
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 19, 2023



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


JAJ – John as Jean. 'link' - psychically connecting at the middle layer in order to share/blend powers or to create a sensory link in order to share sensations. tk - telekinesis tk hands - hands consisting of tk energy used to manipulate matter invisibly. text between asterixes indicate telepathic communication ^text between these indicate communication through manipulation of water vibration to produce sound^ NAP - Non Aggression Pact. 'other sight' - enhanced perception of reality, including but not limited to perceiving weaknesses, electro magnetic spectrums, temporal disturbances, gravitational distortions, temperature fluctuations, electron movements and mystical enchantments/energy. 'second sight' - visions of past, present and future. interspace - the space where Victor stashes stuff temporarily using teleportation energy.

Authors Note

Whole bunch of spoilers for Earth 616 comics, though most of these arcs are years old so... read at your own risk.

Have taken liberties with some of the plot threads. I've skimmed over some events, providing only cursory details as this chapter is already long enough and a lot of marvel events mean little in the long run.

Chapter 9

Part 2 Putting down roots... entangling...

Week 2

Doom and I go on a good will tour of the US in order to reform his image and heighten mine among the super powered community. The Phalanx stays in Latveria with the remaining Doom Bots in order to maintain order. I've left the Phalanx the task of trying to improve Doom's current Doom Bot manufacturing capabilities in order to create more Doom Bots faster.

First stop was the Fantastic Four at the Baxter Building to provide a new body for Ben Grimm. After teleporting out of the way of several fire blasts, absorbing several invisible force fields and dodging Ben Grimm's fists and Reeds elastic punches... We extended the olive branch of a new body for Ben... via magic, bio manipulation and genetic enhancement.

I used my skills to create a new body with superhuman strength, durability and stamina without the issues of a rock body. Doom transfered Ben's consciousness into the new body. I teleported the rock body into interspace to experiment on later. Then we took our leave...

Doom and I were watched suspiciously at every step of the process. Not that they could appreciate my overarching goals. Doom and I had just demonstrated the ability to pull a consciousness from one body and shift it to another. Theoretically we could transfer the consciousness of all heroes into average bodies and install whatever consciousness or intelligence we'd want in the heroic superhuman bodies. A potential weapon for another day. Reed would probably understand the risk later as psionic possession wasn't unprecedented in this universe but there wasn't much he could do about it.

Another training session with Iceman, this time in person. I provide him a lesson on how to use an ice disk as transportation instead of the ice slide via telepathic memory sharing. Explaining that leaving tonnes of ice that doesn't melt for hours wherever you go does no favors to the public image of mutants as irresponsibly dangerous jackasses.

I installed a telepathic shield mid way through his middle layer so that no one could possess his body without serious time and effort expenditure. It would still allow easy access for telepathic communication, sharing of power and memories. He thanked me for the lesson and the mind shield...

Next on the agenda was a meeting with Namor offering him an unconditional Non Aggression Pact on behalf of Latveria as an olive branch from the surface world... Watching Doom and Namor try and out arrogant each other while barely holding onto civil diplomacy was deeply amusing if troubling. Afterwards I suggested to Doom that I meet up with Namor in the future to prevent a war between Atlantis and Latveria. Doom agreed as he really couldn't be bothered with this appeasement of diplomacy, he'd rather rule by might than by treaties and diplomatic processes.

Ended up having a very long and tiresome conversation with Doom afterwards over the value of biding your time and waiting for the right moment to strike. I even invoked Toph but it didn't go over well using a fictional character from a children's cartoon to illustrate the value of timing. The end result was Doom promoted me to diplomatic ambassador of Latveria so that he could rule over Latveria as he pleased without having to be obligated to play nice with others.

I could appreciate that Namor was tough to tolerate at the best of times, he was head strong, arrogant and obsessive about being right. It wasn't a surprise that Namor and Doom didn't get along, they were so alike. Not that either of them would ever admit that.

Week 3

Doom had expedited the paperwork necessary to make me a Latverian diplomatic envoy and I now benefited from complete diplomatic immunity while on foreign soil. Met with Black Panther and Storm in their official capacity as King and Queen of Wakanda offering a NAP as well as various technological gifts. The first gift was a Stark Shield generator that would shield Wakanda from external attack for an hour, giving the defenders time to prepare defenses or call for reinforcements. Second gift was a handheld communication device that would link them directly to Latverian embassy which I was now in charge of the daily operations of (with assistance from a couple of the members of the Phalanx). Third gift was a prototype of a new Doom Bot, tentatively named Help Bot (with a personal force field, lasers and a self repair system with a generic metallic face and body; recharged mainly by electricity and partially powered by solar power and kinetic motion) that would serve as a border guard.

Another training session with Iceman, sharing with him the memories of Sean's psychic training in order to help bolster his own psionic defense. Followed by a meeting with Emma Frost and Cyclops discussing the possibility of Latveria providing a government sanctuary or military support if necessary to the beleaguered mutant race. I offered them the use of a few Doom Bots to counter the external Sentinel. They declined both offers.

