
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 19, 2023



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


JAJ – John as Jean. 'link' - psychically connecting at the middle layer in order to share/blend powers or to create a sensory link in order to share sensations. tk - telekinesis tk hands - hands consisting of tk energy used to manipulate matter invisibly. text between asterixes indicate telepathic communication ^text between these indicate communication through manipulation of water vibration to produce sound^ PTD - psionic time duplicate, from when Victor absorbed an earlier version of himself during time travel.

Authors Note Some spoilers for the Marvel Zombies series. (I'd only recommend reading the first 2 or 3 volumes since the rest get progressively worse)

Chapter 8 Free for all

Arrived in an Alternate New York within Central Park, screaming.

My newest powers had transformed the inconsequential blueish white space we occupied for a mere moment between realities into something infinitely complex and terrifying. Enhanced perception combined with an unfocused temporal awareness had filled my mind with visions of the past, present and future of a thousand thousand realities. Cypher's power tried to comprehend it all but it was too massive and complex to be understood easily by my human mind. I got an impression of the tangled nature of time, several planes of existence, parallel dimensions, alternate timelines and numerous unknown energy spectrums before I exited the in between space screaming.

My mind fractured into a kaleidoscope of images of the past, present and future of this reality. I could feel my powers boiling up as the psionic blocks, internal compartmentalization and my will crumbled under the weight of my ignorance, confusion and fear. I expended all my telekinetic, teleportation, psionic energy and energy energy to create a Tk infused, teleportation blocking, psionic inhibiting, energy forcefield around me to contain the danger I posed. I focused all of my hydrokinetic power on stalling Neptune in place. The effort temporarily drained me mind and body, reducing the risk of an uncontrolled power outburst while I got my mind together.

:: Mental Landscape:: I manifested in the library dragging the others with me.

Me: Need free space.

PTD: The walls are crumbling.

All around us the mental castle was shaking as the pressure from too much information overloaded the capacity of my mind crushing my internal defenses beneath the weight.

Phorcys: why are we here ?

Me: burn the magazines. Need free space.

Phorcys took to burning the magazines while PTD ripped up the science and biology text books. :: ::

It helped ease the pressure just enough for me to blurt out. "Need you to wormhole me to the SHIELD Helicarrier" I pointed in the general direction. "Need a large active computing system."

"I won't ask why you don't just teleport over yourself."

John created a wormhole inside my energy dome and I stumbled through it into the control room of the Helicarrier observing the spreading zombie plague. Lots of guns were pointed at me on arrival but I simply stumbled over to the nearest computer console to slump against it, emptying my mind into the computing system. John and Hercules arrived a moment later to more pointed guns.

John telepathically and telekinetically forced them to lower their weapons "We come in peace. We just came here to ask for directions. Probably."

A guy with an eye patch, asked "Has he been bit?"

"No one has bit him, he's been acting weird since we arrived in this strange place." Hercules answered.

"Weirder than usual, which is weird." John said.

"Droll" I muttered from my place on the floor. The pressure inside me had eased and I could focus on the here and now again.

"Who are you people? Don't you know what's going on out there?" Nick Fury asked.

John paused for a moment, presumably engaging psionic oversight, "We're in a zombie universe, how weird is that."

I shakily got to my feet, my control over Blindfold's temporal awareness still insufficient to control the random visions I kept getting of the past, present and future of this reality. "We're in universe 2149 from what I can gather. This world is basically doomed."

I absorbed the ambient energy, shoring up my mental defenses after the recent psychic trauma.

John raised an eyebrow. "Hmm. You know this world?"

"I remember stuff from the Panoptichron's database. There's a few of these zombie realities but this one's memorable because of the chronal loop."

"Well you sound more like yourself now for what that is worth. What happened?" JAJ asked.

I thought about how to explain what had happened and it was too complicated to explain with a audience present. "Information overload, I saw too much and it literally blew my mind."

"You're a total nutjob, you know that right?"

"Who are you people?" Alternate Nick Fury asked again, raising his voice over our idle chit chat.

"Just some interdimensional tourists. We'll be heading on soon enough." I said

"There are super powered zombies eating people out there, there's nowhere to go." One of the SHIELD men said.

"I know. It's going to get much worse than that I'm afraid." I said.

"Worse than all the world dying because of infected cannibalistic super heroes?" Nick Fury asked incredulous.

"Mmm yep, the zombies are going to eat Galactus and consume the entire universe and try and eat a couple of other universes too."

Hercules "How can we stop this?"

I looked around at the uninfected humans and sighed "Give us a lift to Tony Stark's workspace and I'll try and retrofit his armors to give you a fighting chance against the super powered zombies."

"You heard the man. MOVE OUT."

While they navigated to Stark International, I interfaced with the SHIELD computer system again and started work on compressing all the data I had uploaded through technopathy using the Lempel- Ziv lossless compression method. Once done I copied that and SHIELD's database on this reality's super heroes, onto a flash drive. They dropped us off at Stark International and I interfaced with the Iron Man Armors and manually flew them via 'water proxies' to the Helicarrier to provide reinforcements for the SHIELD personnel.

John asked telepathically will that help them ?

Not in the long run but it might buy them some extra time.

"We must fight this scourge." Hercules said.

JAJ gave me a helpless look. You got an idea on how to escape this universe?

Yeah there's a dimensional portal to another uninfected universe. I'm just trying to figure out if it's happening, happened or will happen. Still trying to get a handle on Blindfold's power. The trip between universes kind of fried my mind.

I'm fine.

You didn't acquire new powers of temporal awareness, enhanced perception and understanding. My new powers decided to try and decipher all of reality and I still fucking have a headache and I can't seem to hold onto the present tense too well.

"Sure hon. We'll go off and hold off the zombie hordes while Victor tries to come up with something to fix the mess." John waved goodbye as he and his Olympian God Husband wandered off to do battle with zombified superheroes.

Sadly not the weirdest thing I've experienced. Eating myself was way weirder than this reality could ever hope to be.

While they were gone I made use of the tech in Stark International in order to cobble together a cybernetic data storage device to help prevent information overload from happening again. Based on Tony's memories of the cybernetic devices installed in Clor.

The information overload had cost me some memories, most of which had only been public sentiment of worlds that no longer mattered to me but some of them had been personal memories that had to be sacrificed for more memory space. Story of my life. Things just keep getting weirder. I had to defragment my mind after seeing too much Reality. The insanity never seems to end.

I kept getting random visions of this reality. Making it hard to concentrate.

