
By wayne unknown

Published on Aug 25, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P Oh and send me a link to your stories :)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

There is also a very brief mention of the Avatar the last Airbender TV show. I don't own the Avatar series and all credit goes to the wonderful people who created and produced that show. (I also know the TV show didn't come out till 2005 but for the purposes of this story I'm going to pretend it came out in 1998).

Authors Note

To save time when I say phase in reference to Victor, it means that Victor has switched to flesh – water- then back to flesh in a second to reset himself from injury or extreme exertion.

text in between asterixes is telepathic communication

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I'm still aiming to post a new chapter every week, feedback though is greatly appreciated and helps keeps me motivated through the tiring editing/rewriting process. I've also started up a subscription list for those interested in being updated when the new chapters are posted.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...

Chapter 9 Monday morning

I woke up at 6 am to see Luke sprawled out on his back in bed, snoring lightly, mostly dressed. I looked over wondering whether I should wake him or not as he looked so peaceful.

I wanted to know when classes started so I could find out if I had enough time to visit Sean to boost my mental defences and tell him about last night. Just thinking about the sex last night though made me instantly horny and hard.

I started stroking my cock looking over at Luke's tussled golden blond hair. He was still wearing his black jeans and a dark purple dress shirt. Thankfully he'd at least kicked off his shoes and socks off before bed. The sheets were tangled around his legs. Luke obviously rolled around a lot during sleep.

Stroking my cock felt boring compared to all the sex I'd had recently. I needed more excitement. I stripped off my underwear, spreading my legs apart, fingering my tight hole, enjoying the burning ache as I stretched myself out. I was shoving three fingers into me roughly but it didn't feel like enough and it was kind of awkward.

I replaced my fingers with an ice dildo replica of Luke's cock slamming away into my insides. I bit my lower lip trying to be quiet as the bed rocked slightly as I fucked myself with the ice dildo.

I heard a weird noise from Luke and paused. I looked over, Luke had stopped snoring and it sounded like he was mumbling to himself in his sleep. I took that to mean he was nearly awake. I dispersed my ice dildo into water vapour throughout the room.

I went over to Luke's bed, my hole aching to be filled. I placed my hand gently on Luke's firm stomach enjoying the feel of silk and taut abs beneath my palm. Luke muttered something incomprehensible. Luke seemed to be having a horny dream as his jeans were bulging. I unzipped his jeans releasing his poor trapped cock, licking and sucking on his cock, stroking my cock while kneeling on the floor. Luke moaned "Victor" sleepily, I smiled around his cock. I pulled off a bit looking at his half opened bright blue eyes.

"Hope you don't mind but I thought I'd wake you up with a morning blowjob," I said.

He looked over at his bedside clock, "Ugh we don't have to be at class till 9, didn't you get enough cock last night Hound?"

"Apparently not" I said as I straddled him enjoying the feel of his coarse jeans against my bare butt as I impaled myself on his big hard cock. We both groaned as I took him all the way inside me. I rode him, wantonly stroking myself one handed as I sped up.

I was getting so close, I slid my right hand under his shirt to tweak his hard nipples. He growled "Fuck Yeah", thrusting upwards, his hands squeezing my butt as he slammed upwards over and over again. I couldn't think; his cock felt so right inside me.

I exploded all over his stomach and chest feeling spent, my hole clamping down around his thick cock as I slumped forward onto Luke's chest feeling temporarily drained. I moaned happily "mmm morning sex is awesome" against Luke's neck.

Luke didn't stop, thrusting into me over and over again with increasing force, until he exploded into me yelling "TAKE THAT!" Luke closed his eyes and said "I'm going back to sleep, wake me when it's like 8:50" he paused for 30 seconds before adding "You're draining me dry dude".

Luke's cock deflated inside me and I eased off a now sleeping Luke. I wasn't sure whether to be insulted or amused by him falling asleep after sex. I put on some old clothes to go visit Sean. It was 7:30, I still had some free time before classes officially began.

I knocked on Sean's closed door and he shouted "come in" and I heard the distinctive clink of the lock.

I walked in and was surprised to see Sean's naked butt flexing as he pounded Lachlan's ass. Sean must have unlocked the door with his telekinesis since the other bed was unoccupied but still unmade. Sean's bed was visibly rocking with every forceful thrust inside Lachlan's hole. They made a very hot pair.

"Good morning, I hope I'm not interrupting but you told me to come by in the morning to take care of that shielding issue but I can come back later if you like."

"Oh yeah, just give me another ten minutes to finish fucking him and I'll help you out with that" Sean said while fucking a face down Lachlan.

"10 minutes no way, help me out Victor, he keeps convincing me to take his cock and I didn't even get to fuck him at all last night" Lachlan complained looking at me desperately.

I stripped off my clothes, watching Sean fucking Lachlan was making me unbearably horny. "Well how about you both fuck me at the same time? That way you can both top me and it'll make me feel better about my first day at mutant high."

"Fine, I'll give his ass a rest" Sean said pulling out and lying on his back, with his hard cock looking all slick. I straddled him and sat on his hard cock in a single movement, he slid in easily.

"Oh yeah that feels so good", I said enjoying having another cock in my recently fucked ass.

"Luke obviously fucked you this morning" Sean said with a laugh.

