
By wayne unknown

Published on Jun 2, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Authors note:

Took me a long time to get around to publishing this chapter due to inertia and endless distractions, hopefully it'll serve as a good start to book 3.


Chapter 1

Wednesday January 10th 2001

When John returned from his outing at 5am I showed him the data on the Void Soldiers. "I need to find the place running this research and stop the Void Soldiers before they become a threat."

John shrugged and said "Years before it becomes a problem, don't stress so much, enjoy being on holiday you wet blanket." Then he flopped face down on the bed and passed out.

Realising how pointless stressing about something 5 years away, I had a quick shower, dressed and went outside to clear my head with a walk. It didn't help to relieve the worry as I was bombarded by the stray thoughts of the public as they brushed past me on their way to wherever.

I returned to the hotel to a sleeping John and tried to figure out why. After some thought I came to the conclusion that acquiring Sean's power had increased my psychic sensitivity by several magnitudes. The ceaseless casual physical contact of the crowds in New York overwhelmed the telepathic filters I had developed when I only had Vamp's telepathic power. New York had 7 million people crammed into a small area to block out while Avalon and Antarctica I could isolate myself easily from people.

I teleported over to Sean to ask for his help, he gave me a few tips to help filter out some of the worst of it.

I returned several hours later to find John wanting to go do some touristy stuff with me. I agreed for lack of anything better to do.

Saturday January 13th 2001 I've spent the last few days with John doing normal tourist activities during the day. We walked through Central Park, we hung out at Times Square, we went to Coney Island and checked out the view from the top of the Empire State Building.

It was torture. I spent the entire time trying to avoid all physical contact with the tourists as a single touch would expose me to their every surface thought. I tried to follow Sean's advice but I was out of practice as I had spent the last 3 months isolated and there were 7 million people and their thoughts to ignore.

When John went out in the evenings to satisfy his craving for DNA and amusement I visited Sean for telepathic training. Sean spent a few hours with me every night before he went to sleep teaching me to filter out the telepathic background noise through memory replays and sensory links.

Sadly it's very G rated as Sean and Lachlan are back together in a committed monogamous relationship. It made me happy and a little envious. I didn't have that relationship with John. Our relationship was far more complicated with his cravings and my erratic sex drive.

While Sean slept I made liberal use of the Danger Room and Cerebro. The Danger Room to try and get to grips with my new telekinetic power manipulating holographic sand. Cerebro I used to boost my telepathic range to scan the minds of New Yorkers for any info about 'Void Soldiers'.

I told John that I'd be gone for a day or two to check on the 'golem collective' to make sure they were behaving. John told me he was going to go back to LA and use his contacts to search for Mystique.

I teleport-hopped back to Antarctica to visit the 'golem collective' during the weekend. They've been productive in my absence. They've altered the ice replica of New York, adding ice pathways through buildings so that golems could travel throughout the city without congestions.

They've added several defensive measures for their new home. The most significant being a giant ice dome around their Ice City several feet thick. They've also created a moat outside the dome filled with boiling water to discourage ground assaults. Within the dome there is a large defensive wall surrounding the Ice City itself.

I spent several hours with the 'golem collective' infusing them with hydro-kinetic power and psychic strength. Their combined power reserves had dipped slightly during my absence as their population had only grown by about 10000.

I told them that I'll be back again in a couple weeks to check on them.

Sunday January 14th Brief visit to Avalon to chat to Scale and Razor and play around with their stuff. Firing Scale's electric guns and trying on an outfit Razor had made me.

Monday January 15th

I teleport-hopped back to LA to see what John was up to and I found John talking to some middle aged fat guy using an unknown body.

I waited till they were done and asked "Any luck?"

"None, noone knows where she is or heard anything from her in forever."

"I have an idea. If we stay at the Mansion we could find her together. I'll use Cerebro to search for her telepathically..."

John interrupted "She changes her body all the time so that Xavier couldn't track her. What makes you think you'll have any luck when baldie couldn't."

I laughed at his nickname for Xavier. John has no respect for authority, which is fine since I have very little respect for assholes telling me what to do either. "Well you have Jean's raw telepathic power at your disposal and I can search using 'eyes' and Sean has experience with 'linking'. Between the 3 of us we should be able to find her one way or another."

