
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 19, 2023



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


mental library- a section of Victor's mind that stores all the knowledge he's acquired from mind probing and saps in book form and available in digital format. Interspace – a dimension that teleporters can briefly intersect with during teleports. JAJ – John as Jean. YM – Young Me (Victor's younger self.)

Authors Note Warning for a dub con sexual interaction.

Chapter 5 Ripples

We crash landed on a rocky mountain ridge, suffering minor injuries from the fall. As we stood up, brushing off the dirt and regenerating bruised and torn flesh, we looked out over the ridge and saw an uninhabited plain stretching for miles. I didn't recognize the location so I scanned for a few hundred miles and discovered that we had landed in Ghana, (a small West African country) in the year 1965.

I told John when and where we were and we 'linked' together, combining our psionic capabilities to find Apocalypse so we could eliminate him when he's younger and less powerful thereby preventing him from ever fighting with the X men and indirectly killing my mother and erasing me.

:: Lazarus chamber :: Apocalypse lay still as death, eyes closed within a golden metal sarcophagus. Alarms rung inside the chamber waking him. He roused from his slumber slowly. :: ::

"We should hurry before he fully powers up or things could get messy." I said.

"Let's kill this bastard." JAJ replied.

I stashed my War Sword and Time Gauntlet in interspace for safekeeping and teleported us to his location in a series of teleport hops stopping just outside the building housing him. For some reason I couldn't teleport within a mile of him.

I skimmed through my Apocalypse book in the 'mental library' and found that he had various technological defenses guarding him while he slept, including a device blocking teleporting within its range.

Apocalypse walked out of an underground exit a moment later, casually, as if we were no threat to him.

Keep Apocalypse busy while I power up.

John nodded and launched a powerful blast of TK at Apocalypse who blocked it with an invisible energy force field. Apocalypse fires an energy blast at John which is blocked by John's Tk shield.

While John and Apocalypse fight I draw upon the ambient energy around me and hardened my body and covered everything but my hands in bone armor.

Then I teleported between the two and absorbed the energy blast that Apocalypse had fired at John. It invigorated me.

:: Mental Landscape:: Phorcys was beside my psionic self yelling: KILL HIM, KILL HIM! :: ::

"Who are you interlopers?" Apocalypse asked.

"Your worst nightmare." John snarked as he used telekinesis to launch some large rocks at Apocalypse's head.

"You can not stand against me and hope to win. I've crushed civilizations beneath my feet." Apocalypse said as he batted away the rocks as if they were nothing more than troublesome insects.

"We are War and Death and we have killed you once and we will so again." I stated optimistically.

He laughed and grew larger and larger until he was 10 feet tall all the while absorbing more and more ambient energy until he brimmed with unused energy. He expelled some of that energy in an omni directional energy attack which I absorbed and John deflected with his Tk shield. He struck against our minds but found no easy access inside.

He teleported himself right in front of me, grabbing my throat one handed and lifting me up into the air and squeezing, shattering the bone armor protecting my throat and choking me. His raw strength was insane, my eyes swam with unshed tears and spots of blackness as I struggled to breathe.

John struck again with a Tk blast but Apocalypse fired off a high powered focused energy blast at John which breaks John's Tk shield and knocks him to the ground. I took advantage of Apocalypse momentary distraction and teleported in my War Sword from interspace storage and plunged it into Apocalypse's armored arm. His grip momentarily loosens its stranglehold on my throat and I can breathe easier.

John stands up and fires off another Tk blast at Apocalypse aggravating him enough that he encloses the two of us within an energy shield, locking us into a one on one, life and death struggle for supremacy.

I used a blast of Tk to shatter my own bone armor into a bone shrapnel attack. He blinks and I grab a hold of his unarmored face with both hands and sap him.

My strength increased as I absorbed his mutagenic energy into myself. He pulled out the War sword with his free hand from his arm and stabbed me in the heart with it but I'm ingesting so much of his regenerative power and durability for the injury to be fatal.

:: Mental Landscape:: Phorcys: Let me kill him this time.

I thought about it for a second. I had killed his white whale last time without really including him and I figured I had enough blood on my hands for a lifetime. If my psychotic alter wanted to kill this monster, why not let him.

Me: Go right ahead.

I ceded control to Phorcys. :: ::

Phorcys took the driver's seat of my body while I took the passenger seat, poised to take control again if necessary. I watched as Phorcys used Apocalypse's own powers against him; energy blasts, telekinetic strikes, telepathic bombardments and brutal super strength punches.

