
By wayne unknown

Published on Jun 17, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

To a telepath there are three layers of the mind of note, the outer self, the middle self and the inner self or Core.

The outer self is home to strong emotions and immediate reactive thoughts(surface thoughts).

The Middle self is where sensory links take place and memories can be accessed, altered and uploaded.

The inner core is the home of the mental landscape, the psychic avatar, the psyche and willpower.

The deeper into someone's mind a telepath descends the more at risk they are to personality bleed-through and ejection from the mind.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Someone else's Memories &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Authors note: Took a while to publish this one due to other priorities. Warning it gets a bit emo in the middle for reasons...

Donations are helpful in keeping this site active and sexy stories available for consumption...

Thursday February 15th

Visited Peter Hale's office to see what he's been up to during my extended absence from civilization.

The Lazaruses are helping with medical research as they are the ultimate medical control group. As Lazarus is essentially human until he dies and his mutant power of resurrection kicks in. They've done some weird shit though; without Set's help Lazarus has taken to being chopped up to reproduce. There is over 2 hundred of him now. The funny thing is they are all receiving a pay cheque for their services.

Their research has paid off and Lazarus Prime has found a way to live and die like a normal person. He takes a dose of the replicated Cure that has been artificially synthesized by Peter Hale's company with the help of the data I forwarded during the Phoenix conflict. The other Lazarus's don't bother trying to dose themselves as they're happy with being paid for medical experiments.

I was initially horrified but after talking with Lazarus Prime I remembered why he was so desperate to find a way to stay dead. He didn't want to be buried only to come back again and again gasping for air to suffocate and die endlessly. When he died he would be interred in a private burial ground with a coffin that had cameras just to make sure the Cure drug stopped him from coming back.

Patrick pulled me aside while I was being shown around by Peter Hale and asked. "Would you be interested in meeting with some foreign dignitaries in order to arrange a very lucrative deal to help them with their water shortage issues."

"Yeah. I could do with the money."

"Fantastic. I'll let my contact know and we'll sort out a time."


I spent the night at a bottom of a lake working on developing a better battle form and a new sort of 'golem'.

Friday Night February 16th

Went to visit Mark as I hadn't seen him in months and I wanted someone to bitch about John to.

I teleported over to his place and found Jeremy instead.

"Hey Victor. Mark isn't in tonight, he's at Allesandro's."

"Oh okay, I'll pop over there then."

He grabbed a fistful of shirt and pulled me close giving me his trademark quirky grin. "Mark's off limits now, Allessandro snapped him up. We can fool around instead." He gave me a soft kiss and pressed me in closer to him, his hard bulge rubbing against my growing one.

I shrugged "I suppose I could stay a little while."

He tugged off my shirt "good".

I stripped off my remaining clothes as I raced to the couch where I bent over for easy access eager for a bit of normal vanilla sex.

I closed my eyes and waited and then I felt something strange brush across my hole. I activated an 'eye'. Jeremy knelt on the floor, his nose brushing my hole as he blindly searched with his hands for something. "Stop teasing me. Give it to me."

"Soon." His nose pressed more insistently against my hole, it tickled. "Found it." Jeremy stood with a lube bottle in his hand "knew it was here somewhere."

A moment later, I groaned as Jeremy slid his 9 inch cock deep inside me. I grunted out "fuck" as he bottomed out inside me.

He paused inside me. "So good, I missed this."

Before I could ask what he meant he was fucking me hard and fast.

Several fun minutes of frenetic fucking later Jeremy exploded into me, his cum splashing against my insides in volleys. He paused on top of me catching his breath. He pulled out and flipped me onto my back, moving my legs over his shoulders as he re-entered my vacated hole. He slid in easily lifting my legs up until my ankles were tight against his ears.

The drummer walked in as Jeremy was busy thrusting into me and stripped off his shirt. "This a private party or can anyone join?"