"Yes. Lachlan you're next, get it in me " he slid in his hard cock next to Sean's stretching me out nicely. "Mmm yeah. So I'm curious, what's up with you two? This is the second morning I found you in bed together."

"Jealous?" Lachlan asked as he pulled out half way then slammed back in all the way causing me to moan.

"Just curious, you boys look cute together and you definitely feel good together" I moaned while squeezing my anal muscles around their cocks, enjoying the feel of completion.

"Well I was feeling horny after you left and Lachlan and me started chatting and one thing led to another pretty quickly, I tried to see what you were up to but you were out of my range. " Sean explained.

"Oh yeah, before I get too distracted, I wanted to tell you the news, I got a job last night! Best part my boss and my co-worker and Luke took turns fucking me afterwards, it was an awesome night."

Obviously that got the boys horny so they groaned and sped up and I moaned reflexively but I heard an odd sound from the other side of the room. I looked over and saw Sean's brother naked sitting on his bed stroking an 8 inch cock nearly identical to Sean's; 2 of his fingers buried in his hole.

When he saw me looking directly at him, he tried to escape but I automatically summoned a water tentacle and pinned him up against the wall. He tried to squirm away but I held him firm against the wall.

Sean and Lachlan finally noticed my distraction, looking over. Their rhythm faltered within me and I lost control of my water tentacle. He dropped to the bed and tried to escape again. Simultaneously Lachlan opened his mouth and aimed a sonic blast at him as Sean telekinetically threw him against the wall.

"MIKE! You little fucker, how long have you been watching us?"

I reformed the tentacle into a pair of ice shackles binding his hands and feet so he couldn't escape.

"Since last night" Mike mumbled.

Sean's eyes widened in shock, his cheeks went bright red from fury and he looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel, a vein in his forehead throbbing. Sean tried to get at Mike but the combined weight of Lachlan and me effectively pinned Sean down. Sean slumped back down in impotent rage and took several deep breaths before asking Mike "How the hell were you spying on us without me noticing?"

"Well I know my mutant power now! Well I found out a couple of weeks back. I thought about telling you but I kind of liked having a secret from you for a change. Having a psychic older brother sucks often. I never got a chance to get into trouble with guys from school because you always spoiled my fun first."

"Dad was already enough of a loose cannon, I didn't want to set him off any more than usual. More importantly though what's your new power and why are you jacking off watching me have sex?"

Sean seemed more calm so I rocked back and forth continuing the interrupted sex. I blurted out thoughtlessly "I'm guessing he's jacking off to us because mutants aren't the only things to run in the family." Sean glared at me.

I melted the ice shackles back to water. I stroked Mike's cock with a `water hand' while trickling water into his recently vacated hole. Mike moaned as I moved the water inside and outside stroking him as I rode his brother's cock which led to my next idea.

"I'm sorry Sean but I think I'm gay" Mike said as he covered his eyes.

I wasn't really paying much attention to emotional undertones. I turned the water inside Mike into an rock hard ice replica of Sean's cock and started pumping it inside him. Mike moaning like crazy as I increased the speed of the water hand' around his cock and the pumping of Sean's ice cock' into him.

Sean shouted at me "What are you doing to him?"

"Fucking him with your cock" I replied.

Mike and Sean both orgasmed explosively at my statement, Sean pumping a thick load into me as Mike exploded all over his chest and stomach. Mike started crying, Sean pushed me off him with a telekinetic power burst. Lachlan was dislodged in the process.

Sean climbed onto Mike's bed pulling Mike into his arms, letting Mike cry on his chest. They looked odd, both naked and soft dangling cocks looking eerily similar, Sean stroked Mike's back gently.

"Fucking hell dude what was that about? Could you be more of an ass?" Lachlan asked.

I phased and said "I don't know, maybe." Lachlan pinned me down fucking me roughly into the sheets.

I looked over at the brothers and Mike was sitting on Sean's lap, they were holding each other tight. As I watched their intense looking whispered conversation; Sean's hands drifted from clutching Mike's shoulders to rubbing Mike's back.

I could see Mike's cock hardening against Sean as Lachlan continued to slam into me violently. Mike tentatively kissed Sean before pulling away guiltily. Sean said something and Mike nodded and the next thing I knew Mike and Sean were kissing passionately. They looked so alike -minus Mike's acne- kissing and groping each other, closest thing to real life twin-cest porn I'd ever seen. Sean's fingers slid into Mike's freshly ice fucked hole easily. Mike moaned loudly "Fuck me big bro".

Lachlan looked over in shock, pausing inside me as we both watched Mike sit on his brother's hard cock. Lachlan pounded me harder. Mike obviously loved his brother's cock in him because he was bouncing up and down on it like it was a pogo stick. Lachlan sped up his thrusting, he groaned, shooting a fresh load in me. Mike groaned loudly, bucking wildly on his brother's big cock and shortly after he was blasting a load on his brother's stomach.

Lachlan pulled out of me standing, turning to watch the naked brothers. Mike tried to get up but he was clumsy from sex and fell right into my outstretched arms, his skinny body pressed against mine. His hard cock dwarfed mine and his hands drifted to my butt to squeeze me.

