
By wayne unknown

Published on Sep 13, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


Story Terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

'Linked' – telepathically attaching to someone else to experience their sensations (sometimes emotions or thoughts).

Tk – telekinesis/telekinetic

'hands' - refer to ice or water hands used as de facto hands

'Tk hands' - tk energy shaped into a hand to use as an invisible de facto hands.

'Hydro sense' – 'eyes' external sight and hearing through vibration of water molecules, 'hands' touch. (missing smell and taste)

'Psychic shadow' – a copy of someone's mentality that's subtly different from the original personality due to the effects of not having a body and varying experiences post separation.

'Psychic clone' - a physical copy of Victor, infused with psychic energy equivalent to a class 4 telepath with no independent thought or action.

teleport hops - teleports that range from a few feet to a few miles. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Chapter 6

Thursday April 19th

I woke up alone in my bed at 8 am and reached out with hydro kinesis and recreated the 5 `Trojan clouds' to resume their aerial surveillance duties. I scanned the house and everyone else was still sleeping off last night's fun. Those that remained were the J's, Centaur, Scale, Razor, Northstar, Kyle, Luke, Grace and Peter. All the other partygoers had left while I had been asleep.

I looked around and found that the damage to my bedroom wall had been repaired as had the damage to the road.

I lay in bed for a while thinking about my birthday and feeling the aftereffects of disassociation, alcohol, narcotic cum and conducting a telepathic sensory sexual concert.

A few hours later after those remaining were up and about and getting a late breakfast I asked to talk to the J's privately in my study and once gathered I asked them what they planned to do now with their lives. They told me.

Jackie wanted to return to Avalon with Centaur as they had built a life together there. Jason would visit there temporarily before deciding what he'd do next. Justin wanted to return to Sydney with Aaron. Jake wanted to stick around the day spa for a while and relax. Jacob wanted to return to the mental landscape to continue his talk therapy on the `psychic shadows'.

I asked Northstar before he left to talk to Josh/Elixir about helping other people with HIV/AIDS as he's such a public proponent of prevention and treatment and he might be able to convince Josh to be of use to the non mutant community. (Josh is still not a fan of mine after the golden hand incident). I suggested that if he got Josh on board that Jackie could provide hydro sense assistance.

After lunch it was only Peter, Jake and me left.

John arrived at 2pm smiling like the Devil with a new soul.

I asked "Fun night?" He nodded. "Did you repair the damage to my wall?"

He said "Yeah, I didn't get you anything else for your birthday, least I could do."

"Thanks for being there."

"Hell of a party kid."

"Yeah it was" I stared off into the distance for a moment lost in the memories and sensations of last night before remembering that I still needed his help. "Could you reinforce the inner walls and floors with Magneto when he returns from wherever he's gone?"

"Yes sir" John said with a salute and smile before heading off to his room, dressed in someone else's clothes.

I ignored his chronic insolence and went to deal with the clones'. I went to my private level of the bunker and drained and dispersed the remaining clones' and trialed a new method of travel to visit Sean.

I arrived at the mansion around 10:30 pm.

Sean was reading a book about psychology alone in his bed when I manifested in his bedroom.


^Yes^ I water voiced as I manifested myself a body of water.

He put his book aside and I shifted to flesh, stretching to relieve the soreness of aching muscles and mind.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying a new form of travel. Mind if I lay down for a bit?"

"Use Mike's bed." He said, getting himself into a seated position, dressed only in briefs.

I fall back onto Mike's bed face down and closed my eyes shutting out everything as I waited for my mental energy to recharge. After a few moments to recover my mental equilibrium I asked "Doing a bit of light bed time reading?"

"Thought I'd read up about how norms think about the mind. I had a talk to Jacob during the party and he made some interesting points about Cogito ergo sum."

"I think therefore I am. Yes I'd imagine it's a position he'd take considering his origins."

"What's it like to create life?"



"Once they're out of my control, they could do anything. It's somewhat troubling."

"Do you think they're likely to do something wrong."

I shrugged, the motion feeling odd while lying down eyes closed. "We're all capable of making mistakes and I've given them power and in a way I'm responsible for everything they might do."

Sean said nothing for a while and I soaked in the silence as my mental gas tank slowly refilled drop by drop. Sean returned the subject back to his original question. "What did you mean by a new form of travel?"

"You know astral projection." I heard a rustling and assuming he had nodded, continued. "It's like that in a way, except I don't exactly abandon my body in one go. I shift to water and I travel through the air as a water bubble then as I go too fast I sort of evaporate and I start to travel psionically, travelling through ambient water and manifest my body at the destination point. I call it ex corp body hopping or body hopping for short."

"That's different. Does it work?"

