
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 19, 2023



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Author's Note This chapter deals very briefly with quantum and temporal mechanics but mostly with the existential stuff that the comics never really addresses... Listing of universes abbreviations at end of chapter for reference purposes.

Chapter 10 Restoration, Reformation and Restructuring.

6 weeks after the Beyonder Battle.

I used teleportation tech to bring Bobby to my secret bunker. He showed up as ice... then shifted back to flesh upon seeing me and not one of his enemies.

"Victor! Where have you been?" He asked angrily his skin turned ice again as his emotions fluctuated as did his control. The water in the air and in myself vibrated ...

"I've been here. Recovering." He strode towards me and I whispered "defense" and my new armor teleported over me, providing me with security.

"What are you doing?" He asked stopping in place giving me a curious once over.

"You were messing with the water..."


"You were losing grip of your powers, it worried me so I brought in my new armor to protect me."

He shifted to flesh and looked confused "Are you okay? You're acting weirder than usual."

"My body is fine, my mind is less so."

"What's wrong with your mind?" He looked concerned, his hand on my armor...

I tried not to flinch inside my armor but it was harder than it should have been.

"When I fought the Beyonders, I had too much power and I lost bits of myself when I tried to reorganize and reinforce the Shadow Verse against the Tangential Verse and I had to reduce my powers to lower the risk of accidents and it's been slow going. That's why I've been here to make sure I didn't hurt anyone while I pulled myself back together."

"Are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah, in a few months or years, I'll be fine. Perhaps stronger than ever but in the meantime I'm going to need your help to solve a big problem."

"What's wrong now?"

"Eva Bell."

"Why? What did she do?"

"She's incidentally created a couple of universes and it's weakening the overall protection against the incursions."

"Didn't you stop those..."

"In this section of reality I did but if Tempus remains unchecked, she may incidentally create more worlds and we'll have more Beyonders to deal with."


"Yeah suffice to say, Tempus needs to be stopped immediately and I need you to bring her here since I can't really travel at the moment due to my current issues."

"How did she create worlds? Her power is to create time bubbles. "

"You know how most people think time is a straight horizontal line from the past to the future." I draw a line in the air with frost, the minor effort wearies me. He nods. "Well time is more complicated than that, especially when people meddle with it. So when someone uses time travel" I draw a circle around the line "They skew the future either positively or negatively" I rotate the circle so that the future end point is at a 45 degree angle.

"What does that have to do with new worlds?"

"Well there's a theory about parallel dimensions, where every potential outcome happens elsewhere" I draw branching lines through the horizontal line "When someone time travels what often happens is the path that wasn't taken ends up happening as does the previous one but on different lines which is how baby universes end up happening." I trace two of the branching lines, thickening them to illustrate my point. "Or at least one of the ways."

"Oh. So she's been time traveling and has created other universes where things that didn't happen now have happened."

"Yeah, it's a mess. I have to deal with her."

"What are you going to do with her?" He asked worriedly, probably remembering what I had done to the 616 heroes to prove a point.

"I'm going to offer her the opportunity to reunite with her child and boyfriend."

"She had a kid?"

"Yeah and then she left them behind to hang out with you reprobates so now there's at least 4 more universes to be dealt with one way or another."



Then there was a long quiet moment. "I'm worried about you. You seem really off. I think I should get Quentin or your friends from Castle Doom to help you out. You seem less..."

"No. I'm not stable enough to hang out with them, they'll see into my mind even without trying and I might shatter or I might infect them with the brokenness and I don't want that."

Bobby backed up a few paces looking anxious and confused. I couldn't let him leave until he understood. I tried to settle my mind enough to make sense. Instead I just blurted out "I'm down to a class 3 from a class 7 and I spend about 12 hours a day sleeping and yet you people can never stop fucking with time long enough to give me a break from having to clean up the messes."

Bobby looked shocked. "Nothing to do with me. You left quite a bit of a mess yourself. Doom and the Maker both tried to take over the Panoptichron because of you."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm a little irritable and emotionally volatile, I've lost memories and powers and I don't like not being able to leave this place because of what I did in order to save the ShadowVerse."

"It's okay. They'll get over it."

He gave me a hug through the armor and I ditched it and hugged him back letting his warmth ground me in the present. My head was all fucked up and it was so hard to focus.

Then we kissed and made up and made slow but brief love... It had been a while and sexual satisfaction hadn't been high on the agenda...

