Victorian Secrets

By sasha steele

Published on Apr 7, 2015



By Sasha Steele

It was Victorian England, a place in time where and when, so long as one was of the Upper Class mind you, everything and anything was not just possible but indeed most probable. And so then you will believe me as I relate nothing but truth in the fascinating tale of the most beautiful Lady Victoria Elisabeth Van Ives of the Aristocratic House of the St Ives who in fact was more than just a Lady. In point Victoria was an *une coq fenelle *as the French might term her condition. For you see Victoria, the last born to her mother, was proceeded by three brothers and, wisely so, her mother decided at birth that Victoria be raised as a female.


Having begun the long voyage back to England, some two days prior, Dorian stood by the top deck rail enjoying a brandy with Belmont his dinner mate these past two evenings. The air inside the ship was stifling, the ocean breeze refreshing and so they took another glass whilst recounting their separate experiences abroad. Dorian had spent three years in the Orient and another three in India, while Belmont had done a five year stint in Africa. Belmont was somewhat older than Dorian, yet Dorian was no less worldly than he.

"We two have been a long time gone my friend," remarked Belmont. "England seems a distant past and one wonders what changes have transpired. What have we missed?"

"I wonder so as well," replied Dorian. "And yet I am saddened to have left India. Just so as was I to have left the Orient."

"Ah, a lover in either port I'll wager. Pray tell me of them."

"My beautiful geisha boy as I called him," said Dorian. "An an actor of some repute was he. And I was heavy of heart to have left him behind when I came to India."

"And yet there you found another?"

"Chandra, son of a high standing government official. I think of him most dearest in a flowered sarong, the ridge of his enticing black cock definable in its tightness.

"Awe yes, black cock," Belmont said. "I had mine in Africa. A tribal prince no less. The length and weight of his magnificent member such that in full erection it was forced, of its own accord,to angle downward, tight black scrotum tucked up beneath it. His was such a predominance that face to face as I entered him I could take the tip of his cock into my mouth and, more times than not, together we did ejaculate nearly as one."

Belmont tipped back the remains of his glass and they stood silent a moment in memory of conquests lost. Dorian broke the silence.

"And now duty calls me home to wed. A prospect I am not looking forward to."

Belmont placed a hand on his young friend's shoulder. "We are not in England as yet," he said. "Come join me tonight."

Dorian turned to face Belmont square on, peered deep into his eyes. Belmont embraced Dorian then kissed him passionately on the lips.

Long black tresses tied back with a ribbon Dorian reflected upon his own image in the mirror whilst a valet slipped a flowing silk robe over his naked shoulders. Truly he was beautiful. His face as fair as a maidens, its smooth skin devoid of hair or blemish. It made him seem somehow delicate. Yet he was manly enough of physique.

Crossing the hall in not but robe and chamber slippers Dorian knocked then entered Belmont's cabin to be received in the arms of his hoist who was similarly clad. And both with similar tenting in their robes as they kissed and pressed themselves against one another.

Presently Dorian lay belly down on the silken white sheets of Belmont's bed, palms of his hands placed upon it by his head with face buried in the soft pillows. Belmont was positioned atop him. Both men were naked. Belmont's lower legs crossed Dorian's splayed thighs as Belmont took his young guest from behind.

Dorian's moans of ecstasy mingled with those of Belmont's sighs of pure passion whilst he fucked him. Belmont's undulations increased in their cadence and severity along with his breath rate. He leaned forth kissing Dorian on the shoulders, neck and on his cheek. Reached around Dorian's middle taking hold his hard cock to masturbate him.

Belmont's ejaculation came in massive eruptions propelled by powerful halting trusts and accompanied by long open mouthed sighs. No sooner had the last of it invaded Dorian's backside when he, Dorian turned to face his new found lover and took hold his own cock stroking it madly.

