
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 19, 2023



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Don't own Avatar the last airbender.


*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the Psychic/Mental landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Tk – telekinesis/telekinetic

'Hydro sense' – 'eyes' external sight and hearing through vibration of water molecules, 'hands' touch. (missing smell and taste)

'Psychic/Psionic shadow' – a copy of someone's mentality that's subtly different from the original personality due to the effects of not having a body and varying experiences post separation.

teleport hops - teleports that range from a few feet to a few miles.


Tenses vary due to different POV's (past tense for Victor, present tense for )

Trigger Warning... This chapter has semi graphic depictions of dub con and non con sexual interactions, along with mass murder, systematic genocide and violence. Not for the faint hearted.

You have been warned...


I woke up confused and disoriented...

::Mental Landscape::

My lower body was entrapped in ice with Phorcys in front of me jabbing me with the tip of a sword...

Phorcys: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey.

Me: What happened?

Phorcys ran the tip of his sword across my chest, it burned as my psionic self bled strength. I tried to reach out to the outer real world but all I could see was what was in front of me; Phorcys and what used to the be throne room and center of my mind. The throne room had been altered from a bare room of ice

with a simple ice throne and a mirror finish ice wall overlooking the physical world into a room of red ice, littered with human skulls around

the floor and with a trophy case of mutant/mutate heads. It was horrifying and made me immediately worry whether it was symbolic or reflective of an

objective truth.

Phorcys laughs: You lost the battle and I took control of your mind and body and have been the Horseman of War for the last year.

Before I could even get my thoughts into some sort of order, he touched me, feeding me memories from his POV (point of view).


PHORCYS's POV -(Victor's commentary in brackets)

I open my eyes and find myself strapped to a table with John as Jean and Apocalypse standing nearby. I shift to water and stream upwards in control of the

body again.

I search the mental landscape for traces of Victor and the other psionic presences but they have either been destroyed or erased. I search further and find

Victor encased in a sort of ice like substance in the basement of his former castle.

I laugh, layering ice and bone over myself, the outer layer of my bone armor has rows of bone spikes for maximum damage as I prepare myself for battle. The

power at my disposal rivals FM's, the body has never been so strong.

I smile as I draw in water around me shaping it into a battle staff of bone, infusing it with Tk.

Apocalypse spoke "That's unnecessary. We aren't going to fight you, Phorcys."

I tilt my head and assess them and their strength, determining whether they're prey, competition or predators. I scan the room for weapons and whether the

layout of the room would be a hindrance or not in a fight but it's a nondescript room in what appears to be a government building filled with human corpses . I glance at Apocalypse and John as Jean and they are both untouched by any sign of violence. The humans didn't stand a chance against them but it did make

me wonder why they had moved me to this location. According to the clock on the wall and a desk calendar it had been 2 weeks (June 23 1983) since Victor

had flash frozen New York and I had no memories of the time between.

I decide to hear them out. "What do you want from me?" I spun the battle staff about testing my strength and speed. It had been years since I had control of

the body and the power to effect the physical world. Letting them talk would give me time to adapt and give me a better idea of what Apocalypse in

particular was capable of. John was enough of a risk, Apocalypse was the true unknown quality.

Apocalypse said : "You're an omega class (class 5) mutant with the raw power to rule the world with my guidance..."

"Skip the flattery and tell me why I should care."

The overgrown freak smiled at me and said "I've enhanced your powers to their upper limits and trapped your former oppressor in his own mind. Helpless and


"So you think I owe you something?" I asked

"No. I expect your assistance because I strive to cleanse the world of the weak and raise up the strong and you are an apex predator of exceptional power. You have prior military training and experience on the battlefield as well as natural aptitude for ruthlessness and violence. You would make a perfect

Horseman of War."

"Such flattery, did you want to suck my dick now or later?"

Apocalypse laughed a creepy echoing laugh that reverberated throughout the room. I flung an ice spike at his head to shut him up which never hit him as it

instead shattered on an invisible force field around him.

He threw an energy blast at me which I dodged with a teleport to the left, he smiled as if amused, which infuriated but it was short lived as his impatience came out. "Enough games. I am recruiting for new Horsemen and you are privileged to have this opportunity for greatness. Do you accept?"

"Wasn't Magneto your Horseman of War?"

"He still is for the moment. You would have to kill him to assume his role."

"Killing off your own supporters. That's cold. I like it." I reach out but my powers are for some reason confined to a limited range outside this building

for about 200 yards. I suspect some kind of psionic interference from one or both of them. "He failed me. He failed to stop a group of teenagers from

capturing and converting Psylocke and Storm. He is no longer worthy to serve me."

"Then why don't you just kill him then yourself."

"Because I have no interest in dealing with him any longer. If you kill him you can take his place and serve me."

"So I'll be your right hand man?"

