
By wayne unknown

Published on Aug 11, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P Oh and send me a link to your stories :)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Star Wars reference?- don't own that either .

Authors Note

To save time when I say phase in reference to Victor, it means that Victor has switched to flesh – water- then back to flesh in a second to reset himself from injury or extreme exertion.

text in between asterixes is telepathic communication name: is text speak

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I'm still aiming to post a new chapter every week, feedback though is greatly appreciated and helps keeps me motivated through the tiresome editing/rewriting process. I've also started up a subscription list for those interested in being updated when the new chapters are posted.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...

chapter 8

After being encouraged by Sean's support I went to the rooms of 6 of the guys on the list Xavier had given me. Of the guys who had reported me: 2 of them were angry, 2 were unimpressed and the other 2 had more entertaining reactions to my apology...

5th on the list was Colossus. I knocked on his door; he opened the door, easily filling the doorway with his 6'6 height and his exposed broad muscular chest. He towered over me leaving me feeling intimidated, I backed away a step.

He said "Yes?" like it was a question with a slight Russian accent.

"I'm sorry for taking advantage of you last night while you were sleeping." I blurted out feeling the need to get it out of the way so he could yell at me or whatever and I could move on to the last guy.

He looked me over curiously and stepped out of the way gesturing me inside. I walked in nervous about dealing with this shirtless giant of a man. It wasn't a very large room. The only furniture of note was a large single bed and 2 bed side tables and a giant tv dominating one wall of his room.

"Why did you do it?" he asked looking at me curiously.

"I was asleep at the time too and my subconscious thought you were hot... " I said trailing off

"How did my metal feel in your mouth?" he asked closing the door behind him.

"I don't really remember; most of the dream is still a blur of images and impressions. I only remember it feeling absurdly hard." I said distracted as he moved closer to me. I backed away until my knees hit the mattress. I sat down feeling lightheaded.

"When I get excited or nervous or angry I turn into organic steel. In combat, it's good because I can barely feel it but it gets awkward when I tried to have intimate relations since the metal isn't gentle" he explained unnecessarily.

"Gentle is overrated! I like it hard and rough..." I trailed off guiltily, realising I just admitted to a random giant that I liked rough sex, I clamped my hands over my traitorous mouth before saying anything else incriminating. Remembering that I had sucked his cock on this bed or at least my water proxy had wasn't helping me concentrate.

"Did you want to ... " he trailed off looking guilty as he stepped forward his body phasing to metal. His hard cock stretched the material of his dark track pants outwards obscenely.

"It would be interesting to see what you taste like", I said as calmly as I could as my pulse raced.

He lowered his pants slowly revealing his 8 inch metal cock. I reached out and stroked it, the metal feeling cool to the touch and smooth.

Colossus sighed in frustration "barely feel it"

I got down on my knees eager to taste him. I went to work licking and sucking his cock. I was disappointed. It was strangely reminiscent of having a tongue depressor in my mouth. He tasted like nothing in particular, his metal cock grating the back of my throat.

I stood up feeling awkward. I wanted to please him but sucking him wasn't working for me. I looked down at his metal cock and up and up at his weary expression. I figured there was still one option left "Want to fuck me?"

"This form is very strong, I would break you," he said as he pulled up his pants.

"I'm not normal either" I said as I phased. "I got double penetrated earlier today and when I phased I instantly recovered. Even if you rip up my insides with your thick dick, I'll just phase and recover" I said as I pulled down his pants again.

His hard metal cock was too intriguing. I wanted to know how it felt inside me. I turned around dropping my pants, exposing my tight ass to him as I bent over in front of him my hands braced on his soft mattress "Come on and fuck me metal man."

He pushed in hard stretching me painfully wide with his thick cock.

"Fucking hell, this was a bad idea!"

"Shall I pull out?"

"God no, I should have grabbed lube before I told you to fuck me, your metal is dry as a bone and lodged way up in me" He reached over and pulled out the lube from his second drawer. I eased him half out of me and I formed a ring of water and used it to squeeze the lube onto his cock. I reached behind me blindly and rubbed it onto his cock before impaling myself on his cock again.

