
By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 28, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P Oh and send me a link to your stories :)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

I realised that it's conceivable that it could be considered that I've referenced other celebrities/fictional characters incidentally in this chapter so just in case. My Peter Hale is completely different to the Teen Wolf version and the use of the descriptor Blondie has no relation to the band.

Authors Note

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I'm still aiming to post a new chapter every week, feedback though is greatly appreciated and helps keeps me motivated through the tiresome editing/rewriting process.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via the donate link up the top

On with the story...

Chapter 6

Down the hall I heard the showers going, outside on the hooks were a pair of towels and board shorts. They looked like the ones worn by those two guys I walked past when I was heading to the shower like an hour ago.

This should be interesting. I stripped naked again, feeling on top of the world after having sex for the first time with Sean. I walked in and noticed that each guy was under the showers on the sides of the room their butts facing each other. They both looked good from the back, the smaller guy having a lean build, around 5'6 with light brown hair and high tight looking derriere. The other guy was taller about 6 foot 2 with a bulky build with a beefier butt and with darker brown hair.

The shorter teen's butt was making me horny again, made me want to pin him against the wall and have my way with him. Fucking Sean had been like a sexual appetiser, I wanted to have sex again Asap, preferably by getting my cherry popped by Luke but fucking someone else would be good too. I took the shower in the middle and turned to the younger one thinking I wouldn't mind fucking this gangly teen.

"Hey, how was your swim?" he turned around as if he realised that he wasn't the only one in the room any more. Apparently I wasn't the only one who got lost in thought under the shower. He looked guilty and nervous which peaked my curiosity. I quickly noticed he was unsuccessfully trying to cover his obviously hard cock with his hands now that he realised he had an audience.

"Um it was okay, too many people out though, do I know you?"

"No I just came here last night and I'm Victor so what's your name and power?" I asked curious. I reached out a hand to see what would happen. He looked at my hand as if it was a foreign object; his eyes darted towards my hard cock and started blushing. He looked down at his hard cock and I swear he was going bright red. He awkwardly removed one hand from his crotch, revealing more of his nakedness in the process. He shook my hand, his body breaking out in red splotches, I smiled at his awkwardness.

This must have been what I looked like to Lachlan when he first met me which reminded me of how that turned out. I kept a hold of his hand as I looked down at his hard cock; it looked about 6 inches about the same length as mine but thinner in girth. I wondered if he'd let me blow him, I was having an excellent day sex wise so far and I was curious how he'd respond to a filthy proposition. However before I could proposition the young lad he spoke.

"My name is Peter and I can multiply small things", he said, I was vaguely curious about that but I was more interested in his cock so I figured I'd try my luck.

"Would you like a blowjob?" I asked

"What the hell! You some kind of fag?" shouted the other guy who in my blatant attempt at trying to get it on with the young guy I had forgotten about.

I didn't even bother to turn around as I was solely focused on the young stud in front of me "Yes" I said honestly.

"I guess so", Peter said quietly, before he could change his mind or the other guy could interrupt and spoil my fun I was down on my knees deep throating his hot little mouthful of cock.

"Oh god", he said, his hand resting lightly on my head as I lavished his cock with expert attention, boy was moaning and squirming with pleasure. Less than a minute later, he was fucking my throat and blasting a torrent of cum down my throat. He sagged as if someone cut all his strings and I held him firm with my grip on his cute little butt. "Sorry I should have warned you before I blew but it felt so good and then it was too late because I was blowing and then you were swallowing and um..." all said in a manic stream of words.

I pulled off his cock "I don't mind at all, you're tasty" I got up off my knees and stood up my cock throbbing in longing, I turned around to check the other guys reaction. He was standing watching us with hands balled at his sides in fists looking disgusted, which was undermined a lot by the fact that his beer can thick 8 inch cock was rock hard and throbbing. I guess his cock appreciated the slutty show even if the rest of him didn't.

"You're not touching my cock"! the large guy declared apropos of nothing.

"I didn't ask to! ", I responded, as I stepped under the shower for a few seconds to rinse, I turned off the spray and started walking away.

"Why not?", He asked petulantly while Peter was leaning against the wall recovering his breath.

I shrugged "I don't like your attitude" I turned to Peter "However Peter if you'd like another blowjob I'm rooming with Luke" I waited in the hall in my underwear to listen in to make sure Peter was okay after I left.

"Why did you let that fag blow you"?

"I was curious; it was awesome, what's the big deal? He seemed nice and friendly."

I didn't hear anything else so I figured the other guy was sulking so I went off to see what Luke was up to.

I headed back to my room, when I got there Luke was dressed in a singlet and shorts lying on his bed playing with his phone. I moved over to my side of the room and quickly put on a shirt and some black jeans and some shoes.

"Ready whenever you are, if you still want to take me shopping that is."

"I said I would, let's head off".

We headed downstairs to a parking garage filled with different vehicles. I was impressed by the wide variety and quality of the vehicles on display. It reminded me of the car dealerships I had visited on the occasional trips into the city with the family as I tried unsuccessfully to convince my mom to buy me something good. Luke headed towards a red Porsche and started it up with keys from inside the dashboard.

"Are we allowed to drive cars from here?" I asked eagerly, thinking about driving one of these beauties when I finished doing my necessary hours.

"It's my car; my parents donated a million dollars to this place when I started manifesting my abilities. One of the conditions was that I got to park my car here so that I could go for a drive whenever I wanted and that I could have my own room after the last roommate disaster".

"Okay then, so you want me to move out?" I asked anxiously.

"Well so far you're proving to be much more entertaining than my last roommate who I had to babysit due to his power incontinence. Anyway who else would love my cock as much as you do and give me blowjobs all the time? You can stay Hound."

"Thanks I guess"

He revved up the engine and we were soon out on the road driving, several minutes had gone by without further discussion and I was starting to get antsy.

"Are we okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem a bit weird since I left the shower all silent and distant. "

"You're such a girl, we're fine, it's all good man, we're going on an adventure in a new city to get you stuff, just relax and enjoy the ride".