Jeremy turned around, still naked and hard and inside me and said the most cliché thing ever as he pulled out "This isn't what it looks like."

"Whatever man, we all know you've been pounding your gay flatmate. We don't care." The drummer said as he pushed Jeremy aside, he placed his cock at my entrance and looked at me as if for permission and I nodded and he slid his 8 inch cock all the way inside me. The drummer had a bit more girth than Jeremy's and I clutched at him as he hit bottom. "Thanks for warming him up for me" he said as he thrusted in and out of my slippery hole.

Jeremy watched the drummer fucking me for a minute before standing on the couch and sliding his hard cock into my open mouth so that I was being fucked in both ends.

The other 3 band members walked in several minutes later just as the three had built up a nice fucking rhtyhm. They stood and stared as Jeremy fucked my mouth and the drummer fucked my ass.

The drummer saw me looking behind him and smiled and waved his friends over. He sped up, slamming my ass hard as Jeremy sped up fucking my face too. They both blew within moments of each other, Jeremy pumping a weak load down my throat and the Drummer pumping a juicy load in my ass.

Moments later they pulled out of me and got dressed and I felt a little awkward with the other 3 band members looking at me without doing anything. I got dressed too.

Jeremy told the others that band practice was canceled for the day. (Thank God)

Instead Drummer boy got some pot and a bong from his van and we hung out watching horror movies and taking hits off the bong. It had a limited effect on me but the others got really high and horned up...

I ended up sucking on each of them and riding their laps. The night ended with me getting DP'd by the 2 guys with 7 inch cocks while I sucked off the band member with the 6.5 inch cock.

I spent the night in Jeremy's bed snuggled between Jeremy and the Drummer while the 3 other members of the band sprawled naked on the couch.

Saturday February 17th

I visited Mark at my former workplace and he told me the bad news that he's HIV positive. I didn't know what to say or do.

I gave him a hug feeling terrible that I couldn't heal him. Viruses are too complicated for me to fix with my transitioning ability.

I left soon after feeling useless and guilty. I'm reminded of all the people I did help during my time at Avalon and I vowed to myself that I would find a way to help Mark whatever it took.

Sunday February 18th

I felt a strum of need through my connection with John and I teleport over to talk to him at his LA home.

"Hey Boy Wonder long time. What's with the ring?"

I seek it out with 'eyes' and I teleported it into my hand and I demonstrated how to use it to collect blood by opening the snake head and leaving it so when John shakes someone's hand it collects a sample of blood with the tiny fangs. "I thought it might save you some trouble when you're hungry..."

Mystique interrupted. "John tells me that you're skilled at finding people." I shrugged, annoyed at her and the world in general to try and be friendly. "I want you to find Magneto."

I looked at her in her blue form and I couldn't help thinking about Mark and my thoughts drifted as to her ability and John's and the silence stretched out while I considered the possibilities. "I'll help but with one condition, I want you to allow me free rein with your mind."

"Why?" she asked.

"I have a sick friend and your mutant ability to rearrange yourself at a cellular level might help." She looked wary "It will also make finding Magneto easier as I can review every conversation you've had him for clues as to his current location."

She agreed. I gripped her head tightly with both hands and activated Rogue's power to borrow her power, drain her energy and leave her more vulnerable to psychic invasion. I telepathically dug deep into her inner core acquiring every memory of hers, finding her mentality rich with useful information. I uploaded a copy of her mentality as a psychic echo/avatar into my mental landscape to be added as a member of the council.

I absorbed some of her hand to hand combat skills, infiltration techniques, shape shifting knowledge into me. I made note of the name and location of a high class forger of her acquaintance. The rest of the extra memories I transferred to the psychic library to be sorted through later.

She staggered back "What was that?"

"The process hurts. I'll be in touch when I find Magneto."

I teleported a few blocks away onto a rooftop and played with the cellular rearrangement ability and pondered its uses. The power faded away after a few minutes leaving me mid form. I shifted to water and reshaped myself into a slightly altered format.

