
By wayne unknown

Published on Aug 7, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Brief reference to Avatar the Last Airbender with a quote from a character in that show. No disrespect meant to Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko or any of the affiliated writers of that show. It's an excellent show with a reasonably intelligent protagonist, which is an achievement considering he's 12.


Story Terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

'Linked' – telepathically attaching to someone else to experience their sensations.

Tk – telekinesis/telekinetic

'Hydro sense' – 'eyes' external sight and hearing through vibration of water molecules, 'hands' touch. (missing smell and taste)

'Psychic shadow' – a copy of someone's mentality that's subtly different from the original personality due to the effects of not having a body and varying experiences post separation.

'Psychic clone' - a physical copy of Victor, infused with psychic energy equivalent to a class 4 telepath with no independent thought or action.

teleport hops - teleports that range from a few feet to a few miles.


DRAMATIS PERSONAE - Persona proxies

Justin – appears 17 years old, 5 foot 8, bright red hair, 9 inch cock, has class 3 telepathy and class 3 teleportation attending Xavier's school.

JJ – appears early 20's, fat 9 inch cock has class 4 telepathy attending Xavier's school.

Jason - appears early 40's, 6 foot 4, rust red hair, 9 inch cock currently has class 3 telepathy and class 3 hydrokinetics currently supervising the 'golem collective' in Antarctica and Tasmania.

Jackie – only female persona proxy, appears to be in her mid-30's and is currently serving as Avalon's healer with class 4 hydro kinesis and class 4 'hydro sense'.

Jacob – appears mid 40's, currently within the mental landscape serving as psychiatric practitioner for Phorcys and Phoenix.

Jake – appears mid 40's, currently within the mental landscape serving as drill sergeant for nightmare warriors.


Chapter 4

Sunday March 25th 2001

I extended my telepathic scans with the help of my new 'psychic clones'. Despite my efforts, I only ended up with a massive headache that persisted for hours despite multiple phases.

Monday March 26th 2001

I met with Beast in his office; he was dressed in a charcoal grey suit, which barely contained his furry blue muscular body. I shook his hand activating Rogue's power to sap him while using Sean's telepathy to copy his consciousness into my mental landscape. I absorbed his knowledge of genetics, bio chemistry and science and transferred the extraneous details into my private library to process later.

Beast grimaced, his hand tightening on mine for a split second before the mind ream was completed. He shook his head and asked "How can I help you Matthew?" (The alias I had used to get the meeting, complete with fake papers thanks to Mystique's forger and using the body that I usually used for violence and sex as a disguise to protect my actual identity from government scrutiny.)

:: Mental Landscape::

Beast appeared next to my avatar naked within the hallway of my ice fortress, looking even more muscular without the suit; his bright blue fur covered almost his entire body, except for 4 inches of limp blue cock. He glanced around, his keen mind taking in all the details: Where am I?

I replied: You're in my mind; I've copied your consciousness and uploaded your essence to serve as my advisor in matters of genetics, biochemistry and diplomacy.

Beast: return me to my body immediately!

Me: There's the rub... I copied your mind so technically the original you is already in your body and you're a copy. If that one dies I can upload you into a physical copy to take his place.

I transported us to my throne room and made the wall transparent so he could see out of my eyes.

:: ::

The bones, tendons and flesh of my hands and feet stretched painfully as they expanded as the side effect of Rogue's power took effect. I shifted to my original shape to counter the incidental acquisition of Beast's original power set. "I'm actually Victor."

"Charles has mentioned you." He tore his hand from my grip and crossed his arms in front of his large muscular chest waiting for me to make my case.

I smothered my urge to giggle and said "I'm sure he has."

:: Mental Landscape::

Beast saw the reflection of his psychic shadow in the ice wall and his original outside: Oh my stars and garters.

Me: You might want to create some clothes for yourself (transmitted telepathic instructions to him as to how to alter his appearance)

Beast morphed into the same suit that the Beast in the outside world wore: What happens now?

Me: I'll introduce you to everyone in my mental landscape. I have 4 of my persona proxies out in the world engaged in covert surveillance and information gathering while I search for the Void Soldiers. (I displayed the holographic images of Jason, Jackie, Justin and JJ)

Beast: You're an unusual young man.

Me: I've had a lot of time to brood since I killed Jean Gray.