I had spent the first week after the Beyonder Battle, kept alive by the sarcophagus while my mind and body existed in a semi vegetative state with a bit of absent minded ex corporeal exploration of Latveria. The second week I had linked with the computing system and used it as anchor to my previous life, accessing the archived memories to keep myself grounded to my former life and my mind occupied. The Beyonders' memories of the Multiverse was particularly interesting.

The next few weeks I had limited mobility and activity and constructed myself a Bridge to serve as a TV/observation tool to keep myself distracted and to see what was happening beyond my secret bunker. I gradually increased my active time from 4 hours a day to 12...

I made use of the sarcophagus bed to help my body recover faster, the computing system to help speed up the restoration of my mind and the equipment scattered about to create a new armor to compensate for my power loss. I had suffered an epic super powered burnout, channeling more power than the vessel (mind and body) was capable of withstanding. I had lost bits of time, most of which I could recover from my cybernetic storage or the computing system in the secret bunker but some of the memories were fragmented or completely absent, the only sign of the memory loss was the gaps... Details of the Beyonder fight were a bit vague and fragmented.

I watched the ShadowVerse and eavesdropped on the conversations and activities of the occupants. In this way I had found out about several problems. The Maker had stolen the samples I had collected and had tried to take control of the Panoptichron while I was comatose. He was defeated by the other heroes and he fled back to his home world. I watched the end of multiple universes in the Marvel Multiverse and the Tangential Verse but more problematic than this is the beginning of new universes within the ShadowVerse. Which is why I called on Bobby to help me.

Bobby brought me Eva Bell.

I wore my new armor, just in case she turned violent and hostile. My armor had custom temporal defenses, anti mutant genome weapons, electro magnetic pulses and upgraded personal shielding. I may have overcompensated for my lack of power with technological substitutes.

She was confused by Iceman teleporting her to my secret underground bunker (via the upgraded teleportation tech I gave him) then defensive when she saw me in armor...

I offered her the choice. She could have her family back at the cost of her powers or she could continue risking trillions of lives with her temporal travels.

She asked me what I was talking about and I showed her my Bridge and activated the display screen and narrated the backstories of the 4 new universes she had created (that I knew of) with her time travel shenanigans. One of which featured Illyana as Sorcerer Supreme and another had Tony Stark acting in the same role.

Seeing what her efforts have done to the time stream she accepted the power loss in exchange for a one way trip back to her family. I dosed her with a permanent genetic blocker making her a basic human once more.

The other unspoken option to eliminate the risk she posed would have been far more drastic and permanent.

A few days later

I've decided that solving the Eva Bell problem like I did was insufficient to deal with the much larger issue of time travel tech, mutant time travelers and reality warpers that plagued this universe and the Shadow Verse and it's chance for survival.

I asked Iceman to bring me Franklin Richards and whichever family members were nearby at the time to discuss a potentially more effective option.

After some discussion and argument with Reed and Susan I transported them to alternate timeline 2. We arrived within an unpopulated region where there was little risk of endangering civilians. I linked with Franklin Richards and using the subconscious memories of the last time he created an Earth and Beyonder memories, channeled and focused his power to rip a hole in space time over the unpopulated area and reached into the gap and created a pocket dimension to serve as a sanctuary and a training facility for the class 5's 6's and others to limit damage to 616 or the ShadowVerse. This way they'd have a harder time messing with reality until the end of the Marvel & Tangential Multi Verse and they might gain more control over their powers as well. I left them with a Mkraan crystal so they could be easily contacted even in their little pocket dimension.

A week later.

I called together the other Illuminati members of 616A... most of which were still annoyed at me for various reasons...

It felt somewhat dangerous to have them in my bunker but the alternatives were more problematic.

I asked them to help me eradicate time travel and time travelers as potential problems. I told them about the collapse of the other multiverse. They were pissed to be left in the dark about the potential problem and I pointed out that they now knew how it felt to be left clueless about something that could kill them (previous incursions).

They ended up agreeing with me eventually and would inform their respective groups.

A month later

The word has gone out throughout 616A about the new rules about time travel being verboten and that class 5 mutants should be transferred over to Franklin's isolated pocket dimension to be trained by Franklin Richards and his family/Fantastic Four. I've assigned Iceman, Quentin and Danger to look after 616A in my absence/convalescence and to keep an eye on the activities of the superheroes of 616A to make sure they behaved and stopped abusing the time stream/reality.