:: Elsewhere, Sometime::

Zombie versions of Iron man, Spider man, Giant man, Colonel America, Luke Cage and Wolverine and Hulk eat the Silver Surfer, Galactus's herald. :: ::

The others returned, having to make an emergency exit through a wormhole after being swarmed by too many Zombie Supers. For a few seconds I could see the anomalous gravity distortions of the wormhole through space-time.

I teleported us into the damaged Baxter building which contained an active dimensional teleportation platform, JAJ provides the psionic shielding for the group and I provided some temporary power for the machine to power a short trip into another dimension.

I knew from an uncontrolled future flash/vision that an alternate version of the Fantastic Four would be along soon to return to their universe. Magneto would choose to stay behind to destroy the hardware so that the Zombie Supers won't infect the new universe as well.

The Multiverse Gap

A cascade of visions of the futures, pasts and presents of thousands of realities bombarded me and I shunt them into my new cybernetic data storage to decipher later. Cypher's power manages to catalog a couple of phenomena this time, the Astral plane, a place where psionic entities can live or where strong psychics can visit during dreams or astral projection and the gravitational distortions of warp drive space travel within a couple of visions.

Universe 1610

Upon arrival in this new universe I got a cascade of visions of the past, present and future of this reality, ranging from its very beginning with Galan within the Cosmic Crunch with Phoenix Force to about 4 days from now when Victor Von Doom would travel with the Zombie Fantastic Four back to 2149. Using my memories of the Panoptichron database and my temporal visions I had determined we had arrived in the home reality of the Alternate Fantastic Four, universe 1610. I interfaced with the building's security to erase any records of our arrival from the system.

Cypher's power was working overtime on Blindfold's temporal awareness and Eye- Boy's enhanced perceptions allowed me to detect lots of spatial and temporal distortions emanating from the building. This Fantastic Four had traveled through time, space and universes semi frequently and recently. I could see the open wounds upon this universe as a direct result of their adventures.

The cybernetic data storage had maxed out storage capacity and additional information overflowed into my mind. I teleported us a few blocks away. We were in yet another New York. This one seemed more sleek and modern than the one we had left behind even accounting for the Zombie Supers.

"We're broke. We're going to need to acquire some money." I said.

"That's easy I'm a hot woman, men will happily give me their money." JAJ said.

Hercules slings his arm over JAJ "A married woman. I will earn money with my labors for the both of us."

I couldn't help but smile even as the sight of the foot traffic had my mind in overdrive assessing body language, interpreting behavioral cues and stockpiling information as to vulnerabilities. Random visions of past, present and future streamed through my thoughts. Transdimensional travel seemed to amplify my new powers in strange ways.

I interrupted the marital bickering before it could escalate with "I have a plan to get us some money, bear with."

I went up to a smiling, well dressed young man in his early 20's with a bulging wallet in the process of buying a hot dog from a street vendor. Initial analysis indicated he'd be the perfect candidate to provide me with a little seed money. "Excuse me sir but I'm a tourist and I need a small loan."

He looked me over "Are you one of those superheroes I hear about in the news or are you cosplaying?"

"Well I'm not exactly a superhero..."

"Super villain?" he asked looking over my bone armor with more amused curiosity than fear. He smelled of a trust fund, wealthy and privileged.

I shrugged. "I'm not much of anything at the moment, kind of a refugee in time and space, could do with a loan of five bucks."

He looked me up and down and over my shoulder at JAJ and Hercules. Hercules was shirtless with a shield strapped over his back and wearing a Olympian war skirt while JAJ was dressed in a tight red leather ensemble. They were getting varying looks of amusement, confusion and interest from passerbys. "Can you do anything cool?" He asked.

The Hot Dog Vendor side eyed me as he quickly assembled the hot dog for his customer, his anxiety was obvious from the slight tremors in his hands.

"I can do lots of cool stuff." I drew on some ambient water, shaping the now visible water into strange shapes in the palm of my hand.

"Awesome. What can your friends do?"

"The guy in the skirt is the Olympian god of Strength, so he has superstrength and the other has telekinesis."

"That's so cool. Do you need a place to crash. I have the presidential suite at the Four Seasons if you want to hang out and tell me what brought you here."

He grabbed his hot dog and took a bite out of it.

I couldn't easily determine whether he was reckless, brave or stupid. "That could work too. Just need to make a pit stop at a 7/11 first."

He finished chewing and smiled and said, "Sure."

It was a short walk. I borrowed the 5 bucks from him outside the 7/11 and used my new powers to find 5 winning scratchies and offered them to the clerk for a third of their nominal value for cash upfront. Got about 50 bucks.

Handed the 5 bucks back to the preppy. "I'm Victor by the by. This is Hercules and that's ..."

"Cant remember? Have you been drinking too?" He asked, slapping my bone armor in good natured mirth.

"You can call me Jane." JAJ said offering her hand which preppy kissed the back of like a gentleman.

"Charmed to meet you. I'm Nate. I'm loaded and looking for a dancing partner tonight if you're free."

Hercules stepped close and "I'm her husband."

I pulled Nate away "Let's not piss off the newlyweds they're very dangerous."

He smiled, leaning in close enough that I could taste the alcohol on his breath. Vodka, high priced. "What about you? Are you married too ?" Bisexual. My interest was peaked. I hadn't had a lover in decades (ignoring Phorcy's dalliances with Namor using my body) and seeing JAJ with yet another lover left me feeling a bit jealous and lonely.

I smiled back, placing my bare hand on his lower back "I'm single and interested."

"Back to mine?" he asked, breathing shallow, capillaries filling with blood, heart rate increasing.

"Don't mind if I do. What's your room number?"

"1342" I skimmed his thoughts just a little to ensure I had the right hotel and teleported the 4 of us back to his hotel room. "Wow! How did you do that?"

"I told you I can do lots of cool things, teleportation being one of them. Jane can create wormholes which she'll tell me about eventually."

JAJ just smiled at me enigmatically and asked "Where's the mini bar in this place?"

"There's a wet bar in the other room." Nate replied.

"Great." JAJ placed her hand on Hercules hard abs "I'll make you a drink honey and we can leave them to chat."

They moved onto the next room and JAJ telekinetically closed the doors behind her which left Nate and I alone together. I smiled and he gulped, he was nervous, I moved forward as a predator and stole a kiss from him, he resisted for a mere fraction of a second before opening his mouth and darting his tongue into mine. I kissed him hard, sliding my hands beneath his expensive silk shirt to roam over his soft skin, feeling the hard muscle beneath. Gym and swimming.