Before Beast could comment I teleported us to Jake's location.

Me: Jake is training the nightmare warriors to serve as my psychic antibodies.

The nightmare warriors gave Beast a moment of attention before resuming their lessons. Jake gave me a brief nod of acknowledgement before turning back to his legion of horrors.

Beast looked shaken: What were those things?

I shrugged: I conscripted every figure of fear from fiction and my childhood nightmares to protect my mind from outside threats. I thought it was darkly appropriate.

Beast: and who is Jake to you?

I gave him a grim smile as I teleported us away: He's the part of me that's a victim, a survivor and a warrior hence why he's so scarred. (In this place Jake was covered in scars and bruises from all the abuse inflicted on my mind and body over the years)

I gestured towards Phorcys and Jacob who were engaged in yet another argument: These two are always arguing because they're polar opposites.

They glanced at us momentarily.

Jacob to Beast: Hello, how are you today?

I continued with my tour speech/warning: Jacob analyses people and situations in order to help improve their lives; Phorcys seeks out weaknesses to exploit. He's not very nice but he has his uses.

Phorcys flipped us the bird and puddled away.

Beast replied to Jacob's question: Confused but fascinated.

I teleported him to an empty room in the castle: This will be your room. You can make adjustments as you see fit similar to how you changed your physical appearance earlier.

Beast: Could I appear human?

I smiled: I've given you the equivalent of class 4 reality manipulation. You can look like Elvis if you felt like putting in the effort. However you'll still resonate as yourself.

Beast quirked an eyebrow and asked: Resonate?

Me: It's the psychic equivalent of someone's fingerprint or underlying smell. No matter how you change the outside image, you can't be mistaken for anyone other than yourself in here. Anyway feel free to adjust the room as you like. Now I'll show you to the library.

I teleported him into the library: This is the library, it exists in 6 dimensions.

Beast: 6?

Me: Yes there are the standard 3 dimensions; height, width, length, and then we have the 4th dimension being time, which runs differently here, 5 hours can pass in here while only 5 minutes will pass outside the room. Then the 5th dimension is a digital realm that can be accessed by logging into the computer located over there. (I pointed) Then the final dimension is a holographic dimension that is only accessible by me through that VIP section. (I gestured to the V on the floor in an empty corner of the library) :: ::

"Cyclops said you were an exceptional student but troubled. Charles was concerned by your behavior and potential for destruction." Beast said looking me up and down. "Should I alert security?"

"They couldn't stop me if I wanted to hurt you." I sighed knowing that I was messing it up by coming off as threatening as he stepped back. I tried a different approach. "I miss Cyclops he was dedicated and loyal, bit of a prude but he had a great tactical mind. I only wish I had known then what I know now. I could have saved him."

"The Phoenix destroyed his mind and body. No one could have saved him."

"There is nothing impossible to him who will try."

"Alexander the Great." Beast gave me a small smile.

"One day I will find a way to save Cyclops and all the others who died but for now I will have to settle for punishing those responsible. I need you to stop the politicians that sanctioned the killing of my friends Dryad and Gargoyle for the purposes of experimentation don't wriggle their way out of being prosecuted by using their political connections."

"What are you talking about?" Beast asked. I uploaded the data from the decrypted files into Beast's mind along with the incriminating information about the 2 politicians who had signed off on using kidnapped mutants for testing the effectiveness of Cure weapons on the unwilling and violent. "Oh my stars and garters. That's horrible."

"Indeed. We need to stop the Void Soldier project before they can harvest any more of us for their experiments."

"Is that why you probed my mind without permission?" Beast asked.

"I needed to ensure you were trustworthy." I said.

"You doubted me?"

"I doubt most people, especially politicians. This government hasn't done much to gain my trust."

"I'll see what I can do to ensure the guilty parties are punished appropriately. What will you do when you find those working on this abominable project? Kill them?"

"Course not, I'm not Magneto. I don't have to kill all my enemies to win. My goal is to find them, destroy their research and wipe their minds. It probably won't stop the anti-mutant research forever but it should delay them until we're organized enough to hold our own in a fight. Magneto's methods are crude but he makes some valid points. We will eventually gain the numbers that we need to out compete and overtake Homo sapiens. There are millions of us; soon the balance will tip in our favor. There's no need for all this violence and death. Personally I don't want humans dead, some of my friends are humans; I just want humans to stop killing us for being different. Charles may tolerate them attempting to kill us over and over again but I'm far less forgiving. "

"Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."