I met up with the Phalanx who have been making use of their time to master their new class 5 powers with the help of Quentin. They still are loyal. I had just been excessively paranoid due to recent psychic trauma.

I took 4 of them with me to serve as escort on my trans dimensional travels to OV to discuss an alliance with FM (Future Me). He agreed to allow me to have a small share of his stake in New Wave Industries in order to help pay for incidental expenses in exchange for various tech and trans dimensional trade and business opportunities with 616A. I assigned FM, FJ (Future John) and Broadcast as the Triad for OV (Original Verse) to oversee that universe's well being and integrity.

A week later

I left Adam/Alpha and Ben/Bravo in charge of maintaining security of the Panoptichron. The Maker had stolen most of my samples for his own nefarious purposes. Adam and Bravo would liaise with the Exiles currently in control of the Panoptichron in order to report multiversal threats and monitor the other universes for me.

A week later

I had Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf and Hotel help me collect the Infinity Gems from Zombie Universe 1 (ZU1). Alpha and Bravo provide intel on probable locations of the gems based on Panoptichron's database.

Once we've located the Gems I used 3 Gems (Time, Space and Reality) while linked with Wiccan and the 6 members of the Phalanx in order to channel the power in the Gems to isolate the inhabitants of Zombie Russia from the passage of time. Then we accelerated time by 40 years to get ZU 1 to match up and sync with ZU2. Once that was complete the Zombie Galacti returned from eating the galaxy and were spread to ZU 2 eating that population as they would always and had always done completing the dual universal chronal loop.

I stopped an insane Malcolm Cortez from killing the next Black Panther K'Shamba (grandson of T'challa, son of T'channa). I assigned K'Shamba, new leader of New Wakanda (set in the ruins of New York) as part of the Triad for this world, along with Wiccan and Hulkling. I transported the remaining Asgardians and Skrulls over to ZU1 to perform a delicate and dangerous hunt for the remaining Zombie Supers so they can be quarantined within a specialized habitat.

Using Sidera Maris tech I stripped ZU1-Ethiopia of its resources and established a Zombie Super Sanctuary there so that the remaining Zombie Supers could regain their former intelligence without the temptation of readily accessible flesh. I didn't want to complete the genocide but I didn't want the risk of a trans-dimensional plague either. This seemed like the best compromise.

I visited ZU2- Earth which is empty of life, Super Zombies having been wiped out by the Sandman spread anti Super Zombie necrotic eating nanobots. I designated it as a mining world and potential overpopulation overflow for humanity. I set up a minor outpost for some of my more sensitive and dangerous equipment. I leave ZU's Infinity Gems there, so they cannot be used to interfere with time, space, reality etc (Infinity Gems only work in their native universes).

I assembled the Triads and council members of 616A, OV and ZU, along with the Skrull army, Asgardians, Help Bot army, Enhanced Latverian army and the Phalanx to lay siege to UU and reclaim/destroy the samples that the Maker stole. It's a difficult battle as the Maker has had time to upgrade his Children of Tomorrow with the genetic samples of some of the strongest mutants and superhumans of the Shadowverse.

However I offered the Children of Tomorrow an opportunity to have a world of their own to improve and revitalize... ZU2. They accepted my offer and the Maker is imprisoned in the Negative Zone of CWU overseen by the Warden and the Children of Tomorrow are relocated to ZU2. I assigned Charlie and Delta to watch over their activities to ensure that they're not actively hostile to the rest of the ShadowVerse.

After our victory over the Children of Tomorrow, the various heroes and those within the armies are invigorated but also kind of restless. I decided to reestablish the Arena style games I used to enjoy presiding over in Avalon but this time on a much larger scale to help provide incentive for training and release from the semi constant threat of global or universal death and destruction.

I visited the Children of Tomorrow and told them of my idea idea for a transdimension super powered/ advanced tech Olympics. They loved it, or their version of love anyway. They see it as an opportunity to hasten their evolution with trans dimensional competition.

I shared my idea with the Triads and Councils of 616A, OV and ZU1. They're a bit more wary but they are won over by my suggestion that they could use the Games to settle old beefs and to establish who has stronger members, better training and weapons.

The Games are set to happen in a year... Giving the competitors time to train up during peaceful interludes (rare as they often are) and for me to prepare the facilities necessary to contain epic battles between heroes and villains in various fields of combat. Archery competitions for various Hawkeyes and those that took up that name... Track and field events for the speedsters. Individual events going through the gambit of various Olympic pursuits and team events for battle royale events.

