
By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 16, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Authors Note

A nice character building chapter, with some sort of sweet sexy times.

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I aim to post a new chapter every week depending on the level of interest and how much alteration I feel is necessary after getting audience feedback.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via the donate link up the top

On with the story...

Chapter 4 Messy morning after

I woke up next morning to a strange sound, my eyes opened to a new ceiling. I was momentarily panicked and disoriented upon waking up to a different bedroom than the one I lived in for the last 16 years of my life. I turned to the side and saw Luke on his side snoring lightly with a sheet draped over the curve of his hip and the events of yesterday came rushing back to me.

I closed my eyes trying to block out the reality that my life as I knew it was effectively over. It was impossible to pretend otherwise with the sound of Luke's rhythmic snoring cutting off the option of either going to sleep or closing my eyes and pretending I was back home. I looked over again and Luke had shifted positions in bed and he was now facing away from me, his surprisingly tan naked ass on display.

I closed my eyes trying to ignore the guilt for seeing him naked but then I reminded myself that I had swallowed his cum last night or earlier this morning. That should entitle to me some early morning ogling. He wouldn't even know I was enjoying the sight of his naked bum anyway.

I looked over again and he had shifted again and now he was facing me, eyes closed, mouth open with his face relaxed and open like a child. Absent the confident strutting persona from last night he was just a sleeping guy and his cock was limp dangling on his leg absently. I felt guilty for perving on him while he was so vulnerable.

I stared blankly at the ceiling trying to figure out what to do with myself now. I didn't know what I was supposed to do today, my bladder was full and my cock was hard. A typically annoying morning dilemma, wank now and try and ignore the increasingly urge to pee or ignore my morning wood so I could pee. Of course I needed to figure out where the bathroom in this place was. There had to be one somewhere but last night had been a blur of events that I felt I had sleepwalked through and I hadn't even asked where the facilities were.

One of the most troubling events was sucking off Luke last night. How would he feel about it in the cold light of day? It was different with Ryan, we only saw each other at school and he would use my mouth and throat for his pleasure and ignore me for the rest of the time. Luke would sleep only a yard away from me and if he told Xavier what I had done, would I have to leave?

I rolled my eyes, I couldn't think about this when my bladder felt like it was going to explode if I didn't pee right THIS SECOND.

I slipped out of my new bed and moved over to stand facing Luke and his bed, I felt stupid but Luke was the only one I could ask given the urgency of my problem. He looked so peaceful and so cute lying there naked spread eagled. I nudged his shoulder; he merely grumbled sleepily and turned over onto his side.

I grimaced in pain as the urge to pee was reaching critical mass and my feet were twitching impatiently desperate to race to the nearest bathroom. I shoved his shoulder hard with my palm.

Luke flopped onto his back boneless and stared at me blearily "what the fuck? I'm sleeping!"

"Where's the bathroom? I need to pee!"

Luke chuckled and pointed to the other side of the room to a door I hadn't noticed "There, moron."

I raced over to the door, ripped it open, revealing a toilet and sink and let loose into the bowl. The relief was practically orgasmic, it felt so good to unleash. After pissing for what felt like a small eternity, the stream ended and I felt suddenly anxious about the silence from the other room. Luke hadn't seemed very happy about being woken up. I flushed, washed my hands, took a deep breath, and braced myself to deal with the fallout from the blowjob and the early morning wake up and walked out.

I was surprised to see Luke naked, stroking himself vigorously when I came out, he saw me watching him and he smiled shamelessly "Couldn't get back to sleep, figured I'd have an early morning wank "

"Um ok".

"Figured after last night there was no point in being modest".

"Well I'm definitely not complaining about the view", I said eyeing him up hungrily.

"Why do I get this weird feeling, like you want to eat me all of a sudden"; he laughed while he slowly stroked his cock and rubbed his nipple with his other hand. I didn't really know what to do with myself so I gave in to a random impulse and bit his hip lightly. I was shocked by my own brazenness but Luke pulled at something inside me that wanted to enjoy the freedom to be openly gay.