"That's better", I sighed happily. "Now fuck me hard big boy" he moved gently inside of me fucking me slowly.

I grew impatient so I impaled myself on his hard metal cock over and over again, grinding my ass onto him. The smooth metal sliding in and out my tight hole felt wonderful.

He took the hint and started slamming my ass. It hurt so good as he pounded my insides with his metal cock.

His fucking intensified. Each thrust, his metal hips collided violently with mine, sending shockwaves of pain throughout my body. His thrusts became erratic. I couldn't think, I was drowning in the pleasure/pain. His cock was short circuiting my brain spreading heated pleasure from my prostate outwards making my whole body pleasantly boneless. His fingers dug into my hips with crushing force.

"I think I'm getting close" he said sounding oddly hesitant.

He kept pounding into me relentlessly. He cried out "FUCK" as his cock exploded into me filling my bruised insides with what felt strangely like liquid metal shrapnel. That thought/feeling was quickly displaced as Colossus slumped onto me post orgasm.

Colossus's metal body pressed down on me with unbelievable weight bruising my back painfully. I tried to move him to no effect. Thankfully he phased from metal to flesh and got up of his own accord.

"I'm wrecked" I said gingerly getting off the bed, my body protesting from the mild exertion. I was unsettled by the odd feeling of his oddly heavy cum inside me.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

I phased and said "Fine now". I felt so much better after phasing, the pain from my injuries completely erased. I felt `off' though in some way after phasing as if there was something different about me now. I shrugged the feeling off as inconsequential and said "I should go though, this was interesting. Maybe we could do this again?"

"Sure, that would be good."

I left his place after hastily dressing and headed to the last name on the list.

I knocked on the door, excited when the hung teen from my dream answered. He didn't fill the door way like Colossus. He was only 5'6 a couple of inches shorter than me and surprisingly skinny considering his big dick. He was wearing a blue singlet and black jeans that hung loose around his hips. He looked at me expectantly and I was hopeful that he would be lucky last.

"Hi, my name is Victor, I was responsible for your experience earlier this morning, I've come to apologise."

He gave me a quick once over before letting me in and said "I thought you were going to be some filthy old mutant pedophile or something, not someone my age. What the hell were you playing at?."

"I didn't mean to do it. I was asleep at the time, so I'm sorry if I freaked you out or anything."

"So what were you doing to me this morning anyway? I woke up with a really wet cock."

"Um I was dreaming that I was sucking you and my power made it a reality of sorts."

"Do you always blow guys with water?"

I wasn't sure what to say next he just kept looking at me expectantly "No I just um..."

"Um what?"

"Well that was the first time I've ever done it that way. I was a bit worked up last night. It won't happen again though Xavier blocked my power so I can't use my power while I'm sleeping. You're safe from my weird wet dreams."

"So you suck cock normally? " he asked looking interested.

"I do" I said carefully "If a guy asks nicely."

He grinned at me mischeviously "You think you could suck my big cock? "

I nodded eagerly dropping to my knees "I'd be happy to."

He yanked down his pants and said "Have at it" exposing his half hard cock. I licked the shaft before I opened my mouth wide and tried deep throating his cock. I got about ¾ of the way down his cock, he wasn't as thick as Luke but the extra couple of inches of length eluded me. He grabbed the back of my head roughly and started fucking my mouth roughly. It didn't take him long before he fired a load down my throat. "Sorry about that, got carried away."

"I'm getting kind of used to it by now" I said with a smile swallowing his cum.

He laughed "You go around sucking a lot of dicks?"

"To start with."

"What else do you do?"

"Getting butt fucked mostly today."

He stood there looking down at me with a queer expression, his ridiculously over-sized cock jutting out provocatively, "I've never fucked anyone before".

"Would you like to fuck me?" I asked trying to not to be too eager and scare him off.

"I guess", he said hesitantly.

I stood up and dropped my trousers and laid face down on the bed waiting for him to spear me with his huge cock.

"What do I do though?" he asked nervously.

"Got lube?" I asked, learning from my last fuck that lube is a gay man's best friend.