"I guess it's worth a try Boy Wonder. Let's go back to school."

Tuesday January 16th We are now guests of the Xavier institute. I do my best to avoid the 'X-Men' as I still feel guilty and awkward about our last encounter. What with my newborn sadistic alter ego trying to murder Wolverine for fun and sending a mutant army against them.

With Xavier in outer space and Jean dead Sean had become the Prime Telepath of the School. He took the promotion from student to Prime Telepath very seriously. His duties now involved using Cerebro to find class 4's & 5's to recruit as students/teachers and running telepathic training for the few telepathic students left.

Saturday 27th January

I visited the 'golem collective' for several hours infusing them them with psychic and hydro-kinetic power. The Ice Dome has grown thicker and denser, the ice walls around the Ice City has grown taller, the trench for the boiling moat is now a mile wide. Their population has grown by another 20000.

Sunday 28th January Brief visit to Scale, Razor and Avalon. I don't stay long as Broadcast has grown increasingly paranoid and insular and gets cranky during my visits.

Tuesday 30th January

We've spent the last couple of weeks at the Mansion undergoing psychic training from various sources on various techniques and skill sets.

Sean taught John and me how to fine-tune our long range mental scanning in our group sessions serving as the anchor as we explored the world around us through remote viewing. Sean gave me private tuition as to how to construct mental shields for myself and others that matched the power of his. He subjected me to intensive psychic conditioning and taught me how to filter out the telepathic background noise of the Mansion.

Even at night the telepathic background noise could be distracting. Xavier recruited the strongest mutants throughout America and their mostly teenage minds broadcasted thoughts of sex and violence even when they were asleep.

I could finally appreciate what Sean meant about isolating himself. Since January 10th my sex life with John has hit a severe speed bump. Every time I'm in the mood and start touching him I'm confronted by a disturbing thought or memory leaking out from him.

John doesn't care too much as he's working his way through the student population one by one in a variety of bodies collecting DNA to satiate his hunger. I on the other hand care a lot but I'm not sure what to say to John about it.

I asked Sean about it and he said that it might be because John morphs into Jean frequently and it's having an effect on his default form. He's becoming a more powerful telepathic transmitter as my telepathic power grows as Vamp's vampiric psychic power cannibalises Sean's psychic power inside me.

Sean suggested that I try doing what he had with Lachlan. He had placed a psionic shield over Lachlan's mind to stop his thoughts from leaking out during sex to maintain appropriate boundaries in their relationship. Sean showed me how.

I showed Sean my psychic bookshelves, he was impressed even if he thought it was a little weird. With all the psychic probing of the masses, I had added an additional shelf in my new 'psychic library' with 'magazines' featuring the surface thoughts of millions of average citizens. While others slept I had been using Cerebro to extend my telepathic ranging further to probe the surface thoughts of the masses.

Sean and I have engaged in daily telepathic battles since I resumed living in the Mansion. I actually won a round today for the first time. While I have more raw power to draw on, Sean has greater experience and layers of Cerebro boosted shielding as defense.

Sean is like an experienced fencer, dealing fast and precise strikes against me while I'm more like a novice with a heavier double handed sword coated with poison. I have a weapon that deals more damage and weakens my opponent every time I land a strike but my lack of experience means I don't land a strike as often as Sean.

Sean's preferred psychic avatar had changed in my absence from the archangel Michael to a Knight Templar with a holy/light based attack for psychic cleansing.

Mike spent an hour each day showing us how to better mask our psychic signatures and 'go invisible'. Mike's new psychic avatar resembled Vader's shadow form.

Vader had been upgraded from student to reserve X men. He's undergoing extra training from Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde who has a similar power set.

A former member of Sean's psychic contingent named Psylocke visited for a few days and provided some of her own expertise in helping train me further. She demonstrated (via memory replay) how she created psionic daggers which I found fascinating. She also gave me several tips on how she telepathically scanned large areas of land to detect the overall mood of people in the area. She showed me how to create telekinetic force fields to deflect physical attacks.

After her training I could create a very small telekinetic shield, probe the surface thoughts of crowds with ease and psionically enhance the tip of a physical sword to give it more piercing strength.