He grabbed me by my underwear pulling me on top of him and we ended up wrestling on his bed. He quickly had me pinned down by the wrists with the weight of his body pressing me down into his bed. There were a few inches between our mouths, it was hard to resist the urge to kiss his full lips, I bit down on my lower lip anxious not to push where I wasn't wanted.

"You look like a girl" Luke said smirking.

"Um okay", earlier he had looked like a fantasy and in the dark I could pretend he was anything I needed. Now he was so close I could see the golden stubble framing his face and his hair was sleep mussed and sticking out at random angles. I giggled a little, he looked a bit like a golden retriever I'd seen once with mud caked hair in the park one day. I can't say I was paying much attention to what he was saying when we were so close together and my cock was throbbing against his.

"What are you laughing about? " Luke asked driving his body weight into me, removing any distance between our bodies. I was finding it harder to resist the urge to kiss him, bite him or rub myself against his firm naked body until I creamed myself since he was so close and smelled so good.

"How do I even look like a girl, my hair is too short, I have no boobs and my cock is rubbing up against yours at the moment"

I tried to squirm out of his grip but he had me firmly pinned and my movement only resulted in us both groaning as we rubbed together. He felt so good against me, his hard length pressed against my boxer clad erection.

"I mean you look like a girl when she wants to kiss me or suck my cock."

"Let go of me".

"Tell me which one and I'll let you go ".

"Kiss you"; I said feeling my body heat from embarrassment.

He ground his erection against mine and let go of my wrists and our chests collided "Sorry" he said smiling at me unapologetically.

I tried to squirm out from under him but his weight had me thoroughly pinned, he was surprisingly heavy. Squirming underneath his body only made me hornier as our slick bodies rubbed against each other exquisitely. My restraint crumbled, my hands gripping his shoulder blades as I humped up against his hard naked body, overcome by the glorious feel of my body rubbing against his. He felt so perfect on top of me.

I eventually regained control of myself and slumped back deliriously close to the edge of exploding with lust. He hadn't resisted my mindless humping but he hadn't moved with me and I felt stupid like a dog humping someone's leg.

He leaned back looking at me with a half-smile highlighting his dimple as if I was an amusing novelty as I lay back struggling to get control over myself.

I pressed my palms against Luke's chest trying to get him off me so I could think, he groaned, his nipples hardening against my palms. I remembered that he had been playing with his nipple before so I rubbed my thumb against both his hardened nipples and he bucked his hips against me. His pleasure was my pleasure as he ground his heated length against my red boxers as i played with his sensitive nipples.

"More, harder" the harder I rubbed, the more he ground his hard raw cock against my erection driving us both closer to the edge.

I trailed kisses past his collarbone, I licked his nipple freeing my left hand to caress his back as he ground into me in his passion. I lightly grazed his nipple with my teeth "fuck yeah" and his teeth descended on my neck and a wave of heat radiated throughout my body from his teeth. I bit harder on his nipple and he started bucking his hips more erratically while I held his nipple between my teeth and his teeth dug into my neck. My cock was still trapped in my boxers and I was rubbing myself against Luke shamelessly. He came violently, jerking up against me as he spurted a hot thick load all over my stomach.

Luke slowly eased his teeth out of me and said red faced from exertion "So that was probably the most fucked up and intense non sex I've ever had"

I released Luke's nipple from my mouth "yeah that was weird, kind of hot though"

I could feel my neck throb and my wrists ache as we disengaged from each other and I tried to make room for him on the single bed while not touching him. I was fucking horny as, I had been so close but Luke came before I could surrender completely to sensation. Now we were lying face to face on our sides while we both caught our breath. His cum had cooled on my stomach while my cock ached for relief. I had no idea what any of this meant and my insides churned in confusion.

"You okay?"

"Um yeah why?

"You kind of went all serious there for a moment, just wondering if that was too rough for you or something, I think I was a bit rough on your neck, you'll probably have a hickey now, Sorry"

"not likely to be an issue, I'm just a bit confused, you're straight right " he nodded " and I'm not and you know that and that felt kind of intense with your mouth on my neck and you rubbing up against me like that and I don't know what it all means. Are you like bi curious or something?"