I visited UU and assigned Nick Fury, Susan Storm and Captain America as members of the Triad and overseers of the UU.

I visited VV and had a violent run in with JAJ (new Queen of the Vampires) and my former boyfriend Nate and former fuck bud Hercules... We have the inevitable smack down where I used my new armor to augment my still reduced combat capability in order to violently debilitate JAJ, Nate and Hercules and their legions of vampire minions.

Once the fighting has settled down after the liberal use of technopathically controlled nanobot swarms and electro shocking we could discuss terms. I assigned JAJ, Nate and Hercules the Triad of their universe and offered them a deal for their subjects/minions. I would provide them with all the blood necessary to keep their vampire minions happy and healthy in exchange for the use of their arable land (to be farmed by Help bots) in order to help feed the Earth based Shadow Verse population. JAJ agreed to my terms. After I explained the concept of the Council, he assigned 9 members of the strongest vampire holdings, positions on his Council.

Next on the agenda is the Civil War Universe, where the occupants of that universe still harbor some mixed feelings about how I ended their Civil War. Despite that I invited them to join those of the Shadow Verse who have aligned with order and myself to help reduce and prevent global catastrophes. They reluctantly agreed. I assigned Wiccan, Doctor Strange and Captain America as the Triad with Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Tchalla, Cyclops and Emma Frost members of the council.

Next up was the Battle Royale Universe where the Exiles and Weapon X faced off against each other. Unfortunately after Hyperion had slaughtered most of the super powered inhabitants of that world, there wasn't much in the way of super powered heroes to select for the Triad. I enhanced BRU's Nick Fury with class 4 telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation and sent him a hundred of my Latverian enhanced troops along with a thousand Help Bots in order to assist with reconstruction and defense efforts. I organized a basic trade relations arrangement with Nick Fury on behalf of his world to be further discussed and conditions to be set at a later date.

I visited Franklin's Pocket Dimension and checked on his progress. We had replicated Earth (minus population and infrastructure) but he had created a school and holding facility with the guidance of his mother and father. It seemed fairly secure for the prospective students.

I go to MMPU and find Matthew Malloy just after he's incidentally slaughtered several of the X men with one of his uncontrolled outbursts. He happily comes with me after I explained the situation via class 4 telepathic broadcast. He's had nothing but problems since he manifested his powers. Xavier mind raped him out of his powers, then his wife died during the Skrull secret invasion and he was unable to do anything to help her. He reactivated when his former sister in law kept prodding his emotional wounds and he ended up destroying a city block. After an unproductive conversation with SHIELD and the obliteration of a SHIELD strike team, Cyclops tried to talk to him with Magik's help but they were all killed by a SHIELD attack, except Matthew who had resurrected himself. He lashed out at the SHIELD agents who came to check on the situation, obliterating them, before going to the X men for help and incidentally killing more of them when Emma Frost had a go at him for getting Cyclops killed. Eva Bell had rewritten time so I had never heard of him in 616A. An unfortunate side effect of using time travel as a solution to awkward problems it creates new temporal time lines instead of actually resolving the core problem at all.

I sent him to Franklin's school for the Over Powered so he could learn control over his powers. If he had an outburst, Franklin could resurrect the limited amount of people at risk. I visited 616A and gathered Hope Summers, Young Jean Grey and Rachel Summers to bring them to Franklin's school so they could learn control of their powers too.

After a quick visit to Iceman's new place (I had convinced him that he needed his own place to move on from Xavier's school and be independent.)

Next I visited AT1,3 and 4 to arrange Triads and Councils and trade agreements. Xavier, Captain America and Nick Fury (and/or Maria Hill) served as the Triad of those universes while their councils varied widely.

Next I visited my upgraded dupe (nicknamed the Keeper) and checked on his Beyonder Charge...

The Beyonder was learning the hard way what it was like to be alone, scared and at the whim of external forces for once in its very long life. It was a heartless but effective method of teaching compassion to something that claimed to be beyond mortality.

