
By wayne unknown

Published on Jan 7, 2016



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Authors Note

This chapter has taken forever and a day to finish due to depression, christmas holidays, apathy, technical difficulties, must a mine and various ailments.

Chapter 11 Aftermath

Saturday June 26th 0430 hours Alkali Lake British Columbia

Woke up to a blaring psionic migraine and a buzzing alert from the Trojan clouds I had left monitoring my family, I extended my psionic awareness up and outwards and found a nightmarish situation closer to home. There were two John as Jean's facing off against each other with an army of golems and Maddroxes on each side.

I teleported outside into the middle of the conflict. ^What the hell is going on?^

Both John as Jeans said "He's a dupe help me take him out."

I tried to telepathically probe both of them only to hit class 5 telepathic shields. I tried to scan the Maddroxes but their minds were also shielded. ^Enough I don't have time for this. Ditch your armies and let's get on with this.^

They both stood there watching each other warily. I sighed and unleashed my anger with a concentrated burst of tk boosted hydrokinetic disruption. Essentially turning every drop of water vapor around them into a mallet striking skin, it had little effect due to the class 5 tk shield over their skin/bodies.

They finally cooperated and the Maddroxes reabsorbed their dupes leaving only 2, one on each side and the John as Jean's discarded their golem armies leaving puddles and piles of rocks around.

One of the John as Jeans asked "Now what Boy Wonder?"

^Both Maddroxes to me.^

Both Maddroxes looked to me and to their Johns before moving towards me. They walked towards me and stood before me expectantly. I shifted to flesh and sapped the one that had taken a second longer to arrive than the other. Absorbed his power and memories.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The orgy had continued after I passed out for a while and by the time John & Jamie Maddrox had attempted to reabsorb their dupes one of each of theirs had refused to be reabsorbed and had tried to escape leading to the original and dupes facing off against each other in battle for supremacy. They were too evenly matched for either side to get the upper hand with Maddrox's multiplying and John as Jean creating more golems out of everything nearby.


With the borrowed power from the now confirmed Maddrox dupe I multiplied into 3 versions of myself and killed Dupe John as Jean with the combined powers of me and my 2 dupes with a concentrated hydrokinetic implosion. (freezing every drop of water in his body and compacting all the flesh and fluid into a red ice ball)

Dupe Maddrox surrendered with his hands up and said "I give up, absorb me already" and he disappeared into Maddrox Prime.

John said "You killed me." in shock.

I shrugged. "I woke up with a psionic headache and my family in danger and that face makes me a little homicidal on the best of days. You're coming with me to cover my 6."


"You'll be my backup, this is probably another trap, if I'm caught, mind wipe them and free me."

I reached out via mental arrow and psionically observed my former home town.

:: Home::

0730 hours Home Town 30 minutes from New York City

Mom, Dad, Lucy, her new husband (Dimi) and toddler (Paulo) were barricaded in the house by the 'Trojan clouds' in the form of an ice dome.

There were two Shield Agents outside.

Not too far away was the SHIELD Helicarrier. I couldn't see inside it for reasons unknown.

:: ::

I drained both of my newly produced dupes, amping me up to 300% normal power. I telepathically transmitted the location of my home town to John so that he'd know where to go/watch over.

Then I used a mixture of 'body hopping', teleporting and hydrokinetic travel to get back home in record time.

0810 hours

I arrived to find my neighborhood emptied of other families. Two SHIELD personnel did circuits of the ice domed house armed with very large guns. Other SHIELD personnel maintained a perimeter around the neighborhood.

I teleported in front of one of the guys circling my former home and stole his gun. I telepathically communed with the 'Trojan clouds' and they made way for me to enter. They had grown along with Lucy's family and they now numbered 5, they were about a 4 out of 5 on the sentience spectrum. They were still following their original programming of watching over my family but now thought of themselves as my family's guardians. I fed them some of my excess hydrokinetic power to empower them to build a better defense.

I teleported into my old room and shifted into flesh and put on some of my old clothes. Then I went downstairs to talk to my family. Mom slapped me then hugged me saying she thought I was dead. She went on to tell me that I'd been labeled an international and domestic terrorist due to the attacks against 3 countries simultaneously. The family were under investigation as potential accomplices.

As they were escorted outside water came out of nowhere (the Trojan clouds) splashing the SHIELD agents before becoming more violent and pelting them with hail. They were herded back into the house by a cold breeze and then they were trapped within the house without any idea what was going on for the last hour.

I am now SHIELD and FBI's most wanted. John is number 2. Maddrox got number 3. Maddrox is the only one likely to be effected as he is the only one with a constant face.

Lucy has an adorable toddler and a husband. It's vaguely disconcerting to see my family having moved on so easily after my disappearance.

A stasis field springs up around the house confining us, maintained by a flying Jarvis controlled rearmament platform. The Avengers arrive (Iron man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Vision) and Scarlet Witch shoots an orb of purplish magic at the stasis field and my vision was obscured.

I sent 'eyes' through the water pipes mapping the way into neighbors' house. I dissolved into water and traveled through the pipes into the neighbors house; my family protected by the stasis shield that was supposed to confine me.

