
By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 11, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Brief mention of Terminator movie/character. All rights to both are held by someone else .

Authors note

Thanks to anyone still reading this story, this chapter is more upbeat than the last even if Victor is still a little high strung .

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I aim to post a new chapter every week depending on the level of interest and how much alteration I feel is necessary after getting audience feedback.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via the donate link up the top

On with the story...

First impressions

I strode forward and knocked on the door of the mansion and waited for a response, drawing in more water vapour from behind me to add to my ice armor. I felt an odd feeling of being observed while I was waiting and I could feel my armor start cracking from movement. I fixed the cracks with my will and I whispered to myself, "you can do this" feeling anxious and needing the reassurance even if it was just my own voice.

The door opened after an interminable wait revealing a woman with red highlights in an oddly form fitting leather like outfit along with an elderly man in a suit in a motorised wheelchair next to her. They made an odd pair but they didn't seem overly surprised by a teenager showing up at 10pm outside their place covered in ice, so I guess I was in the right place.

"I'm Xavier, you're safe here Victor" I could feel his scrutiny, both physical and mental and I felt an odd sense of surprise from him as the woman looked on in mild confusion.

"I'm Jean Gray, I'm the school's nurse along with being a teacher at the school, you don't need to worry about us, we won't hurt you, I promise. Did you bring any luggage?"

I looked at her, trying to figure out whether I should trust her or not, I still felt unsettled by earlier events and didn't know who I could trust. I didn't have any better options so I just sighed and shrugged and my armor started cracking all over. I shifted out of `water state' melting the armor with my will streaming the water into a pair of tentacles moving quickly behind me outside. I turned around and used my water tentacles to pick up the luggage I had left behind some bushes previously in case I needed to make a quick exit if this had gone badly. The tentacles dropped them at my feet with their ends wrapped around the handles. "Yes"

Jean said "Come with me, I'll show you to your room, you'll be staying with Luke for now". I picked up my suitcase and bag, dispersing the water of the tentacles into the air. I left a little bit of the water on the handles so I could use it for self defense in case this was a trap.

Jean exchanged a look heavy with meaning with Xavier as she directed me upstairs and I felt annoyed by the sense that they were keeping me in the dark about their motivations. This place was impressive and seemed even bigger on the inside with its grand staircase and halls that seemed to go on in either direction for ages. Xavier obviously had lots of money to afford to run a school in such a large house.

I followed Jean as Xavier had remained behind, presumably to close the door or because he couldn't go up the stairs. I'm not sure why Xavier had a staircase that didn't have a wheelchair ramp if this was his school, perhaps there was a lift somewhere else. This whole place didn't make any sense, the owner was a telepath in a wheelchair and one of the teachers looked like a leather wearing cosplay enthusiast. I was definitely getting the vibe that this place was run by crazy people, then again it was a Friday night maybe they were going to go to a costume party or something and I had interrupted their plans.

We were standing outside the door and Jean turned to me with an odd sort of smile, like she was trying not to laugh out loud. She knocked on the door and I heard a "Come in" and she opened the door and I was surprised at the first view of my room.

It was a fairly large room with 2 king size single beds but more importantly my new roommate was wearing only tight black boxer briefs and black socks. My first impression being that he was bloody gorgeous and had a great body. He was facing his bed sorting out clothes or something on his bed giving me a nice side view profile of his muscular arms, lean stomach and underwear clad butt.

He turned in my direction giving a cheeky smile that highlighted his dimple and said "Hey" and his deep voice made me melt and his body was even more on display now. He had golden blonde hair, blue eyes, broad shoulders, well defined pectoral muscles and his biceps looked huge and he had a trail of golden hair trailing down his washboard abs into his underwear from what I could see was hiding a decent bulge. While I watched speechless with lust I could see his underwear stretching out as he visibly started to harden. Maybe this place wasn't so bad after all, Luke was gorgeous and hung and getting horny looking at me. Maybe I could lose my cherry to a hunk tonight without things exploding terribly into dysfunction.

Jean cleared her throat reminding me that I wasn't alone with the hunk and bringing my fantasy crashing down to earth as I realised that Luke was getting horny looking at Jean and her leather outfit, not me. Fuck my life, roommate is gorgeous and straight and I'm a self-deluded idiot for thinking he would be gay too and interested in me. I was getting depressed.

"Luke this is Victor, your new roommate" Jean says as he gives me a quick once over before ignoring me completely.

"This one better not have power incontinence too, I am not cut out for babysitting noobs"

"Actually Victor has an impressive level of control over his abilities considering his lack of training so far" Jean said slightly wistfully, I felt gratified that someone was impressed by my skill.