I needed a new base of operations to experiment in peace.


Current To Do List

  1. Find a new base of operations for myself as Avalon has Broadcast, Mansion has Xavier, Antarctica has 'golem collective' and is too far away from the US. Mark has other issues to deal with. 2. Find Magneto to get rid of Mystique 3. Help cure Mark of HIV 4. Protect my family – 'Trojan clouds' ? 5. Provide assistance as needed to the 'golem collective'. 6. Rebuild Avalon's reputation and ease the divide between Morlocks and 'passers'. 7. See how Luke's farm is progressing 8. Monitor the Lazarus experiments 9. Recruit new mutants to my side. 10. Stop Void Soldiers from endangering friends, mutants and myself.


Monday February 19th

I visited a real estate agent in Washington and I spend the rest of my funds on a deposit on a run down place in Trinidad. (I spent most of my money setting up Jason's construction business which is now defunct.) It's a bad neighborhood but it's close to Washington DC and the 'leaders of the free world'.

I have just enough funds to get water running at the place again.

I'm officially BROKE!

I cleaned my new place with steaming water and soap. It takes the whole day.

Tuesday February 20th I walked the streets of Washington venturing as close as I can to the White House with a different face and body than normal.

Night time experiments with flesh continues.

Wednesday February 21st I spent the day using a 'sense cylinder' on the city monitoring its population of 600000 with interest looking for Magneto or any useful info on the Void Soldiers.

Night time experiments with flesh continues.

Thursday February 22nd I recreated JJ and infused him with psychic strength equivalent to a class 4 telepath. I install him with a class 4.5 psychic shield with vampiric qualities.

I have him help me work on perfecting the 'psychic clones' and my latest project.

Friday February 23rd I recreated Justin and infused him with teleporting energy to make him a class 3 teleporter and I place a class 4.5 psychic shield with vampiric qualities to mask his true purpose from Xavier/other telepaths.

Saturday February 24th I teleport-hopped back to New York with Justin and JJ and sent them to the Xavier Mansion to serve as my sleeper agents. I told Sean to keep an eye on them and report back if they misbehaved.

Sunday February 25th I teleport-hopped all the way back to the 'golem collective' with a class 4 hydro kinetic, Class 3 telepath Jason in tow. I told them that he'd help them with construction of a better ice city.

I asked the 'golem collective' to help me out by returning to their old duties keeping the peace in Avalon.

Monday February 26

20000 of them returned with me to Avalon. I left them on a lake nearby while I went to talk to Broadcast. He was suspicious of my offer, thinking I wanted to regain control of Avalon.

"I founded Avalon to be a sanctuary for mutants regardless of their skin color and I won't allow for it to be run into the ground with your incompetence or bigotry."

"How dare you talk to me like that?"

"Easily. I can kick your ass into the ground if I wanted to but I don't really want to fight you if it can be avoided. I don't want to be responsible for collateral damage or any more death."

Broadcast glared at me, his palms outstretched with fireballs, his skin crackling with electricity and I merely stared him down ready to give him a stroke if he provoked me. He grunted "fine" and stomped off discharging electricity into the earthen walls of his office.

I visited Scale as 5000 golems resumed peacekeeping duties in Avalon while the others spread out through Tasmania to guard the shores of Tasmania.

I recreated Jackie with class 4 transitioning ability with a range of a class 2.5 and class 4 water sense and uploaded her with additional memories of all my experience healing the sick. She'd take over my old position of healing the sick, wounded and damaged at Avalon. She'd serve as my inside woman in Avalon to monitor the situation with Broadcast and Scale and the Tasmanian golems.

I psychically linked Jason and Jackie so they could communicate with each other long distance telepathically.

I teleported back to New York. I transmitted instructions telepathically to JJ to link with his 'younger brother'.