John as Jean interjected "Actually I am the Horsemen of Death. I'm second in charge. You'd be third in line."

"Fuck off. No way am I third."

I launched a Tk boosted ice spike at John's head trying to kill him but he tore it apart at the molecular level without even moving out of the way. "Magneto

has gone to ground with his family. You have till this time tomorrow to find and eliminate him or you will have the X-men and us to deal with." John said.

Then they teleported out as I fumed impotently with rage as I was stuck in some sort of telepathic/telekinetic/force field bubble with nothing to fight or

kill. I took out my frustration on the office furniture and when that didn't help improve my mood I exploded some corpses with hydrokinesis/telekinesis.

After 10 minutes the psionic bubble/force field trapping me disappeared and my hydrosenses could range outside easily, further than ever before.

I was in Area 51 of all places. There was no one alive in the complex and the place had been ransacked.

I teleported outside and scanned for John or Apocalypse to give them a piece of my mind but I can't see them anywhere within range. They either have teleported out of range or are blocking my psionics with their own. Regardless I find Magneto in a bland little house in the suburbs with a wife and a child.

I draw upon water from the nearby Furnace creek and fashioned myself a supply of armaments of ice and bone weapons infused with Tk energy to kill Magneto.

I teleported myself and my weapons into the kitchen as he prepared himself a boring sandwich and launched hundreds of Tk enhanced bone and ice weapons at

him. Some he managed to deflect with the fridge and various kitchen appliances but I had caught him off guard and his defense was insufficient to stop

enough of my weapons from piercing his flesh to fatally wound him.

I wrapped my hand around his throat and sapped his remaining mutagenic energy. His wife and child alerted by all the noise appeared from elsewhere in the house and became hysterical screaming and carrying on. Things like "Don't" "You're killing him." "You monster" "Stop hurting daddy". Blah blah blah.

He tells them to "run" and after a ridiculous amount of him telling them to "run, run, forget about me. I'm good as dead." They leave the house. I finish draining him dry of mutagenic energy and teleport into the master bedroom to steal the fancy sword belonging to the former Horseman of War. As I walk out of the house I exploded Magneto's corpse, rupturing him from the inside out with a hydrokinetic/telekinetic combo attack, splattering him

against the walls, floor and ceiling...

I teleport outside and I spot the hysterical wife and child seeking protection from their neighbors. They don't look sufficiently scared so I put on a show

and use my newly acquired power over magnetism/metal to raise several cars off the ground and rip out the strongest section of metal in order to fashion

myself full body armor.

The reaction from the civilians are hilarious, they run, they cry out, they run back into their homes to make calls on their landline based telephones. I think about murdering them all for a split second but decide against as they are beneath low hanging fruit, they're fallen fruit. Killing them wouldn't even be a minor challenge.

While I mold the metal to the contours of my newly claimed body, I get a telepathic message from John who had psionically observed my short but vicious

fight with Magneto. He tells me to meet them at Washington DC in a couple of days in order to demolish the US democracy.

I'm aggravated at the audacity of him commanding me like I was his inferior but it's something to do and it might provide some amusement. I'd play along

till I got bored and then I would cut off both their heads when they least expected it and...

I look around. I'm free and the whole world is now a buffet to indulge my appetites. I scan about and a few time zones over I find a hunky gay guy stumbling

out of a gay bar, his arm around a cute young twink, squeezing his butt. I follow them within an ice bubble psionic shielded to avoid detection.

I follow them until they get to the 20 something hunk's apartment complex and they start tearing off each others clothes. The twink is slim but toned with a

swimmer's body with a cute young face. The hunk has a classically handsome face with a firm but muscly build, more quarterback than linebacker, nice

defined pecs and glutes. It doesn't take long before the twink is pinned beneath the hunk moaning in pleasure as his prostate gets pounded.

I teleported inside the hunk's bedroom minus armor and ice bubble, sufficiently aroused with a 10 inch cock ready for action.

"How'd you get in here?" asked the twink, scrambling to cover himself as the hunk stands angrily, fists up, hard 8 inch cock jutting up.

"The more important question is who is going to suck my cock first?" I ask

"GET THE FUCK OUT, before I call the police." The hunk yelled, breathing shallowly, face flushed.

"The police won't be much use against me. Bullets just bounce off or go straight through." I shift from flesh and bone to water to illustrate my point and

they freak out.

Their panic amuses me. I pin the twink to the ground and fuck his freshly lubricated hole while pinning the hunk against the wall with a skeletal hand

(water hand turned to bone, held up with Tk) around his throat forcing him to watch me violate his trick. I fucked the twink hard and despite himself he

comes to accept and like my cock pounding away at his insides, moaning a little as I hit the sweet spot inside him over and over again. Not like it

matters. He is now my plaything to be used as I saw fit. I bred the twink and pulled out and transferred my attentions to the hunk.