"You're such a girl ", before I could protest about him calling me a girl again he pulled me against him, his hand sliding into my underwear groping my butt. I groaned helplessly as I was pulled against the solid warmth of his body and his still stiff cock rubbed against my tent. "I'm straight but I spent most of my adolescence in an all-boys boarding school and I'm a new, new age guy. I'm comfortable seeing my mates naked as I've played basketball and football and spent lots of time around sweaty naked guys. I like the feeling of closeness you can only get with other guys. Admittedly I've never had a gay roommate but there was supposedly this gay guy in the year above me who loved taking cock in his mouth and in his ass. A part of me was repulsed by the idea but another part wanted to be in that year and have the opportunity to bury my load into someone, anyone. I settled for having wanks with a couple of mates. Now that you're rooming with me, I figured since you already sucked my cock last night and you're openly gay that maybe we could have some entertaining fun together" He gave my butt a squeeze "If that's cool with you, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to".

"Just give me a minute "I said as I pulled away standing up trying to regain my emotional and physical equilibrium, my foot hit the wet spot and I giggled a little to myself.

"What's so funny?"

"I stepped in my own wet spot"; he just looked at me curiously "When I was sucking you off I blew a load on the floor and I just remembered it now when I stepped on it" I explained.

"Well you got cum all over me too"

"Actually that's your cum I haven't blown yet today"

I turned around and stripped off my underwear, Luke squeezed my butt and I turned around with my hands over my cock feeling shy and insecure about my cock compared to his.

"So what do you want to do now?" he asked

"I'm not sure, what do you want to do?"

He laughed "come back here and lie down next to me and we'll figure out something fun to do I'm sure. I lay next to him placing my hand on his chest, idly tracing his red raw nipple.

"I'm sorry"

"What for?"

"I hurt you and now your nipple is red raw"

"I don't care man, that was seriously hot you biting on me, I've never had a girl do it for me and I've never realised how much it would rock. Going to have to find a kinky girl who doesn't mind biting on a guy's nipples during sex"

"Well I could always bite you again if you wanted, though I guess it might not be as fun for you as if you were doing it with a girl but um you know if you wanted to I could help you out, unless you didn't want to "

"Dude you're babbling, I'm fine and if you want to bite on my nipple some other time you're more than welcome to. Hell if you want to suck my cock any time you're welcome to, it was hot shooting into you last night. You definitely seemed to enjoy it more than most of the girls I've had sucking on my cock that's for sure."

I traced circles around his unmarked nipple and then I rubbed his hard nipple, Luke moaned and I licked his nipple and he groaned.

I nipped lightly at his nipple and he pressed me against his chest harder, I could feel his whole body shake as he started to stroke himself while I worked on his nipples

"Stop stroking I want to suck you off again" I demanded feeling bold.

"Fuck yeah man" he lay back and I took the liberty of kissing his nipple again trailing a line of kisses to his cock and then when he groaned with anticipation, sinking my teeth into the soft flesh of his thigh.

I nuzzled at his balls, then licked his balls, then sucked each ball into my mouth teasing him mercilessly. Then I deep throated his hard cock before taking it in hand while sucking on the tip as I stroked myself. I alternated between stroking his hard cock and then deep throating it. After some time he exploded into my mouth, spurting his load into me. It wasn't as big as the load from last night but it was still tasty.

I was still latched onto Luke's cock as he gripped my head and shifted position so he was on his side.

I didn't want to let go of his cock, it felt so right inside of me. I gripped his butt and just enjoyed the feel of his hard cock in my mouth.

He started patting my head "You're a good doggy. You like my bone, don't you? " I took his cock to the base and nodded slightly. "You're a horny doggy, you going to blow for your master"

I stroked myself mercilessly while Luke grips my head and started fucking my throat with long easy strokes. The more he fucks my mouth the hornier I get and the harder I grip my cock, a wave of heat and pleasure explodes from within me and I blast Luke's legs with my pleasure. He barely pauses as he continues to fuck my mouth faster. He tightens his grip on my head and spurts a trickle of cum down my throat.

