
By wayne unknown

Published on Aug 29, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


Story Terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

'Linked' – telepathically attaching to someone else to experience their sensations (sometimes emotions or thoughts).

Tk – telekinesis/telekinetic

'hands' - refer to ice or water hands used as de facto hands

'Tk hands' - tk energy shaped into a hand to use as an invisible de facto hands.

'Hydro sense' – 'eyes' external sight and hearing through vibration of water molecules, 'hands' touch. (missing smell and taste)

'Psychic shadow' – a copy of someone's mentality that's subtly different from the original personality due to the effects of not having a body and varying experiences post separation.

'Psychic clone' - a physical copy of Victor, infused with psychic energy equivalent to a class 4 telepath with no independent thought or action.

teleport hops - teleports that range from a few feet to a few miles.



This chapter took a long time to complete, partially because my laptop hates me and continues to crash erratically making it difficult to engage in the writing process for significant periods of time and because this chapter is the most involved and complex of the saga. So many moving parts and character arcs have lead to this chapter. Suffice to say, this has the most surreal, sexually charged sex scenes of the story so far.

Donate to Nifty if you can.


Chapter 5

Monday April 9th

Beast used his influence as UN representative to grease the wheels of bureaucracy to get us the rezoning/building permits necessary for the day spa project to continue to the next stage.

Tuesday April 10th

For my own amusement I've given the houses nicknames of Crash' and Splash'. Jason and the golem workforce have knocked down the fence between the properties and constructed a sheltered pathway between the two houses.

`Crash' has been refurbished with several rooms converted into media rooms; one room has multiple computers with high speed internet connection so that patrons can keep abreast of world events, 2 rooms have comfy couches and high def TV's and one has specialty audio equipment for listening to music. Crash has a small library with comfortable chairs so that patrons can kick back and relax while reading from a selection of books/ magazines/papers. A few of the rooms are emptied out and turned into spare bedrooms for overnight guests.

`Splash' is stripped of its furniture to make room for massive overhauls to plumbing as the ground level has been designated for the hot tubs, pools and bar; the second level for saunas and showers and the top level for private massages.

Wednesday April 11th

I visited Luke's farm and stayed for a couple of hours to help them finish planting a new apple orchard. After hearing about my new project Luke and Grace insisted on helping out despite my protests that they had their own farm to concentrate on managing and I could handle it. They ignored my protests and insisted on pitching in.

Outvoted I teleport-hopped us back to Trinidad but I stopped a couple miles away from my house and told them I'd need ten minutes to tidy up. I left them at a local coffee shop while I teleported homewards so that I could remove the evidence of my recent experiments of manipulating water, flesh and power over to `Crash'. Once I finished I teleported over to Luke and Grace's location and teleport-hopped them back to my place.

Luke dug out a 10 x 4 meter hole in my living room that I filled with water to make myself an indoor swimming pool as a test run for `Splash'. After they ate a late lunch I teleported them over to 'Splash', Luke used his power to dig several holes, one 10x 4 and the other 25 by 50 meters to have an Olympic sized swimming pool. I filled those with water and left the other holes empty for future jacuzzi installations.

While we worked indoors Grace helped out by rapidly maturing the hedges the golem workforce had planted around the properties maturing 2 foot hedges into bushy 6 foot hedges.

Afterwards I used `ice daggers' to prune the hedges.

Thursday April 12th

The work on the houses continues with the golems working 24/7 to help get all the work done in time.

Luke dug out and reinforced a massive underground cavern/bunker underneath the 2 houses similar to the Morlocks' cavern underneath Avalon. Except this one has 3 underground levels that can serve as an emergency bunker for any mutants that may need sanctuary. The lowest level I reserve for myself and my experiments, which I've moved down there for the time being.

Friday April 13th

Beast completed the necessary political wrangling to declare the Spa a mutant embassy allowing me to rule over the property like a king. This would allow me to bypass any boring laws against under age drinking, prostitution and drugs by stating that the mutant nation (of which there is none) has no laws against those... It also allows me to grant asylum to any mutants requiring protection.

Luke and Grace leave to visit the Xavier Institute before heading back home.

Saturday April 14th

QSA meeting has Mystique, Karma, Karolina, Anole, Sean, Lachlan, Northstar, Wiccan and Hulkling returning to the Bronx.

We also have several new people attending for the first time. I asked them to tell us their names and what they can do...

Bling has purplish skin with a vaguely crystalline look, her ability is to produce diamond shards from her bone marrow and expel them at high velocity in battle. She is currently enrolled as a student at Xavier's receiving teaching from Gambit, a new mutant teacher and has a crush on Rogue (overheard her whispering about it to Karma).

Xavin, another Skrull shape shifter and Karolina's on again off again bf/gf. Mystique, Xavin and I have an entertaining conversation about the fluidity of form and gender during the meeting. I like him/her.

Prodigy – Josh Foley's (Elixir) room mate – is a 17 year old African-American male mutant with the passive ability to telepathically absorb the skill sets of whoever is nearby, currently non-operational due to mental overload. He's rocking a yellow and black X men outfit that should make him look stupid but shows off his impressive physique and package. He told me about the college course he's taking and it reminds me that I technically haven't finished high school yet. We have a fun chat about ninjas and shuriken use, it's random and entertaining. He's very smart and likeable.

Daken – Wolverine's homicidal half Asian son with adamantium claws, healing factor and the unique ability to control others with pheromones. He's also a yummy looking bad boy with long shoulder length hair and stylish tattoos along his chest and left arm. He's either bisexual or indifferent to sex, it's hard to get a read on him as he spent most of his time talking to Hulkling after introductions.

Richtor and ShatterStar – They're sort of a couple. Richtor is a moody guy with brown hair with a messy fringe and a dour disposition. He's also a class 4 mutant with the ability to generate and release seismic energy and powerful waves of vibrations. Shatterstar is a time travelling/dimension hopping genetically enhanced gladiator from MojoWorld an alternate future timeline in a different dimension. Shatterstar has short bright orangey-red hair and a black star tattoo over his left eye. He's also able to teleport from place to place using his wrist blades but only if someone else has the destination in mind and only if it's outdoors (otherwise it causes damage).

ShatterStar and I ended up talking about different fighting styles and techniques towards the end of the meeting, Rictor seemed frustrated by our conversation for some reason. Shatterstar is a conundrum, a cheerful killer with a tendency to be painfully blunt in conversation and yet makes friends easily much to the irritation of his bf who seems possessive and insecure.

A small group of us decided to engage in combat training using the Avengers facilities including Wiccan who has a bad habit of having his magic disabled and captured and Shatterstar because he hasn't a good fight in 2 weeks and is feeling restless. Wiccan teleported Hulkling, Rictor, Shatterstar and me there with a teleportation spell (his magic is so cool and versatile).

While ShatterStar trained Wiccan in unarmed combat, Hulkling spars with me as Rictor watched on the sidelines arms crossed over his chest, tapping his foot impatiently. Iron Man and Captain America burst into the training room in their full superhero gear.

"What's going on?" Captain America asked as Shatterstar has Wiccan in a headlock.

"Training with friends." Wiccan said, breathing hard from exertion as Shatterstar released him from the headlock.

I said "I thought it might be a good idea to try some non powered fighting in case they get collared again."

"Who are you?" Iron Man asked.

I shifted out of the `Matthew body' and back to my more regular form. "Victor, we met before."