Repositioned on his knees with hands on the bed by Dorian's side Belmont opened his mouth to receive his young friend's ejaculate. When the first of Dorian's semen burst forth Belmont closed his lips around head of his hard cock. Dorian then clasped his hands to back of Belmont's head and held him there until finally he had emptied himself.

Throughout the long voyage Dorian and Belmont continued their carnal relationship until at last the ship made port. Then they kissed a final farewell and parted company.

The train ride from Van Ives Manor to Swanston station had been long enough and now this bumpy coach ride was about all Victoria could endure as she sat facing her mother in the plush passenger cab.

"Stop fussing child," Victoria's mother chided.

"Beg your pardon mother, but I can't help it. How much longer?"

"Another half hour perhaps."

Victoria sighed. "I am in dire need to move my bowels mother and shan't be able to hold out another half hour," she whined.

"Then do so now Victoria. Lord knows you won't be the first young lady to be received by the Duke with a turd in the seat of her pantalettes. Nor the last I should think."

Victoria starred at her mother in amazement. Practical to a point she never ceased to amaze her only daughter.

"Well, get on with it Victoria," Her mother admonished.

And so Victoria set herself to the task of pushing a fair sized stool into the seat of her silk pantalettes. Thick and solid as Victoria's feces was the task would prove to be no easy one. As her mother watched Victoria drew her breath, held it and grunted softly to bring pressure to bear on her bowels before once again releasing her breathe with a puff. She repeated the process several times until eventually a fair size turd had been discharged into the seat of her silk pantalettes lodged between her ample butt cheeks.

Many of the guests had already arrived by the time the footman assisted Victoria and her mother from the coach. By way of introduction Victoria and her mother were to take tea with the Duke in the garden before retiring to their apartments. Sitting there with a turd in the seat of her pantalettes whilst in the company of Royalty played on Victoria's mind causing a stiffening in the front side of her pantalettes. Endowed with quite a substantial member, as Victoria had, she realized that, should she be required to stand any time soon, her erection would cause a tell-tale tenting in the front of her skirts, full with crinoline, pleats and folds though they may be.

Victoria thought to draw her mind away by dwelling instead on her growing need to urinate thereby causing her erection to lessen by degrees. And none too soon, for just as her hardness had diminished to a point where the tenting in her skirt had become less noticeable her mother admonished Victoria to take her leave of them.

"Off with you child," Victoria's mother put forth. "His Lordship and I have a private matter to discuss."

The Duke took hold Victoria's soft hands aiding her to be upstanding. Then holding her left hand in his right kissed the soft flesh on the back of it.

"You are every bit as beautiful as reputed my dear," the Duke said. "Even more so, I should add."

"Thank you my Lord."

He watched as Victoria, who was to wed his only son, was led off to her apartments. The sway of her ample hips not going unnoticed. Yes, thought the Duke, this young beauty may just be what is needed to sway Dorian away from his lust for man cock so he may once and for all settle down into a married life.

With the tea and the long wait for her dismissal from the garden, Victoria's need to pee had increased. Still she managed, very lady-like, to enter her apartment and have the door closed behind her before resorting to clutching herself in order to stave it off.

"Quickly! My chamber pot," Victoria shouted to one of her hand-maids.

An elegant vase-like chamber pot was produced just as Victoria gathered up the front of her skirts and raised them to expose the great bulging pouch in the front of her silky white pantalettes. The bottom portion of the pouch was already wet due to the squirts that had managed to escape her control. Kneeling before her mistress a hand-maid just managed to place the pot beneath the tip of Victoria's overly large member before a veritable flood burst through the fabric of her pantalettes and poured into the chamber pot.

Victoria tilted her head back and with eyes closed breathed a long sigh of relief through her open mouth. After a long luxurious pee Victoria's urine near filled the pot. Finally finished she puffed out her cheeks then blew out the air thankful for her release. Then began the long arduous task of preparing the young and beautiful bride-to-be for her engagement party.