Phorcys telekinetically wields the War Sword hacking away at Apocalypse's armor again and again at the shoulder joint until the War Sword slices into Apocalypse's exposed left arm. From there it only takes a few more strikes before Apocalypse loses his left arm.

Apocalypse starts regrowing his left arm but the energy drain of constant sapping and Phorcys using the War Sword to attack his other arm slows the regeneration down.

Phorcy Tk'd off Apocalypse's helm and dug my fingers into Apocalypse's eye sockets turning the former Mutant heavy weight into a temporarily blind, dismembered and diminished opponent.

Apocalypse's power surged through our body, filling it with unprecedented strength as Apocalypse's power in this timeline feeds into the base powers stolen from the alternate version of him, amplifying our strength and powers even more.

:: Mental Landscape:: While Phorcys is busy using the last of our bone armor as weapons to widen the gaps made by the War Sword I think about the possibilities of this temporary surge of strength and powers and how best to utilize it. :: ::

Apocalypse had been been stripped of the armor from his arms and around the torso as Phorcys had exploded or exploited his bone armor to maximum effect. As a result of using the bone armor as a weapon; our body was naked and exposed. Phorcys used the nudity to his advantage to dominate the battle of wits, brute strength and powers as the more Apocalypse touched our bare skin, the more power Phorcys sapped from him.

Phorcys absorbed the power of the energy bubble into our body allowing him to open up the battlefield again and get a power up.

John laughed at the sight of Apocalypse's half naked ten foot body being dominated by a smaller naked variation of Apocalypse. He walked towards the fight before stopping suddenly. "Victor you still in control?"

:: Mental Landscape:: Me: Let me talk to him.

Phorcys grudgingly replied: Give me a second. :: ::

Phorcys launched 4 sharp bone shards into a weakened and naked Apocalypse into his wrists and ankles, staking him into the ground to hold him in place.

Then I'm in control of the body again. "Yeah I'm in here. Just trying out a new idea. Time sharing a body. I'm going to let Phorcys kill Apocalypse. That way I'll have time to focus on how to use his powers to fix the side effects of draining him the first time. Along with some other things I've got in mind. "

"Hmm. Well I'll give you enough rope to hang yourself if you want Boy Wonder. You're always good for a laugh. I'll give you that." He said, sitting down with his scythe across his lap settling down to watch the show.

:: Mental Landscape::

Me: Don't kill too him too quick. I have an idea.

Phorcys: Okay I'll kill him slow. Slow can be fun too. :: ::

Phorcys proceeded to run a bone knife up and down Apocalypse's body leaving gaping wounds that slowly sealed themselves. Apocalypse struggled to break free of the bone stakes but they were held down by JAJ's Tk.

:: Mental Landscape::

I teleported myself into the mental library to make use of its altered time scale to conduct some research. I pulled out Apocalypse's book which had grown larger and more detailed with the additional sap/draining of Apocalypse's alternate self. Then I pulled out Sage's, Elixir's, Lazaruses', Richard Reed and Tony Stark's and a few dozen other books and compiled data on DNA, neurochemistry and the techno organic virus that I had picked up when Apocalypse tried to infect my body with his own DNA/psionic self.

I returned to the throne room armed with an idea on how to reduce or possibly eliminate the impact of the previous draining of Apocalypse and found Phorcys out in the physical world being typically reprehensible. :: ::

Phorcys and John had 'linked' combining their TK to hold Apocalypse down while Phorcys straddled Apocalypse's lap bouncing up and down on Apocalypse's hard cock. Phorcys activated Rogue's power in erratic bursts in order to weaken Apocalypse whenever his struggles became too inconvenient for enjoyment.

:: Mental Landscape:: I signaled Phorcys and his psionic self manifested in the throne room.

Phorcys: What now? I'm close to blowing.

Me: This wasn't part of the deal. Having sex with someone who's unwilling with my body is verboten.

Phorcys crossed his arms: I haven't had a physical orgasm since you took control of the body. This isn't going to work if you're going to deprive me of my fun.

Me: We'll work out a way for you to satisfy your sexual urges later. For now I need the body. I have an idea as to how to fix some of the damage our last battle with Apocalypse caused.

Phorcys: You better come through soon or we will have problems. :: ::

I reclaimed my body and Apocalypse was slamming his thick foot long cock into my prostate over and over again. It was very distracting and it took me a long moment to remember what I was supposed to be doing. (It had been too long since I had enjoyed sex since in alternate timeline 2 where I was War, no one particularly wanted to have sex with one of the perpetrators of the world wide genocide. Ignoring the fact that I had killed the puppet master Apocalypse.)