I started the shower in the neighbors bathroom and created 3 class 4 teleporting class 3 telekinetic clones. I drained them and dispersed them and teleported out.

I'm immediately spotted by the Avengers and they open fire on me. I shifted to ice and water and Thor hits me with an energy blast from Mjolnir, Black Widow shoots me with irradiated bullets, Hawkeye fires toxic arrows in my direction and Iron man blasts at me with a new sonic weapon. Vision shoots energy beams from the Mind Gem in his forehead that disorients me. Scarlet Witch lobs a ball of purplish energy at me (depriving me of the ability to teleport away).

I dodged Scarlet Witch's next attack and am hit with alternating attacks from the others. Thor's lightning sizzles, Black Widow and Hawkeyes' attacks pollutes my water making it more difficult to hold the form of a watery man. Iron Man's sonic attacks makes it harder to coalesce after every attack.

^ENOUGH^ and I drew all the water vapor in the air towards me freezing it with my power, creating a short lived blizzard, whiting out the surroundings, effectively blinding SHIELD and Avengers. ^You used my family against me. You've crossed the line and now you'll pay dearly.^

While the Avengers are distracted by the frost covering their outfits and faces I teleport-stole the Mind Gem from Vision's forehead which effectively lobotomized him, knocking him out of the fight. Scarlet Witch cries out "NO" as Vision collapses on the ground. I teleported the Mind Gem inside my ice chest and it increases my telepathic powers somewhat but it's eclipsed by newfound mental clarity.

I wrapped myself in a telekinetically boosted hydrokinetic shield and shifted to flesh and the Mind Gem's effect is multiplied. The minds of the Avengers are opened bare to me.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Steve Rogers had sat out this mission after finding out about the Void Soldiers Project. Bruce Banner aka the Hulk had been placed into a containment unit due to concerns that he'd be used against the others like he had been the previous night. Tony Stark had spent the night developing the stasis field that was supposed to trap me and was reinforced with the Scarlet Witch's power to stop teleport outs.

Scarlet Witch remembered nothing of being responsible for the Mutant Devastation consciously. She had given herself a different backstory and suppressed her powers while being empowered by a Chaos Demon and had reclaimed a fraction of her former power by being experimented on along with her brother Quicksilver (now deceased, no relation to Morlock version) in order to get revenge on Tony Stark. That plan had been abandoned after she had found out that Ultron had used her and her brother to try and end the world.

The X-men had refused to cooperate further after finding out about the Void Soldier Project. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

:: Mental Landscape::

Psionic shadow copies of Tony Stark, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Thor and even Vision appeared within my mental fortress.

My psionic avatar appears in front of them and I sprout tentacles from my chest which entangle around them draining them of their psychic energy and archiving their memories for later use. Their resistance is futile against my Mind Gem enhanced self. Vision takes the longest to drain. :: ::

Every second that passed, my telepathic powers intensified and my range expanded beyond my control. In a spiral outwards the thoughts, memories and psyches of every SHIELD agent and person in the surrounding neighborhoods became clear to me including my family.

The remaining Avengers lashed out with their full strength enraged by my attack against Vision but I evaded every attack (except Scarlet Witches') as I knew their every thought. Scarlet Witch attacks however weren't planned they derived from pure emotion, she inflicted me with unbelievable amounts of pain and psychic pressure with her chaos magic.

I lashed out with a psychic attack and knocked out Scarlet Witch alongside her love interest Vision. Before the others could react I teleported away Thor's hammer, Iron Man's armor, Black Widow's guns and knives and Hawkeye's quiver and relocated them throughout the town.

The effect of the Mind Gem intensified and the minds of everyone in a 100 mile radius were opened to me. I reached out with a thought and Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and Hawkeye were silent and still and under my complete control. The power was intoxicating. I ordered them to run until they were told to stand down by Captain America.

:: Mental Landscape::

Hundreds of thousands of people filled up the corridors of my mental castle, overwhelming the ability of the nightmare legion to keep order. :: ::

^You baited a trap with my family. If you move against me again. I'll make you suffer. Now go fetch your compatriots, they won't be able to maintain a run forever. You'll need to get Steve Rogers to tell them to stand down or they'll keep running until their hearts explode.^

The Avengers including a weakened and diminished Vision and the various SHIELD agents went to try and slow down the runaway Avengers. In the meantime I crushed the Jarvis controlled armament platform that was projecting the stasis field and I reached into the minds of my family and with barely any effort I modified their memories so they would remember me as the family black sheep that got arrested by the police and was never talked about. They wouldn't remember anything about my powers or the truth about me. I teleported my family into New York City and instructed them to travel west until they found a town they liked enough to settle down in.

The Mind Gem increased my range of telepathic omniscience to include New York City and the neighboring areas.

:: Mental Landscape::

My area of my mind could no longer contain the millions of psionic shadows and they were spreading out in uncontrolled panic into Phorcys area. The Fantastic Four had spread out to try and find out what was going on.

The X men and students from the school were absorbed a few minutes later and stayed in the castle under Xavier's supervision. My mind was getting too crowded with powerful psionic avatars that I couldn't deal with quickly enough to prevent Phorcys from being alerted. :: ::

I tried to teleport out but I was unsuccessful instead I teleported the Mind Gem into a nearby lake to ditch it for the moment. Its power was too much for me to handle. I sent a telepathic message to John cover my retreat

John as Jean lashed out at the SHIELD Helicarrier with a long range telekinetic attack destroying every console and computer on board. It crash landed in the ocean.