Tuesday February 27th

I returned to my shitty Trinidad home after leaving behind persona proxies to monitor some of the more problematic aspects of my existence. Jason for the golem collective, Jackie to monitor the Avalon situation, JJ and Justin to keep an eye on Xavier and the school leaving me to deal with other stuff elsewhere.

Some of the windows had been smashed in my absence. I set up a 'trojan cloud' with level 3 intelligence and told it to record anyone who came onto my property.

I stalked the streets of Capitol Hill 'accidentally' running into anyone that looked like a politician. Every time I ran into them I'd apologize to them taking a firm hold of their shoulder and telepathically reaming them for information.

I didn't find anyone that had information about Void Soldiers but I did find details that would ruin some of their political careers or lives. It gave me an idea to solve my financial problems.

I ranged out my awareness further looking for Magneto's face.

Wednesday 28th I stalked down one of the slimy politicians who had been involved in an illegal prostitution ring and I hand delivered him a blackmail notice with a randomly generated face and body.

$50000 US cash to keep the details of his secret to myself.

I arranged for him to drop of the cash on a Saturday at a busy park in the area.

I made basically the same arrangement for the next 5 politicians for various sums based on their ability to liquidate assets. 2 of them had been partly responsible for the Cure experiments that killed Gargoyle, Dryad and several others from Callisto's group that defected.

Thursday March 1 I found Magneto while I was idly searching the US with 'eyes'.

He wasn't that far away.

Friday March 2 I went to Florida where Magneto had holed up after his loss at Alcatraz.

I teleported into his condo. "Hello Magneto. Mystique has regained her mutant abilities she wants to see you again and I'm fairly sure she's going to kill you for betraying her."

"She'll understand why I did what I did."

He launched a lamp at me with his power followed by a barrage of coins. The attack punctured several of my organs. I shifted to water and the lamp and twisted coins passed through me. (Would have killed me if I was typical) ^Well that was bracing. Guess you got your power back too. Is that the best you've got?^

"Impudent pup. I will not be locked in another cage." He closed his eyes and things went weird. My whole molecular make-up altered. It's hard to describe but my water became differently clustered and made my thoughts clog up.

I shifted to flesh and the effect diminished. "I don't particularly care for Mystique and I'm open to counter offers."

"Who are you? You seem familiar."

"Victor. I had a different body last time we met." He looked at me blankly. "I was the water guy who incinerated Jean after you got de-powered and she got even more bat shit crazy."

He tensed up. "What do you want then?"

"Hmm..." I pondered what Magneto could give me that'd be of any use. "You've been a super mutant terrorist leader for decades I'm sure you've picked up some useful tricks and..." I looked around at his expensively decorated place a little worse for wear with the water on the carpet and the twisted coinage. "I'll take half your money."

"Why would I give you anything?"

"Well Mystique is likely to kill you with a weapon made of her own flesh if I tell her where you are. It's an entertaining talent I must admit." I performed a partial shift of my arm and extended out bone claws from my knuckles (Mystique's memory of her encounter with Wolverine at the Statue of Liberty). "I need money and information but in exchange I'll help you solve some of your problems."

"What could you do to help me?"

"Lots of people underestimate me. You're the master of magnetism and metal right?" He nodded warily. "I am the master of water and flesh. I can program water golems with intelligence and create mutants." He raised an eyebrow doubtful. "Well not actual mutants but I can infuse my creations with my powers and thanks to Mystique's memories I have a better understanding of flesh. I can help get Mystique on side, restore you to full strength and stop human or mutant agencies from finding you again. No more cages Magneto."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You don't have to. It's a mutually beneficially arrangement. I get information, money and Mystique away from my lover." Magneto laughed and I glared at him and continued. "You get Mystique, protection and vitality. Win Win old man."

"Don't taunt me. I've endured decades of persecution from stupid humans and I will not be talked down to by some arrogant youth." The coins swirled around me. I generated a telekinetic shield around me just in time to deflect his attack.

