donna's titties and the fact that I had three nearly naked, very aroused women in the room with me. This was way, way, way, way too good to be true.

When I got to Meghan she was in really enjoying herself. "Would you like me to help you with your bra?" I asked.

"Yes I would," she replied. The hook was in front, not the rear. But instead of having me unfasten it, she asked me to hold the dildo in her ass while she removed her bra. I slid it in and out. "Oooh," she moaned. "You do that so good. Why don't you sit down here and let me give you a thank you kiss."

I sat on the couch and Meghan moved from the arm. I expected her to sit next to me and give me a kiss on the cheek, or maybe even a kiss like I got from Donna, if I was really lucky. Instead she kneeled on the floor in front of me and lifted my nighty. She pulled down my panties and began to suck on my cock. "Oooh, that feels wonderful!" I exclaimed. She sucked for a moment, then slipped my panties back over my cock and pulled back down my nighty.

I looked toward the bed. Victoria was using the small dildo in her pussy. "If I suck on your cock will you fuck me?" begged Victoria.

"Welllllllll, maybe," I teased. "Why don't you try it and we'll see."

I lay down on the bed and let Victoria go to work. Victoria is a wonderful cocksucker and she was in top form. My cock had been hard for literally hours. I knew that would help make it more difficult for me to cum. In this case, that was a good thing. As she sucked I looked around the room. Meghan was back at it, sliding the dildo into her ass. I looked for Donna. She had gotten the bag they brought with them; the one they'd picked up from their car. Donna noticed me watching her and held her index finger in front of her face, indicating that I shouldn't say anything. I wasn't about to spoil whatever surprise she had in mind.

She opened the bag and took some things out. When I saw them I knew she was right; Victoria would love them! And I thought Meghan would love them too. And if they loved them, it was pretty much a sure thing that Donna and I would love them too.

To Be Continued in Part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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