"Sort of, still at the trial stage, I have to stop once my thoughts start to fragment, gather a body of water, then shift to flesh, and then wait five to ten minutes to recover my mental strength and move again."

"Sounds slow."

"It is but once I master it I might be able to travel at the speed of thought."


"Yeah. That is one of the problems; I can't move anything else with me at that speed, clothes, cell phone, and money. That and I have to stop frequently to recover my mental energy. It's a work in progress but I took your advice to heart and I won't be using clones' to boost my power any more. It's too much of a slippery slope morally. You know that old chestnut. Absolute power absolutely corrupts'."

"Good. I'm glad, that whole setup in the basement was creepy."

"Yeah it was a bit. So did you have fun at the party?"

"It was definitely memorable I'll give you that."

"You and Lachlan okay? I know how he gets. "

"Yeah, just taking some space at the moment, living in the same school can be a bit much, too easy to get too entangled in each other, especially with my telepathy, boundaries can blur."

"Fair enough. Where's Mike tonight?"

"I have no idea. He's probably out getting into some sort of trouble."

"Not concerned?"

"He's old enough and powerful enough to look after himself and if he gets into something he can't handle he knows how to strum the connection to get my attention."

"Any interesting gossip?"

Sean laughs. "Isn't that what JJ and Justin are for?"

"Not any more. JJ is off to college once I can arrange it and Justin is off to Sydney, Australia with his former boyfriend."

"Are you okay with that?"

"I told them that they were all free to do whatever they wanted. I don't want to be a needy God demanding constant attention from my children/creations. Their lives are their own. Free will and what not."

"Oh. How do you feel about that?"

I laughed, opening my eyes and getting into a sitting position. "You sound like Jacob sometimes, or maybe he sounds like you, always probing for my feelings and thoughts. I'm fine. It was time to make a fresh start. My main focus is to build up the day spa and protect mutants and myself from those who want to kill us. "I stretched out yawning. "Time to get back home. Hopefully the return journey will be easier on my mind." I stood.

"Do you think you can resist the temptation of gaining power now that you've had a taste?" Sean asked looking concerned.

"Meh." I shrugged "The clones' made it easier to do certain things but the power made me impatient and irritable." Sean seemed unconvinced. "Or made those underlying traits in me more obvious." I gave him a grim smile and shifted to water, teleported out of his room and sped through the air using hydro kinesis until I was but a thought and I body hopped' until I got back to `Crash'. The return journey was about 20 minutes shorter than the trip outwards. (Slow progress)

Friday April 20th 2001

I practiced `body hopping' for most of the day while John and Magneto reinforced the houses for maximum protection. During my outings I picked up the most expensive and selective food and drink in the area (preordered via phone) so that Peter/Cornucopia could replicate them for me to help stock up the inventory.

Saturday April 21st 2001

I sent a message for all the mutants to meet at `Splash' after digging out more of the area under the Splash study to create a new wine cellar.

New members in attendance were;

Graymalkin a greyish skinned gay 200 year plus guy who looked like a teenager who had been buried alive over 200 years ago after being caught with another dude in a barn. Apparently he's a distant relative of Charles Xavier. Powers increased by light deprivation including super strength, minor invulnerability and longevity.

Phat a former gangster with the ability to increase his fat deposits to make him larger and fatter, a fairly weak ability and a survivor of the Alcatraz battle.

Striker a young 15 year old boy with electrical generation abilities and part time member of the Young Avengers team.

After the meeting broke up I asked Wiccan "Could you take over duties of running the QSA? I don't think I'll have the time organize or attend them with everything going on."

"I'll think about it." He said.

Night time I used free ranging psionics to read and play Diablo 2 to exhaust my mind while I alternated between mine and `Matthew's body' to swim laps to exhaust my body.

Sunday April 22nd

I visited the family travelling via high speed hydrokinetic bubble (so I could keep my clothes). We did lunch in town. I faked eating so I wouldn't have to explain how far I'd drifted from the rest of them. My old life felt awkward like an ill-fitting suit. The random townsfolk wanting healings ruined whatever semblance of normalcy an outing with family had. I obliged them to get rid of them but there seemed to be a near endless supply of them once word got out about my presence in town.

Monday 23rd

`Body hopped' to Israel. I got there far earlier than I thought I would.

I had to borrow a phone from one of the locals (who I used a bit of telepathy on to settle him down, skimming his mind for the local language and to get directions to hotel) while in ice form so I could call Shatterstar and Wiccan to arrange transportation of clothes, cell phone and money.

Wiccan teleported (via spell) himself and Shatterstar to my current location with the stuff I asked for so I could book into the hotel. Shatterstar stayed with me so he could serve as back up for me and teleport me back to `Splash' later. We shared a hotel room and chatted late into the night about his former life, I found it fascinating.