"John F Kennedy. I'll take that as a compliment and ignore the term children. I guess to a 60 year old I probably seem like an idealistic child."

:: Mental Landscape: I teleported Beast to the Council Room: I'd like your diplomatic expertise to deal with them.

Phorcys, Phoenix, Magneto and Mystique argued around the large conference room in the Council Room.


Phorcys replied calmly: Watching them all drown is far more entertaining.

Magneto ignored them to talk to Mystique: Mutants should rule the world; we are superior in every way. We are homo superior!

I chimed in with: Got to love a superior homo.

Phoenix launches a fireball in my direction: PUNY INSECT, you will not hold me for long. I will cleanse the world with fire and the emptiness of death and bring about a new age in my image.

I met her fireball with a frost attack, spraying the bickering mutants with ice cold slurry: They're like this all the time and Jacob hasn't had much luck with them as a group. Hence why I need a diplomat in here to try and arrange some sort of ceasefire between the stronger personalities.

Mystique was the first to stand shedding the icy slush as if it was nothing: Hello Hank it's been a long time.

Beast shook off his shock: Oh my stars. Mystique? Magneto? Jean? What have you done? (directed at me)

Phoenix supernovaed melting the ice around her and burning Magneto and boiling Phorcys (his current form a bloody water replica of me).

Phoenix: You're a traitor to your kind; you used that human weapon to strip Magneto of his power.

Magneto's had healed and he said with obvious contempt: Hank has always preferred the company of humans to his own kind. It's why he spent so long trying to hide his mutation. Ironic that in trying to find a way to suppress his mutation, he made it obvious who he really was.

Beast paled.

Magneto continued: Now you serve as their token mutant for those fools in government.

Beast: I represent the US in international relations which is more than you've ever achieved with your endless vendetta against the humans.

Phoenix took that moment to launch another fireball; this time at Hank/Beast I blocked it with an ice shield.

Me: If you're going to poke the crazies, you should be aware that Magneto's the demagogue of the group, Mystique follows as usual and Phoenix, well Phoenix is a psychotic with a penchant for pyro kinesis. Phorcys is a connoisseur of violence and mayhem but he's probably the least volatile of the bunch. Admittedly that's not saying much with this crowd.

Phorcys teleported to my side, manifesting as bloody red snowman version of me: You know you love me.

Me: Don't push it crazy. At least you're more entertaining than her. (I pointed at Phoenix who launched another fireball) Repetitive and dull (I banished her and her fireball outside) you can play umpire to their bickering for now. I'm off. If you get into trouble, call on Jacob, Jake or Northstar for assistance, they'll hear you.

Beast: Northstar is here too?

Me: He's currently performing patrols of the perimeter.

I faded into the background before he could ask any more questions. :: ::

"This meeting has been very productive. Thank you." I smiled at Beast pleased with myself after inducting him as a 'psychic shadow' to serve as arbitrator for my mental landscape and securing his support in dealing with the corrupt politicians.

"Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Do you have a way I can contact you?"

I wrote down my contact details and returned to my place in Trinidad with teleport hops to continue with my experiments and training.

Wednesday 28th

I teleport-hopped over to John's and made him an offer to partner with me in my scheme to probe the minds of the rich and powerful of the US up close and personal.

"Why should I be bothered?"

"I thought you might like a way to gain the DNA of some of the biggest movers and shakers on the political scene, people with major political clout and money but if you don't... " I turned around as if to exit.

"I'll help if you get Mystique back; fucking wannabe starlets has become dull."

"Shouldn't be a problem."

"What do you get out of this?"

"I haven't had much luck with my current methods of hunting. I spend most nights using psychic clones to boost my psychic scanning range further to find some trace of the Void Soldiers project but so far I haven't found anything useful. I can't dig too deep into the minds of millions of people at the same time without risk of killing them and my 'psychic clones' collapse too fast. It's getting harder to scan the populace as they develop telepathic resistance. If I target the people in power and dig deep into their mind close range, I'll know everything they know and I might find something that can help my search."

"You're asking for a lot of money from me to fund your search for something that might not even happen."