He nodded and said "first drawer", I opened it and grabbed the lube and liberally applied it to his throbbing cock.

"Now just lie on top of me and slide your big dick in me".

So he clambered on top of me and he roughly aimed, he slammed into me fully without warning.

"Fuck" we both said at the same time, my ass on fire as he broke my tender ass in again with ignorant brutality.

"You feel so good", he said, slamming into me over and over again. I bit my lower lip enjoying his big dick as he eagerly fucked me with wild abandon breaking me in again.

He pinned my hands onto the bed intertwining his fingers with mine as his body pressed up against mine his hard cock slamming in and out of me without pause. His warm breath on my ear as he humped my ass made me tingle. Every moan, groan and exhalation on my ear triggered a jolt of pleasure straight to my groin.

He didn't last long; after several minutes of fucking my tight hole he blew a massive load in me.

As he blew in me though, his body shuddering in pleasure, the skin of his hand intertwined with mine rippled and darkened becoming oddly intangible, looking like a strange shadow hand. While I could still feel his cock pulsing in me as he continued to cum in me, the rest of his body felt absent. Luckily I had a lot of personal experience with bodiless fucking so I was merely confused rather than freaked out.

"That was random I don't remember that happening in my dream."

"My mutant name is Vader and I can turn to shadow. When I'm a shadow, nothing can touch me unless I want it to. My control still sucks though so it doesn't last long." He said, his body phasing to normal again.

"I'm going to go." I said feeling like I had reached my daily limit for weird mutant sex.

"It was nice meeting you Victor, you're welcome to come back for more later if you like" Victor said stroking his still hard cock. I took a quick look around the room noticing the other bed in the room littered with random stuff on the floor. I gave a non-committal shrug and left.

I went back to my room feeling confused, well used and a little sleepy.

"Hey man, you okay? Where have you been? " Luke asked

"Just keeping myself occupied since I didn't really know whether you still wanted to hang out with me or not after this morning."

"Sorry about earlier I wasn't sure what to say after I popped your cherry."

I shrugged and sprawled on my bed trying to figure out what to do now. I still needed a job and to start working on building up my power more. I also felt a little guilty about running off on Mark last night. My ass felt sticky with Vader's cum and I was feeling mentally drained.

I decided a shower might help to refresh me. I needed a break from the non-stop sex that seemed to have swallowed up my weekend. I also wanted to test my power and see how much weaker I was post Xavier neutering.

"I'm going to have a shower ", I said getting up off the bed, stripping off my pants and shirt.

"I'll come with you" Luke said as he kicked off his shoes, stripped off his shirt and pants and revealed his too tight underwear.

We went to the shower room without incident in our underwear. I watched Luke naked for a bit, his half hard cock bouncing temptingly in front of me as he lathered up. I closed my eyes trying to block out the view. I needed to think, to plan, to get myself organised.

After some time under the hot water I started to feel more energetic. I looked over to Luke to find him stroking his cock. I shook my head trying to keep focused on the fact that I needed to sort out my life not have more sex. No matter how good Luke looked naked and hard, under the pounding spray.

My will power crumbled as Luke edged closer to me, his hard cock poking me in the thigh.

"Are you okay ? You seem more subdued than I'm used to. You're usually more excited when I'm naked."

"It's been a long day and I'm trying to sort some stuff out in my head and I've let myself get distracted by having sex instead and it's not really very smart of me. I really need to sort out stuff before having any more sex. "

"That's a shame I was just thinking that maybe I could pound your ass some more. I've gotten over the fact that I fucked a dude this morning and I wouldn't mind going again. "

I groaned torn between my desire to bend over for Luke and have him fill me up with his cock and cum and wanting to get myself sorted. I needed to make myself strong enough so I wouldn't have to worry about anyone hurting me again. I had to figure out my priorities as my mom would often say to my older sister.

Apparently I was the strongest type of mutant and I had no real idea of how to use my power properly. What was I capable of? Was I as dangerous as Sean suspected and Xavier assumed me to be.

Indecision felt like it was eating away at me. I didn't know what to do with myself.