"I leave you a parting gift to help you decide whether to take my offer or not."

I reached out with a thought and phased his right hand into that of a 30 year old removing all the wrinkles. I teleported out.

Saturday March 3 I collected the cash from the various spots with teleportation within seconds of them being concealed much to the annoyance of the security teams of the 2 politicians involved in the mutant hunts.

Sunday March 4 I checked the money. Some of it is marked bills but there's 400k of money from dirty politicians. I visit Magneto to ask his advice in laundering the money.

He's in a less defensive mood this time and he tells me how to set up a bank account in Switzerland. He'd learned during his time chasing Nazis that Swiss bankers weren't inclined to ask too many questions about where money comes from.

Monday March 5 I set up a bank account in Switzerland and deposited about half the money which is unmarked and having non sequential serial numbers.

It doesn't matter much as it's under a fake identity made legitimate courtesy of Mystique's forger associate who provides me with high class documentation. (I sent a proxy to collect the documents)

Tuesday March 6

I returned to Magneto's and tried to telepathically probe his mind but even without his legendary anti-telepathy helmet his mind resists intrusion. I smiled impressed by his mental fortitude. "Have you thought about my offer?"

"I accept but know this, if you try and betray me I will kill you."

"Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from the infamous Magneto."

"How will you deliver what you promised?"

"Well vitality is mostly cellular, hence Mystique's apparent youth despite her actual age. If I make you look 30, as long as you remain under the radar, no one will be looking for you. As for Mystique I've been in her mind and she wants to rip you apart because you've betrayed her. If you look like you did when she first fell for you, sentiment should cancel out the betrayal presuming you can act suitably apologetic."

"And you'll do this for money?"

I shrugged. "I have goals and I need money and information to succeed. You may be a bastard but you're a survivor. All I need is your cooperation for a few minutes and I'll honor our arrangement."

"What do I need to do then? Master of flesh."

I smiled viciously "Just stay still and don't fight me. This will hurt." I strode forward and grabbed his forehead.

He screamed as I activated Rogue's power, draining his mutant power and vitality only to use his momentary weakness to dig into his mind absorbing his mentality into me. He collapsed on the floor.

&&&&&& I remembered Magneto's first flare up in 1944 in Poland as his family was sorted in Auschwitz. His fear and pain as he saw the gaunt faces of the workers all with tattoos of numbers. His rage as he reached out to his mother and dug deep within to access the power of magnetism for the first time. How he scrabbled in the mud mindless as he fought to overcome the soldiers that piled on to him to keep him away from the gate.

Later he was singled out by a Nazi soldier of high standing named Shaw who killed his mother in front of him to get him to metal bend. That day he killed for the first time, crushing the metal helmets of 2 Nazi soldiers as he surrendered to his rage. That broke something human in him.

Afterwards he hunted down the Nazi's, killed Shaw (who was an energy absorbing mutant) and when the humans launched their missiles at him after stopping 'bad mutants' he formed the Brotherhood of Mutants.

He held onto respect for Xavier's idealism for a long time even after his pet Phoenix killed him. &&&&&&

Other less violent memories filtered through past the angry memories. More useful memories to my purposes. The composition of the X Jet, the construction of the original Cerebro, the way he rearranged the metal plating to boost Xavier's signal in Cerebro 2.

(Despite the fact that I think Magneto is a terrible general I have a better appreciation for why Magneto doesn't want to bow to anyone especially humans)

I spent the rest of the day counteracting the ravages of time on Magneto's insides. He's fairly weak from my rejuvenation therapy so I keep telepathically probing him at random intervals to absorb more of his mental dynamism. He's quite ingenuous and a skilled multi tasker. He makes a useful addition to my mental council.