His hand roamed over my bone armor, before breaking our kiss, breathing shallow and rapid. "How do you take that thing off? It's hard as a rock."

"Like this" I said shifting the bone armor to ice, then water, streaming it into the corner and reforming it as bone.

"Wow. You're hung like a horse" he said staring at my stiff 10 inch cock.

"Too big?" I asked.

"I'll manage with lots of lube." He said with a pleased twinkle in his eye.

I smiled at him as we stood looking at each other, him with his navy blue silk shirt rumpled and hanging at an odd angle and form fitting black tailored slacks while I was naked and hard. It was nice just letting the moment linger knowing that I'd be inside him soon enough.

From the other room there was a wet sound and a male moan of satisfaction. I had a quick look using an 'eye'.

:: JAJ and Hercules::

JAJ was on her knees, Hercule's war skirt, telekinetically held up above JAJ's head while she sucked on Hercules foot long member. Hercules had a drink in one hand and the other pushed JAJ further down until he/she was deepthroating him. He let out a deep guttural groan of satisfaction.

:: ::

"Sounds like a good cue to go to your room and get to know each other better."

He glanced down at my stiff erection. "One second. I'm going to need some Dutch courage first."

He hurried off and I stood there, eyes closed for a moment, letting the air currents drift around and over me. (Cypher's power interpreting wind direction and temperature variations)

Nate returned with a bottle of Vodka in hand. "Want some?"

"Drinking doesn't really work for me any more."

He took another swig from the bottle and said "Follow me."

"With pleasure" I said enjoying the view of his pert little ass confined in form fitting pants as he led me to his temporary bedroom.

"I don't usually do this." He said spreading his arms wide. "But I'm on holiday and you're kind of hot."

"Just kind of hot." I telekinetically lifted him off the ground. I lowered my voice so it was more of a growl. "Who or what would be hotter?"

He stammered "I didn't mean anything by it. It's just you're not my usual type but it's all good."

I used tk hands to strip him naked, unbuttoning his shirt, peeling down his slacks and removing his Calvin Klein underwear leaving him hard and exposed. He was lean, with smooth unblemished skin with very little body hair, just a trimmed patch of pubic hair around his cock and balls and some unruly dark curls in the center of his chest, his 5 inch cut cock trembled as he shook. I wrapped my hand around his stiff dick and squeezed eliciting a little mewl of fear. His eyes shone with unshed tears as my Tk hands roamed his body and tweaked his nipples, groped his bum and teased his hole. I skimmed his mind and found what his first love looked like. "I'm just fucking with you."

He laughed nervously. "Can you let me down now?"

I levitated him onto the bed and morphed into a mirror image of his first lover, a straight guy who was his tennis partner at the country club which through a shared shower and a frank conversation after one late practice led into him being his first lover. Lean, with corded biceps and flat abs and clean cut conventionally handsome face. "Better?"

He stammered "Um. How?"

He just stared. I switched back. "Telepathy and transformation. Any preference? I'm not fussed, I can look like anyone these days. It's just a means to an end."

"Um Richard?"

"K" I switched to the tennis stud body. "Close your eyes for a second."

He did and I interfaced with his laptop and transferred the excess info onto it and tele-transported my cybernetic implant underneath the bed. Then sealed the gaps inside me and enjoyed the freedom of having it out. It felt like wearing new shoes, awkward and uncomfortable but I knew I would adjust. I kissed him and the initial awkwardness and weirdness fell away as our bodies moved together, his hands roaming my back while mine roamed his body. I kissed a path down to his cock, swallowing a mouthful of his cock. "yeah suck it. Oh god. So good. So weird."

^That's my specialty. Good and weird.^


"Mmm" I said around a mouthful of his cock as I trickled water into his hole, prepping him for my oversized cock to fill him.

"I'm going to blow if you keep that up."

I eased off. "Can't have that. Not yet anyway." I flipped him over onto his stomach. "Ready to get fucked?"

"Do you have a condom?"

"Not necessary. The only virus I have is a technoorganic virus that makes me technopathic. It's not easily transmissable."

"Ah fuck it. Just fuck me already before I change my mind." He said positioning his ass up in the air.

I used some ambient water to slick up my cock and some more to slick up his hole, rubbing against his prostate with water making him hot and wet inside. "Here it comes. Ready or not." I pressed the head of my cock against his slick hole and pushed and he opened up to me slowly but surely.

"Oh god. Take it slow." I eased inside him, establishing a sensory link to share the pleasure and pain of penetration. He felt so tight and warm inside. We both groaned as I sunk more of my length inside him.

I stayed where I was for a long moment, half way in him, resisting the urge to drive it home, torturing myself just a little by forcing myself to stay right where I was. "I'm going to give you the rest now."

"Oh God. Do it. Fuck me."

I pushed in all the way, the pleasure and pain intensifying through the sensory link as I hit home. The pleasure of penetrating, the pleasure/pain of being filled completely. I had missed this. "Fuck, you feel good."

"What are you doing to me?"

"Making you mine." I wrapped my arms around him and turned him onto his side, one hand gripping his cock and the other gripping his left shoulder as I braced my forearm against his chest as I ground my cock deeper into him. I stroked his cock as I made slow circles with my pelvis, stretching his insides with my cock, marking my new territory.

He groaned in mindless pleasure, his mind and body full of the full warm feeling of having his prostate pounded and my escalating pleasure in humping into his tight slick hole. I slammed into him harder and faster and he yelled out "CUM IN ME you MAGNIFICENT BASTARD."

He came hard, spasming in my hand, shooting his cum over the high thread count Egyptian cotton bed sheets. I drove harder and faster into his clutching hole , his orgasm pushing me over the edge and I shot my load into him. Holding him tight against me as my orgasm filled my consciousness.

Reality comes crashing back when he whimpers. "Fuck that hurts."

I let go and I scanned his insides and I had bruised several of his ribs while I was distracted with my own climax. "Sorry. It's been a long time since I've had sex with a human. Forgot how fragile your kind is."

I cast a simple healing spell, repairing the damage.

He lay back. "You're the best and the weirdest and the worst sex I've ever had. Who are you? Why did you come here? Tell me everything."

