
By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 15, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Glossary of terms

Persona proxy: physical constructs that look human infused with memories and power to serve Victor's requirements as flesh proxies.

Trojan cloud - thousands of water particles under Victor's control disguised as an ordinary cloud serving as a roaming aerial surveillance

TK hands or telekinetic hands – an invisible hand made with telekinetic energy to serve the same functions as a normal hand controlled remotely.

'hand' – water or ice hand that serves the same functions as a normal hand controlled remotely.

Water puppets – golems with no programming that require constant manipulation to function.

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

To a telepath there are three layers of the mind of note, the outer self, the middle self and the inner self or Core.

The outer self is home to strong emotions and immediate reactive thoughts(surface thoughts) indicated with [thought].

The Middle self is where sensory links take place and memories can be accessed, altered and uploaded.

The inner core is the home of the mental landscape, the psychic avatar, the psyche and willpower.

The deeper into someone's mind a telepath descends the more at risk they are to personality bleed-through and ejection from the mind.

Golems/Persona proxies/miscallaneous water constructs PROGRAMMING/INTELLIGENCE Classification

Level 1 programming/intelligence - can maintain form

Level 2 programming/intelligence - can maintain form, obey simple telepathic/verbal commands like forward march/attack

Level 3 programming/intelligence - can maintain form, obey simple telepathic/verbal commands as well as more complex abstract commands strategies like flanking movements, swarm, guard, monitor

Level 4 programming/intelligence - can maintain form, obey simple and complex telepathic commands, capable of limited abstract thought/reasoning, survival instinct and independent action (equivalent to a pre adolescent human child)

Level 5 programming/intelligence - is effectively sentient, self aware, independent, knowledgeable, mature personality, capable of defying Victor's commands if so inclined eg golem collective, persona proxies

Mutant Classification

Class 0 - protomutants, carriers of the mutant genes but not mutants themselves, limited benefits (slightly higher speed,strength, recovery rates of an average human)

Class 1 - base level mutant may have no visible outward mutation may just have above average speed, strength, recovery or may have a limited mutation with no discernible benefit eg skin discoloration.

Class 2 - may have visible or internal physical mutation that provides limited benefit eg gills, wings, oversized hands/feet with potential for enhanced strength durability usually 2x more effective than an average human (Centaur, Beast, Gill)

Class 3 - is where a lot of mutants occupy in the bell curve of abilities, these mutants have ranged abilities or element control or exceptional speed strength, recovery example being low level telepaths, ranged attackers or exceptional resistances (Angel, Vamp, Surprise, QS (the morlock version) tend to be limited effect within a 6 foot radius

Class 4 - These are higher end mutants capable of sustaining attacks that can devastate mountains, their abilities may be the same type as a class 3 but they're capable of more variety, damage and duration. (Cyclops, Xavier, Magneto, Pyro) their range tends to be in a radius of effect of miles

Class 5 - Considered the upper echelon of mutants, their powers extend further and deeper with effect ranging world wide or into the very building blocks of matter, they may have the same power set as a class 3 or 4 but their power reserves are far greater leading many to believe they are effectively unlimited (this is untrue). These Omega level mutants are thankfully rare (Jean Gray, Victor, Legion, Iceman)

Class 6 - Mutants of this nature are capable of rewriting reality itself or of feats of power ranging galaxies(Franklin Richards)

Authors Note

This chapter was delayed by my need to complete a diploma course. I've had the majority of it completed 3 weeks ago but it took a while until I had the time to fine tune it. Hopefully it was worth the wait. This chapter has some brief references/descriptions of hetero sexing...

Donations are important for the continuation of this site...

Monday 19th March

I teleported over to Kansas to see Luke on his farm to see how he was going after leaving Avalon. I hovered above Luke's farm for several moments shocked at all the changes from the last time I'd been there with him.

I floated down in front of him in ice mode. When I landed I shifted to the form I now used for sex and violence. 6 foot tall, dense musculature for increased strength and durability and packing a 10 inch cock.

"Victor?" I nodded. He looked me over and I could tell he's surprised by how different I looked. He shook his head and said "You always were a strange one." Before I could comment he gave me a bear hug squeezing me tight and spinning me around as if I weighed nothing. He stopped spinning, letting my feet hit the ground and asked "How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages. Where did you disappear to? We were worried about you."