February 8th

We finally found Mystique after weeks of searching in shifts with Cerebro. Sean helped search for a couple hours in the mornings with John as Jean searching during the school day. For an hour in the evening we'd join forces for a combined search using telepathic probing and 'eyes' to look for her. I scanned for her for a few hours during the night.

John had provided Sean and me with Mystique's mental and physical signature but she was difficult to find. Even with Cerebro boosting John as Jean, Sean's and my psychic scans for her, none of it had worked. Considering her history with Xavier and unusual biology she probably had a high resistance to telepathic probing. I used numerous 'eyes' hoping to discover her in her default blue form.

I got lucky. I found her during the day while I used countless 'eyes' scanning for her physical signature and/or Void Monkeys. She was in transit. I used Cerebro to mentally probe down into the deepest level of the truck driver's mind when he stopped at a traffic light to find out more info about the situation.

Turned out he was a low level SHIELD agent on escort duty along with 2 others in unmarked black SUV's. They had learned their lesson after Magneto's last attempt and now travelled incognito. New SHIELD protocol insisted that dangerous prisoners remained in transit in secured trucks escorted by armed agents at all times to make it difficult for them to be found and or taken by hostile forces.

John and I teleported-hopped nearby to her location. We waited for the moment that they stopped for fuel before teleporting into the vault hidden in the the back of the truck. We psychically masked our presence to make us virtually invisible to the human operatives guarding her. I touched her hand and before she could say anything I teleported the 3 of us out of the back of that truck and several miles away. She morphed into a physical copy of Sabretooth and growled in our general direction.

We turned off our psychic masking to reveal ourselves and Mystique said "John" shifting into her default blue form.

John morphed into a younger version of Magneto (John's skills with tweaking the appearance of his morphs had improved remarkably over the last 5 months) a suave looking 30. He walked towards and said "Darling" and they kissed with explosive passion.

I buried my jealousy...

:: Mental Landscape::

Phorcys shook his head in contempt inside his room. I had released Phorcys from within his chest to receive individual attention and treatment from the Jacob persona proxy to see if he could be reintegrated into my psyche.

The other persona proxies served as security for the boxes containing the mentalities of the hostile soldiers and kept an eye on Phorcys. They each had their own rooms and access to the psychic library to keep themselves amused until I needed them again.

(Phoenix remained locked within her own chest but I'm considering releasing her soon to see if she could be redeemed by Jacob's therapeutic technique. ) :: ::

They continued kissing each other fervently. John wore Jean's old X men outfit, it didn't have the right measurements to hold Magneto's larger frame. Magneto looked good once...

"We should go."

John as Magneto stepped back and Mystique gave me a speculative once over "Who are you?"

John stepped to one side. "He's my lover."

Mystique looked me up and down again with a small smile "Thanks for your help."

"Let's go back to my place." John said. John switched to Jean again to telepathically give me the coordinates to his LA home.

I linked with both of them and transported them there.

Then I left as John/Jean stripped off the X-men suit revealing the breasts of my former teacher and the first person I deliberately killed. I shuddered and left them to it. I went off to the Mansion to blow off some steam within the Danger Room.

Unfortunately it was hard to focus on perfecting my new combination power attack while John's pleasure saturated through our sensory link, making me restless and angry. I lifted up a tennis ball sized rock off the simulated beach of Long Beach,CA with telekinesis. I concentrated all my mental energy on it, coating it with all my reserves of telekinetic and psionic energy. I closed my eyes and phased levitating the rock in place as 'eyes' spread out to find a good target. I found the US Bank Tower and launched the telekinetic and psionically reinforced rock with a mixture of telekinesis and teleportation.

It struck the Tower with the impact of a tank shell slamming through the concrete and steel in its way to land several blocks away. I lifted a few more rocks with telekinesis and launched them at the Tower but it didn't make me feel any better to see it pockmarked with fire and destruction.

I exited the Danger Room to find myself some other entertainment of the gay mutant variety. John's sexual pleasure kept leaking through our connection at random intervals and training and violence wasn't helping my mood. I scanned the Mansion, Mike, Sean and Lachlan were busy. I teleported to Cerebro.

