
By wayne unknown

Published on Oct 4, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


Story Terminology

'Tk hands' - tk energy shaped into a hand to use as an invisible de facto hands.


Chapter 8 Recovery

Tuesday 15th May 2001

I woke up in a hospital bed with multiple tubes inserted in me and wires attached to my body. The catheter and tracheostomy tube in my throat were particularly uncomfortable and annoying. I groaned in discomfort and Luke came over from where he had been seated nearby and said "You're alive."

I croaked out "Water." I was unbelievably thirsty and sore.

Luke laughed and hugged me. The pain was excruciating and I blacked out.

Hours later I woke up surrounded by my friends and a very frustrated nurse who was trying to get them to leave the room so she could take my vitals.

Scale, Peter Hale, Wiccan, Hulkling, Luke, Grace, Sean and Mike were there crowded around my bed.

"Hey." Sean said "You're back. How are you feeling?"

"Hey," even saying that much was exhausting, my mouth and throat dry. I touched my throat and the tracheostomy tube had been removed and replaced with a bandage. I laid back down, eyes closed, letting the talking of the others wash over me as my head throbbed painfully.

A moment later a new voice was added to the din, I opened my eyes to find the nurse had returned with a middle aged doctor. He introduced himself as Dr Stevens. He passed me a glass with a quarter full of ice chips and said "sip slowly; give yourself some time to recover." I ate an ice chip which helped relieve some of my discomfort.

The others watched me, making me feel a little anxious. "What happened?"

"You died for a bit, but Hulkling tore open your chest and Wiccan zapped your heart into beating..." Mike said.

"Mike" Sean said warningly and Mike shut up and most of the others abruptly left the room. The pressure in my head increased. I clutched my head and noticed for the first time the bandages covering my arms, I shuffled over an inch and my whole body was encased in bandages.

Only Sean, Wiccan, the doctor and the nurse remained in the room watching me quietly. I looked at my hands and wiggled my fingers and they felt odd and I remembered that I was stuck in the `Matthew body' and groaned and looked over at the doctor.

Seeing that he had my attention again Dr Stevens continued "You're very lucky to have survived young man." He glanced at Sean and Wiccan before continuing "Now that you're awake, your recovery should be faster, barring any complications or infections."

I snickered, finding the whole thing ridiculous; it wasn't even my real body. "So what happens now?" I asked the doctor.

"You were in a coma for the last 4 days, so we'll have to monitor your condition closely for the next few days and run some tests. You seem fairly responsive and alert so there doesn't appear to be any significant brain damage. I recommend that you get lots of bed rest for the next week and from then we'll give you some light physical therapy once we've got all your test results back. Your friends seem anxious to speak to you so I'll come back later."

I turned to look at Sean once the doctor left the room and asked "So how dead was I?"

"Um. Very nearly. Before you..." he trailed off, presumably trying to find the right way to phrase it.

"Stopped breathing?" I said, trying to hasten the explanation.

"You kept muttering `Jacob into Austin' so when you were slipping away and I caught the tail end of what you meant telepathically and got Jason to help me crack your mental shield with the golem collective so that we could transfer Jacob into Austin's head to try and rehabilitate him. That's what you meant right?"

"Honestly I can't even remember, my head is pounding and my memory kind of shuts down after Austin started kicking me. What did happen with Austin anyway?"

"He's been locked up until we figure out what to do with him."

"I mean why was he so crazy all of a sudden?"

"Well Xavier thinks remembering fragments of two completely different lives pushed him over the edge."

"I'm so exhausted. It's ridiculous."

"Rest. We'll be around."

I woke up to Wiccan whisper chanting "Heal faster." Over and over again.


"Did I wake you up?"

"I don't think so." I looked out the window and it was dark now. "How long was I out?"

"Most of the day."


"The doctor said you'll be sleeping a lot while your body recovers."

"Mmm. How long have you been chanting?"

"Few minutes. I'm not sure how effective my magic will be with... "He trailed off making a circular motion with his hand "Wanda's magic interfering."

"It's okay; I could do with a break from the constant insanity of this life."

Wiccan looked nervous all of a sudden. "You do remember you're not a mutant any more."

"Yeah, hard to forget that fact. Where are the others?"

"Most of them got called back by Xavier, something to do with the government. Luke and Grace are talking to his dad. They'll be back shortly."

"Okay." I didn't know else to say. "Do you know if they're allowing me to eat? I'm starving."