Iron man lowered the hand with the repulsor weapon aimed at me, making a metal fist and said, "We got an alert from Jarvis that our facility had been breached."

"Who's Jarvis?" Shatterstar asked.

Thor came in just then with Mjolnir raised then stopped once he saw us all standing around not fighting.

Captain America answered "his AI butler" gesturing towards Iron Man.

"He's much more than an AI butler you relic, he operates many vital systems." Iron Man responded.

"Well since you're all dressed for a fight, did you want to spar?" I asked

"I am a mighty warrior, I have defeated Frost Giants, I will not fight children." Thor said.

"Afraid?" I taunted.

Thor stepped forward and Captain America grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. "I fear nothing."

"Good we'll have one on one matches then. You against me, lightning versus water, you'll have the advantage. Tony Stark against Wiccan..."

"No way." Hulkling said.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Wiccan said.

"Wouldn't be much of a challenge." Iron man said smug within his high tech armor.

"Okay Hulkling and Wiccan against you. Might and Magic against Tech, it should be an entertaining match up. As for Captain America he can fight against ShatterStar, he has lots of experience as a gladiator so that should be a relatively even match up."

"I wouldn't want to hurt you." Captain America said to Shatterstar.

"I'm a veteran of many battles to the death, I welcome the challenge to spar with a famed hero."

"Come on old men, are you scared of being whooped by some youngun's half your age." I needled.

"You're going to regret those words." Iron Man said.

I shrugged. "Regrets are useless. You going to fight or talk?"

Iron Man asked Wiccan and Hulkling "Think you can take me ?"

Wiccan and Hulkling looked at each other and Wiccan said "It won't hurt to try."

With that settled we went down in the elevator to sub basement 3 as Captain America explained the rules of the fights with the condition of a 10 second knockout or incapacitation meaning victory.

When we got out of the elevator we gasped as we took in the massive underground bunker like area that looked like it would take up a city block if it was above ground. We spread out taking a corner each of the massive place for our individual fights.

I faced off against Thor and smiled at him as I shifted to ice mode. He struck with his hammer and his first blow caved in what would have been my chest and after that I spent my time dodging and weaving Thor's attacks as best I could. When he managed to hit me, the impacts caved or shattered various parts of my ice but it was ultimately futile as I repaired any damage done to my ice self easily.

Meanwhile Hulkling and Wiccan tag teamed Iron Man; Wiccan fired off lightning bolts while Hulkling kept him distracted by flying about and punching him so he couldn't get a clear shot on Wiccan.

ShatterStar engaged Captain America in combat, ShatterStar used his double wrist blades to great advantage while Captain America blocked multiple strikes with his shield.

We did well for the first few minutes but the momentum started to shift in their favour as they adapted to our fighting strategies. Iron Man lured Hulkling far enough away from Wiccan to knock him down with a weak repulsor blast. ShatterStar and Captain America had disarmed each other of their weapons and were fighting hand to hand. Captain America seemed to be gaining the upper hand on Shatterstar.

I flew towards an opposite wall while Thor chased after me and before I hit the wall I teleported behind him, shifted to flesh, activated Rogue's power and telepathically reamed him while draining him of his vigor with my hands wrapped around his throat. His memories resounded of battle and sex as his strength surged through me invigorating me. He dropped to the ground, drained of his life force. As he lay stunned on the floor, I turned my back on him and tried to help the others with a bit of telepathic cheating. I sent out a double pronged telepathic assault on Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to distract them from their respective battles.

While I was distracted with a double mid-range mind snatch, I was struck from behind with Thor's mighty hammer Mjolnir. I was knocked to the ground, temporarily stunned with my telepathic probes disrupted.

Thor stood over me saying something I couldn't catch as I was preoccupied assimilating the memories of Steve Rogers' combat experience and Tony Stark's genius with technology. Thor's stolen vigor leaked out of me, leaving my body aching from the impact.

I checked on the others with 'eyes' as I looked up at Thor with his hammer raised high above me.

:: The other fights:: While Iron Man was distracted, Wiccan chanted and gestured at Iron Man and Iron man was surrounded in a sphere of energy that sent Iron man plummeting to the ground. During Captain America's temporary confusion Shatterstar landed a jaw breaking blow to his face, knocking him to the ground.

Their victory was short lived as Iron Man recovered partial control of his battle armor and repulsor blasted Wiccan and Hulkling into unconsciousness. Captain America landed a brutal double kick to Shatterstar's groin from the floor bringing Shatterstar to his knees.

Richtor rushed towards them but Shatterstar waved off his bf's concern and conceded the fight shaking Captain America's hand. :: ::

Thor brought down his hammer on my head but at the last moment I puddled out from out of my clothes and streamed past him, covering him in my water, and froze, encasing him in my ice.

I teleported some water from a nearby water tank and possessed it, resuming a water shape nearby a frozen Thor.

Steve Rogers/Captain America shouted "GET HIM OUT!" face flushed.

I teleported my clothes back onto my water form and released Thor. I rubbed at my oversized shirt trying to erase the hammer imprint out of it to no avail. I sighed and poured ice cold water over Hulkling and Wiccan to wake them up.

Thor and Captain America gave me hostile looks so I said, "Well that was an interesting work out. Till next time." and encircled Shatterstar, Wiccan and Hulkling in ambient water and teleported us out of the building in a rapid exit. "Are you guys okay?" I asked of the semi conscious Hulkling and Wiccan.

Hulkling groaned and said "Never again." When he got to his feet, he punched me in the shoulder.

"Ow", I said, phasing away the injury. "If you want to be superheros you're going to need to learn how to hold your own against the toughest super powered people. What better way to learn than to get some combat experience with living legends?"

Wiccan said "He's right, villains don't hold back and they will kill us if we lose. Tony was holding back."

"How about you? You angry with me?" I asked of Shatterstar.

"No that was a good workout, Captain America is a worthy opponent, it's been a while since I've had a challenge on this world. Where is Richtor?" Shatterstar asked.

"I'll pick him up."

I scanned the building with hundreds of `eyes' and located Richtor who was in the lobby and teleported him over.

Wiccan and Shatterstar were discussing training options when I left a few minutes later.

When I returned home I checked my mental landscape to check on the latest additions to my mind. Tony Stark's and Steve Roger's psychic shadows were pale imitations of their actual counterparts due to the disrupted mind ream but they'd still be useful. Steve Roger's psychic shadow was a warrior devoid of the original's excessive patriotism and morality and Tony Stark's had the extensive technological expertise but lacked the original's excesses of booze, women and banter.

Thor's psychic shadow meanwhile was a perfect copy of the Asgardian god of Thunder. I sent him to join the Council while appointing the Tony geek to serve as a custodian/librarian of the digital library and the Steve warrior as Jake's second in command of training the nightmare legion.

Sunday 15th

In the morning I drained 3 of my 'teleport clones' of their power.

I spent the day teleporting all over the world to deliver birthday invitations. First I visited Mark to have him pass on the invitations to my humans friends, then Sean to pass on invites to those in the Xavier Mansion/school. I visited Wiccan to have him hand out invites to the QSA members, then to Luke's farm for Luke's help. Afterwards I travelled all the way to Avalon to have Scale pass on invites to Avalon mutants, then on my way back I picked up several surprises and supplies to commemorate my birthday in style. I dropped them off at 'Crash' and drained another 'teleport clone' before heading off for one last trip of the day.