Week 4

Meeting with Black Bolt the king of New Atillan, capital city of the Inhuman nation. Offered him a NAP with Latveria and potential sanctuary if necessary. He accepted the first and declined the second. Or at least that's what his royal wife and interpreter said. Apparently his merest whisper would devastate his environmen, so he didn't talk for himself. I wondered if it was some sort of power move, making everyone around him pay attention to his merest movement.

Met with Stephen Strange, offering him intel on general threats to the world and the US specifically as well as help tackling mystical threats in exchange for mystical training and mystical intel. He offered me tea and gave me a lesson on meditation techniques. I accepted even though I already have those basic memories from my universe's Wiccan.

It was a good start.

Month 2

Samples of the prototype Help Bots have been shown to representatives of several neighboring countries and given to some of our potential allies as a good will gesture.

Life has settled into a routine of sorts.

Sundays I visit Atlantis and check in on the kingdom, collecting any reports of surface worlders misbehavior (mainly water pollution) and liaising with relevant governments to prevent Namor declaring war on the surface world again. If the government reactions aren't swift enough or satisfactory enough; I handle it personally. Usually that means an offending party is found stuck in a bath tub (or sometimes in a shower, ice cylinder or wooden barrel) immersed in whatever they had been dumping into the ocean which depending on what they were dumping can prove to be a death sentence.

Incidents of pollution and encroachment into Antlantean territories are subsiding rapidly as a result of my severe retributory punishments. I also helped to remove offensive material from the ocean floor/surface/substance, collecting oil, nuclear waste, medical waste and corpses to be used and or sold elsewhere. As a reward for my services to Atlantis, Namor or (more often) one of his servants will show me some piece of Atlantean hardware or show me around a library or gallery or around some architecture. My 'other sight' provides further details, allowing me to get a deeper understanding of Antlantean technology, architecture and biology then they'd expect from such cursory examination of their culture.

Mondays I visit Iceman and train him in on improving his control over ice on a small, personal scale, typically on how to create weapons/defenses out of ice (ice katanas, ice domes, bubbles) and how to make small modifications to his ice body. It's good preparation, once he's gained sufficient confidence in his abilities on the small personal scale, we can work on city wide ice control. We often chat and hang out afterwards just messing about while watching tv or playing video games or whatever. After our training sessions I formally share intel that might be of use to Emma Frost and Cyclops in their futile attempt to pursue human acceptance of mutants.

Tuesdays I visit the Wakandan royals and get history lessons from Black Panther on the nation's isolationist history or join Storm in her visits to neighboring regions. I assist her in her efforts to help drought stricken regions with extra rain by adding my own particular talents to the mix, namely that of filtration of water sources. I also help with building small hydroelectric dams sufficient to power small villages, using temporary water golems to help with labor requirements.

Wednesdays I visit Stephen Strange for arcane lessons, exchanging of arcane and general intel. Stephen takes me on journeys into the astral plane teaching me the perils and potential of the place. We also go on patrols of other realms in order to defeat or destroy arcane threats before they could infringe upon the mortal plane. He takes lead on the missions and I watch and learn and assist by being an extra pair of eyes and hands.

Thursdays I visit Black Bolt and his royal retinue, getting training from Karnak on how to effectively use the enhanced perception of weaknesses to fight better. In exchange I provided Black Bolt intel acquired from SHIELD and the X men databases. I also provided him a shit ton of stationery as I had quickly gotten bored of the whole silent monarch thing. His ability to release enough sonic energy from a whisper to level a mountain was not a sufficient excuse to have his orders interpreted by his wife. It was a ridiculous and nonsensical arrangement and I had no patience for it. I had a plan for an upgrade to his antenna that would allow him to manipulate vibrations with his thoughts similar to my 'water voice'. It's still a work in progress.

If Black Bolt and his retinue were otherwise engaged in royal intrigue I'd visit the under city and the Alpha Primitives to monitor their work. The Alpha Primitives are a slave race, tasked with maintaining the infrastructure of the city while the Inhumans focus on their own individual and societal advancement. I've met Mad Max, Black Bolt's black sheep of a brother, he's the Loki of the Inhuman race, sometimes helpful but more often scheming against the establishment.

Fridays I make a visit to the Asgard library and read the history books and arcane books. Loki wanders in and out as he wilt and we discuss the latest gossip in his capacity as my Master of Spies. He has various arcane means on keeping an eye on current events and he helps to round out my intel gathering. Sometimes we exchange arcane knowledge, other times we cheat at games of chess with each other. Loki and I have an amiable relationship presumably because we both know the other is not to be fully trusted.

Saturdays I provide Doom with status reports on all the diplomatic relationships and how they're developing, followed by supervised arcane practice.

I've been limiting my psionic overview to Latveria with the occasional psionic check in on Atlantis, Xavier's school, Wakanda, New Attilan and SHIELD Helicarriers. I'm still adjusting to this universe as my other sight keeps providing me with extra information regardless of my wants. Being subjected to random gravitational, temporal, energy variances as the result of superhuman interference makes me nauseous and gives me migraines. As a result I spend a lot of time working on my technological projects (improving the manufacture of the new Help Bots) and arcane research (working my way through Doom's arcane libraries).