I felt better but talking about rides reminded me of fucking Psych which made me horny again. I couldn't seem to think about anything but sex lately. I placed my left hand on Luke's thigh, my hand creeped upwards until it was firmly placed on the outline of his thickening cock.

"I'm feeling a little thirsty" I yanked eagerly on the waistband of his shorts as he lifted his ass up and his shorts ended up hanging off his knees. I eagerly started bobbing on his hard exposed cock as we cruised the highway into the city.

"Fuck man, you're the fucking best roommate I've ever had. Fucking nothing like road head, first time getting it from a guy though, usually I'd have to talk a girl into doing this for me. Though usually we'd up parking somewhere afterwards and I'd plow her. Maybe I should plow you in the backseat of this car" I moaned eagerly around his cock at the idea and he stopped talking and started moaning, getting really worked up.

He started slowing down the car as he started speeding up the thrusting into my throat. It wasn't much longer until he veered the car into the verge and blew a somewhat meagre load down my throat. I figured perhaps I should give him more time between orgasms so his balls had some time to recharge. "Thanks "I said feeling temporarily sated with another load down my throat.

"That was awesome" He cleared his throat "Let's spend some money with my dad's credit cards. My parents will probably be happy to hear I've made a new friend and that I've helped you out with supplies..."

We managed to get to the shops without any further incidents. Luke was more hands off in the city than I had become accustomed to, walking slightly apart from me, not tussling my hair or making any casual physical contact. I missed it. We spent the next few hours wandering through the city and it's shopping district where I ended up getting some nice new jeans at Luke's suggestions which hugged my ass and that I wore out of the store. Then we went to another store that I ended up with a really nice mesh shirt that showed off the definition of my abs in sneaky little peeks as I walked. I was getting quite a few admiring glances from girls and even some guys.

Luke also bought me a dozen boxer briefs with his parents black AMEX. I felt somewhat conflicted letting Luke buy me expensive stuff since I didn't want him to feel like I was using him for his money. He offered though and buying this stuff would have bankrupted the meagre amount of money I had left after getting to New York. I really needed a job so I could have my own source of income I really didn't feel good being dependent on the charity of others. It made me feel like a child and not in the fun way; when my parents bought me expensive stuff it felt like an achievement in planning, subterfuge or good old emotional manipulation.

Getting stuff from Luke made me feel somehow like his pet. I resolved to find a job ASAP. I was starting to get tired of going through all these stores and seeing all this cool stuff I couldn't afford. I was growing weary of this outing as we had been shopping for about 4 hours now. My pride was definitely getting in the way of me enjoying the all-expense paid shopping trip. I'd only allowed Luke to buy a few things instead of the dozens of options he offered out of the countless options the New York shops had on display.

Luke convinced me that we had to make one stop for something integral to my wardrobe if I was to hang out with him in public. Luke took me to a very quiet upmarket looking place with a gilt elevator to the top floor. As the lift stopped, he slid his hands under my shirt, pinched my nipples, he pushed me up against the lift wall face first. He pressed his hard cock against my thin tight new jeans rubbing against my ass as he stroked my cock through the thin jeans. I was awash with sensations from the feel of his hands on my body to the silk mesh rubbing against my chest, the feel of his hard cock that I could feel easily through the thin jeans to the arousal I felt from having my cock rubbed.

The skinny jeans were causing me great discomfort due to my raging hard on and the lack of space in the crotch region. Luke pulled off me shooting me a smile of pure mischief "Just wanted a preview". Then he was through the lift doors before I could yell at him or drag him back to grab at the obvious bulge in his pants. Luke is such a tease; part of me enjoyed the build-up, another part wants to hit him.

I find Luke inside what looks like a very upmarket boutique men's store checking out a rack of suits. I hesitate in the shop's entrance having terrible flash backs to my mom forcing me clothes shopping for good church clothes. UGH.

Unfortunately for me Luke is my ride so I can't run away, I sigh and head in to face the tedium of getting 'nice clothes'. I never would have guessed Luke would like shopping so much. With his all-American surfer look, he is surprisingly well versed in cuts and materials and colors. I on the other hand know next to nothing about fashion, only thing I know about fashion is that male models look hot, especially the underwear models :P

A female sales assistant went up to Luke flashing an insincerely large smile, her large breasts the focus of Luke's attention as she asked if he needed her asssistance. He smiled back at her "I'm looking for a suit"; she glanced at me briefly dismissively, talking to Luke about what style and cut he was looking for. I zoned out, growing bored as they kept talking.

I wandered off to the other side of the store to look at ties instead. Not that I had any real interest in ties I just wanted to get away from the made up bimbo flirting with my ... whatever Luke was to me.

I was definitely developing feelings for Luke, which I knew was stupid because he was straight and also I liked Lachlan and Sean. They both seemed interested in having sex with me and logic would dictate that they'd be better choices romantically. Stupid hormones! I must have started muttering to myself because a male sales assistant popped up "Are you okay sir?"

"Yeah I'm fine" then I really registered him, he was wearing a tight white dress shirt and very well fitted black dress pants and he was looking at me like Lachlan and Sean did; like I was an interesting proposition.

He smiled at me and I felt a stirring in my pants and I smiled back. He was very good looking, gelled black hair, lean and defined body with a handsome face with interesting hazel eyes matched with a heart melting smile and I think I was a bit smitten already.

"I like your shirt" his fingers reached out to stroke the fabric just above my stomach. His hand rested on my stomach, his fingers casually stroking my abs lightly. I felt all flushed, my cock aching like crazy in its tight denim prison. These jeans showed off my butt wonderfully but they were murder on my cock. I clutched the tie I had been holding previous to his arrival in a fierce death grip unsure of what to do with myself. I was trying to focus on the tie to try and kill my erection as he continued stroking my belly. "It's a great material and really shows out your muscle definition. Do you work out a lot?"

"I swim, I mean I used to for high school" I stammered uneasily. I really wanted to kiss him; his mouth was just so close. I had no idea if he was hitting on me or whether he was handsy or whether he had worked around guys so much he didn't realise what effect he had on me.