"I don't really think sex would help solve any of my problems right now. Sorry" I said feeling like I was stomping on my heart and my returning horniness. I really liked Luke but I needed some time to think and figure out what was going on with my life. Everything was moving way too quickly and I didn't know what any of it meant. I smacked my head on the tiles frustrated beyond belief.

"If you need help with money I can help you out" I just looked at him "Fuck that sounded wrong, I don't mean as I'd give you money like a hooker or something for sex. I mean I like sex with you and all but I'd like to think we're friends now and that means if you need help and I can help you out, I'll do so. Even if we weren't having sex any more I'd still help you out if you needed it, though if you still wanted to have sex with me I'd be cool with that, obviously, even though I'm not gay." Luke was babbling, he looked really cute flustered, I was glad I wasn't the only one with the tendency to babble around here.

"I appreciate your offer but I have to work out how to get a few things and I'm not sure if you can help me out with it."

"What are you trying to get?"

"Well I'm trying to figure that out, before I was just trying to get through high school with good grades and try to blend in as much as possible. However I have no idea how useful an addition Xavier's mutant school is on a college transcript and honestly I'm not sure I could even go back to that life even if I wanted to. I have to figure out how to live my life without my family's support since they don't even know where I am at the moment."

"Where do they think you are?"

"I left a note saying I was going somewhere I thought was safe because I was a gay mutant but I left it super vague."

"Maybe you should call them to let them know you're safe so they won't call the police."

"Yeah I keep meaning to call them but I keep getting distracted or chickening out."

"When we get back to our room, you can use my phone and call them."

"Okay thanks, I suppose I should, I might need you to stick around just in case it goes badly."

"Sure man as I said anything I can do to help you out, consider it done."

"I also need money and before you offer I don't want to use any more of your money or your parent's money to buy stuff. I want to be independent and take care of myself, so I need a job that's part time so I can get money to buy stuff and so I still have time to do school here and learn to use my abilities more. I was capable of more stuff when I was asleep than I've managed in the last couple of years on my own. For the first time in my life I've had the freedom to use my power whenever and I've mostly been using it to recover from sex or to have sex with myself or unconscious people. It's not really a productive use of my abilities."

"I don't know dude that's a lot of stuff to work out. Personally I haven't really found any particular use for my powers so I haven't really bothered about it much. However I think there might be a guy that can help you out power wise, he has a fairly similar power, his name is Bobby or Iceman and he has power over ice or cryokinesis as Xavier would say."

"What does Xavier call your power?"

"Geokinesis, the power to move earth, he likes making everything sound nice and clinical so we feel less like freaks of nature with super powers. "

At that moment one of the earlier cranky guys entered the shower naked and he glared as he saw me.

"I think it's time to rinse off and head back."

Luke looked confused but he rinsed off, exiting hastily to return to our room.

"What was that all about?" Luke asked.

"He was one of the guys I sleep groped and he wasn't happy about it."

"Were any of them?"

"Well out of 6 who reported the oddness to Xavier 2 out of 6 fucked me. Sean and Lachlan took turns tag teaming my ass this morning then they double penetrated me in retaliation for their sore asses. There were a bunch of guys from the dream who didn't complain, so I'm not sure if I actually groped them or if they didn't know about it or they didn't care or it was just part of an actual dream. I wonder if there is anyone who has to worry so much about what they dreamed about as much as I do. My whole life feels like it's unravelling at the moment and I don't have any idea what to do about it."

"Dude at least you're getting lots of sex out of it, so it's not all bad" he said taking off his towel revealing his very hard cock. "How many guys do you think you groped while you were sleeping who didn't report you?" he asked as he grabbed his phone out of his pants pockets while remaining gloriously naked.

"I'm not sure like another half a dozen guys and there were other guys who I think were figments of my imagination. Unless this place is a lot weirder than I thought which considering this weekend so far is entirely possible." I sighed wearily, exhausted by the day.

"I have a thought that might help you get a job. All this talk about groping and you getting fucked by all these guys has made me super horny though. You think you'd be interested in a quickie while I organise some stuff for you?"

I laughed and gave in "Ok, I guess if it won't take that long". It was way too hard to resist Luke, I laid on my bed naked while Luke lubed up his cock and slid in deep into me.