Next I visited XRU, a future timeline where the X men have a stranglehold over the world and for a change, mutants aren't being unfairly persecuted. I liaise with them for a few days acquiring various tech and genetic screening knowledge. I assigned Jean Grey, Ice Man (Wizard version) and Captain America as the Triad for that universe, informing them of the Shadow Verse Games and arranging for trans-dimensional trade between their Earth and the others. There's a me in this universe but while he's infrequently consulted on mutant matters he's not well liked by the X men and I decided to leave a one on one meeting with him for another time. He was a potential future version of myself and I didn't really want to be killed by myself if I accidentally pissed him off.

Next up I went and visited Illyana and the universe where she was the Sorcerer Supreme (ISS) and where I had relocated Eva Bell with her family. I modified Eva Bell (I had studied her DNA from samples left in her room in the Weapon X facility) so that she had a less powerful variation of her original power set . Allowing her to slow and stall time in a limited area for a limited time but not to travel either forwards or backwards in time. She thanked me for giving her power and her family back to her (well after some verbal abuse followed by crying and a semi violent mystical disagreement with Illyana).

I returned to the MMPU and arranged for a new Triad and for trans-dimensional trade, support and defense. The MMPU had suffered serious losses to the X Men leadership and I assigned that version of Iceman, Black Panther and Captain America positions as the Triad. I met up with another of my alternates and we exchanged pleasantries...

Thankfully Eva Bell had waited until after the Beyonder Battle to incidentally duplicate me 4 times... TIME TRAVEL IS A FUCKING EXISTENTIAL NIGHTMARE.

I visited TSS, the world where Tony Stark is Sorcerer Supreme and made arrangements for trade, defense and the formation of the Triad. I made the TSS -Victor the Apex of his Triad, the other two members to be selected by him. A world where Tony Stark is Sorcerer Supreme makes me nervous, so I don't stick around for long.

A couple weeks later

I gathered my alternates and duplicates from ISS, TSS, MMPU, XRU, OV, AT4 and CWU for the first ever gathering of the Administration Of Victory. (I couldn't really come up with something that was as intimidating or as ridiculous as the Parliament of Doom)

OV: Future Me, alias/code name - FM, Future Dupe Me, alias/code name: FDM CWU: Warden of the Negative Zone Prison, former Trojan clone alias/code name: Warden. XRU: Future Alternate Version of Myself from 20 years into one of my potential futures alias/code name: XRU- me. MMPU: Alternate Present day Version of Myself alias/code name: MMPU-me ISS: Future Alternate Version of Myself (by 7 years), alias/code name: ISS-me TSS: Future Alternate Version of Myself (by 7 years), alias/code name: TSS-me AT4: Surviving Young Victor after he was regurgitated by Onslaught; alias/code name: AT4-me Extra dimensional Beyonder Keeper... Code name/nickname: Keeper

There's 9 of us, across 16 Universes. 4 of us have our own Iceman (XRU-me lost his when he focused too much on his genetic experiments to the exclusion of his relationship)

A lot of us have the same thought except AT4-me, he's enjoyed relatively smooth sailing with his boyfriend who I created from a memory of another proxy I had created for psychic feedings, minus being temporarily eaten by Onslaught.

After a bit of debate about our current relationship status and whether this would break our incidental monogamy if we had sex with each other or each other's Icemen... We decided to table that discussion for later. At least until we figured out what to do about AT2. I felt very guilty about that as did my 4 quantum duplicates.

After some debate, we decided that the XRU version of me should be the Council Leader/chair Man as he's the most successful in advising his universe even if he's the least popular (which admittedly gives him more time to focus on the AOV). I had been assigned as the caretaker of AT2 and the liaison for dealing with 616A and VV for my crimes. Some of my other alternates were assigned by the Prime Administrator (XRU-me) other universes to monitor for issues. ISS-me got ISS and AT1, TSS-me got TSS and liaison with CWU and Warden (looking after super criminals was already a full time job).

I had gone from Beyonder Killer to... Middle of the Pack practically overnight. I had been outpaced by Quantum duplicates. Two of my alternate Future Selves had 7 years on me of virtual experience and XRU-me had 20. They were limited by the fact that they had limited access to the Multiverse as their universe was only a month or so old in actuality. Quantum mechanics is confusing in my current state, they were both years older than me and less than a month old at the same time. I was determined to outpace and out power these quantum duplicates and prove myself to be worthy of the role as Prime Administrator and Overseer of the ShadowVerse. I was the one that created it. I think, or I was a puppet or proxy of something from the Meta Verse. It's confusing. My life and mind is a mess.

