
By wayne unknown

Published on Aug 3, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P Oh and send me a link to your stories :)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Star Trek reference- don't own that either . Blondie - no relation to the band

Authors Note

This chapter starts with some porn (okay lots of porn, lol); then there is more plot related stuff afterwards and maybe some plot during the porn too.

To save time when I say phase in reference to Victor, it means that Victor has switched to flesh – water- then back to flesh in a second to reset himself from injury or extreme exertion.

text in between asterixes is telepathic communication

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I'm still aiming to post a new chapter every week, feedback though is greatly appreciated and helps keeps me motivated through the tiresome editing/rewriting process.

P.S if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via the donate link up the top

On with the story...

Chapter 7 Wet dreams

I floated insubstantially through the Xavier mansion compelled by an urge to explore the place fully. I assumed I was dreaming as I was moving in 5 different directions at once, passing through walls and doors with total disregard for physics or logic. I could also see perfectly clearly even though the occupants of the rooms I was passing through were sleeping and their lights were off.

Since it was a dream I felt free to inspect the attractive guys more thoroughly than I would normally in the waking world. I shifted sheets out the way to expose their bodies for gentle caresses, enjoying the feel of their firm bodies under my touch. When they woke up or started to wake up I drifted away like a damp breeze. I felt powerful and in control as I drifted throughout the mansion exploring every nook and cranny of my new home.

I saw Cyclops with Jean in his bed so I exited immediately. I entered Lachlan's room to discover he was occupied and I mean that literally as Sean had him pinned to the mattress and was fucking him with slow casual thrusts. The sight of Sean's gyrating ass in front of me reminded me of Mark and how I pounded his ass while he was fucking away.

The tone of my dream exploration shifted to a more carnal nature.

I moved out to touch Sean, noticing for the first time that the hands' of this dream body' consisted solely of widely spaced apart water vapour. I looked down at the body' that I was trying to use to interact with Sean and instead of being flesh or even my sometimes water form'; I was barely visible. I looked like a man made of mist.

I dismissed the strangeness as irrelevant placing my hands gently on Sean's shoulders. He turned around, confused; before closing his eyes, he smiled indulgently and I slipped into his already lubed hole. Obviously Lachlan had fucked him recently. I slid in easily; he felt so hot like a furnace burning my cock.

"Yeah fuck me man" Sean moaned while I started to speed up, slamming in over and over again into his hot slippery hole.

I felt like I was multiplying throughout the mansion as I searched for more guys to play with. The mansion had lots of good looking guys and I wanted to touch them all.

There was Peter lying in his underwear with that other guy in the same room who I ignored, a young teenager who had cartoon boxers but an enormous engorged cock that expanded out to 11 inches which I happily fellated while I simultaneously fucked Sean.

I wasn't satisfied, I felt restless and greedy, I wanted more, I was like a starving man confronted by a buffet, I couldn't control my hunger. I kept multiplying myself wanting to feed my sexual hunger after being deprived for so long.

Next on the menu was a tall broad shouldered man who seemed to occupy all of the space of the single bed he was sleeping on. He was in red boxers, when I touched him, his skin turned to metal which was odd but I was dreaming and moving as mist so I continued undaunted. I stripped him naked, licking and sucking on his absurdly hard metal cock.

Next was a man that looked roughly in his 30's whose hairy chest turned me on and whose body felt heavier than it should when I turned him over to suck on his 9 inch uncut cock. There was a good looking teen with sandy brown hair with a cute little bubble butt that I eagerly rimmed.

I entered my own room to see myself lying in my bed hard as a rock still fully dressed. This dream was getting freakier, I was seeing myself from the outside. I looked at my body curious and conflicted at my sleeping body as it moved restlessly and fitfully in its sleep.

I gave myself a pat on the head which seemed to settle my body.

I was unsettled. I was looking at my regular body as mist in my room as I fucked Sean with a water body, with an ice cock, sucked on metal man and hairy heavy guy and rimmed an attractive bubble butt teen. I was also sucking on Peter and the skinny teen with the huge dick. I could feel the potential for more as my water sense stretched out further throughout the mansion looking for something to satisfy my seemingly insatiable lust for sex.

I stripped my sleeping body very slowly and carefully, unsure what would happen to this hot dream if I woke up' my real body. I stripped off my shirt and jacket revealing my best feature (to me) my lean well defined abs, I caressed my abs, enticed by the unusual feeling of my body underneath my water vapour hand. The sensation rippled through me and intensified as I removed my pants and underwear and started sucking on my own cock with my mist body'. This felt reminiscent of Sean and his psychic foreplay as he shared sensations with me except now I was both the initiator and the receiver.

Suddenly I had another `mist body' that moved over to Luke sucking on each of his nipples, hands stripping his underwear to stroke his quickly growing cock.

Sensations were building exponentially overwhelming my common sense as my current mist bodies' were busy kissing, touching, sucking, rimming and in Sean's case fucking away. New mist bodies' manifested themselves to play with the strange males I found in the basement. This dream kept getting weirder, the surrealism of these new players were making me less concerned about discovery so I became bolder, unconcerned if participants were awake or not.

The hung teen with the 11 inch cock that I was sucking on reminded me of Blondie. The hung teen was conscious but I was too close to care. Thinking of Blondie, reminded me of seeing him slamming his hard cock into Tom relentlessly. That's what I was missing, I was doing everything but getting fucked in this dream. It was time to take care of that.

The mist body' that was sucking on my own cock stopped, growing a water cock to massive proportions (11 inches) the cock then solidifying into rock hard ice. I slid a water finger into my tight hole, then another, then another until my body was bucking against those 3 water fingers'. I took a grip of my legs and placed them over the mist body's' water shoulders. It was freaky, I was overwhelmed with multiple sensations as I could feel the water against my normal body' as my `mist body' took advantage of my prone body.

My giant ice dildo cock buried itself slowly into my ass into the tight furnace of my insides. I gripped my `normal wrists' and buried myself deep. I could feel my hole aching to accommodate this monster of a cock. I fucked myself hard mimicking Blondie's style. It was intense, my insides felt torn apart and on fire as I was skewered on an ice cold cock.