I visited my family to tell them that I'd be having a party with friends on my actual birthday and I'd do something with them on the weekend afterwards. Mom guilted me about it, Lucy (my sister) didn't care and Dad wasn't there to comment as he had been called away on a work emergency.

Monday 16th

Invited Magneto over to help line the walls of the underground bunker with scrap metal collected by some of the golems dumpster diving during the weekend.

I offered him the chance to help push his pro mutant agenda with politicians (which he had tried forcing previously with Rogue's power and a mutant making machine) in a safe place provided he helped secure the place. He accepted (Jacob theorised that he wanted to be close by to groom me for serving his pro mutant agenda).

In the evening I visited the Mansion and asked Sean for his help in securing the mutant bunker from telepathic detection among other things. Sean, JJ, Justin and Mike came over as well. They stayed upstairs with John while I took Sean to my study in 'Crash'. I shoved the rug aside and opened the trapdoor.

"What is this ?" Sean asked.

"One of the entrances to the underground bunker, I've always been a fan of secret trapdoors so I got one made to the bunker which will serve as a safe haven if this place ever comes under attack, there's another entrance in the other house." I said as I floated myself down the hole.

"Why are the others staying upstairs?"

"I'll explain shortly."

I typed in the code for the elevator to access the bunker. I put in another code for the bottom level of the bunker. We exited the elevator and Sean gasped as he saw what was down there.

"What the hell?"

I looked around trying to see this place from Sean's view point. "Yeah I suppose this looks strange."

"You think? It's you..." The lowest level wasn't that big, it only measured about 20 x 50 meters with a 10x 4 swimming pool in the centre. Sean's gaze darted around but no matter where he looked it didn't get any better. "What is this ?"

"You remember those experiments I did under the lake while I was trying to master my darkest power to turn water into flesh and vice versa." He nodded. "This is the continuation of that in a way."

All around us were 'clones', most of them looked like I did when I first entered the Xavier Mansion, while the 'meat clones' ranged from my present shape to the 'Matthew body' I used for sex or violence. "Why?" Sean asked.

"You're aware that I obtained the powers of others." He nodded and I continued wanting to confess this secret to someone who might understand. "Vamp and Surprise now deceased, Rogue and yourself. Every power that was added to mine had a cost or some sort of limitation which I had to work around. I'm a class 5 hydro kinetic, I have spent every moment since my 'flare up' limiting my use of my original power set for one reason or another but having these other powers was different. Instead of trying to hold back I had to push myself to achieve more with them but there were limits."


"So I took a page from Xavier's play book and followed his example, his class 4 powers weren't enough to achieve what he wanted, so Xavier used Cerebro and other mutants. Originally it started off with Justin fulfilling the psychic hunger of Vamp's power and soon I had developed 'psychic clones' once Justin and the rest of them had developed sentience to sate the hunger of Vamp's power. Then I took your power and it solved Vamp's psychic hunger permanently but it still wasn't enough."

"Enough for what?"

"I'm a class 5, I don't like being limited, when I reach out with my powers, I can lift 50 pounds of water or 5000 with practically the same amount of effort. I try to do the same with your telekinesis and I end up with a psionic migraine that lasts hours despite repeated phasing. So I developed 4 different types of clones as a way to seperate out and enhance each individual power so I could effectively grant powers to Jason and the others like I did accidentally with the 'golem collective'."

"This is unnatural, what do you do with them?"

"I use them to practice Rogue's power among other things." I pointed to my left. "These are the 'teleport clones', I create them out of water in my image and link with them telepathically and transfer about 90% of my teleport power into them infusing them with my strength. I can make one of them every 3 hours. It's how I can teleport hop over hundreds of miles at a time if necessary, I'm feeding on my own stored power to artificially boost these new powers past their natural limits."

I pointed in front of me "Those are the psychic clones, I create them basically the same way and I can make them every 2 hours. They boost my telepathic scans so I can skim the minds of millions at a time." I pointed to the right "These are the telekinetic clones, they're class 3's and I use them to boost my Tk power so I can create Tk hands and I can create one of them every 4 hours." I pointed behind us "These 5 'meat clones' have no power at all and I use them to practise healing and modifications of the flesh which is how I developed my 'Matthew body'."

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Many reasons but for now I need your help to telepathically direct their combined powers along with the others upstairs into creating a superior defense for the bunker." I telepathically transmitted a series of mental images of what I had in mind. "You have the experience from battling Xavier when he came back wrong of directing multiple people and powers in a combined effort."

"This is monstrous." Sean said looking around in disgust.

I shrugged. "Xavier kept telling us that we had to control our power, instead of letting our power control us. I've taken a scientific approach to the control and acquisition of power. Will you help me to protect other mutants or not?"

He nodded and I could sense him drifting away from me emotionally. Yet he let down his mental shields as did I and I let him channel my power while I stood next to him physically and in my mental landscape as he used my power to see through my 'eyes' and to establish a stronger telepathic link with the others.

Sean served as the conductor directing the combined telepathic and telekinetic power of John as Jean, Mike, JJ, myself and the 6 'psychic clones' and 6 'Tk clones' into a massive psionic/telekinetic shield around the underground bunker strong enough to make it invisible to telepathic observation by Xavier with Cerebro and to survive a megaton nuclear bomb strike.

We watched a movie as a group while we recovered our collective strength, then I boosted Justin with extra teleport power so that he could transport the others back to Xavier's faster. I dispersed the expended clones once alone. Sean was quiet and terse with me after my revelation with the clones and I'm unsure if our relationship will survive much longer.

Tuesday April 17th

John as Jean and Magneto worked together to line the inside of the walls of both houses with 'Tk boosted metal' to protect potential patrons and mutants from their enemies while inside.

I created 5 'trojan clouds' to provide continual 24/7 aerial surveillance of the property.

I boosted Jason to class 4 hydro kinetic power, class 4 telepathy and after several phases class 4 telekinesis. This would allow Jason to telepathically communicate instructions over large distances, redirect golems with hydro kinetic nudges and telekinetically shift construction supplies to each team for faster progress.

The Avalon mutants arrived from Australia thanks to Storm ferrying them over in the X-Jet (documentation issues). Jackie, Razor, Centaur, Scale, Peter/Cornucopia and surprisingly Spark step out of the X-jet. I welcomed them and put them up in `Crash' as it has several free bedrooms.

Mark called me and told me that his HIV tests were clean. I congratulated him on the great news.

I showed the others around the place pointing out areas of interest. I send back 98% of the 'golem workforce'. They'd make their own way back home with the few remaining serving to take care of any last minute needs.

Razor and Scale pull me aside around 11:30 pm and said they had something special in mind to start off my birthday celebrations. We move to my bedroom and they work together to strip me of my clothes and I switched to 'Matthew body' but Scale said "no, it's your birthday soon, this is the time for your real birthday suit." I shrugged and switched back to my original form.

Razor whispered in my ear, their plan as he ground his erection against my naked backside.

"Yeah, do it." I responded

Scale took my 6 inch cock in his mouth, working it as Razor crouched behind me, he kissed my backside, he trailed kisses over my cheeks making a long circuitous path to my hole, then he was tongueing it as Scale sucked me. I linked with the both of them, their horniness saturating me from within. I used 'hands' to stroke and caress them while standing still being worshipped.