I looked over at Sean to see his reaction and saw him stroking his hard cock. I felt Sean in my mind come sit on my cock.

I sat on his cock eagerly. As I adjusted to Sean's thicker cock, Mike climbed on the bed behind me shoving his hard cock all the way into me next to his brother's. I bit Sean's shoulder to stifle my scream as Mike stretched my hole out painfully.

Sean gripped my head and I felt him invade my mind telepathically broadcasting his frustration about my insensitivity to Mike and his coming out. Sean fortified the psychic shield in me for a few minutes before Lachlan sat on his face distracting him. Lachlan kneeled in front of me and I alternated between sucking his cock and kissing him while the two brothers sawed in and out of me with their evenly matched cocks.

They took their time fucking me, in alternating rhythms, sometimes one of them moving while the other one stayed still inside me. Other times they both slammed into me as hard as they could for a minute then slowing down for leisurely thrusts.

They eventually stopped teasing me with their cocks fucking me harder and faster until they both blew inside me.

I tried moving but their thick cocks were lodged in me throbbing and pulsing, they didn't seem in a hurry to let me escape. Eventually they softened and I stood up feeling weak kneed and well and truly fucked.

As soon I was off their cocks and standing Lachlan slipped his hard cock back inside me to pound my ass in a very rapid rabbit fuck hunching at my well used ass until he came quickly into my ass. Obviously all the kissing sucking and rimming had gotten him really worked up.

I phased to relieve my sore ass.

"So what is your power Mike?" I asked

"Xavier told me it's psychic camouflage and some basic telepathy."

"What's psychic camouflage?"

"It means that the little brat can hide himself from physical and psychic detection for as long as he stays quiet or focused. It also means that his thoughts are more difficult to read. Not like my psychic shield in the sense of a solid object blocking entry but more like his thoughts are like mist, there but shifting in and out of visibility. I'd read up about it during psychic class. No wonder I had no idea." Sean explained.

"That sounds pretty useful. Can you extend it past yourself like your brother does with his shields?"

Sean and Mike exchanged a look "maybe with practise".

"Well that was definitely the most interesting Monday morning I've ever had but I should probably get showered and dressed for first class, since I probably reek like sex and cum now."

"There's usually some late comers to Monday classes, I'll come with you to the showers, I feel dirty too for some reason" Lachlan said.

"We'll stay here, Mike and I need to have a long chat", Sean said

I pulled on my underwear feeling lazy about putting on more clothes after all the sex.

Lachlan and I ended up sharing a shower head as there seemed to be quite a few other boys running late this morning too. We soaped each other up earning us the side eye from some of the other boys. After our shower finished I took all the water clinging to our skins and turned it into a water sphere. I needed to try and overcome the slight resistance I felt now whenever I used my power and I needed to make use of every chance to practise.

I would have liked to stay under the spray and get into further mischief with Lachlan as I hadn't actually gotten any alone time with him yet. Unfortunately I needed to wake Luke if he wasn't already awake and I should probably think about something other than sex since it was a school day.

When we arrived at my room, Lachlan gave me a quick hug goodbye and went off to his room to get dressed. Luke was still lying on his bed snoring. I turned the water sphere into ice cold water and poured it onto Luke.

He jerked out of bed wide awake and pissed off, sand broke out of his bowl subjecting me to an intense sand storm. I shifted to water automatically to protect myself from injury. Once the sandstorm died down I shifted back to normal. I felt off', more so than after I been fucked by Colossus. I shifted back to water state', part of me clogged up with mud. I fired off the mud at Luke.

"Hey what was that for?"

"It's 8:50 it's your morning wake up call," I replied.

"Ugh, I liked your last one better."

"Yes but that didn't get you awake, it probably made you more sleepy," I said with a smile.

"The room is a mess now" Luke said grumpily, standing in muddy clothes looking at his muddy bed.

"Get out of those clothes, have a shower and I'll clean up the room."

"When did you become all mom like? Seriously going to make fucking you, all sorts of weird."

"Well you're a straight guy fucking a gay guy, it's already weird, the important thing is you're hot and I'm horny and it works, just don't overthink it."

He stripped off in front of me down to nothing and I definitely appreciated the brief view of his naked body. He yanked on some clean underwear and walked out the door.

I looked around the room and there was sand, water and mud all over the place. I used the water to pick up the sand and the resultant mud ball got merged with the rooms other mud scattered about to form a hovering mud ball bigger than my head.

I grabbed the bowl, realising it wouldn't be much use in its cracked state to hold water or sand. I used some of the water to create a layer of ice to patch the broken parts of bowl. I separated out the water slowly from the mud ball, leaving the sand to trickle out in the half glass/ice bowl. Eventually there was a small sphere of water hovering in the air. I dispersed the water throughout the room.

Luke came back later in a towel smelling of soap and a slight woody musk I associated with Luke. I was tempted by the water trickling down his naked muscular chest but he dried himself off while I was distracted and by the time I was paying attention again he was already dressed.

He looked around surprised, "you cleaned that up quickly."

"Your bowl is broken, so I fixed it with ice to put the sand somewhere but it won't hold for more than 20 minutes before it'll thaw out without me, got a box or something to put it in?"