After a protracted silence he said, "Sorry I thought you were on my team" he took away his hand from my stomach and I felt bereft.

"What team?" I asked, my intellect in freefall .

He gave me an odd look, "I thought you were gay, Sandra always snags the straight boys that come here and with the muscle shirt we both pegged you as gay. Sorry again" he moved to walk away and I grabbed his arm. He turned back and he looked anxious as if I was going to hit him or something.

"I am gay, it's just I'm sort of new to everything. I recently came from a small town from the outskirts of the city, literally a day ago for school and Luke is helping me get ready to live in the area. He's been helping me out by suggesting stuff to wear even though I kind of feel like I'm not me already if that makes any sense." I babbled feeling like a complete loser.

He just smiled at me "Well my name is Mark and I like your outfit. It's very sexy, though it might be a tad more appropriate for a nightclub rather than for every day kind of wear well unless you want to be groped on the streets. " he said as he slid his hand under my shirt rubbing against my abs. "Would you like my help in finding you something dressy for a proper outing to see the city, for instance if a local wanted to buy you dinner and show you the sights?"

I just looked at him trying to work out what he meant as his hand trailed teasingly closer south to the button on my jeans "Unless you're not interested in me".

I felt like we were talking across various wavelengths because I had no idea what he was on about "You're hot" I could feel myself blushing furiously as I tried to get my brain to keep up but blood was flowing down into my cock and it was demanding attention or salvation from my jeans.

"You're an adorable noob, are you a virgin?"

"Sort of", not wanting to explain about Sean and ice dildos.

"Interesting, how about we take this to the changing rooms, I know what would look great on you for our date tonight".

"Date?" I was lost and horny and confused as hell, this was moving really crazy fast, which sounds a bit weird I suppose after the amount of sex I had earlier today but I've never had a guy ask me out and I was a bit shocked by the offer.

He pulled me by the jeans into the back of the store where he let go of me and eyed me up in a professional way and moved around quickly grabbing a dark blue shirt some pants and a 2 piece jacket, practically throwing them at me. "Go try these on, they should be about your size".

I walked into the surprisingly spacious changing room cubicle and stripped to my boxer briefs, checking out how I looked in them with them tenting with my very hard cock. I gave my cock a casual stroke as consolation.

I had to resist the urge to jack off as Mark was waiting outside. I needed to get my hormones under control so I could try on the suit and maybe figure out what the hell was going on in regards to this date Mark was referencing. I quickly put on the clothes and as if Mark was psychic he passed some nice black shoes to finish the outfit along with a pair of dark black socks in them. I checked out my reflection in the wall length mirror, I was impressed, I didn't look like me anymore, I looked like an older, more mature, sophisticated version of me and I felt much better than in the outfit Luke picked out for me.

I couldn't complain too much about Luke's outfit choice, it brought me to the attention of Mark, who I think had asked me out tonight I was right had asked me out on a date sometime tonight for dinner ? Now that I wasn't being groped I was guessing he was using some short hand gay code in a back handed dinner invitation. I still had no idea where or when or why but I was making progress in figuring out what was going on at last.

"You decent?" Mark asked as he knocked on the change room door.

"As decent as I ever am" I smiled as I opened the door to him.

Mark whistled appreciatively "You look good in a suit". I felt flattered by his approval, he pushed me deeper into the change room against the padded bench (presumably for putting on shoes). He kissed me hard, pressed up against me, his hands roamed all over my body. I found myself sitting on the bench as I had a lapful of a horny Mark grinding his ass on my cock while his tongue invaded my mouth turning my insides to jelly in the process.

Abruptly he stood up, rubbing his mouth gingerly and readjusting his clothes from where my hands had started to undress him. I reached out and stroked his erection through his pants, felt like an impressive size, he moaned before he slapped my hand away. "I was supposed to behave, I wanted to have a nice normal date with a cute gay guy without letting hormones ruin it. I'm sorry." He turned away with his shoulders slouched.

I stood up and pulled him towards me into my embrace. "Nothing is ruined, I wasn't complaining about you kissing me and I definitely enjoyed it". I put his hand on my hard cock "Now are you going to tell me what this date entails or do I have to develop psychic powers so I can find out. If you still want to take a poor rube from the sticks out into the city and show him around."

"Yes I definitely want to take you out before some other boy snatches you up. You can come pick me up at 7, I'll be finished with work then and we can go to a restaurant and have some dinner. Then we can go out to a club or 3 and dance the night away."

"I don't have a car though and I'm not old enough to go clubbing"

"Wait, how old are you?"


"You really are new then, well I have a car here and there's a couple of clubs which don't tend to card. All you have to do is show up here at 6 wearing that and I'll take you out on a grand tour of the city hot spots and buy you dinner "

"Ok cool, I'll see if Luke can drop me off here later, speaking of, I should probably see if he has missed me at all", I said feeling a tad abandoned.

"So is he gay too?"

"No" I said thinking of that Sandra chick with her hands all over him, I grimaced at the thought.

"You've got a thing for him, don't you?"

I blushed "he's my roommate at school, it's a bit complicated "

He looked at me as if he was seeing through me "Straight boys are hot but it's very messy when they don't love you back or don't blow you back" he said while giving a sad little smile with a distant look on his face.

"So how old are you?" I asked eager to change the subject from my doomed crush on Luke.

"20, I don't have much time left to enjoy my twink status "

I wasn't sure what he was talking about to be honest and I was kind of curious to see what Luke's reaction was to my new outfit . Yeah I had it bad, crushes make you feel pathetically lame sometimes but they're somewhat inevitable. I went out in my new outfit leaving my other stuff in the room to see if Luke would approve.

I saw Luke was flirting and chatting up Sandra and I had to resist the urge to scream or do something mean to her like use the water vapour in the air to pour some cold water on their flirting literally.

I went over and tapped Luke on the shoulder and he turned around and eyed me curiously. "Very nice outfit man" he pulled out the black amex out of his wallet and I could see Sandra's eyes light up with barely disguised greed as he passed it to me.

"You sure?" I asked, concerned, having noticed the exorbitant prices on the tags of the outfits, I wanted to make sure.