I strapped the Cerebro helmet to my head. My awareness extended outwards searching for a mind that would resonate with my needs. I needed someone gay and extremely durable to take out my frustrations out on.

I found Wiccan and Hulkling but they were in a monogamous relationship so I dismissed them from my consideration. I scanned dozens of gay mutants before finding a mind that resonated with my needs; Northstar. Northstar visiting the US on a book tour promoting his book 'Born Normal' thinking about his distant bf Kyle Jinadu. Alone, naked and far from home with superhuman endurance, just what I needed.

I took off the Cerebro helmet and teleported outside of Northstar's hotel room. I knocked on his door and several long moments later he opened up wearing pants and nothing else. He had a nice lean muscular build from his time as an Olympic skier with a striking face framed by jet black hair.

"Room service." I said

He looked me up and down "You don't work for the hotel and you haven't brought anything."

"I'm a big fan of your writing."

"Really?" He raised one eyebrow. "What did you like most about my work?" He had dropped his guarded stance a little.

"I can relate to your experiences that you wrote about in your book, about being a triple minority. A gay mutant superhero trying to fit in a world populated by billions of people who wouldn't appreciate your unique struggles. It really captures the difficulty of trying to do the right thing when everyone is only one moment from trying to tear you down."

"I'm happy to hear you appreciated my book. Always nice to meet a fan but it is late and if you want me to autograph a book, you'll have to attend one of my publicised events. Goodbye."

He tried to close the door in my face but it hit my palm and stopped moving. "Not here for an autograph, I'm here to help you keep your mind off Kyle and fuck your brains out the way only a mutant can."

I shifted to ice, teleported off my clothes and reformed into my new for sex/battle shape; 6 foot tall black hair, dense musculature, 10 inch rock hard cock.

Northstar backed up a step, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he looked me over. I telepathically reached out to see what he was thinking [Merde, he's hung. Bigger than Kyle, Kyle did say that I was allowed to have sex while we were apart if I wanted to.]

I dug into his middle self and established a sensory link as I stroked my large cock. He stared in shock at me as the sensation travelled through his body, his cock reacting to the stimulation from the sensory link, growing out to its full length of 7 inches inside his pants.

I pulled him into an embrace and he moaned as my cock rubbed up against his through the fabric of his pants. The sensations rippled through the both of us as I grabbed his pert buttocks with both hands. I licked his right earlobe before capturing it with my teeth and tugging on it just a little as I pressed him tight against my body. "Mon Dieu!" He moaned/whimpered.

I trailed kisses down his firm torso until I reached his waistband and paused, looking up at him. He nodded desperately and I tugged down his pants with one movement while engulfing his hard cock in my mouth. Northstar moaned as I fellated him just the way he loved, one hand rubbing on his balls while the other hand alternated between squeezing his firm buttocks and teasing his hole. I pressed a finger firmly into his clenched hole. I could sense his climax nearing through our link and I pulled away leaving him panting and struggling to catch his breath. "I'm Victor actually."

I spun him around and dove my tongue into his hole pressing in deep, making him wet for me. He dropped to his knees mindless with pleasure as I rimmed his hole until he cried out in French "Je t'implore!"

I had gained a passing acquaintance with the French language from plundering his mind earlier and knew he was begging for it. I plunged my throbbing cock halfway into his wet hole, giving us a moment for the clashing sensations of pleasure (mine) and pain (his) to reconcile. As soon as he adjusted to my thick cock inside him and my pleasure overwhelmed the pain of penetration I shoved in the rest of my cock. His gasp of pain as my cock slammed balls deep inside him was soon replaced as his body adjusted to the intrusion and he moaned instead bucking backwards to take more cock. "Oh yeah take it!" I yelled as I fucked him hard at super human speeds as he clawed at the expensive carpeting.

He yelled "Mon Dieu" as he climaxed spraying his semen on the carpeting. I kept going, slamming against his prostate as he collapsed unto the floor fucking him hard against the expensive carpeting. I exploded into him, the rush of climax mixed with his pleasant afterglow extending the moment for an exquisite moment.

I eased out of him flopping onto my back as he lay beside me face down, eyes closed, breathing heavily. "Mmm that was a good warm up. Shower sex or flying sex next?"