Apocalypse thrusted over and over again into me and I lost myself to the pleasure of being fucked, ignoring what I was supposed to be doing and simply enjoying the escalating pleasure of his thrusting. Apocalypse's thrusts became more frenzied and I came hard, spraying my load over his wide expanse of solid abs. I slumped onto his torso, wet, sticky and drained all the while he continued pounding away until his own cum gushed into me. He held me for a moment before pushing me away, I laid sprawled on my back on the ground satiated but sore, letting my enhanced regenerative powers repair the damage to my asshole.

Apocalypse took advantage of my afterglow distraction and JAJ's preoccupation with telekinetically frigging himself to climax to shatter the bone stakes impaling his ankles and teleported himself a quarter mile away.

I sighed and said to myself "Men. They cum and then they run for the hills." I laughed at the absurdity of the situation and teleport-tackled the naked Apocalypse to the ground, sapping him and channeling the combined powers to modify my body closer to what it was before becoming War.

I managed to modify my default form so that I defaulted as a 6 foot 6 tall man with broad shoulders, a solid build and a mild blue tinting of the skin.

:: Mental Landscape:: Me to Phorcys: Finish him. I don't think I can safely harvest his powers without killing him or allowing him the chance to adapt. :: ::

Phorcys finished draining the last of Apocalypse's energy while using tk hands to pin him down. Then he exploded Apocalypse's corpse, telekinetically ripping apart every molecule of Apocalypse.

:: Mental Landscape:: Phorcys: You owe me a fucking orgasm.

Me: Yes, Yes, I have an idea for that too. Trust me. :: ::

I reclaimed control of the body and teleported back to John who lay insensate on the ground having enjoyed the psychic link with the body during sex a little too much.

I kicked him. "What?" he asked. I telepathically communicated my idea to satiate Phorcys' sexual craving in a series of pictographic imagery. He laughed and said "You're a fucking kinky fucker."

I opened the way for him to enter my psionic landscape and while he prepared himself for his part of my idea, I drew together water to form a meat puppet copy of my younger self... Then John used his superior telepathic power to expel Phorcys' psionic self into the meat puppet.

I said to Phorcys, "Now you have your own body to get off in."

"But I have no powers!" He said, lifting his arms up in the air in frustration.

"Well you are a dangerous psychotic bastard. I'm not going to give you that much leeway."

"Mmm such flattery." he stroked his cock until it was a hard 6 inches. He frowned. "It's not big enough."

I manipulated water and flesh for a few seconds and gave him a 13 inch cock. "That better?"

"Much." He smiled as he stroked his new cock with both hands. "Now which one of you is going to get fucked first."

JAJ raised his hand and said "Bring that strange my way." removing the shapeless Death cloak and the Celestial armor underneath, exposing Jean's naked body.

I watched as Phorcys fucked Jean's body every which way. They were both really into it which was weird for a whole bunch of reasons.

The weirdest part for me was that watching them got me all revved up again. Phorcys seeing my obvious arousal, waved me in and I fucked his virgin hole as he fucked John's pussy.

After a lot of strange kinky sex Phorcys was finally sexually satisfied and drained of cum. I absorbed his mentality back into me via draining his meat puppet to 'death'. I dispersed the corpse.

"Now what?" John asked.

"Not sure. Lay low until I can merge with myself or until a better option presents itself."

"Time traveling backwards sucks. Betamax isn't even a thing yet. Is there color tv yet?"

"Um I don't know. I think some people had it but not many."

"Ugh. Dull, dull past. How about we win the Vietnam War for some fun?"

"No messing with history."

"So it's fine when you do it but not for me. Where's the fairness in that?"

"Apocalypse was a danger to the world. Winning a war we lost could upset the history of the world."

"Fine. I'm going to find me some hunky Latino men to fuck my brains out while I wait for a few decades to go by."


But it was pointless. He covered himself in a new tk-psionic bubble blocking out my telepathic and vocal communication and flew himself away. The second he was out of sight; he was gone from my ability to detect him.

For a moment I considered my options.

First I could travel back in time, kill Apocalypse myself, ditching John in this alternate timeline but that could doom this timeline to an uncontrolled and absurdly powerful sociopath.

Second I could confront John now while I still overflowed with excess Apocalypse power and mind control him into submission to my wishes but that's very mind rapey and controlling people for long periods of time is problematic.