I turned him about and roughly penetrated him. He is far tighter than the twink had been. He tries to resist but it doesn't matter as I hold him against the wall one handed as I continue fucking him harder, taking pleasure from his pain as I fucked his tight hole and watched him struggle futilely against me.

The naked and crying twink stabbed me in the back with a kitchen knife while I was distracted fucking and I laughed at his shocked expression when it had no

real effect. I actually sped up as the pain was kind of invigorating as the body started to heal around the knife slowly pushing it out. Apparently

Apocalypse had increased the body's healing rate as well as my hydrokinetic and hydro observation skills. How fun.

"Come on boy if you think you're hard enough go on and fuck me.'

The twink was befuddled. 'What?' he asked, eyes wide, hand still on the bloody knife, dick limp.

"If you don't fuck me ASAP I'll use this fucking knife", I grabbed the knife with a Tk hand and pulled it out with flourish "and stab this guy right in

front of you."

So he starts fondling his cock, eyes closed, trying to get it up, with little success, leaking tears like a little bitch while I fucked the hunk against the


I paused in my fucking and jabbed the knife into the wall and impatient I use my power to turn the twink's soft 2 inch cock into a 9 inch hard cock using

Victor's knowledge of anatomy and my new found power. It was easier than I thought. I pulled him close with a Tk hand and his hard cock pressed against my


"Fuck me, damn you before I lose my temper."

"Fuck you" and he slammed his hard cock into my very tight hole. Getting fucked in the physical world was far more fun than in the psionic. The pain/pleasure was intoxicating, no wonder Victor had been such a slutty boy in his youth.

I groaned "that's the spirit." His new found aggression is very erotic as he pounds my hole without mercy, I slam myself forward and backwards, fucking the

hunk and myself on the twink's upgraded cock. The pleasure builds and builds until I go over the edge and dump a load inside the hunk's defiled hole. The

twink sprays his load into my ass a moment later as my insides spasm post orgasm and I tighten around his cock. He sags against me, head resting on my shoulder for a moment before he pulls out, drenched in sweat and eyes red. I pull out of the hunk, satiated for the moment, the hunk leaks blood and cum from his red raw asshole.

I reclined on the bed lazily and closed my eyes as they snuck off to the bathroom to discuss me in private. Or what they thought of as private. Nothing

within the States was private to my power of hydro observation if I focused.

I listened to them bad mouth me and I felt mildly slighted by their accusations of insanity, inhumanity and rape. How dull their ideals of morality. It

reminds me of Victor. Oddly enough I miss him. He had been such a huge part of my life and now he was neutered. Life without an arch enemy was pathetic.

Victory is dull. (Avatar quote)

I skim through their minds and find a new activity to engage in...

I teleport out of the building and hunt down their enemies for my own violent amusement. The teenager's abusive father who wasn't fond of his faggot son, (in the 80's it was still illegal to engage in sodomy, though 11 states still have anti sodomy laws even though it was rendered unconstitutional for

governments to arbitrate what's acceptable sexual activity for two consenting adults) and the hunk's work rival. I take my time with the father, inflicting

every violence upon him that he had perpetrated against his son over the last few years of alcoholic fueled rage over the long night. His screams of pain

and cries for help were music to my ears.

(June 24 1983)

Business rival I encase him inside an ice block so he can slowly freeze to death. I watch as the hypothermia sends him to sleep and his flesh pales.

(Washington DC June 25 1983)

Wolverine is in the company of John and Apocalypse as the latest recruited Horseman. His face is unsettling as it continues to ripple as tumorous growths

grow large and ugly on his face before disappearing at an accelerating and nauseating pace. He has become the Horseman of Pestilence replacing Psylocke who

had been the former, inflicting severe psychological trauma via telepathy . Just looking at him makes me feel nauseous and I explode corpses for amusement.

John speaks "Wolverine will go in first to soften them up as you monitor their defenses and provide golem support as necessary."

"Can't I just explode them all be done with it?"

"We are to separate the wheat from the chaff", Apocalypse replied, "This is not a slaughter but a necessary evil."

"Uh huh sure, whatever you say boss man. I'm going to kill the POTUS (President of the US Ronald Reagan)."

I float above the city within my ice bubble.

"Take care of him" Apocalypse said to John.

John as Jean flies up within a shapeless black outfit with a scythe in one hand. I burst every pipe and hydrant in the city, directing all the water in

Washington Dc at John as Jean while I head towards the White House.

I rain down Tk boosted bone spears into the pointless Secret Service Men pouring out from the White House firing their puny guns at me as I progress towards

the White House.

I get knocked aside by a blast of Tk and I try to explode JAJ(John as Jean) body from the inside out but to no effect. He's Tk protected his body. I launch

every drop of water in the vicinity at him infusing it with Tk and he blocks it with a Tk shield. He tries to push away the water but with my hydrokinesis

combined with telekinesis I have the advantage. However he fires a telepathic mind blast in my direction and I have to block it with a hastily erected

psionic shield.