Inspired by the increasingly intensifying experience of fucking myself with a huge cock with a water body pinning me down; the body' fucking Sean had a growth spurt. Instead of the 6 inch replica of my cock that this mist body' had been fucking Sean with, Sean was now being skewered on an ice replica of the hung teen's 11 inch cock. I fucked him ruthlessly, enjoying the feeling of having two monster cocks slamming into two tight holes.

Fucking Sean this way felt way hotter than when I had fucked him last with my average cock. Now I could feel the difference as this cock slammed deeper into him leaving Sean incapable of coherent speech. Slamming into Sean and most importantly myself was driving me over the edge of sexual pleasure. I couldn't hold back any more and everything intensified.

My actions on the other guys sped up; all the groping, stroking, rimming and sucking reaching critical mass. It became a blur of sensations as I worked up a couple of dozen guys to completion (including the strange males in the basement for the novelty factor).

My mind and body exploded into shards of jagged pleasure. My mind sunk into a happy stupor as my normal cock exploded onto my belly with numerous spurts of hot cum, my ass happily filled with a gigantic ice cock as I had the most intense orgasm of my life. I could feel the ripples of sensations from my ice cocks as their fucking ended. The ice cocks had served as sexual conduits for me, I felt like I had 3 different orgasms at the same time; it was glorious.


I woke up, disoriented to find myself still firing cum onto my stomach, with a large ice dildo melting out of my ass leaving me feeling bereft.

I stood up naked, trying to get my bearings, my legs feeling weak and boneless. My hole felt slippery and incomplete.

I felt well and truly fucked. I shook my head trying to think, feeling like some vital revelation was eluding me as my memory of that dream slipped through my mental grasp. Mostly I had vague memories of lots of groping of guys of various physical attractiveness and ages.

I was getting hard again from the fleeting memories of all the hard cocks, hard bodies and moaning and groaning I vaguely recalled. I felt somehow unfulfilled and I didn't know what I wanted or needed until I saw Luke watching me while slowly stroking his cock.

"That was some seriously fucked up craziness before."

I wasn't really sure what he was talking about, nor did I care, as I was consumed with a more pressing question. "Did you have sex with Sandra?"

"No, I wasn't that desperate for a lay after all "

"Okay that's good... " I trailed off unsure how to broach the topic, so I blurted out "You feeling horny enough to fuck me? I'm feeling crazy horny right now and I really need someone to fuck me ".

"I don't know if I'm up for that" Luke said hesitantly.

I looked at his hard cock that he was still stroking slowly "Please Luke I want you to be my first" I said desperately, overcome by the need to be filled by a real cock.

"Fuck it, fine. I'm just going to close my eyes and pretend you're a chick and you can sit on my cock. Okay?"

"Sure, whatever you want". I moved over to his bed, anxious to take advantage of his permission to de-virginise my ass properly instead of settling for ice dildos in the shower and now apparently freaky wet dreams.

Luke closed his eyes laying back, holding his cock upright with his finger and thumb encircling the base of his cock. I straddled him cautiously, his hard cock now pressing against my entrance. I pressed down and his cock slid past my token resistance and all the way into me.

I gasped in pleasure and in pain as I adjusted to him inside me. He had slid in so easily after my warm up session with the giant ice cock. He was a bit thicker though, so he was still stretching me out a little.

Luke silently removed his fingers from his cock allowing me to take that last little bit of cock. His cock felt so good inside me, scorching hot and filling the emptiness inside me.

"Fuck this feels weird" Luke said opening his eyes and looking at me curiously "you're all wet and cold inside".

I should have realised that the ice would have left me cold inside but I didn't really feel the cold as well lately. "Sorry, I'll warm up soon" I said moving up a little and slamming myself back down on his cock. God he felt good. Luke moaned and closed his eyes again.

Luke grabbed onto my butt as I started to ride his cock slowly, treasuring the burning ache of a real life hard cock inside me, throbbing and pulsing inside me for real instead of settling for ice dildos. "Living with you is definitely different than my other room mate" he said as he bucked his hips, driving his hard cock into me at a different angle. I groaned and picked up speed, riding him faster, enjoying watching his eyes widen in pleasure and his hands tighten on my ass.

"Warm yet?" I asked, my body awash with pleasure as I rode him.

I slammed myself down onto his cock over and over again picking up speed until I blew a load all over his stomach and chest. I slumped on top of him feeling happy and sleepy post orgasm.

Luke just looked at me, his hard cock still inside me and rolled his eyes. "You got off quickly, I think it's my turn" he flipped me over onto my back, his cock slipping half out of me in the process. As soon as I was on my back, he slammed back all the way inside me. Luke gripped my ankles roughly as he proceeded to fuck me rigorously with long hard strokes. Pulling out most of his cock, then slamming all the way back in a single stroke over and over again.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, all I could do was moan and groan as Luke slammed into me over and over again. He just kept fucking me, my poor abused ass clutching desperately at his cock which just made him fuck me harder. I grabbed at his shoulders mindlessly for purchase and he pushed me up using his knees as leverage on the bed to ram into me harder. Luke's eyes bored into mine as he sped up, his cock relentless on my prostate. I dug my nails into his back either from pleasure or pain, his thrusts were making me stupid, my world centred solely on his face and cock. His eyes a deep shade of ocean blue as he took my cherry permanently and thoroughly, his cock was making my body warm and boneless. I couldn't resist him and I wanted to kiss him badly.

I moaned out "Luke, please" staring into his eyes pleadingly.

He captured my mouth in a rough kiss, plundering my mouth with his tongue as his hips went into overdrive and my mind went into free fall. He broke off the kiss as suddenly as he began grunting "I'm going to cum".

"God yes" I said seconds before I felt Luke slam into me one final time as shot after shot of his cum exploded into me splattering my insides with his warm load.