"I'll go check."

Wednesday 16th May

I awoke again, to find that I had missed dinner by falling asleep while Wiccan was out. I shook my hood and saw Luke and Grace out of the corner of my eye. They were having an intense whispered conversation and hadn't noticed me waking. "What did I miss?"

"Hi" Grace said breaking off conversation with Luke abruptly. "Feeling better?"

"Sore and tired and really hungry."

"I'll go get someone to see if they can get you some lunch." Luke said.

He left. I looked after him thinking about how our lives had diverged. I turned to Grace. "So did you get to keep your powers?"

"No. There are only a few hundred true mutants left. None of us at the farm are mutants any more."

"Oh, sorry. Luke still looks massive though."

Grace laughed, a soft musical sound "He's strong but we're both human."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Happy, sad, worried about the future. I don't know. It's a lot to take in. We're not sure how we'll manage with the farm now."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to say."

Grace shrugged. "I know." She paused for a moment. "I don't know what to say to you either."

We both cracked up laughing. It hurt but it felt good to laugh. Luke walked in which only prompted us to laugh more at the bemused expression on his face.

When the laughter subsided my whole body ached. I wolfed down the lunch tray that Luke had brought, barely tasting it. Once I had devoured it, I had a moment to think about how different this was from what I had become used to, limited, and stuck in a damaged human body, powerless. Trying to distract myself from following that train of thought I asked a more important question. "Where's the toilet?"

"I'll show you." Luke said. I tried to get out of bed but found myself unable to work up the energy or extricate myself from all the hospital stuff without help.

After ten minutes and a different nurse detaching the IV and the catheter and disconnecting the cardiac monitor; Luke escorted me to the bathroom. He held me up while I pissed like a racehorse. It felt both oddly euphoric urinating after so long and completely foreign. "Well this is a nightmare." I said thinking about how I'd have to adjust to being a typical member of the human race again.

"You'll get better."

I made a non-committal noise and washed my hands before Luke practically carried me back to bed which was more embarrassing than romantic as his girlfriend was in attendance and I felt utterly pathetic. "Thanks guys but I should probably sleep. I'm exhausted again."

"Rest up buddy." Luke patted me on the head and said "Dad is covering the bills so enjoy your private room and 24/7 nurses." He winked at me while Grace squeezed my hand then they left and I overheard something about a sexy nurse outfit before Luke got playfully slapped on the shoulder.

Thursday 17th May

Peter Hale came to see me towards the end of my day of sleeping, eating and generally feeling like shit as I tried to amuse myself (unsuccessfully) with day time TV.

"How are you doing?"

"Shit. I can't have my family see me like this." I said gesturing to the damaged body I was stuck in. "They wouldn't understand. I'm not sure I do and I'm the one that did this to myself."

"I appreciate that it might be confusing for them but they're your family and they'll love you no matter what you look like."

"I'm not sure that's true and I don't think I can handle any more drama at the moment.'

"Ok, I won't push, but we're all here if you need us."

"Thanks for everything but I'd give anything to be able to go to the bathroom without a nurse present, it's embarrassing."

"I'll get you a wheelchair if that'll help."

I took a sip of a glass of water and asked "Do you still have your powers?"

"No and it might be for the best as public sentiment is getting worse with religious groups thinking that mutants losing their powers is God's judgement on us."

"Ugh. Just what we need, religious people telling us what God thinks."

"It's a lot of craziness for sure."

"Any luck reversing this thing?"

Peter Hale looked confused for a moment. "No one knows how we lost our powers."

I frowned confused. "Hmm, I guess I'll worry about it all later when I can walk again without an escort."

"You're a tough one, you'll be fine. It could be worse."

"I suppose." I said unconvinced.

"I'll let you get some rest." He squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks for everything."

"You're welcome. It's the least I can do for you after what you've done for my son."

I wasn't sure what he was talking about exactly, the painkillers leaving my thoughts slow and somewhat muddled.

Thursday 14th June 2001

It has been a very long boring 3 weeks, with the only notable achievement of any note prior to today have been reclaiming the ability to move about unescorted for walks to the bathroom and back. (DULL)

Mike came to visit today. He appeared in my room suddenly.

"Hey Mike, long time no see, I thought everyone had forgotten about me now that I don't have powers."

"No. We didn't forget. We've been trapped in the Mansion under the protection of the Sentinels. Today has been my first chance to get outside."