Tuesday 24th

Had my meeting with the Arab oil tycoon who had interests in the Israel region. He arrived with 2 guards at his side and Shatterstar said hello. His security got a bit anxious and twitchy upon sighting Shatterstar's many weapons and drew their guns on him demanding him to disarm himself. I performed a limited mind snatch on them, making them temporarily forget their training, bringing them down to their knees clutching their heads. I teleported their weapons into my hands until they settled down. One of the guards is a former Mossad agent; I archived his training for later perusal.

After that unpleasantness was over we discussed the terms of the potential business arrangement. He needed 2 billion cubic meters of fresh water to meet the water deficit of the area as a short term solution until he could finish building several desalinization plants in the area.

As such he wanted to see a demonstration of my power to see if I could meet the demand. I walked outside into a market place plaza with Shatterstar beside me and the 3 of them following a few steps back. I stopped and reached out with my power to draw up the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, controlling millions of gallons of salt water as I moved it to our location. Hovering it above us. They looked up as I swirled it around us, carefully extracting salt so that it rained down upon us in a circle. Then as the mental strain grew I partially froze the water and spread it out, causing an unprecedented snow storm in Israel.

I smiled and said "Proof enough?"

He nodded, awed at my power.

I told them that I could use the Mediterranean Sea to provide water but it would require lots of containers to separate out the salt and water so as not to damage the local ecosystem.

He seemed impressed and said he had a meeting next Wednesday in the Washington area to discuss other business interests and we'd finalize our arrangement with contracts then.

I offered him the use of my day spa as a place to stay. He asked what the name of the place was. I thought about it for a second and responded with "Oasis Spa."

After the meeting Shatterstar teleported us back to Splash'. The trip leaves him drained of teleport energy so I asked him if he wants to have a training session. He said yes. We spent a few hours working on sword play. Afterwards I scanned his body to provide inspiration to improve the Matthew body' later to be more like his, with his superior agility, strength and healing.

After a short break I asked Shatterstar if he'd like to learn some old school Greco Roman style wrestling. He said yes.

I stripped down and teleported over some massage oils greasing myself up while he watched.

"Is this foreplay?" He asked.

"Only if you want it to be." I said.

He smiled and stripped down and I greased him up with massage oils, taking my time greasing up his hard 8 inch cock. I showed him multiple holds and pins. He picked it up quickly and got me into a pin where I'm face down on the mat. His cock presses up against my hole and as I squirm to break free he `accidentally' ends up with his hard cock half lodged in my rectum.

The pretense of wrestling ended as he pinned my hands over my head and thrusted forward his hard cock shoved all the way inside me. He paused for a moment inside me before moving again. He started with slow shallow thrusts as I pleaded for more and he obliged by fucking me hard and fast, with expert precision, pounding my prostate over and over again.

While I'm occupied John has snuck up on us somehow and I find myself with a throat full of a Fake Thor's 10 inch cock while Shatterstar picks up speed, hands firm on my hips as he fucked me harder and harder, driving me onto Fake Thor's cock over and over again. Shatterstar groaned and dumps his load in me and withdraws. He gives my ass a light smack as he stands.

John is quick to take Shatterstar's place and fucks me with Thor's cock while Shatterstar watches. John as Thor lifts me to my feet, then a second later throws me into the air, catching me in Thor's strong arms and back onto his god like cock and fucks me hard and fast, my legs around his strong hips as he devastates my hole with fast brutal thrusts. I kiss him hard, with a fistful of hair in one hand and the other digging into his back as I moaned into his mouth. John groans into my mouth, shooting a thick load of cum inside me. He eased out of me, lowering me to the ground with a muttered "Thanks" before wandering off naked in Thor's body. I lay on the ground cum leaking out of me, a bit breathless and sore, trying to catch my breath.

Shatterstar walked over and straddles me while I'm in the Matthew body', easing himself down on the thick 10 inch cock slowly; he leans over and kisses me. I grabbed a double handful of firm muscular ass and drive myself into him over again as we kiss and moan into each other's mouth as I create a sensory link' to deepen the pleasure. I flipped him over onto his back and fuck him harder, each thrust bringing us both to the precipice of ultimate pleasure, the sensations ripple back and forth as he writhed beneath me his nails digging into my back as I nip his neck hard. I explode inside him and my pleasure saturates him and he explodes between us and we're left panting, sticky, oiled messes.

We have a quick rinse and shower before we get dressed. We exchanged a long hot kiss goodbye with one of my hands rubbing his cock through his pants and the other, groping his beautiful backside and fingering his hole. Then he teleports back home to the bf. I teleported into John's bedroom and fucked him while he assumed the shape of Thor for my amusement. Afterwards I headed to my private underground level to practice long distance hydrokinetic control.