"Fuck that was intense" Luke grunted out before resting his head next to mine his hard body pressed against mine.

"Thanks for that". I was glad that I was no longer a virgin and that Luke had popped my cherry. Luke had been a hot first, I loved the way his body felt against mine and the way his cock filled my well used hole. He felt so right in my arms on top of me and inside of me. I felt so well used and happy. The moment didn't last, it never does.

Luke laughed pulling out of me and rolled away to face the wall "You're welcome I suppose, but it's way too fucking early in the morning for me to deal with what we just did, so I'm going to go to sleep and we'll talk about this later, preferably when I'm drunk."

I got off Luke's bed feeling sad and empty again. I was conflicted. I was happy that I had my ass pounded by a hot guy finally but I felt somewhat sad and lonely that Luke didn't seem to enjoy our sex as much as I had. I yanked on a pair of underwear feeling like I desperately needed to talk to someone about what just happened.

I went to see Sean as he had been my other first and he was psychic, maybe he could tell me what Luke was thinking or feeling or what I should do. It was still early and I didn't encounter anyone on the way to Sean's room.

Sean's door was answered by his younger brother who looked like a virtual carbon clone of his older brother but younger (15) and smaller. He also had a light smattering of pimples on his cheeks that made him look much younger than his age. He didn't open the door all the way but even with him peeking out I could tell he wasn't wearing anything other than underwear.

Before I could say anything he said "Sean is not here, he left last night around 8 pm and he hasn't been back since. He's still in the mansion though, I'd know it if he went further away" he said grumpily. It seemed like I had caught him at a bad time, judging by the way he was hiding most of his body behind the door and his flushed expression, I'd probably interrupted a morning wank.

"Are you psychic too?" I asked thinking maybe he could track his brother down for me.

"Not really, go find him if you want him", he slammed the door in my face and I just stood there looking at the door for a few seconds while I thought about where he could be. I could hear rustling on the other side of the door and some rhythmic squeaking (definitely wanking). When his acne cleared in a couple of years he'd probably be as hot as his brother but for now he was just a bratty kid and his brother was somewhere about and I needed to talk to him.

I remembered in my dream that I had been fucking Sean in Lachlan's room. I figured that'd be a good place to check out next, either Sean would be there or Lachlan should be there. It was still many hours before I was supposed to meet Lachlan but if Sean wasn't available, maybe Lachlan could help me. Lachlan and Luke were apparently friends of some sort even with the violence and name calling (guys are weird).

I went to Lachlan's room but the door was locked and no one responded when I knocked. I stood there for a while waiting to see if anyone would respond. I thought about leaving and finding something else to do but I still didn't really know anyone or anything to do here. Luke was asleep, Sean was MIA and Lachlan was probably asleep. Being the new kid sucked when you didn't have anyone to talk to and no idea what you were supposed to be doing.

I closed my eyes and used microscopic amounts of water to manipulate the lock mechanism of the door knob. Apparently being locked into a small locker as a result of high school bullying had helped me to develop a valuable life skill; lock picking. I opened the door to discover Lachlan and Sean asleep in a single bed together. I was in shock; my dream seemed to be eerily aware of real life developments. Sean woke up suddenly without me saying a word and gave me an inscrutable look.

"Oh God, not you again", Sean said.

I felt sick to the stomach with a sense of loss and hurt. I thought Sean liked me. I turned around to get out of the room feeling like I wanted to cry but the door slammed in front of my face. I felt a force that shoved me up against the door loudly. I turned around feeling confused and hurt, Lachlan woke up looking startled and confused by the loud noises.

"You're not getting away that easily" Sean said, I didn't know what was going on.

"I'm sorry" I said to Sean unsure of what I stepped into.

Sean laughed "My ass is so sore after what you did last night. I'm not going to be able to walk properly for days or sit down. I think it's only fair that I take it out on your ass ". He stood up pulling me into a rough kiss.

"Morning Victor" Lachlan said sleepily "I blame you for my wrecked ass too".

I had no idea what they were talking about but I was relieved that Sean wasn't as angry at me as I first thought. I cared a lot about his opinion.

Sean stepped back and pulled down my underwear turning me around roughly. "You have been busy" Sean said pushing a finger into my leaking hole. I groaned, unsure if his finger felt good or bad in my overworked hole. Sean's cock was a thick weight against my butt cheek as he slid another finger into my hole, scissoring his fingers inside me, stretching me out again.

"So how did I wreck both your asses last night" I asked trying to figure out what was going on and trying to get my mind off the fingers in my sore hole.

"Last night when you were dreaming you slammed into me with a 11 inch ice dildo, tore up my ass like crazy" Sean said.

"Wait that really happened, I thought it was just a dream" I asked confused.

"Well that part was definitely real, my ass is going to be sore for days" Sean said

"How did I wreck your ass Lachlan? I don't remember fucking you in my dream and I'm pretty sure I would remember slamming into your cute ass."

Lachlan smiled "I'm glad you think it's cute but because of your water thing slamming into Sean, my ass feels wrecked at the moment. After you were done fucking him, Sean took out his sore ass on mine and then we were both sore."

"Well I'm sorry, if you want, you can fuck me first Lachlan, I've been broken in now."

"What about me?" Sean said with a pout.

"You can fuck me too, you can tag team me ", I smiled liking the idea of being shared by two hot gay guys (well one was bi but close enough).

Lachlan grabbed a half empty bottle of lube on the bedside "You sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah, fuck me" I said just before Lachlan slid his hard cock deep into my slippery hole while I bent over the bed, Lachlan pounded away into me eagerly. It was official I loved getting fucked way more than sucking cock. The feeling of fullness inside, the warm mindless joy as my prostate was pounded and the gratification of being possessed in a carnal way.

Sean sat on the bed his hard cock looking desperate for attention. I took the hint and started sucking on it. Sean shuffled into position so that every time Lachlan thrusted forward I took more of Sean's cock down my throat.