After about 10 minutes of that, they lifted me up and took me over to the bed. Scale lay on the bed with his double 7 inch cocks standing upright at full attention while Razor grabbed the lube, he fingered my hole, with one finger then 2, then 3, stretching me out, prodding my prostate, then he removed his fingers and pushed his 8 inch cock deep inside me. He thrusted in and out while I rocked back and forth while grabbing onto Scale's cocks and alternating between sucking one then the other. Razor took hold of my hips as he slammed my hole at high speed pushing my face further down onto his bf's cocks, nearly choking me. I linked Scale and Razor closer together so they experience each other's pleasure as they used my holes. Razor grunted as he came hard inside my ass, his orgasm rippling through us both, Scale held back from surrendering to the orgasm only leaking his precum into my mouth. I felt a bit light headed so I pulled off before I got too big a dose of Scale's narcotic cum.

Razor pulled out of my hole laying next to Scale giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "I like your friends." He said with a smile as I straddled Scale and wrapped my hand around his double cocks and eased myself onto his double cock. Once he was all the way inside me, I slowly moved up and down, riding him. Razor smacked my ass, spurring me to go faster, so I did and Razor took position behind me. I stopped moving as he pressed his thick 8 inch cock against my hole, stretched by his bf's double cocks. He kept pushing in gradually, stretching me as he pushed all the way inside me. I took a moment to get ready. We were almost there.

I took a deep breath and moved carefully, taking it slow so as not to rupture something as I was effectively stuffed with three cocks. I eased out and reapplied lube to their cocks and bucked and writhed as they fucked me hard with their eyes on the clock. As the digital clock on the bedside hit midnight exactly, they shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and sped up, fucking me hard, the sensations ricocheting between us exponentially as all three of us approached orgasm. Scale was the first to cum, shooting his sticky load into my abused hole with Razor shooting seconds later, they pulsated inside me as they spurted their loads which threw me over the edge. I blasted my load all over Scale's stomach and surrendered to the sudden exhaustion.

Wednesday April 18th Birthday

I woke up at 8 am when Mom called me to wish me happy birthday. I thanked her and said I was sleeping in today as I wanted to get rid of her quickly so I didn't wake up Razor and Scale who were lying naked beside me. Scale's tail twitched between my legs as he stirred. We were all lying side by side with Scale's butt nestled against my crotch, and Scale's cocks rubbing against Razor's backside.

Scale's butt was sticky with cum. (I guess they had continued fucking after I passed out) I rubbed my morning wood against his hole.

Scale turned to me sleepily and said "Happy birthday."

"Thanks. Last night was great."

"You're very welcome." he said pressing his backside against my cock until my 6 inch cock slipped into his stretched sticky hole. I fucked him for a bit but it wasn't really working for me so I pulled out and switched to 'Matthew's body'. "Wait" Scale said as he shuffled his bf onto his back and straddled him and sat down on his bf's 8 inch cock. He rode him for a minute until Razor woke up, groggy and found me fucking Scale's mouth as he bounced up and down on his cock.

"Good morning guys." he said with a grin as he grabbed his bf's butt with both hands and squeezed thrusting up into his horny bf over and over again, causing Scale to moan around 'Matthew's cock'.

Scale bounced up and down, taking cock in either end for a minute before he pulled off 'Matthew's cock' and said "I want you both to fuck me."

I knew what he meant as we were still telepathically linked, I hadn't turned it off before succumbing to his narcotic cum. I was at one remove within my layers of mental shielding but they had spent the night attached at the sensory level. (WHOOPS)

I lay down, cock up and Scale eased himself onto my cock, riding me for a couple of minutes getting used to the extra length as Razor roused himself from sleep in the ensuite bathroom with a quick shower. When he returned he got behind Scale and slammed into his bf. Scale screamed as he was stretched by both our cocks but soon adjusted and his pleasured rippled through our connection as he started to move with us inside him.

We fucked him slow, then gradually built up speed until he blasted his load all over my torso as Razor blew his load into Scale's rectum. Razor pulled out of his bf's butt then Scale rolled off me to lay panting on his back looking a bit like a fish on dry land gasping for air.

I shifted back to my normal form and rinsed off in the shower. I returned to find Scale fucking Razor with Scale half kneeling while Razor's legs were over Scale's shoulders.

Scale blew his load a few minutes later as I got dressed disconnecting myself from the rutting pair so I could concentrate on the day's agenda. Once Razor passed out in Scale's arms I telepathically disconnected their sensory connection, Scale went back to sleep.

I turned on the showers and created bodies for Jake and Jacob as I transferred them out of the mental landscape for the day. They selected outfits from my closet and left to buy outfits more in line with their own interests.

I shrugged and left Scale and Razor to sleep off the excesses of sex while I prepared for the party. I had invited practically everyone I'd met in the last year including people who I didn't like much such as Austin/Broadcast and Xavier. My invites said to bring swim wear and anyone they thought might enjoy a party.

Jason and the Avalonians (once they woke up) helped me set up for the party that would start at 6 pm with Luke and Grace organising the cooking of dinner.

Magneto and Mystique are the first guests to arrive at 6 pm on the dot. They brought gifts.

Storm ferried the mutants from Xavier's school over with Gambit as her date at 6:15pm. Gambit is a good looking New Orleans man with the ability to energise objects typically playing cards into improvised explosives. They bring Sean, Bling, Anole, Lachlan, Mike, Rogue, Bobby, Kitty, Colossus, Karma, Wolverine and Vader dressed in their party finery. Mike hugged me and I squeezed him tight, his erection pressing against my stomach and I smiled as I groped his butt.

Justin and JJ teleported over with the Stepford Cuckoos in tow.

Kyle Jinadu arrives carried in Northstar's arms in low speed flying. They're totally adorable in matching tuxes.

Karoline Dean and Xavin arrived in her car.

Jacob and Jake return at 6:30.

Shatterstar teleported himself and Rictor outside 'Crash'.

Mark and Allesandro arrived with Jeremy and his band in a stretch limo.

Luke and Grace arrive via floating rock with Onyx, Set, Gill and Kermilla.

Nightcrawler and Abraxas teleported in from Russia.

Patrick and Peter Hale arrived together with 15 Lazaruses in tow. They still concern me and I'm the guy with clones in the basement bunker. It might be because they're wearing lab coats and several of them have dyed their hair strange and unnatural colors (purple, green, blue, red highlights)

Tom and James arrived with 4 other class 1 mutants that look familiar from their wild parties.

Daken comes alone.

Wiccan, Hulking, Speed (a 16 year old who looked a lot like Wiccan but with super speed) and Prodigy arrived via teleport spell. Speed and Prodigy were mid argument.

Once everyone had settled in the dining room with their drinks around 7. They ate a dinner of roast turkey as if it was Thanksgiving (it seemed appropriate after the year I had) and afterwards I cut the birthday cake, a huge chocolate sheet cake, I blew out the candles wishing that I could eat chocolate and sweets again (I can't taste anything these days which sucks). Jeremy and his band play 'hot lips' in the background.

I opened the various presents. Razor gets me a spandex superhero outfit that looks more like a gimp outfit and Scale gets me an electric vibrator. Peter aka Cornucopia offers his services for a week (replicating food and drink). Peter Hale brings a crate of champagne for us to drink. Patrick gives me an appointment book and opens it to Tuesday the 24th with a meeting with an Arab sheik circled. I thanked him. Sean gave me a copy of the Bible with a pointed look. Mike gives me a dildo. Mark and Allesandro give me a VIP card for the shop which gets me any merchandise at cost price.