Wednesday 25th

Had business cards made up today with;

Victor For relaxation and security Visit Oasis Spa

On the front and a mini map with the Spa in the center with an X and the address below.

I spent most of the day thinking of creative ways to lure the rich, powerful and famous to Oasis Spa so that I can repay John and deep probe the minds of politicians up close and personal.

Thursday 26th

Visited a plastic surgeon's office to scan his mind for information about the price of typical surgeries during a consultation.

Peter left Oasis Spa to return to his job in Avalon.

Sent a telepathic message to Wiccan to come visit. He came over to `Splash' in the evening and we worked on some power training with him firing off lightning bolts at me while I defended using ice bubbles and ice shields. Then I would attack him using flying ice spikes while he used energy shields to protect himself. Was fun and a good workout. Wiccan agreed to take over the QSA for me while I'm busy running Oasis Spa.

Friday 27th

Night time, visited several of the most exclusive clubs in the state passing out business cards to people inside the VIP sections.

In one of the clubs I visited I water ringed the security guy, lifting the 300 pound guy several inches off the ground so I could talk to 5 guys in their early 20's lounging around the VIP section smoking and drinking. I noticed they looked towards a very skinny guy dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt for his reaction. He's smoking a cigarette and he looks me over with more than the usual curiosity/ fear. I smiled, recognizing the look. I scanned him and I notice that he's got a blackened tooth and corrupted lungs. Normally I'd expect him to be poor judging by his clothing but judging by the glances he gets I'm guessing he's the richest of the trust fund brat pack.

I introduced myself and he said "What the fuck you want freak?"

I smiled, ignoring what he said and fixed his tooth, "A sample of how I can be of use" then passed around my business cards and winked at him "maybe you'd like a private meeting and we can see about taking care of your lungs. Smoking kills."

I teleported away before trouble started with the recently arrived security personnel with Tasers.

After my recruiting drive at the clubs I used class 3 telekinesis to expand the lower level a clump of soil at a time.

Saturday 28th

QSA meeting. I announced that I've designated Wiccan as my replacement as he's more useful to the group with his mass teleports and connections to the Avengers. (I've discovered that I prefer founding things than running things.)

Before I leave I have an interesting discussion with a new member, code named Living Lightning, a man of Mexican descent and with strong features who has the ability to become lightning and travel at sub light speeds as sentient electricity. As well as generating electricity and electrical shields while in solid form with the help of a special suit.

After the meeting I arranged for furniture to furbish the bunkers in case of emergency.

Sunday 29th

Jamie (the rich bogan looking guy from the club) visited `Splash' and I took him to the study. I fixed his lungs and we talked little bit trying to get to know him the old fashioned way. He kept glancing my way without saying or doing anything meaningful so I kissed him to move things along. It got quite heated from there as the kisses lead to me to lifting him up onto the table groping his sweet bubble butt before stripping him of his shirt. He's very skinny, each rib lying close to the skin, I rubbed my hands over him as we kiss, stroking him through his pants. I tug at his pants and underwear and he's naked on my desk.

I stepped back and look at him, hard and naked and oh so skinny. 5'6 darkish brown hair, face long and lean, somewhat like a ferret, looking at me as if he's unsure about me with his 6 inch uncut cock, slightly curved upward. I just watch him for a moment, enjoying the view.

He dropped down onto his knees naked and undid my fly, unleashing the 10 inch cock in my pants. "Wow" he said before taking a mouthful of it down his throat. I pat his hair as he tried to deepthroat me, amused at his efforts.

I pull him to his feet. "Want to go to my room and fuck like animals?" He nods smiling a soft little smile as he reached for his clothes. I grab his wrist. "You're not going to need clothes for this." I short range teleport him to my room.

"How..." I kissed him again, cutting off his question.

^I'm a mutant. I can do quite a few strange things.^ I water voiced as I fingered his hole, pushing my index finger, up to the second knuckle into his tight hole as he moaned against my mouth, rubbing himself against me, hands urgent on my back.

I teleported the bottle of lube into one hand and squeezed out some lube onto my fingers sliding another finger into his tight hole. He broke off the kiss as I slid a 3rd finger inside him. "I don't know if I can take that." he said grabbing a hold of the 10 inch cock.

I smiled and said "Well we'll start off slow then." I shifted to my more normal body, with my 6 inch cock erect and ready. "You can ride my cock until you get used to it and then we'll see if you can take some more."

He stared at me in shock for a long moment. "How?"

"The answer to most of the weird things I'll probably do to you is Mutant. Still want to fuck?" He takes a moment to think and he nods slowly. "Dont worry once you've had mutant sex, normal sex will seem dull in comparison." I lifted him over to the bed with 'water hands' and teleport beside him, face up. "Come and ride me cowboy."