"Trust me. You'll get all your money back and more within the year as well as a chance to steal their DNA for use later and I'll have a way to help mutants be safe from human experimentations."

"Okay Boy Wonder. I could do with some entertainment. Life has been a bit dull lately."

Saturday 31st March

Second Meeting of what we're tentatively calling GSA. (Gay Superheroes of America)

Anole joined us for this meeting and talked about his arm being chopped off and how it regrew stonger and spikier than before and how his friends Rockslide and X-23 offered to cut off all his limbs to make him stronger.

I suggested we go somewhere quiet and isolated for this meeting. I transmitted a location to Wiccan who mass teleported the 5 of us to a small uninhabited crescent islet in Hawaii (Ka'ula).

We used the relative isolation of the islet to engage in some good natured competition to determine who the best was.

We had competitions for fastest swimmer - I win Fastest flyer - Northstar wins Fastest runner - Northstar wins again Strangest shapeshift - I win when I turn myself into a giant flying water version of a manta ray Strongest - Hulkling Fastest teleporter - After a teleport race between Wiccan and me; he wins by a mile. Most dangerous combatant - Anole by virtue of his spiked fist and regenerative/evolutionary mutation. Coolest power set - Wiccan for sheer range and versatility.

I asked Wiccan after our competitions if he could teach me the spell he uses to switch clothes. He tries to teach me but I have no luck making it work.

Wiccan asked if women could join/be a part of the group since the group only has gay guys... and one of his friends is a lesbian and the other is bisexual.

I tell him that's fine, the more the merrier. We'll change the name to QSA to cover all the bases.

Visited Justin and JJ secretly late at night to get a progress report on their missions.

Justin is still enjoying distracting Wolverine with lots of sex to him from going on his late night wanders around the school.

JJ has successfully collected lots of useful information.He transmits the information he's accumulated to me telepathically.

Information gained features JJ's lessons on telepathy from Sean and Xavier and data collected from the mutant database and library.

JJ has also developed a friendly relationship with the Stepford Cuckoos, particularly Celeste. Information from Xavier's database classifies the Stepford Cuckoos (telepathic triplets) as class 4 telepaths individually but when they're linked in a hive mind configuration their telepathy borders on class 5 status. JJ thinks a new student named Elixir who is a class 5 bio kinetic who can heal may provide what I need to help Mark but he's currently inexperienced using his power so he needs lots of training.

Sunday 1st April

Visited Avalon, chatted to Scale and Razor for a bit to get an update on events in Avalon. Their respective workshops are producing well and the conflict between the Morlocks and the 'passers' had settled down to a low key antagonism.

Checked in with Jackie who interestingly enough is dating Centaur. She seems quite happy. The 'normals' are being healed of their assorted injuries and certain illnesses.

Visited Antarctica and provided a hydrokinetic/telepathic/teleportation power boost to the 'golem collective'.

Monday 2nd April

Went with John to search through Washington's nicest residential areas to find a place to renovate for our project.

Tuesday 3rd April

I seek out Elixir to see if he can help cure Mark since I can't.

He said he couldn't, explaining that he doesn't really know how his powers work yet. I offered to teach him everything I know about genetics, healing, biochemistry, human biology. (Which is a lot)

After some persuasion he accepts my offer of help.

I told him that due to my issues with Xavier, I'd have to teach him at night and shield his mind so Xavier wouldn't find out.

He agreed.

We meet again later at the lake at midnight and I transferred basic details of anatomy (skeletal system and basic overview of the roles of each organ) into his mind, giving him 20 minutes to absorb the information.

Then I transfer every piece of general information about the disease (from Beast) into his mind but Elixir grows pale and I stop mid-way, realizing that Josh/Elixir is suffering from information overload.

"We'll pick this up tomorrow."

He nodded wearily and returned to bed.

Wednesday 4th April

John and I found 2 adjacent houses in Woodland Terrace that John and I agree should suit our needs.

I visited Mark for a few minutes to inform him that I might have found a way to help him but I would need to probe his mind for details about what the doctors told him that he might not remember consciously. I gently probe his mind for the details.

Night time

I telepathically transmitted to Elixir information about Mark's drug regimen along with every piece of information I had found on each drug and the effects on the virus replication process. Mark's cocktail of drugs allows him to live life non symptomatic but it still required constant micromanaging to combat virus adaptation and replication.