Northstar looked at me in shock "Again?" He glanced down at the turgid length of my cock.

I smacked his pert bottom "Perks of mutant sex, faster regeneration, I know you heal fast, no excuses I want another 2 rounds out of you before I'm done."

"Who are you?"

I tsked him. "I'm Victor. To my friends I'm Victor, to my enemies I'm either Proteus or Phorcys depending on how much they've pissed me off." I straddled his legs, hard cock wedged between his cheeks as I slapped his right cheek lightly.

He clenched a little around my cock. I slapped his left cheek harder and he bucked away a few inches. He liked the spanking, the pervert.

I reached out with a thought and turned on the shower in the other room with a 'hand' and turned the pouring spray into a dozen 'hands' that flew towards the prone Northstar. He gasped at their icy touch before surrendering to their firm ministrations as they massaged his tense back and shoulders.

Once he relaxed I smacked him hard on the right cheek and he gasped again squirming away a little. I bit his ear and he moaned as I worked over his ear and rubbed my cock back and forth within his ass crack. I backed away kneeling over him as the 'hands' worked him over into a nice relaxed state.

When he was nice and relaxed, I slapped his right butt cheek, then his left, right, left, right left, harder and harder as I dry humped his clenching writhing buttocks. I stopped and he whimpered a little, his butt bright red from the punishing blows. I spread his cheeks and spat on his hole and speared him with my huge cock. It hurt us both but we both liked it.

I turned the 'hands' into a bubble golem and infused it with some teleportation and basic psychic programming. I turned off the shower. Then I fucked Northstar on the floor for several minutes as I squeezed, slapped and struck his firm butt cheeks.

I lifted us both in the air with concerted telekinesis. The bubble golem took its place around us, solidifying into an ice shield around us. I coated it with some telekinetic and psionic energy to make it tougher and placed a psionic shield around it to mask us from casual detection.

I teleported us outside. Northstar opened his eyes and shouted "Merde! What are you doing? People will see us."

"Psychic camoflage. Only high level telepaths will be able to spot us and only if they're looking for us."

My telekinetic grip on the both of us slipped a little and we plummeted 5 stories before Northstar recovered his wits and flew us forward and higher. I fucking pounded the very trim flying mutant's ass as he flew. The harder I fucked him the faster he went. It was exhilarating. We traveled halfway around the world before he lost focus as he orgasmed over the Atlantic. I stopped our descent with a low pressure water spout.

I shifted to ice, coating him in ice armor as my ice cock buries itself into his warm wet hole. I teleport-hopped us back to his hotel room's shower with the water still running, fucking him against the shower wall as ice. My ice cock growing huge until he blasts a third load which gets washed down the shower drain.

I escorted him to the bed as he's too weak kneed to walk. I thanked him for the hot sex explaining about how I needed to fuck out some frustration due to my current situation with John.

Jean-Paul commiserated as his bf Kyle managed his personal brand/business in Canada and his schedule was jam packed for his book tour obligations. He didn't have the time to enjoy his lover's company even with the ability to visit home with his super speed. They had an arrangement while they were apart to deal with their horniness discreetly.

I suggested they try a sensory link so they could enjoy extremely sexy and unique sexing while they were together. Also it'd deal with the concerns Jean-Paul had every time he left his human boyfriend, that Kyle could be attacked or hurt in his absence. That way he'd sense Kyle's distress sooner rather than later and could save his lover like a hero.

He responded with a "Oui."

I said "I'll link you two next time you have some free time at the same time."

Sunday February 11th

Xavier has returned from space with a new futuristic hover wheelchair. I'm not sure whether to be annoyed or amused.

I left the Mansion and travelled back to Antarctica to reqroup. John is still with Mystique at his place in LA.

The 'golem collective' was good. Population had gone up by 15000, defenses little tougher. The golems seemed content.

Monday February 12th Visited Scale and Razor in Avalon. Spent some time just hanging out being G rated while Razor worked on his clothing and Scale oversaw production on the lightning guns.

Then they showed me their individual projects for Valentines Day presents to get my opinion. Scale had made a shiny silver metallic dildo that provided electrical stimulation to the prostate. Razor had made them matching outfits to reveal wide swathes of skin.