While I'm out and about the Phalanx keeps busy maintaining psionic overview of Latveria and helps Doom manufacture the Help Bots.

Month 3

My trans dimensional gateway has access to dozens of new universes with more being found every week. As such I've sent through modified and enhanced dragonfly probes in order to provide basic intel on the universes.

I've perfected a teleportation device that allows instant travel between Earth bound destinations (as long as coordinates are known). I've installed these into every Help Bot with the coordinates for Latveria, so that at any moment, some or all of the Help bots can be recalled for maintenance or defense of Latveria.

I've gained honorary status as a teacher at the Xavier school. Probably helps that I'm the only teacher at the school capable of providing individual attention and training to a hundred students at once through ice proxies. I also get tasked to be the babysitter when the primary X men team and the secondary Junior X men are off trying to save the world from danger. My charges range from betas to omegas in power potential/skill, I try to keep them out of trouble and or danger.

Have made inroads on developing friendly relationships with this reality's Stepford Cuckoos and Quentin Quire, a class 5 telepath and telekinetic who for some reason is constantly overlooked for training exercises and missions. Possibly because he lacks motivation, he doesn't seem to buy the party line. He's a hyper genius, capable of thinking and processing thousands of brilliant ideas a second. It's not surprising that he doesn't feel challenged by the haphazard nature of the school's curriculum.

I like Quentin, he's a smart mouthed brat. Reminds me of me at that age, except his powers overshadows mine at his age. His mind or what little I've seen of it from our telepathy class (attended by the Stepford Cuckoos, Quentin and Prodigy) outranks me even now. It's good to be reminded that there are smarter people out there, keeps me grounded and humble. I do my best to direct his intelligence into useful pursuits but he's easily bored as most intellectual exercises don't challenge him. I've taken to linking with him letting him process my 'other sight' for a while, give him a chance to decipher the deeper mysteries of the world. Gives me a break from the near constant barrage of information and gives him something to challenge his intellect.

I've taken to taking him along on Iceman's ex planetary training trips, testing his nascent class 5 telekinesis against Bobby's burgeoning class 5 cryokynesis. Sometimes I team up with one of them against the other if the battle becomes too lopsided for a proper challenge. Other times I have the both of them team up against me in order to test my defenses against two class 5's at the same time. Neptune serves as a good place to train without risk of endangering civilians while the effort of maintaining a suitable atmosphere for breathing provides extra challenges (mostly for Quentin and me).

I've set up an ice coliseum to have arena style competitions on Earth on Saturdays (after I report to Doom) so that the students can test out their various skills on random opponents. It provides the less favored students a chance to work out their various stresses (while the prime X men team plays baseball). The Stepford Cuckoos provides telepathic caging so that those with psionic control over elements/substances can't reach outside the arena and negatively effect the surroundings. Quentin provides telekinetic shielding around the inside and outside of the Arena while we mind link, he provides the power I provide the experience. I taught the Stepford Cuckoos how to create a secondary hive network loosely connecting the other students together for the purposes of enhanced communication and training so that they can group together students in team events.

I have been somewhat naughty during one of my night time supervisory visits. One night I found Anole downstairs depressed and eating icecream and he was in his boxers and I asked him "what's wrong?" touching his shoulder in a supportive gesture and I got a vision of a possible future.

:: Potential Future:: I take Anole upstairs and teach him how to kiss, how to suck and how to take a hard fuck over and over again while running my hands over his soft but scaly body, his skin like soft expensive leather. I drive my hard cock into his tight hole over and over again, filling him with cock and cum.

He'd grow more and more attached, wanting me to keep him company every night, which I'd accept as the Phalanx expanding duties and sense of independence means I rarely have sex with any of them any more.

I'd ask Northstar to help me deal with a love sick Anole who has confused my sexual interest for romantic love. Northstar had previously been an object of Anole's interest while he was teaching him and had let him down gently. Northstar comes over too early and he interrupts me fucking Anole and Anole ends up in a 69 position with Northstar as I pound Northstar's ass. Then Northstar pounds Anole's ass while I watch... Then again as I slam into Northstar. Northstar and I tag team Anole and have him in a spit roast... then in a DP... and it becomes a new thing as a threesome, then as a foursome as Kyle joins in the next night...

Anole would morph into a horny greedy bottom and it would unbalance the relationship between Kyle and Northstar and... :: ::

I shook off the precognitive trajectory of my briefly considered action as Anole responded with "I'm depressed because no one will ever love me because I'm green and spiky."

I squeezed his shoulder "You're very cute. You'll find someone that's right."

He said "That's easy for you to say, you can look however you want."

"That's true to an extent but I have my own limitations and there's nothing wrong with how you look, it's only a skin deep difference" I said trailing my index finger over his cheek as he continued to look down, disbelieving my words. I grabbed his chin and pulled him up to his feet, forcing him to look into my eyes. I disappeared my armor and clutched at my bulging boxer briefs "You're very hot. You just need someone who appreciates what's beneath the surface."