"It suits you, go buy it, I'm just finishing up things here with Sandra, I'll be with you shortly "he said, sounding oddly formal. Luke was a lot more complex than I first imagined when I saw him in his underwear Friday night trying to figure out what to wear for his date.

I went back to the change rooms and quickly changed out of the suit into what I was thinking of as my `slut outfit'. As soon as I exited the change room Mark appeared "Everything okay?" he sounded concerned.

"Yeah, I'll buy the entire outfit, Luke approves" I passed over the card and Mark's eyes flicked over the card in surprise and then he looked at me in confusion.

"Are you Peter's son?"

The only Peter I knew was the guy I blew in the shower and he was not old enough to be anyone's father. "My father is Andrew"

"The card is in the name of Peter Hale?" he asked curiously.

"That must be Luke's dad, it's his parents card" I responded absently.

Mark laughed "Well that's good I guess".

I swear Mark always seemed to be talking over my head; it was getting frustrating that everyone seemed to be talking in code around me or I was missing out on something obvious.

He moved off to the change rooms, picking up the discarded clothes and shoes and taking them to the counter with me trailing after. He scanned them and then neatly folded all the clothes into separate bags and he put the shoes into a box. "Anything else sir", he smiled as if realising he was reverting back to the sales assistant script.

"No that's good, so I'll see you at 7" I said grabbing all the bags before I could turn around Luke was there next to me .

"So I'll take these too " Luke stated but before Mark could move to deal with the new purchases Sandra practically shoved him out of the way to ring up the purchases of Luke, snatching the card out of Mark's hand. Mark didn't look particularly surprised, he merely smiled at his odious co-worker and turned to address Luke "So you're Peter Hale's son"

"Yes" Luke turned to address Mark while Sandra quickly scanned and bagged what looked like a couple of shirts and pants looking happy with her achievement. "Why do you ask?"

"His name is on the card ", Mark said, Sandra looked up briefly concerned as if realising that her sale might have been ruined by credit card theft.

"Yeah he let me have his card while I was in the city" Luke replied, Sandra went back to ringing up the purchases. There was silence until Sandra passed the bags over "Thank you and have a nice day". We went out the door with our bags but before we could get too far, Mark came out and slipped a piece of paper in my pocket and gave me a hug goodbye and said "See you later tonight" Luke just looked at me curiously.

"I have a date tonight", I said proudly.

"Congratulations, you're very popular aren't you ?" I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or sincere.

"You think you could drop me off here at 7" I asked anxiously.

He looked at his watch for a second "I suppose we have just enough time to get back and do a quick shower and preen before coming back here, you got his number?"

I realised I didn't, I was about to turn back into the store and ask before I remembered to check the note he slipped into my pocket before he hugged me. I pulled it out and it had his name, number and time to meet and the store's address. I smiled and showed it to Luke.

"Cool, give me a minute, I'll just check something " he pulled his phone out and started texting while I waited anxiously to find out whether I'd have to find this place on my own using public transport or whether I wanted to risk doing the armor form and flying through New York and dealing with that.

A few minutes later Luke said "It's fine I'll drive you back here by 7, I now have a date at 7 too"

I looked at him curiously, people in the city were confusing, he started to move off and I followed after until we reached the car where he dumped his bags in the back. I took my place in the passenger seat cradling my new purchases and nervously anticipating my date tonight. We drove off back to Xavier's, I was lost in my own thoughts for ten minutes before realising that Luke hadn't told me who he was going on a date with. I didn't know whether I'd have time to be there at 7 if he was meeting someone at 7. "So where are you meeting your date?" I asked as casually as possible.

"Same place as yours" for a second I thought he was coming along with me and Mark; I got distracted by thoughts of the 3 of us naked and sexing. My erection returned painfully before brutal logic cut in with another alternative, I blurted out, "Sandra?" in realisation.

"Yes ", he replied so casually that I was tempted to hit him.

"But she's ... ", I trailed off realising I couldn't bad mouth her if he liked her otherwise I'd come across as a bad friend, I really liked Luke and I didn't want him to hate me.

"A petty shallow gold digging bitch" Luke said calmly as he sped his way out of the city.

I just stared at Luke in shock, both at the language he used to describe his date and his obvious and utter contempt for her.

"So why are you going on a date with her?"

"She knows I'm rich or my parents are anyway and she'll sleep with me most likely in order to try and trap me by getting knocked up ".

I just looked at him in shock, surprised at how cynical he was. Luke seemed like such a friendly open guy. Apparently Luke was a complicated guy.

I didn't know what to say so I remained silent for the entire ride to the mansion.

Things felt weird between Luke and me but despite my crush on him I had a hot date with Mark tonight to focus on. I was very excited about my first gay date. I quickly showered shaving off excess hair using tiny water blades over my body making myself nice and smooth. I cleaned myself inside and out with hot water just in case...

After the shower I dabbed on some cologne on my neck on Luke's advice. Then I sprayed myself with a little deodorant before I dressed in my new outfit. I had pressed my new outfit using heavy ice and dried it off with my powers/steam.

I felt all excited and nervous and waited anxiously for Luke down in the car port, eager to be off and gone. He rocked up in a tight red dress shirt and a black jacket with the shirt unbuttoned to the second button with his hair spiked up and black dress pants. He looked darker and more dangerous than usual, it was disconcerting that I found him more attractive as a result. Stupid hormones!

He walked up to me as if nothing was off "Shall we go?"

"Yeah" I replied nervous about my date.

It was a quiet ride to the shop as Luke navigated the weekend traffic and I worried anxiously about my first date with a boy. We arrived after what felt like forever, Mark and Sandra were there waiting outside the shop not speaking or looking at each other.

I hopped out of the car eager to get away from Luke and Sandra and enjoy my first date with a gay boy who seemed to like me for maybe more than sex.

"Hi" I said feeling incredibly nervous.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Good and you"

"I'm good, let's head to my car" Mark said

"Okay" I followed him, doing my best to ignore Luke saying hello to Sandra. The idea of them together repulsed me on a lot of different levels. Must focus on my own date I told myself trying to get myself into the right head space. We arrived at the shops staff parking and there were only 2 cars there a red Ford and a silver Mercedes. "So which one is yours?" I asked hoping it was the Mercedes, it looked cool.