"Sentinels?" I asked the name sort of familiar.

"Yeah they're these 20 foot tall robots but with humans inside."

"Like Iron Man then?" Mike nodded. "Well it's good to see you anyway."

"I was wondering if you could help us."

"With what?"

"Getting rid of the robots."

"I'm sorry Mike. I can barely help myself these days but if you're having trouble with giant robots either ask Kitty to walk through them or get Storm to fry them with some lightning."

"Xavier thinks we need to cooperate with the government until things settle down."

"Try Wiccan or Scale then. I don't have the energy for any more fights at the moment but you could tell me how the search for Wanda is going?"


"The mutant who took away our powers, she changed reality."

He looked at me like I was crazy "What drugs are you on?"

I sighed having a terrible feeling I knew what had happened. "Never mind do you know what happened with Luke? I haven't seen him in weeks."

"I heard that he had to head back to the farm to deal with some locals who were causing trouble. Everything is shit now. A bus full of depowered students was blown up a week ago." Mike cried and I held him against my chest.

"That sucks" I said rubbing his back through his clothes, making small circles on his firm back. "Anyone I would know?"

Mike sniffled "Ghost?"

"The kid that could spirit walk." Mike nodded against my chest. I held him closer. "He seemed like a nice boy, though I didn't exactly get to know him that well." Mike half laughed/sobbed against my chest

"Yeah he was occupied." We smiled at each other as I remembered how Ghost had introduced himself to me after I had watched him get his ass pounded by Mike. My cock stiffened at the memory and Mike looked up at me with a mischievous smile and said "I always wondered what it'd be like to do it in a hospital." He looked down at my tented hospital gown and asked "You up for it?" and I nodded and he wrapped his hand around my stiff cock. I moaned as his hands moved up and down on my cock.

"Be gentle though, I'm still injured and heavily medicated."

He smiled as he rucked up my hospital gown exposing my 10 inch erection and wrapping his hot lips around my cock, teasing me with his tongue. I pushed down on his head, wanting more and he swallowed hungrily, hitting the root. I thrust into his throat and he backed away leaving me aching for more. He winked at me. "When was the last time you got off?" as he removed his pants and jockstrap, kicking off his shoes, his hard 8 and 1/2 inches jutting out.

"Way too long."

Mike gave my cock a quick lick before he straddled me, my cock sliding back and forth in his butt crack. He teased me, rubbing his puckered hole against the head of my cock. It was the sweetest tortured as I slid one hand under his shirt feeling him up while the other hand stroked his warm thick cock. I wanted him badly and he knew it. He kissed me as he lined up my cock with his hole and pushed down, after a second of resisitance, my cock was halfway inside him. "Like that?" He asked.

I tugged off his red cotton shirt and threw it on the ground with his other clothes. I groaned "Yes, god yes" as I slid more of my hard cock into his hot tight hole, his warm velvety insides swallowing my 10 inches easily. I grabbed his hips with both hands holding him down as I thrusted upwards. He felt so good.

He braced his hands on my chest and I stifled a pained whimper and took his hands in mine. He gave me a feral dominating smile, more bared teeth than smile as he pinned my hands over my head putting all his weight into it and said "Don't move." He eased himself up, half my cock lodged in him, then eased himself down agonisingly slowly. It felt good but I wanted more, I wanted to pin him down and fuck him hard but my body wouldn't move.

"Mike," I pleaded as he eased himself so that only 1/4 of my cock was in him and he lowered himself down again, until I had my cock all the way up inside him. "Please."

He leant down and kissed me, his tongue playing with mine as he moved faster, rocking up and down on my stiff cock. He let go of one of my hands, breaking our kiss, leaning back with the control for the bed in his hand. He glanced at it and gave me a wicked smile that made my balls tighten. He pressed a button and the head of the bed elevated bringing me closer to Mike. I grabbed his cock with my free hand, stroking him as I kissed him. Then my hand was pushed back as my other hand was released and captured. "No hands". He said, my hands pinned to the pillow by 'Tk hands'. Other 'Tk Hands roamed my body unfastening the ties at the back of my hospital gown and stripping me of everything but the bandages over my upper torso. "Nice scars" Mike said as his 'Tk hands' traced the Lichtenberg scars that ran down from my wrists to my shoulders.

"I guess". I responded, not sure how I felt about the branch like scars on both arms, they were beautiful in a way but also a painful reminder of Austin's attack and my own mortality.