Sean gripped my head and whispered "and who was the lucky boy to pop your cherry ass". I could feel a sort of slippery sensation in my mind. Sean laughed as I was sandwiched between two hard cocks."You've had an eventful weekend so far".

A wash of memories and sensations burst into my mind: Of my first time with Sean, Mark and Luke. I could also feel how much Lachlan was enjoying fucking me. Sean was using his psychic abilities to drive me over the edge. Every time Lachlan moved I could feel it from both perspectives, the sex felt intensified by the reflected sensations. I was having trouble thinking as I could feel Lachlan's orgasm building as he sped up inside me magnified by the sensations of my now sensitised prostate being pounded. I blasted a load against the floor feeling worn out as Lachlan blasted a load in me.

"Fuck man that was an asshole thing to do" Lachlan said as he pulled his softening cock out of me, leaving me to collapse onto the floor drained of all energy.

"Sorry Lachlan but I want to fuck him now not in ten minutes" Sean said. A second later I was pinned face down as Sean shoved his rock hard 8 inches into me. He fucked me hard slamming into my poor abused ass over and over again. I would have objected about being too worn out but Sean kept pounding my prostate with pin point accuracy over and over again and it was too hard to work up the energy to resist or object.

The sex was rough and sort of painful on my cock as every thrust rubbed me against the wood floor but I loved the feel of Sean on top of me as he violated my hole with ruthless precision. I apparently liked being dominated under a horny boy, first Luke now Sean.

Sean lasted about 10 minutes fucking me, our bodies and minds linked in a psychic union of sensory communion until he sped up and unloaded into me with a groan of pleasure. He withdrew out of me slowly, breaking our sensory union as well, leaving me aching and sore. I crawled into the fetal position anxious about the expression on Lachlan's face and the erection he was currently sporting. I couldn't take another fuck right now. I was all used up.

I needed to distract Lachlan so I could have a bit of a breather.

"So tell me about how you guys ended up in the same bed."

Lachlan opened his mouth to comment but paused and looked vacant for a second before replying.

"Well it was probably around 9pm last night and Sean shows up at my door in his underwear and tells me about you fucking him yesterday and how he was eager for some fun and he knew I was gay. He had been inside your mind and he knew that I tasted good and was keen on some man on man action. It didn't really take that much convincing before I found myself naked then I ended up bottoming for him. Initially I objected because I think of myself more as a top and if I was going to be a bottom I'd rather it was you since... Well I mean this is the nicest possible way but you'd be easier to get fucked by than him."

I knew what he meant, Sean definitely had me beat both in length and girth and I could imagine that'd I'd be a good warm up to a guy who considered himself more of a top.

"Sean was really compelling as he kept working me over just like I wanted, as if we'd been having sex for ages and he already knew all my sweet spots. He promised that as soon as he finished fucking me, I could fuck his ass in return. It was too tempting an offer to refuse as it had been months since I last fucked someone. Long story short I ended up with my ass in the air while Sean broke my ass in after a year of no one fucking me and it was surprisingly good."

"Then I fucked him and he used that sensation sharing thing he does and I blew way too quickly, I ended up getting butt fucked again. The next time I fucked him, he didn't share the experience but he just kept moving his ass just the way I liked and I barely lasted 10 minutes the second time. Then he was slowly fucking me on my bed deliberately drawing it out. All of a sudden, things started to change, he started fucking me more roughly and he just kept moaning. At some point I found myself pinned to the bed as he just pummeled my ass like a mad man until he came. Afterwards he complained about a sore ass, then he fucked me again without giving me any chance to recover from the last round. I ended up sore, so now he owes me two butt fucks when he recovers".

"I didn't agree to that" Sean said, though he didn't sound too reluctant to me.

"You fuck me I fuck you, I didn't get to fuck you the last couple times"

"We'll see" Sean said

The story had given me a few moments to get my wits together and helped me get back in the mood a bit. I phased to reset myself, feeling a heady rush of hormones surging through me again. I had a fantasy I wanted to fulfil now.

Sean had sat next to Lachlan on the bed during Lachlan's story. I repositioned them, so they were lying next to each other on the bed. I lowered myself slowly onto Lachlan's hard cock enjoying his hardness breaking into my ass again. I rode him for a few strokes until he started lifting his hips to fuck me. I moved onto Sean's cock and I rode him for a bit. I alternated between riding Lachlan and Sean's cock for a while until Lachlan's was slipping in too easily.

I was riding Lachlan when Sean reached over and started pressing a finger against my hole. I paused to enjoy the novel sensation, Sean took the liberty of pushing in another finger sliding and out of me as I continued riding Lachlan. Sean pulled out his fingers and got behind me, pressing his hard cock into my ass along with Lachlan's.

I moaned, trying to adjust to the feeling of having two hard cocks in me at the same time. They both started to move inside me, rubbing up against each other in me. They slammed into me with ever increasing momentum, turning me into an incoherent mess of lust and animal craving. I could feel Sean as he re-entered my mind. I could feel how tight I was as Lachlan's and Sean's cocks rubbed against each other inside of my tight hole.

With the three of us sharing sensations, it wasn't long before I was climaxing shooting a thick load all over Lachlan as my prostate was being thoroughly stimulated. The guys kept fucking me as my orgasm tore through me. My spasming hole seemed to only encourage them as they brutally ripped into my now tender hole eventually reaching mutual climax. I could feel every pulse as their hard cocks exploded inside me, splattering my anal walls with their hot seed.

I couldn't move. I felt thoroughly worn out again. We spent a couple of minutes locked in that position until biology won out and the boys softened slipping out of me.

I stood up slowly feeling my body trying to adjust to the feeling of my ass being stretched beyond normal limits as well as being filled with cum again.

"Are you okay?" Lachlan asked looking concerned.

"Very sore at the moment "

"Shift to water and you'll be fine" Sean suggested.

I followed his suggestion, phasing, resetting myself again. Hormones rushed in a little less severely this time. I only felt mildly horny now but the boys looked well used and I figured I should have a shower as I felt unsettled inside.

"I'm going to have a shower I feel unclean".