"Sorry about firing off sand at you, I sort of just reacted in anger, I'm not a morning person and cold water is not a fun way to wake up", he said walking over to the bowl and steadying his hand over the sand until it started solidifying into a rock.

I shrugged it off "That's cool. Will that hold after you're gone?"

"Yeah, It's a rock now. It'll stay like that until I turn it back into sand. Or until it eventually erodes."

"That's cool, everything I make melts or collapses if I don't pay attention to it for long enough."

"I should take you to your first class. I messaged Bobby about you, so he'll probably try and chat to you. Don't try to have sex with him, he has a girlfriend."

"Do you think I have sex with every guy I meet?" I asked, he just looked at me smirking as I said that. "I won't have sex with him if he's taken."

"Put on some clothes and let's get going."

I got dressed in some random outfit and went with Luke to my first class.

Turns out there were only 4 classes led by teachers and the 5th was private study .

Storm taught my first class which was history, discussing the Roman empire. I grabbed a spare notebook feeling the urge to start a journal about all the crazy dramatic horny things that had happened lately.

I discovered mutant high's version of new student torture. Storm told me that I was supposed to tell the class a little bit about myself and my power...

"My name is Victor, I'm from a boring town close to nothing interesting and I have control over water" I said while I formed a water sphere over my head. I moved it onto my outstretched palms and shaped it into the shape of a sword, solidifying into an ice sword. I struck a dramatic pose with my new ice sword. Then I shifted to water "I can also turn into water," the students clapped at my display and there were a few laughs at my idiocy but I didn't really care.

I repeated that `intro' during the next few classes. Classes at Mutant high were surprisingly dull. We weren't allowed to use our powers during class. Most of the classes were like those of any other school, History (Storm), Shop (Cyclops), Physics & Literature (Xavier).

Those were the 9 -3 classes anyway. There were other courses focusing more on powers that were optional for students along with assigned mutant homework. Optional courses involved danger room simulations and combat training. I declined the offer of more courses, unsure of what I wanted to do.

Xavier's class was awkward considering I still felt like he'd taken advantage of my trust so I spent the entire class staring into the ceiling reinforcing the mental image of my ice fortress. I could feel his mind brush over mine a couple of times but I just kept picturing my ice fortress and the class was eventually over.

"Hi, I'm Bobby." He said smiling while I looked at him in shock realising I'd already seen him before but with way less clothes.

Woops. He was the sexy guy whose ass I rimmed while we were both asleep and he has a girlfriend. Well this was yet another awkward situation. I would have to pretend nothing happened and hope he didn't find out about my late night rimming. He seemed very friendly and I really needed someone with a similar power to mine to help me figure out what I could do.

"Hello Bobby, I'm Victor."

"Yes I know I was in your class with Xavier" woops, I spent most of the time in that class staring at the ceiling. Even when I introduced myself to the class I used that trick of looking over people's heads so that I didn't have to look at anyone while I was talking.

"First day, still kind of lost in my own haze. Sorry."

"That's okay, I remember how it feels being the new kid, even though it feels like a lifetime ago. Anyway Luke messaged me saying that you were keen to learn how to maximise your powers and I figured I'd offer to show you the ropes. Or I guess from what I've heard I could show you how to make ice tentacles if you want?"

"Yeah that would be good, thanks, when were you thinking?" I asked

"Well I'm free now if that works for you?"

"Ok then."

Bobby started walking off and I had a brief look at his ass as he walked in front of me. Bobby turned around just at that moment and saw me looking "You coming?"


He took me to the water fountain from last night. Bobby froze the surface of the fountain and stood on it looking confident in his element.

"So let's start with what you know so far and then we'll work from there."

I stood there for a second mentally adjusting to the concept of training with him as my teacher. Bobby was a gorgeous young man and it was going to be hard to focus on learning instead of his cute butt or smile.

"Um well I can do this" I said shifting to water. I streamed out water from out of the ice creating a water rope 6 feet long and using extra water to create ice armor around me.

"Interesting and you can form weapons out of water too?"

I pulled out some more water from the gap in the ice and formed it into an ice sword. "I suppose so " I said not really having given it much thought. I hadn't really needed much in the way of weapons to take out my bullies which reminded me of something else I could show him. I split my `rope' into 2 equal pieces and wrapped it around his legs and hands "This is my specialty I suppose" as I froze them into ice shackles.

"Have you had much in the way of combat experience?"

"Um not really, I've mostly been trying to keep my powers to myself so I spent most of my time in the bathroom playing with myself" I paused thinking how that sounded. "I mean playing with water and causing little waves in the bath tub and creating shields and stuff in the shower" I said feeling like I was just digging a deeper hole for myself.

A group of younger kids walked by and I felt embarrassed. I felt like I was in some sort of remedial class by hanging out with another mutant for training on my mutant power. I created a large ice dome out of the water in the fountain blocking us off from sight.

I heard a large splash and looked over to see Bobby on his ass on a little ice floe surrounded by broken remnants of ice. I looked down to see what I was standing on. I wasn't standing on anything. I was floating just above the surface, trying to figure out how I was doing it broke the spell and I was thigh deep in the water which is when I remembered to move myself with my power to stand on water. Just in case my concentration lapsed again I froze the water beneath my feet into an ice pillar.

"Sorry about that, I acted without thinking that through, are you okay?"

