
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 19, 2023



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Mention of Marty Mcfly. Don't own Back to the Future.

Chapter 1 Unraveled

I hydrokinetically sped towards Xavier's extending my hydrosenses outwards as far as I could. Everything was different. New Atlantis was gone, the surrounding landscape had changed and I couldn't sense any of the 'golem collective'.

I didn't know what was happening and I felt completely lost and alone and angry. I drew upon the water around me infusing it with Tk strength and teleported

out of the way of inconvenient air traffic as necessary.

I arrived at Xavier's gates, I floated above them as my thoughts whirled in a maelstrom of confusion and the echoes of fear. I landed behind the front gates and walked towards the main building, taking my time to infuse myself with all my TK strength to enhance my physical fortitude while layering psionic

shields over each other to protect my mind from telepathic assault.

I pushed open the door with a water tentacle and was shocked to discover Cyclops and Jean alive and warning me to stand down. Their presence confused me

even more. Jean tried to pry past my telepathic shields and failed.

Suddenly a blast of telekinetic and telepathic energy hit me destroying my telekinetic power up and rattling my psychic defenses. Settle

"John?" the psychic signature was similar but subtly different.

"Boy wonder! Thought you were dead."

I glanced at Jean and Cyclops. "Can't keep a good mutant down in the ground for long. We just keep coming back." John laughed, while he wore the illusion of

himself but my hydrosenses detected he had Jean's body and powers. Some things didn't change at least. "What the hell happened to New Atlantis and everyone?"

"Let's talk somewhere private." John as Jean dropped the illusion and shifted to himself, his clothes hanging oddly off his body as a result. I shifted to

flesh and walked towards him. He eyed me up. "Still can't take you out in public."

I glanced back and Jean and Scott were staring at my bare ass. I shrugged. "I never seem to nail the entrance. Do I?"

"Not at all but you do leave an impression." John led me to his room. He stripped naked and walked into his massive walk in closet. He saw me gawking at the

sheer range of clothes that rivaled my first job's selection. "Feel free to grab whatever. Mi casa es su casa."

"So what's going on ?"

John put on this stretchy all body black one piece thing... "You were never born."

"Wait, what are you talking about? "

"Wolverine traveled back in time because of Sentinels killing so many mutants and altered the timeline and you died as a fetus when Apocalypse showed up. I

looked it up not long after I got here."


"Yeah I was confused too when I ended up in a strange place and I had two sets of memories. I eventually came here to find a telepath strong enough to help

me sort out the memories. I had to begin again. Ended up staying and became a teacher."

"You're a teacher?" I said surprised as John wasn't really the type to want to hang out teaching volatile teens when he could be rich or getting laid or


"Good place for getting new mutant DNA since the Mutant Decimation never happened in this timeline. I do one on one training with the new recruits to help

them figure out what their powers could be like when they grow up and get skilled enough. I'm also in charge of calming the humans when a mutant runs wild

or flares." He shifted into Emma Frost the black bodysuit stretching to accommodate his new form. He ran his hands over his female body suggestively. "Emma

Frost didn't die in this timeline and she's my lover, how wild is that. I rob her grave for her DNA in my last life and now we're a couple. It's ironic. The best thing is she's a woman after my own heart." He looked away lost in a private thought.

"I'm so lost." I sat down on his double bed and tried to get my thoughts to settle. I somehow didn't exist in this timeline because of time travel nonsense.

I'd been Marty Mcflyed... except here I was alive and well in a world where I hadn't been born. It didn't make sense. I thought about it for a while in

silence as John selected an outfit for me from his giant closet. After a couple of minutes and putting on the clothes he selected for me I came to the

conclusion that my continued existence was due to Wiccan and the various spells I had cast upon John and myself.