I telepathically telegraph part of my precognitive prediction, the part about him under me begging for my cock, wanting me to give it to him over and over again on a nightly basis.

I kissed him softly at first but it becomes deeper and more passionate and my hands wandered over his body, finding every sensitive spot and working it... I squeeze his butt, I grind my crotch against his cloth covered cock, I rub and tweak his hardened nipples and I lick and suck on his neck as he moans wordlessly against me, clutching at my back for balance, holding me tightly to him. I gave one last squeeze of his firm little ass and teleported out of reach, grabbing the ice cream container and taking a spoonful of ice cream leisurely as Anole stared at me, hard, throbbing, panting for breath and thoroughly confused by the distance between us and by me being back in my armor.

I smacked his ass with a 'tk hand' and said "Get back to bed and sleep. There's no need for you to wallow. You're going to find someone to love you for you. You just have to have a little faith."

"But, don't you, can't we?" Anole said, his eyes glazed and his mind struggling to come up with the words for what he wanted to say but failing miserably.

"I'm not the right man for you. I'm too old for you and I'm supposed to be your babysitter. It's not really appropriate. I just wanted you to have proof that you could be desired for everything you are."

He stumbled off to bed, stiff gaited and rock hard and upon arriving in bed, stripped naked and stroked himself to orgasm within a minute. I smiled as I watched him fall asleep with a smile on his face.

The next time I saw him he was more confident and cheerful... Whenever we see each other we share secret smiles and I don't see him sneaking ice cream late at night any more. Knowing that someone wants him has given him a boost of self confidence.

Doom found me in the library late one night using octopus style (6 water tentacles) to read 8 books at the same time within his arcane library.

He asked "What are you doing?"

I said "While I'm memorizing all these spells on the off chance they'll be useful, I'm only really interested in several particular spell types to boost my own powers."

"Which ones?"

"Spells of protection, healing, communication, divination, resurrection, infernal summoning, energy absorption, increasing stats (like durability, strength, speed and vitality) and elemental control."

"We'll refocus your lesson on those spells specifically so as not to waste either of our time on pointless activities." Doom said wearily.

I readily agree.

The number of Help Bots has been increasing steadily, each new Help Bot manufactured assists in the manufacturing process. The Latverian Manufacturing District is increasing in size and scope. The Help Bots assemble the components of the Help Bots along with several other tasks. Help Bots manufacture outer casing while the Phalanx telekinetically create the circuitry necessary for the internal functioning along with custom built power collection devices to power the Bots. New factories are built by the Help Bots, water golems and concerted telekinesis to help further industrialize Latveria.

Arrangements have been made with several foreign countries to collect their garbage. The Phalanx have been given human names in order to undertake diplomatic missions on Latveria's behalf. They're now named Adam, Ben, Charlie (only one that got to keep his first god given name), Dan, Edward, Fred, George and Harry in mixed company. They visit foreign countries/nations in pairs to on diplomatic missions to arrange for Latveria to become a major dumping ground for every neighboring country. Doom is not happy about the smell despite the obvious benefits to us/Latveria.

The garbage is quite useful as the Help Bots/ golems collect the metal to be used in the manufacture of Help Bots or to be recycled for use in manufacture of other goods. The organic material is used for compost to spread throughout Latveria to enrich the soils. Our new robot army does the sorting I give commands technopathically using these new robots like I did with level 3 golems, it ends up as coding in their systems.

Immigration has been opened up and new hospitals are built where I practice my healings and genetic graftings on a mass scale. I turn the sickly into proto mutants, collecting blood samples prior in case of problems, about 85% can be modified without issue, 15% have underlying genetic conditions that make genetic grafting dangerous and or problematic. With these new proto mutants as new citizens of Latveria, they are assigned tasks by the Phalanx based on their previous history.

Former military personnel are assigned to the Latverian army and are further genetically enhanced into being class 3 telekinetics. I placed Adam/Alpha and Ben/Bravo in charge of training them in the offensive and defensive uses of telekinesis. If these new soldiers prove loyal and willing to put in the effort of improving themselves they will be further enhanced. Those who are unable to keep their mouths shut about their new gifts will have them revoked and be mind wiped and used as basic foot soldiers/infantry.

Month 4

Cyclops has called San Francisco a safe harbor for mutants and has relocated the students there...

I helped Bobby and Cyclops set up a hydroelectric power generation set up with Forge.

I get another vision of a potential future involving Doom attacking Wakanda to acquire its vibranium which fails and Black Panther ruins vibranium to keep it out of enemy hands. I told Doom that it would fail and if he had any plans in motion to steal it, to stop it immediately. We have an argument over it but I don't see that future any more afterwards so...

I start a new LGBT superhuman support group as Anole's self confidence seems to be back sliding due to recent romantic disappointments. I invited Loki, Daken, Wiccan, Hulkling, Northstar, Living Lightning as well as a few females such as Destiny, Mystique, Karma, Karolina and Moondragon. Gives me a chance to interact with this universe's versions of Wiccan and Hulkling. Membership grows slowly from week to week.