Our battle wages across the sky, class 5 hydrokinetic power & class 3.9 telekinesis vs his class 5 telekinesis and telepathy. I try attacking his mind, but

his mind is too well guarded. Our battle waged for a few minutes as I use the nearby ocean to try and tidal wave him into oblivion but he merely redirected

my attack towards the ground and Washington DC ended up flattened by a Tk boosted tidal attack from above.

It was impossible to determine who actually killed the POTUS. Him or me. Apocalypse wasn't happy, apparently he wanted to confront the POTUS personally and dictate terms or something.

Apocalypse punishes us both, taking advantage of the fact that we expended a lot of energy fighting each other to install a command function in both our

minds so we couldn't disobey or ignore a direct command from him again. He takes away my phasing ability, making me more dependent on lame class 4 healing.

(June 27th 1983) Apocalypse assigns me dominion over the States to slaughter the weak and motivate the strong to get stronger.

Apocalypse left and I watch their progress for a while as they dump Wolverine off in Africa and recruit a female mutant to serve as the new Famine as Storm

had switched sides due to Xavier's telepathic influence and now wouldn't hail/tornado crops into oblivion.

(July 1st 1983) I was left alone to wreak havoc on the US, I could do what I want as long as I obeyed the general edict of Apocalypse's last order to reduce the numbers of

weak humans/ mutants.

I targeted major cities for devastation. I launched a tidal wave from Long Beach at Los Angeles. I burst the water pipes and infrastructure of Las Vegas.

I bombarded Chicago Illinois with a Tk boosted blizzard. I cascade cannoned Houston Texas into a fiery crater and turned the population of Philadelphia

into red ice.

(July 7th 1983) Apocalypse telepathically communicated with me and complained that I had been unnecessarily sloppy by destroying the cities in such a high handed and passionless way. Going on and on and on about how I was War and that I should treat the cities as if I was doing them the courtesy of going to war with them

instead of just summarily one punching them out of existence. Blah blah, embrace your theme, BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I made a token effort to appease him stating that some people managed to flee the death zones I had made of those cities but he wasn't appeased.

He told me of his favorite Horseman's achievement. Death had systematically killed the majority of the population of Japan in a few days by flying above one

of their major cities telepathically broadcasting * You have one hour to abandon the city or you will die* which would cause a mass exodus of the fastest,

smartest and most ruthless. After the hour was up he'd contain the remaining within a telekinetic bubble and murder anyone over the age of 14 in a variety

of inventive methods using targeted telekinesis to trigger aneurysms, heart attacks and blood clots. He also used mass telepathic attacks to have people

kill each other or themselves. Then he'd move onto the next city and the next city until Japan consisted of those under the age of 14 (Apocalypse wanted to allow mutant puberty to manifest so he allowed a free pass to those under the age of 14 from direct death) and hardened survivors.

(July 18 1983) With great reluctance I skip the fun of murdering cities and instead I set up base in the frozen mess of New York surrounding it with bone walls and using

the frost coating buildings to cover the buildings in ice spikes for fun. From my new Capital I launch wave after wave of ice golems armed with bone swords

to murder their way through the States, Canada and Mexico. I operate them en-masse from afar, manifesting and controlling millions at a time only to

discard them after one use to ensure that I don't have to deal with another 'golem collective'.

Magneto's powers lingers within me but it's much weaker than before, I can sense the magnetic spectrum and manipulate metal with a class 3's range.

(November 23 1983) Resistance is scattered and meaningless at first but after some time a resistance group forms led by Xavier consisting of mutants and humans his team has

rescued from targeted cities. They have set up their base in Fort Bragg a large military base in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

(January 12 1984) I have collected attractive males that I've 'spared' to serve as my workers/harem. I get off on humiliating them with sex acts in front of each other. It's

fun to keep them in a perpetual state of sexual frustration, I watch over them constantly and any attempt to self pleasure is met with ice in their rectums

or snow or a humidity attack. It makes them irritable and desperate and horny enough so that when I'm forcing them to sit on my cock and ride me till they

blast a giant load over themselves as my other slaves watch, they hate me and themselves for feeling relief after they've blown their load. Sexual sadism

at its finest.

Another fun game is bringing one of my sex slaves to my bone chamber and playing etch a sketch on them. I mark their flesh with a bone knife, scoring words

or images so they drip blood onto their cocks and crevasses. Then I heal the wounds and use the blood for lube either to ride their cocks or to fuck them.