"Here this might help." and outside my telepathic shields was a bubble flashing with images of memories. I absorbed it and I got a selection of John's

memories of recent events which became mine.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& In this reality Mystique had abandoned Magneto and had taken her own path and he was deprived his most useful lieutenant. There was no attempt to kidnap

Rogue. Stryker never tried to kill all the mutants in the world and Jean didn't break her telepathic conditioning and the Pheonix wasn't released upon the

world. Jean Grey never died and the Xmen were more numerous and stronger than they had ever been now that Iceman, Rogue, Colossus and Kitty were all full

time X men.

Future Kitty had sent Future Wolverine back to the 70's to stop an early military scientist from getting his hands on Mystique's DNA which formed the

building block of the Sentinels. Sean, Mike, Luke, Vader, Ghost and all my friends had come and gone without much incident and it was now 2010. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

June 16 2010 Alternate Timeline.

After the data upload I felt more centered. Now I had a better understanding of what had happened. Now all I had to do was decide what to do about it and

where I fit in this new timeline.

I teleported myself to Cerebro and extended my awareness to my home town to find what remained of my family gone. I searched further and scanned numerous

databases for records. I found that my mom had been killed during a fight between the X men and Apocalypse and his Horsemen; crushed to death by fallen

debris during the fighting. Wolverine's time traveling had resulted in unexpected ripples erasing me and everything I had ever done. Avalon, 'golem

collective', New Atlantis, Jason, Justin, Dupe Me, Humanish Beast had become never weres.

I no longer belonged here; if I ever did in the first place. I groped for a sense of purpose skimming through all the information acquired about time

(mostly from Reed Richards) and decided on a new course of action. I'd travel to the future time line where this all went off track and merge with my

future self and it should theoretically counteract my current temporal displacement.

I just had to figure out how to travel into an alternate future time line.

I was given a room of my own by Xavier after my situation was explained to him by John. I still wasn't sure whether to blame him for my current predicament

or not. It apparently was future Xavier's idea to fiddle with time to prevent the future dystopia from ever happening.

John told me about other temporal refugees that had come and gone through Xavier's during his stay. There was Bishop an African American male in his mid

30's from a timeline where Sentinels had prison camps for mutants and Blink from a timeline where Apocalypse had essentially ruled the world. For various

reasons neither Bishop or Blink could return to their dystopian timelines...

Temporal travel was difficult even at the best of times, typically you could jump backwards but by doing so you tended to skew probabilities rendering the

future uncertain so traveling forward to an altered timeline was problematic. Jumping sideways into a dead end timeline was unprecedented.

I wasn't worried. I had time and determination on my side and reality would bend for me even if I had to kick it a few times. I scanned Xavier's mutant

database and SHIELD's records for a way to beat the odds.

August 12th 2010 alternate timeline.

I had spent the last couple of months accumulating information. Some was of the pop culture variety, watching all the new shows, reading all the new books

and listening to all the new music that had been released in the 6 years of my whatever. The rest was new scientific techniques and intel from various

databases and minds. I had enough knowledge now to formulate a new plan that I thought would workcorrect the situation.

I had thought briefly about staying in this reality/ alternate timeline but the people I knew and loved had become virtual strangers, they didn't know me

and they hadn't experienced what they had in the original timeline. Sean was the most disappointing loss for me as I missed the closeness we used to share

back when I was a student when he had acted like a de facto big brother and showed me the ropes. Being around these strangers that looked like my friends

was torture, so spending all of my time in my room researching was a welcome relief from the existential angst. Even hanging out with John left me

unsettled, he was similar in ways but different in so many others. At least he remembered me though which was some solace in this strange alternate


I assembled... Blink, Gateway, Destiny, Sage, Wolverine and Kitty within the Danger Room (in case things went wrong and we needed some holographic support).

They were all in a line ready and willing to undergo a second or two of discomfort in order to help me home (John smooth talked them for me).

First I touched Destiny on her hand, a blind woman with the appearance of being in her early 30's and acquired her power of psionic precognition. It was a

heady sensation as my mind was filled with potential futures. Every conceivable decision I could make led to another decision junction where different

choices inevitably led to wildly different outcomes. The decisions were endless and the further I looked ahead the more indistinct and unclear the future

became. The most I could see ahead was a few days.