I was halfway to the door before Sean asked "Are you going to put on some clothes" I looked down realising that I was still naked.

I put on my underwear which wasn't very clean at the moment from all the sweat and cum.

I walked off to the shower room wanting some time to myself. I hadn't actually managed to chat to Sean or Lachlan about Luke as events kind of got away from me but at this point it didn't seem like much of a priority. I had other options for sex/friendship if Luke went weird on me.

I went under the middle shower and cranked the water all the way to hot. I wanted to rinse away the morning's activities. I didn't know how I felt about everything that happened so far. When I woke up this morning I was technically an anal virgin and since then I'd been fucked by 3 guys and been double penetrated. Life had certainly taken a weird detour as of late and while I had enjoyed all the sex at the time. I was wondering what it all meant.

I soaped myself up rigorously, my fingers sliding into my now tight hole. It was hard to reconcile the fact that I had been such a slutty bottom boy when my ass was so tight around my fingers. I spread my legs, my hands braced against the tiles as I tried to recreate the mist body' from my dream. I soon had water fingers intertwined with mine as a water replica of me with a 6 inch ice cock fucked me against the tiles. Its water hips' making an odd sound as it splashed against my pelvis with every thrust. After all the intense fucking of the morning, the 6 inch ice cock wasn't hitting the spot for me. I expanded its cock until it was the same size of Luke's. I had liked Luke's cock the best, it was my first and it had felt so right.

I was so busy keeping a mental control over my `water man' as he fucked my tight ass again. I didn't notice the door opening and someone entering.

I don't know how long he was there watching me fuck myself before he cleared his throat.

I turned around, my `water avatar' falling apart due to lack of concentration. Its ice cock shattering loudly on the tile floor like an accusation of sorts as I looked at the other shower room occupant.

It was the homophobe from yesterday, Peter's companion, his cock was rock hard and its beer can thickness and 8 inch length in stark contrast to the smug look on his face.

"Looks like you're gagging for it" he said stroking his cock.

"Hmm maybe" I said as noncommittally as possible. I was torn, I disliked this guy on principle but I was worked up and I wanted to be fucked again and he had a beautifully thick cock.

I leaned against the wall feeling flushed from the fucking and deprived of satisfaction. I eyed up his hard cock thinking how nice that could feel inside of me filling the gap. I leaned against my arm with my eyes closed trying to figure out what I really wanted.

"So do you usually get fucked by water in the shower"?

I looked over in contempt mixed with general annoyance "Well I'm horny and I was alone so I don't see why I shouldn't enjoy myself and my powers. "

"Most guys don't fuck themselves in the shower, at least not the normal ones" He said as he turned on the shower next to me. I wanted to hit him, he was an ass.

"Only because they can't, it feels great to be fucked and I don't see any reason to feel ashamed about it. At least I'm getting lots of sex, I doubt you are."

He looked chastened by that remark "Not a lot of dating prospects in this place" he said shrugging, "not a lot of girls can take my thick cock anyway", he said wagging his cock in my direction.

"Well it's a nice cock, I could take it but it's a shame it's attached to a dickhead".

"That's not very fair! You don't even know me. You don't even know my name..."

"True enough, so what's your name then?"

"I'm Paul, so who have you been having sex with then?"

"Well I had sex a couple times last night with this guy Mark and this morning I got fucked by 3 guys and I'm still horny as hell" I said .

"Fuck, you're a gay slut!"

I shrugged, unconcerned about his opinion. This was my domain, I was surrounded by water and he couldn't hurt me. I used the pouring water to create another `water avatar' to fuck me while Paul watched in consternation.

Sometime during the fucking, while my eyes were closed in bliss/concentration, Paul reached out and touched my shoulder.

"Did you want a real man's cock in you?" he asked hesitantly as if he was unsure what he was doing.

"Mmmm I'm already getting fucked by my water man and he does whatever I want, why would I want to have sex with you." I said, still occupied by the `water avatar' with Luke's cock.

"Please man, I haven't fucked anyone in ages and I'm desperate."

"Somehow I'm not surprised with a pick up line like that. Luckily for you, I'm fucking horny as right now, however I have conditions".

"Anything, please" he pleaded desperately, stroking his cock.

I was tempted to make him do something humiliating or gay like kiss me or suck me but I settled for something simpler "Don't say anything, I'd like you better if you were silent".

He nodded obediently and I dispersed the `water avatar', it was a pale substitute for real sex anyway and hard to get fucked well and keep the focus on keeping it running. I had no idea how I did it in my sleep.

Paul took position behind me his hard cock pressing against my now gaping hole, he had his mouth open, obviously trying to figure out how to say "can I?" without dishonouring our agreement.

I solved his problem by backing myself onto his cock, impaling myself on his thick cock. He felt so good inside me stretching my hole. I had become insatiable for a hard cock inside me. It was vaguely disconcerting.

He gripped my hips roughly as he slid in slowly all the way into me. I sighed in contentment as he crammed his entire cock into me. His cock was impressive.

"Fuck me hard Paul !"

He complied. He fucked me hard, his hard cock slamming into me in short jagged thrusts. He wasn't as skilled as Luke, Sean or Lachlan in fucking but his thick cock substituted nicely for skill. It didn't take long before he was blowing a thick load into my well used ass.

I hadn't blown from the sex but I was enjoying the feeling of fullness inside of me as he leaned against me catching his breath.

Paul pulled out of me abruptly and left without a word, his absence revealing Scott in the doorway.

AWKWARD!!! I hadn't even started classes yet and a teacher had already caught me being fucked in the showers.

"Xavier wants to talk to you immediately in his office" Scott said, his expression unreadable behind his rose colored glasses.

"Can I get dressed first?"


I put on my underwear outside the shower room feeling exposed and awkward with Scott watching my every move. I looked down at my underwear and realised it looked like it'd been through way too much sex and depravity to meet Xavier now. "I'm going to need more clothes, I need to go to my room".

Scott nodded.