I lubed up my cock and he eases himself down onto my 6 inch cock, he's so tight and warm, I kissed his neck as I stroke his cock as I wait for his body to adjust. He takes a moment with me buried in him and then he started to move. I give him a couple of minutes to ride me to get used to it before I grab a double handful of butt and fuck him harder and faster. I roll him so that he's lying on his back as I fuck him and kiss him and stroke him.

I fuck him hard, hard and fast, my hips pistoning as he moans beneath me. "Victor" he moans out, his hands on my butt, squeezing, urging me silently to go faster. I comply.

"I'm going to cum." A moment later I cum, spurting inside his tight slick hole. He holds me as I ride the afterglow. He hasn't cum though. "You okay?"

"yeah I don't usually..." He trails off but I can pick up the thought easily enough.

"I'll make you cum." I pulled out and roll him onto his front, eyeing up his nice little butt. I grab a handful and spread them eyeing up his cum slicked hole. I shift to 'Matthew' and lube up the 10 inch cock, my fingers getting greasy and I stick a couple in him and his insides squeeze resisting me, so soon after I lubed him up. I scan him again deeper than a mere surface scan and find that he's a proto mutant. I ponder for a second whether to tell him but it's unlikely to matter as he's probably not going to have kids considering. I jab at his hole with my cock and he grabs the sheets as I push deeper into him, stifling a whimper.

I pulled back a bit giving him a moment to adjust as I think and I create a limited one way sensory connection to monitor his pain. I give him a moment and push back in, he accepts the thicker cock without protest and he's starting to like it again. I withdraw 3 inches and jab in 4. In a minute I'm buried to the hilt inside him, resting on top of him, his insides squeezing me with almost painful pressure.

I wait and he relaxes a bit. I pull out a bit and thrust. Over and over again, my hands over his as he moans beneath me as I use the sensory link to monitor his reactions.

I pull out and roll him over and grab a hold of his legs and place them over my shoulder as I thrust over and over again, eyes locked on his as I deepen the sensory link so that his pleasure is mine and mine is his. I thrust and he takes it, I withdraw and he rocks backwards to have more and very soon the tempo hits a fever pitch, with my balls slapping against his backside and we rocket together off the precipice and plummet toward pleasure. He orgasms and I follow suit. He gives me a pleased happy contented smile as his cum coats my abs and his chest and I withdraw slowly.

Then there's a slight awkward moment after I disconnect us as we look at each other wordlessly before I break the silence and ask "Shower?"

He nods and we rinse off and he leaves back to his parents house.

Monday 30th

I got a text from Jamie early in the morning asking if we were now together...

The message shocks me, but Jamie is cute and has a nice butt and I don't want to alienate him so I responded with a text. "Not sure, how about we meet up again and see how things go?"

He texted back "okay" and I resumed the day's activities a little more confused than when I started.

During the day I worked with Magneto and John as Jean to construct a new `vanity clinic' in front of 'Crash' in a corner blocked off from sight by the hedges. It's made of a mixture of concrete, metal and telekinetic energy.

Night; I spent swimming, reading and playing Diablo on remote hijacked computers.

Tuesday 1st May

I performed the first augmentation on one of the brat packs step mothers. (boob job)

Another session with Shatterstar but this time Richtor tags along. Shatterstar continues sword play lessons while Richtor watched. Afterwards Shatterstar suggests Richtor helps me practice hand to hand to hand combat techniques, Richtor seems to greatly enjoy knocking me to the ground repeatedly.

Wednesday 2nd May

The Arab Sheik visits Oasis Spa as expected with the contracts necessary to conclude our business deal. I set him up with a room in `Crash' and arrange for a lunch to be served for his satisfaction.

Deadpool showed up at `Splash'. "Where's the rag head?"

I manifested two ice katanas while encasing the client in an ice shield with minor telekinetic shielding. "You'll have to go through me, Deadpool."

John telepathically asked *Do you want me to take him out."

No. I can handle it, secure the client.

John shifted to Jean's body and reinforced the telekinetic shielding around the client who had been at the bar enjoying a drink prior to Deadpool's arrival. Deadpool seemed distracted by the sight of John as Jean sitting at the pool's edge only in board shorts (mouth open, tongue out panting like a cartoon dog) as did the client (eyes wide, pupils dilated).

I stabbed Deadpool to get his attention and he went crazy acrobatic with the double swords and I only managed to block his attack for a few seconds before he chopped off my left arm. "That's what you get for interrupting `Pool o vision'."

I skimmed his mind with a telepathic probe and the reports from the Weapon X project by the government didn't know half as much as they thought they did about his mental instability, he had at least 4 modes, Meta mode, child mode, pervy mode and psychotic mode. I come away with the strange sensation that this world is a comic book meant for the entertainment of bored children. I shook off that momentary delusion and focused on stopping Deadpool's advance on the client. I stood in front of him and said "You can't pass."