Sometimes I spend a whole day with one of my slaves in my chamber, manipulating their cocks so that they're constantly erect. By the end of it they're

usually mentally and physically broken and will promise me anything in order for me to stop making them cum, bleed and take it. Sometimes I'm particularly

vicious when one of my male slaves has defied me and I'll sexually stimulate them but use my power to reach inside their cocks and inhibit their ability to achieve an orgasm. It's a particularly cruel punishment but effective as the stimulation drives them to the peak of sexual pleasure without giving them

release or relief so it becomes a different kind of pain, the pain of overstimulation.

(August 9th 1984) I've watched Death as he has killed over a billion people across the Asian continent in bizaare and imaginative ways. Human bodies are so fragile.

Watched as Wolverine walks through the African continent and people die in droves without him needing to claw them. He is the carrier for a host of unique

and virulent diseases, his mere presence in a village, town or city, breathing the same air can cause the majority of population to die within a couple of

hours. Humans have a 99% mortality rate and mutants about 20% after infection. Mutants that try and fight him usually find themselves at the wrong end of a feral, unstoppable killing machine armed with metallic claws and enhanced senses that causes a 85% mortality rate for those brave/dumb enough to confront him directly.

Famine is the most boring to watch as she's a woman in her early 20's with an aura attack that kills plants and weakens animals/humans within range. She

roams about in South America on a robot steed. I think she might be related to Grace.

Apocalypse sets up shop in Europe with the old blood, surrounding himself with aristocracy and the new mutant elite conducting periodic purges of the lower end mutants and the working class/middle class humans with not enough connections/wealth to pay tribute to Apocalypse.


:: Mental Landscape::

Phorcys disengaged.

Me: You're a monster.

Phorcys: None of us can help the way we're born.

Me: What do you want from me? Haven't you taken everything there is to take?

Phorcys: Do you know what the problem of being an absurdly powerful apex predator is? After a while it's not even a challenge any more. I've been throwing

golems at Xavier's people for months and they're the last meaningful resistance left in North America. I haven't even really been trying to kill them, just

whittling them down through a war of attrition. I'm not a fucking general. I don't want to win a fucking war. Where's the fun in that? I want an epic

battle against a superior foe or at the very least, entertaining prey."

Me: Poor psychopath can't get it up for everyday violence.

Phorcys: Indeed. I have an offer for you. I'll let you out and you can take back your body in exchanging for helping me kill Apocalypse. He's my great white

whale. He has an absurd amount of powers and they're all highly developed cause he's so fucking old."

Me: Why should I trust you?

Phorcys: Don't. It's more fun if you don't. I am the scorpion but we're better together than we are apart. Without me your predatory instincts are dulled

and without you, I will just glut until there's nothing left to eat and starve. We balance each other. Like it or not. More importantly I need you because Apocalypse can disable me with a phrase while you were on ice at the time so his commands shouldn't effect you and you don't have a better option than to cooperate.

Me: Fuck you. Why won't you die and leave me alone?

Phorcys: Oblivion is the easy way out. We like things hard.

He stabbed at the ice around me and I screamed as the ice exploded out, tearing out chunks of my psionic self.

I reclaimed the mental landscape except for Phorcys's territory which was heavily populated by his sea creature psionic army and reclaimed my body. Phorcys

doesn't resist the return to the status quo which is unsettling but looking this gift horse in the mouth isn't in my best interests. :: ::

I returned to my body and I had a sword in one hand and Captain America's shield in the other which was worrying. I only had access to a fraction of

Phorcys's memories and there were huge gaps in time that were completely unaccounted for and I didn't know what he had done with my body then.

I shook off that disturbing thought and looked around the furnished penthouse suite that he had resided in. Phorcys whispered that he had taken it after my little freak out.. He was closer to the surface than he used to be. I could hear him in the physical world as if he was beside me. He was the acting like

the proverbial Devil on my shoulder now.

I reached out with my hydro senses and the world's population had been reduced to half a billion people from 4 billion. Xavier leads the resistance against

War while smaller resistance groups are present in Asia and Africa.

Europe is the least effected by Apocalypse's culling and Australasia remains untouched as does Antartica and the Middle East for reasons unknown.

August 12th 1984

I've spent some time trying to figure out how to take down Apocalypse. The only thing that came to mind was to combine the collective force of the mutants

that had survived this long and use that somehow against Apocalypse.

I sent a message to the other Horsemen via water proxy requesting they sent any mutant prisoners that they didn't want so that I could use them as fodder

for a new Mutant Arena.

Apocalypse congratulates me on a great idea to train the surviving mutants with Roman style gladiator fights. He sends me several mutants that were

resistant to telepathic persuasion/conversion. Death provides details of where some refugees have holed up and Famine and Pestilence are of no use at all.

I send water proxies offering training to South American and African mutant survivors of the purges and plagues. Some accept and others are suspicious and

remain where they are.

I send an emissary to Xavier offering training but he declines, suspicious of a trap.

I proceed with training the thousands of mutants I've gathered.