So I told him about what I could remember, how I grew up in a small suburb outside New York City, had discovered I had power over water, eventually went to a mutant school, had sex with a lot of guys, made friends, made enemies, bailed, created my own community, got kicked out by the army, made a community called Avalon in Tasmania, killed one of my former teachers, found out I had created sentient golems, created persona proxies, lost my powers, joined the army, fell in love, regained my powers, got erased from time, visited an alternate future, got mentored by a future self, traveled back in time, had my body hijacked for a year, killed a eugenic mad Apocalypse, fucked around in time some more, mostly underwater or in space, got bossed around by lying insectoid aliens and bailed into a universe that was in the middle of a Super Civil War, only to end up in a Zombie universe. Then I rocked up here and met him.

I left a lot of the really dark stuff out, skimming through the highlights of my life but it still took some time to tell.

"Wow that's so intense and crazy."

"Yeah it was."

"Makes my life seem so banal."

"Tell me about it anyway. I'd like to know more about you." I said casually rubbing my hand over his pecs, playing with his curly thatch of chest hair, amusing myself by tugging on it and releasing it, making it spring back into place.

So he told me. How he grew up with rich absent parents, how he had nannies and private schools and a country club membership and fell into a life of drug abuse, excessive partying and sexual promiscuity trying to find something that meant something or made him feel something. How he had fallen for Richard, his hot straight tennis partner. How his parents had found Richard banging him when they came back home early from a vacation in the Caymans and had told Richard's parents and they'd been separated by being shipped off to different boarding schools. How the relationship with his parents and Richard was strained afterwards and how he mostly lived off his trust fund from his grandparents/parents going place to place trying to find something exciting.

I told him about Luke and how he had ended up hating me in a future that never was and then not even being a bit player in the third attempt of keeping my younger self alive.

He snuggled up close to me. "I wish my life was as interesting as yours. Mine's so passe. Poor little rich boy. Waah waah."

"It has its downsides, mostly too much insanity. For instance travel between the universes give me a massive headache and information overload and I need a cybernetic storage just to keep up. I'm going to have to upgrade it."

"Really, what's a cybernetic storage?" He asked and I gave a brief overview of what it was for. "Can I see it?"

I shrugged and levitated it from its position under the bed. He leaned out and touched it, "It's still warm." He looked at me and back at it. "How does that fit in you."

I looked at it, it's a metal cylinder about 3 feet tall and 1 foot across, with a small hollow space that fits my heart. "It replaces my rib cage and my heart fits in the middle okay."

"Oh." He was stunned.

"Anyway. That's probably more than you needed to know. It's been a while since I've had anyone to talk to. Probably overshared."

"What about your friends in the other room? Don't you talk to them?"

"It's complicated. They're complicated. One's a god and the other is a genetic metamorph."

His eyes grew large in confusion at my use of mutant terminology. I didn't want to explain. I just wanted to pretend to be normal for a change. I kissed him and pulled him onto my hard lap "Again?" he asked.

"If you're up for it?"

"I think I can manage another one." He kissed me, placing my cock against his slick hole and he bore down a bit, impaling himself on my stiff cock. I took a hold of his stiffening cock and squeezed his firm ass one handed as he sunk lower, taking more of me. He bit his lip as he concentrated on taking me all the way.

When he hit pelvic bone I reestablished the sensory link and got into a seated position and kissed him, holding him close as he rocked back and forth, up and down. I let him set the pace, kissing him and when the pace picked up I latched my mouth onto his neck, sucking on him, both hands on his firm butt, squeezing and groping, thrusting upwards as we reached climax together. His orgasm sprayed all over my torso, dripping down my abs and tangling in my pubic hair. Mine surged within him. We stayed like that for a minute before gravity and circulation necessitated a use of the bathroom facilities to get clean.

We showered together, with me taking great pleasure in washing his back for him, paying extra special attention to his cute little butt. Afterwards we cuddled up and I waited for him to fall asleep in my arms before teleporting into the Baxter Building. Once there I interfaced with the computerized security system, copying across the data on every active experiment and project into my cybernetic storage. I sapped Reed Richards as he slept slumped over his work place, acquiring new memories...

&&&&&&&& Reed had spent so many hours working on a way to help Johnny Storm who was infected with a Negative Zone parasite.

He had a few project ideas that he hadn't shared with his backers due to concerns over potential for misuse. The theoretical concepts and specifications flowed through me. :: ::

My intellect sharpened and I suddenly had a new appreciation for quantum and temporal physics. Reed started stirring, the sap having disturbed his slumber.

I returned to Nate's hotel room, checked on JAJ and Hercules in the secondary bedroom via an 'eye' to make sure they hadn't gotten into too much mischief during my absence. They were sleeping, Hercules was a surprisingly good influence on JAJ. I transferred the new data onto Nate's laptop, compressing the files for convenience. Nate rolled over and asked "Where did you go?"

"Just had to take care of some business."

"You coming back to bed?" I snuggled up next to him enjoying the simple pleasure of having someone to sleep next to.

Day 2

Woke up to Nate stroking my cock. I cast a basic spell of protection on Nate and fucked him hard, face down, hard, fast and dirty until I creamed in him. He pumped out a small puddle of cum onto the sheets sometime during the fucking.

After a long soapy shower together Nate asked me "What's your plan for the day?"

I told him that I needed to make some money to buy some computing hardware. He offers to buy it for me but I declined, I didn't want to take his money.

We ended up going to a casino, where I used Domino's power of luck to find slot machines ready to burst, then won some black jack followed by a lucky spin of the roulette wheel. Turned 50 bucks into several thousand dollars and cashed out before the casino could get suspicious enough to ban me. Hercules meanwhile settled into a bar and started an arm wrestling tournament. He won every round and earned himself some free drinks and some cash.

Afterwards we hit a computer hardware store and I spent most of the money I had acquired buying parts to improve my cybernetic implants. The stuff on the domestic market was pathetic compared to the stuff I had used from Stark's but the best I could do in the current circumstances.

We returned back to the hotel. I offered to permanently upgrade Nate with increased durability and regeneration to prevent further injury. He jumped at the offer. We took it for a test run by me pounding his ass missionary style until we both came hard together, his nails digging into my back as he blew.

Night time I visited Baxter Building again and borrowed some advanced computer equipment.

Day 3

I spent a few hours in the hotel room while the others went shopping for stuff upgrading my cybernetic implants with the cheap components telekinetically manipulated to function in a similar way as the advanced computer equipment I had borrowed from the Baxter building.

I also took the time alone to finally get my mind in order.

:: Mental Landscape:: I talked over with PTD about the new direction that I had decided upon. He agreed. With the additional intellectual boost of cybernetic implants and a fraction of Reed Richard's intellectual ingenuity I was finally strong enough to function without additional psionic entities to process information. I absorbed a willing PTD into me, absorbing his psionic strength into myself before I took on Phorcys.