One dark probability strand had me drain the 6 of them like I would my clones in order to get a permanent power upgrade. I would be like a nascent God with

their collective powers and I would use that power to drain every useful mutant at Xavier's. The others would be mind controlled foot soldiers to speed up

the process of draining/recruiting every other mutant in the world. With my new powers I'd have global omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence within a

day. Any mutate/human that opposed me would be killed and I'd proclaim myself king of the world. After I conquered the world the future became

indeterminate. As did most of the other decision strands at various culmination points.

Other probabilities strands had me abandoning the idea of leaving this timeline, others leaving through the portal with unknown outcomes, others dying in

various ways. I was overwhelmed by the flood of potential outcomes filling my mind with possibilities and the risks involved.

:: Mental Landscape:: Destiny's psionic shadow said "focus on one reality strand that you want and follow those choices exactly." :: ::

I shut out the other possibilities and focused on the future I wanted and took the next necessary step which happened to be a simple step to the left and I

touched Sage on her hand. (Sage was a female mutant with the appearance of being in her late 20's). That momentary touch was enough to acquire her enhanced

mental acuity. In a way it was like connecting with the Mind Gem as my thoughts became more streamlined and I gained mental clarity and a telepathic boost.

It became easier to focus on the causality thread while putting all the other possibility strands to the back of my mind.

Sage's mind functioned like a very advanced super computer able to analyze complex situations in a split second. Another useful secondary power she had was the ability to see the genetic code of mutants and being able to selectively evolve them. That process was irreversible and prone to unexpected and

unpredictable variations.

Next I touched Blink's bright pink hands and acquired her ability to create pinkish teleportation crystals that opened pinkish portals through space. My

spatial awareness expanded exponentially.

Next I touched Gateway, an Australian Aboriginal man with the appearance of being in his early 40's with an unusually potent mix of powers; specifically

teleportation and telepathy. He could create wormholes through time and space and even dimensions by whirling his bull roarer over his head.

Next I tapped Kitty who was now in her early 20's and had physical intangibility and some limited telepathy, short range but an incredible effect allowing

her to send a person's consciousness backwards through time..

Last of all I sapped Wolverine acquiring his rapid regenerative powers and accessing his mind. Wolverine was key to my plan. Wolverine had been used as a

temporal conduit by Kitty to have him alter the past using his past body... It wouldn't work in reverse but his mind still had traces of the temporal

coordinates from where he came from...

I reached into Wolverine's mind to serve as an anchor and my beacon to the timeline he came from. I used Destiny's causal understanding and Sage's superior

mental acuity to calculate the temporal variables involved. Once I calculated all the variables I used Gateway and Blink's spatial distortion powers to

open a pinkish portal in time and space. I used Kitty's unique telepathic temporal travel power to key the portal to the specific timeline.

John walked into the Danger Room as I strained to keep the connection stable as I sent water proxies through to test it was safe to travel through. The

collective power started to fade and weaken as the temporary sap's effect lessened as each second passed.

"I'm coming with you Boy Wonder."

"It will be dangerous and I don't know if it will work and if it doesn't we'll probably not be able to come back." (Even dialogue became more decision trees , I had to follow a particular script that unrolled in my head to ensure the right outcome.)

"That's the fun part. I need a new adventure. Teaching gets boring after half a decade"

"Fine I don't have the energy to argue. Turn into Wolverine for the trip, this may be a rough ride."

He shifted into Wolverine while wearing his Reed Richards designed stretchy black body suit and stood to the side of me as I maintained the pink portal into

a different timeline.

I grabbed his hand sapping a little bit more regenerative energy as we stepped through the temporal/spatial gateway together.

Authors Note. Fairly short introductory chapter before the real adventure begins.

Next: Chapter 42: Warped 2

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