I also acquired Intel on his failed Mutant Maker and his experimentation and experiences with genetics, adamantium, mind control serums and the reasoning behind why he had Mystique collect information about other mutants. As well as a passing acquaintance with multiple languages; Polish, Yiddish, German, French, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian.

Wednesday 7th March

I finished restoring his physique to a man in his early 30's removing all wrinkles. He looks just like John does when he assumes the shape. Exactly like he did on Valentines Day. I smile. One way or another Mystique and Magneto will no longer be my problem.

I shook his hand goodbye performing a mild sap for several seconds to absorb his power over the magnetic spectrum so I could have one last play around with metal and magnetism. He took it in stride.

I imagined he thought the 40 years of aging I'd erased was worth a little pain.

I told him to expect Mystique within the day.

I spent the next several minutes amusing myself with metal and magnetism.

Thursday 8th March

I informed Mystique that Magneto is very sorry for abandoning her after decades of service and will do whatever it takes to earn her forgiveness. I told her where he was. She left in a hurry. I gave John a wink and wave and teleported out of there happy with my little vengeance for his betrayal.

Friday March 9th I visited Jeremy and his band during rehearsal... He had written a song about me...

Hot lips drive me wild Oh baby I need you now You get me so riled

I'm begging you please. You bring me to my knees Give me those hot lips. Give me those Hot lips please.

Wasn't the greatest thing ever written but it's the nicest thing anyone had done for me in a long time. After the band plays it I thank Jeremy and the band with my gratitude. Perhaps I've become a groupie?

Saturday March 10th

I checked in on JJ and Justin for a progress report.

JJ has telepathy classes with 3 females nicknamed the Step ford Cuckoos because they're triplets with psychic power being trained by Xavier. JJ relays all the information that he could get from the Mansion's mutant database and from interaction with various teachers and students.

Justin has been successful with his mission of keeping Wolverine busy after class. Wolverine pounds Justin's ass repeatedly and daily. I figure its consolation for Justin being deprived of Aaron and for Wolverine when I ripped him to shreds when Phorcys was in control. It also stops Wolverine from sniffing out JJ's presence in the mutant library late at night.

Sunday March 11th I checked in on Jackie. She's been kept busy by the steady increase in patients to the refurbished clinic.

Then I checked in on Jason and the 'golem collective' and their progress. 30000 golems had moved over to Tasmania to join their brethren.

Monday March 12th I called Beast's office to set up a meeting under my fake identity so I could get his help to search for Void Soldiers project. Appointment for March 26th.

I send a proxy to put in an order for ID's for Jason, Justin, JJ and Jackie so that their fake identities can be backed up with papers instead of telepathic tomfoolery.

Tuesday March 13 I visited a prison to practice my control of mental hijacking on the bodies of inmates.

Wednesday March 14 I visited a different prison and hijacked the bodies of hundreds of human prisoners while they're in the yard then mind wiping them.

Thursday March 15 I created half a dozen 'psychic clones' to boost my search of the minds of Washington. I grow frustrated and do a sense cylinder of the US.

I'm overloaded with information and my head hurts for hours despite repeated attempts at phasing away the pain. My first psionic migraine.

Friday March 16 I teleported over to New York to see Jeremy. I spent the night.

I think about what I have to do now.

I had surveyed half a dozen states successfully with 'eyes' and sense cylinders and two major cities with 'mind scanning' for the keyword Void Soldiers. No luck yet.

I still needed to find and stop the Void Soldier project.

Justin and JJ would protect the Mansion as best they could and inform me through our link if anything needed my immediate attention. As would Jackie for Avalon and Jason for Antarctica.

Mystique called to thank me. She had gone off with Magneto for a holiday off in the Cayman Islands.

I still haven't found a way to help with Mark's situation despite Mystique's memories on molecular rearrangement. As she's never been sick, she has no relevant memories as to how to 'fix' a virus.

My new base in Trinidad works for the moment as I'm using telekinesis to repair structural damage to the house and reinforce it with metal as magneto had to his condo in Florida.