I linked with the Quantum duplicates using their self repaired minds as a template to hasten my recovery from the psychic trauma of the Beyonder battle. The future versions of myself have had years (or a month depending on your perspective on quantum universal theories) to apply advanced tech on their worlds. The future versions of myself from XRU, TSS and ISS had all locked down temporal and trans-dimensional travel in order to ensure the integrity of the Shadow Verse. However XRU Quantum Duplicate had been slightly less successful in managing to counter the attempts of the X men to prevent further temporal interference by a third party.

XRU Quantum Duplicate ended up developing a large scale chrono stabilizer that he built on the moon to prevent any future temporal misadventures by anyone. This forcibly ironed out some of the kinks in that time stream. The idea was based off Rachel Summer's unconscious/subconscious generation of a fourth dimensional pulse that serves as a chronal shield against temporal alterations.

Competing with alternate versions of myself is a very me thing to be doing... I'm certain at least 2 of the other mes are also thinking the same thing (FM and MMPU-me) whereas the rest seemed preoccupied with their chosen tasks/ protectorates.

Found another new universe with the Bridge, which is being used as a universal auto tuner, instead of trying to find new channels it's on the hunt for more universes in the Shadowverse. This universe I label ARU as it's an Avenger Run Universe. Met with older Franklin Richard and designated him guardian of that universe... He's absurdly powerful. Even more so than the 616A version. Due to the advanced age of the Universe (millions of years). I don't bother with trade arrangements or travel agreements just a NAP. I had died in this universe or a future alternate me had. Another universe born from temporal interference, this time because of the damaged Time Gem transporting Steve Rogers back and forth through the time line.

After I find ARU I talked it over with the AOV and we decided to hunt down all forms of temporal and reality warping tech and paraphernalia. We go on a hunt through the various universes in order to find and guard objects of power, the Infinity Gems, the Cosmic Cubes, time cubes, Kang time traveling armor (we had to eliminate every single Kang to stop the universal cancer from spreading).

The Marvel Multiverse is collapsing in on itself and is down to a couple of dozen universes and is more dangerous and desperate then ever. The Shadow verse protections are dangerously low. The future versions of me from XRU, TSS and ISS help to repair some of the damage done to the Shadowverse's shielding. The problem is that none of my future versions ever foresaw the need to become class 7 again and had settled around an intermittent class 6.

Before I could set upon my task of dealing with the cluster fuck that is AT-2 I arranged a private gathering between my alternate future selves to acquire as much of their knowledge as possible for the difficult and painful reconstruction process. XRU-Me provides me with 20 years of genetic research including some morally dubious eugenic practices. TSS-Me provides me with 7 years of focused mystical experimentation (TSS-me didn't trust Tony Stark either) and ISS-me provided 7 years worth of technological advancements and integration methods.

After learning from my future variations I went to visit the festering wound of guilt that is AT 2, the purged world where I had killed 7 million people when I lost control of my emotions and my body was used to slaughter over a hundred million people in service to Apocalypse.

I talked with AT2's version of Xavier, it had been a couple years since I had killed Apocalypse and freed the world from his clutches but the scars remained and not a lot of people trusted me yet. From the rubble of New York I built a new school and sanctuary in the untamed Central Park. I layered the walls with vibranium and adamantium obtained from ZU2 and the Children of Tomorrow. The building was further reinforced from internal and external threats by layers of energy shielding outside and inside.

Then I went recruiting for those that were unconvinced by Xavier's call for peaceful human mutant coexistence and pacifism in the face of bigotry and violence. I found some of my former arena combatants who were willing to join me.

During the days we trained in shifts and the nights we patrolled for mutants in need and humans to help. Together with my new mutant recruits I reestablished power grids and repaired New York buildings via powers and hard work.

Our efforts attracted attention, both positive and negative. Some of Xavier's students came to join my school as it was better defended and supplied and our agenda was straightforward and obvious while Xavier's had always been a bit wishy washy. We helped everyone, mutant or human but we trained separately because a single flare up at the wrong time or place could kill humans. Whereas Xavier had relocated to Alaska to try and avoid some of the human aggression post Apocalypse.

The negative attention involved humans trying to steal technology and resources for themselves or their loose affiliations. Attacks were semi frequent but the shielding stopped most from having any real effect other than making noise and damaging the nearby environment. Despite their aggressive overtures, I offered them assistance anyway, I healed their wounded, I provided food and I told them of the buildings we had restored so they could be nearby but not too nearby.