I've become an official visiting professor for the remaining students. I provide additional teaching on Biology, English, Maths and technology as well as more mutant specific skills like hand to hand combat, athletics and military strategy. As well as individual power training for some of the overlooked students helping them to find other ways of thinking about and using their powers, sometimes pairing them up with those that have complementary powers and abilities to counter individual weaknesses with the other's strengths.

The new Help Bots are being produced and sold in the millions to multinational companies and foreign governments, extending Latverian technology throughout the world. The US has outright banned the importation of the Help Bots due to National Security issues and to protect American jobs. Due to the cheap manufacturing costs involved with using miniaturization technology, recycled metal, Help Bots and telekinesis to mass manufacture the Help Bots, Doom and I are making billions in profits and spreading our Trojan robotic army throughout the world.

The Latverian army (those that have passed the loyalty/secrecy tests) have been upgraded further with class 3 telepathy. Adam and Ben continue to train them in classes of 30. There are a few hundred of them so far.

Week 23


There's a disruption in global communication; technological and telepathic communication has been seized by external forces. I utilize the combined telepathic might of the Phalanx and the enhanced Latverian soldiers to pierce the veil and find that the Skrulls have infiltrated Earth and are poised to invade and conquer the world.

I teleport over to Wakanda and technopathically interfacing with their advanced computing technology (with the permission of Storm) I send an emergency override code to my Help Bots throughout the world to defend citizenry/property and defeat and capture as many Skrulls as possible.

Throughout the world the Help Bots (under my technopathic control) fight with government/super powered forces against the green menace. There are basic Skrulls who have superior strength and durability compared to an average human and Super Skrulls that have been enhanced with meta-human abilities. The Help Bot army captures and teleport away thousands of Skrulls back to Latveria for imprisonment and interrogation.

I stay in Latveria in order to supervise the teleportation pads and the capture and confinement of the Super Skrull soldiers. The Skrull captives provide me with information that they are on a holy quest to claim Earth as their new home. It seems that their race was confronted by members of this universe's Illuminati and threatened. They captured members of the Illuminati and harvested their genetic templates in order to empower some of their soldiers. I could appreciate that on a purely intellectual level if not a personal level.

The invasion doesn't last long as far as invasions go. It lasted a couple of days until most of the fighting was limited to the States (US) as the rest of the Skrull army had been picked off as soon as they were revealed. The war ended when Norman Osborn shot the Skrull Queen in a battle in Central Park.

By the end of the failed Skrull invasion, I've captured over ten thousand enemy troops. Doom and I debate what to do with these captives. Doom wants to kill then dissect them for scientific study. We end up coming to a reasonable compromise. He could dissect those that had died in captivity or had been killed in the fighting and the others would undergo deprogramming, recruitment and or banishment.

I direct the Phalanx and the Latverian army to help me deprogram the Skrull soldiers (they had been brain washed by a Skrull version of a Bible, which was a telepathically projecting cube). It's not overly effective so I recruit Wiccan and Hulkling to help me. Hulkling is supposedly destined to be the great uniter of the Skrull Empire but he shirked his duty and they had been driven to infiltrate and invade Earth. He had lots of guilt to capitalize on and he was a figure of note to the Skrull populace.

After some heated discussions between Doom, Hulkling, Wiccan and me, a consensus was reached. Those Skrulls who wished to rule Earth would be exiled to the Zombie Verse under the supervision of Wiccan and Hulkling to settle Zombie Russia. Those willing to work with humanity on this Earth would be under Doom and my supervision, restricted to Latveria.

This latest development provides Doom and me with another army consisting of shape shifting alien warriors (I implant them all with a tracking chip), some of which can replicate the ability of Earth super-humans. It also removes Hulkling and Wiccan from interfering with my overall plans for this universe . I warned them not to interfere with Wakanda as they (the Wakandans) are destined to interact with a cosmic threat (zombie Galactii) and any interference could damage the fate of two universes.

Only about 20% of the Skrull captives join us but it's fine. It's another army. A shapeshifting army that's motivated to win a rematch. I humanely harvest their genetic material, limiting myself to blood and tissue cultures for further experimentation.

Week 24

Conversation with Maria Hill's LMD via a flesh proxy about the Skrulls.

She wants to have the Skrulls remanded to US custody and Negative Zone imprisonment but I decline her/its request/demand. She threatens me with the full force of the US government and SHIELD.

I reply that Latveria has never been as popular and another war with a technologically advanced country wouldn't be a smart idea. I also mention the fact that I could kill the population of the US easily with tidal waves if sufficiently provoked. I also point out that SHIELD and Tony Stark are on their way out and have no power to effectively wield against me and mine and they'd be better off trying to fix the damage done by the infiltration of the Skrulls than picking another fight with a foreign power.

A few days later my prediction is proven correct as Tony Stark loses control over SHIELD. Norman Osborn has taken control and has dismissed SHIELD replacing it with an organization called HAMMER.