Time to work on task 9; recruiting more mutants for a new group.

Saturday March 17th

I visited Wiccan and Hulkling asking if they wanted to become the first members of a special group I wanted to start. I had interrupted them in the middle of a heated kissing session while watching a DVD on Wiccan's laptop. I couldn't help myself, they made such a cute couple. Hulkling beefcake body pressed against Wiccan's lean body...

Their powers were impressive, Wiccan with a reality warp power and Hulkling with a shape shifting ability that could boost his strength to extreme levels.

I offered to 'link them' and being adventurous young men, they agreed. I told them to sit up and they resisted at first, embarrassed about the tents in their underwear but I said I enjoyed the view.

Hulkling didn't like that response and morphed into his green state and his underwear couldn't handle the strain, becoming rags as they fell to the floor. Wiccan tried to calm him down as he chased me. I dodged him easily for a while before he landed a blow to my face, smashing me against a wall.

The Avengers walked in on the scene of chaos and I evaporated, reforming several feet away from the green Young Avenger.

Tony Stark asked "Is this a sex thing I don't know about? Because I'd like to know."

Everyone glared at him while I burst into laughter before I turned into ice realizing that I was naked and hard (with a 10 inch cock) when everyone gave me odd looks. I had reformed with an erection because of habit... I could see why Tony Stark asked, I was naked, Hulkling was naked and had an erection the size of Captain America's forearm

Wiccan blushed bright red in his loose boxers as he explained about Hulkling's jealousy when I had made an inappropriate comment. Hulkling settled down confronted by the others and grabbed fresh underwear. The Avengers made their excuses and left.

Wiccan restored the wall to normal with a chant and glared at me.

"Well that was fun."

Hulkling morphed again into his green form. Wiccan grabbed onto him from behind and Hulkling reverted to human form.

"You can link us now."

"Already have. You should be able to feel each others emotions and strong sensations."

Wiccan rubbed Teddy's back and Teddy turned around and took Billy in his arms and kissed him. Their embrace got heated, their hands rubbing against every inch of flesh they could reach. Teddy lifted Billy and Billy wrapped his legs around Teddy's hips as Teddy's groped Wiccan's bubble butt with one large hand squeezing his lover's rump. Teddy walked them both to the bed as they kissed, the motion smooth as he pushed his lover onto the mattress, to gently extricate himself from the embrace as he stripped off Wiccan's underwear revealing a nice 7 inch erection that he engulfed in one mouthful. They both moaned and Teddy's mouth bobbed up and down as Billy moaned and begged for more. Teddy lapped at Billy's hole, Billy grabbed fistfuls of Teddy's hair as Teddy's tongue drove in deeper, turning Billy into a greedy bottom boy "FUCK ME"

I walked forward stroking my 10 inch cock, enjoying the show immensely as echoes of John's pleasure relayed to me. "The best part is when you fuck for the first time while you're linked."

Teddy morphed into his green form, his hard cock doubling in size and girth as did he. "What are you still doing here?"

"I didn't want to leave without making sure the sensory link was calibrated correctly, you really don't want to see the results if it's done wrong." I shuddered reminded of what Surprise and Vamp had become after being linked too long and too thoroughly.

Wiccan said "It'll be fine." as he grabbed onto the massive green cock with both hands and his fingertips didn't touch...

"Can you take him while he's like that?"

"Yes" Wiccan said breathlessly with undisguised lust and adoration as he looked up at his big green man.


"Magic. Now shutup,shutupshutupshutup" He said as he pointed at me and I lost the ability to talk and Wiccan pointed at Hulkling and demanded "FUCK ME."

Hulkling pressed his humongous cock against Wiccan's puckered hole and plunged in with one powerful thrust of the hips. Wiccan moaned and Hulkling yelled out as he bottomed out. Hulkling stood still as Billy's face grew concerned.