"It's lucky I managed to freeze the water in time. Impressive use of power though. Why the ice dome?"

"It's going to sound stupid but I feel embarrassed about having my failures made public. I didn't want an audience if I screwed up."

Bobby looked around at my opaque ice shield "You've got some good moves, you just need to get some more experience and you could probably join the Xmen if you wanted to or at least join the advanced classes."

"Thanks I guess, so what can you do?"

"Well I can freeze liquids and after that I can use it to make stuff like walls and I can slow down stuff by lowering its thermal energy." He took that moment to create an opaque wall out of sheer ice, I watched as the water crystallised visibly. I turned on my water sense up to a refined setting so I could feel how he did it on a microscopic level. It was fascinating the level of control he had over his power. It was like watching a master at work. I could learn a lot from him. I melted a me shaped hole in his wall by increasing the vibrations of the water molecules. I was curious as to what he would do next. "I think I could show you more through a practise battle and then I'll show you some more civilian uses of ice".

"So how should we start?"

"You pretend I'm an enemy and you're trying to disable me for long enough for help to arrive and I'll try and incapacitate you too, the aim is to stop the other person from moving for about 10 to 30 seconds. You go first."

"Ok" I shot out water to encircle his arms and legs but before they reached him, he froze the water into ice reshaping and redirecting the ice into a horizontal rain of ice spikes piercing my ice armor in several places. The spikes pierced my water form but it didn't hurt. I absorbed the ice spikes into me and used it to reform my outer covering, taking only a couple of seconds to do.

While I was focusing on that, Bobby stabbed me through the chest with my own ice sword freezing my water form solid. I was suddenly paralysed. I desperately tried to adjust to the massive difference of weight and move but nothing happened.

I struggled to unfreeze myself but it appeared Bobby had far better mastery over ice than I did or was creating a cold that wasn't easily melted. Either way it looked like he won. He must have stopped exerting his will over the ice because I felt the resistance against my melting efforts cease. I melted both the ice of my former water state and melted my now defunct ice armor in a split second.

I heard a cracking sound above me and we both looked up to see a giant crack spreading through my ice shield. Bobby raised his hands and froze it back into a more solid form. The floor started cracking beneath me and I froze it again in a single surge of power.

"I think you might have overshot there when you were melting yourself ", Bobby said.

"Sorry that keeps happening."

"That's why we keep practising so we gain control over our powers. I've been here years and I'm still discovering new things about myself and my powers through training and practise. I find the more you use your powers in everyday life, the more comfortable you'll feel with it."

I felt a sudden rush as I felt Sean in my head again Are you okay?

"Yeah" I responded wondering if Xavier was out there trying to invade my mind or something.

You've been spiking like crazy with anxiety and psychic stress the last couple of minutes, I was just wondering if you were okay.

"I'm doing some training with Bobby and he turned me to ice and stabbed me through the chest and I broke the floor a couple of times and the shield was cracking and yeah..." I said to Sean in my head feeling weird about talking to myself; telepathy was weird.

"Hey, you okay?" Bobby asked looking concerned.

I looked down and I had shifted back to flesh accidentally, my jeans falling down to my ankles losing against gravity in the process. At least my tight boxer briefs hung on. How embarrassing! Thankfully my ice dome blocked the sight of my stupidity from everyone other than Bobby.

I didn't know what to say so I created a small thread of water and tied it around my pants as a makeshift belt and froze it as cold as I could to keep it on even if I got distracted again with my conversation.

"Give me a minute, psychic conversation in progress" I said to Bobby.

Bobby looked confused for a second, he must have assumed it was Xavier because he turned around to give me some privacy.

"Why do I suck so much" I thought at Sean feeling mortified by this training session, I missed my bathroom where no one else saw me flailing at control.

It's your first time working with someone on your powers, of course there's going to be some mishaps. If everything worked perfectly the first time what excuse would you use to hang out with sexy Bobby? While I'm in you (I could feel his ironic amusement at that joke) today's psychic lesson is about multitasking. I noticed earlier that you lost control over your water shackles on Mike when Lachlan and I stopped. One of the lessons I'm learning is how to juggle.

"Juggle" I thought wondering what use that was for anything.

The idea is that juggling helps you keep track of multiple objects in motion, helps improve focus and coordination, it's one of the things I'm trying to work on in order to improve my telekinesis. During telekinesis training you start by lifting one object, working on controlling it smoothly. After you can manage one easily you try two at the same time and keep upping the amount of balls until you wear out or until you just keep dropping stuff and need a break. We usually do it with hacky sacks as they are designed to be dropped repeatedly so it works well. I can do about 3 before I start having issues with controlling the motion of more. This helps to work on fine motor control for more delicate movements which is where I have issues too. Like turning a door knob from a distance smoothly requires you to think of a hand holding the door, turning it around clockwise and releasing it smoothly all without losing focus and with no surges of power. Juggling physically helps get you used to the movements necessary to do it with telekinesis.

"Okay, that makes some sort of sense for a telekinetic but I'm not a telekinetic and I thought you were giving me a psychic lesson".