I couldn't think clearly. Luke's hands on my lower back stopped me from moving more than an inch away. He was way too close and he looked,smelt,felt AMAZING.

He smelt like earth, the good kind, rich and loamy with a trace of manly musk from the hard work of manual labor. He had changed so much in the 6 months I hadn't seen him. He no longer looked like a young man, his face had matured losing the subtle softness of youth to reveal a strong jawline, high cheekbones and an abundance of manly golden stubble. His body had changed from a body of a young man that engaged in light exercise to that of a man that had been engaged in heavy physical labor for a decade. His shirtless chest was broader, his biceps bigger, his abs dense and his thighs thicker and more muscular.

I hardened in my pants, he looked down and smiled revealing white teeth and his dimples. In this new shape, we were eye to eye for a change while standing, which reminded me of all those times we had been naked in bed together. I placed both hands against his chest breaking free from his hold so I could respond without thinking of sex. "I've been dealing with some stuff, life has been weird, I needed time away to think and recover without the ties of friends and responsibility. What happened to you?"

Luke lowered his gaze "Grace. Her power gets a bit unpredictable when she's asleep and I sometimes wake up older."

"Fuck" I muttered to myself.

"It's weird but I like a little weird with my sex." He ruffled my hair and I smiled back at him realizing how much I missed him and his casual acceptance of weirdness. "Plus it's had some unexpected benefits." He said as he knelt on the ground, digging into the dirt with his hands.

I was confused by Luke's abrupt behavior until I looked around and saw 100 rock golems repeating his actions. "Oh" I said having recognized the technique. It was how I practiced with my golems early on.

Luke planted a small tree "It's spring which is a busy time for us farmers. I'm planting an orchard for Grace while the others plant more corn. I bought 3 of the surrounding farms so we're all working long hours to make it work."


Luke said "Grace watch out."

I turned around and saw Grace wearing a nice cotton sun dress running through a field of planted corn. As she ran towards us corn stalks burst forth out the ground on either side of her, growing unnaturally fast and high. Rows further from her also burst out with new unnatural growth too but less pronounced.

Luke shouted "GRACE!"

She stopped, looking around at what her power had done and shook her head. She closed her eyes and took slow steady breaths in between the rows of corn. After a minute she asked "Victor is that you?" I nodded "I saw someone floating down as ice, from inside the house I hoped it'd be you. Where have you been?"

"Antarctica to cool down."

Luke laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder pulling me in closer and whispered into my ear. "We'll talk privately later." To Grace "Why don't you show Victor around the house while I get back to work."

Grace smiled at me and Luke returned to planting while I was led off by Grace who showed me around their house. The kitchen was well stocked with enough food to feed a small army, pantry filled with several large containers of oats, grain and protein powder as well as hundred of cans of tinned food. Grace told me that the walls of the house are reinforced with compressed rock hidden by the wallpaper.

After Grace took me on a tour of the house she escorted me back to Luke who then showed me around the farm and pointed out all the improvements he had made since the last time we had been there together. He had impressive stone walls surrounding his property. He had a large apple orchard and grew corn as a cash crop. There were herb gardens located on terraced gardens around the edges of the property.

As he showed me around the property I saw a few familiar faces as they engaged in work on a large farm. I waved hello to Onyx as he moved large bales about in rock form. I said hello to Set who helped look after the animals and to Gill who worked on a aquaponics set up with the small pond. I waved to Kermilla who was on the phone organizing deliveries of equipment to the property.

Luke told me about the help he gets from Lachlan and Storm when they visit, Storm piloting the X jet for faster commutes. Lachlan helps keep the animals sedate with a bit of humming as Grace rapidly ages some of the cattle. Storm uses her control with lightning to shock certain animals into cardiac arrest then Set replicates them during their temporary death. Storm brings them back to life with a well placed electrical charge acting like a mutant defibrillator. They sometimes spend a weekend there to help out and Luke sells the clones for pure profit.

After the tour is complete Luke apologized that he couldn't hang out with me as there's too much work to do and he needed to get back to planting.

I asked "Can't you hire some help?"

"They don't like the weirdness. It's hard to keep human staff when you have to tell them they might wake up older. They don't seem to appreciate the upsides like I do."