:: Mental Landscape::

I sent a message to Phorcys to be on the alert for the psionic versions of the Fantastic Four. Then I sent a telepathic projection to Reed Richards in the shape of Matthew my former SEAL identity and told him that Xavier was responsible for dragging everyone to this place and was eating them for power inside the castle.

Meanwhile I did a systematic purge of the corridors of anyone that wasn't Xavier's staff, hastily draining them of psionic energy and compiling their memories in book formats to be collected by the nightmare legion. Once I completed the absorption and archiving of all the non Xavier psionic shadows I sent the nightmare legion to wait in the dungeon.

Then I manifested outside as a moat around my area of the mental landscape. Anyone that waded through it had their psionic strength absorbed until all that remained of them was a book of their memories. The more psionic shadows I absorbed the more powerful I grew and the wider and deep the moat me became.

The Fantastic Four flew over my moat within a shield generated by Susan Storm and containing Reed Richards and Thing pushed by a flying Johnny Storm. While the Fantastic Four went to face off against the X men I spread out as water consuming the land between the edge of my psychic territory and the castle . Anyone that sunk into my waters had their psionic strength absorbed completely.

The rest of my territory around my castle had been cleansed of psionic immigrants, however the X men and Fantastic Four still posed a problem.

I reformed as my usual psionic avatar and sent a message to Phorcys to check on his progress.

Phorcys reported back that his area had been cleared of unwanted guests by his army of sea creatures. I asked if he'd be willing to help me out with X men and Fantastic Four. He said only if he got a 70/30 share of the psychic spoils. I agreed.

The battle between X men and Fantastic Four had been settled and they were unified by the time we arrived. Luckily for me they had fought each other for long enough to leave them all sufficiently weakened so that we could tear them apart and drain their remaining psionic energy and memories without too much effort. :: ::

While SHIELD was busy with a downed Helicarrier and AWOL Avengers I traveled to the SHIELD outpost and picked up the Maddrox dupe on the way back to Alkali Lake as promised.

Alkali Lake 1000 hours

Once I arrived back to Alkali Lake I reunited Maddrox Dupe with Maddrox Prime. I sent Multiple Man off on a mission to confirm the locations of the top hundred prospects for recruitment and or genetic harvesting.

John arrived a couple hours later and I told him that if we were to be labeled as villains we should act like villains.

"What did you have in mind?"

"That old chestnut; Let's take over the world."

"That doesn't sound like you?"

"I have decided to embrace chaos and violence and become the God of Water. No more caterpillar soup for me."

John looked at me strangely and shrugged. "Did you have a plan for taking over the world Boy Wonder?"

"Yes." I telepathically transmitted the outline of the plan.

"Devious. I like it."

"Thought you'd like it. We may live forever you and I, might as well rule the world."

John left on his immediate mission to infiltrate Xavier's while I plotted how to deal with the one person strong enough and old enough to oppose me successfully.

:: Mental Landscape :: I skimmed through the titles of millions of new books in my mental archive until I had Tony Stark's, Reed Richards and Scarlet Witch's books piled in front of me at my feet. :: ::

I remotely hijacked some computers and emptied Tony Stark's bank accounts and donated it all to various charities. I used Tony's memories to hack into various government agencies to remove the records of my family from the databases.

I got a new cell and made calls to Sean, Luke, Peter Hale, Austin, Jason, Mark to be on the alert and to call my new number if they had any problems with the government.

Sunday June 27th 2004

I spent the day with the 'golem collective' in Antarctica and emptied my excess of hydrokinetic and telepathic power into them. Their strength had been waning for the last year as their reproduction and activities had drained their energy faster than they could replace it. They have complete control of Antarctica and several thousand of them are helping Jason with various construction projects at night to combat existential ennui.

Popped by Jason's to give him a bit of power bump. His power level had remained fairly stable during my power black out unlike the golems.

Monday June 28th 2004

I called John and Maddrox to check on their progress. Maddrox had multiplied and sent off his dupes to confirm locations. Dozens had been confirmed. John had successfully infiltrated the school assuming the place of a new student who he telepathically redirected to a nearby hotel.

I visited Luke's farm and asked him if he would like his powers back if I could arrange it. He said he wasn't sure, he'd have to discuss it with his wife (Grace). I provided more energy to the water golems I had left under his control. They had also reached level 4 sentience due to prolonged exposure to Luke and Grace's commands. I visited Peter Hale and the Lazaruses and updated them on the latest.

My ability to teleport is still not working so I've been traveling everywhere via 'body hopping'. It's become much easier since my exposure to the Mind Gem.

Tuesday June 29th 2004

I retrieved the Mind Gem from the lake to be deposited somewhere secure and nearby. I used a water proxy to inform Xavier that he should upgrade his security to protect the students. I shared with him Stark's tech to create a stasis shield over the school.