September 25th 1984

Apocalypse makes a surprise visit to my domain with Death along. Death watches me with mild interest as I try to make excuses as to why I haven't started

killing off the weaker mutants in the group yet.

Apocalypse orders me to hold death matches within two weeks in order to weed out the weakest of the mutants in order for a major game within two months.

October 16th 1984

I fake a bunch of deaths while Apocalypse and his cronies, sycophants and minions watch. Some do actually die in the arena battles, too weak to survive even

with my subtle healings.

I organize some assassinations of his alpha mutant supporters one night. I blame it on a mutant gladiators uprising; Apocalypse doesn't appear overly

concerned but Death comes to see me. 'What are you up to ?' He asks twirling a 6 foot scythe casually like someone else would twirl a pen around their


I debated whether I should trust John enough to tell him after his last betrayal. I opted to gather more intel. "Why did you betray Victor and join


"He promised that he could cure me of my hunger for DNA and increase my power ten fold and he has come through. He's provided me with Celestial grade armor

that conforms to whatever shape I want to be and a scythe which I don't really need but is cool." He twirls it about aimlessly.

"Do you feel guilty for betraying Victor?"

"Guilt is for boring people. I was offered a better deal, so I took it. It's as simple as that Victor."

"I'm Phorcys." I protested.

"No you're not. He would have tried to kill me by now. Which is why we're usually continents apart and my telepathy is advanced enough to detect the

differences between your psychic signatures."

"Are you going to tell Apocalypse?"

"No. I have no fondness for Apocalypse. He's served his purpose and I tire of his control over me. I'm curious as to what's your plan Boy Wonder?"

"Kill Apocalypse, save the world and fling myself into the Sun to pay for all the deaths I'm responsible for."

"How will you kill him? He's incredibly powerful. You will only get the one chance and if you fail he will destroy you. It's why I've submitted for this


"Not sure yet. I'm trying to train these mutants but only about a hundred of them are class 4's and I'm not sure how long I have to train them to a decent

enough level. I need Xavier's people in order to stand a chance but Xavier doesn't trust me enough to meet me in person and my water

proxies can't get in range of them due to Xavier and Young Jean's telepathic interference. It makes gaining their support problematic."

"Once you get Xavier on board. I'll help out. Until then we'll both have to play out our parts." He Tk blasted me against the bone wall.

"Why did you do that?" I asked standing up brushing off the bone shards from myself.

"Because you're not worthy of being second to Apocalypse." He said loudly. Then he winked at me and I realized that he was playing the part in case anyone

wondered what we were doing having a private meeting together.

After Apocalypse and Death left to their domains, I visited Xavier in person and offered him a truce. I told him I needed his help to train the mutants at

my arena in combat while I trained his people in combat.

We eventually came to terms. I would provide him with 20 high level mutants to train up and the Summer brothers would accompany me back to my base to help

out with training the others and as a good will gesture.

December 25th 1984

Apocalypse returns to the States to see the Arena event where the two 'prisoners' the Summer Brothers Havoc and Cyclops are scheduled to fight to the death

for the crowd's amusement. Apocalypse brings along a small entourage of alpha mutants as does Death and myself. Alphas (Class 4's) and above are treated

like first class citizens, Beta (Class 3) and below make up the middle class and humans are menial workers and or slaves. The majority of the crowd

consists of mutants and their 'pet humans'.

Havoc and Cyclops exchange blows and fire off ineffective energy blasts (their powers don't effect each other as such) as the crowd watches and cries out for blood and death.

During the battle I raise my sword signaling to John that it was time to attack, the ambush begins; the mutant gladiators I had been training stream out

into the Arena to target Apocalypse and his entourage. John creates a telekinetically induced buzz that stops Apocalypse from ordering him about and

prevents Apocalypse and his minions from being able to effectively organize their defenses. Most of the crowd of mutants/humans run for cover and are

allowed out by my army of mutant gladiators. Some of the crowd stay and fight or are drawn into confrontations.

Storm creates cloud cover and pelts down hail upon Apocalypse supporters making it more difficult for them to fight, move and see.

It's a bloody conflict but the battle is one sided as Apocalypse's supporters are overwhelmed by superior numbers and force and killed. Apocalypse on the

other hand remains cocooned in a force field bubble destroying mutants that come too close with a callous disregard for whose side they're on.

Apocalypse's force field is bombarded by telekinetic, telepathic, energy blasts and weapon fire. Apocalypse doesn't seem concerned about being pinned until

he tries to leave via teleportation and finds himself trapped within the Arena by Xavier/Jean Grey and Death's psionic/telekinetic cage.

Apocalypse becomes more aggressive, growing bigger and firing more and more energy attacks at the fighters. Death covers much of our attackers in Tk shields

but they don't hold long against a concerted effort on the behalf of Apocalypse.