Then I give Josh/Elixir the specific details of the HIV strain microbial habits and the microbial war being fought with antiretroviral drug treatments Mark is receiving.

Thursday 5th

I send a telepathic message to Beast to check on the progress on Void Soldier investigation. Negative progress - The 2 politicians were arrested but they died in transit in suspicious circumstances.

Night time I give Elixir general information about the virus replication process.

Friday 6th April

Picked up Jason and 2000 golems from Antarctica to help with the renovation of the two houses that John and I bought. (If you pay people 15% above market value the previous owners will depart quickly and happily.)

Night I transferred knowledge of Mark's particular strain's impact on normal cells compared to the cellular composition of an uninfected cell.

Saturday 7th of April 2001

First meeting of the recently renamed QSA group was held in a rundown community center in the Bronx.

I had invited several people to attend the group; Sean, John (declined), Mike, JJ, Justin and Wolverine.

Sean was the first to show up with Lachlan in tow. "Hey guys, where are the others?"

"Mike and JJ aren't coming but Wolverine and Justin should be here soon."

"Ok, well pull up a chair and we'll get started when the others arrive."

Wiccan and Hulkling arrived a few minutes later. Wiccan looks downcast and glum. I asked "What's up?"

"We got captured and held prisoner again." Wiccan said. Hulkling placed his arm around Wiccan's shoulder.

"That sucks. Do you need me to kick someone's ass for you?" I asked feeling protective over Wiccan; he's such a nice guy.

"No." Hulkling gritted out.

I was about to say something but got distracted when Anole and 2 teenage girls I hadn't met walked into the room. "Hello, I'm Victor."

"Karma," the smaller Asian girl said introducing herself, she had short black hair and a serious expression. She gave me a brief firm handshake and walked off to find a chair. She sat next to Sean on his left side. They smiled at each other like old friends.

My attention was diverted by the other girl who said "I'm Karolina Dean, nice to meet you. I've heard lots about you." I gave her an appraising once over; she had on a leather jacket with a shirt that didn't cover her midriff and tight blue jeans. Her hair was blonde, her eyes blue, she looked like the kind of girl my sister used to hang out with in her bedroom, talking about boys and giggling and squealing incessantly.

I smiled and shrugged hands out, palms up. "I do get into a lot of trouble."

Karolina laughed and went off to sit next to Karma.

"Good to see you Anole." I gave him a brief hug careful of his arm spikes and he grabbed a metal chair and sat down next to Wiccan.

Northstar arrived moments later, we exchanged hellos and he sat next to Anole and they started chatting.

The others chatted between themselves while we waited for any stragglers to arrive. I got impatient and announced "We might as well start, I thought this time we'll try an icebreaker exercise (Beast's idea), just a few questions to get us talking about the weirdness of mutant life..."

Wolverine and Justin walked in, clothes rumpled and disheveled. Justin said sheepishly "Sorry we're late, we got sidetracked."

I shook my head smiling, easily imagining what they had been up to, based on my own experiences with the both of them.

Northstar said "YOU'RE GAY? Kyle is going to laugh his ass off."

"You have a problem bub?" Wolverine asked, striding forth, his metal claws extending from his knuckles.

I got in the middle of them as Northstar super sped forward and I ended up pushed onto Wolverine's extended claws; his claws tickled as they pierced my flesh.

:Mental Landscape:: Jake ends up with 6 more puncture marks on his torso. :: ::

I shifted into my 'Matthew body' and pushed Wolverine away as I phased the wounds away. I created 2 giant 'hands' pushing them several feet away from each other so they could have a chance to cool down. They struggled so I infused the 'hands' with 'Tk energy' to help hold them in place.

Quite a few of the assembled people look at me with varying levels of surprise and confusion. (Either because of my non reaction to injury, shapeshifting into a different person or confining Northstar and Wolverine in giant watery hands) I ignored their stares and confusion to address the real issues.

"Ok I guess this was bound to happen at some point but I guess we should establish some ground rules for this group. First of all this should be a safe place for us to talk freely about being a minority within a minority and all the strangeness that results without fear. That means no violence when we meet up, if you want to fight you can do so later in your own time. Discretion is a must. This group isn't to be a source of gossip." I glared at Northstar and continued. "If someone well known within the community like Wolverine joins the group, it can't be mentioned outside this group that he swings both ways. Whatever happens during our meetings will remain between us. If I find anyone gossiping about what happens here they will suffer my wrath. Simple rules, no fighting and no gossip. Is it agreed?"