Month 5

Cyclops has resurrected Asteroid M, a fallen meteorite that was formerly the base of Magneto, which crashed into the bay. Renaming it Utopia.

Iceman asks me why I joined up with Doctor Doom.

I explained that Doom has his uses as an established member of the super human community and has connections as the leader of his nation which has provided me with diplomatic immunity. He also has unparalleled technological and mystical knowledge and a fortress that looks exactly like my previous home of 5 years which can protect Phalanx and my various technological and biological experiments.

He accepts my explanation grudgingly. He still thinks Doom is a diabolical dictator with megalomaniac ambitions (paraphrasing somewhat). I don't disagree with the sentiment.

A few weeks after the conclusion of the Secret Invasion, the cloned version of Thor resurfaces calling itself Ragnarok and picking fights with various metahumans. This gives me a new idea as to how to increase my influence further. The Skrulls had used their biomedical technology to mimic the heroes powers and replace several key figures such as Black Bolt much to my embarassment. An unfortunate consequence of not telepathically probing strangers is that I can be misled as far as the deeper intentions of people but it helps to maintain my psychological integrity if I limit the minds I wander into.

I've set up a secret basement level beneath Doom's castle for my fallback shelter. So far it has a rejuvenation chamber similar to Apocalypse's sarcophagus, a cybernetic storage facility that stretches throughout the level, providing me with a tertiary storage facility for my memories. It also has high grade energy shields and a teleportation pad for me to return to whenever I experience critical damage in any conflict. It's completely secret. Not even the Phalanx know of it's existence.

Latverian population keeps increasing rapidly as immigrants spread the message back home that Latveria is a rich nation that offers superior health care (proto mutants don't suffer much in the way of human ailments) and many opportunities for personal advancement. The Latverian enhanced soldiers now number a thousand. Those who excelled in mastering the basics of telepathy and telekinesis have become teachers of others as sub officers of the Phalanx under A&B.

Month 6 Cable comes back from some future timeline with the mutant Messiah called Hope Summers all grown up. I help to fend off the Sentinels attacking Utopia with some long distance giant water hands.

Afterwards I restored Hellions' (Julian Keller's) lost hands though as a high grade telekinetic, hands are not strictly necessary for picking things as I sometimes go days without picking up anything directly by using flesh proxies, tk hands, telekinesis or water hands to move stuff about.

Drama with Asgard as Thor has been ousted as Regent because he killed his grandfather Bor, now Balder, Thor's secret half brother has taken the reins of Asgard. Loki has suggested they relocate Asgard to Latveria. Apparently Doom and Loki have been having chats without me in some kind of Dark Cabal with Emma Frost, Namor, Hood and Norman Osborn. I'm impressed they've managed to keep that quiet for so long but precognition and 'other sight' are not the same as complete omniscience and Loki is the God of mischief and he's good at keeping secrets, even from me.

I contact Deadpool through a flesh proxy and give him a shopping list for blood samples I want. His, Wolverine and Hulk's. I/the proxy offer him half a million as a down payment and collect his blood sample. He blathers on even worse than my version of Deadpool, making a lot of random segues and insults to my non nondescript proxy.

I also hire Taskmaster, a less crazy mercenary to collect samples discreetly from several other mutants. He has the ability to mimic the fighting styles of anyone he observes, it's an interesting variation on Prodigy's telepathy based ability. On his target list are Sage, Forge, Gateway, Tony Stark and Thor or his evil genetic clone.

Month 7

Wolverine and Cyclops recruit mutants for their own differing agendas. Wolverine starts a new school under the name of Jean Grey school for the gifted.

While the mutant race continues to splinter under the old leadership, I select a couple dozen of the remaining Super Skrulls, 8 of the enhanced Latverian soldiers, a handful of Asgardians and a couple of mutants (Quentin and Iceman) and Danger (the operating system of the Danger Room in a female metallic form) for special training. I set each person a specific training plan and set them sparring partners, Asgardians and enhanced Latverians with Super Skrulls, Quentin and Bobby with each other and Balder and Danger with me.

I collected samples from each member of this new group for the purposes of a scientific control.

After our first training session Iceman once returned to his room asked me about "Why are you building so many armies in Latveria?"

I smiled and sat next to him on his bed and he shifts to ice clearly uncomfortable as I wrap my arm around his neck pulling him closer and slide a telepathic probe the width of a scalpels edge through a weak spot in his telepathic shield diving in deep and quick into his core and triggered his transformation back to flesh. "Because I must."

"How did you do that?"

"You haven't been maintaining your psychic defenses sufficiently, you're going to need to be stronger to stand against what's coming."

"What's coming?"

"No fucking idea, but I know it's here on Earth and yet somewhere beyond this universe, the details are still unclear at this point but the one thing I know for sure is that it's coming and it's more powerful than anything I've ever faced before and it could end us with a thought if we faced it directly as we are now. We will need to get impossibly stronger before it comes if we are to survive."

"That's not very helpful."