"Cool" he said as he texted on his phone, his hips moving automatically. It was frustrating that his mind was on something else than filling my tight ass with cum. He placed his phone on the middle of my back while he pinned down both my shoulders as he slammed my ass vigorously. His phone vibrated on my back, he picked it up and started no hands fucking me.

Despite the pounding from Vader, my ass felt wonderfully sensitive as Luke pounded away. I loved the feel of his cock inside me. It was such a hot cock, not too big, not too thick and it was a great size to be buried deep in my ass. I wished I had a big cock like his. Then he put his phone in front of me and told me to read while he started slamming into me faster.

Luke: Hi Mark this is Luke, I'm currently fucking Victor's hot ass at the moment and I'm wondering if you'd like to help him out getting a job with you. Mark: I could probably get him a job working with me if he wanted. LOL @ fucking him. I'd definitely be keen to pound his ass too or have you fuck me if you're UP for it, or a 3sum. If you guys were quick I could probably get him an interview after work today, we close in about an hour. The pay is awesome, there's commission and I'm pretty sure the boss would love having another horny gay guy on staff. Luke: I'll check with him, he's looking for part time work, weekends would probably be good. Mark: cum asap ;)

I finished reading it feeling furious and incredibly turned on, the idea of a threesome between Luke, Mark and me would be hot. The thought of Mark being a co-worker who'd probably let me fuck him on break or during work was an exciting idea. Luke talking about fucking me to Mark and them organising my life with barely a thought to me was infuriating.

Luke sped up his thrusts, making me feel all warm and tingly as he pressed into my prostate rubbing my cock against the sheets. It proved way too difficult to sustain my annoyance. I surrendered myself to hormones and enjoyed the fucking.

"Oh yeah fuck me hard" I moaned finding myself close to the edge. I ground my cock into the sheets as Luke kept sliding his hard cock into me at a faster pace. Luke wrapped his arms around my neck and chest biting my ear hard. I came hard against the sheets groaning in pleasure as Luke fucked me. I closed my eyes in bliss as Luke continued fucking me. A minute later after some rough fucking in my tight churning hole he came.

He pulled out of me, standing up nonchalantly.

I realised something was odd and asked suspiciously "How did you get Mark's number anyway?"

"You left the piece of paper with his number on it on the floor before we left here and when I got back from my date I put it in my phone so that if you weren't home by the time I woke up I'd call him to check that you were okay. I didn't have your phone number and I had a feeling you didn't have a cell phone for whatever reason."

"Yeah I never really had much need for a cell phone before..." I said trailing off thinking of how dull my social life used to be.

"So what do you say? Want to have an interview with Mark's boss?"

"Sure. Why not?"

His phone vibrated

Mark: The Boss has some free time so tell Victor to wear the suit he bought here. He looks cute in it and should score him some points for showing off the merchandise so well.

"Time to get dressed and on our way then," Luke said

Luke got dressed in a minute while I took a little longer to dry-clean my suit via hydrokinesis.

We got in his car and Luke handed me his phone so I could text Mark back about the job.

I used Luke's phone to message back.

Victor: This is Victor, I'm borrowing Luke's phone while he drives over, should be there in 30 minutes, thanks for scoring me the job interview, sorry about bailing last night/morning. Mark: all good, it sounds like you've been having some fun with Luke, you lucky boy, tell me all the details. Victor: shouldn't you be telling me what I should say to get this job? Mark: all you have to do is show up looking cute and adorable as per usual and let Allesandro have his way with you. You're practically guaranteed to be working with me. You can help keep me company during weekends when it gets slow. Keep me occupied or maybe I'll keep you occupied ;-) if you want. Victor: We'll see what happens, though if I don't get the job you might have to console me in the back seat of Luke's car :P Mark: is Luke hung too? Victor: Too? He's got a beautiful 9 inch cock that he's used to pound me a couple times today, been a good day :P Mark : Hot! I'll keep Luke entertained while you go in for your interview.