They agreed with varying enthusiasm (minus Northstar and Northstar who remained silent). Northstar used super speed to vibrate himself to break free from the 'Tk boosted ice hand' encircling him and returned to his chair.. I gave him a look and he said "Oui." head bowed.

I gave Wolverine another minute to settle down before freeing him and I resumed the icebreaker exercise. "First question, strangest thing done to you? Mine was probably being psychically neutered by Charles Xavier to be less dangerous." That got a few gasps. "It didn't hold after the world wide migraine."

There was silence for a moment until Northstar one upped mine and said "I was brainwashed into an assassin to kill anti-mutant haters."

Wolverine said, "My skeleton was grafted with unbreakable adamantium by William Striker to be the world's first mutant super soldier."

No one said anything for an interminably long moment so I moved onto the next question. "Strangest thing that's happened to you?"

Northstar "I died and was resurrected."

Wolverine snickered "Who hasn't come back from the dead? I've survived a nuclear blast."

I shook my head at the oldest members of the group acting the most juvenile and engaging in a pissing match.

I moved onto the next question "Worst thing that happened to you?"

Sean said "Mom died due to dad's powers leaving me and my brother to become orphans."

Lachlan said "My priest tried to have it on with me and I sonic blasted him and he accused me of being a demon."

Wolverine said "I found out I had two kids Daken and Lorna/X23 I didn't know about and Daken wants me dead."

Northstar said barely audible "I adopted a baby girl and named her Joanne and she died soon after from AIDS."

I asked the next question, "strangest thing about you?"

Anole said, "I can regrow limbs and they come back stronger, I have super strength in one arm."

Wolverine said "I'm much older than I look."

Northstar "My powers are stronger when I'm with my twin sister."

Karolina said "I'm a Majesdanian." I look at her confused "An alien." she explained.

Hulkling smiled and said "Me too, Half Kree, Half Skrull."

Karma said "I can psionically possess people remotely to do my will."

"I don't eat and I seldom sleep." I said.

Justin revealed "I was created not born."

Hulkling asked "Really who by?"

"That would be me." I confessed.

"How?" Wiccan asked.

"What kind of game are you playing?" Wolverine asked, looking between Justin and me for answers.

"I created Justin to deal with a need to satisfy my telepathic cravings when I was in Antarctica..." I got a lot of strange looks. "It's a long story."

Wolverine stomped off with Justin following.

I activated an 'eye' and followed them concerned about Justin.

:: Wolverine and Justin:: They walked off with Justin chasing after Wolverine until Wolverine turned around and lifted up Justin bodily one handed and held him against the nearest wall. "What the hell?"

"He's my maker. He wanted me to keep you busy and happy to make up for taking me away from Aaron and for what he did while he was Phorcys."

"Who the hell is Phorcys?"

"The alternate personality that attacked the X-men after Alcatraz." Justin explained.

"You've been playing me all this time?"

"I'm sorry."

Wolverine threw a punch at Justin and Justin teleported a few feet away. Wolverine chased him into the bathroom. "I should kill you for this but he could just remake you." Wolverine said. "Couldn't he?" Wolverine growled out.

"I don't know. Maybe. Are you going to hurt me?"

"Yes." I manifested an ice dagger above their heads infusing it with TK energy in preparation for a precision strike on Wolverine's central nervous system if Wolverine crossed the line. While I infused the ice stiletto with Tk energy, Wolverine pushed Justin into a toilet cubicle, closing the door behind him and sliced off Justin's pants with a casual swipe of his metal claws. Wolverine unbuttoned his jeans one handed while pushing Justin around so Justin was bent over the toilet bowl with his pants and underwear in ragged pieces around his feet. Wolverine spat on Justin's exposed hole and shoved his hard cock deep inside.

Justin moaned out "Logan." and angled himself to take all of Wolverine inside him.

Wolverine grabbed onto Justin's hips and slammed into Justin over and over again, uncaring of Justin's struggles to properly brace himself against something in the toilet stall. Wolverine kept pounding away. Justin ended up bracing one hand against the wall while stroking himself with the other as Wolverine pounded his hole. :: ::

I loudly cleared my throat and continued "Strangest thing you've done?"