"What upsides?"

"I'll show you." He walked over to the rock golems standing there where he left them. They look super creepy without any facial features. He grabbed one of the golems in between its legs where the crotch would have been if it had genitals and lifted it up one handed. "I've got super strength."


He gave me a killer grin "Oh and I'm harder." I glanced at his crotch. "Not that way you pervert. I mean tougher physically and if I do get injured I heal way faster. The others have gotten minor boosts in strength and toughness too but not as much as me because I'm closer..." He trailed off placing the golem back on its feet.

I thought about the corn and how the corn closest to Grace had shot up while the corn further from her had only experienced minor growth. Then my mind wandered off to thinking about where Luke slept which led to me thinking about Luke naked on top of a very waif like Grace. I shook my head trying to get that train of thought derailed and out of my head, not sure if I was more disgusted or turned on by the thought of Luke having sex with Grace.

"Anyway would you like some help with the planting?"

"I couldn't ask you to help, you're a guest."

"Lachlan and Storm help out when they visit. I'm your friend, I might as well be useful while I'm here."

"I guess you can help us out, there's only a few hours until dinner and I've still got lots of planting to do." He bends down and I can't help to notice how well he fills out the back of his jeans as he picked up a tree to plant in the ground. "Are you going to help or stare at my ass?"

While Luke waited for an answer I noticed that the golems had paused in their activity. "Can't I do both." He looked over his shoulder at me and gave a half smile before shaking his head. "I've got a better idea on how to get this done faster."

Luke stood up turning to me, brushing the dirt off his hands onto his stained denim shorts. "How?"

I tapped his forehead "Brain power." I slipped inside his mind and established a telepathic and sensory link with him. I'll show you how I used to control my golems

[This feels weird.]

weird is how we roll remember.

I dug deeper partway into his inner self using him as a conduit of power as Evil Xavier had done to his minions. I accessed his power combining it with a large 'eye' surveilling the area around us, along with his memories of the farm's planting requirements. I dug thousands of holes throughout the farm with his power and I controlled all 100 of his golems to continue planting.

I summoned an army of 'hands' to get more plants for the rock golems and continued planting until Luke's power reserves drained. He dropped to his knees onto the ground exhausted.

I eased out of his inner self leaving behind a class 4.5 psychic shield with vampiric tendencies outside his inner self then a class 4 psychic shield above that to feed the vampiric one.

"Sorry, I went too fast with your power."

Luke didn't respond, still recovering his breath, while I waited for him to recover, I created thousands of water puppets to plant the remaining crops using Luke's memories of the farm to know which crops went where.

Luke stood shakily "Is that how it is for you all the time?"

I disconnected the mental link. "Yeah."

"You used up my power in a few minutes and did weeks worth of planting in ten and you didn't even break a sweat."

I shrugged. "I'm a class 5 hydro kinetic mutant my power reserves are theoretically infinite. It's my mind that needs to be trained up to handle the strain of power."

Luke stretched "I'm wrecked and I need a drink, carry me home."

I dispersed the water golems and tackle hugged Luke, lifting him off his feet so that his crotch dangled enticingly over my face as he slapped at my back ineffectually as I dragged him off to his 'study'. I dumped him onto a leather recliner and took a seat.

"I've missed you." I said quietly.

"I missed you too Hound. It's good seeing you." We sat there in companionable silence for a while. "Can you pour me a brandy?"

"Sure" I extended out a 'hand' and poured the drink and used telekinesis to float it across the room.

Luke grabbed it "Show off." He drank it slowly. Then sighed contented the empty glass dangling from his hand.

I picked it up with a telekinetic hand "Want another?"

"Yeah that would be good."

A 'hand' poured another glass and a 'telekinetic hand' delivered it. "Your drink master."

"Mmm" Luke said around a mouthful of booze. Luke lay back in his recliner, wearing only denim shorts and shoes, sipping his drink his legs spread his eyes closed. Unaware or uncaring of the effect he was having on me.