Inspired by their enthusiasm for home made gifts I asked Scale if he minded me using his equipment to make John a special gift.

He said "Go right ahead."

Tuesday February 13th

I spent all day and all night working on a silver ring for John. It featured a stylised snake that could have it's jaw prised wide open to revel 4 fangs that would funnel a small amount of blood into a small glass vial cleverly concealed inside.

It seemed appropriate gift for John, he was even more cold blooded than I was and this way he could collect blood from his prey through a simple handshake.

Broadcast didn't seem happy with my prolonged presence in his Kingdom but there wasn't much he could do without getting into a major conflict with the Morlocks. I wasn't sure what to do about him. Avalon had become unstable under his leadership and I didn't know how to solve the problem without a messy civil war.

Wednesday February 14th

I returned to the US to give John his Valentine card and gift. I arrived to find him naked on top of Mystique driving Thor's cock into Mystique's wet pussy.

I left the card and ring on the nightstand and left depressed and unnoticed by the moaning/groaning rutting pair.

I went to find Northstar in yet another hotel room prepping for a book signing.

"Why aren't you with your man?"

"My publisher would flip if I bailed to see my boyfriend."

I gave it some thought. "I've got an idea that will get you to your boyfriend and keep your publishers happy. It may hurt a little though."


I shrugged. "It's hard to explain. Do you want to see him for Valentines or not ?"

"Of course I do."

I grabbed his head with both hands and focused and carefully reamed Northstar's mind. He sat down on the bed clutching his head.

I turned on the shower, and uploaded his thoughts and memories into a new 'persona proxy'. This one is a near perfect clone of Northstar except without the mutant superpowers.

The Northstars looked at each other. "Nom de Dieu" .

I ignored their reaction. "You go deal with the fans" pointing at the 'persona psychic clone' "and you can go visit Kyle."

"But..." Cloned Northstar said.

"No buts do what I tell you or I'll put you in a box."

'Cloned Northstar' went silent and nodded as I grabbed onto the original Northstar.

While we traveled, he asked "How do you know that I'm the original Northstar?"

"I don't know your DNA well enough to make a perfect clone of you so the clone doesn't have any powers but it should be fine to sign books, it has all your memories so it'll do."

I arrived at Kyle's home with Northstar.

Kyle opened his door and pulled Northstar into a tight embrace "Jean-Paul, what a surprise you said you couldn't come because you had events on today."

"Victor fixed it for me."

That's when Kyle noticed me. I waved. "No big deal." I telepathically transmitted the memory of copying his bf's mentality into a 80% similar body to serve as a proxy. I got a tail end of a mental image from Kyle of naked identical twin Northstars on both sides of Kyle and I smiled.

Kyle backed away several steps pawing at his head in confusion. "What. How?"

"Sorry Jean-Paul bad habit. I should leave you two to enjoy your Valentine alone."

"What about the?" Northstar asked.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that." I reached inside both their minds into their middle level and established a sensory link with minor emotional monitoring. "There, you'll be able to track each other wherever you are and be able to tell when either of you are miserable, homicidal or scared. Useful for a superhero and his ..."

I trailed off unsure what to say.

Jean Paul moved forward and kissed his bf "Partner."

Kyle smiled affectionately at Jean Paul and kissed him back "So sweet." They pressed up against each other urgently rubbing up against each other distracted by the mutual pleasure of the sensory link.

They kept kissing while I watched. Jean Paul tugged Kyle's shirt and jumper over his head revealing a nicely muscled dark brown chest. Jean's dress shirt was added to the discarded clothes on the floor next to them as they kissed, their hands urgent on each other's cocks. Kyle unzipped Jean Paul's dress pants and with one tug, Jean Paul's underwear and pants ended up pooled around his ankles. Jean Paul didn't complain as his cock was sucked by his bf and his hole fingered.

I teleported off my clothes (my teleporting skills had improved a lot over the last month) stroking my 10 inch cock as I watched Kyle bobbing back and forth on Jean- Paul's cock as he stroked his nice 9 inch cock.

Kyle spun Jean-Paul around, eating out Jean Paul's hole with passion.