Mike must have caught that my mood had gone dark because he stopped teasing me, freeing my hands and using his 'tk hands' and real hands to caress my body as he moved faster on my cock, rocking back and forth. I kissed him hard, my hands rubbing up and down on his back, squeezing hot handfuls of his firm butt as he rode my cock faster and faster. "Fuck me" he begged.

I held him tighter, slamming upwards into his slick hole over and over again, the sound of my balls slapping against his ass and our collective moans and groans loud in the room as I desperately chased my long overdue orgasm. "I'm close."

"Me too." Mike said, stroking his cock faster, his knuckles rubbing against my abs faster and faster as we rocked together, locked in a sweaty sexy embrace. I came hard, blowing a month's load inside him. It felt amazing.

He leaned back, one hard wrapped around his hard cock stroking himself rapidly as he rolled his hips, milking my erection of every last drop of cum as he worked himself to a messy climax all over my chest and stomach. He rested against me for a moment. "That was incredible. When did you learn how to do TK hands?"

Mike straightened smiling "Sean taught me while we've been cooped up and I've practicing it with Vader" he glanced away for a second "and Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler and Bobby."

"Sounds hot." I said as I slapped him on the ass.

He dismounted, with a blush. "There are a couple of good things about being locked in at Xavier's. There's some new mutants too."

"I bet you've been showing them a good time." We shared a smile at each as he pulled on his jockstrap and pants still sticky with my cum in him.

"I try."

"Did hospital sex entertain you?"

"It was fun."

"Good. As for the Sentinels, If they give you any trouble you and Sean are welcome to stay at Oasis Spa. It's got protective shields which should have survived the... "I rolled my hands about looking for the right words, my head feeling all foggy and muddied. "reality disruption wave."

"Thanks for everything. I'll tell Sean. " He gave me a long hot kiss goodbye that left me hard again before he gave me a jaunty wave again and 'disappeared'.

I lay there for a few minutes with my hospital gown on the floor, with a hard sticky cock and a smile on my face. After the cum had cooled and my cock had gone flaccid, I removed my bandages and had a shower to rinse off the sweat and cum. I glanced at the bathroom mirror and my chest looked like someone had taken a flamethrower to my pecs. I rebandaged myself and put on my hospital gown again and settled in to watch some TV.

When the male nurse popped by later to provide the dinner menu that evening I asked if him if I could borrow his cell to make a quick call.

He let me. I called Peter Hale and left a voice mail asking him if he would come visit ASAP.

Monday 18th June

Mister Beck came by and said "I'm here to apologise on behalf of the Hale family as they haven't been able to visit. Luke is dealing with trouble makers on his farm and Mr Hale has had the number of death threats against him and his family triple in the last month."

"Are they okay?"

"Yes, they're fine. I've set up defenses for the farm including electrified fences to keep out trespassers and I've been running security drills for Mr Hale's security team. They're just restricted from contacting or visiting until things settle down. In the meantime I'm trying to keep a handle on the situation as best I can."

"How can I help?"

"Luke could probably do with some extra help on his farm when you're feeling better."

"Thanks for telling me."

"Just doing my job. Get better soon." He said patting me on the shoulder lightly. Then he left to talk with the hospital staff.

Monday 25th June

I've finally managed to convince Dr Stevens that I'm well enough now to be an outpatient. I'll still have to go in for regular check-ups for the next few months to monitor my condition and adjust medications accordingly but I'll soon be free of this place.

Tuesday 26th June

I got picked up by one of Mister Beck's security team and driven to Luke's farm in Kansas.

I arrived at Luke's farm in the evening. They all welcome me back with various levels of enthusiasm. Luke hugs me, Grace kisses my cheek, Gill shakes my hand as does Set and Kermilla just gives me a smile.

Onyx on the other hand generously offered to share his bed with me while they work on building new accomodations. I accepted and he smiled looking relieved and the others kept their opinions to themselves as he leads me to his room.

Once we're alone he stripped naked revealing the full extent of how the reality wave had affected him."You're sure you want to sleep with me?" He asked unusually insecure.

"Of course. I like the way you say goodnight."

We smile at each other as I look him over. When the reality disruption wave hit, he must have been in rock form leaving him a REM, (short for remnant which is what former mutants with visible signs of their former mutantness are called within the mutant community). I touched him and he hardens. Onyx's skin is mostly dark black with small patches of white skin, and has the texture of living marble, he's now permanently 6' 4 and his cock grows to a maximum length of a foot.