When her mother entered the boudoir Victoria was bent slightly forward, holding tight onto the dressing bar at the foot of her bed whilst a hand-maid struggled to pull the draw stings of her corset as tight as possible in order to render the shape Victoria's body into a more seductive hour glass contour.

"Tighter!" Her mother admonished. "Plumpness of the backside is a desirable quality child, but not so plumpness in the waist.Take more care for your weight Victoria. Once married you can become as fat as you wish. But until such time you will control your eating habits. Tighter!" She repeated to the hand-maid.

Victoria considered her mother whom by all accounts would be considered quite plump. And yet she remained beautiful and desirable to men.

"Yes mother," Victoria squeaked, barely able to breathe.

Of the twenty six guest apartments contained within the castle occupation was arranged in such a way as to encourage midnight rendezvous between the guests. Victoria's apartment was located next to Dorian's with a connecting door between them. It was expected that sometime in the night he would visit her to 'try it on' so to speak, least a union of incompatibility take place.

Still in her undergarments Victoria stood before the mirror, her mother behind her fussing with the elaborate coiffure that saw strands of beads interwoven through it and luxurious ringlets of her long white- blond hair issuing from the braided rise and cascading downward to mid back.

"Mother, what is expected of me when Dorian comes to call tonight?" Victoria asked.

The mother turned her daughter to her as she spoke. "All men prefer cock dear," Victoria's mother began. "Some more so than others. Some so much so that they cringe at the mere thought of a cunt. It seems that our poor Dorian is of this latter group. He craves cock Victoria and you my dear are overly endowed with what is required to satisfy his needs." She placed her hand on Victoria's bulging pantalettes as if to emphasize the point. "Do as you were schooled to do these many years. Buy all accounts I have been told that you have become extremely adept in such matters."

Her mother's words had there effect on Victoria. She turned back to view herself in the mirror whilst her mother harried the maids to hasten her daughter's dressing. Clad only in her undergarments, all of it white satin, silk and lace, Victoria had no doubt of her beauty.

The lace embroidered upper portion of Victoria's white satin corset pushed the flesh on her chest upward forming a slight cleavage. Its vertical ribs showcased her now shapely figure. The sides flared outward at her hips, they too were fringed in lace. Pearled clasps ran down the front from bust to belly where the corset terminated in a V shape just above the large penis pouch in Victoria's pantalettes. The waist of the pantalettes snugged beneath her corset and their leg ends terminated in stylish lace edging part way down her thighs.

White stockings clad her smooth legs held above the knees with satin garters. On her feet Victoria wore satin anklet boots overlaid with white lace. They boasted curved four inch heels and were laced up in front with white ribbons tied in an elaborate bows.

At her mother's command hand-maids attached a bustle around Victoria's waist tying it in front with a wide ribbon belt. The bustles puffed out rear pillow provided lift and contour in back. Next came a full crinoline which Victoria, with the aid of her hand-maids stepped into and it was then brought up over the bustle to her waist. And then finally, her elegant dress.

The elegant silver dupioni colored gown was paired with a rich satin center front under skirt. Wide ruffled lace trimmed the brilliant white satin under skirt, well seen with the over skirt brushed back and tied for a pannier effect. Its bodice featured an open square neck line and low V shape waist. The dress was embellished with fabric rucking, beads and braiding while the three quarter length sleeves were delicately trimmed in lace.

An elaborate Empire necklace, matched ear and finger rings completed Victoria's ensemble. Lips and nails were painted silver to match her dress. Her bright blue eyes were lined in black and overshadowed in silver. And so at last the beautiful bride-to-be was ready to be put on display. Victoria's hand-maids clapped and her mother gushed with pride as Victoria showed herself off in front of them. And turning in front of the mirror Victoria felt a rise in her pantalettes, she was that beautiful.