Phorcys: What are you doing?

Me: What I should have done a long time ago, bringing you back into the fold.

Phorcys screamed: Nooooo.

He teleported back to his stronghold. I followed after bringing my nightmare legion with me. It was a long and bloody campagin but my army broke through his defenses and I attacked him directly while our armies fought each other. I dug my hand into Phorcys' chest, absorbing him into me. I channeled my full psionic and mental power to fully reintegrate Phorcys into my fractured psyche so he could resume his original purpose.

My mind is finally my own again, the survivors of the war serving only me. Phorcys would be but a memory, his residual darkness and violence tempered and balanced by the remnants of PTD. :: ::

Now that my mind was clear, I could reclaim predatory instinct, the urge to compete, the satisfaction of violence well done as simply as darker part of me and not as a separate psychotic psionic entity.

The others returned with bags of shopping and food. Had a quick meal.

Another late night visit to Baxter Building in time to catch the Fantastic Four on their way out. This Johnny Storm was infested with a Negative Zone Parasite. They were off to Dr Doom for help. I tagged along to Latveria and while Reed and Dr Doom engaged in a pissing contest about who had the biggest brain, I had a quick look at the tech and arcane supplies Doom had access to and came to an important decision.

I checked his technological database and the most advanced tech had come from a recent scavenging operation of Atlantis.

I teleport-hopped back to the hotel before any of the Supers noticed me snooping.

Day 4

This was the pivotal day when an interdimensional portal back to the Zombie Universe would be available and open and everyone would be too distracted with the Zombie Fantastic Four and the Negative Zone parasite in Johnny to pay too much attention to my activities.


"It was good to meet you Nate. I had a lot of fun with you."

"Do you have to go?"

"This world has too many civilians and potential for collateral damage. I need a place to work where I don't have to circumnavigate laws and other supers. A world populated with zombies allows me lots of acceptable targets to take out my rage on and a world of resources necessary for my project."

"Can I come with you?"

"If you want but it will be dangerous."

"Good. I want excitement and adventure and I think you're the man that can give it to me."

"That's not the only thing I'll give you." I kissed him and squeezed his butt suggestively before returning to a more serious tone. "There is one condition for me to bringing you along, when we're in a dangerous situation you must follow my commands exactly. I don't want you running off and getting yourself killed."

"I will. You're the boss." He said hugging me.

"You've got him well trained." JAJ said.

I ignored that dig and asked "How about you two? Did you want to stay in this world or come back to Zombie world ?"

"Can you visit us here ?" JAJ asked.

"No it's a wave universe, it'll only intersect for 10 days every billion years or so."

"What do you think?" JAJ asked Hercules.

"I'd prefer to destroy more of the Zombies. I don't feel needed here."

"Off we go then." We teleported over to the Baxter Building and while Doom fought with the Zombie Fantastic Four we slipped through the portal within a psionic camoflage shield.

Gap between the universes

I closed my eyes as I walked through, holding Nate's hand, it helped to reduce the mental input a fraction, limiting it to random visions of past, present and futures of random universes. Some of which I had already seen before. At least this time I didn't have to deal with my enhanced perception of the Gap and all of what it contained.

Return to 2149

I got nudged by JAJ on my other side. I experienced a series of visions of past and future events of this reality but I had seen most of them before so I just shoved them into cybernetic storage to be dealt with later.

We've landed just as the Zombie Supers are feasting on a dead Galactus. Nate looks horrified. The Zombie Supers were ingesting cosmic energy, directly from Galactus. I didn't fancy our chances if we got caught, luckily they were too preoccupied with their meal and complaining over portion sizes to notice us. I teleported us several miles away before Nate could open his mouth and alert the newly enhanced Zombie Supers of our presence.

"You okay?"

"I'm starting to think this was a bad idea." Nate said.

"It's okay. I'll boost you up until you're a kick ass zombie warrior. We'll just have to hide for a few days within Doom's fortress and they'll fly off into outer space giving us lots of time to prepare defenses against them."

We teleported within the overrun fortress and JAJ and I layered psionic shields over each other in order to stop anyone from detecting us long range with Cerebro or the like.

Zombie Universe 2149 End of Week One

The Zombie Galactii have left and we're free to make Latveria our home and new base of operations. There's a large food pantry that had been overlooked by the Zombie invaders when they had killed the original owner. It has enough food to supply us easily for the next twenty years. I've repaired and reactivated the force field around the Doom Fortress, providing us with some basic protection from outside threats.

With unlimited and unrestricted access to the planet's technology and resources I should have no trouble enhancing the existing superior infrastructure of Latveria into something extraordinary.

Zombie Universe 2149 End of Year One.

It's been a crazy, exciting, tiring and fulfilling year.

We've all settled into our own little grooves here. I've developed my own little work week that works for me. During the week days I work 9 to 5 on my various technological projects. So far I've digitized Doctor Doom's arcane library, recreated my War Sword, recreated a semi functional transdimensional gateway from visions of Doom's efforts, made a new time gauntlet, repaired and repurposed the Doom Bots and built custom armors for everyone.

In the morning I would wake up to a naked Nate and I would fuck him, then we'd shower together which often leads to me fucking him again as I run my soapy hands all over his slippery soapy sexy body. After our shower we'd usually engage in some light physical training, sparring. I've gene grafted Nate so that he has enhanced speed, strength and durability along with telekinesis. After Nate's worked up a healthy appetite, we have breakfast together from the food stores (though I usually don't eat anything).

Lunch he visits me for a lunch time quickie before he resumes his training with Hercules on grapples and holds and weapon training. In the evenings we go on patrols of Latveria and the surrounding region, hunting Zombie Supers and generally tidying up the neighborhood with combined telekinesis.

On our weekends we participate in our version of antiquing, salvaging rare and priceless artwork, antiques and artifacts for conservation from around Europe. While out and about, I fuck my man anywhere the mood strikes, while flying, while in tunnels, while on empty streets, in former museums, churches and office buildings. It's amusing and hot and delightfully reckless and dangerous.

Whatever we find that's worth keeping, we bring back home for JAJ to place. JAJ has converted the dungeons into a temperature controlled museum so the best of the best of this universe can be preserved for our pleasure and posterity.

Zombie Universe. End of Year Two.