"Fuck that was intense, 3 orgasms in a morning, 2 down a hot throat" Luke said panting a little after his last orgasm. My mouth felt empty without his cock in it so I leaned over to suck out the last couple of drops out of his cock, encouraged by him saying I had a hot throat. Ryan had never indicated his satisfaction other than with a load down my throat. I was very happy to keep sucking away on my big meaty prize for as long as he would let me. I loved to have the liquid proof sliding down my throat from a blowjob well done, it got me all revved up.

"Okay that's enough I don't want you sucking my dick off ", and then Luke yanked me roughly up by the hair and I scrambled up to prevent him from ripping my scalp off, he was surprisingly strong.

"Ouch" I said rubbing my burning scalp.

"Sorry, but you were hurting my cock there, it's too sensitive right now "

"Okay" I mumbled sulkily, my scalp hurt and I wanted to keep sucking on him, he tasted so good and felt so right inside me.

"Come here" he said, pulling me into a hug but my stiff cock was digging painfully into his hip. I pushed him onto his back and I seated myself just above his hips, his cock pressed satisfyingly against my butt crack.

I leaned into him grinding my erection lightly into his solid well-muscled abs. I pressed my face into his neck, he smelled like sex, sweat and cum and traces of a wood based cologne presumably from last night. I planted a small kiss at the nape of his neck enjoying the feeling of his body beneath mine. I kissed his neck again then licked him, enjoying the taste of salt on his skin.

He moaned so I did it again rubbing my hands over his sensitive nipples. I trailed kisses licks and nibbles all over his neck; I moved up to nibble on his ear lobes which made him really moan. He gripped tightly onto my butt, the length of his cock pressing more firmly against my butt crack. I was tempted to offer to get my lube from my bag so he could fuck my brains out but I didn't want to get up at all and risk losing this moment of sweetness/sensuality. I was enjoying having Luke underneath me rubbing his hard cock against my butt and rubbing on my butt and squeezing and moaning under my kisses and nibble and licks. This was definitely turning out to be a fun living arrangement.

I wanted desperately for Luke to fuck me as he was proving to be very relaxed about doing gay things with me considering how long we'd known each other. I was anxious though about having sex for the first time for a variety of reasons, Luke had a big cock and I had no idea if I'd be a good bottom for him or if that was too far, too soon. It was one thing to fuck myself in the shower with ice replicas of my cock but they melted when I orgasmed due to lack of concentration. My cock was only 6 inches and his was at least 9 with a lot more girth than mine.

"God you're a terrible influence on me" at which point I pouted and tried to look as innocent and puppy like as possible while grinding my ass against his thick erection. "I think your nickname should be Hound, you're like a dog with a bone or in this case a horn dog trying to hang onto my boner" he laughed a little at his own joke (I was less amused) "onto your side, I think I need to get you off again so you'll behave for a few minutes and maybe then, my cock can get some down time "

I was very excited about Luke getting me off, all the possibilities were intriguing; he could jerk me off, suck me off or fuck me. Part of me was hoping it'd be a fucking, his hard cock rubbing up against my ass was getting me all worked up.

His right hand snaked past my neck to pinch my right nipple, his hard cock slid warmly against my butt. Felt good to spoon this way, his left hand was on my cock and God it felt good to have someone else touching my dick, a beautiful first. Luke whispered in my ear "are your nipples sensitive?"

I shivered from the highly charged erotic moment of his breath on my ear "No"; he stopped pinching my nipple and started slowly rubbing my chest as he stroked my cock slowly with slow easy movements. It felt weird to have someone else stroking my cock since I had been the only one to touch it in the last 3 years of wanking daily. He stroked my cock differently to the way I was used to and enjoyed. Not that I wasn't enjoying his efforts, it felt good to be stroked by someone else, I felt so relaxed in his arms being stroked, I wiggled against his hard cock, aching to feel that monster inside me.

"Does hound want my bone", I was half tempted to tell him to fuck off about the nickname but it was the only nickname I'd gotten that was ever said with affectionate ribbing instead of malice. Luke had been so good to me so far, stroking me making me feel warm and fuzzy and taken care of like never before.