At his father's bequest Dorian had remained in London until the day of the engagement party. Best for him to convalesce a few days after being away for so long. Subsequently Dorian's father had arranged that he stay at Madailine House, a place where, according to the Duke, Dorian could rest a spell in order that he may, at least temporarily, quench his lust for man cock by spending time in the company of refined ladies. The Duke was no fool, for these ladies of Madailine House were in fact lady-*men, *and he reasoned this may help his son to be more receptive.

Dorian had arrived at his family's castle early in the afternoon and so, about the same time that Victoria was putting the finishing touches on her beauty, Dorian was doing the same. Clad in not but his under garments he too stood before the mirror taking in his beauty. Not so elaborate as his feminine counter part Dorian's undergarments were none the less as genteel in their luxuriousness.

The wide, elegantly embroidered waist band of Dorian's silk pantalettes sat high upon his trim waist. They fit his form, inclusive of the roomy penis pouch that allowed his genitalia to ride freely. The five inch legs terminated in a similar lace as was the waist band. On top Dorian wore a snug under vest. Also of silk the vest was sleeveless with a low V neck line and terminated just above the lace waist band of his pantalettes. There was a touch of lace at the V line and on the bottom sides.

Dorian's silk stockings were white in color and rose to just above the knees, stayed there with satin garters. On his feet were silver flecked satin high heel dress boots with silver ribbon laces. His long black hair was drawn back and tied there in a bow of silver ribbon. Dorian studied his image in the mirror.

He thought of his affair with Belmont on the voyage home. His last fling at freedom. Turned in order to view the rounded backside that had so captivated his ship-bound lover. Dorian put a hand to the growing hardness in the pouch of his silken pantalettes.

Valets assisted their master into his snug fitted trousers. Adjusted him into their penis pouch, drew them up high onto his waist, laced and tied them in back. The white silk trousers terminated just below the knee where they flared slightly with embroidering and silver color silk bows on the outsides.

Next the white satin blouse. It too a snug fit with a short upturned collar, long sleeves terminated in teared lace cuffs that would partially overhang Dorian's soft manicured hands as they must issued from his coat sleeves. A valet clasped the long row of pearl hooks that ran the full length of the blouse in back. An elaborate white cravat with teared lace to match the blouse cuffs was placed high upon his chest with a ribbon around his neck that tied in back with a bow.

A very tight waist coat with large arm holes was fitted to him. Its three buttons bellow the low dropping front were done up. The double V at bottom terminated on his pubis. Its silk back was the same color silver as the bows on the sides of his trousers. The front of the waist coat was highly decorated with elaborate multi toned greys and silvers elaborately embroidered as to match his tail coat. With an opened front the tail coat featured smooth silk silver color collar, lapels, turned up cuffs and an inner lining which showed with the pinned back tail ends. All of which contrasted the ornate outer coat styling.

Light makeup, silver ear rings and an assortment of finger rings completed Dorian's ensemble. He turned a time in front of the mirror to assess his appearance, noting in particular how the tail coat rode over his rear end, which as Dorian's father had once pointed out, was just shy of being overly large. Pleased with the obvious attractiveness of his appearance Dorian sat over a glass of port allowing a time for the tenting in his trouser pouch to abate.

When finally the betrothed couple were introduced Dorian saw at once that there had been no exaggeration as to the beauty of the girl. He noted too that Victoria was decidedly flat chested, which was a good thing because Dorian detested large bulbous breasts nearly as much as he detested that disgusting slit women have between their legs. Odd too, as they chatted Dorian found that Victoria was not at all difficult to converse with as he found most women were. If he had to marry, and be assured that Dorian had no choice but to, he supposed that Victoria was perhaps the best choice his father could have made for him.

During the banquet the head table was arranged so that Dorian sat across from his father with Victoria on his right and next to Victoria her mother. To her mother's delight Victoria seemed to hold conversation well with, what she thought to be, a difficult man. But as the betrothed couple sat shoulder to shoulder with the occasional ill-guarded contact Victoria found a growing hardness beneath her skirts, just as she did again later on while they danced.