We went for a quick stop to my room where Luke was absent and I hastily got dressed in last night's outfit; the nice dress suit. I thought it might compensate for whatever impression Scott had of me.

Scott escorted me to Xavier's office without explaining WHY Xavier wanted to see me and I was too anxious to ask scared of the possible answer. Scott waited outside the office, giving me no option but to go in.

I walked into Xavier's office trying to reassure myself that I had done nothing wrong by having sex with Paul, other than possibly lowering my standards too much.

Xavier wheeled around his desk and said "Take a seat Victor" I did so, my anxiety sky rocketing "There is no need to panic Victor. We need to discuss something important. I was originally going to discuss this matter on Monday before you started your first class however recent events have forced me to adjust my timetable. You are a class 5 hydrokinetic and unfortunately I've allowed you too much freedom as I've had numerous complaints about your activities recently."

"Which activities?" I asked trying to figure out what I did wrong.

There was a pause in the conversation and I could feel an echo of Xavier in my mind, I recognised the feeling as a precursor to the voice in my head 2 years ago. The repeated psychic sensory unions with Sean recently had obviously made me more aware of psychic activity. Xavier had a look of surprise on his face. I couldn't tell what he had found in my mind and it made me anxious. I knew what Sean wanted when he was rooting around in my mind an explanation for my interruption and for fun psychic sex play after that but Xavier's intentions were a mystery.

Xavier had been in and out of my mind so quickly I had no idea what he saw in my mind or what he thought about it or anything really other than he'd been in my mind.

Xavier continued as if nothing had happened "You had an erotic dream last night and since your power is so strong and lacking in essential control, your subconscious manifested your desires in the physical realm".

"You mean what I did with Sean? " I asked wondering if Sean had complained about his sore ass to Xavier.

"While you were sleeping, you essentially sleep walked using `water avatars' or water replicas of yourself to fulfil your carnal urges. As a result, I've had numerous reports of strange experiences students have had, strange dreams involving watery hands touching them or unwanted sexual advances. I know this was unintentional on your part and is equally a failure on my part for not adequately addressing the issue of your power level before; however I wanted to allow you a weekend to get used to this place before imposing restrictions on you. However drastic measures will need to be taken to ensure this doesn't happen again."

"Like what? " I asked nervously, not liking the words 'drastic measures'.

"I'm going to enter your mind and place a psychic block in your mind to prevent you from using your powers while you sleep. This should prevent you from molesting anyone in your sleep as well as ensuring the safety of students from more serious incidents. While this has been highly upsetting for some students this was a relatively minor failure of control in the grand scheme of things. This could have been much worse, if you had a violent dream, you could have seriously injured or killed another student."

"Okay I guess. I don't want to hurt anyone".

"Good. I hoped you would agree. Previous to this incident you've displayed remarkable mental discipline in restraining your abilities. As a result of recent personal experiences you've become more open about who you are; unintentionally lowering your natural inhibitions about control. Now I will help you by adding artificial psychic blocks to prevent any other lapses in power control as a result of unconscious or subconscious desires. This way you will learn to develop your abilities the proper way without endangering any of the other students."

I felt terrible, guilty and ashamed of myself for my actions.

I felt an unprecedented level of fear about being cut off from my source of power, even though being a mutant made me different from everyone else, it also made me special.

Xavier placed his hands on my head; I could feel him entering my mind. I pictured all my memories of the sex I had lately as locked rooms, hoping that he wasn't inclined to go looking around too much in my head.

An hour later I left his office feeling weird and somewhat off balance. Sean reached out to me and I could hear his voice inside my head are you okay? I couldn't sense you for the last hour and you feel somewhat muted.

"Where are you?"

My room.

"I'll be there shortly, I think I might need your help" I drew on the water around me to fashion little ice disks on my feet and I flew towards Sean's room anxious to talk to him. I used my water sense to check no one was in my way this time as I sped towards his room, I didn't want another run in with Scott right now.

Sean's room was unlocked and Sean's brother was absent.

"What's up?"

"Xavier neutered me!"

"What do you mean?"

"He found about my nocturnal excursions via hydrokinesis and he blocked my ability to use my power while I slept."

"Well it's probably safer if you don't use your powers while you're sleeping, it could be problematic".

"Yeah I know it's dangerous, it's why I let him neuter me, not that I had any way to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to my mind anyway. That's scary! I mean how does anyone stop a psychic from doing whatever they want?

"Technically Xavier is a high level telepath, I think you're getting mixed up with clairvoyants which is a different thing altogether but now is probably not the best time for a lecture on mental phenomena. Why are you so worried, you came to Xavier's for his help, what's making you so anxious?"

"When he was in my mind, I felt this lingering guilt about what he was doing to me and it was somehow related to Jean. Also I'm apparently a level 5 hydro kinetic but Xavier didn't really explain what that meant at all."

"Wow! I'm only a level 3 telepath, with a single level 4 ability with psychic blocking. Oh and I have level 3 telekinesis though I kind of suck at using it still."

"Is it possible to block out a telepath without having telepathic ability?" I asked anxiously not really understanding or caring about most of what Sean was saying.

"Well Xavier is apparently a level 4 telepath, with level 5 abilities when he's hooked up to Cerebro. There are several things that can hamper psychic intrusion but I'm not sure anything could stop a determined Xavier or any telepath from taking advantage of a non-telepath."

"I don't really understand what you mean when you're talking about levels. How do you know about it?"

"It's something they cover in mutant classes nearly every month. There are new kids coming in all the time, so mutant lessons tend to be repeated ad nauseam. If you're behind on normal classroom stuff they help catch you up via a computer learning program. Students also get power homework assignments too. I wouldn't worry too much about mutant levels right now, you'll hear the long winded explanation at some point probably in the next week or so and Xavier explains it better than I ever could. The short explanation is that the highest mutant power level is 5 which you apparently are."

"Hmm" I didn't know what to think or feel about this place, this had felt like a sanctuary before and now it felt more like a gilded cage with a confusing list of rules for behavior.