We arrived at the shop about ten minutes before closing time. I waved to Mark as he dealt with a couple of customers still in the shop. He waved us in getting rid of the customers and he turned the sign around "You can go through to the office for the interview."

Luke shook Mark's hand as I went in.

Allesandro looked about 35, a mature Italian man with jet black hair with a trim muscular build and a rich tan, dressed in an expensive-looking charcoal gray business suit.

"Hello", I said nervously as I tried to discretely check him out while trying to figure out something to say.

"Take a seat."


"Mark was right, you do look good in the stores merchandise, now let's see if you have the right stuff for the job. This job has 2 requirements: looking good and a willingness to do whatever it takes to please the client so that they're satisfied and return for more product," he said moving around to sit on the table. His crotch was directly in my line of sight, an impressive bulge forming in his pants that he casually squeezed "Are you willing to do anything it takes to please your client?" I glanced from his bulging crotch to his smirk and dropped to my knees in front of him.

"Anything it takes to please the client sir" I said unbuttoning his pants releasing a 9 inch uncut Italian sausage. He spent the next few minutes fucking my mouth with it. He pulled me up onto my feet, spun me around and pulled down my pants.

He slid a finger easily into my already lubed hole and laughed "I see you came prepared". He pushed his hard cock into me, he slid in smoothly. He took his sweet time fucking my brains out.

After 15 minutes of banging my ass against the table with me biting my lip to be quiet, he noisily unloaded into my ass. He withdrew re-buttoning his pants, looking professional except for the giant bulge in his pants. It took me a couple of minutes to get my brain back into gear after that quality fucking and pull my pants up.

Allesandro had been the most enduring sexual partner I had pounding my ass so far. I wasn't sure whether I preferred his slow and powerful fucking technique or whether I preferred the fast and intense style the others had used on me. Something to think about later I suppose.

We walked out to find Luke fucking Mark as Mark leaned against the counter table. I looked over to Allesandro to see his reaction. He smiled, unbuttoning his pants, he walked over and kneeled on the counter, skull fucking Mark. I felt a little left out of the action but watching Mark being spit roasted with two hard 9 inch cocks was entertaining.

Mark waved me over I decided to join in on the fun. I kneeled in front of Mark, sucking on Mark's 8 inch cock while Luke fucked his ass and Allesandro fucked his mouth. Mark gripped my head, fucking my mouth until he blew a load down my throat in record time.

"So do you think I get the job?" I asked Allesandro after he and Luke blew their respective loads in Mark.

Allesandro laughed "After I saw you fucking Mark on the security tapes and watched your cute ass rocking back and forth as you fucked him. I knew I wanted to pound both your asses. I've fucked Mark and now that I've had yours, I definitely want to have easy access to yours too so I can fuck you again. Congratulations on getting a new job, you can start on Saturday. Mark will walk you through all the store stuff and if you need any help I'd be happy to explain anything you need to know in my office", he said with a wide smile.

I looked over at a fully dressed Mark in confusion.

"I forgot that they left the security cams on over-night since last week when some kids threw a rock through the window. I nearly had a heart attack when Allesandro told me to come into his office to discuss my behaviour in the workplace. Luckily for me as he showed me the tape he bent me over and fucked me. I'm definitely loving the new working relationship with the boss. He's fucked me 3 times today so far, he's insatiable " Mark said with a dopey grin "in the morning, during our lunch break and after I asked if you could get a job interview here and explained you were the guy on the tape".

"Well work is over. Do you boys want to have a drink at mine?" Allesandro asked.

I looked over at Luke and he said "Well I'm the designated driver so I'll only have the one."

We went over to Allesandro's. He offered us wine and I accepted. I had a couple of glasses enjoying the buzz as the wine went to my head. I kissed Mark on the couch, my hands sliding under his shirt to rub on his pecs and nipples. Mark pulled me onto his lap, groping my butt, I enjoyed the feel of his covered cock rubbing against my butt. We tore at each other's clothes, forgetting everything in our lust.

We stood up momentarily to kick off our pants and shoes before I resumed my position on his lap, both of us fully naked. This time I sat myself on Mark's cock, it effortlessly bottoming out into my cum drenched ass.