Life has settled down somewhat. The Doom Fortress is maintained and protected by an army of Doom Bots that double as maids, maintenance crew and soldiers. I've made a few million golems in order to clean, tidy and Latveria and the surrounding regions as well as a couple dozen flesh golems to serve as personal guards for Nate and to provide a reserve of telekinetic energy for him and me to draw from while on patrols outside of the new Latverian protectorate.

Upgraded Nate with teleportation to boost his combat abilities. He's taken quite well to a combat lifestyle. Hercules and him seem to get along quite well.

Technological achievements have included a new Virtual Reality room that's a limited version of the X- men's Danger Room and transdimensional probes that I use to test the transdimensional gateway and collect data for my Infinite Gap project. I've also designed a miniaturization ray based off Reed's project that has helped in reducing the size of my cybernetic implants as well as improving it's overall efficiency.

Zombie Universe 2149 Year 3

Tumultuous year.

Nate and I are no longer a couple.

It all went downhill when I decided I wanted to capture a Zombie Super in order to study the virus that had devastated this world in order to develop either an antidote or a more effective method of extermination of the zombie menace. So we captured Squirrel Girl intact along with several of her zombified Squirrels which provided a two-fer, mutant and animal test subjects. I had transferred her and her zombie animal minions to my lab for testing.

I had collected samples of blood, saliva and bone marrow from each of the test subjects and had studied them under a microscope. I had determined through telepathic means that Squirrel girl was a mid range class 3 telepath with class 2.5 physiological enhancements with a tendency to create weak telepathic links to squirrels which as a side effect made the squirrels versatile and intelligent minions. She had an amazing track record of defeating far more powerful adversaries with a mixture of cunning and the surprising nature of a squirrel swarm on opponents.

Regardless of her former status as a super hero and history of success against superior foes she had succumbed to the zombie virus and was now a vicious and violent proponent of what her new kind called the Hunger Gospel (basically they wanted to spread the infection further). I had progressed to the next stage, vivisection. The test subjects experienced no pain, which was interesting but not a particularly productive adaptation as it removed the incentive for avoiding injury. The internal infrastructure had been completely overhauled by the virus and organ damage seemed to have no effect on sentience.

I moved onto testing vectors and transmission rates. I made half a dozen new flesh golems and deliberately infected them with potential contaminates in order to measure what was most infectious, how long it typically took for infection to overtake the system and how long until they wanted to eat me.

I strapped them to the walls using ice shackles while I had video cameras record the infection process. Nate teleported in as I was casually vivisecting one of the flesh golems after it expressed a desire to eat my brain. He started yelling at me which distracted me long enough for Squirrel Girl to break free of her shackles and try and eat Nate. I teleported her outside the castle just in time to prevent Nate from being bitten and I ice spiked the rest of the test subjects in the brain (obliterating the brain was the only surefire way to end a zombie super), abruptly terminating the experiment.

Then we got into a major argument about my experiment, he was pissed off that I was so blasé about performing vivisections and I was annoyed that he teleported into my work space unannounced during a sensitive and dangerous experiment and nearly got himself killed. Terrible things were shouted and that was essentially the beginning of the end for us.

He moved into another room that night.

2 days later JAJ told me that Nate had come into their bed as he didn't want to sleep alone and in the early morning JAJ woke up to his husband fucking another man. Apparently Nate had half woken from his sleep and feeling a hard cock behind him had reached behind him and grabbed Herc's cock and had started fucking himself with it before waking up and remembering that he was in a different bed, with a different man who wasn't single... JAJ being John had grabbed Nate's stiff 9 inch cock (I had permanently upgraded his cock for those times when I wanted to ride cock, he wasn't much of an active top) and started fucking himself with it.

After they had all climaxed and showered off the sweat, Hercules agreed to an open marriage where Nate would be welcome in their marital bed.

I was angry and depressed and frustrated. JAJ told me that since he was borrowing my man, they thought it was only fair that I got to play with Hercules. JAJ had been sent to break the news as Nate was a bit concerned I'd take back all the genetic upgrades I had given him over the years or kill him.

I didn't say anything to any of it. I was too angry to talk without yelling or blasting someone with an energy blast. I went off to finish work on a different project in an attemtp to give myself something else to obsess over instead of the inevitable uselessness and fickled nature of people. I no longer cared about curing or killing the Zombie Supers. Even though I had learned a few interesting things from the fateful experiment, mostly that infection only took a couple of minutes to take effect and that by studying the differences between an initial infection and Squirel Girl's blood, the infection caused massive cellular degradation and a weakening in the body's original durability.

A few days after that Hercules came to see me, dressed in his typical indoor outfit of war skirt and shield. "Did Jane talk to you?"

"Yeah. Nate doesn't want me any more but you're ready to throw me a pity bone to keep the peace."

"So you decline my offer?"

"Fuck it, might as well, there's noone else about, other than the zombies." and with that I dropped to my knees, lifting up his skirt revealing a lengthening flesh python.

Hercules got rock hard in a less then a minute and I sit on his hard cock, facing away, imagining someone else. I impaled myself on his foot long cock. It distracts me from my turbulent emotions. Herc pushes me to the ground and fucks me doggy style. He fucks me hard and fast and it makes the loneliness and anger disappear for a little while.

The sex is hot and intense but it's also sort of impersonal like being fucked by Centaur all over again.

After he leaves I focus on my hundred man flesh golem army and commanding the 8 level 4 squadron leaders that oversee the level 3, class 4 telekinetic, telepathic clones. Since Victor Von Doom's face is on several of the paintings littering the hallways I've taken the liberty of giving the clones his face and what I guessed was his measurements so that they could wear his clothes (he had an extensive wardrobe despite his tendency to wear metallic armor all the time). These telekinetic, telepathic clones helped to maintain a constant psionic observation of the castle and beyond, power the tk infused, psionic dome hiding us from detection and attack and engage in telekinetic reconstruction of the surrounding areas. (The damaged buildings aggravated Eye Boys' ability to see weaknesses)

I found it hard to focus on commanding them through our psychic link as my mind keeps returning to thoughts of Nate in my arms and underneath me. Thoughts of how good it was to be pounded by Hercules with his incredible strength and cock also made concentrating more difficult.

2 weeks after that

Without someone to cuddle up to at night I throw myself into work and power training. 9 hour work days have turned into 20 hour work days. Hercules has replaced Nate as my lunch time visitor and distraction. I end up on my hands and knees on the floor being fiercely pounded daily. I loved it and hated it. Loved the sex, hated the feeling afterwards where I'm missing the post sex cuddling I used to get and generally feeling hollow inside.