Northstar said "Had sex while flying."

I smiled and responded with "I've had sex as a woman before." Hulkling gave me an odd look as did Karolina.

:: Justin ::

Wolverine kept pounding into Justin, their moans and groans steadily increasingly in pitch and frequency until Justin moaned "I'm Cumming" and Wolverine sped up his thrusts as Justin's hole clamped around Wolverine's big prick. Justin spurted his load into the toilet bowl.

Wolverine pulled out of Justin, spun him around and lifted him up bodily and slammed him down onto his thick cock. He used his claws to shred Justin's shirt, nicking Justin's collar bone with a metal claw, Logan growled and slammed Justin against the stall wall without the toilet paper dispensor. Wolverine gritted, "you don't need clothes." before biting down on Justin's collar bone.

Justin wrapped his arms and legs around Wolverine "Fuck me Logan."

That's what Logan/Wolverine did. He fucked him hard against the toilet wall until he blew another load into Justin.

Wolverine pulled out of Justin and Justin sprawled on the dirty floor leaking cum from his abused gaping hole.

Wolverine buttoned up his pants and walked out without another word.

"Now what?" he asked the empty room.

^ Time to get back to the Mansion and let JJ know what's up. He'll take care of it. ^

"I have no clothes."

"I'll help you teleport back"

I linked with Justin, tapping into his teleportation power and combining it with mine while using my psionic senses to help Justin travel from rooftop to rooftop without being spotted. :: ::

By the time I refocused my attention on the group, people were talking between themselves about the meeting and other stuff.

I turned my attention to Karma and Karolina. I asked Karma "Why are you wearing that skin tight yellow X-men suit?"

"It's the uniform of the X-men. It's something to be proud of."

"They're not particularly fashionable but no one argues with Xavier." Karolina said

"Don't you wear a superhero outfit when you fight?" Karma asked.

"I'm not actually a superhero. I just have super powers."

"So you don't use your powers to help people?"

I shrugged. "I have 50000 golems protecting Avalon, a mutant sanctuary I founded, I have a persona proxy healing the sick and wounded there and I'm tracking down people responsible for killing mutants to create the Cure weapons. I just don't fight street crime in spandex. It's not my thing."

Karma retorts. "We don't fight street crime, we save people from burning buildings and stop supervillains."

"Perhaps I should go on one of your adventures. Last time I got involved in a mess I ended up having to kill a psychotic Jean Gray. I haven't really wanted to get involved since. "

"You did that?" Karma asked

"I heard about that. Wow." Karolina said

"It wasn't the goal but she had just killed 20 soldiers and 5 mutants that were on her side for no apparent reason and she needed to be stopped. She nearly killed me and my mind is a bit messed up still because of it. Didn't really want to repeat the experience. Maybe it's more fun if you're in a team though."

I asked Wiccan if he could fix the damage done to my shirt by Wolverine (the holes and the blood stains). He did. I hugged him for longer than was strictly necessary to thank him while Hulkling watched arms crossed.

The girls asked if there was going to be any other women showing up."I'll get another one." I linked with Wiccan using his teleporting power to boost mine and we teleported over to Magneto's place and asked them if they wanted to join our group.

Mystique smiled mysteriously and said "yes".

Magneto declined at first but I baited him with... "Lots of impressionable young people that might benefit from your wisdom."

They both came. Mystique contributed to the conversation with the women, admitting that she never wore anything in battle and still managed to kick ass. Karma seemed lost for words.

Magneto went on at length about his agenda to the other guys about mutant superiority and blah blah.

As the meeting concluded I told the others that I had bought a place in Woodland Terrace that would hopefully be ready for a test run on the 18th of April which was also my birthday for anyone who wanted to come.

People started to leave but a few people stayed to chat. I had a brief chat with Karma about psionic possession before she left. Karma, Karolina, Wiccan, Hulkling, Anole, Mystique and Magneto leave together.

I popped by Allesandro's to collect a syringe of blood from Mark.

Around 11pm I visited the Mansion and telepathically called Wolverine and Justin to aid me in teaching Elixir enough to hopefully cure Mark. (JJ had intercepted Wolverine before he could get to the mansion and had wiped Wolverine's memory of the meeting.) I 'linked' telepathically with Josh/Elixir so he can 'see' through my perceptions (psionic observations of cellular structure) and injected Wolverine with Mark's infected blood.