Third I could confront John and kill him but JAJ had class 5 telekinesis and telepathy and it would be difficult to win and would probably have significant collateral damage to the people and timeline.

Fourth I could go off and bide my time and hone my new powers and if John stepped too far out of line I'd could time travel backwards to stop him or simply kill him at an earlier point depending on the severity.

I chose to do the fourth.

I teleported myself to the would be location of New Atlantis and created an underwater room of ice to wait and watch over the world until I could safely interact with it.

1966 John has set himself up in Columbia as the wife of a Colombian drug lord.

July 16th 1969

I encased myself in layers of psionic, hydrokinetic and bone shields and propelled myself via energy projection along side Apollo 11 and personally observed the moon landing.

I followed the flight crew quietly, hovering over the pock marked moon surface (so as not to leave footprints) as they explored the surface of the moon in their bulky astronaut equipment. I used my technopathy to 'blank' myself from their inferior recording devices. After a couple of hours they had to pack up and leave.

July 27th 1969

I stayed on the moon for several days, exploring it on foot, the lack of oxygen was an inconvenience as I had to rely on molecular manipulation to breathe. It made sleeping difficult as I had to bury myself and create an air pocket from separating water molecules into component parts while carefully balancing the oxygen molecules with very focused Tk so I didn't get high. It was easier to do underwater as there was an abundance of water to manipulate and I could expand my lungs for short naps. Other times I simply grew gills but it only maintained itself for about 15 minutes before reverting to default form.

Becoming more attached to my body had some definite upsides, my libido was up and I felt more connected to humanity. On the downside, my new sleep requirements meant that I frequently had to endure nightmares of flash frozen cities and Phorcys wading through civilians, slicing away with the War Sword. I wore a modified bio dampener while asleep to lower the risks of accidental hydrokinesis while asleep.

1970 This version of Namor met me for the first time during one of his long range swims.

Our meeting went better this time around as I had learned my lesson from our last meeting on the original timeline. This time I shamelessly flattered him, pretending to be super impressed at his speed, strength and royal pedigree. I even provided him with the blue prints of a Stark Shield to protect Atlantis from outsiders. He accepted my gift and told me he'd be back to discuss other ways in which I could be useful.

Namor... Always an arrogant asshole in any time line but I had to give him credit for ruling an underwater empire in revealing swim wear.

1973 Alternate Time Line 3 Namor's visits to my ice city had been irregular but had become more frequent and personal over time as he revealed his issues with leadership and finding a good queen that was his equal to help rule Atlantis by his side. I had become his de facto confidante as I was a friendly but uninvolved party to the situation as opposed to everyone else in his life who he technically was superior to (as a class 4 mutant/king). I ended up telling him of my interest in the same sex...

At first he was disgusted but ego over ruled prudishness and he asked "Do you lust for my body?" while flexing.

I responded with "I appreciate the view when you visit."

After that one thing led to another and I found myself face down on the floor getting my ass fucked by Antlantean royalty while he shouted "IMPERIUS REX" repeatedly. He grabbed a fistful of my hair as his pounding got faster and rougher until he bit my shoulder unleashing his royal sperm into me. It was hot and weird and I wasn't really sure how I felt about it. What I did know was that he had a nice 8 and a 1/2 inch cock and there was a weird frission of tension afterwards as he pulled up his speedo followed by him quickly swimming away.

I liked having some company other than Phorcys in random meat puppets but Namor was a tough guy to like for long periods as he was selfish, arrogant and oblivious to his entitlement so I wouldn't miss him too much if he never returned.

1977 Alternate Time Line 3

I got another visit from Namor. He'd been dethroned again from Atlantis and wanted to take out his frustrations on me. I let Phorcys have the body while I went to read in my mental library to continue the tedious process of filtering through 5000 years of Apocalypse's memories to unlock his understanding of DNA and molecular control. Having his knowledge wasn't the same as having his aptitude, he had managed to decipher and improve upon Celestial technology which was thousands of years ahead of his technological time frame. He also had an instinctual understanding of his own and others molecular structure in order to reshape their very DNA into being more efficient as well as selectively evolve and adapt himself to basically any situation.

He had been returning to visit more and more frequently to have sex with me/Phorcys, we have become a convenient outlet for his internal frustrations. Personally I'm ambivalent about the sex but Phorcys enjoys it as Namor has a great body and pounds ass like a pro and it satiates Phorcys' desire to be physically dominated.