After Hercules left me naked and dripping cum this particular day, I go to provide the Squadron leaders with their daily orders and find them all naked having awkward fumbling sex with each other instead of working. Apparently they had drifted from level 4 flesh golems into level 5 without me noticing. I obviously hadn't been shielding my mind well enough and they had become fully sentient, inheriting my sexual desires.

I'm amused and aroused by the sight of 8 Victor Von Doom clones trying to have sex with each other on and around a conference table.

I interrupted with a "If you're going to have sex with each other while on duty, you might as well do it right."

They stopped their attempts at sex and one of them blurted out "Sorry sir we were overcome with strange cravings."

"Yeah probably my fault." They looked at each other not knowing what to say. I was essentially their god. I had made them out of water and infused them with power and form. Agreeing or disagreeing with me was equally problematic from their perspective. "However I'll help you out."

I linked with the 8 of them, using water hands to stroke the 10 inch cocks (I had made that the standard since I was so used to it by now as a default for myself) of the tops, providing lubrication while telepathically explaining that lubrication was very useful for enjoyable sexual intercourse. While also using 'tk hands' to stroke the cocks of the bottoms as well as inserting 'water fingers' into their assholes and stimulating their prostates in preparation of reinsertion. I used more 'tk hands' to direct the tops and bottoms into position and sat back and watched as they reengaged in sex, experiencing the sensations of their sex second hand through the sensory link. I corrected poor thrusting techniques via 'tk hands'.

I teleported away my armor and underwear (typically I only wore bone armor and boxer briefs while in the castle) and stroked my hard cock, closing my eyes so I wouldn't see them so I could just get to enjoy their sex vicariously. I did that for a couple of minutes but then the sensations stopped and I opened my eyes to find one of them in front of me, nervous but determined. "Sir would you like to join us?"

He pointed to the bottom he had left unoccupied while the others all watched our interaction with curiousity and trepidation having stopped fucking awaiting the outcome of his question.

I have an internal debate with myself for a moment, my cock saying fuck yeah... my morality saying that fucking my sentient creations just because I was lonely and horny was probably a bad idea. I said...

"I suppose a hands on demonstration would be educational for you."

The squadron leader in front of me released a pent up breath. "Yes it would sir."

I walked over to the vacated bottom, lying on his back on the table, his ass over the edge. I grabbed his ankles and pushed inside him, I fit in easily, the previous fucker having warmed him up with an exact replica of my cock. It felt good to be fucking someone again after 2 weeks of being pounded by Hercules without any chance of reciprocation. I kissed my bottom boy, he was clumsy and sloppy returning it. I telepathically transmitted instructions on proper form for kissing and watched with satisfaction as they emulated my technique. Then I felt hands on my hips and a cock entering me. I looked back and it was the brave top, looking mildly anxious and somewhat self satisfied. I gave him a brief look "I'm impressed by your bravery. Fortune favors the bold. Now fuck me hard."

"Yes sir." and he did, he slammed into me, into my tight hole, over and over again. I fucked my way back and forth between them, driving myself forward into a nice muscled ass and back onto a hard cock, harder and faster, eyes closed, mouth busy licking, sucking and kissing the man under me. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and kissing filled the air making me hornier, the sensory link, resounding with pleasure from the 9 of us as we sought our absolute pleasure sped us all there faster. It didn't take too long to hit the peak and I blew inside a willing man while my orgasm triggered a chain reaction, first the man behind me filled my hole with his cum and then the man in front of me sprayed a load over his stomach and torso. Then the men down the line as our orgasms pushed them close and over the brink. They came explosively.

I telekinetically nudged the man inside me back a couple of paces and eased out of the willing bottom. They all watched me as the afterglow faded and reality set back in. I tapped the brave top's right pec and said "In recognition of your bravery in an uncertain situation and your willingness to defile your own creator I grant you the name Alpha and mark you with this sigil" I leave a scar in his flesh just above his right nipple in the shape of an A. "You will be in charge of the Squadron in my absence and my second in charge when I am."

"Thank you sir. I am greatly honored." He dropped to one knee. His face level with my still hard cock.

I smiled and teleported in my War Sword from interspace and tapped both of his shoulders in an imitation of a knighting ceremony. "Now be a good man and suck my cock so I can fuck you." He started sucking my cock and I telepathically corrected his technique until he had mastered it and told him "Now rise."

He stood and I spun him around and roughly penetrated him. I thrusted in and out but he wasn't enjoying it as much as I expected so I pulled out. Apparently he more of a top than a switch hitter.

"You're Bravo." I marked the bottom I had dumped a load in a few minutes ago with a B.

Then I marked the bottoms, Delta, Foxtrot and Hotel with D, F and H. The remaining tops, Charlie, Echo and Golf with C, E and G, front and back for easy distinction.

I was still hard and horny so I slid my hard cock into the slicked up hole of Delta and Charlie took position behind me... sliding himself inside me and I had a vision of a possible future.

:: Potential future ::

Alpha and Charlie came to my bedroom with 20 of the former level 3's and they were all naked and hard, the horniness had spread further. Alpha and Charlie were offering me first rights, droit du seigneur to the virginal flesh golems as a sign of respect to their God King. Being the gracious god king that I am, I accepted and popped the cherry asses of 20 of my flesh golems. Just as I'm finishing the last one off, another 20 flesh golems are brought in by Echo and Golf.

"This is the last batch today. Okay?"

As I popped the cherry of the first of the new batch of clones I sucked the cock of one of the first batch of clones, getting him hard again and I direct him to fuck me. At that point another hard cock is in my mouth, mine is inside a formerly virgin ass, missionary style and another clone pounds my ass. One after another make use of me to satiate their lusts, one fills my mouth, one my ass and another takes my cock. In one night I've been fucked, face fucked and ridden by 40 flesh golems.

The next night the Alpha and Charlie bring in another 40 flesh golems and I am again called to devirginize them of their bottom and top virginities and teach them the basics of servicing someone orally.

The night after that it's only 20 virgins to break in.

The following night all but a few of them (some of them necessary to keep a general 'eye' on the protectorate) cram into my bedroom, naked and hard. Several of them pile into my bed, making use of my mouth, cock and ass as they see fit. The others amuse each other with handjobs, blowjobs and standing fucking. As soon as one flesh golem leaves another bed, he is quickly replaced by another. They experiment and I find myself being double penetrated by an oversupply of horny tops. The sex gradually tapers off as they satisfy their carnal urges but by the time they're done I'm left a sticky bloody mess.