I rode his hard cock happily. We kissed passionately as I bounced up and down on his cock, enjoying the slip and slide of his hard cock within my cum soaked hole.

Luke and Allesandro watched us for a few minutes before stripping naked too. Luke took position seated on the top of the couch, seating himself right next to Mark's head his rigid cock within easy reach of my mouth. I broke off from kissing Mark to suck on Luke's cock. Allesandro stood on the couch face fucking Mark's vacated mouth. I rocked back and forth between the two hard cocks in me, I moved forward to deep throat Luke and back down to impale myself on Mark's cock. I rocked back and forth with ever increasing speed until Mark groaned around a mouthful of cock shuddering as his cock pulsed within me.

After Mark blasted a load in my ass, we took a short break while Mark recovered and with the exception of Luke had more to drink.

Mark and I assumed the doggy position on the couch next to each other on the couch as Luke fucked me and Allesandro fucked Mark. I reached out at some point to stroke Mark's cock and he quickly reciprocated stroking mine roughly. They switched positions; Allesandro fucking me and Luke fucking Mark.

"I need a break and a shower, it's been a long day" Mark said pushing Luke off him we ceased the fucking. He went off to find the bathroom leaving me to deal with the two hard horny tops alone.

While Mark showered Luke and Allesandro double penetrated my greedy cum filled ass. I sat on Allesandro's lap/cock while Luke pounded away at me from behind. The stimulation too much for me, I blasted my load all over Allesandro's furry torso during the fucking. They didn't so much as pause while my ass constricted around their cocks, Allesandro and Luke pounding away inside me ruthlessly, their hard cocks rubbing against each other in me.

Luke came first unloading into me a minute later, pulling out saying "I'm drained guys". He sprawled on the couch for the next minute while Allesandro fucked my overstretched hole. It wasn't as exciting after Luke pulled out of my hole as I was desensitised from the epic double dicking. Allesandro continued on fucking me regardless biting my collarbone and slamming me down bodily onto his cock. He eventually came in me several minutes later. I felt completely drained of energy afterwards.

Allesandro got me another glass of wine while we waited for Mark to finish his shower before saying our goodbyes.

I felt in desperate need for a phase and I couldn't do that here but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to Mark either. I exchanged goodbyes with Mark as soon as he exited the shower. I left Allesandro and Mark to enjoy the rest of their evening.

Luke drove us back. I phased on the car ride home. As soon as we got back to our room, Luke collapsed into bed and shortly fell asleep.

I wandered outside feeling vaguely `off' still. I also felt restless and anxious about sleeping after last night and the resulting awkward aftermath.

I walked the grounds of the estate trying to find some way to ease the anxiety building up inside of me. I found a large ornate water fountain. I sat down on the water in my underwear trying to make myself a calm oasis in this very strange place.

I killed time by making snow balls out of the water in the fountain. I felt a slight increase in resistance as I used my power that steadily drained my stamina. I'd never really associated fatigue with my ability prior to this. I didn't know what this meant. I wasn't sure if it was a case of never using my power for such a long period of time or because of Xavier.

I still managed to amass a large pile of snowballs before I finally felt tired enough to want to sleep. As I left my water seat I scattered the snowballs over the lawn. I wanted a little bit of petty retribution against Xavier for his mental neutering. I wasn't strong enough or brave enough to confront him. YET.

I went off to bed wondering about what my first day of mutant high would be like. This had been the most dramatic weekend of my life and mutant school hadn't even begun yet.

The good points: I had a new job starting in less than a week and my new boss and at least one of my coworkers liked me. I also HAD SEX!!! With lots of hot guys... and Paul which I sort of regretted now.

The bad points: my highschool crush/bully had tried to rape me, I had to leave home and everything I knew behind as I had outed myself as a gay mutant; I still hadn't talked to my Mom/family, I accidentally sexually assaulted guys while dreaming through water proxies, Scott had busted me having sex in the showers, Xavier my mutant principal had psychically neutered me a little and he is apparently capable of global genocide and perhaps I am too ?

FML I'm going to sleep hoping nothing else fucked up happens.

Next: Chapter 9

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