I visited Misty at Oasis Spa, the scientists were gone however two depowered Void Soldiers remained. I took my time and rehabilitated the two former mutant bigots into loyal guard dogs for Misty and the Spa. Once the Cure ran through their system in a month or so they'd be useful soldiers in the upcoming conflict.

Wednesday June 30th 2004

I leaked the information about the Void Soldier Project including footage of live vivisections and amputations of mutant remnants to the media with a note advising that I've sent it to other media outlets to ensure their participation in dissemination of intel.

Thursday July 1st I released Black Widow's shady background to the media. The tabloids have a field day with her infertility issues.

Friday July 2nd I released Hawkeye's murky history.

Saturday July 3 I released the information that Tony Stark created Ultron and incidentally caused the deaths of hundreds and the injuring of thousands more as well as the destruction of the capital city of Sokovia.

I also released information that Scarlet Witch mind raped Hulk into a rampage in Africa resulting in thousands suffering from inhalation of particulants of a destroyed building, property damage.

This helped deepen the American public's mistrust in the usefulness of the Avengers. As such the government has disavowed the Avengers in public while limiting the use of Scarlet Witch and Hulk in confrontations with telepaths.

Sunday July 4th

John completed his mission at Xaviers and returned to Alkali having acquired the genetic material of all the students and staff. We watched the fireworks and afterwards John demonstrates his new shapes and their powers and physical prowess.

John takes the form of Wolverine, Gambit and Colossus to fuck me and the form of Northstar, Iceman and Angel to get fucked. Despite fucking/being fucked by the hottest mutants I find myself missing the connection and familiarity I had with Hakeem. I find myself increasingly indifferent to life lately and sex seems like a waste of time.

Monday July 5th

Maddrox Prime visited for the public holiday and reports back on locations and activities of potential recruits.

Jamie and John leave together to get wasted then fuck around before continuing on with their mission. Maddrox claims to be 99% straight with the super powered bisexual orgy being a temporary bout of dupe related insanity.

I stayed behind working on improving my hydro-sense range. The only thing that amuses me lately is watching over Atlantis and seeing Namor rule over a underwater nation in his underwear without anyone commenting on it. It's so... odd, it helps to keep my mind off my increasing apathy.

Monday July 19th

I've spent the last two weeks improving my psionic observation skills and telepathic projections by haunting those who orchestrated and arranged the Void Soldier project until they confessed or lost their minds.

Today I released information that Thor's foster brother invaded New York solely to aggravate Thor. Used Thor's memories to access Asgard and told Odin via water proxy about how the great and mighty warrior Thor got his ass handed to him by a 16 year old boy and how he let the Mind Stone get into the hands of humans to empower a robot with delusions of relevance. Odin recalled Thor to yell at him.

Wednesday July 21

Used a water proxy to talk to Austin. He spent quite a bit of time yelling and trying to destroy it before settling down enough to listen to my terms. He'd get the deed to Avalon, the Stark shield tech and a NAP (non aggression pact) in exchange for providing John and I with access to his followers DNA and chaos magic extraction for selected depowered mutants. He eventually agreed.

Sunday July 25th

I invited John around to help me with step 4 of my world domination plan. I created a body with a resemblance to the President and taped 'him' having sex with John as Angel.

The resulting tape lacked a certain flair.

We visited Austin at Avalon and after a futile attempt to have us captured/killed which John easily stops by mind controlling everyone involved. Once Austin was subdued John as Jean combined our telepathy in order to force Austin to provide us with protection against magical attacks via chaos magic. As he's only a class 3.5 to 4 in magic ability, it really only serves to provide partial protection from Scarlet Witch and him, not the real threat on the distant horizon.

Monday July 26th I asked Mark for his help with our film project since he's graduated from film school and has his own little studio now.

We spent the day filming the exploits of 70 billionaires in New York (mostly Manhattan) for blackmail purposes. Some tapes were of sex with various women/men/animals, others were of drug use set against a green screen backdrop. The blackmail tapes were a last resort in case we needed to publicly destroy the image of the target. They were primarily for leverage in case we needed the sort of backing only the obscenely rich and well connected can provide. Most of the sins were real, the evidence for the moment was fabricated. If necessary, I could hack local security cameras or hire a private investigator to provide actual photographic evidence of misdemeanors and affairs.

My favorite was 'Bill Gates' being fucked by Mark Zuckenberg. The green screen backdrop that we filmed against allowed Mark to adjust the background to anything I suggested. Between the knowledge I had acquired via Mind Gem and my psionic surveillance I now knew a lot of dirty secrets.

Now that John has Mystique's shape shifting ability again he could take the shape of any human while my abilities at shaping and imbuing flesh with intelligence means we can have a sex tape with anyone with anyone.

Afterwards John took the shape of Jake Gylenhall to fulfill Mark's celebrity fantasy. I watched them fuck with mild amusement.

Wednesday July 28th

I visited Tony stark at night while he was asleep and gave him an incurable case of Erectile Dysfunction in retaliation for the deaths of my former unit members at the hands of an Ultron bot.

Saturday July 31st

Wiccan found me at Alkali within Cerebro 2 and said "Turn yourself in peacefully because I don't want to fight you."

I said "I will if you grant me one favor first."

He asked "What?"