The fighters are organized by talents, melee attackers with increased strength, agility and durability at the front, ranged attackers in the middle and aura

mutants in the middle to boosts the durability, healing or power of others (there's 3 class 4 aura mutants).

While Apocalypse is busy trying to slaughter his way to safety through class 3's and 4's I teleport behind him placing my hands on his face. He laughs and

dismisses my effort with a "Stop this now." No effect on me. He doesn't seem concerned as he gloats "I have lived through millenia this ambush is futile."

I ignore his boast and dig my nails into his face and sap him. His power feeds into me and I use his shape shifting ability to increase the size of my

hands around his face, covering his mouth and draining more and more of his power and mutagenic energy for myself. I'm bombarded by too many of his

memories as I sap him, that it's hard to focus on any in particular. It makes it hard to focus on the fight.

My mutant army stops their attacks on Apocalypse when Apocalypse drops to his knees with me hanging on for dear life trying to drain him dry while he stubbornly fights my sapping. "JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY." I yell at him as he struggles and bucks like a bull.

Even as I drain his strength from him he mocks me with "You won't win this. I can't die. I'm an immortal god." I invert my rib cage, piercing through my own torso and puncturing him him with my bones. Apocalypse struggles and tries to teleport away but I'm stuck to him through bone and flesh. I consume

him, draining his life energy, his memories and his powers. I hit him with a series of close range telekinetic and telepathic attacks, pummeling him with

his own energy as I continue sapping him for every last scrap of invigorating power.

I stand for a moment on a hill overlooking Hollywood bloody and victorious with Apocalypse's corpse lying dead at my feet. I explode his corpse, rupturing every blood vessel in his body so that he can't regenerate post mortem.

The real battle had only just begun however.

Apocalypse is in my body and in my mind. My flesh crawls with the desire to become him and my mind has his psionic self looming large seiging my mental

castle in order to try and claim my mind and body for himself.

If he won he'd become even stronger than before using my body. I couldn't let him win.

I tried fighting on both fronts but he's absurdly strong so I focus all my energy on fighting the war of the mind instead of the war of the body.

:: Mental Landscape::

I call upon Phorcys for his help as my recently resurrected nightmare legion is merely slowing Apocalypse down not stopping him as they're too new to have

much psionic strength. Phorcy's troops are far more effective as they've had free reign for the previous year to grow big and strong. Apocalypse takes ages

to weaken to a point that success even seemed possible.

Most of my nightmare legion lay broken or destroyed from Apocalypse and many of Phorcys's troops are destroyed too as we fight him tooth and nail for control before we eventually gained the upper hand when Phorcys and I engaged against him directly. Even in his weakened state it takes numerous attacks in

order to defeat him.

I left Phorcys to take him prisoner inside his underwater fortress. He'd serve as fuel for Phorcy's forces. I already had all his memories from draining

him dry. Even if it would probably take years to sort out through thousands of years of memories. :: ::

I return to myself and I could feel Apocalypse's power seeping away a little at a time. From what fragments I had gleaned during the sap, he had been an impossibly strong mutant in his day but his power had been upgraded and increased by technology and biomorphic alteration and alien intervention over

time. Rogue's power only allowed me to maintain his base line power, not his fully enhanced powers. I had gained class 3.5 technopathy, class 4 shape

shifting, class 4 energy projection and absorption and my telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and regenerative abilities were enhanced.

I looked at myself through an 'eye' and I looked disturbingly like Apocalypse now. I was 7 foot tall, blueish and built like a brick shit house. I looked

like a smaller version of him.

Despite repeated attempts to use his powers to shape shift back to my original shape and size, it wouldn't stick. I now had a new default form that made me

look like a close relation to the monster that I had just killed.

After the battle, everyone cheered but it seemed half hearted and wary and I couldn't blame them. I was forever altered by the battle for this world and it

was obvious to all the world to see.

March 20th 1985

Bishop and I had a chance to talk as I was finally allowed to have unrestricted access to Xavier's camp.

Bishop told me how he had traveled back in time to check on my activities as the others were worried about my intentions and effect on their timeline. Forge had manufactured a time traveling gauntlet but it had been damaged in my hydrokinetic outburst and he had been stuck.

I looked at the device and while it was damaged, I had knowledge of Celestial tech courtesy of Apocalypse. There might be a chance for me to go back in time again and this time stop these events from happening. A possible way to prevent myself from killing New York.

Bishop hadn't tried using it after it was damaged as he hadn't wanted to risk a blind jump in time. I on the other hand was effectively immortal so if I

could do some repairs I could potentially narrow the margin of error to acceptable levels. Even if I had to jump back a few decades it wasn't that much of

an imposition.

September 23rd 1985

Things had settled down, Famine had been converted by Xavier to rationality and I had used Apocalypse's powers and tech to invert her powers so that she could heal/strengthen people and animals and boost the growth of plants within her range.