"You're no Gandalf" and he attacks again and I barely last ten seconds before he chopped off my other arm, then he stabs me with both swords and pulls them out of my torso.

I collapsed to the ground, the body failing. "I won't let you."

"Hey sexy lady, am I dreaming?" Deadpool asked the Fake topless Jean

John as Jean said "Why don't you pinch me and find out?" giving a little shake of the breasts.

I shook my head at the silliness as blood poured out of multiple stab wounds as he moved closer towards fake Jean and the client.

I shifted to water and reformed in front of him, naked. Deadpool said "Gross I don't want to see wang."

I grabbed him and teleported him to my room, teleporting on some clothes. "Great work Deadpool, you have completed the job."

"The job is to kill the rag head. Stop 9/11."

"That already happened."

He scratched his head with a loaded pistol. "Oh yeah, but the job is to kill him anyway, so get out of my way before I kill you mutant man." He pointed the gun at my face.

"I'm your client; you'll get paid for not finishing the job."

"You're weird."

I smiled "I hear that a lot." He fired both pistols into my face, splattering the inside of my head all over the carpet and walls.

I shifted to water, puddling to the ground and launched at him peppering him with a shower of ice spikes, until he's pinned to the wall like a bloody butterfly, his red and black outfit in tatters.

I reform naked, my clothes splattered with blood and brain matter.

"Lemme go you crazy water fag. The constitution says you're not supposed to deprive me of liberty."

"Um. You're nuts."

He grins at me and it's unsettling as his body is revealed and he's covered in lesions and scars from the bungled experiment to turn an ordinary man with cancer into a super weapon similar to Wolverine. "I'm the sanest one in this universe; no one understands that this kind of stuff just sells more comics. If I promise to play nice can I play with the girl downstairs?"

"No". He struggled trying to get free, making more erratic and nonsensical curses at me, promising to kill me etc.

"I have a better idea. What would you say if I could fix the..." I waved at his whole body, "make you look pretty so all the girls would like you?"

"You can do that?" he asked perking up.

"Not sure but it can't hurt to try... Well it will hurt a lot probably. Do you feel pain?" He nods. "You used to be a pretty smart mouthed bastard; maybe I can help you reclaim the pretty for a price."

"What it'll cost me? Gas, grass or ass nobody rides for free."

I paced back and forth "You're the only person I know that I can test something on without killing them, that can be bought."

"Whatever don't care. If you make me pretty again, you can do whatever."

I smiled. "Good. Now hold still, this will hurt a lot."

I cut out a piece of Deadpool while he screamed "FUCKER" and I encased the piece inside an ice box monitored by an eye' so that Beast's shadow' can observe its growth for analysis.

I said "theoretically that piece should grow into another you but that typically doesn't happen. Don't you ever wonder why not?"

"Never. But this one time though I went on an adventure with my alternate zombie head self and this hot blond anthropologist AIM agent."

"Hmm, interesting." I said as I cut out another lesion and replaced it with water, before transmuting it into unblemished skin.

Deadpool talked endlessly about his misadventures with a zombie head version from another dimension and this blond chick that was really into him and how he defeated a Zombie Alternate Absorbing Man with toilet paper. I only sort of listened to his blather as I continued cutting, transmuting and scanning the results.

After an hour of work, Wade Wilson, Deadpool, Merc with a mouth was restored to his former pretty boy glory. I created an ice mirror and showed Deadpool the results.

"I am sickeningly handsome." He said with a movie star grin as he looked himself over in the ice mirror and felt his smooth unblemished skin. The results were impressive. Instead of a scarred lesioned mess of a man, he was now an attractive looking man with medium length brown hair, an above average build, well muscled and trim, with the appearance of a man in his mid to late twenties, despite being around 40.

"Now it's time to pay the piper."

"I've got lots of money." Deadpool said looking a bit anxious now as he worked his way free of the ice spikes pinning him to the wall.

"I don't really need money. What I need is a test subject."

"That hasn't worked out for me before."

I shrugged. "You might like this one. I need a guinea pig to test the process to perform real effective penis enlargement."

"Deadpool does alright with the ladies with what God gave him."

I shrugged "10 inches may please them more."

He gave me a shit eating grin. "I will sacrifice for my country."

"Close your eyes. This part will feel weird."

He closed his eyes and I shifted his exposed dick into water for a split second and modified it into a replica of `Matthew's cock' down to the minutest detail.

He shook his hips, causing the penis to flop around and swelling a bit. "Party time. I'm going to get so laid."

"Now comes the part you might not like as much. I need to confirm that the calibrations are right.


I sighed. "I need to check that the thing works properly otherwise there's no point."