*You really are feeling grumpy now, bad Bobby for not easing you into a practise session but he does like to show off to new people and assert himself to others, classic alpha male posturing. Multitasking is important for psychic defense because the more you're able to focus on different tasks at the same time, the easier it is to patch psychic breaches. So when someone is attacking you psychically instead of spending all your psychic energy holding the shield, you can also be fortifying your mental defences or using a physical attack to distract them. The more you multi task, the more skilled you'll be in dealing with juggling threats.

I know you're not a telekinetic but you often use your power to move other objects. The only real difference is instead of using your mind to move the object, you use your power to move nearby water in order to move whichever object you like. So next time you're bored and making snowballs late at night, try using your power to make more than one at a time, then hold them in the air while creating more and doing various things with them. That way you'll learn better focus via multitasking and you'll also learn better control over your abilities at the same time and you'll have more mental resources to call upon in times of danger, stress or attack.*

"You know, it's so weird that you know so much about what I'm up to all the time."

Side effect of being a psychic in your head, I end up picking up a lot of stuff from your memories and other people's thoughts, sometimes it does come in useful, other times it's just a bloody pain in the ass.

"Speaking of pain in asses, how goes you and your brother?"

I have to admit that my brother becoming a mutant without me knowing is sort of aggravating but it's nice that he has his own sort of psychic protection apart from me. Of course I plan on helping him develop his ability more now that I know about it. Maybe you'll end up right and he'll be like me in being able to screen other people's minds from detection like I can shield other people from psychic assault. We're still working through our recent change of relationship so that's the high priority at the moment.

"Nice to know I might be right about something."

Don't let yourself feel too insecure about your capabilities, you're just a little more out of your comfort zone than you're used to being but I'm sure you'll adjust. With training, you'll definitely be able to kick Bobby's ass. Even if you're more tempted to grope his ass than kick it at the moment.

"I should get back to the failing, I mean training, thanks for your advice. I'll try juggling later tonight. I'm not getting much sleep lately anyway."

You should check out the mutant library and the Professor's case notes on mutations, password is Genesis, it might help you learn more about what you're capable of (he left a mental image of its location and the computer with access to the specialised database).

"I'm done," I said to Bobby and he turned around to face me.

"So what was up with your pants dropping?"

"Yeah that was awkward, when I got the psychic call I kind of phased back to normal without thinking. I usually don't have pants on when I phase either."

"No dramas, after all you've seen me in less so I should probably be more embarrassed." I looked over nervously, Bobby laughed and said "I know you were busted by Xavier for groping guys in your sleep with water. It explains why I woke up with a wet butt yesterday morning."

"I'm sorry. It was completely unintentional."

"Gives whole meaning to the term wet dream."

"So are you pissed?" wondering if that was why he shoved my sword through my chest.

"Well it was a bit weird waking up after being doused with water splashing me on the butt."

"I'm curious, why you didn't report it to Xavier."

"I didn't know what the hell happened until later when I heard that other guys got groped too. I also heard a rumor that you were having sex with everyone afterwards but I wasn't sure if that was true."

"Well I did grope guys and even myself during that dream. It was sort of crazy. When I woke up yesterday I got fucked for the first time for real and I really loved it and I may have went a little sex crazy and ended up having lots of sex yesterday and some today." I blurted out in a rush, not sure why I was telling him any of this.

"Wow and I can't even kiss my own girlfriend without nearly dying and you've been here for a weekend and you're having sex with everyone."

"Why can't you kiss your girlfriend without nearly dying, is that a power thing?" (intentionally ignoring the comment about my sex life)

"Her name is Rogue, everyone she touches ends up drained, it affects mutants slightly less than humans but it's still risky."

"I'm sorry, that must be awkward during sex."

"I haven't had sex with her or anyone, being a mutant kind of limits the dating pool and being capable of accidentally freezing a girl when I was younger made me kind of anxious about dating. When I arrived here the female mutants here were either too young, too old or didn't seem interesting. Then I met Rogue and I thought my love life was going to improve but it's just gotten more complicated."

"I'm sorry, that sucks, well if you're ever single and want to change your virgin status, let me know."

Bobby sighed "My girlfriend nearly kills me every time we kiss for too long. If she found out I had sex with a guy, I'd be dead, literally. How many guys have you had sex with anyway?"

I did a quick mental tally "9 guys."

"Wow dude, being gay sounds way easier than being straight."

"The last couple of days have been fun sexually but before that I endured years of torture at the hands of some homophobic assholes in highschool. I would have been beaten and raped if I didn't use my mutant powers. I had to leave my home and family to avoid possible public outrage over me being gay or a mutant or both. So it's not all easy sex."

"Sorry I didn't know about that."

"Yeah it's been kind of a crazy few days. I was a virgin Friday living a secret life, now I'm outed as a mutant and gay and I had my cherry popped yesterday. Since then all I can think about is having more sex. I thought about sex a lot when I was a virgin but now I know what sex feels like. I can't seem to think about anything else. I have no idea why I'm telling you all of this either."

I noticed Bobby shifting uncomfortably, "How about I show you how to make stuff out of ice."

He spent the next couple of hours showing me how he created ice sculptures and what could only be politely described as ice bric-a-brac. He'd demonstrate various versions and I'd duplicate his results by using my water sense to follow his cryokinesis on a molecular level. He was impressed with how quickly I picked it up but I explained that I was merely copying exactly what he was doing rather than learning how to do it myself.