Phorcys and I have come to a strange but mutually tolerable arrangement of sex and violence. Phorcys has killed/drained both of the psionic Apocalypses and on occasion I allow him to possess my body in order to has sex with willing prey. He's very popular in certain BDSM circles, especially with those interested in being brutally dominated. I do have to remind him on occasion to honor safe words but he's relatively well behaved for a psychotic alter.

Sometimes I make him a body and we have rough violent sex but he mostly enjoys dominating twinks when he's not getting fucked by Namor or me. He piggy backs on my hydro observations and when he spots a sexy horny twink in his single bed stroking a hard cock and fingering himself. He nudges me and I create a body for him out of nearby water and teleport him into the twinks bedroom.

Phorcys then makes a motion for the twink to remain silent and seduces them with hard open mouthed kisses, 'gentle' nibbles and sucking them off. Which usually leads to rimming their tight holes and filling it with thick hard cock while covering their mouths with a hand or mouth so their moans are stifled as he pounds away.

Sometimes he'll pop a cherry twink and never returns. Other times for especially tasty twinks he'll 'appear' whenever the twink is horny or calls out and pound his ass for weeks or months until he grows bored. With some of the twinks, he's been fucking them nightly for years, from highschool to college, appearing and disappearing like a homosexual incubus feeding off young gay men.

1980 Alternate Time Line 3

I've taken to exploring Apocalypse's safe houses, raiding them for useful tech for my underwater city which I had upgraded into a city of stone by telekinetically manipulating the sand and is now protected by a modified Stark Shield.


I've been successfully born or a Young Me has been. Meanwhile John has essentially taken over a Colombian drug cartel by assuming the place of the former cartel head via illusions and mind control. He's unchallenged and unlikely to be dethroned with his long range telepathic scanning abilities warning him of Narcs and traitors. He seems quite happy in his new niche, having sex with anyone he wants and ingesting large amounts of cocaine on the regular. Apocalypse's alteration of him in the the previous timeline has given him enhanced regeneration so that age and excessive drug use doesn't slow him down much.

To celebrate my own birth I traveled to Mars via teleport hops inside a bone sphere. I vacation upon the polar caps where I played around with the water on a continental scale and studied the differences between it and Earth H20. I practiced my hydrokinetic skills using a continent of water as a weapon, triggering torrential rain, blinding blizzards and cascade cannons to attack the surface. After I grew tired of fucking about, I restored the polar ice caps to how they were and created a large permafrost ice dome on Mars to confuse future explorers/star gazers and teleported my way back to Earth.

1990 I've spent so many decades pushing the limits of my own hydro observation, hydrokinesis and teleportation.

Long range hydro- observation was the easiest as the cumulative power of hydrosenses and psionics means that monitoring the solar system was relatively easy .

Long range Hydrokinesis on the other hand took a lot more effort as not only did I have to see what I was doing I had to channel enough power to do it. For the most part I could only affect water within the solar system of which there was limited supply and I could only do so for a limited time before the strain took its toll.

Teleportation was the most efficient means of travel at my disposal and I used it to teleport myself about within a Tk boosted energy shield by virtue of teleport jumps.

Whenever I got bored of Earth and it's slow march to progress I traveled further out into the solar system. I visited Europa, one of Jupiter's moons burrowing within the ice crust of the moon for a while before manipulating the entire water supply of Europa to create moon wide blizzards, bone storms and manifest billions of water puppets at a time.

I traveled from planet to planet exploring within an Tk boosted energy force field. I alternated between flying, energy propulsion, hydrokinetic propulsion and teleportation.

1994 Alternate Timeline 3 July

When I returned from an excursion to Neptune, experimenting with water-ammonia ocean. I found that my family had died in a car accident. YM (Young me) was only 10 years old and hadn't had his power manifest yet.

I tamp down my frustration and scan for Forge's location.

August 1994 alternate time line 3

I had spent the last month visiting Forge secretly at night, sapping him briefly and using the temporary boost of technological insight/genius to repair and upgrade the time gauntlet.

I use the enhanced/repaired time gauntlet to travel back in time.

July 4 1993 Alternate Timeline 4 I time traveled back a month to stop YM from dying.

I met with my time duplicate which was trippy as he was only a month younger than me and theoretically interacting with an earlier version of myself shouldn't be possible as it never happened to me when I was him. Awkward sentence and an even more confusing temporal reality.

We spent some time talking about the nature of paradoxes and duplication through time travel. Eventually we decided that YM's death meant that we had to alter our strategy and interfere more directly with YM so as to prevent the unintentional ripples of our presence from killing him.