I grabbed his dick and he punched me in the face, breaking my nose. "I'm not a homo and this isn't boarding school or the army and I'm not that desperate."

I stood there, and did a minor subtle phase of the nose to fix it and shrugged "Well I guess you could go out there with your old face and a useless limp dick and see how that works too."

"Wait, what?"

"This is the fastest way to check the procedure works so I can do this on politicians and celebrities and what not."

"God damn it, I really need to stop volunteering for this shit." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Be quick about it."

I dropped to my knees in front of him and grabbed his cock again. I established a sensory connection, trying to encase my psychic avatar in shields so as not to be infected with his psychosis as I stroked him to his new full length of 10 inches. "How's that feel?"

"Okay." He said, spreading his legs. "I'm fucking huge now."

I opened my mouth and deep throated it. He moaned. ^Does that feel about the same as usual.^

"Fuck that's good." He said as he fucked my mouth with short erratic thrusts of the hips, jamming his cock over again into my throat "How you talking with your mouth full?"

^I vibrate the air.^

He closed his eyes. "You're milking me so good. I'm going to cream."

I pulled off. "One last test." He groaned as he stroked his slick cock.

I turned around "Now you have to fuck me."

"Do I have to?" Deadpool whined.

"Last check and we're done."

He grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me face forward into the mattress and jammed his thick new cock into my hole. I moaned and he said "take it you slut, take daddy Deadpool."

^Does that feel typical of anal sex for you.^

"Yeah it feels fucking amazing alright. Could you shut up now? You're making it hard to imagine you as a sexy lady in love with this stud muffin."

I said nothing else as Deadpool slammed his new cock into me over and again while muttering, groaning and generally narrating his actions as he fucked me. He blew a thick load into my hole and he pulled out seconds later with a "Are you happy now?"

I turned over and scanned Deadpool, who was breathing a little harder but was still erect. I thought about asking him for a confirmation test but figured I had pushed my luck far enough with this psychotic mercenary enough for one day.

"Very but I should warn you that I don't think my treatment of your particular condition is a permanent solution." Deadpool frowned as I tweaked the minor reversions to form. "You have two options, you can come back regularly for physical tune ups with the same sort of payment." I said as I stroked my cock "Or you can visit the Mansion and see if a teenager code named Elixir can fix you permanently but he's not as skilled as I am with flesh yet so it's a crapshoot if he'll succeed."

"How long will it last?"

"Maybe a day or two for the surface stuff, a week for the cock. Your unique biology seems to revert to a default setting."

"I may be back." Deadpool said, trying to get his tattered suit back together. "I expect payment within the day."

"Yes Wade. I wouldn't return for at least a few days, just in case my client stays." I use 'hands' to pass him some clothes from the wardrobe and teleport Wade outside.

I have a quick wank to finish what he started with his prostate pounding. Then had a quick rinse and shower in the bathroom and went downstairs and suggested to my Arab client that he stay at Oasis Spa until he concludes his business in the States for his own safety. We sign the relevant paper work making our deal official.

Afterwards John asked me what I did to Deadpool. I told John the truth. John is impressed by my duplicity. I'm not sure whether to feel amused, bemused or concerned about that.

Thursday 3rd May

I got a whole book club worth of new members visiting the new `vanity clinic' today wanting treatments.

The Arab client had a meeting with a well known politician in the billiard room and I watched via 'eye' as they discussed terms for oil.

Wiccan visited again, this time with Hulkling in attendance. They practiced their tag team attacks against me. Hulkling attacking me with physical and flying attacks while Wiccan used his magic to defend and attack. Afterwards we shared a bottle of champagne to relax before they left.

At night I worked towards fulfilling my new contract while swimming. It's very draining but the contracts are worth a lot of money so I soldier through the mental strain.

Friday 4th May

I gott a few husbands attending the new `vanity clinic' today for minor cosmetic stuff and I mentioned that penis upgrades are now available.

Jamie visited again and spends the night. I fucked him several times in various positions until he fell asleep in my arms, one hand stroking his hair and the other firm on his flat abs.

I amused myself by ordering workers about in Israel via golem puppets.

Saturday 5th May

I performed quite a few liposuctions, breast augmentation, penis enlargements, organ replacements, minor and major face lifts today. Busy Busy. The word has gotten out about my `vanity clinic' and business is good.

Even though I charge 3 times as much as a typical plastic surgeon, my methods don't require poison or extensive recovery periods and they can be done in as little as 5 minutes. (This is crucial for the moneyed set)

I hold them down, tell them to relive their happiest memory or fantasy and use a mental probe to distract and immerse them in their diversions until I finish whichever procedure it is. I can fix most problems of the human body, including old age though viruses and some neurological conditions are beyond me at the moment.