"The Ford, though I am about half way to a Mercedes at the moment, saving all the money I'm not spending on food, rent and school"

"What school are you going to? I asked as we settled into our seats.

"New York Film Academy, I want to be a director one day, though I might end up filming porn like all the other hacks out there" he sighed dramatically.

I wasn't really sure what to say, my social skills had not really been called on for the last few years. "Well I like porn" I blurted out, then felt myself blushing furious at the vacuous comment that popped out of my mouth.

Mark laughed as he placed a hand on my thigh "Well maybe one day you'll star in one of my pornos, nothing wrong with home movies after all" he winked at me rakishly as he steered out of the parking section one handed.

"Maybe" I said unsure, I was kind of turned on by the idea and also kind of intimidated at the thought of having sex on camera. So far I'd only really had sex with Sean and I wasn't really sure whether I was any good at the whole topping thing. Most of my fantasies had involved being the bottom boy until recent events in the locker room ruined my favourite fantasy.

I still wanted Luke to fuck me but the idea was less palatable if he hooked up with Sandra. I did not want her sloppy seconds no matter how insane or hypocritical my brain told me that was. If he had sex with her tonight I'd have to settle for Lachlan or maybe Sean or maybe have both of them slide their hard cocks in me at the same time, I'd always wanted to get dp'd ever since I first saw it in a porno.

"You ok there, you looked a million miles away, though judging by your bulge maybe you were in your happy place, Am I boring you already?" he said as he moved his hand from my thigh over to rub my cock through my pants.

"NO" I practically shouted and Mark quickly removed his hand from my crotch, I quickly grabbed it back and placed it back where it belonged. "No, you're not boring me, it's just I was just thinking about what it would be like to be in a home movie with you and me naked together and I got distracted".

"Well that's good I was worried that I was moving too fast for you or something, I'm not that great at dating to be honest, I usually aim for the simpler method"

"There's a simpler method?" I asked curious about a simple method.

"You really are new ", he looked at me like he pitied me a bit "usually you meet someone online or at a club and just go home with them and see how that works out. Dating is so complicated what with trying to figure out what the other person is thinking or feeling and it's so nerve wracking".

I could relate with my experiences with Luke lately, things were so simple when I was sucking his cock. Then I'd worry that things were moving too fast for him. Or distracted by unwelcome thoughts about Friday night. I also spent an inordinate time wondering whether Luke liked me and how much he liked me. My brief attempt to date girls didn't really have any of those worries simply because I didn't care whether they liked me or not.

"So why are we on a date then instead of us going back to yours and having sex? " I asked wondering what dating meant compared to just having sex and whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"There are a few reasons I'm not taking you home straight away. They are more my issues than anything to do with you in particular. I mean I really would like to have sex with you, don't get me wrong on that note but my place isn't free tonight. My flat mate has his 4 straight band mates over and they're a tad obnoxious about me hooking up with guys while they're there. They have a bad habit of banging on the walls and cheering and it doesn't tend to make a great impression on guys I want to see more than once. Having sex with guys straight away can be super convenient in bypassing the conventional dating build up and answering those secret questions you don't feel free to ask on a normal date."

"What kind of questions?"

"You really are a noob. The basic questions for gay dating; will he be a good root or not? Is he well equipped (I wondered briefly if I would measure up in that department, I was fairly average cock wise) will there be sexual chemistry in bed? Is he more of a top or a bottom? Is he just looking for a one off? Do I consider him bf material, does he consider me bf material, do I want him to want me as a bf? Does he like me? Will he want to hang out after we have sex? Just to cover a few..."

"Oh" I said feeling overwhelmed by these questions I had never thought about, I was usually just busy trying to figure out if I was passing as `normal' to wonder about that stuff.

"Having sex on the first date can be fun but there's usually a fairly significant downside though. There are a lot of gay guys in this city, just looking to get laid. If you have sex with them on the first meet you have no idea if you'll ever see them again until afterwards. While one night stands can be kind of fun at the start, they can get a bit depressing after a while. These days I try and date, well sometimes I try, other times I just try and find guys who are into more regular sexy times. Friends with benefits are fun." He smiled a little vacantly at that last comment obviously going to his happy sexy place judging by the now growing bulge in his pants.

He parked, it had been a short trip from his work, I couldn't see anything that looked like it was open though. He was fondling my cock through my pants more firmly now we were parked, I had a brief look around, there didn't seem to be any one around so I leaned over and squeezed his bulge. It felt impressive so I started stroking him through his pants. He moaned and started picking up speed, rubbing on mine. I sped up on his; it felt awkward since I couldn't stroke his full length properly since his cock seemed to be stuck on an angle. So being the nice guy I am I leaned over and unzipped his pants to free his trapped cock from his red briefs.

He had a drop of precum on the tip of his cock so I leaned over and lapped at it like a cat with cream. He moaned again deeper and louder this time, his hand slipped off my cock and gripped onto the back of my head. I found myself quickly nudged down until my lips were wrapped around his stiff thick 8 inch cock. I stroked my cock while I sucked on his cock eagerly savouring the sweet taste of his pre cum.

"Oh God yeah" Mark moaned as he thrusted eagerly into my throat. "You're very good at this but I was going to be good and buy you dinner and I have reservations for 7:30" I released his cock reluctantly. I really loved sucking cock.

"If you insist" I said tucking myself back in and exiting the vehicle .

He pulled me into his arms once I reached the sidewalk and kissed me deeply until my knees felt weak "you can do that all you like after dinner. It's a really great Italian restaurant, they do the best pizza in the city, at least in my opinion. I eat here a couple times a week, though I spend way too much time working out at the gym to work off all those carbohydrates".

"You look good to me", I smiled at him and he smiled back at me and to anyone on the outside we probably looked like two love sick teens . He unbuttoned the second last button from the bottom of the shirt at least the part that wasn't tucked in and slid his hand under my shirt to caress my abs.