I 'linked' with my slightly younger temporal self as we sapped each other and I channeled our combined bio morphic power to merge the two of us into one body, discarding excess flesh to modify our default form to a more 'normal' 6 foot 2 tall man. He/We/I had moderate success, our lips were tinged with some blue and from certain viewpoints in certain light there was some visible blueish gray in our/my skin tone.

Once we had merged. The psionic version of my earlier self served as protector of my mental castle while I was preoccupied with the physical world and Phorcys' psionic duplicate...

Well they fought to a bloody finish with the slightly older more powerful Phorcys destroying the other. Phorcys was quite invigorated by the battle with his other self. Disturbingly so.

February 12 1995 Alternate Timeline 4

I used meat proxies to master multiple martial arts and learnt everything about Atlantean technology as I studied the remnants of Celestial tech that Apocalypse had. I also searched out adamantium and vibranium and made myself an adamantium dagger and a vibranium shield.

1998 Alternate Timeline 4

Created a Justin 2.0 with Jason 2.0 to serve as a father to enroll him into the same high school as my younger self as I had spent the last 4 years zealously watching over YM to ensure his continued survival. However watching over my earlier life and the subtle differences between our lives and personalities left me feeling disturbed and bored.

Justin joins YM on his first day of school and helps him to fit in and make friends and helps YM deal with his sexual urges and the budding hydrokinetic powers. They have fun sabotaging Jackson (who remains an ass hat) in inventive ways, spilling his milkshake in the lunch room, lowering the temperature of the pool only in the area where he's swimming and sometimes making him face plant by leaving trickles of water in his path.

2000 Jackson and YM bury the proverbial hatchet and Jackson becomes a regular visitor to YM's bedroom to make use of his willing hole.

2002 YM is exposed as a mutant when he attends Jackson's birthday party with Justin and he saves some teenagers from drowning in the pool after imbibing too much alcohol.

YM signs up at the School for Gifted Youngsters at Justin's prompting.

2004 Alternate Timeline

YM and Justin 2.0 died at the age of 18 when Xavier became Onslaught and absorbed YM to acquire his powers and killed Justin 2.0 for getting in the way. (Onslaught was the result of years of negative psionic energy accumulating within Xavier which expressed itself by consuming Magneto's mind and body. The resulting entity had Xavier's telepathy and Magneto's control over the spectrum, their merge had a synergistic effect.) Together they were far stronger than either apart. YM was caught completely unaware as had I.

I fumed at myself for having failed to protect my younger self again. I also had some dark thoughts about Xavier and Magneto wondering why the two of them hadn't just had hate sex in the 1960's and been done with the stupidity. The decades of ideological arguments in between battles where other mutants died for their respective causes. UGH.

Events kept changing just to fuck with me.

I initiated the time gauntlet and jumped...

End notes

Supplemental Materials

Victor is currently capable of class 5.8 hydrokinetic control, class 4.9 telepathy, class 3.9 telekinetic, class 3.8 teleporting, class 5 energy absorption, class 4.8 energy projection, class 4.8 biomorphic manipulation and class 4 technopathy.

Temporal Timeline descriptions and explanation.

Original Timeline.

Books 1 – 3 where Victor is progressing through time at a linear pace with no time travel shenanigans involved

Alternate Timeline 1

Book 4 chapter 1 where Kitty from Sentinel Future sends Wolverine's consciousness back in time to change the Sentinel timeline which results in a timeline where Victor's mother dies and all of Victor's efforts over book 1-3 is erased except for John's consciousness which survives to an extent and Victor himself as a result of Wiccan's mystical protection against Broadcast and the effects of Victor and his Dupe's attempts at mystical protection spells.

Original Timeline Future

Book 4 Chapter 2, world dominated by Sentinels, slaughtering their way through the States and launching raids/attacks against the rest of the world.

Alternate Timeline 2

Book 4 Chapter 3 and 4 where Victor kills New York in a rage after his mother dies and is knocked out by JAJ cutting off blood flow to his brain while he was physically, emotionally and mutagenically drained so that Apocalypse could recruit Phorcys as his new Horseman of War.

Alternate Timeline 3

Book 4 chapter 5. Victor kills Apocalypse in 1960's creating an alternate timeline where Apocalypse never shows up to taunt/ recruit/fight any of the potential/would be X men.

Alternate Timeline 4

Book 4 chapter 5. Victor travels back in time to stop his younger self from being killed in a car accident, merging with his earlier self creating yet another timeline.

Next: Chapter 46: Warped 6

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