I phased and pictured two 'telekinetic hands' and eased off Luke's shoes. Luke glanced over at me briefly before settling again, eyes closed. My 'TK hands' peeled off his socks, then massaged his feet, Luke moaned as the 'TK hands' worked over his feet. I created another pair of 'TK hands' to massage Luke's legs, each leg massaged up and down using effleurage strokes (Swedish massage technique the golems had used in Broadcast's spa). The 'TK hands' brushed up against his balls as they massaged his inner thighs as the other pair worked just below his buttocks.

I phased again. The 'TK hands' disappearing for a second as I refreshed my TK power. Using telekinesis wore my mind out faster as it was the least powerful of my acquired powers and I haven't used it that often.

Luke placed his glass on the floor and adjusted his erection.

I created another 2 pairs of 'TK hands'. One pair massaged his shoulders, the other pair kneading his pecs 'the thumbs' brushing against his hard nipples while the other 2 pairs of 'TK hands' worked over his legs.

The 'TK hands' working on his shoulders moved onto massaging his back. Luke arched his back.

The 'TK Hands' burned out as my TK power ebbed again. Luke groaned as he rubbed on his neglected and denim clad erection. I stood and poured myself a drink, then phased, established a new sensory link with Luke as I created 5 pairs of TK hands to work front and back on his legs and torso, with 1 pair of TK hands to work over his biceps, pinning his arms above his head. I watched him, sipping my drink amused as my 'TK hands' worked him over invisibly.

Grace walked in and said "Dinner will be ready in half an hour, have a shower and get changed."

"Yes dear." Luke said.

I giggled. Grace looked between the two of us and shook her head and left without saying anything else.

"Better do what the missus says if you don't want a beating."

"I'll get you for this."

"Promises Promises."

I teleported to the living room while Luke went and showered. I watched him with an 'eye' as he relieved the sexual tension in the shower with a fast and dirty wank, his semen splashing against the tiled walls of his bathroom as he climaxed before circling the drain and disappearing from view.

I chatted to Onyx for a little bit before dinner. Apparently he had been dating a girl for a while but she called him a cold fish in the bedroom and had dumped him. I doubt she realized how dangerous Onyx's enthusiasm could be.

Then it was dinner time and out of politeness I ate with the others. I didn't really want to as without hunger and taste buds, eating has all the excitement of watching grass grow but I didn't want to explain and ruin the cheerful mood of the group with my issues. So I shoveled the food into my mouth and teleported the majority of it into the nearby pond for the fishes to enjoy.

After dinner was done. Grace asked Luke to wash up. "That's okay, I'll do it."

I turned on the tap with a 'TK hand' and sent out a half dozen 'hands' to collect the plates. Then I washed and steam cleaned them dry.

Luke turned to Grace, "he likes showing off."

I shrugged. "I'm going to go for a short walk to burn off dinner. I'll be back in 20."

When I got back most of the others had scattered off to their bedrooms leaving Luke and Grace cuddled on the couch watching some old movie.

"Victor can I talk to you for a minute?" Grace asked when she saw me.

"Sure." She slid out under Luke's arm and led me to their bedroom. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Lachlan told me that Sean told him that you took Rogue's power and learned to shut it off. Is that true?"

"Yes. I leave it off, it's not really useful in the day to day world."

"Can you turn my powers off?"

"Um, it's a bit more complicated than that. I can probably install a psychic block to stop you using your powers at night. I'm guessing you're worried about Luke?"

"I have nightmares that I'll wake up with him as a skeleton and when I do wake up Luke is in the kitchen gorging on protein powder and oats because I've used my powers on him."

"I'll do what I can." I tapped her forehead strengthening the psychic connection as I rooted through her mind to find her 'power trigger' and installed a psychic block on its access by her subconscious and unconscious. *I'm going to add a psychic alert program will wake you up if there are screams, gunfire or explosions nearby.

"Thanks you're the best." Grace hugged me.

"So where should I sleep tonight?"

"Well there's a few spare rooms you can sleep in. Onyx wanted to talk to you privately before you went to sleep though." She blushed slightly.

"I better go see what's up with him then."

I went to Onyx's room and he was in bed watching TV on his laptop. "hey" he said putting his laptop on the bedside table. He wore green boxer shorts that bulged invitingly. His bed frame was made of compressed rock as was the floor around it.

I smiled. "Hey. What's up?"

"The usual" he said as he grabbed his bulge. "Want to help?"