I tried to suck him but his cock tastes like chalk so I pushed him onto the bed onto his back and straddle him. I lube us up thoroughly as I haven't been a recipient of anal sex since the 'reality wave' struck. It still hurt even with all the lube as I eased his very hard, thick and long cock into my now revirginised asshole. I took it slowly, until every inch of him was buried inside me. I took a deep breath as his cock hit bottom, his cock feeling like a baseball bat inside me as I brace my palms against his firm muscular pecs, enjoying the unusual texture of his skin. He tightens his grip on my hips and it hurts and I slap his chest until his grip loosens and I ease myself upwards until only the head of his cock remains inside me. I relube his cock and slide back down to the base. It starts to feel better and I start off slow, moving up and down on his cock while Onyx remains silent.

Once the pain disappeared and the familiar tingle of a massaged prostate overtakes I moan out "Fuck me."

Onyx said one word in response. "Yes." and he holds me tight against him as he gets into a seated position and fucks me with small thrusts, his mouth latched onto my throat.

I moaned as he fucks me, until he's half kneeling, banging me hard until my vision blurs and I cum without touching myself, blasting my load over him and myself, he doesn't stop, he keeps going, fucking me harder and faster until he blows a thick warm wet load in my hole.

When he pulled out I feel like he's ruined me, like there's a gaping hole inside me that won't be filled by anything but his cock. It feels welcomingly familiar. Afterwards I limped to the bathroom to deal with the mess. My throat aches from the stifled moans and groan and from what will probably be a hickey.

Wednesday 4th July

Life on the farm has been good, been helping out where I can and Onyx is making my morning and nights entertaining. I've spent the last week and bit doing light chores (feeding the animals, collecting eggs, patrolling the perimeter/checking fences for damage) and relearning how to shoot with rifles (line of sight, pressure on trigger, firing stance, effect of recoil changes with a different body).

Grace has been helping me learn/remember how to cook. I'm still taking various medications to speed up my recovery/deal with pain and I think it's messing with my head. Sometimes it feels like I'm suffering from chronic déjà vu and memory loss at the same time. I've called Dr Stevens to ask him about it but he doesn't think it's anything serious.

I've lost access to the mental landscape so I can't access my mental archive directly to recall information I've picked up through telepathic means but sometimes if I think about something long enough, I'll remember bits and pieces, like Tony Stark's memories about hacking. Even as a non-mutant, I'm still suffering weirdness. Maybe it's just me.

Thursday 26th July

Despite enjoying farm life with Onyx fucking me at least twice a day and recovering my strength I've been feeling increasingly restless and adrift lately. Mister Beck visited today and regaled Luke and me with tales of his time with the SEALS. I asked him about how he became one.

He told us that once a man survives HELL Week he knows what he's really capable of.

I laughed, it's been a messed up couple of years. A week of sleep deprivation and tests of physical endurance seems simple in comparison to the weirdness and insanity I've endured. He also mentions that a High school completion is necessary as is a clean background security check.

Friday 17th August

I've finally completed my GED requirements. I've spent every day since Mister Beck's visit upping my exercise regime so that I'm fit enough to pass the PST (physical screening test). I spend my spare time swimming laps in the nearby lake, doing sit ups, push-ups and running laps. Luke is my exercise partner, he helps me practice unarmed combat against someone bigger and stronger, he keeps me company whenever he's available, which isn't as often as I would like. When he joins me in swimming he usually does so naked, I swear Luke likes torturing me with his unavailability. It's hard to hide my 10 inch erection when I'm soaking wet in a shirt and speedos (I'm still self-conscious about the chest scar). I get back at him by having really obnoxiously loud sex with Onyx at night and in the early morning and sometimes during lunch breaks.

Luke has managed to hire 23 new guys last week from a neighboring town to help with all the work that used to be done with his golems. They still have the 100 golems I left behind but they're not very smart and require supervision and verbal orders from either Luke or Grace. I've been assigned by Luke and Grace to help feed the guys and look after them while they get set up in their own little bunk house away from the main house. They sleep in bunk beds and I pop by early in the morning to serve them breakfast. They're very butch, fit and often in a state of undress in the mornings/nights which I find very appealing even though some of their bodies are much better than their faces.

Saturday 1st September

My PST scores are finally just above minimum requirements.