"The future is in a constant state of flux, if it wasn't there wouldn't be a point to attempting to change futures where death comes to the mutant race in the form of Sentinels. I'm not sure what's coming but I'm going to need to be as strong as possible to survive it." I let go of my grip on his neck which was bordering on a head lock and stood and faced him. "I'm going to need you and every army I can muster when the time comes in order to fight the end. Will you stand with me when the darkness comes to claim us all?"

He looked at me for a long moment considering me and said "Yes."

"No doubts ?"


"That's the spirit, I did warn you I'm not nice and I have done some awful things in the past and I may need to do some morally dubious things in the future in order to survive the oncoming darkness so it's good to have doubts. Blind loyalty has led to some terrible sagas throughout history. All I ask is that you give me some time to prove myself to you as someone worthy of your faith and you should keep asking questions and thinking about my answers and compare them to my actions and make your own decisions as to the merits of my decisions. I'm not infallible but I do my best to consider all the fractals."

"You're weird."

"I know. Here's a gift." I teleported in a black teleportation device and communicator from interspace and handed it to Iceman. "This will teleport you directly to Latveria and back to wherever you teleported from as necessary so that way you don't have to rely on me teleporting you over. Keep it on you at all times. It's coded specifically to your biomorphic signature so it won't work with any passengers or with anyone else trying to use it."

"What about Quentin?"

"I've got one for him. You're first. He'll get one next."

I delivered the next one to Quentin with a similar question as to whether he had doubts about me and would join with me when the time came to fight back the black darkness. He said he'd glimpsed into my mind and knew that I had good intentions if not good desires. I had to laugh at that...

Month 8

Avengers Vs X men

I am called to Utopia to help Cyclops stop the Avengers from taking Hope as she is the predestined vessel for the Phoenix Force. I help stall the Avengers and Hope flies off in the Black Bird( X-Jet). Due to the nature of our pacts, I can't interfere outside of their home or mine and events spiral further out of control.

The Avengers interfere further with cosmic design specifically Iron Man with a prototype Big Bang Gun who shoots the Phoenix Force which ends up fractured and possesses or imbues 5 mutants (Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Illyana and Colossus) with an epic power boost.

The Avengers keep fighting the Phoenix Five as they try to change the world. I set up in Wakanda as the Wakandan Royal Couple are too busy arguing with each other to pay attention to their royal duties... Due to my frequent visits and diplomatic status, no one questions why I'm waiting in Wakanda as the Phoenix Five starts imploding due to external and internal pressures.

When a Phoenix empowered Namor is on his way to wreak havoc on Wakanda I teleported the majority of the Wakandans to safe harbor within Latveria via mass teleportation technology. Some refuse to leave their homes or go to Latveria and they stay behind to face the oncoming danger. Brave but kind of stupid at the same time.

When Namor shows up at the border of Wakanda, I activated the Stark Shield Generator, it only manages to slow him down for less than a minute as his strength has been increased ten fold and he has class 5 hydrokinesis. I use the minute to evacuate as many of the remaining Wakandans before Namor's attack .

He launches a tidal wave at Wakanda and I face him head on, his inexperience with hydrokinesis gives me the advantage as I fight his hydrokinesis with my own. The Avengers join in the fight against Namor and I knock him out and his portion of the Phoenix Force departs and spreads between the other 4 members of what is now the Phoenix Four. The Avengers take Namor away. Black Panther thanks me for evacuating his citizens.

I disperse the flood waters but the damage to Wakandan property is extensive and dozens of civilians are dead. I teleport in the Wakandans and help them with the restoration efforts while the other metahumans fight between themselves.

Elsewhere the Avengers and the Phoenix empowered X men fight and infight and eventually Xavier butts in when there is only Cyclops and Emma Frost remaining. Cyclops steals Emma Frost's portion of the Phoenix Force and kills an interfering Xavier.

Hope Summer claims the Phoenix force after being denied it for over a week. Then she releases the class 6 power source before she could succumb to the psychological effects of being a class 6 mutant. In the process of letting go of the Phoenix Force, the energy spreads across the globe and I watch with interest as it infuses into millions of new mutants.

Cyclops is arrested and imprisoned for the murder of Xavier.

I have most of the samples I requested from my mercenaries. Wolverine's blood on several bullets, Sage's hair, Ragnaroks severed finger, Gateways blood and Tony Stark's semen from a discarded condom. Tony Stark's sample wasn't ideal as I wanted to study his Extremis effected blood but it would provide me with enough genetic material to make me a Tony Stark.

I find and recruit Dark Beast (another transdimensional refugee from another timeline where Apocalypse had been in charge of the US and had him perform experiments on other mutants) to serve as research scientist to free me from having to turn water into mutant blood via transubstatiation...

Since Taskmaster has completed his objective I give him a new task, assisting me in training the Super Skrulls, enhanced Latverian soldiers and average Asgardians while I work exclusively with Quentin, Bobby, Danger and Balder. Quentin and I work together on telekinesis and telepathy, both of which he surpasses me in raw power but I have more experience with both. Bobby and I work together on elemental control, specifically water and I work on enhancing his telepathic defenses further, layering psychic shields in him to deter psychic invasion and possession by hostile forces. Danger and I work on hand to hand combat, technopathic control and weapons training. Balder gives me a chance to practice energy absorption against the God of Light, who can also move as fast as light which makes fighting him extremely difficult.