I smiled and told him "I want to kiss John goodbye before I go. You can teleport us there. Then I'd surrender to Sean and the X men"

He asked "Why them I thought you had a violent falling out?"

I shrugged "They're getting the flack for failing to capture me the first time and letting me get away with what I've been doing lately. There are mutants that are suffering needlessly because of my actions."

Wiccan grabbed my hand and teleported us to John as Jean who wears an illusion of a big breasted blond in order to get closer to a mutant named Cannonball. During the teleport I use Rogues power for a microsecond for a taste of Wiccan's power and mind. What I find surprises me.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Wiccan had spent nearly every weekend of the last year training under Doctor Strange as a possible replacement Sorcerer Supreme. After fighting off Belasco together while in Limbo, Wiccan surges with post battle adrenaline and is unbelievably horny. Dr Strange with his mature face, lean muscular body and aura of contained mystical power starts looking more and more and more attractive. Dr Strange notices Wiccan looking at him and one thing led quickly to them both naked. Dr Strange demonstrates his skills as a mystically enhanced lover.

At first Wiccan feels odd about having sex with someone other than Hulkling but Hulkling had been gone for months fulfilling his obligations to his Skrull/Kree families and he misses the physical intimacy and mind blowing sex. Doctor Strange's body isn't as buff or as green as Wiccan is used to but Doctor Strange has magic... and links minds with Wiccan while he explores Wiccan's body with his agile fingers before kissing and licking and sucking on Wiccan. Wiccan finds himself moaning beneath Dr Strange's firm and hairy body as his beard tickles him as his mouth suckles on his neck and his 7 inch cock drives against his prostate. It feels amazing as Wiccan's rigid cock is stroked while his prostate is pounded with experienced pelvic thrusting. At one point Wiccan has his legs over Stephen Strange's shoulders as Dr Strange fucks him with shallow thrusts of the hips with a mouthful of cock which he mumbles magic words that causes his cock to enlarge.

Dr Strange's magic had enlarged Wiccan's cock to ten inches long, Dr Strange sits on his cock, his hairy hole clamping around his newly enlarged and sensitized cock. Dr Strange incants a spell to prolong their sexual stamina and Stephen rides his cock for half an hour to an intense orgasm. Afterwards Stephen performs another arcane spell to enlarge his own cock and drives it into Wiccan's hole while lying side by side, thrusting lazily but deeply until they both reached a final orgasm before drifting to sleep locked together after a long night.

The next morning Stephen takes great pleasure in cleaning Wiccan in the shower his touch lingering over various sensitive areas until they're both hard again. Stephen lifts Wiccan up and drives his still magically enhanced cock into Wiccan's hole in one harsh jab and proceeds to fuck him hard against the shower wall until dumping one more load of cum up into Wiccan.

After he left Stephen's house Wiccan started to feel guilty about fucking his mystical teacher and decides to join his bf out in deep space to help mediate the Kree Skrull War. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

"John turn off the illusion, it's time for me to surrender" he drops the illusion before he shifts to his default setting looking odd in a red evening gown.

Wiccan raises an eyebrow, failing to hide a smile.

John shrugs "I like to dress up. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No. It's fine. I have a shape shifting boyfriend I get it. Victor is coming into custody and he wants a goodbye kiss."

"It's the end is it?" John asked

"It's time." I said

"hmm." Wiccan looked between us again. "After this you'll go straight to Sean and the X men willingly to be transferred into SHIELD custody?"

"That's the arrangement. Yes. Sean, Xavier, the Stepford Cuckoos and any other telepaths will be necessary to trap me in this shell." I said as I made an up and down gesture to indicate the human body I wore.

Wiccan said "Do it and let's go."

"Can I have a moment to say goodbye to John first in private?"

He looked unsure then said "No" firmly. "I can't let you out of my sight, you might run away."

I smiled "Obviously going on a trip with your bf to settle the Skrull and Kree war did you good. You're far more cynical these days but even if I teleported out of this apartment you could always just teleport to my next location."

"I'll give you some privacy." He walked a few steps away, glanced back at us then away. "You have a minute."

John smirked "Cynicism is hot."

I checked Wiccan wasn't looking and telepathically communicated Quick this is what I've been waiting for turn into Maddrox

John shifts into Maddrox and I kissed him absorbing Maddrox's duplication ability through Rogue's power. I poke myself with a finger splitting into two identical copies of myself. I established a deep telepathic link with my dupe before I teleported out.

I watched with an `eye' as the other me is led away.

:: Xavier Mansion::

Wiccan teleports DUPE ME to the Xavier Mansion.

Wolverine extends his claws "You've got a lot to answer for bub."

"Logan" Storm said warningly.

"I've come to surrender myself so that you can get the government off your back."

Sean comes out with Xavier and the Stepford Cuckoos. "Victor? Is that really you?"

"Yeah I've come to play the sacrificial lamb and be crucified by those I came to help."

"That's not funny."

My dupe shrugs "it'll take me longer than 3 days to rise again but I'm only 19 so you'll have to cut me some slack." No one looks amused. "Tough crowd." The dupe sighs. "Let's just get this over with shall we?"

Xavier left while the other 4 scrape at my outer self telepathically to check that I resonate correctly and am not a meat clone or a persona proxy or one of my other known tricks.