I shrugged. "I suppose I could." I teleported away my clothes and shifted to water and reformed into my unadulterated state for the occasion; 6 inch cock erect and eager to blast a load.

Onyx stripped off his boxers, revealing his thick 10 inch cock. He hugged me and whispered huskily into my ear. "I'm going to ruin your hole."

"Yes please." He lifted me up bodily and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to the bed and threw me onto the soft mattress. He opened a bedside drawer, took out a bottle of lube, quickly lubed up his cock and tugged my ankles over his shoulders and slid his lubed cock into my hole.

"Oh Yeah." Onyx said as he bottomed out inside me.

"Fuck me" I said as I grabbed a handful of his meaty butt for leverage as I took a hold of my aching hard cock and started stroking.

"Ruin you." Onyx whispered/threatened as he started thrusting his hips.

"Go for it." I slapped his ass spurring him like a horse.

"Fuck" he groaned as he morphed into rock form, gaining height, weight and more importantly length and girth inside me. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and waited for the pleasure to overcome the pain of his expansion. It didn't take long and I tightened my legs around his hips and rocked back on forth on his hard cock prompting him to start moving again inside me.

"Oh God." I cried as Onyx's thrusts became more wild, his craggy rock fists clamping my arms above my head as his 14 inch rock cock pummeled my insides.

I came hard without touching myself not long afterwards, cum spurting out of my cock in volleys spraying semen over my stomach and chest. Onyx kept fucking harder into my clenched hole until he shouted "Fucking cumming" and his cum exploded into me.

He became dead weight on top of me post orgasm, crushing my legs against my sternum. I waited for a few seconds before becoming impatient for him to 'de-rock' and used a focused burst of telekinetic energy to push him off me. I rolled over onto my stomach, my legs in agony from the abuse.

I phased my legs to restore them. "Ouch."

Onyx laid on his back oblivious and turned to me. "That was so good. I need to find a good mutant woman to take a pounding like you can."

He was still in rock form, his 14 inch rock cock jutting up and up... "I wouldn't recommend that position for anyone who can't repair their legs from being broken."

"Did I .. ? " Onyx didn't get any further because I had impaled myself with his massive cock still horny and wanting to control the action this time.

"Yes, you did but I'm twisted and I like it rough." I raised myself up until only the head of his cock remained in, then I slammed myself back down on his cock. Onyx grabbed a handful of my butt with each of his massive craggy hands and squeezed and raised me so half his cock was in me, then slammed me back down.

My mind wandered as Onyx and I settled into a erratic but pleasurable rhythm of him slamming me onto his cock, me to raise up, for him to thrust up before slamming me back down on his cock.

:: Set's Room::

He stroked his 7 inch cock under the sheets, eyes closed.

:: ::

I stroked myself with a 'TK hand' while both my actual hands were braced against Onyx's midnight black chest as I rose and fell on Onyx's cock over and over again, faster and faster.

:: Gill and Kermilla's room ::

Gill fucked Kermilla doggy style, his gills flaring as he picked up speed, her moans stifled by the pillow under her face.

:: ::

Onyx moaned "so good." as his rocky hands squeezed and fondled my buttocks as he slammed into me and slammed me down onto his rock hard cock over and over again, the pace escalating to a bone jarring pace, the sounds of our sex reverberating off the walls.

:: Luke and Grace's room ::

Luke was fucking Grace missionary style, kissing her fiercely with the bedsheets tangled around their legs as he thrust into her again and again, his muscular buttock gyrating wildly as his fucking got more frenzied. I tweaked his nipples with 'Tk hands' enjoying the view as his muscular buttocks clenched for several seconds as he groaned and came into her, his body glistening with sweat, highlighting every hard line of his beautiful body.

:: ::

I spurted my load all over Onyx with a whimpered "fuck". Onyx took a bone crunching grip on my hips and slammed in and out of my hole with extraordinary speed and came again into my well worn hole.

"That was amazing." Onyx said.

I puddled off him, reforming on my side. "Time to sleep."

Tuesday 20th March

Around 5 am Onyx got out of bed, getting dressed. I stretched out naked. "Not even a good morning kiss?"

Onyx rolled his eyes and threw my clothes at me "It's breakfast time, busy day of planting ahead."

I smiled and got dressed lazily. The others were halfway through their breakfast when I arrived in the dining room.