"If he's so good at using his powers why is he at the Xavier institute for clueless mutants"

"He's here because he used his powers to defend himself and now he's here until the situation can be stabilised. Show some respect and stop acting like he's not in the room"

He turned to me and said "Sorry I'm Luke, welcome to the Xavier school" he shook my hand firmly and I tried to think about boring things in order to lessen my erection. I was overwhelmed with the urge to reach out my other hand and touch all that firm exposed skin. I resisted with great difficulty.

Jean let out a small laugh "I'll leave you two to get to know each other better" and she walked out.

Luke let go of my hand leaving me feeling bereft and horny and he flopped onto his bed on his back on top of the small pile of clothes and said "Fuck she's hot in the Xmen get up" and with that he squeezed his bulge and rubbed his palm over his chest . "Sorry man I got worked up and forgot you were here again, I'm kind of used to being alone in my room, don't usually play with myself in front of randoms, well not guys anyway"

"Mmm" I was listening to him but I wasn't really paying attention to the words he was saying. I was too fixated on the fact that he was only wearing underwear and his semi hard cock was outlined by the material and I wanted him so bad. He was lying there unaware that he was looking awfully like an all you could eat meat buffet to me. I wanted to kiss, lick and or suck on every inch of his beautiful body. I was standing over him trying to resist the temptation I kept thinking to myself "he's straight; he's straight, no touching".

"I'm guessing that since you've been staring at my body for the last couple of minutes like a zombie, that you're gay?" Luke asked getting off the bed and moving away from me, which brought me out of my haze of lust abruptly. Considering he caught me basically eye raping him, it'd be pretty pointless to deny it and if it was going to be a problem, probably best to find out now.

"Yes is that a problem?" I said as confidently as I could manage, given earlier events.

"As long as you don't try and stick anything up my ass we're cool"

"No worries there"

He looked at me as if I insulted him and he turned around and looked over his shoulder, checking out his ass curiously. "Don't like my ass?"

This conversation was totally not going where I thought it was and frankly looking at this hottie was making my pants very uncomfortable with a growing erection so I said the first thing I thought

"It's hot but I'm practically a virgin so you're safe". Moments like this is why I usually try and avoid talking to new people, sometimes I blurt out the most stupid things imaginable and embarrassing as well.

"Practically a virgin, what does that mean?"

"I haven't had sex well not unless you count blowjobs, haven't even been kissed" I confessed.

"Blowjobs always count man; I enjoy them" upon seeing the look on my face "getting them, not giving them, I'm totally straight; so you like sucking cock then? "

"Yeah I do "and that's when I looked down noticing what looked like a thick semi erection stretching those boxer briefs.

"My eyes are up here", he said pointing to his eyes before sitting on the bed "Well since you're gay, maybe you can help me out with my problem ".I started getting excited at the prospect of sucking Luke's thick looking cock. He gave me a devastating grin "got a hot date with this girl in the city later, trying to figure out what to wear".

"Oh," I paused for a second trying to get my brain in gear "um stand up for a second", I tried to ignore Luke's erection, it was a tease and I had to stop getting my hopes up about sexy times with Luke and focus on the task at hand. I had a quick look through the clothes on the bed and picked out a nice pair of dress pants that had nice pin stripes that I liked the look of and passed it over to Luke. The more clothes he wore the more likely it was that I might be able to regain my ability to think about something other than sex.

He put on the pants standing shirtless in front of me, he looked good, his pants highlighted his hard cock and his shirtlessness showed off his physique. With his face and body I couldn't tell whether he was 16 or 25, I'm guessing he was somewhere around my age but I didn't know.

Luke cleared his throat "If you're done staring, help me pick out a shirt" I kept getting distracted by his body; I had no idea how I'd live with the guy without having a permanent hard on and being stuck in a perpetual haze of lust.

I turned to look through the clothes trying to get my errant mind to focus on clothes instead of sex; I found a nice dark blue dress shirt made out of what felt like silk. He had some expensive looking clothes, I felt a little bit mediocre in comparison considering I was wearing black jeans and a red shirt both probably only 20 bucks each. "Try this "I said passing him the blue shirt.

He buttoned up the shirt leaving it loose with the top button undone showing off some of his golden chest hair, however since he didn't tuck in his shirt into his pants, his bulge was discretely covered.

"Shirt in or out"

"Well the shirt out kind of covers your um... "I trailed off pointed in the general direction of his bulge.