Jean Paul opened his eyes to see me naked and said "Otie Victor."

Kyle paused and stood, his hard black cock slapping against his lover's butt cheek as he did. "how dare..."

Jean-Paul whispered into Kyle's ear and they proceeded to have an argument in whispered French.

"You can join us" Kyle said somewhat grudgingly.

I dropped to my knees and devoured Jean Paul's cock. Kyle slammed into Jean Paul's tight hole. It didn't take long for Jean Paul to blow a load in my mouth with all the stimulation on his cock and hole.

I eased off Jean Paul's cock and stood, the taste of his cum fresh on my lips. Jean Paul moved aside. Kyle and I exchanged a look and I turned around and a moment later Kyle had buried his cock into me. Kyle slammed my ass hard, his fingers firm on my thighs as he thrusted in and out of me. Jean Paul got on his knees in front of me sucking on my cock as his bf pounded my hole faster and faster. Kyle's grunts and groans increased as he went to town on my ass. Kyle exploded into me his breathing gone harsh and erratic as he hit his peak. He gripped me hard around the chest until his breathing settled and he pulled out of me. Jean Paul stood, his hard cock rubbing against mine and I kissed him hard.

I smiled and pushed him onto his hands and knees and filled his recently vacated hole with my hard cock. He moaned as I slid into his slick hole. Kyle moved around to fill Jean Paul's mouth with black cock as I fucked Jean Paul's tight derriere. We settled into a pleasant rhythm as Kyle and I spit roasted Jean Paul. Kyle pulled away for a moment to whisper something to Jean Paul, Jean Paul nodded and Kyle walked over. I took a hold of his big black cock and deep throated him. He groaned and I slammed Jean Paul some more. Kyle pulled away and knelt down next to me his hard cock jabbing into my ribs as he whispered what he wanted to do now. I smiled and nodded my agreement.

I pulled out of Jean Paul and made my way to their bedroom as they trailed afterwards. I lay on the bed cock up and Jean Paul Northstar came over and straddled me easing my cock back into himself. He rocked back and forth as Kyle coated his cock thoroughly with the expensive quality lube. Jean Paul leant forward and I held him close and we kissed. Kyle knelt behind Jean Paul and asked "Ready?"

"Oui" Jean Paul replied and Kyle pushed forward, his hard cock nudging into mine before finding the right angle and pushing into Jean Paul's sphincter. Jean Paul made an incoherent sound of pain as his hole was stretched beyond its natural limits. I linked with Jean Paul briefly sharing with him my pleasure over how snug his hole had become with Kyle's cock inching deeper into his rectum. We stayed locked into position, Kyle and I half into Jean Paul as Jean Paul took his time adjusting to the two thick cocks inside him. Once he adjusted to the stretching, Kyle and I inched deeper into Jean Paul until we were both balls deep in him. We gave him a few moments to adjust before the fucking really started.

I thrusted up as Kyle thrusted forward. Jean Paul moaned like a horny bitch and we KNEW he loved being DP'd due to the sensory link so we stopped being careful and cautious and just fucked away into him. After several minutes of ball slapping sex I blew my load deep into Jean Paul and left Jean Paul to take over...

Jean Paul bucked and writhed using his super speed to take advantage of the two cocks inside him to devastate his prostate as he stroked himself and after several minutes he blew hard all over my chest and stomach with his tongue halfway down my throat. Kyle came seconds later as Jean Paul's orgasm triggered his.

Kyle was the first to pull out of an exhausted Jean Paul flopping onto his back looking like a sweaty ebony adonis. Jean Paul eased off my cock and snuggled into Kyle's side, cock limp and hole red and ravaged. I gave them each a kiss on the cheek and said "Bonjour". They waved too worn out to expend the energy on speech. I eased off the link between us three and teleported out of the room and got dressed.

I left them to it. It wasn't a traditional Valentine's Day but I managed to find some excitement in the day despite my douchebag lover.

I went back to California and deactivated Northstar's clone and uploaded him into my mind to become yet another sentient psychic warrior in my head.

Life as a mutant is very bizarre but sometimes it does have its consolations.

Next: Chapter 31: Voided 2

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