We also had mutants attacking us for various reasons, either because we were working with humans or because of my past affiliations with Apocalypse or because I ate him... Most I could reason or fight into acceptance of the new paradigm. Some of them I transported to the new Super villain prison in Beyonder Space. Keeper and Warden had teamed up to build a new prison out in Beyonder space so they could alternate who was in charge and have a break from the tedium of guarding prisoners. The last Beyonder was being trained as an assistant guard to whoever was in charge at any particular time.

Iceman and me catch up 2-3 times a week, we discuss the dramas of our various worlds and the people in them before we could relax and simply enjoy each others company. I assigned one of my strongest mutants as team leader in my absence for my monthly meeting with the Administration of Victory. His code name is Midas he's a class 4 energy projector with a limited 2.5 range, he has been invaluable in providing power for the energy grids with a touch. I also do my part by providing hydro electric power.

Time goes by and New York is revitalized and once more becomes a hub of human activity except now mutants are visible on the streets and they walk with pride... and with patches on their chests of a rising wave that indicate they are both a student of mine and are either wearing a containment shield or a protection shield, or both and that I'm watching over them and will strike with water if they are attacked without cause.

The First Games

Twenty thousand super people showed up to compete in the first Shadow Games, they were a motley crew... consisting of aliens, cyborgs, sentient androids, Gods, mutants, enhanced humans and very skilled individuals of various races and species.

ARU-Franklin Richards oversee the festivities as both a diplomatic and practical gesture. He has the power to destroy worlds with a thought so I wanted to keep on his good side, especially as his tech is millions of years more advanced than mine but I also didn't want him to be too involved in day to day operations of the Shadowverse. It's a very delicate and dangerous balance to maintain. The AOV link together to help accelerate Alt4-me's mental development using our combined enhanced perception and experience to observe the game from box seats, sharing our insights with him.

The AOV (Administration of Victory) had arranged trans-dimensional gateways throughout the Shadow Verse to grant the competitors access to the customized and specialized terraformed world that we had selected to host the game in ZU1. No risk to any other life forms for millions of light years...

It was part Olympic Games, part Arena fighting and part Trade Expo. There were the typical games of skills, archery, track and field, swimming, boxing, martial arts and gymnastics... As well as weapon testing and displays and robot fights. Then there was the climax of the Games.

The super powered tournament, with contestants either participating solo or as groups... The prize was 5 million dollars and a War Sword and most importantly bragging rights for themselves and their universe.

Healers and Necromancy teams are on standby to heal or resurrect the dead before they can suffer too much soul damage. CWU Doctor Strange supervising their efforts.

It was amusing when the Avengers of 616 fought against the Ultimates of UU, they fought furiously until only their respective Hulks remained, slugging it out while constantly referring to themselves in the third person. The Phalanx (except Alpha and Bravo in the Panop) maintained the telekinetic shielding of the Arena, the 6 of them shielding the audience from stray energy blasts and seismic shifts. Eventually the 616 Hulk beat down the other Hulk so that he was naked in public again as Bruce Banner.

The final match of the superpowered tournament is between the XRU X men and the Children of Tomorrow formerly of the UU universe.

It's an exciting match up as these X men have survived 20 years of the worst that their universe could throw at them while the Children of Tommorow had 900 years of biological and technological evolution and advancement on their side.

There's 6 of them on either side.

The winner is...

The XRU X Men. XRU Jean Grey managed to hold off the last of the Children of Tomorrow by utilizing her full skills as a fully realized class 5.9 telepath and telekinetic.

After the Games are over the Administration of Victory discuss the progress of the Shadow verse towards order...

We decided on some future measures to help streamline and improve super powered non powered relations based on the XRU model.

Gene testing for prospective couples, parents... to evaluate their chance/risk of mutant birth.

The foundation of a preparatory school for mutants to avoid accidental flare ups resulting in the loss of life. Focused on a special curriculum necessary for mutant life, tai chi and meditation techniques, history lessons on holocausts to help avoid superiority complexes and the often inevitable and bloody results. Included in the history lessons are a personal viewpoint on Phorcys's purges of AT2 (Alternative timeline 2).

The foundation of a scholarship program from the profits of New Wave Industries to help mutants pay for higher schooling and incidental expenses. As well as an Enhancement Program for those that pass the psychological and telepathic examinations to become a mutate/mutant, etc. Those humans with natural aptitudes in certain fields or genius IQ will be fast tracked for selection. Providing a human with a Reed Richards intellect or a Tony Stark aptitude with technology an opportunity to improve their lives and their work with telepathy, teleportation or telekinesis.