"Yes I want you to fuck my brains out with your bone".

He paused taking a deep breath, "I was talking about you constantly wanting to suck on my bone, I'm not sure I'm up for butt sex with you, it's still too weird a concept to get my head around right now". I couldn't see his face so I wasn't sure what mood he was in but it wasn't a definite no and I couldn't decide if I wanted anal sex or not anyway.

Luke's stroking of my cock sped up, I rocked within his grasp enjoying the feel of fucking a foreign hand and his hard cock against my butt.

As I moved I felt his cock slip and it was pressed right up against my eager hole. It'd be so easy for Luke to fuck me if he wanted. I wanted him so bad right at that moment. I would need lots of lube though to survive a fuck from his big cock. I resisted the urge to grab his cock and stick it in me no matter what he said. "Ok then" I said.

He gripped my cock firmly and whispered in my ear "blow for me Hound" and then he was nibbling my ear lobe. I'd never realised how erogenous my ear was, I felt all warm and tingly and gooey like I wanted to melt into his arms. My brain sort of switched off, I was a horny animal as I fucked Luke's hand pretending it was Luke's hot ass. It didn't take me long to reach the point of no return with his hard cock rubbing up against my hole, nibbling my ear. I pictured his hard dick inside me, fucking my brains out and it took me over the edge. "I'm Cumming" Luke's hand blurred as I came hard, body shaking as I splattered his hand and my stomach with my seed.

Luke asked, "Feel better now?"

"Much better" I said enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm and Luke's naked embrace.

After a couple of minutes I felt sticky, the pleasant afterglow faded significantly, I realised I felt sore, bruised and ached everywhere, even my hair hurt.

"So where are the showers in this place anyway?"

"Did Jean not give you the grand tour? "

"I kind of rocked up late due to getting here via greyhound bus, I think Xavier and Jean were busy cause they didn't tell me what I was supposed to do today either"

"Well we'll go have a shower and get cleaned up and then I'll show you around the mansion and then we can go into the city to pick up anything you might need at the shops while you're here. "

"I don't really have that much money, kind of left home in a hurry "

"Well you can tell me about that later if you like but you're here and you're my friend and I'll help you out if you need it", Luke said. I tried to stifle my emotions from making me say or do something pathetic as I was genuinely touched by his offer. It felt really nice to just lay in Luke's arms feeling relaxed and talking about stuff but I wasn't really comfortable feeling like a charity case.

"I guess I should figure out what to wear".

"Just put on some jocks and we'll head out, you can put something on later"

I went over to my bed and picked up my boxers.

"Here use these instead," Luke said holding up a pair of boxer briefs "you don't want cum dripping through your boxers, plus black hides a lot of sins ".I took the underwear to see what it would feel like to wear another guys underwear. After years of having to make do with mostly porn, I was sort of kinky and deprived of typical sexual experiences. Luke had already put on some dark blue boxer briefs and had grabbed a couple of monogrammed towels in the time it took me to put on his underwear. Luke was turning out to be stronger and faster than I expected. He put one towel over his shoulder and tossed me the other towel.

"Come on Hound let's get a move on" he said impatiently.

"My name is Victor, not Hound, shouldn't we put on more clothes" I said feeling anxious about being out in my underwear in a new place.

"Showers only like a minute walk away, I'm not going to put on a lot of clothes just to get undressed again then put on a different batch of clothes because those got dosed with sex, sweat and cum. You may need to put on some clothes you look like you've undergone some really rough sex"

I looked down at myself, my wrists had bruises in the shape of hand prints, my neck was throbbing in what was probably an ugly hickey and I was covered in sweat and dried cum. "That's one option I suppose"

Luke was mostly unscathed by our play, he had bed hair, reddish nipples and a light sheen of sweat and cum. The tight blue boxer briefs highlighted his package .The thin sheen of sweat coating his muscles highlighted his abs he looked like some well used sex god.

I did what I always did when I was injured I turned into water to recover and then back to normal healing all my injuries instantly. There was the unfortunate side effect of my hormones resetting and feeling horny again. I could also feel a vague sense of wrongness inside me.