"I really love how firm your abs are, maybe I should take up swimming." He took his hand away briefly and I moved to rebutton my shirt "leave it undone, I want easy access to grope you later"

"Do you treat all your dates like this?" I asked feeling flustered and somewhat exposed as if the whole world would know what we were up to.

"Only the super cute ones" he said just before I could object to such a label he was kissing me again and rubbing my abs lecherously. He pulled away too quickly for my liking "Come on sexy I'll race you there". He started off without me through a path through a park.

"Wait, I don't know where the restaurant is" he paused mid stride several feet ahead of me and shouted back at me "It's right at the end of this path, named Luigi's"

I yelled "Cool" as I raced past him.

Mark shouted out "hey no fair".

I laughed and skipped ahead of him feeling juvenile and pleased about it. Shortly afterwards I was tackled and pinned against a tree face first. "You have no idea how hot your ass looks when you skip in those pants" he practically growled in my ear as I could feel his hard on pressed against my ass.

I had an unwelcome flash back to Jackson pressing me against a locker but before the memory ruined my mood entirely Mark had reached around unbuttoned my pants and slid them around my thighs along with my underwear exposing me to the slight breeze. Before I could object to the rough handling or the pantsing I felt a warmth against my hole, understanding came as a hot wet tongue was pressed against my hole. He lapped at my hole, squeezing my cheeks and spreading me for easier access tonguing me deeper. His tongue was causing my brain to short circuit, my hard cock rubbing up against the bark of the tree as I wanted more of his tongue. I moaned out "more"...

Mark's tongue disappeared, I sighed in discontent, only for his tongue to be replaced with a finger. I grinded against his finger shamelessly enjoying being fingered, he was quick to slide in another finger. I panted and moaned, a shameless animal in rut, bucking against his fingers. Mark had 3 fingers pushing up against my prostate now as I leaned against the tree for balance. I was moaning eagerly at his expert fingering, intensified by my fear of being caught in the act.

He paused for a second, next thing I knew his hard cock was pressed against my hole. I pushed him off me, not wanting my first time to be in a public park at the start of my first gay date. The position and lack of visuals was bringing up bad memories about Jackson and the locker room. I turned around and Mark was on his ass a few feet away looking somewhat dazed with erection in hand. He stood up after a minute had passed "I'm sorry I got a little carried away there, your ass is just so tempting I really wanted to fuck you but obviously it's too soon for that for you". I yanked up my pants turning back to the path and walked quickly to the restaurant not wanting to discuss the obvious subject. I waited just outside for him to catch up.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Let's just go inside" I didn't want to talk about it, I was annoyed, annoyed at myself, at Mark, at Jackson, at the whole stupid situation. Mark walked up to the guy seating people and said "Mark reservation for 7:30", guy looked at us curiously and took us to our table.

We sat there silently for a minute before a waiter showed up and introduced himself as Sven which I thought was odd since this was an Italian restaurant. He looked and sounded like he was from Switzerland but he was an attractive waiter so who was I to complain. I was starting to cheer up given the scenery; the place seemed fairly busy and noisy so I was hoping that no serious discussion about earlier events would occur.

"So I was thinking we could share some pizza, I'm fond of meat lovers, they have really fresh meat and it's pretty tasty, how about you? They do half and halves so you can get whatever you like as long as mushrooms don't end up on my pizza." Mark said.

I smiled "I'm fond of meat too, meat lovers is fine by me ".

"Cool..." Mark said, trailing off awkwardly, obviously at a loss as to what to say next "so this is a bit awkward to say". I felt myself shutting down a bit; anxious about having to explain about my virginity status, attempted gang rape/ mutant discovery, running away from home and all my anxieties about moving to a new city. I also didn't want to talk about anything involving Sean, Lachlan or Luke; especially the part about me wanting to lose my remaining technical virginity to Luke. "What's your name?" he asked cutting off my rambling thoughts.

I instantly replayed every moment since I met Mark and quickly came to the realisation that I never actually introduced myself and Mark was too busy groping me and or dressing me up to ask my name. I laughed, "My name is Victor".

"Well that's a cool name"

"Well it's actually Vittorio but Victor is the Anglicised version I go with, only my family calls me Vittorio though, usually when they're cranky about something I've done."

"So where's that name from anyway "


"Well this makes things awkward, you're probably used to home cooked Italian dishes cooked from scratch".

"I wouldn't stress about it, I'm third generation Italian, I was named after my grandfather for some reason that still makes no sense to me. My mom was busy working most of the time so we got microwaveable meals, though I suppose we may have eaten more pasta than the average family. Only on the holidays does Mom bring out the old family recipes to impress the extended family with cooking. "

"Ok good, another possible speed bump to this date successfully navigated."

"Would you like some drinks while you wait for your meal?" Sven asked appearing out of nowhere with an order pad and a bright smile saving me from trying to figure out what to talk about now, small talk was not my strong suit.

"Want some wine?" Mark asked

"I'll just have some Coca Cola." I said

"I guess I'll have some coke too."

Drinks arrived shortly afterwards followed by pizza which was as Mark described, tasty. I ate eagerly, realising I hadn't actually eaten all day. I hadn't felt particularly hungry before which was sort of odd for me but I had a lot of things going on lately.

Halfway through the meal Mark got a text on his phone and asked if it was okay if we stopped by his friends Tom's house party. I said yes, happy for the opportunity to meet his friend and go to a party in New York.

We quickly finished up our meal, Mark paid. We rocked up in this dodgy looking neighbourhood to a place with converted warehouses as new loft apartments. The place was loud and crowded all with guys in various stages of undress; dancing, grinding, kissing and groping each other. Some guys had their shirts unbuttoned, others were shirtless and a few were just in their underwear but all of them were in their early 20's fit and obviously very gay.

All of a sudden a hot red head pounced on Mark, embracing him, he started kissing Mark, unbuttoning his shirt and groping him all over in front of me. I was both jealous and turned on, they looked hot together. Mark pulled me towards the red head "Victor this is my best friend Tom, Tom this is Victor my date" before I could say hello, Tom's tongue was in my mouth.