The money rolling in from the treatments and the subscriptions is enough to pay off John's initial investment.

Some of the ladies refer to me as a concierge doctor. I recommend that they get memberships to the day spa for them and members of their immediate and extended family. Payments in cash preferable.

Sunday 6th May

I visited to the golem city in Antarctica for a hello via `body hopping'.

The trip there is deeply taxing mentally.

I spent several hours catching up with each of the golems individually.

The golems are now up to 4th generations.

Monday 7th May

Returned to Oasis Spa. John hands me stacks of post-its with names and numbers of people who wanted appointments while I was gone.

I returned the calls and arranged appointments for those who wanted to come by.

Luke, Peter Hale came over in private jet with the real Angel, Warren Worthington the 3rd. He wants to sign up for membership. I welcome him with open arms and suggested that he's free to spend the night if he liked. Peter Hale gives me a smug smile as he insists that I'm an excellent host.

The `vanity clinic' receives its first celebrity client who I give an upgrade. Hush hush.

After the appointments I spent some time with Warren. He's got lovely piercing blue eyes and a trim well-muscled body that cuts a swathe in the Olympic sized pool. I wait at one side of the pool with a towel ready to towel him off and he gets out, soaking wet in board shorts clinging to his muscled thighs and tight ass and medium sized package. I smiled as I took my time toweling him off. We kissed and in less than a minute we were naked, hard and grinding against each other.

I teleported us out onto the roof and slide my hard 6 inch cock into his rear end and a moment later he lifts off with me on his back, driving my cock into his backside over again as we soar over the neighborhood. I surround us in a psionic shield so that we are unobserved. I switch to `Matthew's body' and Angel's flying becomes more erratic until we crash land on someone's lawn. We both start laughing even while I'm fucking him harder and harder as I link us. He cries out and blasts a load onto the lawn and I blow my load deep in his rectum.

I traveled back to Oasis spa via 'body hopping' while Angel flies back. I get there first and I'm waiting naked in his bed when he returns. He straddles me and lowers himself onto Matthew's cock and bounces up and down, up and down with his wings fully extended until he cums all over me and slumps over to fall asleep on me, my hard cock lodged inside him. I rock back and forth with him in my arms slowly until I cum again in him.

I spend a bit of time working on Israel's water deficits long distance through golem puppets.

Tuesday 8th May

I visited a high class escort called Candy and mind probe her. She's an aspiring law student, working to get money to go through law school, intelligent, classy and discreet. Just the sort of girl that can lure rich powerful men into a honey trap to extract information via pillow talk.

More appointments. Word has gotten around about the penis upgrades and I'm getting a lot of powerful men wanting to meet me.

Wednesday 9th May

I created Misty, blending the memories from Mystique of body transformation techniques and Candy's professional experience. I give her class 4 transition ability so she can turn into water and reshape herself into someone else at will, class 4 hydro kinesis and class 4 telepathy to perform mental probes at will. She should be a perfect lure to attract more rich and powerful hetero men to Oasis Spa so she or I can mind probe them during vulnerable moments.

Thursday 10th May

Jamie visits during the day. I have sex with him frequently in between appointments.

I'm half way through having sex with Jamie for the 6th time that day, when I feel a sudden lurch in the pit of my stomach and suddenly the sensations from fucking Jamie's hot little ass intensify. I fuck him harder and harder enjoying the ripples from the sensory connection magnifying everything and I dump a load in Jamie and a second later I'm completely bored of sex and tired and I'm struggling to catch my breath.

I lay on my back, breathing hard, when I suddenly realize that everything is wrong. I can't sense the background thrum of water just within reach or move water or anything else with telekinesis and I can't tell what Jamie is thinking any more. I can only feel a mild pain from Jamie's sore sphincter.

I look around the bed for my pants and I hear the faint vibration of my cell buzzing. I pulled it out of my pants pocket and discover that I've missed a dozen calls and have nearly three times that number of texts from other people.

Before I can check any of the messages, I get a call from Scale and he tells me that Austin has gone mad and has started to kill people and they need help ASAP.I told him to evacuate the area until I can get there.

I scrolled through the texts and discover that most of the mutants I know have lost their power.

I called Sean and he told me that Xavier has just checked the world's mutant population with Cerebro and it's down to hundreds from millions an hour earlier. I told him about Broadcast and that I needed him to get Storm or anyone that's willing and able to provide transport to Tasmania to deal with Austin.

I called Peter Hale to ask for his help to take down a problematic Austin/Broadcast as I had lost my mutant abilities. Total Nightmare.


Well next chapter should be interesting. How will an unpowered Victor go up against Broadcast who has telepathy, lightning control, fire generation, regeneration and energy absorption. I'm guessing badly, very badly lol :P

Next: Chapter 36: Voided 7

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