It becomes a nightly occurence with my former minions keeping me up all night, using my mouth, cock and ass as they will. They're insatiable in numbers, by the time they're all satisfied the first fucker is horny again. Frequently they resort to double dicking my ass and even triple dicking me.

The numbers of fucking a night slowly diminishes as the flesh golems start fucking each other instead or Nate or JAJ or getting fucked by Hercules but there's an erosion of respect from everyone...

:: ::

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of that potential fate while sandwiched between Charlie and Delta. I make use of the forewarning to change the future. I telepathically transmit instructions of how to psionically shield oneself in order to prevent psychic bleedthrough while interconnected telepathically.

After finishing up in Delta and getting Charlie's cum in me. I terminate the impromptu sexual education, advising them to get back to work.

They mumbled in mild disappointment but I told them that since they had achieved individual sentience they could now pick their own individual rooms which cheered them up again.

I took Alpha and Bravo with me, one on either side of me touring the castle in order for them to get first pick of selecting their own room. They wanted to share a room. I said okay.

I moved on with the rest of my day, trying to ignore what had happened in order to focus on my research.

Later that night Alpha and Bravo asked if they could share my bed. I accepted. I fell asleep between them, my hard cock buried in Bravo's hole, while Alpha had his in mine.

A month later. Nate finally talked to me after avoiding me for over a month. We settled on being friends... with benefits. I pound his ass hard, partly out of lost love and partly from anger that he turned out to be such a disappointment.

By the end of year.

We've now settled into a new rhythm, the Phalanx (new name for the squadron leaders) keeps me occupied whenever I want and Hercules and Nate visit daily for quickies. I fuck/get fucked at least ten times a day, on average; at least 2 in the morning from whoever slept with me that night, then by Hercules and Nate at lunch and an afternoon orgy with the Phalanx during our group meeting, followed by night fucking by whoever hadn't gotten a chance to enjoy me yet.

Weekends JAJ, Hercules, Nate and I all go out on missions while the Phalanx ensures security at home. After a successful mision we usually engage in adventurous sex. Mostly I watch JAJ get double penetrated by Nate and Hercules. Sometimes I'll join in and fuck Nate... Other times I double penetrate Nate with Hercules or get pounded by Hercules as Nate pounds JAJ.

It's an unconventional arrangement but it works in its own strange way. Nate and I have settled into our new relationship with only a slight animosity. I've granted Nate class 4 telepathy via gene grafting regardless of our personal issues.

On the technological front I've developed several forms of advanced energy production and distribution methods that provide power for the new Latverian empire that stretches its way across Europe. The Empire is protected by layers of energy forcefields and a huge telekinetic, telepathically cloaked sphere maintained by my personal army of a hundred class 4 telekinetic, telepathic Victor Von Doom clones.

End of Year 4

My flesh golems now work to a roster, working 8 hours a day each in alternating shifts of 8 hours, involving 25 of them in telepathic metaconcert. I've taken to modifying the Phalanx's cocks when they're fucking me in order to better please me, making them longer, thicker, more curved, whatever. I've upgraded the Phalanx with teleportation and I take them out for patrols and train them on effective uses of telekinesis and telepathic coordination for combat.

Hercules still fucks me at least once a day and he's a hot fucker, pounds my ass like a pro. He has a preference for rough doggy style fucking with his forearm braced against my throat.

Technological achievements, managed to access the Weapon X specifications along with learning how to smelt adamantium in order to infuse adamantium into my skull. It's a little limiting in forms of facial transformation but I've kept the same face for the last few years so it'll do. I've also managed to enhance my torso cybernetic implants with retro engineered Wakandan, Vibranium based equipment, accelerating the speed and processing power of my cybernetic upgrade exponentially. Also created a fake Thor Hammer based on Tony Stark's designs for Hercules to use to fire off lightning blasts to give him a ranged attack. His particular cellular physiology makes it dangerous to alter him with genetic grafts.

Year 5

99% of the Zombie Supers have been eradicated from the planet. I've used rivers and lakes as weapons to murder Zombie Supers in other continents, sometimes causing directed tidal waves on plains and valleys and other times swamping particular regions with giant ice/water golems. According to my precognition it's almost time for Black Panther and Magneto's acolytes to check for life signs/movement on the surface and it's near time to make a move off planet.

On the personal front. My relationship with Nate is on its last legs, we've grown more distant and we no longer have any sex at all. I'm a little sad about it but my transdimensional mapping project and the Phalanx have kept me busy. I've also honed my skills with enhanced perception, probability manipulation, bio manipulation and temporal awareness. Cypher's power to interpret and understand has been of great use. I've also increased my skill and aptitude at energy manipulation so that I can form energy swords and armor at whim. As well as gained lots of practice casting a few particular spells such as protection, healing and fireballs.

On the technological front I've retrofitted and upgraded the Doom Armor I wear with a new vibranium adamantium alloy that I've come up with, using the memories of Apocalypse to smelt myself a superior alloy. It has unique mystical properties and extreme durability in combat situations. The new Doom armor covers my body from head to toe except for my eyes and the palms of my hands. It comes equipped with an emergency temporal and transdimensional device inside the right gauntlet so that I can return back to Zombie Dimension at a particular time if absolutely necessary. There's also some defenses against external temporal manipulations and extradimensional transportation.

I opened a transdimensional portal into a new universe, that I've mapped as universe 616, it serves as a cross road dimension. Everything and everyone seems to end up passing through at one point or another, according to the initial findings of my transdimensional technological dragonfly probes.

JAJ, Hercules, Nate and 8 of the Phalanx come with me. The other Victor clones will protect the portal and the Latverian protectorate while we're gone.


End notes

Next chapter features mainstream marvel universe 616 and confrontations with Iron Man, Thor, Loki, Dr Doom and SHIELD. Along with some dramatic revelations upheavals and betrayals. Or at least that's the idea. I haven't written it yet. Still need to do some more reading of the time just after the Civil War to Battleworld.

Supplementary stuff...

Victor's current power set; (estimations) Hydrokinesis class 4.8 application Hydrosenses current use has slipped down to a class 3 application due to complications with enhanced perception telepathy class 4.7 application internal biomodification class 4.8 application external biomodification class 5 application, class 3 range energy absorption and redirection class 4.9 application technopathy class 4 teleportation class 4.5 telekinesis class 4.5 mysticism, class 3.5

Next: Chapter 49: Warped 9a

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