"Anyway about telepathic resistance; non telepaths can be difficult to read if they are sufficiently far away from a telepath. Physical contact usually makes it much easier for a telepath to get past surface level thoughts. Higher level telepaths can control people from a distance without touching them. People with strong wills or different biological physiology can resist telepathic intrusion for a time. Apparently Magneto uses some magic helmet thing to block out Xavier whenever they argue too much though. "

"Who is Magneto?" I asked feeling thoroughly overwhelmed by how much I didn't know or understand about the mutant world.

"Magneto is a mutant supremacist who believes mutants should be in charge of the world and shouldn't bow down to humans."

"That makes a certain kind of sense, we are apparently the next evolutionary step of humanity and we can do all sorts of awesome stuff."

"Yes except he tends to use other mutants to do his dirty work. He kidnapped Rogue not too long ago to power up some mutant machine to try and turn the world's politicians into mutants so they'd tolerate us more. He kills humans as if they're nothing. Xavier believes we should work together with the humans in order to make a better world."

"I'm guessing Magneto's machine didn't work unless politicians are secretly mutants now?"

"Well the Xmen stopped him because apparently it turned a senator into a mush mutant and his body ended up rejecting the process and he died a couple days later".

"Sounds bizarre! So who do you think is right? Magneto or Xavier?"

"I have no idea, I have enough problems trying to make telekinesis work, let alone trying to figure out mutant politics".

"Also who is Rogue and what is the Xmen?"

"Rogue is a mutant whose touch can cause the loss of powers in other mutants and the Xmen are the senior mutants in the school, like Scott and Storm and Jean. They go about in a Jet picking up mutant runaways or stopping other mutants from screwing things up too much".

"Guess there's a lot of stuff I still don't know about the mutant world. Do you think you could have a quick look in my mind and tell me if Xavier did anything dodgy to my mind while he was in there? Or if he found out about all the gay stuff I've been doing since I got here, I imagined all those memories behind locked doors but I have no idea if that had any effect. I think I read about it in some book at some point."

"Well if Xavier wanted to know he could probably find out but I doubt he'd really want to read your mind that thoroughly, looking through other people's minds is problematic. If you go too deep you can lose yourself if you're not careful. There's also psychic feedback where you get echoes of the other person's thoughts and feelings. It tends to be the reason most psychics end up being bi or going crazy, crowds are full of horny people thinking about sex and even with filters, it tends to leak through a bit. I'll have a look if you want but I don't know if I'd have the amount of skill necessary to remove psychic blocks."

"I don't mind the psychic block while I'm sleeping but I feel off and won't this leave me vulnerable to anyone while I sleep."

"Well I can place a telepathic command in your mind. It's sort of like an advanced hypnotic suggestion that will wake you up if you hear any strange noises or if someone new comes into your room. It's how I woke up so quickly when you showed up in Lachlan's room. You'll not get a lot of sleep for the first week or so because you'll keep waking up due to random noises in this place. Important noises such as screams, gun shots and explosions will wake you up no matter how deep your sleep is. "

He placed his hands on my head and we sat like that for a while, while I could feel him seeping slowly through my mind looking for any oddness.

"Okay thanks for not mocking me. I'm feeling a little high strung and maybe a bit paranoid after everything that happened lately. "

"I understand, you've had a lot of stuff happening to you lately. It looks like he blocked out your abilities while sleeping... It also appears that he's psychically restricted you to level 4 capabilities... That's weird, I've never heard of him doing that before to anyone. "

"What does that mean for me?"

"It means that even when you're awake you're not going to be able to access your full powers"

"Why did he do it" I asked feeling angry.

"He might have been trying to stop you from overextending yourself or causing too much in the way of damage if you had a flare up."

"What do you mean a flare up?"

"Well sometimes a student comes here and they don't know how to use their powers properly and depending on their level of ability, it can be dangerous to others. Sometimes they're isolated until they've learnt control or they get special training from one or more of the Xmen or they spend some time in the danger room".

"What's the danger room?"

"It's this large room that has holographic projectors like the Holo-Deck on Star Trek and it simulates various stressful conditions so that mutants can learn control. Other mutants that have low level abilities such as me and my telekinesis get to just fumble around with power homework until we learn control. It tends to depend on how dangerous and hazardous to other mutants the ability is and the personality of the mutant involved."

"So Xavier thinks I'm dangerous"?

"Well level 5's tend to be rare because they tend to..."



"From what?" I asked feeling my blood pressure rise.

"Well sometimes they over extend themselves and kill themselves in the process. Other times they are worshipped as Gods and they become crazy egocentric and cause devastation on a truly massive level before dying".

"So other Class 5's have used their powers to do what exactly?

"Well apparently there was a mutant in India that could cause earthquakes and one day she created one that swallowed her and thousands of her own acolytes up. Class 5 powers are capable of global change and the side effects can be deadly even for the user."

"Can you remove the psychic blocks that Xavier put in me?"

"Eventually I could, but it might take a while and I'm not sure it's a good idea to."

"Xavier neutered my abilities without my consent and I might need them at some point. I still need to learn how to work on control but if necessary I want to know I'll be able to get full control. I don't like the idea that anyone can just get inside my mind and just depower me".

"Well there's something I can do for you. I can put in a psychic shield, it will probably keep your mind protected from any further adjustments without your consent and if anyone tries to break through it, I'll know about it".

"Really? That'll be great! Thanks."

"Well I'm still learning about this stuff myself so I should warn you about some stuff first. This will be my third psychic shield since I have one in me and my brother already. It won't be strong enough to block a psychic attack for that long. It should give you a warning that you're under attack and will alert you whether you're awake or not, along with me. That should give you a chance to distract them with a more physical attack or to run away, distance helps sometimes, though not against Xavier attached to Cerebro. Nothing can stand against that except Magneto and his helmet since he also designed Cerebro so he knows a lot more about it than I do. Also since it's my shield I'll be able to disable it at will so if you end up going insane and trying to kill us all I can remove it so the Xmen can take you down. If I die it'll dissolve shortly afterwards so if you do go evil, killing me won't help your situation."