"Well that answers that question ", he said unzipping his pants reaching into his underwear giving his cock a few strokes, giving me a brief peek of his uncircumcised cock before aligning his cock in the centre for maximum bulge and then tucking his shirt in. "It's important for a girl to know what she's getting into when she gets involved with the Terminator"

"Terminator?" I asked thoroughly confused about what the movie had to do with anything.

"It is what I call my cock, because it's relentless in its goal to bust a nut".

I didn't say anything as I watched him put on socks and shoes realising I'd really enjoyed playing dress up with a life sized Ken doll and he was going to be leaving shortly.

"Ok then" I said sadly feeling suddenly lonely.

Then he was standing in front of me, mere inches away. "So how do I look?"

I looked at him seeing him as if for the first time, he looked like a confident young executive instead of a good looking teen "Hot".

"How hot?" he asked as he struck a pose.

"If I was your date I'd be on my knees for you hot"

"Good to know", then he was casually ruffling my hair as if we had known each other for years or I was his younger brother or something. It was sort of unsettling, mostly because I wanted to have his cock in me and he was standing awfully close for my brain to work properly.

He gave me a quick hug that was over before I could even react "Thanks for the help in getting dressed, I hate trying to pick out what to wear, I much prefer the part at the end of the night where clothes come off. I'm hoping she puts out otherwise I'm going to have a major case of blue balls tonight" Luke said while idly groping his cock through the fabric.

"Well I wouldn't know, haven't really had the sort of date where I've wanted the clothes to come off"

"Well I'm sure you'll find a nice boy to rip your clothes off and pound your tight ass at some point, you're near the big city now and action isn't too hard to find especially for the gays". He reached out and lifted my shirt "Just what I thought you're not skinny, you're ripped, you've even got better abs than me, what do you do for exercise?"

He traced the outline of my 6 pack with his finger slowly. I bit my lip so as not to say something I'd regret and to prevent myself from touching him back or giving in to the urge to kiss his full lips close to mine. This was probably the most intimate thing a guy had done to me and we were both fully clothed. He stopped tracing and I whimpered a little and then he slapped my stomach lightly "Definitely be easy for you to get laid if you wanted in the city, unless you're like religious and you don't believe in the pre-marital sex. Do gays do that? I thought it was only chicks" He took his hand away leaving me feeling super deprived and thoroughly confused about what was going on.

"Swimming and I'm not religious and I don't know what gays do, there weren't any out gays in my town " I said.

"Well I have a dinner date so I'll leave you to it. Feel free to make yourself at home and unpack all your stuff on that side of the room" pointing over to the other side of the room. Then he was walking off leaving me alone in the room and fucking hard and crazy horny.

So I did the most logical thing when left alone in a room with a hard on. I stripped naked and got ready for a wank to work off all that sexual tension that Luke had left me with. I grabbed the bottle of lube out of my bag and lay down on my new bed on my back ready to christen my new room.

I poured some lube onto my left hand and started stroking my hard cock. Stroking my cock felt good but I needed more stimulation. I scooped up a bit of lube and teased my tight hole with two fingers and pushed in one past my tight anal ring. I pushed a finger deep inside me while thinking about how much I'd rather have Luke's cock in me. Luke was big so I slid in another finger to stretch me out while stroking my cock slowly up and down teasing myself with the fantasy.

I had my eyes closed picturing Luke naked with his hard cock pounding in me. I started thrusting in deeper with 3 fingers rubbing up against my prostate till I felt all warm and needy. I moaned out "fuck me", as I rammed my fingers into my horny ass furiously.

"Well I leave you alone for 5 minutes and this is what happens"

I open my eyes and Luke is there with a dead pan expression all dressed up and I'm bloody naked, with my rock hard 6 inch cock in one hand and with three fingers buried deep in my ass. This was so fucking embarrassing. I couldn't say anything, I was dying of embarrassment. The worst part was that I was so close to going over the edge; I couldn't move otherwise I'd explode. Despite how embarrassed I was, I was also incredibly turned on by the sight of Luke watching me with interest.

He walked further into the room and reached into his bed side table and lifted up his wallet.

"I forgot my wallet, I'll leave you to your fun" he said with a cheeky grin. Then he leaned over and casually ruffled my hair and said "what a horny boy" and his mere touch was enough to push me over the edge. My hands were a blur and I was moaning and then he was stepping back and I had blasted a load over my left hand, arm and all over my chest. Luke just looked at me in surprise and walked out of the room without another word.