Month 9

Cyclops breaks out of his special prison after the only other mutant prisoner is killed by other inmates. He leaves the warden disfigured with a X on his head as he escapes with the help of Magneto and Illyana. Cyclops publicly announces that he's going to start a mutant revolution.

With Dark Beast's help, we've developed a watered down variation on the MGH (Mutant Growth Hormone) with Wolverine's blood... It essentially allows humans to experience ten minutes of Wolverine's enhanced regeneration without the addictive qualities (or at least lessened down to the addiction to sugar or sex, rather than the addiction to heroin) of the former version. I sell doses for about 50 bucks a dose at the local Latverian hospital... It's a cure for most afflictions, other than genetic conditions. Word gets out.

Due to various federal regulations around new drugs. The watered down Wolverine blood is only legal to ingest,inject or inhale while within Latveria. This has a useful benefit to Latveria's tourism industry as millions of people come visit. Hotels, motels and Bed and breakfasts spring up like weeds within Latveria. Off label usage is prolific as common side effects include increase in bone density, hair growth and weight loss. As such lots of balding and overweight men make use of a Wolverine dose for superficial reasons. Doses are typically administered in the local Latverian hospitals but doses are smuggled out for other uses.

We've labeled the Wolverine blood as Panacea. Panacea comes with the warning that it is not to be used for genetic conditions as it has little effect and in cases where organ transplants has occurred can be counter productive (good organs can go bad). As thanks for Dark Beast's assistance I cure him of the ill effects of his own genetic alterations via restoration to the form I granted Shadow Beast a few universes ago and a few decades ago. Dark Beast has succeeded in synthesizing and mass producing Wolverine's blood in sufficient volumes for consumer demand.

I have a run in with Wolverine who objects to his blood being used as a drug for the masses... I had let him pass through the security of the fortress unmolested so that he could use his enhanced senses to track me to Nate's former bedroom. Wolverine attacks me with his adamantium claws out and it pierces my vibranium alloy armor and slides in half an inch into my flesh. "Ow, that stings a little".

"How dare you make MGH with my blood?" Wolverine said, voice low, deep and menacing.

"It's technically not MGH and you've answered my question about my armor's durability and now I'm bored of you." I hurl him across the room with a tk boosted 'water hand', idly throttling him till he passes out. Then I teleported him into the nearest body of water and dunked him over and over again into the water, as he splutters and curses. Eventually I get bored of dunking Wolverine and tossed him into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It'll take him a couple days to walk home.

Since I've observed Dark Beast's process for synthesizing and mass manufacturing blood long enough to master the technique I've created a few serums of my own. I've labeled them as Divinity, Inspiration and Insight. Divinity is a dose of Ragnarok's blood which allows me access to the Divine to amplify my energy absorption and energy manipulation experiments and increase brute strength and durability. Inspiration is a dose of Forge's blood which provides me with help in creating new technological devices and or redesigning current devices. Insight is a dose of Sage's blood which often provides me with more intellectual capacity/processing power in order to deal with my 'other sight' dilemma. Sometimes I use Inspiration and Insight together in order to modify and improve cybernetic designs faster and easier.

With the chemical enhancements I've designed a modified antenna for Black Bolt so that he can manipulate vibrations effectively to communicate and telepathic lessons on how. I've also designed a new machine for Atillan with an energy absorption interface out of vibranium alloy so that Black Bolt can plug in and release some of his own energy safely in order to provide power to his city.

I've given the Phalanx greater personal responsibility and independence with Adam & Ben running the telekinetic training groups and Charlie and Danny running the Help Bot manufacturing division. Edward and Fred oversee the diplomatic embassy and the induction of the new citizens including genetically screening their blood samples before I enhance them to protomutants as well as selecting the tour guides for the new tourism industry. George and Harry oversee the psionic surveillance of Latveria with the help of shifts of the enhanced Latverian soldiers.

I interact with Balder as current ruler of Asgard on an infrequent basis since technically they're an independent nation inside a larger nation and relations between Latveria and Asgard are civil but guarded as the average citizenry are awed and sometimes fearful of the Norse Gods come to Earth. I see Balder more frequently as a sparring partner, as I practice defenses against high speed attacks, practice trying to overcome his automatic deflection of attacks and absorb his light and heat blasts. Sometimes I take a dose of Divinity before a sparring session to boost my speed and power during the match but not very often as using it as a way to channel the Divine frequently leaves me weakened for hours afterwards as my body tries to reestablish equilibrium.


Well that was a longish middle for a chapter, lots of stuff going on in the background in this universe and prep work... Next chapter Victor faces his greatest threat and is forced to call upon help from everyone he thinks might be of use in order to stop the multiversal threat from destroying everything and everyone.

Next: Chapter 51: Warped 9c

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