A minute later a psionic bubble rises around the room with the X men in attendance. My dupe does nothing as the psionic bubble closes around him shutting out his ability to interact outside the confines of a humanoid shape.

Xavier and the adult X men deliver me to Nick Fury telling him that I surrendered myself and that I've been contained.

Nick Fury goes off to talk to Xavier while the Dupe is fitted with a neuro inhibitor collar by a couple of SHIELD Agents.

:: ::

Now that the X men and the government are off high alert, John, Maddrox and I can continue our plans undeterred. John, Maddrox and I split off to continue our own individual missions.

I called JJ and asked him to find the list of arcane books from Wiccan's memories so that I could study methods to protect against magic. I have a very limited supply of chaos magic inside me that I can use for very small spells so it'll probably take a while.

Monday August 2nd The X men arrived at Alkali Lake to dismantle Cerebro 2 as expected.

Wednesday August 4th

I used a few telekinesis clones to create an electromagnetically enhanced Cerebro 3 from the damaged metal.

Wednesday September 15th

I've spent the last week or so at Alkali Lake alone pushing myself to the breaking point to further my mastery of psionics, hydrokinesis, telekinesis and teleportation during the day.

During the night I work on modifying the Stark Shield for my own purposes. Even though I have all the memories of Stark and some of Reed Richards it doesn't make me as intelligent as they are. My mental library may have expanded but I still have to work through all the information and understand how it all connects up together to make a whole.

John has returned, having acquired the forms and abilities from some of the most powerful and dangerous mutants, mutates and aliens on the planet.

Wednesday September 22nd

I've spent the last week creating an island from scratch. First by creating an ice pillar from the bottom of the ocean to the surface, then building a dome around the ice pillar with a class 4 psionic shield over it. Then I slowly substituted the ice in the ice pillar with sand, squeezing it and forming rocks with concentrated TK. I take a bit of sand from every nation and from the sea floor. It would have been easier to get John to do it with Jean's power but this felt like something I had to do for myself.

I've invited the golem collective to help me guard it, over a hundred thousand showed up. I've also created 12 giant Ice Tritons to stand guard over the small round island at each point of the clock.

It's located on the equator between the French Polynesian archipelago and Hawaii

Thursday September 23rd I sent John a message and he arrived as Jean and helped me transfer the entire Alkali Base to this new island I've called New Atlantis. (Mostly to aggravate Namor who declined my generous offer to ally with his secluded and failing Atlantis and insulted me while he was at it.) I telepathically transmitted instructions to John on how I created the island and he used Jean's power to double the mass of the small round island.

Friday October 1st John has successfully gathered ten new powered recruits for the beginning of a new mutant run nation with no history of genocide, oppression or slavery. The most useful of these new recruits are Cypher, Cannonball and on a temporary basis Lila Cheney (in between music tours).

Cannonball can propel himself at superhuman speeds, has a near invulnerable blast field and has superhuman durability, essentially a flying brick but his blast field has potential use to boosting Stark Shield tech. Lila Cheney is an intergalactic teleporter, she can travel via tachyon field as faster than light particles, she's the first class 6 teleporter I've ever met and her power could potentially revolutionize transport.

I attached myself to Cerebro 3 after sapping Cypher temporarily borrowing his power of omnilingualism (being able to understand all spoken and written languages). Cerebro 3 boosted my psionics so I could create and manipulate water proxies in every capital city of every country (196 countries) in the world repeating a basic message.

^I come in peace. I have created a new land for the misfits, malcontents and marginalized. I will send my ambassadors in 24 hours for those who are interested.^

Saturday October 2nd

I sent representatives of the golem collective globally to find and collect new recruits to act like missionaries. Each recruit was marked by 'golem water' in the form of a tear drop on their cheek so that I could track their movements easier via the golem collective.

Monday October 4th 2004

After spending the weekend telepathically linked with Lila, my understanding of spatial mechanics has developed to another level. After some initial tests using gigaliters of water as a control substance to practice our combined control over water/teleporting over global distances and some entertaining failures involving water teleported into space we progressed to moving some of the 'golem collective' into place to practice on sentient psychic fields that could re-coalesce themselves if we failed. After relocating thousands of the 'golem collective' to serve as missionaries throughout the world we took a couple hours off to recover from mental strain then moved onto one last experiment.

I reached out to Dupe me still confined in SHIELD security and harnessing Lila's power I teleported off his neural inhibitor metal collar and reached out with our combined power and teleported him back to New Atlantis.

Using Cerebro 3 I told the golem missionaries to herd the new recruits to preprepared isolated locations in order to be teleported over via Lila's power. Combining my psionic overview with her teleporting power we reached out across the globe and teleported all the new recruits at once. I left John in charge of meeting and organizing the 20000 new recruits, most of them human, dirt poor and desperate. Lila and I were mentally exhausted by the effort.

I gave a short telepathic speech incorporating the poem on the statue of Liberty (sapping Cypher for a few seconds prior)

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Dupe me declined to be reabsorbed by me and I didn't want to kill myself or a version of myself so I'm stuck with a doppelganger for now.