I thanked them all and asked for the J's to meet me in the study for a private discussion. They look a bit nervous but once the door closed, I said, "Nothing wrong, I got you all something" I pass out forged documents to JJ, Jackie, Jason, Justin, Jacob and Jake. "I like to thank you all for your help"

"Did we have a choice?" Justin asked.

"Of course, you could always say no, just because I made your bodies and shaped your minds doesn't mean you owe me unquestioning obedience." They gave each other awkward looks. "As such I've organised for the forged documents to give us the backstory as a family with JJ as Matthew O Reilly's older brother, Justin his younger brother, Jackie our mom, Jason our dad, Jacob and Jake our uncles." (acquired from Mystiques forger while I was legitimising Matthew's identity for my meeting with Beast.)

"What for?" JJ asked.

I shrugged. "For your freedom, you are under no further obligations to me, live your lives as you see fit. I've taken the liberty to plant some false memories in key people to sell the cover story along with a bit of hacking to create an electronic paper trail." Justin still looked unconvinced and unimpressed. I teleported Aaron from upstairs where I had left him to the spot beside Justin. Justin and Aaron hug and kiss and Justin teleported them into an upstairs room with a smile on a face.

Jason shook my hand, JJ hugged me, Jackie kissed my cheek, Jake gave me a solid pat on the shoulder and Jacob gave a mere nod of acknowledgement and an assessing once over before we returned back to the party which was in full swing with people drinking, eating cake and enjoying other more illicit substances (brought by Jeremy).

Once I returned Luke looks a bit dodgy as he uses his cell to talk to someone. Moments later an attractive dark haired man dressed as a cop is ushered into the parlor by Luke who points him in my direction. This 'cop' strides towards me and starts to strip, peeling off his shirt, button at a time, revealing a broad muscular chest with a dark treasure trail pointing to his crotch. He tears off his breakaway pants, revealing a bulging red G string and pushes me into the nearest chair and straddled me giving me a lap dance to the raucous cheering and applause of the others as they watch the spectacle. He rubs himself against me and finishes by standing up and stripping off his sweaty G string and throwing it in my face. The others laugh and cheer and catcall as the stripper does a 360 showing off his 9 inch cock and gym fit body.

I looked him over, he's fit and the routine has left him practically glowing with sweat and exertion but I'm cold inside. I probed his mind and find that he's straight and thinking about taking Rogue aside for a cheap thrill.

I entered his mind, scrolling through his memories until I find what I'm looking for. I immersed him in a memory of his affair with his brother's wife, a hot blond number (to him) with big tits and low morales and I leave him reliving the experience of sneaking around with her, having sex all over his brother's house that he was temporarily staying in. While his mind was preoccupied with vivid memory replay, I used 'Tk hands' to stroke his cock and stimulate his prostate until he erupted in an explosive orgasm, splashing me with his cum.

The crowd cheered and I hand him some cash to be on his merry way. Wiccan casts a wordless spell to clean my clothes.

The party continued with much drinking and chatting between the various people.

Thor arrived twenty minutes later trailing thunderclouds in his wake. I go out to meet him alerted by my connection with the 'trojan clouds'. I exit 'Crash' followed by several of the curious party goers.

"Thou owes me a rematch." Thor said, his dialect slipping again.

Wiccan glanced between us nervously. I smiled. It wasn't what I expected when I asked Wiccan to pass on invitation to the Avengers but I expected Thor would provide me more entertainment than a straight stripper.

"I accept." Word got back to the others inside and they all came out to watch the fight.

Wiccan, Hulkling and Sean try and talk me out of fighting with the Asgard God but the party only reminds me how alone I am and I'm indifferent to the danger. I ignored their concerns and launched several of my 'trojan clouds' into Thor's face.

He ignored the frost covering his armor and face and called upon thunder to empower him. He used Mjolnir to absorb the energy from the storm he created as I shifted to water, streaming out of my clothes and circling him as disemobied water. I draw in water from near and far to create 5 golems in my image to serve as decoys as I surround him. He smacked at them and me with his weapon, his blows inconsequential as they just pass through the water without doing any damage other than minor splashing of the crowd. I drew on the water all around us to bombard him with ice spikes. They did little damage as they bounced off his Asgardian armor.

"Come out and fight me like a MAN!"

^I would if there was a man to fight Thor but you're a stupid little godling that has learned nothing from centuries of conflict and I don't think you're worth the effort.^

Suitably enraged Thor, Thor lifted Mjolnir into the air and electricity struck it from above and below and the thunderclouds dispersed. Thor unleashed the stored energy from Mjolnir into an energy blast of unbelievable power. My water body and the 'golem puppets' were obliterated, the energy and heat scattering and disrupting water molecules everywhere.

VICTOR I heard Sean's mind reaching out for mine in the limbo of disembodiment.

I pulled my wandering thoughts together and reformed myself in a nearby body of water. I manifested in one of the 8 seater jacuzzi's inside 'Splash'.

I reached out my awareness to find utter chaos outside.

:: Outside ::

Giant crater in the road surrounding Thor and various factions arguing and fighting each other in my name.

^ I'm in the other house^ I telepathically transmitted the directions to my location.

Thor went in the opposite direction having achieved his victory. :: ::

Northstar was the first to arrive on the scene "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just had to coalesce."

Wiccan teleported over a moment later with Hulkling and Speed. (speed had already checked on me without me noticing and reported back to Wiccan.)

The others didn't take that long to make their way over, yammering and clamouring and talking over each other to ask what had happened and so forth. I water voiced a loud discordant noise to shut them all up and said "ENOUGH. I'm fine, lets move on to the pool party." I froze the water around me to discourage anyone from interrupting my recovery. I was mentally, physically and emotionally drained from the battle with Thor and I needed a time out.

Mystique was the first to jump into the water and John joined her buck naked a moment later... The others chattered between themselves, some stripping down to their swim wear and diving into the pools or seating themselves in the 2 other jacuzzi's or just mingling with various drinks in hands.

Sean cleared his throat nearby and said "We need to talk."

I sighed and melted the ice around me to let him enter. "If we must."

"What was that?" Sean asked

"Thor, he's not a fan of talking through conflict so I let him have his victory by electrocuting me."

"You knew that would happen?" I nodded "Have you gone nuts?"

"Possibly. I do have multiple voices in my head at the moment." Sean struck out at me with a telepathic probe that bounced off my mental shields and I smiled "Don't worry about me, it's not like I can die that easily."

"I heard that you picked a fight with the Avengers on Sunday. Were you feeling suicidal?"

"Not particularly, they're legends I wanted to see them fight and get a peek into their minds. I think I took a bit more of Tony Stark than was wise."

"I have no idea what's going on with you."

"You know when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly it becomes a chrysalis in between, eating itself to transform into something new."

WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON ABOUT? He yelled at me telepathically.

I shrugged. "I've been losing bits of myself ever since I turned into ice to get away from Jackson, first it was my appetite, then it was bathroom necessities, then gradually sleep, then taste and smell and lately I've been losing sensations, sensitivity to heat and cold, increased pain tolerance. I've lost my sex drive and without telepathically linking to someone who is horny or a really weird situation I can't get excited. My emotions are leaking away slowly, leaving me alone and indifferent. I've been fighting it the best I can by starting so many groups to feel connected but I don't know what I will be when I break out of my chrysalis and I'm anxious that I won't be anything approaching human when I finally become whatever it is I'm becoming."