"What's happening?" Billy asked

sensory rebound


Me: I'm guessing he's not the bottom very often.

I looked around at the landscape, it's a interesting take on Valhalla with various Norse deities feasting and drinking around a large wooden medieval banquet table. I found the fact Thor was naked quite interesting especially as he was seated next to two equally naked Teddys, one in his human form and the other in his huge green form.

Billy was dressed in his Wiccan outfit and he moved towards me: How are you here? This is my happy place.

I shrugged: I have telepathic powers, I'm midway inside your core, if I went deeper I could control your body but I have enough voices in my head already and I don't need another one. I'll make this short and sweet. The initial pain from his penetration has rebounded onto him and since he expected pleasure when he thrusted in, his mind and body is mixed up and it's rebounding through you making you confused and counteracting whatever magic you use to survive his cock without internal bleeding. All you have to do is focus on pleasure and you'll bring him back. Focus on your love or whatever and get through the next 30 seconds and it'll be so good, you'll never want to have sex with anyone you haven't linked with. I'll adjust it later if you want. I didn't really expect you to take his magnified cock on the first try or to silence me with your power. Could you reverse that soon?" :: ::

I exited out of his mind before his obsession with Asgardian nonsense saturated my consciousness any more than it already had. I had quite a few memories about Ragnarok that I didn't have before entering his mind. He really loved his Norse mythology, meeting Thor had only made his fascination more intense, he still had a very deep appreciation of Thor as an idol and as wet dream material.

I could appreciate Thor's body even though I wasn't normally fond of that body type as I preferred the lean/muscular type. I preferred Wiccan's body to Thor's but it took all types to make the world kinky.

Billy had started stroking his cock and in moments Hulkling was thrusting forward and they had forgotten all about me. Hulkling lifted Wiccan as if he weighed nothing and drove him against the wall, the whole room shook as Hulkling slammed the slim Wiccan against the wall with his thrusting hips and cock.

Steve Rogers aka Captain America eased the door open. His mouth opened and closed without a word as I stroked my cock watching the horny lovers engage in loud vigorous ball slapping butt sex. Then he spoke "I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

I extended out an ice hand and caressed Captain America's chest. He ran away and I thought TEASE. Without the Captain America outfit he looked a lot like the Human Torch but older and obviously way more prudish.

Wiccan and Hulkling got more vocal as Hulkling slammed Wiccan onto his humongous cock. Wiccan wrapped his arms around Hulklings neck clinging to him as he was violated thoroughly.

Captain America had left the door open and Thor walked in and cast an appreciative glance at the rutting pair, he remarked to me "His physical prowess is impressive."

Thor said that as he was discussing the weather. Wiccan turned at his voice and blushed and Wiccan slapped at Hulkling's chest trying to stop the action but Hulkling was too deep in his passion and Billy gave up and buried his face in his lover's green chest as his ass was pummeled by the horny green giant.

I asked Thor You talking about Wiccan or Hulkling?

"Hulkling yet Wiccan's courage is mighty."

Wiccan whimpered as he came, his load spurting all over Hulkling's torso. Hulkling came hard moments later collapsing on his butt.

"I need to converse with Jane." Thor left as their harsh breathing as their orgasm subsided echoed off the walls.

I wanted several minutes until Billy eased off Hulkling's cock.

Could you fix my voice?*

Wiccan waved his hand "lethimtalk,lethimtalk,lethimtalk" and I could talk again normally.

"I'll see if Northstar wants to attend our next meeting."

I teleported out before either of them could comment and teleported over to North Star's current location in San Francisco. I told him that I would have a meeting for gay superheroes next week at a yet undecided location. Sort of a support group for people to talk about all the strange things that had happened to them as part of the strange life we inhabited. Northstar said yes. He had come back from the dead after and been a brainwashed assassin a few times. Mutant life is weird.

Next: Chapter 32: Voided 3

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