"Well that's different, I guess I forgot to do the mutant show and tell thing before since you kept distracting me by playing with my cock", Luke said. From out of a glass bowl on his bed side drawers floated out some sand into the air and then more was coming and there was this giant ball of sand hovering in the air. "I can control earth, at the moment I'm doing sand but Xavier said later on I could move mountains if I work hard enough but honestly I'm not sure why I'd want to do that so the homework I'm supposed to do usually gets forgotten about or ignored most nights. My mutant name is Quicksand, though I might change it to Avalanche later"

"So what's your homework? " I asked intrigued to hear about someone else's power and training, I had felt alone for so long, it was nice to hear about other people working towards understanding their abilities .

"Every night before bed I am supposed to work on my control of my power and exercise my ability, most nights I forget or can't be bothered though. It's kind of a dull work out; I prefer doing sit ups and push ups instead, those results I can see. Practising improving my power usage often feels like a waste of time since I'm not supposed to use my abilities outside the compound except in case of emergency. Anyway so you can turn into water that must be pretty useful in a fight, you just turn into water and their punches go right through you."

"Actually that's sort of the booby prize of my power, I can control water in any shape and form, I'll show you..." This is where I realised there was no real convenient source of water to demonstrate so I engaged my water sense limiting it to the room and drew together the microscopic drops of water vapour together in order to form a small ice dagger.

"That's pretty cool always ready to pull out a weapon from thin air".

"Works better if I have a source of water nearby".

"Weren't you water before?" I looked at my skin, thinking about my water form.

"I'm not sure using myself as a source of water would be very safe. I don't really know how my powers work yet. When I change from flesh to water I still seem to be able to move and feel more or less exactly the same. I'll have to ask Xavier if he knows anything specific about my powers. I've just been trying random stuff with my powers in the bathroom. I've had limited opportunities to explore my abilities thoroughly because of the need for secrecy. I've had my powers for about 2 years but I still only have the vaguest ideas on how it works and what to do with it. Now that I'm here I guess I can spend as much time as I like exploring since everyone else here is a mutant so there's no need to hide my powers."

"Well you might want to pull up your underwear before you go outside" pointing at my nakedness.

My newly acquired underwear had fallen down mid morph without my noticing, when I morph from one state to another, there is a slight loss of mass that tends to make gravity win over my underwear, usually it's not so bad with pants on but underwear can be tricky sometimes.

"Thanks so what usually happens during the weekends here?" I asked pulling up my underwear.

"We get the weekend off to do whatever we want essentially , though there's a few extra- curricular activities and some power classes if you feel like attending, they're not mandatory. Mostly during the week we do the usual school curriculum you'd normally be doing, plus the occasional lecture about mutant responsibility, history, rights and current movements for and against us.You might want to ditch the dagger before going outside too."

I looked down to realise I still had the ice dagger in my left hand "Woops"; I dispersed the water molecules as evenly as I could throughout the room.

"That's pretty cool, but let's go Hound, I feel all sticky and sweaty, I'm definitely in need of a shower", and he walked out of the room and moved out in the hallway at a fast pace.

I sighed and sped up to catch him, until we were walking side by side. It was weird I felt all sorts of exposed being next to this hunk and feeling scrawny by comparison and also being in his underwear in a strange place. On the other hand I felt too happy to care too much, Luke said he was my friend and was turning out to be a really good guy letting me have my way with his body even though he wasn't into dudes .

It felt nice to feel like I belonged somewhere for a change and that I had someone that accepted me for being gay and a mutant. We passed a couple of guys on our way to the shower and they merely said "hey" and kept walking as if nothing was unusual about a couple of guys walking by in their underwear. Maybe it wasn't unusual for everyone to be casual here, they were only wearing board shorts and had towels too. They looked like they were off for a swim, probably in the lake I had sensed when I arrived. I had to remember to check it out more thoroughly later, it would be a great new place to practise my abilities. It would give me opportunity to try out more challenging things than the bathroom at home would allow.

Next: Chapter 5

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