"You think I'll go evil?"

"Well you know what they say `Absolute power absolutely corrupts' and it's not uncommon for people to go join the dark side like Mystique. Though I wouldn't mention Mystique around Xavier, another long complicated story I won't go into right now. Anyway I mention it more because if you want psychic protection you'll have to keep me and my brother safe as well in case of danger."

"So I'm your insurance policy?" I asked curious.

"Well you are a class 5 mutant, well level 4 at the moment but once you master your power, you'd be a significant force and it never hurts to have powerful friends", Sean said with a smile.

"I guess that's a fair enough arrangement, you help me now and I'll help you later if you need it".

"I'll also help you with psychic defense training as the more you can defend yourself, the less power I have to divert to keep the psychic shield maintained. Which is another thing, I'll probably have to keep refreshing and refining the shield on a daily basis for a while, so you should come see me before class starts."

"So what kind of defense training did you have in mind?"

"For starters, it helps if you think of your will as psychic armor protecting your core or self from attack. Then you picture walls around yourself guarded by psychic warriors like a psychic fortress."

"Psychic warriors?"

"It can be anything really, I use creatures from nightmares and horror movies as defense between my first and second wall ".

"What does that do? "

"Well the idea is that anyone who breaks through the first wall will be bogged down by psychic negativity. The idea is that it'll drain some energy and momentum from their psychic attacks giving you time to fight or flee."

He placed his hands on my head and I could feel a psychic dome being raised around my mind, it felt sort of feeble.

"Now picture your will, all your psychic strength as an armor around yourself. "

I did so, "Now picture an attack bouncing off a solid wall of psychic strength, that's good. Now picture yourself in a maze or behind layers of walls as if you needed to slow or fight off an incoming wave of warriors."

I pictured an ice castle with myself in the centre of a labyrinth of corridors and halls of ice with ice elementals at every door. I pictured the outside of the castle with water elementals flinging hot water in blasts of force from the castles parapets and a moat filled with ice water constantly shifting into spikes to punish any intruders who tried to cross it. I put 2 outer walls outside my icy fortress, 40 feet high with thick walls and smooth solid ice that would make climbing it difficult.

"That's a good mental image, now fill the space between those two walls with every bad thing you can think of and anything that has ever scared you."

I pictured demons and monsters and every terrible image I could think of to populate the space.

"Now feel all of it solidifying in your mind like a photograph, picture every detail and hold it in your mind and fortify it with your psychic strength and will."

"Will that stop someone from reading my mind?"

"It won't stop telepaths from reading your surface thoughts. It should protect your memories and your psychic core from attack. If someone with a lot of psychic strength is really determined they might break through all the defences but it feels like you have enough psychic strength to resist at least a psychic attack or two. That should give me time to come help you out, unless you're too far away. Eventually though I'll be able to maintain these shields from a greater distance and with greater strength. Every day I'll boost the power of my shield in your mind and I'll help you increase the strength of your mental fortifications to resist even the strongest attacks. If you think of anything else that might slow down or stop an attacker, just picture it in your mind and add it to your current defenses. Give it a few days though so this image will cement deep into your mental armory."

"So do you think I should confront Xavier about taking away my level 5 abilities?"

"Give yourself at least a month to learn how to maximise your abilities and to shore up your mental defences first. By then I should be able to help you remove the psychic blocks so that you have your full powers back. Also in a month you might understand Xavier and his motivations more and maybe it'll feel less like a violation. I mean Xavier helped me out a lot when me and my brother were essentially orphans. I don't want to talk about that at the moment though. It's probably best to let things settle, learn as much as you can about your abilities and how to use them efficiently. Once you gain full control you won't accidentally grope boys in your sleep or accidentally freeze an ocean without meaning to".

I laughed "You think I could freeze an ocean".

"Even at your current power level you might be able to do it, it'd just take longer and physically and mentally exhaust you. If you wanted to you could probably kill 70% of the mutants in this building at your current power level and only the Xmen would be able to stop you.

"You make me sound scary. I have no desire to kill anyone!"

"We're all capable of doing great good or great evil. It's something that Xavier repeats endlessly. He's apparently able to connect to every single person in the world distinguishing between mutants and humans. If he concentrated hard enough on the humans he could kill all the humans in the world. If he was like Magneto he would have already committed a world-wide genocide of humanity and he would rule the world. Luckily for humanity he believes that mutants and humans will one day work together."

"I guess I shouldn't confront him then" I said realising I was way out of my depth with everything.

"Probably best not to, just let it go for now, get as strong as you can, learn to control your abilities and go on with the rest of your life. Or you could join the Xmen if you wanted to, get some combat experience and help out other mutants find a place they can be who they are."

"Well thanks for your help, I really appreciate it and all the info even if I didn't understand most of it, however I still have boys to apologise to for sleep groping them, so that should be awkward."

He stood up and hugged me, sliding his hands down squeezing my butt "If you need anyone to grope, let me know, you can grope me any time and if you're looking for more sex afterwards I can find you some other horny boys to play with."

I was starting to get very turned on by this shift in conversation and also by the hard cock I could feel pressing against my stomach. I was very tempted to strip him down and let him pound me again but I should go apologise to my victims so I could move on with the rest of my stay here. "Are there any other gay guys in this school?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know if they're gay or not. I try and block out the details of their fantasies. However in the mornings and late at night the boys here feel the need to relieve their horniness. I can feel their lust and satisfaction crawling through the mansion at times. If you approached them in just the right way offering your hot ass to pound, they might say yes".

"There are some definite hotties around here that I wouldn't mind fooling around with and on that note I should really go apologise to some of those guys for sleep groping them".

"Good luck buddy oh and don't forget to come over in the morning so I can refine your shield" Sean said dropping his pants revealing his hard cock "and for other stuff" he said smiling.

I shook my head and left quickly before I gave in to the urge to fool around with him instead of dealing with the latest problem in my life.

Next: Chapter 8

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