Wednesday October 6th 2004 Turns out that I don't have the patience to deal with a hundred thousand complaints from the new arrivals so I made Shadow Beast a human body the same age and size as before he took the mutant suppression serum and uploaded his mentality into it. I sent him off to deal with the complaints as John was too busy floating about as Jean constructing new buildings out of rock. I was too busy shipping supplies via giant Ice Tritons from the nearby French Polynesian islands and monitoring the waters around us for threats of naval or aerial attacks.

Friday October 8th 2004

I called forth my creations to assist me in the creation of New Wave Industries. I would be the CEO of New Wave Industries while they each were CEO's of subsidiary companies, Jason headed Golem Construction which assisted John in the plumbing and maintenance issues of New Atlantis. Jake headed Aqua Vitae specializing mostly in desalination and limited hydroelectric generation. Jackie heads Panacea with some covert assistance from Peter Hale and the Lazaruses providing specialized medical care. Misty heads Oasis Recreations which is the company that runs Oasis Spa and handles high end clients and espionage. JJ runs the non profit Southern Hemisphere Counseling services using telepathic methods to heal psychic wounds left by abuse, neglect and psychic trauma.

Dupe me came to speak to me today, having recovered from his time in SHIELD custody and he wanted to know where we were going from here... I telepathically telegraphed an idea to him... We both shifted to water and mingled our water together to serve as a partial psionic merge.

He left my room to fulfill his new mission.

Wednesday October 13th 2004

The remnants have contacted Misty... I linked with Lila to teleport them to New Atlantis. We've been doing a lot of linking in order to teleport over new recruits. New Atlantis population has swelled to 50000 people so far. A lot of them have no useful skills but there is a lot of manual labor to be done and they're being put to work to help build accommodations and basic furniture.

Monday October 25th 2004

John serves as liaison for interactions with Avalon and Austin. I let John deal with Austin as our relationship is fractious to say the least. Austin thankfully has at least stopped his efforts at expanding his harem now that he has two screaming babies to deal with. Turns out his babies are immune to his telepathy and right royal little shits.

Maddrox serves as security for New Atlantis after having established contacts throughout the world that work in energy markets, security, government. I used his contact list and Misty's to offer my services to all the global movers and shakers to ensure my island nations profitability until the next century.

I offered hydro electrical generation of power, mass transport solutions and a subsidized army/ peacekeepers and high volume desalinization and limited weather control for the purposes of agricultural irrigation and healing. Helping to reduce world hunger, promote world peace and diminish numerous health crises.

Humanish (he still has over-sized feet and I've given his class 3.5 telepathy since his creation) Beast is now in charge of organizing and maintaining all diplomatic agreements with France and French Polynesia. John is still using Jean's shape to flirt and 'charm' various world leaders into recognizing New Atlantis as a new global player instead of a small island near other small islands. It's a long uphill battle though as the US has blocked our membership to the UN and continues to slander us in the media as a hot bed of terrorist activity and mutant violence.

As such we have had hundreds of spies wandering about as we allow anyone to visit. The population and the island has rapidly grown. At this point I have water proxies or one of the 'golem collective' conduct tours of the island as it saves time. The Stark Shield that I've redesigned to serve as a protective dome around the island is of great interest to the spies. I've only managed to get it to work for about 5 minutes at a time but it does serve as a great deterrent from attacks as I periodically turn it on. It does look very impressive as a shimmering blue energy field blocking all movement in and out.

New Atlantis offers free education for children and adults of all ages. Courses on various languages are provided via bilingual citizens for anyone interested. Self Defense and tolerance classes are mandatory.

8 New Trojan clouds patrol the skies in the shape of ice drakes they are to bring down any planes that violate our restricted air space. 4 Cthulhu patrol New Atlantis watery depths (for submarines) and 12 giant 100 foot Ice tritons guard the island's sea traffic while a hundred thousand golems monitor and secure New Atlantis on land.

Thursday November 18th 2004

Trade agreements with French Polynesian have been formalized. I've offered them ten thousand golems to serve as cops/guardians in Tahiti, so they can handle all the tourists/immigrants to New Atlantis. New Atlantis still doesn't have an adequate facilities for an airport/air travel and due to security concerns probably won't have any time soon.

We've started to actively recruit military veterans that are suffering from severe psychological and physical suffering offering to fix them in return for their assistance in protecting civilians. Due to their general poor treatment by veteran affairs organizations thousands have signed up to have their minds and bodies fixed with mutant power. Their immediate families (for some) have come along to make a fresh start with more opportunities than at home.

Wednesday December 8th 2004

Went with John to Avalon with a selection of 15 remnants who wanted to reclaim their mutantness as being a remnant had all the downsides of being a mutant with none of the benefits.

Austin reached out casually and absorbed the chaos magic within them (which I could sense with my new arcane sensitivity) and the remnants changed before my eyes resuming their previous mutant appearance. Austin said "LOCK" and with a gesture including them all created a class 4 chaos magic shield within them to stop their mutantness fading again.

Monday February 14th 2005 Valentines Day Celebrations. My love life is a complete non event these days as is my sex life. Watching over the many tourists that have come to listen to a concert with Lila and Dazzler performing along with mutant pyrotechnics reminds me that my life has become empty and cold. I have no idea what to do about it. Telepathically communing with the crowds happiness only makes the emptiness inside me worse.