Sean was silent for a long time as I watched the others swimming or soaking or socialising feeling completely isolated from the festivities of my own party. He finally spoke, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say, is there anything I can do to help? I could ask Xavier."

"No. You know what I find strange?"


I gestured around us "The people in this place could remake the world and instead they spend most of their time fighting amongst each other. Thor enjoys fighting. I don't get it, why do these people waste their time fighting super villains when they could be solving the world's actual problems."

"They are doing their best, they're enjoying themselves. What's wrong with that?"

I sighed "Because their fun is stupid and their attempts at saving the world are nothing but stop gap measures achieving little of any long term value." Sean looked worried. " I'll show you fun."

I reached out telepathically to John, who is semi sneakily fucking Mystique under water and link with him and her in a limited sensory connection. I use that connection to their pleasure and broadcast it telepathically to the others in the room and I dissolve into the water and spread out psionically possessing the water in both pools and the 3 jacuzzis. I can feel the others as disruptions in my water, I link with them all, strengthening and fine tuning the sensory connections as I focus my attentions onto Wolverine.

^Things are about to get weird and sexual. All those in monogamous relationships are advised to leave.^ I telepathically transmit images of the layout of the houses including the many unoccupied bedrooms.

I caressed Wolverine's skin with my water using him as the focal point of my party game because of his rapid physical regeneration. He wore board shorts with his back against the side of the pool with his claws embedded in the rock to keep him from sinking due to the weight of his adamantium bones.

I watched with 'eyes' as the Lazaruses leave, as does Karma, Karoline and Xavin, Grace, Luke, Kermilla, Gill and Set leave. Then Kitty, Colossus, Bobby and Rogue leave. Magneto leaves to go to the library, JJ leaves with the Stepford Cuckoos but goes off to a bedroom with a giggly inebriated Celeste. Centaur leaves with Jackie and to go to the massage room upstairs. Jason leaves with Storm and Gambit. Shatterstar and Richtor leave on Richtor's prompting. Wiccan, Hulkling and Speed leave. Half of Jeremy's band leave. Peter and Spark leave. Jake and Jacob leave.

The people that remained were Tom, James, Mike, Vader, Sean, Lachlan, 4 class 1 mutants, Peter Hale, Patrick, Allesandro, Mark, Prodigy, Onyx, Northstar, Kyle Jinadu,Jeremy, Drummer(Holden),Razor, Scale, Nightcrawler, Abraxas, Wolverine, Anole, John and Mystique.

The pool party had morphed into a sausage party.

Using water tentacles I stripped Wolverine of his board shorts with one wrapping itself around his cock and the other pushing its way past his tight sphincter.

I teleported in front of him, displacing some water, I activated Rogue's power and kissed Wolverine, stealing some of his lifeforce and regenerative properties as I strengthened the link between him and everyone else in the room making him the secondary hub of sensation. Wolverine's power speeds up the recovery of my full strength. I used some of my recently regained power and reached out with hundreds of 'hands' and stripped the others of their remaining clothing. I encircled everyone and transferred us into the Olympic sized pool with Wolverine and me in center of the pool serving as the opening act and the others into a circle around us to serve as the audience.

I pinned their hands behind their backs so they wouldn't get too excited and ruin the sexual concert I was conducting with incidental masturbation. I held their bodies suspended with water rings. S

I used my hydrosenses and 'hands' to ensure that everyone was at full mast (minus Mystique who was an instrument I was unfamiliar with playing in her natural form) .

Returning my focus to Wolverine I started the game in earnest. I focused my attention on Wolverine's body using the water to touch every inch of him from the neck down, using the sensory connection to strum him to find his every sensitive spot so I could play him like a musical instrument. My water tentacle probed his insides while the other tentacle stroked him until he was begging for relief. I manifested 2 'bodies' to replace the tentacles, an ice body behind him and a water body in front of him. The ice body lodged it's cold hard cock deep into Wolverine's bowels while a water version of me sucked on his cock. Wolverine climaxes into the water version of me's mouth and his orgasm ripples through the others at my direction as I channel and direct it to saturate the others with just enough pleasure and horniness to warm them up for the main event.

Wolverine's horniness returned in seconds as opposed to minutes and I dissipated the ice version of me and switched into my 'Matthew body' sliding my warm 10 inch cock into his slick clutching hairy hole. I fucked him hard as the others shout encouragement and shout variations of "I'm next..."

Wolverine blasts a smaller load into the water and I moved him into a seated position with water as I released Nightcrawler so he could join in the opening act of the game. I directed him telepathically to fuck Wolverine as I sat on Wolverine's engorged 9 inch cock and rode him surrendering some of my control over the concert.

Wolverine grabbed my hips and slammed me down harder and harder and harder as Nightcrawler fucked him. As for the others, with the 'hands' dissolved into the water they either watched the opening act and pleasured themselves or paired up or grouped up with other horny audience members. The sensations of the group rippled back and forth freely, the sense of self and boundaries dissolving in the saturation of sensual pleasure. Mike got his ass pounded by Vader, Mark was getting fucked by Jeremy as Allesandro watched while in the middle of a fuck sandwich, fucking Peter Hale while fucked by Patrick, Northstar fucked Kyle while being fucked by Anole, Tom fucked James who was balls deep in Razor who fucked Scale. Holden, Prodigy, John, Onyx, Abraxas Sean and Lachlan watched and wanked.

The sex got more and more intense as the pleasure mounted from all the fucking until I temporarily telepathically merged with Wolverine as we climaxed which rippled through the others triggering secondary orgasms that rippled through the others setting off a chain reaction of orgasms that saturated the sensory connection until thought disappeared entirely under the ripples of telepathically boosted orgasms.

When thought returned I disconnected the sensory links to give everyone a break until the second act began. Some scattered to get drinks, others went to have a quick shower and others chattered to each other about the opening act.

I blind teleported into my secret bunker base and 'ate' 3 of the 'telekinetic clones' 'psychic clones' and the 'teleport clones'. I dissolve all but 3 of the 'meat clones and teleported them over to my empty room in 'Crash' to use during Act 2.

I teleported back to the pool brimming with telepathic, teleporting and telekinetic energy. I shifted to water absorbing enough water to take the form of an abomination with a mass of prehensile tentacles. There are shouts and cries and Wolverine leaps forward claws extended and stabs me in the chest as expected. I entangle him with a tentacle, activating Rogue's power for 2 seconds to absorb Wolverine's regenerative power, I throw him to the side as the others try and kill me with their various powers. I entangle them all, linking with them, sharing Wolverine's power with them via momentary grafting. They all instantly recover peak physical health as a result and I shed the tentacle monster shape to regain my typical appearance.

Bobby comes in to see everyone standing around still naked and having loud disagreements while I stand in the center unaffected.


"What was that?" Sean asked.

"A means to an end." I telepathically transmit the explanation that I allowed everyone momentary access to my inner core so they could share communion with my stolen power and know what it was like to be Wolverine for a moment.

"Mein God." Nightcrawler said.

I send out tentacles to collect everyone and move them into position but the mood is more confused than horny. I telepathically skim Bobby's mind to see why he was nearby and found that he recently dumped Kitty and was loitering nearby curious about the gay sex going on.