I tried to create a puppy out of ice to show him how I could copy but I hadn't learned to really create. My puppy was an abomination. Bobby showed me how to correct the flaws in my version which helped me to get a better understanding of the process.

"You might want to practise making water versions of stuff then freeze it. Once you get a feel for its shape, make it out of ice instead. That should give you better control over both substances."

I created a water replica of myself and froze it and I have to admit it looked pretty good. I tried to move it so that I could make it march in place and it cracked splintering and collapsed into a soggy pile. "I guess that's a little better I suppose."

"Anyway I'm hungry, so I'm going to grab dinner, if you want we can meet here tomorrow at 4pm and we can try out some other stuff. Our abilities are very similar though yours may be more versatile than mine, I can only control frozen things. You seem capable of freezing and manipulating water in lots of other ways. It would be good to have you as a sparring partner. I usually end up sparring against John or Pyro whom as the name would suggest controls fire."

"Yeah I'd like to spend more time with you, I'll see you later. Speaking of fire, I just realised I still haven't called my parents so I'm going to get a burner with Luke and get in touch to make sure they aren't freaking out."

I checked my room and Luke wasn't there so I went to Sean's room so I could get him to track him down, being friends with a psychic is useful. Luke was eating in the dining hall, I didn't want to interrupt so I got a bottle of water and grabbed a book about genetic mutations from the mutant library and settled down to wait for Luke to return.

When he returned, he took me to get a burner (prepaid cellphone),I also picked up an aquarium while we were out. Once we returned he left on some unknown errand.

I sent a text to my sister to tell the family that I was fine in a new school with a new job, making new friends and I'd go back and visit shortly. I also added Mark's number to my contact list and sent him a text asking what I should wear to work on Saturday.

My mother called about 2 minutes later and yelled at me for 20 minutes without pausing for breath. She ranted about how worried they were and how irresponsible I was for abandoning the town with only a note. I could picture my house and my Mom, actually I could feel everything about the house as if I was still there. I could feel the movement of every water molecule in the house while I had my eyes closed as I tuned out my mother's tirade about my actions. My mother was a champion lecturer; her rants could go on for ages. I could picture my family in the house. I knew that I wasn't imagining it. I was water sensing my house from miles away like I used to do when I was in my house wanking and worried about being interrupted. I didn't have a bedroom lock so I would often keep my water sense on high (when wanking) to track movement towards my room.

This was amazing. I reached out with my power and tried moving some water in the house to no effect. I wondered if I could have moved the water if I hadn't been psychically blocked.

Eventually my mother had to pause for breath so I interjected that I was a gay mutant and that I couldn't come home for a while and I did the best I could to manage the situation and I would talk to them later. I hung up abruptly. I loved my family but I was not particularly interested in their criticisms at that moment. I'd text my mom later when she had a chance to calm down and process my double coming out.

I continued reading my book for another hour, needing a break from the non-stop drama and dysfunction recently. It felt good to be doing something normal like reading again.

I grew restless though and decided to write down all the crazy events of the last few days since I was alone so I'd never forget what happened.

Luke walked back in a couple hours later to find me grinding my hard cock against the sheets naked.

Turns out writing a journal about my life lately made me super horny minus the background stuff and the locker room incident. The events after arriving at the school and meeting Luke involved hot guys filling my mouth and ass with cock repeatedly.

"Hey" Luke said


"You feeling like a bone Hound?"

"Fuck yeah I need you in me but I want to finish this journal first."

"You writing in a diary like a girl?" he asked while stripping off his clothes including his underwear revealing a semi hard cock.

"It's a journal, I'm writing about all the hot sex I've had since I got here and the other stuff too. I don't want to forget anything," I said eyeing up his cock hungrily. I took a brief break from journaling to suck his cock for a minute leaving it slick with saliva and rock hard before resuming writing. I tried to ignore Luke and his hard cock but he climbed on top of me his hard cock pressed against my hole. I wrote urgently trying to get it all onto the page but Luke spread my cheeks spitting on my hole. He jabbed at my hole with his cock splitting my tight hole apart "Fuck, it's been bloody hours since sex be gentle".

"Sorry Hound. I should have lubed you up first but watching you grinding against the sheets rolling your horny little ass around like a slut desperate for cock made me want to fuck you fast." Unsure what to say to that I bit my lip to stop from crying out as Luke slowly worked his big cock into me. Luke felt huge without lube; saliva was a very poor substitute. I finished writing up to Sunday night and gave up trying to write as I couldn't concentrate properly with Luke inside me. I threw the journal on the floor. I'd do it later.

"Fuck me Luke!" It was starting to feel really good now. Luke nibbled on my ear as he slowly built up speed fucking me more and more energetically until I was moaning loudly into the pillow and he was grunting from effort. My load sprayed against the sheets as he was filling me with his cum.

There were a few quiet minutes where Luke rested heavily against my back his hard cock teasing me with its stillness before I tried to move out of my wet spot. "Hound wants more of his master's bone? Doesn't he?" as he pulled me into a headlock his mouth against my ear. I nodded warily, while part of me tried to figure out that bad metaphor/ joke? Luke distracted me by grabbing my hair and fucking me with short jagged thrusts. His cum was proving to be good lube as his cock felt `right' fucking me even as his fingers dug brutally into my hips while he fucked me with intimidating intensity.