Josh and I watched Wolverine's accelerated healing factor as it sought out and obliterated the HIV virus. I thanked Wolverine for his help and I told Elixir that we'll try replicating that on Mark tomorrow.

Sunday April 8th

I visited Mark at work at 11 am and told him to take the day off so I can see if Elixir and I could cure him. Allesandro was happy to give Mark the day off if there was any chance it would help him live without the 'cocktail'.

I teleport-hopped back to the Mansion and took Elixir with me back to Mark's place.

I linked with Josh/Elixir so we could work together to eradicate the HIV virus from Mark's system. I helped by targeting the infected cells so Elixir could transmutethem into normal uninfected cells.

It takes several hours of concerted effort to counter the virus's replication process and completely clear Mark of infection. Josh's inexperience at using his power on this level means that it's slow work progressing from restoring a single infected cell to normal through to restoring thousands of cells at a time. I scanned Mark several times to confirm the virus's removal.

Elixir is pale and sweaty and mentally and physically drained from the exertion. I thank him on behalf of Mark. I telepathically demonstrated to Elixir how I 'phase' away my pain, figuring if he's capable of restoring others he should be able of restoring himself.

I suggested he experiment on a small scale first and remove the lactic acid that had built up in his pinkie. I show him how I would do it...

He tries it and awkwardness results when there's an unexpected side effect, the skin on his pinkie finger turns golden.

"Maybe this was a bad idea." I said

"You think. I'm going to go around with a golden pinkie I'm going to be the laughingstock of the school."

"I could cut it off and regrow it for you?"

"Are you nuts?"

"I'll show you."

I created an ice dagger out of ambient water and cut off my own pinkie. Then I reshaped the dagger into a pinkie and attach it to where the stub was and just like magic I have a new pinkie.

"You're insane."

"As Bumi said 'Instead of seeing what they want you to see, you got to open your brain to the possibilities'."

"Who's Bumi?"

"A cartoon character from my favorite show Avatar The Last Airbender."


"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the gold is spreading." Elixir looked at his hand that he'd been using to gesticulate like a stereotypical Italian while yelling and freaked out even more when he saw the gold spreading over the hand.

"What's going on? I don't want to have a golden hand." Elixir dropped to his knees, clutching his hand with the other, rocking back and forth.

Mark woke up from his sleep. (I had sedated him so that we could work on him while his biological processes were depressed.) He asked groggily. "Did something go wrong?

"Josh and I are just having an argument about my sanity. How are you feeling?"


"Well I think we did it but you should probably get tested as soon as possible to make sure."

"Victor, how do I fix this?" Josh asked

I turned to Josh on his knees and said, "I don't see the problem, there's lots of mutants out there with unusual coloration, it's not a big deal."

"I don't want to be GOLD!"

"I'll see if I can fix it." I tried to stop the spread of gold on Josh's hand but nothing happens, the discoloration started to spread upward from Josh's wrist. "Can't fix it, the only thing to do is chop off your hand and make you a new one from scratch."

Elixir backed all the way to the door, saying "no no No NO NO NO" like a crazy person, tripping over Jeremy's amps in the process. Banging his head against the door.

"Simple question. Gold, yes or no?"

"Don't want to be gold." he said half whimpering.

I phased. Then I smacked him into unconsciousness with a 'fist', turned that 'hand' into an ice dagger and cut off his right hand just above the wrist, shifted the dismembered hand into water then restored it to its normal condition and reattached it. I compared it against his left hand and made a few minor modifications to compensate.

Mark looked at the unconscious Elixir then back at me. "Is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah he'll be fine. I lose bits of me all the time." I scanned him again on the cellular level and his body was restoring itself. Elixir woke with a scream twenty seconds later and stared at his hand back to its usual pinkish white color.

"You're crazy!" Josh/Elixir said his eyes wide and accusing.

I shrugged "Quite possibly, my head is quite crowded; a little mental instability is to be expected."

Josh glared at me. I shrugged and I encircled him with ambient water and teleported him in a series of small hops back to the Mansion to cool off.


Authors note Next chapter will feature a superpowered birthday orgy for those following this series...

Next: Chapter 34: Voided 5

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