As for Pestilence, he had been Apocalypse's agent for too long and his mind had warped beyond repair, the isolation and death had driven him beyond madness, beyond simple rage and murder into a mindless vicious monster... so JAJ telekinetically flung him into the sun for the sun to purge his flesh of the

diseases and melt his adamantium bones.

After sifting through Apocalypse's memories and months of careful experimentation with technopathy and backwards engineering, I had completed repairs to the Bishop's time gauntlet. It wasn't a perfect repair. There was still a fair risk of ending up in the wrong country and possibly the wrong decade but it theoretically wouldn't end up with us on the wrong planet 10000 years in the wrong direction. Hopefully.

I also knew that my sword was made of an unusual combination of adamantium and damascus steel.

October 1st 1985

I've convinced John that it's better for us to leave this world behind so that there's no chance of a lynch mob of mutants/humans coming after us for murdering our way through continents.

JAJ places his hand on top of the time gauntlet on my arm and I press the button in the hope that I can return to a time before my New York meltdown and the

death of 3 billion people. That way I can kill Apocalypse and stop this nightmare chain of events from ever happening.


End Notes

Supplemental material - an update on Victor's black book database entry

Current Power Set for Victor post Apocalypse absorption

NAME: Victor ALIAS: Proteus – minor sea god/shapeshifter, Horseman of War or War- enforcer of Apocalypse's darwinian policies ORIGINAL POWER TYPE: Water Mastery – hydrokinesis class 5, water sensing 5 and transitioning class 4 (currently unable to perform internal transitioning) POTENTIAL POWER: 5- 5.9 RANGE: 5.5 CURRENT APPLICATION OF POWER: class 5.2 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Hydrokinesis: water/ice weaponry, steam blasts, control over golems' and hands' Water Sensing: water based communication and observation, water detection, sonar. Transitioning- External: Liquefaction, freezing (red ice), healing, bone armor/weaponry


Psionic vampirism class 3 - Vamp via Transfer Teleportation class 4 - Surprise via Transfer Mutagenic absorption class 2.5 (range) - Rogue via Transfer Telepathy, psionic shielding class 4, telekinesis class 3- obtained from Sean in order to counteract the negative effects of Vamp's psionic vampirism Magic class 3 - obtained after sapping Broadcast and absorbing ambient magical/mystical energy, then enhanced after brief period of having Elixir's power set and honed via practice with Dupe and on Dupe, John and myself.

Technopathy class 3, shapeshifting class 4, energy absorption/projection - drained from Apocalypse using Rogue's mutagenic absorption ability. Boost to telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and physical regeneration - a result of sapping Apocalypse.


Internal transitioning including body modification- decreasing and increasing of size/height/density, healing/restoration through phasing, transition from flesh to water/ice or water Vapor- original power set, disabled by Apocalypse Rapid regeneration and enhanced senses - Wolverine sapped, power faded Enhanced mental acuity and total recall - Sage sapped, power faded Teleportation portal generation - Blink sapped, power faded Intangibility and psionic temporal dislocation - Shadowcat sapped, power faded Precognition- Destiny sapped, power faded Dimensional/time portal generation - Gateway sapped, power faded Energy absorption class 4- Bishop sapped, power faded Biological Manipulation class 5 - Elixir sapped, power faded Telekinesis and Telepathy class 5 - Jean Grey aka the Pheonix sapped, power faded Energy absorption class 4 biomorphic enhancement class 4 - Broadcast/ Austin Awareness and manipulation of the electro magnetic spectrum class 4 - Magneto partially drained, powers gradually diminished over a few months Telepathy, mind control class 4 - Xavier


Technopathy class 3 Teleportation class 4.6 Telepathy, psionics class 4.8 Telekinesis class 4 Hydrokinesis class 5 Shapeshifting class 4 Body modification- decrease and increase size/height/density, targeted regeneration. Hydro observation class 5.3 Sapping 2.5 (range) potential unclassifiable Energy projection/absorption class 3.

NORMAL SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Swimming 9/10 COMBAT SKILLS: Staff 9/10, Guns 9/10, hand to hand 9/10

PERSONAL LIMITATIONS: Increasing apathy and isolation from humanity, Phorcys

POWER LIMITATIONS: While capable of global observation, effort is taxing on an intellectual level, currently capable of short bursts of global omniscience.

Limited experience with using technopathy (communication with technology) and energy projection absorption.

POTENTIAL DANGERS: Loss of temper/control can result in mass murder. Combination of mutants can overpower psionic defenses. Mutants with more powerful power sets can render me ineffective (Scarlet Witch/Wiccan) if unprepared.

STATS Averages 7 feet tall with 10 inch cock (can upgrade/enhance at whim, though it takes longer than before).

DISPOSITION TOWARDS MYSELF: Complicated TEMPERAMENT: Increasingly paranoid and distant.

Next: Chapter 45: Warped 5

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