Grace asked "Did you have a good sleep?"

"It was fairly typical. How was yours?" I glanced at Luke with his half unbuttoned checkered shirt and tweaked his nipples with 'TK hands'.

I giggled as Grace colored and Luke started chuckling. Then everyone burst into laughter. I guess Onyx and I hadn't been very quiet last night.

Once the laughter subsided. Luke told Kermilla that they'd need more supplies of nitrogen rich fertilizer and more seeds.

"Why?" she asked.

"Victor did all the planting for my section with his golems."

Onyx said "Shame you're leaving today, it'd be great to have you around full time."

Luke and I exchanged a meaningful look "While it'd be nice to hang out here and live the rural life, I've got something I need to do first." I placed my hand on Onyx's upper thigh and squeezed. "I'll come visit again sometime soon though."

"Planting sucks." Set said. I looked him over, he hadn't really packed on much muscle during his time on a farm though he had grown a few inches since I'd seen him last.

Grace passed me a plate heaped with food. "You can't leave on an empty stomach." I glanced at Luke and he shrugged helplessly.

"I'll go eat this outside."

I teleported the food to the chickens on the farm and while I stalled my return, Luke came out. He glanced at my empty plate. "What did you do with the food?"

"I teleported it to the chickens for their breakfast."

"Guess that's one chore off my list this morning. It's always interesting having you around."

"Before I head off I wanted to ask why did you all leave Avalon?"

Luke shrugged "We waited for about a month for you to return but tourists stopped coming and fighting broke out. We decided to leave and set up here like we originally planned. I tried to get some of the others to come but they wanted to stay with Scale."

"Fair enough." I made 100 golems with level 3 programming to do Luke's or Grace's bidding while I was gone and to provide them with more security against any threats. I telepathically transmitted to Luke instructions on how to command the golems.

"Why did you stay gone for so long?"

"I killed Jean and probably Pyro, developed a psychotic alter ego which named itself Phorcys that took off and tried to murder the X men Then I came back to Avalon to find 100000 golems that had developed sentience and I took them to Antarctica to make sure they weren't homicidal. Life has been weird and exhausting."

"Lachlan told me that Jean came back and killed Cyclops and Xavier before dying in an explosion on Alcatraz but he didn't tell me anything about you being involved."

"Shit happens. Unless you're me."

Luke's brow furrowed in confusion. "You should say goodbye to Grace."

I walked in to find Set washing the dishes. I washed and dried the dishes for him as I passed by.

"I should be off. It's a long trip back to Trinidad."

Grace hugged me. "You're welcome back any time."

*I'm going to tell Sean to come over with Lachlan next time he visits so he can install a psychic block to prevent subconscious use of powers. He's better at it than I am. In the meantime, get Luke to make you steps up one of the steeper hills so you can walk up there and unleash whenever you feel your control slipping during the day.

"Bye everyone." I waved and teleported out of there.

I teleport- hopped back to Trinidad to find my clothes slashed and windows smashed again. I sighed and proceeded to the bathroom where I turned on the showers and used the water to create a new persona proxy, a large muscular black man with a proportionate package to his size.

I visited a local tailor with his measurements and had a suit altered for him.

I commanded him to guard the house while I was gone. I gave him level 3 programming, enough to get him to follow complicated commands but incapable of independent thought or action.

I checked the recording made by the 'Trojan cloud' watching over the house.

I found the 3 15 year old wannabe thugs and water voiced in their ears. ^ You ever vandalize a house again your dick will be half its current size.^

I had a phone line installed with an answering machine so that people could contact me while I was out. That way I could call them back without having to keep track of my cell phone all the time.

Then I organized for a glazier to come around to fix the windows.

Wednesday 21 March


I visited the family by myself.

It was weird seeing them again after so long. I had experienced so much and changed so much and my mind was cluttered with the mentalities and thoughts of others and they... Were basically the same. Mom complained that I looked too skinny and questioned me about my life. She was disturbed when I told her that I had moved again. I responded that I was only 300 miles away instead of the 10000 I had been previously.