I've told the others that I'll be leaving soon. The work crew booed when I told them, complaining about how they'd miss me serving them breakfast in bed. Luke said that Set would replace me in taking care of the men by the end of the week. Set didn't seem overly enthused by the prospect.

Friday 7th September

During a late night swim one of the newest members of the work crew named Andrew, a 20 year old with a boyish face, dark hair, and lean wiry body came and asked "when are you leaving?

"Early Monday morning."

"Oh" he said and he just stood there as I toweled myself off, watching me and something about the way he watched me, somewhat nervously, gave me an idea of what he wanted. I hardened at the thought and his eyes were glued to my bulge, which confirmed my suspicion.

I moved closer to him until there was barely any space between our bodies and asked "Is there something you wanted?"

He stared at my face and gulped audibly. I smiled at his nervousness and I took his chin between thumb and index finger and gave him a light kiss to test the water. He kissed me back, hard and sloppily, hands tugging at my shirt. I gripped his wrists hard stopping him, he pouted. "What's wrong?"

"I have something else wanting attention." I said, groping my cock and rearranging it upwards so that some of it popped out of the speedos.

He dropped to his knees and kissed my bulge, he looked up for approval and I nodded and tugged down my speedos, upon seeing my cock for the first time exclaimed "Wow! That's big." Before trying to cram it all in his pretty mouth. He was eager but kind of clumsy with the teeth.

I pulled him to his feet. "First time?" I asked. He nodded, his pale cheeks coloring red. "It's okay, I'll show you."

I dropped to my knees and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans lowering them to reveal tighty whities. I tugged those down forcefully, revealing a nice cut 7 inches. I wrapped my lips around his cock, bobbing up and down while Andrew moaned clutching at my head as he humped my throat. His thrusts getting faster and more erratic until he moaned out "I'm going..." and blew his load down my throat. I smiled around his cock and looked at his blushing face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that so quick but it felt so good." He babbled.

"It's okay. It happens." I stood up.

We stood there for a moment, naked from the waist down, looking at each other. "I really want that inside me but I don't think it'll fit."

"Don't worry, you'll take it fine. Just give me a moment." I left him standing there naked and popped by Onyx's/my room. "Just need to grab the lube. I'll explain later." I said as I raided the drawer for the lube

Onyx just looked at me, all tucked into bed reading an action adventure novel waiting for me to finish my swim so we could have our typical good night fuck. He just smiled. "Same old hound dog."

"You can take the mutant out of a pervert but the pervert will still be a pervert." I left the room, hearing Onyx's chuckle down the halls. When I got back to where I had left him, Andrew was fully clothed again. "Change your mind ?"

"No. Just didn't want to freeze to death while I waited."

"I'll keep you warm." I kissed him, enjoying having him respond as we stripped each other naked in between kisses and groping. Onyx was a good fucker but he didn't like it when I tried to kiss him and our sex life was definitely one sided. It was good to be wanted by someone who liked the cock and would kiss me and suck me and let me fuck them.

He placed a hand over my chest, tentatively touching my scar. "Does that hurt?"

"Not as much as it used to but it helps me remind me of the past."

"I love scars, I think they're hot." I looked him over at his smooth unblemished white skin with only light covering of hair around his legs and around his cock, his chest completely hairless and marveled at the thought.

I kissed him again, until he was breathless and his cock leaked precum against my abs. Then I turned him around pushing him against a tree, tonguing his tight hole, until he was begging for it. I eased in one lubed finger, then another sliding it in and out, scissoring as he moaned like a bitch in heat, then I stood up, lubing up my cock and lining it up with his hole. "You ready?"

"Oh yeah baby fuck me." I pushed past his tight anal ring, burying the head of my cock in him. He stifled a moan? groan?

"You okay?"

"Yeah just go slowly."

I grabbed his cock with one hand, stroking him slowly while with the other holding onto his hip as I eased inch after inch of my stiff cock deep inside his tight hole. After a few minutes of carefulness I've buried my cock all the way inside him. "I'm all the way in. How you doing?'

"Thank fucking God." He pants.

"Want me to stop?"

"No just give me a moment, you're so big."

I waited a moment and slowly move out and back in and he moans/groans softly. I do that for a few minutes, slowly picking up speed with thrusting, stroking his cock, kissing of his neck. "YOu're so tight and warm."