This serves several purposes, it reduces the secret jealousy of base line humanity that they weren't born with special abilities like mutants, as it provides an incentive for human excellence. It also increases the numbers of mutants and reduces the amount of secrecy and fear around mutant/super powers as more and more people know someone with powers. This also provides countless long term benefits for society as a whole with various industries springing up as a result.

The powered (in XRU) are divided into three groups

Defense against extra dimensional, extra planetary and domestic concerns.

Commerce; using powers to help provide electricity, duplicate resources and so forth for financial gain. A wonderful way of redirecting some who would have used their powers to steal for financial gain and channeling their abilities into legal financial rewards.

Public works; disaster relief, telepathic rehabilitation of criminals, telepathic teachers, telekinetic reconstruction and teleporting couriers.

Due to the various obligations of the Administration of Victory it is decided that the Triads and or Councils will no longer directly report to their respective Victors. Instead they'll simply have their meetings recorded by enhanced Help Bots who will transmit the video recordings to the Panoptichron for analysis, processing.

With the business out of the way... We have a party with our Icemen and with various members of the Shadow verse. We get drunk and disorderly and the party descends into an impromptu orgy. Those of us with Icemen have sex with them while those who don't have an Iceman have sex with the various homosexuals of the Shadowverse. Northstars provide super speed fucking, ice proxies are used, tk hands grope unapologetically and Alt4-me has his first gangbang with his firm muscular body groped while various drunken members of the ShadowVerse fuck his pert little butt and fill his mouth with cock.

It's kind of weird to watch him participating in his first gangbang/orgy since AT4-me never really mastered even the basic body modification of our original power set so it's like looking into the future of what I would have been like if I hadn't modified myself so many times that looking at my original form makes me both horny and disconnected.

I watched as AT4- me is pounded (in no particular order) by OV Northstar, OV Wolverine, FM, FDM, FJ, OV Daken, 616 Daken, XRU-me, Keeper, Warden, OV Sean and Mike, AT1 Sean, Hercules and Nate and by myself and my Bobby.

Other homosexual couples stayed paired up but watched and participated in the low level telepathic sensation sharing. Including the Wiccans and Hulklings, Anole and his human boyfriend and the Phalanx members.

Supplemental Information. 1. OV (Original Verse) - Prime Time Line with Sentinel Future 2 AT1 - Alternate timeline 1 Kitty & Xavier alter the timeline by altering the past, erasing Victor's efforts 3. AT2 - Alternate timeline 2, Apocalypse war zone 4. AT3 - Alternate timeline 3 Victor eats Apocalypse before he can cause trouble, 'ends' with young victor dying in a car accident at the age of 10 5. AT4 - Alternate timeline 4 Victor merges with himself, increasing his power by 150% and ends with young Victor getting absorbed into Onslaught. 6. Exile and Weapon X impacted Battle Royale Universe. Brief stay there as a result of the Time Broker/Breaker interference. BRU (Battle Royale Universe) 7. Civil War - CW 8. ZU1 (Zombie Universe 1) Zombie Verse 9. ZU2 - Zombie Adjacent Verse, that also got infected with Zombieness. (originally part of tangential Verse) 10. UU - Ultimate Universe the world with an Ultimate Reed. - 11. 616A - Universe 616 A 12. VV - Vampire Verse, current home of the Queen of Vampires, JAJ and his two followers, Hercules and Nate. 13. XRU - X men run future 14. TSS – Tony Stark Sorcerer Supreme potential future actualized 15. ISS – Illyana Sorcerer Supreme Potential future actualized. 16. MMPU – Matthew Malloy (class 5 explosive mutant, limited reality warper and self resurrection) Absent Universe. Due to Eva Bell's interference, Younger Xavier helped Eva Bell to stop Matthew Malloy's parents from meeting, falling in love and procreating in the 616A. Thereby erasing him from the original timeline and creating a subtly different timeline. 17. ARU – Avenger Run Universe. The Avengers took control of the future... Time Gem born.

End Notes: I am borrowing elements from the events happening from X men vs Avengers but due to the confusing sliding time scale of the comic universe I'm unclear as to when the canon versions happened so I'm just delaying them till after the Beyonders for relative simplicity.

Next: Chapter 53: Warped 11

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