Although ravenous Victoria, due in the main to the tightness of her corset, had ate very little. Later in her apartment she, as with all the other Ladies, would eat heartily. Even cake so long as her mother didn't see. Instead Victoria drank champagne. Perhaps too much champagne because as she was engaged by members of the aristocracy from whose presence it would be wholly impolite to excuse oneself, Victoria found she had a growing need to urinate.

Worrisome glares in her direction brought Victoria's mother to her aid.

"What is it child?" Her mother inquired.

"I am in need to relieve myself," Victoria whispered.

With her mother's typical flair for diplomacy Victoria was soon enough obliged to take her leave.

Her mother ordered a hand-maid to fetch a chamber pot. Then led her daughter to an anti chamber off the main ball room. Victoria rested her backside against a wall table, hands to her sides resting upon it and her legs parted. Victoria's mother and a hand-maid held her skirts while a second hand-maid kneeling in front placed the chamber pot to her mistress's crotch. Victoria's pantalettes, trapped beneath her corset as they were, left little choice. There was nothing for it but to urinate through the the silk material of their penis pouch. Which of course Victoria did, peeing heartily until her aching bladder was relieved of its burden.

As the evening came to a close Victoria, at her mother's bequest, withdrew to her apartment where the arduous task of undressing her would transpire. Then with a few last minute instructions from her mother Victoria was left to do her duty when Dorian came calling. And so Victoria waited for Dorian to come to her. Waited into the small hours of the night. Tried the door between their apartments locked on his side. Waited until she heard someone knock on Dorian's apartment door.

Victoria opened the door to her own apartment and listened. It was a porter bid to fetch another bottle of port. Dorian was still awake. Perhaps attempting to drink up the courage to come to her. Victoria intervened the porter on his return. Took the tray and knocked on Dorian's apartment door. His valet opened it and Victoria entered.

"My Lord," said Dorian's valet by way of gaining his master's attention.

Dorian was reclined on a large soft arm chair beside the fire. He wore not but a red velvet robe. His long black hair was loosed. His beautiful facial features illuminated by the glow from the fire. He looked up at Victoria.

Victoria wore a long silk robe that was quite ornate with its frills and fancies. On her feet she wore matching silk chamber slippers with a heel. Her white-blond hair hung free in long gentle curls that cascaded almost to her waist. Victoria spoke first.

"Of what worth would be a wife who cannot give her husband that which he most desires," she said.

With that Victoria undid the sash to her robe allowing it to slip from her shoulders onto the floor. Dorian was taken aback by the wonder of what he saw. Surely this was his betrothed. But instead of the woman Dorian thought he was to wed Victoria was the most beautiful man he had ever set his eyes upon.

Katora oil was not just priceless but exceedingly rare. With but a single application ones skin was forever rendered as smooth as silk, hairless and free from all manor of blemish. Victoria's mother had seen to it that her daughter took the treatment at puberty. Her plumpness rendered to Victoria's body a desirable voluptuousness. Her chest appeared somewhat fleshy with nipples that were not overly large and a splendid tone of color. Her rump was round and full, hips and legs smooth though solid and firm. Victoria's body was perfection in its self.

Yet what held Dorian was the magnificent appendage which was set upon the front of Victoria's thighs. Both awesome and frightening in its thickness and length Victoria's cock cascaded over her large size scrotum and hung half way to her knees. Dorian was mesmerized by the mere sight of it. Even while Dorian stared as in a stupor Victoria's cock began to stir as it thickened, elongated and rose up to full glory perhaps thirteen inches or more whereupon the cock head had emerged from beneath its hood.

Victoria came to him. Positioned herself so as to kneel on the plush arms of the chair. Presented her cock to his lips. There was no choice in it but to obey and presently Dorian opened his mouth into which Victoria inserted her massive cock. She would have her way with him. With each thrust Victoria's arousal increased to a point where she was on the verge of loosing control. And so, as her schooling in the vagaries of erotic coitus had dictated, Victoria ceased her undulations and withdrew her cock from Dorian's mouth.