"Mmm fuck me hard." He held onto the trunk of the oak tree with both hands as I pull out leaving only a 1/4 of my cock inside him before slamming back into him. He moaned. "Yeah fuck me you big bastard." I hold onto his hips with two hands as I nibbled on his right ear lobe as I slammed his hole with increasing speed and force as his incoherent moans and whimpers escalated in frequency and intensity.

I shouted "OH GOD YEAH." as I dumped a load of cum, deep in his rectum.

Once my breathing settled I reached around to stroke him to climax but his flat abs were sticky with a spent load. "Did you cum?"

"Yeah I blew like 20 seconds before you did." He said slumped against the tree. "I'm totally fucked."

"Well I hope you're not too sore." I said as I eased out of him.

"I won't be able to sit down for a week but it's totally worth it."

I rinsed off my cock with some of the pond water. "You're very welcome, if you want a repeat performance before I leave let me know."

He limped away with a muttered "okay".

I went back to bed and told Onyx all about my adventure, it made him very excited and hard... We ended up sneaking through the house with him naked and he fucked me hard and fast against the same tree a couple of times.


During another late night swim Andrew finds me again and he wants more...

I take him back to my bed and I fucked him for a few minutes while Onyx watches, then he lubes up his cock and slams into my hole as I slam Andrew's. I dump a load into Andrew after Onyx dumps his load into me and Andrew splatters us both when he blows.


Morning I woke up to Andrew straddling Onyx's hard cock, bouncing up and down like a rodeo cowboy. I look over amused at how far he came in such a short time. Reminds me of me, greedy. I joined in, standing on the bed and fucking Andrew's boyish face over and over again until I dump a load down his throat. Andrew splatters his load all over Onyx's torso and Onyx grunts out an orgasm into Andrew's broken in hole. Twenty minutes later Onyx starts pounding my hole with me on my back as Andrew fucks my mouth.

After they both dump their loads into my throat and ass. I got dressed and organized. I come out to find that the others had organized a going away breakfast party. Grace and Kermilla titter upon seeing Onyx and Andrew coming out with us, Luke smirks, Gill and Set look uncomfortable.

Kermilla looks like an average human girl now, while Gill looks like a normal human guy only when he's wearing a turtle neck, his gills are less pronounced now but visible if you're looking for them or are observant. Grace feeds us honey soaked waffles. I'm going to miss the farm and everyone.

Then I'm out the door and Luke gives me a long hug goodbye and I can feel his erection pressed against mine. It's awkward because I want to say so much to him but I can't because of our audience which makes me miss telepathy all the more, Onyx also gave me a hug but he openly groped me and Andrew gives me a kiss goodbye. Andrew kiss is a bit hesitant at first but he gets into it quickly and I have to pull away before I throw him down and fuck him again.

I leave the farm with a 4wd that Grace and Luke give me for my trip. I thank them both for having me, Onyx fails to smother a laugh and Luke punches him semi playfully in the shoulder and Onyx simply sticks out his tongue at Luke. I leave for the nearest recruiting station, feeling sad and hopeful.

Tuesday 11th September

Visited a Navy Recruiter and said that I wanted to enlist under the SEAL challenge. The male recruiter (mid 40's mildly attractive) walked me through the details and I signed up with my false name (Matthew O'Reilly) and backstory.

Another new start, hopefully this one suits me better than farm life.

The media and public have dubbed the reality wave stripping mutants of their birthright as the Mutant Decimation. Honestly it feels like it was a Mutant Devastation, 99.999% of the mutant population has been depowered. We've gone from disliked to critically endangered overnight.

I haven't had much contact with my previous life. Some mutants are under the dubious protection of Xavier, other mutants are living as PANS Passing As Normals in human world, REMS are living in mutant town or scattered, the remaining true mutants that aren't aligned with Xavier are scattered far and wide. As for my created family Jake is in Israel trying to fulfill the desalination contract, I've left Misty in charge of Oasis Spa, Jason and Justin are living in Sydney, Australia with Justin studying dance and Jason doing construction work, JJ is studying psychology at Oxford University and Jacob is in Austin's head wherever that is. I sent a letter to my family telling them that I was injured and I won't be able to visit them for a while because of unexpected complications. I didn't leave a return address.

I'm still not sure what happened to John. He's gone completely off the grid. Nobody I've talked to knows where he is. It's worrying but there's nothing I can really do about any of it at the moment. I've decided to live a new life in the human world as a PAN and see how that goes. It might help to give my life a little more direction.

Next: Chapter 38: Voided 9

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