My body responded automatically without thought, kissing him back, his hands sliding beneath my shirt, stroking my chest and abs. He unbuttoned my shirt while kissing me passionately, my shirt was barely on me anymore. Tom's hands moved down, unbuttoning my pants, his hands groped my ass, his fingers sliding past my anal ring into me, making me moan into his mouth helplessly as he stimulated my prostate.

My mind went foggy forgetting completely I was on a date with another boy. Tom was a very distracting influence, toned expanses of pale skin barely clad in black silk boxer briefs that I was reflexively touching. His hard cock was barely contained by his underwear as he rubbed himself against me, our cocks rubbing pleasurably through the two very thin layers of fabric between us. I was helpless to resist his intensity.

Tom eventually pulled himself off me, turned to Mark and said "I approve, he's cute and got a gropeable ass that's begging to be fucked, let me know if you feel like sharing later". He wandered off to say hello to another guy in a similar fashion; a tall blonde guy who was already in his underwear with what looked like a massive erection.

"Don't mind Tom he's very friendly and probably high on E right now, let's ditch our jackets and dance shall we?"

"Um Okay" I said feeling a little dazed by that makeout session and my hole itching to be filled. I rebuttoned my clothes, trying to get myself normalised.

We walked into what appeared to be a large bedroom with a bed covered in jackets and various clothes that at least 5 naked guys were having quite vocal bareback sex on. Mark ignored them as if it was not worth his attention focused solely on reaching the closet with mirror doors. He took off his jacket and asked for mine, I took it off robotically. I couldn't stop looking at the reflections in the glass of the live sex happening in the same room as us. He hung up the jackets on a couple of spare hangers seemingly oblivious to the group of naked 20 year olds on the bed a few yards from us having loud, thoroughly entertaining sex.

I stared fixated as I watched the action unfold. There was a good looking guy at the centre of the action taking it up the ass from two guys at the same time. One guy was beneath him thrusting into him while another one fucked him from behind. Dp guy was also getting sucked by a 3rd guy who was facefucking the top whom dp guy was riding. Dp guy was also getting a mouthful of hard cock from a 5th guy standing thrusting into his mouth watching the action unfold below with a happy grin on his face.

Mark came up behind me while I was entranced by the view "Did you want to join in or do you want to dance? " Mark asked as he slid his hands over my shirt, embracing me from behind, pressing his hard bulge against my ass. I was tempted by the view and the offer but this felt like way too much way too fast for me and I didn't know anyone on that bed. I shook my head wordlessly. "Well let's go dance sexy boy".

As we walked out the door, the tall blonde guy who had been making out with Tom blocked our exit. His tight white boxer briefs stretched obscenely with what looked like the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. "Every time we have a party, people are always fucking on the clothes", he said with a sigh, he reached out pulling Mark into an embrace, "hey Mark, I hear you are on a date tonight, you naughty boy". He groped Mark's ass thoroughly, kissing him with lots of tongue, this was starting to become a habit, I wasn't sure what to do in this situation.

He released Mark, saying "Hey cutie", his hands pressing me against his tall skinny body, he was a jangle of bones barely covered by skin. His tongue invaded my mouth while his hands groped my ass, prying my recently fingered hole further apart sliding his bony fingers deep into me. His huge cock came loose from his underwear as he was rubbing against me, his cock a thick heated weight against my belly. I looked down at the precum leaking from his huge cock onto my belly. That cock had to be at least ten inches with an interesting deviation, half of it still covered by his underwear.

I wanted to get that in my mouth or ass but before I could lower to my knees to worship his massive cock he said, "enjoy the party I got to mingle" and off he went as abruptly as he arrived. He left tucking his huge cock back into his underwear leaving me feeling somewhat bereft.

Mark grabbed my hand, where we joined the other horny sweaty boys in dancing, grinding and basically dry humping each other. We must have danced for at least an hour while the party continued to degenerate into a Romanesque orgy of lust and depravity. More guys were down to their underwear and at least one of the guys near me was getting the pounding of his life. Even though my body was pressed against Mark, the slap of flesh and his cries of pleasure were obvious and unmistakeable.

"I need to go to the bathroom" Mark said as he dragged me towards the bathroom. I wasn't sure why I was going along but I didn't want to lose him in the crowd so I didn't object. In the bathroom, loud moans, groans and thumping were audible as we approached.

There was a line to get in, the guys in front of us were having sex while waiting, the one in the back wearing bright green boxers and the other wearing some off-white jockstrap. Mark was right behind me groping me as I watched getting increasingly turned on by the view and Mark's hard bulge rubbing up against my backside.

When I finally got a good look at what was going on in the bathroom I was shocked, this party was intense. I didn't know whether to be horrified or amazed. There was a guy getting fucked over the toilet as he jerked off into the toilet bowl. Another guy was throat fucking some guy on his knees in the bath tub covered in various sticky substances of dubious origin.

Tom was busy slam fucking some twink, the twink's ass supported by the bathroom sink, Tom's bright red pubes in stark contrast to the twink's pale upturned ass.

The twink being pounded looked delirious as his back was slammed against the bathroom wall repeatedly, Tom was a hot looking fucker. We were now at the head of the line as the toilet guy who had been fucking the other guy was now being bent over the toilet himself apparently waiting for another horny entrant.

Mark moved behind Tom and yanked down his pants and underwear in a single movements and slammed himself balls deep into Tom. Tom paused for about a second, turning to Mark and smiling before slamming himself in between the two guys. He slammed himself on Mark's 8 inch cock while impaling the twink on the return stroke with his 9 inch cock. This really seemed to be getting Tom worked up as he was now pounding the unknown twink's ass faster and rougher than he had been before.

I moved away from the line, against the wall, watching in shock as my date pounded his best friend right in front of me while Tom was fucking some random twink. This was a fucked-up date but I was so turned on by the filthy show I was overcome by the urge to make use of my hard cock. I yanked down my pants and underwear and slid into Mark's welcoming hole in one clean thrust.