I pulled him into the center with tentacles and caress him with 'water hands' and 'Tk hands' filling his mind with images of what happened in the pool 15 minutes ago. He gets hard and horny and I established a link with him making him a temporary hub as I created sensory links from him to the others.

Just as I finished establishing the connections, Colossus walks in wearing only a towel around his waist.

"Want to join the fun and games?" I asked

He nodded and I teleported him directly behind me minus the towel. I telepathically projected my memories of our fucking during workouts into his head and I could sense his 8 inch cock engorge with blood. "What now?" he asked.

"Fuck me." I said as I established a sensory connection between us. He grabbed onto my hip with one hand and with the other he fingered my hole and a moment later he pushed his thick 8 inch cock into my hole.

I reached out and grabbed onto Bobby pulling him in for a kiss while I used water to stroke his cock while pushing a trickle of water past his sphincter to tickle his prostate. He responded eagerly, surprising me a little as Colossus pounded my ass with vigor. The others were more engaged now with the live sex show. I fine tuned the sensory connections as I stretched out Bobby's virgin hole with my water, I pressed my 6 inch cock against his slick virgin hole and telepathically asked Ready to have your cherry popped.

In response Bobby drove his ass onto my cock, the pain reverberated through the group for a moment until Bobby adjusted to my hard cock inside him. I kissed him harder as my hands roamed his body, exploring his slim, semi muscular body as I made small thrusts into him. Soon his thoughts became more fragmented [Fuck me, oh god, yeah}

Mid way through Shatterstar and Richtor walked in, mid way through an argument about exclusivity. I reached out with my mind and sent a telepathic message to John Jean, psionic and telekinetic shield around this section. I paused for a second during fucking Bobby to establish a mid level telepathic link with John as Jean to create a temporary block from any more interruptions to my party game.

John as Jean got attention from the technically straight and bisexual men in the group. (Jeremy, Holden, Prodigy, Peter Hale, Patrick, Vader, Sean and Patrick.)

Colossus's fucking distracted me from restraining the others and the group split into two, those who wanted homosexual sex and those who wanted heterosexual fun. John was surrounded by horny guys who had found Jean attractive in life and wanted a second chance. Mystique morphed into a copy of Jean too...

Colossus's thrusts got more rapid as he watched 2 Jeans surrounded by 7 guys while 2 of the guys were fucking them (Prodigy and Wolverine). Colossus grunted, dumping his load into me and withdrawing to watch the hetero sex. I wasn't concerned, Bobby was bouncing on my cock like a pro and the sensations from the group were filtering through me despite their preferred gender choices.

I reached out with a thought and teleported away the clothes and weapons of Shatterstar and Richtor who were watching the bi orgy in shocked awe.

Shatterstar had a nice 8 inch cock while Richtor stood there with a 6 and a half inch cock. No wonder he was so insecure and possessive.

Shatterstar dived into the pool and made his way to Prodigy who was fucking one of the Jeans. They exchanged a quick glance and the next moment Shatterstar was balls deep inside Prodigy's black butt. It was an interesting sight as John as Jean got ass fucked by Patrick while getting fucking by Prodigy who was being fucked by Shatterstar, redhead girl getting fucked by a white man and a black teen while he got fucked by a ginger dude.

Meanwhile Richtor shouted "HEY." He was ignored, too many people too involved in their own sexual antics to care about his issues.

I switched to 'Matthew body', Bobby whimpered in my mouth as my cock grew 4 inches bigger, his tight hole clamping around my cock. I paused to let him get used to it while I looked around to see who would fill the gap in me that Colossus had left. I teleported Tom and James over, Tom still fucking James. Tom took up position fucking me as James stuck his 11 inch cock up his bf's ass.

Bobby meanwhile was moaning like a bitch in heat as I fucked him hard. Tom blew his load in me, then James took over fucking me with his 11 inch cock. I blew inside Bobby as he came hard from the prostate pounding, which set off another chain reaction affecting half of the group.

Those who had cum were removed from the field of play and disconnected from the sensory network. I teleported in the 3 'meat clones' that I had stored in my room into the pool to help deal with those 16 people who hadn't quite reached satiation.

Wolverine, Northstar, Shatterstar, Mystique, John, Prodigy, Vader, Mike, Rictor, Onyx, Lachlan, Sean and the 4 class 1 mutants

I possessed the 3 meat clones telepathically and used one to fuck Wolverine as he fucked Mystique in Jean's body, one to get fucked by Onyx and the last to fuck Shatterstar's ass. I sat on the pool's edge to calibrate the sensory network for maximum effect on those remaining funneling all their combined sensations into Wolverine so that he'd experience multiple orgasms that I could redirect and channel through to the others.

Once the remaining people were adequately fucked out I disconnected everyone from the sensory network.

Seeing how drained everyone was I said ^ Time for a break. Those of you interested in further fun and games meet me in my room at 11 pm, In the meantime eat, drink and be merry for tommorow we will wish to be dead^

With a laugh I teleported to my room to recover from the mental and physical toll of orchestrating the sensory concert. While I recovered I read the Bible to pass the time to keep my mind from obsessing on things I couldn't control or change.

At 11 pm Sean showed up with Mike, then Scale arrived a minute later then Jeremy, Tom, James, Mark and Allesandro a couple minutes later. Wolverine, Vader and Onyx showed up around 11:10 pm.

"Okay now that we've all gathered here, lets get naked. I'm thinking that I'll end my 17th birthday with a gangbang, round off the day with all your loads in me. What do you think?"

Mike said "Fuck yeah" and the others were quick to remove their clothing.

I pulled Mike in for a kiss and Sean kissed my neck from behind, rubbing his hard cock against my back entrance and with a hard push he buried his 8 inch cock all the way into my hole. He started fucking into me as Mike started sucking my cock. Wolverine grabbed Mike's hips and slammed his 9 inch cock into Mike's hole. Mike moaned with a mouthful of my cock in him. Scale jumped onto the bed and moved so that Mike was between his legs as he filled my mouth with his double dong, his precum making me light headed as Sean pounded my ass and Mike sucked my cock.

The others watched from around my double bed. Mark in between Allesandro and Jeremy hands busy stroking their cocks while Jeremy fingered his ass and Allesandro stroked him back. Onyx stood alone, stroking himself slowly as he waited for his turn. Tom and James were kissing each other and groping each other's butts as they ground their hard cocks into each others.

Vader moved over to us, his big 11 inch cock firmly in hand. He kneeled behind Sean and slowly slid his big cock into him. Sean groaned as it sunk deep inside him, broadcasting his pain accidentally through telepathy due to our mutual physical contact. I established a sensory link to Sean sharing my pleasure with him and Sean was back to banging my ass like a real trooper in moments. I grabbed onto Mike's ears and face fucked him while Wolverine sped up his fucking of him. Sean repeatedly hitting my prostate like a champ, it was hard not to blow right then. I held off. Sean didn't. He sped up and blew his load in me.

Sean pushed Vader out of his way to get onto shaky legs and said "I should get back to Lachlan, Happy birthday."