I spent the next few hours treated like Luke's sex slave as he fucked me in a variety of positions throughout the room. He fucked me on top of my bed a couple of times and then he fucked me against the room's door making me stay close to watch him piss before fucking me again over the toilet.

We eventually ended up in his bed where he fucked me with his hand on the back of my head forcing me into the pillow as he fucked my thoroughly violated ass. He eased up for a second pulling out of me to move me onto my side facing my bed on the opposite side of our room as he slid back into my hole. He fucked me like that for a while, his arm wrapped around my throat so I could barely breathe while his other hand held a firm grip on my cock.

I could barely move, barely breath but my butt wanted his baby batter badly. I was a junkie needing a fix and I couldn't contain myself as I slammed my butt onto his cock over and over again trying to make his painful grip on my cock into something good. The pain and pleasure were competing for control over my body making me a confused mess. His teeth clamped around my ear, his fist clenched around my cock, his hard cock filling me so completely while his forearm conspired to steal oxygen. I was light headed and out of control as I squirmed back and forth in his rough embrace; slamming myself against his cock then pushing forward to fuck his hand. Back and forth. Pain and Pleasure. "Oh God!" I cried out as I exploded in his hand my ass clenching around his cock squeezing around his fullness. He slammed forward rapidly pumping into my ass as my hole spasmed around him. His heated load splattered my insides.

"You're my good, bad doggy" Luke drawled as he loosened his hold on me, patting my head and belly absently as his breathing evened out. I glanced over at the clock it was 10:30 and I had no idea whether words like good' or bad' could touch what just happened with Luke and me. At 11 when his cock had slipped out of me I went out in water form' to have a shower feeing dirty'. I made myself a small water cod piece to cover up my water dick for the sake of decency.

I went off to the shower room and turned on the shower enjoying the feel of the hot water sliding over my water form. Then I let it pass through me, enjoying the slippery feeling of it passing through me. I was determined to bury any concern about Luke treating me oddly for much later under layers of denial.

I used the water pouring down on me to create 4 water tentacles around me in half octopus' stance like Katara from Avatar and tried to use each tentacle to turn on the other showers unsuccessfully. I now knew what Sean meant about having to think about how to process a thought into action via an unusual format. It was a temporary setback as I remembered what Sean said about picturing a psychic hand so instead of a probing tip, my tentacles had water hands' at the end.

After a few failed attempts I managed to turn on all the showers in the room. I stepped in the middle of the room and practised my control over my tentacle hands by randomly adjusting the levels of water from each shower. I grew bored and tried to stop the water from landing on the floor to see how much I could hold. I started with one shower and progressed to trying to hold all the water pouring down. The strain rapidly accumulated the more I held. I was now holding onto several hundred gallons.

I turned off the taps with tentacle hands letting some of the water leak onto the floor to empty out through the central shower drain. The excess I spun around the room with increasing speed in two different directions clockwise and anti-clockwise. The water moving clockwise towards me I froze into ice armor while the water furthest away I was evaporating into steam against the walls. It evened out as the steam was causing the ice armor to melt as quickly as it formed.

Scott walked in and distracted I lost control of the whole freezing steaming rushing maelstrom of water. He pulled me behind him as he blasted the out of control water with blasts of optic energy. 30 seconds later, most of the water had been evaporated from the energy blasts or was draining down the sink.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking me over, which is when I realised I was naked and hard. I had phased to normal during my distraction and hard... Well I guess I was turned on by the knight in shining armor routine or just pumped up from adrenaline.

"I'm fine thanks" I said shifting back to water and making another larger cod piece covering to hide my indecency. Apparently shifting to `water state' while hard left me with a weird water erection. AWKWARD. I stared at him, his wet clothes clinging to his hard body highlighting every muscled inch of him. I took the liberty of draining the water from his clothes to try and remove the temptation to touch him. He wasn't single and I had to have some standards. I shaped the excess water into a small water puppy freezing it solid floating it over to Scott who grabbed it in mid-air.

"It's late you should be in bed" He walked off in the other direction, holding my ice puppy by the back legs for inspection (it was hard to tell his emotion with his rose colored glasses on).

I wasn't tired so I went to explore the grounds some more.

I went to my room briefly, picked up some boxer briefs to put over my water form and ditched the cod piece by evaporating it into the room. I also grabbed my journal and I went for a walk outside noting all the water features for future use.

Tonight I picked a shallow rectangular pool to use as a source of water for practise. I pulled out a small sphere of water and froze it into a snowball, melted it back to water, heated it to water vapour and back to a snowball then water sphere. I tried to do it to two water spheres at a time going through the same phases and that was much more difficult. After 20 minutes though I had become accustomed to cycling through 2 spheres. I tried cycling through 4 spheres which quickly exhausted me mentally and power wise.

I spent another hour trying to perfect marching an ice replica of myself but it kept breaking apart. The more it moved the faster it collapsed. I grew frustrated at the repeated failure so I figured 3 am would be a good enough time to try and get some sleep. I jotted down the events of today so far with the moonlight as lighting and went off to sleep. I'd figure it all out later. Maybe.

Next: Chapter 10

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