I tried to focus on the new grimoire that I had acquired but my thoughts and my hydro-senses kept drifting...

:: Dupe Me Office:: Dupe Me handled paperwork in my/his office while also monitoring the festivities for security risks and maintaining the large scale hydrokinetic tasks (desalination, hydro-transport, hydrokinetic hydroelectric power generation) that has become commonplace.

4 men dressed in Lila concert tshirts walked into the office. I didn't think much of it as that office was for the general public to interact with the water guy as I was commonly referred to. John was the public face of New Atlantis, being charming and magnetic with the people while I took care of the day to day stuff with efficiency and general indifference.

Man number 1 said "Victor?"

"Yes how can I help you?"

"You can die." He struck a badge on his chest and ... :: ::

My hydro-senses couldn't sense inside the building that my/Dupe Me office was in. I teleported to New Atlantis armory and grabbed a couple of confiscated guns. I teleported outside the building and charged into the office where the 4 men were curb stomping DM (dupe me). He was bleeding from multiple wounds. I shot the 4 men in quick succession, aiming for their legs.

"Fuck" one cursed as he crumpled to the ground while the others tried to take cover behind the desk and one behind a heavy metal filing cabinet. I ignored them and handed DM a gun that he took with a bloody grin which gave me a flashback to Phorcys usual appearance. I hefted my dupe onto my shoulder in a fireman carry and had him cover my exit as we escaped the building and its negation field.

I healed Dupe Me's injuries just as he coughed up some blood...

"Let's see what this is all about." I said in the form of Matthew my previous life.

"Some stupidity I bet." DM said in the form I grew up in...

"Usually is."

We charged forth ready to deal with these interlopers without our powers armed only with our wits and a couple of guns.

The men had scattered, leaving torn up blood stained remains of bathroom towels behind. It was a good thing that the rest of my staff had been given the day off for Valentines day celebrations so that there would be no unnecessary collateral damage.

We blocked the exit with desks and heavy stuff piled on top so they couldn't exit easily. Together we stealthily cleared the building floor by floor. Every time we found one of them we threw them out the second floor window. By the time the 4th had been thrown out the window a crowd had formed around the secured (by golems) men.

We went outside and sapped the one that had the least damage.

They were a SEAL black ops team sent by the US government to assassinate me using a new Nhil weapon that blocked out a mutants powers in a small area.

I called up John who created a new prison out of rock via telekinesis. After they were secured I healed their injuries and welcomed them to New Atlantis as permanent involuntary guests.

Wednesday March 9th 2005

Relations with the US has broken down, especially as I declared New Atlantis and the 15 miles of territorial waters around it a no fly zone. I've taken to snatching any unauthorized planes to be added to my forces.

The US government has retaliated with a smear campaign against me and New Atlantis claiming that we're all terrorists and a rogue nation and a banana republic and so forth and so on.

Tourism and profits remain high despite the US's attempt to impose sanctions which were shot down due to John as Jean's telepathic persuasion and a bit of Humanish Beast's efforts.

Tuesday October 4th 2005

Anniversary of Founding Day. Big celebrations. New Wave Industries has made billions of dollars through Triton transport (Triton golems carrying ships/shipping containers across water), hydroelectric power, desalination, healing and weather control. While there are still lots of teething problems with New Atlantis (lack of self sufficiency) and racial, religious and political tension there is hope for the future as humans and mutants work together for a better future.

I tune in telepathically to the million or so people on the island to taste their thoughts and feelings as I find myself drifting further and further from humanity. New Atlantis and its people help to anchor me to my humanity. I no longer want or need food, sleep, sex or affection and without the occasional telepathic sampling of the citizenry it becomes harder and harder to relate to them. My power allows me to touch the world like few else can but the emptiness never seems to disappear for long.

I have a PR firm working non stop in promoting New Wave industries to both humans and mutants in preparation for NWI IPO. Once we are publicly listed the general public will be emotionally and financially invested in our future.

Dupe me and I have settled into a comfortable rhythm, with one of us maintaining our oversight of New Atlantis and international waters through hydro-senses while the other studies and practices arcane knowledge specifically spells and arcane rites of protection. One or both of us chant over John whenever he rocks up, though he's spending more time away from New Atlantis than here.

EPILOGUE 23 November 2005 New Atlantis

Something powerful hits me in the stomach and it feels like I'm burning and being stretched out on a rack. The pain is indescribably excruciating. All at once it's over and I'm left gasping in the ocean; New Atlantis and all its citizens are gone. I reached out with my hydro-senses and everything has changed. I head towards Xavier's furious and confused. The rage rises from deep within and the water ripples in my wake.

End Authors Notes

This will probably be the last chapter that I will post on Nifty other than a random supplemental world domination plan. I will probably continue working on book 4 as Victor won't shut up in my head and he wants to have adventures in space and time but I'm not sure this is the right audience for that. If you are interested in reading the final book despite the probable lack of sex feel free to email me and I will add you to the subscription list for the final book probably titled WARPED. Victor used to try to avoid making ripples. Ended up making waves... Now he will suffer the consequences.

Next: Chapter 41: Warped 1

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