Then on her knees before him Victoria opened Dorian's gown exposing a fine nine inch cock in full erection. He parted his legs as Victoria took it into her mouth to perform the act of fellatio upon him. That too Victoria stopped just short of Dorian succumbing to her ministrations. Victoria stood and took Dorian by hands to draw him from the chair.

Dorian allowed the red satin robe to fall from his shoulders to the floor. They embraced. Their naked cocks pressed upon one another between them. The heat of their bodies added urgency to their growing arousal as they undulated themselves together in the pursuit of it. They kissed passionately, perhaps more passionately than either had kissed before. Then, once again it was Victoria who took the lead.

"Come," she said, taking up Dorian's hand.

Victoria led Dorian to his bed. Dorian lay on his back, legs spread with Victoria atop of him. They caressed in frottage as before while they were upstanding. Victoria kissed Dorian on his lips, his neck, his nipples, belly, bald pubis and his hairless scrotum. Positioned hands and knees upon the bed Victoria's long tresses cascaded over his body while her head bobbed up and down as she sucked Dorian's cock. And in short order Victoria brought him to a climax. No longer able to endure his passion Dorian clasped his hands to the back of Victoria's head and pressing down upon it just as he raised up at the hips he released his heated semen into her mouth.

Victoria savoured the taste of Dorian's semen. Insured that she took the entire lot of it by swallowing every speck and then licked clean his cock. Starting at the cock head Victoria played her tongue all the way down the shaft to Dorian's scrotum. Around back of it she tasted his sweat causing Dorian to moan in appreciation of Victoria's prowess in such ministrations.

Victoria sat back and lifting one of Dorian's legs indicated she wished for him to roll over onto his belly. Presently Dorian complied whereupon Victoria pulled him up at the hips and onto his knees. She spread the rounded cheeks of Dorian's sensual buttocks. Her tongue lapped at his anus and for a span of time Victoria savoured the earthen taste of Dorian's anal opening.

When Victoria took him from behind Dorian felt the disturbing sensation b rought about by the insertion of such an enormity as this her cock into his backside. Never before had his sphincter been thus stretched. Never before had his anal canal been so filled. Never before had his rectum been so deeply penetrated. The shear discomfort of it, the fear of it and yet the burning desire that he must have it was enough to render him mad. Dorian's stiff cock throbbed.

Victoria's thrusts increased in their their intensity as her arousal grew. And, schooling in such arts as these be dammed, for this time there could be no hold on her release. Victoria's breathe had quickened and her cries of ecstasy had reached a crescendo when suddenly she burst fourth as though a volcano had erupted within. Victoria's burning semen filled the inner reaches of Dorian's rectum as his own semen spilled upon the satin sheets of his bed.

When both had sufficiently recovered they bid one another good night. Victoria took up her satin robe and left through the connecting door to her own apartment leaving Dorian to ponder his future. The specter of marriage no longer frightened him. Indeed he now welcomed the idea.

Victoria sat with her back to the vanity in her boudoir. The long skirt of her robe was parted and her legs were spread as Victoria peed heavily into the chamber pot held up to her by the hand-maid who knelt before her. As she relieved herself Victoria recounted in detail to her mother the events that had befell her that very night.

"You did very well dear," Victoria's mother said. "Now that the matter of your betrothed's seduction has been satisfactorily concluded we shall let the young lord's lust for your considerable attributes fester. On the morrow we will take our leave. There are many other matters need attending. We have a wedding to plan Victoria."

With the aid of her hand-maids Victoria's mother helped her daughter into her sleep ware and to bed. She kissed Victoria on the forehead. "Have a good rest dear," she said, then took her leave.

The End

Next: Chapter 2

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