Mark felt so hot and warm as he clenched his hole around my cock as he fucked Tom like mad. We were a horny fucking train of sex and depravity. It wasn't long before I was nearing climax with my cock sinking into Mark's warmth and all the sex going on around nearby. Before I unloaded though, I felt a tongue rimming my hole. I looked behind me and tall blonde guy was on his knees behind me rimming my hole. This was even better than when Mark was doing it, his tongue was longer and it pushed in deep, pressing into me. He was getting me all loose and needy, somehow sensing the effect he had on me he started finger fucking me, quickly escalating to 3 fingers into my eager hungry hole.

He lowered his underwear revealing the full magnificence of his monster cock. He started stroking his 11 inch cock that seemed to bend ¾ along on and odd angle which reminded me somewhat of the leaning tower of Pisa. That was the last coherent thought I had before I reached climax inside Mark.

I withdrew from Mark's ass, the orgasmic euphoria fading quickly, I was feeling less turned on and more conflicted. However no one was overly concerned with my issues as my cock was quickly replaced by the blond's giant cock. Mark was quickly impaled on the 6 foot 2 blond guy's giant fuck stick. I was back to my position on the wall as I watched the counter twink blast a load on himself. He took Tom's cock for another few minutes before pushing him away then limping away looking like he'd been fucked half to death.

As soon as the random walked off, Tom pushed off Mark's cock and whispered something in his ear. Mark was gingerly pulling himself off Blondie's cock. Mark came over to me and started kissing me. Just as I started to get into it, Tom got behind him and started brutally fucking him, their every motion reverberating through me as I stroked Mark's hard cock. Tom was taking it from Blondie who was treating him to an equally vigorous ass pounding.

Between my stroking of his cock, our kissing and the hard fuck Mark was receiving, it didn't take long before Mark exploded all over my hand and over my nice new suit pants. Tom reached climax about a minute later loudly climaxing into my date. They were both leaning against me for support as Blondie went to town slamming into Tom's pale upturned ass. After a few minutes of watching Blondie relentlessly slam into Tom, making me both impressed at Blondie's stamina and scared of his intensity matched with that massive cock, Blondie finally reached climax. His hips blurred in rapid motion as he shouted out in pleasure and slid in deep contentedly sighing at a job well done.

They disentangled themselves and got slightly more dressed. Mark took a quick piss in the now vacated toilet and washed up. Mark took one look at me and said "we should head off". He got hugs, kisses and gropes from Tom and Blondie simultaneously. I tried to wave goodbye but they pinned me between the both of them and seemed to delight in kissing me all over and groping my ass a lot.

We finally made our way out... my pants sticky from cum, my body covered in sweat and my ass still aching to be filled by a hard cock but I was undecided about having sex with Mark considering...

"Sorry about that, that was definitely not normal date behaviour".

"Well that was definitely different to what I imagined my first date would be ".

"Sorry again, did you want to go to a club now or do you want to do something else?"

"I don't really know" I didn't really feel like going anywhere, I wanted to go home but I wasn't sure how to say that to the guy. Even though I was turned off by his behaviour I didn't want to hurt his feelings either.

"Well I could drop you home if you like".

Fuck! I hadn't thought this far ahead. I didn't even have any way to contact Luke, so I couldn't ask for a ride back presuming he was even available, I had never got his number. I couldn't let Mark drop me off at Xavier's, otherwise he might figure out I was a mutant and any chance of a relationship would be over before it began. At this point I had no idea what I wanted from Mark, parts of the night were good and others just made me feel confused about what I wanted.

"Just drop me off at the shop. I'll make my way back home from there".

We drove back to the shop in silence as I tried to sort through my feelings about the night. We arrived and he parked outside the shop. We sat there for a bit before he said "want to come in? We can hang out alone for a bit and chat properly".

So I went in with him unsure what I was going to do to get back to Xavier's.

We went up and as soon as the door closed behind us, he was kissing me again. Before long we were naked, I tried fucking him again but he felt loose and wet inside and I felt insignificant compared to Tom and Blondies big cocks. I pulled out quickly feeling very confused and said "I should go".

I raced downstairs before Mark could argue. My urge to flee reminded me of the way I had left high school quickly; I could fly back. Admittedly it was an ability I had only figured out on Friday night and hadn't given much thought to since or had much practise with. I had been way too distracted with all the hot naked guys lately...

I really needed to spend more time figuring out what else I was capable of instead of letting myself get distracted by sex all the time. It was so difficult though with guys like Luke, Sean and Lachlan in the school to drool over. Then there was Mark and Tom and the intensity of their interactions, I wanted to submerse myself in their world even if it sort of repulsed me at the same time.

I shrugged, relegating the task of behaving myself to Monday and the start of the school week. Now I had to get back. I assembled a thin ice armor covering my body using surrounding water vapour and flew into a solitary cloud using it as a way to avoid possible detection by civilians.

It was probably 2 am on a Sunday morning, the likelihood of people noticing anything odd going on above their heads was low but I couldn't make a scene. I used the cloud as cover using an ice disk as an impromptu window/magnifying glass so that I could see out of the cloud cover and steer myself to the mansion. It took me a while since I was trying to fly myself at a steady altitude, keep the cloud in one piece at a regular speed. I also was using my water sense in a 2 mile radius in order to make sure to avoid any flying objects (planes and what not). It was a very difficult and time consuming process.

I finally got back around 4 am, way longer than the car ride in but it wasn't too bad for a first effort all things considered. I opened the window into the room and let myself in. I dispersed the water into the air feeling mentally exhausted from the sheer length of the day.

I collapsed into bed, gratified to see Luke was in his bed snoring. It was nice to come back and feel like this was place was becoming somehow like home already simply by the presence of Luke.

I went to sleep, my mind caught up in the men of the Xavier Mansion, the sex party, Luke and the still aching void inside me that was desperate to be filled.

It had been an end of an epic day for me, full of dramatic firsts: My first kiss, my first time fucking someone, my first gay date, my first visit to a sex party. I was overwhelmed by how much my life had changed during the day. I had no idea that even my sleep would be no safe refuge from the deluge of changes ahead of me.

Next: Chapter 7

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