^Thanks Sean. You're the best.^

Sean left putting on his underwear. Vader shoved half his cock into me before I stopped him with a 'Tk hand'. ^ Not yet.^ He pulled out with a mutter. ^ Mike you fuck me next, Wolverine fuck my mouth. Scale you'll have to be last so you can fuck me to sleep.^

As they pulled out of various orifices I made myself more comfortable laying on my back. Wolverine moved quickly to slam his 9 inch cock down my throat while Mike grabbed my legs and put them over his shoulder as he slammed his 8 1/2 inch cock into me. Someone sat on my 6 inch cock (I had decided to finish my birthday in my birthday suit).

I activated an 'eye' in the room just over the bed so I could keep track of the action. Scale bounced up and down on my cock as Wolverine face fucked me with typical vigor and Mike fucked me. I moaned around Wolverine's cock as I moved my hips to meet each of Mike's thrusts. Vader paused Mike's actions as he took up position behind him. Mike smiled as Vader slammed his cock all the way into him. Mike fucked me harder, his tongue buried in Wolverine's ass. Wolverine dumped a load down my throat as Mike added his load to his brother's inside my ass. Mike pulled out and Vader slammed in, finishing off a moment later in me.

Vader and Mike walked off with a "laters" as Wolverine moved into position between my legs, slamming into me. (They ruined my original plan of having them fuck me by order of their cock size but considering them all being various stages of drunk, horny and impatient it was probably too much to expect.)

Wolverine slammed in deep and using 'hands' I nudged Mark, Allesandro and Jeremy closer to the bed.

Scale sped up his bouncing on my cock and I groaned as I blew my load into him, a moment later his cocks spurted cum all over my torso. He eased off my cock as Wolverine slammed into me, his adamantium pelvis thudding against my butt over and over again as he fucked me without pause.

Mark fed me his cock as Allesandro knelt on my right side and rubbed Scale's cum into me, it made me feel itchy. Jeremy knelt on my left and played with my balls and cock.

Mark eased off my mouth and Allesandro took his place fucking my mouth while Mark sat on my cock while Jeremy stood and fucked Mark's mouth in between the two men.

"So what did I miss?" John asked walking in with Mystique

^Birthday gangbang, You missed Sean, Mike and Vader dropping their loads in me.^

"You're a crazy kid but you're amusing." He turned to Mystique. "Shall we join in the fun?"

"I'm not." Mystique turned and left.

John looked at her retreating form and back at me with 4 other men on the bed and stripped off his swim trunks and with a shrug said, "More for me then."

John morphed into Wolverine and took position behind the real one and jammed his own 9 inch cock into him.

Wolverine fucked me harder and faster causing the whole bed to tremble a little. He grunted and dumped his load into me. I nudged him off of me with a 'Tk hand' and atelepathic suggestion to go fuck himself.

John as Wolverine got thrown to the ground by the real one and fucked hard without the benefit of lube or preparation. John as Wolverine gave me a bone claw salute as he got ass fucked by the adamantium version.

Meanwhile Jeremy occupied my recently vacated hole as Mark rode my cock slowly and Allesandro moved to stifle my moans with his cock down my throat. With my right hand I grabbed onto Allesandro hairy butt and the other I used to stroke Mark's cock and with my right foot I spurred Jeremy's thrusts with foot taps. Jeremy fucked me harder until he blew a load into me, then Mark eased off my hard cock and took over fucking me. Jeremy stood to the side getting dressed as Mark fucked me, Allesandro took position behind him, sliding his cock into Mark's hole. Mark leant down, kissing me as he fucked me harder, after several minutes he blew into me, he withdrew and a second later Allesando slammed his cock into me and fucked me hard and fast until he finished inside me.

The Wolverines were still fucking on the floor, their grunts and groans continuing unabated during my entire time with Mark, Jeremy and Allesandro.

Jeremy, Allesandro and Mark left the room together, waving goodbye to me and the remaining people in the room.

Tom and James moved forward and flipped me onto my front, nudging me so that I was face down, ass up. Tom fucked me and James moved around to the head of the bed so that he could push my face down onto his cock. The bf's spit roasted me with practised ease. Tom fucked me until he blew and James was quick to slam his 11 inch cock into my hole and finish off into me. They left a moment later.

Afterwards John morphed back to his actual form, then into a naked Magneto and said "enough, my turn on top." and metal bended Wolverine against a wall, forcing him to embed himself into the wall.

John then switched over to Thor's form and slammed Thor's 10 inch cock into my cum soaked hole. "Happy Birthday Boy Wonder."

"Thanks." I moaned as he hit my prostate over and over again. "Bit soon to be using that face though, he did nearly kill me."

"I have faith in your powers of survival kid." John said as he used Thor's strength to push me down onto the bed so that I was completely pinned beneath his weight as he lay on top of me and fucked me thoroughly. John as Thor made a sound like a throat clearing as he added another load to my ass.

Wolverine roared having freed his claws from his thighs and walls while John was distracted and leapt onto the bed. John as Thor punched him in the face, which sent him sprawling through the wall, John switched to his normal state for a split second then morphed into Jean and said "I'll take this outside before we bring the house down."

John as Jean floated down the hall using Tk with Wolverine chasing him out the room naked and enraged.

Onyx and Scale moved over. "Hey guys, you're lucky last. Onyx come on and ruin my hole."

Onyx smiled grasping his 10 inch cock in hand and slid into my slick hole with ease, his hands pushed mine down into the mattress as he fucked me. Scale knelt next to my face as and I alternated sucking one cock then the other, at one point trying to fit them both down my throat.

Onyx morphed into his rock form growing heavy on top of me, his cock expanding inside me stretching me more than all the others. I moaned around a mouthful of Scale's cocks as his fucking got slower and deeper as he long dicked me with his 14 inch rock cock. Scale's cum doing a wonderful job of easing the discomfort and making me sleepier.

At 12:01 am Scale said "Birthday's over now. Hope you had a good one" as he fucked my face.

Onyx sped up, causing my bones to rattle as he reached beneath me, grabbing onto my flat abs and pulling me onto his cock as he slammed into me, treating me like a blow up doll.

I gasped as I lost grip on Scale's cocks, lost somewhere between pleasure and excruciating pain as Onyx hit his frenzied peak and exploded into me. He groaned like a wounded animal as he gripped my shoulders driving himself as deep as he could inside me at his moment of release. A moment later he released me to land face down on the bed, having at some point during the pleasure pain cum all over the sheets, leaving me laying in its damp stickyness.

"God that was good." Onyx said as I panted, trying to catch my breath.

Onyx walked off his footsteps loud in his rock form. I made a mental note to get John and Magneto to reinforce the floors and inner walls later.

"You okay?" Scale asked.

"Little sore but I'm fine, put me to sleep."

"You sure."

"Yeah I want to drift off with you inside me twitching your release."

Scale gave me a sharp toothed grin as I subtly repaired the damage inside from Onyx's excitement and by the time Scale got behind me I had fixed it enough. Scale pushed in and I grabbed onto the pillow as Scale rabbit fucked me. His thrusts hard and fast, not slowing down for a second, his teeth clamped on my ear as he fucked me.

I moaned "Yes, give it to me, please."

and Scale's thrusts became frantic and he groaned around a mouthful of flesh "I'm cummming."


Wooh that was a long one, hope you enjoyed it.

Feedback is appreciated and helps encourage me to finish the next chapter faster.

I'm thinking of having either Deadpool or Angel show up in the next chapter. Can't decide whether I can pull off Deadpool's unique voice or even if he'd make a good sexy time partner, or a crazy one.

Next: Chapter 35: Voided 6

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