Mom lectured me for ages about how I had just disappeared for 6 months leaving them to worry. Dad hung back and my sister looked amused at me being verbally reamed out by Mom. The joys of coming home I guess. I felt like I was 12 again being told off for sneaking too many cookies. It was an unwelcome feeling and yet strangely comforting having something familiar in my new mutant life where events often confused and overwhelmed me.

I created 3 'Trojan clouds' with level 3 programming/intelligence before I left to monitor them in case anyone tried to hurt them because of me.

Thursday March 22nd

I spent my day in Trinidad working on maximizing my telepathic ranging with a variation of my 'psychic clones'. I used telekinetic and psionic shielding to infuse the walls and windows of the house to ensure security.

Friday March 23rd I spent most of the day working on improving 'psychic clone' performance. It started getting to me so went off to visit Jeremy, needing a bit more normality. I hung out with him and his band for a while, listening to them play (they had improved a bit) and chatting about latest events.

Saturday March 24th

The first meeting of the gay mutants of America... Name of the group is still a work in progress. GMA?

There's only the 4 of us.

We met at Avengers Headquarters in New York. The Avengers busy with some mission involving arm dealers or something (according to Wiccan who was less annoyed by being left behind than Billy/Hulkling was).

Wiccan asked "So what is this group for?"

I replied. "I'm not sure yet. I figured it might be nice to get together people like me, gay and super powered in a mostly straight and non powered populace and talk about all the weirdness that comes with the mutant lifestyle."

Northstar laughed. "You mean like the time I was captured by SHIELD and proclaimed dead to the X men, then got kidnapped, then died, then came back to life?"

Wiccan and Hulkling looked at each other in confusion. "When did that happen?"

"Before your time enfants."

Wiccan and Hulkling looked confused. Before things could get sidetracked I said, "back when I used to attend the Xavier's school for the gifted, new students introduced themselves by telling people their name, powers and something random about themselves."

"This may have been a bad idea." said Northstar.

"I'll start. My name is Victor. I'm a class 5 hydro kinetic, class 4 telepath, and class 3 with telekinesis and teleporting. I founded a place called Avalon that was taken over by an egocentric healer and I spent 3 months in Antarctica after I killed my first super villain who happened to be a former teacher of mine."

Hulkling went next. "My name is Teddy or Hulkling and I'm an alien half breed. I'm half Kree, half Skrull and both of those races were locked in an endless war until the Fantastic Four and the Inhumans forced them to work together against a common enemy to break the stalemate. My powers are superhuman strength, stamina, shape shifting and healing. I can also fly when I create wings."

"My name is Wiccan or Billy and I'm a spell caster. I can track and locate people, cast illusions, mystically create disguises, create or tear down force-fields, mass teleportation, concussive blasts, various enchantments, astral projection, telekinesis and telekinetic force beams, electrokinesis, flight and limited mystical telepathy. I'm obsessed with Asgardian Lore."

"My name is Northstar or Jean-Paul and I'm a speedster. I can generate light via photokinesis, project powerful concussive blasts, superhuman strength, speed and durability. Heightened reflexes, rabid metabolism, cancel out G force and fly. I'm a published author and proponent of HIV/AIDS prevention."

"Now that introductions are done we should settle on a group activity. I'm thinking poker or maybe something to make use of all of our superhuman reflexes." I paused for a moment to let them think of ideas. "How about a game of table tennis?"

We ended up playing volleyball on a nearby beach after several minutes of discussion/argument with our super powers on display to the other beachgoers. Teddy and Billy teamed up against Northstar and me. Northstar hovered in the air and Hulkling flapped his newly made wings. Wiccan and I randomly teleported the balls to random places on either side.

It was quite fun and relatively normal with random people cheering on either side. Unfortunately someone didn't find it as entertaining and dragged the cops into it. I teleported water around in a hydro kinetic shield as Wiccan generated an energy shield around us too. We smiled at each other across the volleyball net and we teleported out of there before things got violent or problematic.

"Mon Dieu." Northstar exclaimed.

"Yeah we're going to have to find a better activity for the ground. Somewhere with less trigger happy cops."

"Well I had fun. I liked your ice dome." Wiccan replied

"I liked your energy shield." I said

Hulkling clamped his hand over Wiccan's shoulder. "We should get going."

"I'll contact you guys next week with a new location. Bring a super powered queer friend."

We went our seperate ways.

Next: Chapter 33: Voided 4

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