I spent the next couple of hours moving what little I salvaged from home into my new shared room trying to forget the earlier events of the day both good bad and embarrassing. I read a text book to help me get to sleep since my mind wouldn't stop replaying the earlier incident and I was flat out blocking out thoughts of the locker room.

I kept thinking about how good it would have been to suck on Luke's fingers or to suck on his cock while I blew instead of blowing after having my hair patted like a dog. I felt like an out of control hormonal 13 year old instead of the calm collected 16 years old I tried to be. I eventually felt sleepy and turned off the lights disappointed that Luke was obviously getting lucky while I was stuck in a mansion with no one to talk to.

I started to wake up when I felt the lights go on but after what happened I didn't really want to chat to Luke right then and I didn't know if he was bringing the girl back here. I pretended to be sound asleep. I heard movement but it sounded like he was alone, he said "fuck" and turned off the room lights.

There was a blue light instead, I could hear him getting undressed and I opened my eyes to see him getting undressed to the blue light of his mobile phone. The sight of him in his underwear again made me horny again and I start tenting out my boxers with my 6 inch cock as I watch him undress.

He crawls under the cover and the light from his phone goes out leaving us in darkness

As I lay there in the dark with my hand on my cock I can hear movement from his bed and I can hear some quiet moans and I realise that he's JACKING OFF. I can't help it, I unbutton my fly and I pull my cock out, stroking my cock as quietly as possible. The fact that we're both jacking off only a few feet from each other gets me so revved up my left hand finds my aching hole and I start fingering myself and I can't help it, I moan a little and then there's silence.

"You awake?" Luke whispered.

I panicked a bit to myself quietly thinking 'FUCK, Fuck, fuck, what to do' until I eventually blurted out "Yeah couldn't sleep with the noise".

There was silence for a while and then he laughed a quiet chuckle and it's probably weird but I found his laugh to be kind of hot. I had definite sex on the brains, though that might have had something to do with the fact I had two fingers lodged in my ass rubbing my prostate and my other hand was firmly wrapped around my average but very hard cock waiting impatiently to start stroking again .

"Turns out she wasn't in the mood to do anything more than kissing and a bit of groping so I'm seriously suffering from a desperate urge to bust a nut".

I didn't really know what to say, I was way too horny to choose my words with care so I said the first thing that watching gay porn reminded me of (Admittedly I watched some "straights" converted by gays because of my previous Jackson obsession) "Need some help?"

I swear you could hear a pin drop in the room as I waited with bated breath for a response with flaming cheeks and a raging hard on hoping I hadn't fucked up my living situation on my first night here.

After what felt like forever he finally responded "Well a blowjob would be good right about now"

"Well I'd be happy to give you one if you wanted" I said trying not to sound too desperate.

"Ok but it remains just between us and don't expect me to return the favour".

Heart racing I slid out of bed with my hard cock exposed to the slightly cold night air and quickly moved over to his bed, I could see dimly in the room as my vision had adjusted to the darkness. I was quickly on my knees moving the sheets out of the way to get at my prize, mouth watering at the prospect. Luke wasn't moving at all either to help or hinder so I took that as permission to go ahead and I started by licking the head of his cock savoring the taste of his precum, rich and sweet with a bit of an after taste of saltiness. His cock looked huge in the dark at least 9 inches of hard cock, my throat went dry with anticipation of what that'd feel like down my throat and maybe if I was lucky buried deep inside my technically virgin hole.

"God this is weird, I've never had a dude go down on me before."

"Want me to stop?" I asked out of politeness but I followed that up by swallowing the head of his cock, I felt so horny I moved his hand out of the way and started stroking his cock myself while I tried taking more of it down my throat. He placed his hand on the top of my head and started stroking my hair absently as I sucked him unlike Ryan who would have been face fucking me by now. Luke moaned as I sped up my stroking and sucking.

"Mmm you're a good cocksucker, do you swallow?"

I briefly bobbed up and let go of my thick meaty prize to answer "Yes" and I kept going , trying to take as much of his cock into me as I could, got about 8 inches out of 9 in my efforts as I eagerly bobbed up and down on his cock stroking my hard cock . I picked up the pace of my efforts and he grabbed onto my short hair and started pulling me down onto his cock as he thrusted up. I could feel his cock throbbing inside of my mouth as he pushed himself all the way into me. He had face fucked that last precious inch into me and I could my body heat as I let Luke dominate me.

"Fuck I'm going to cum soon", he said groaning .

He held onto my head with both hands as he used my throat as his personal fuck toy and started thrusting in roughly and rapidly until he groaned out in ecstasy, his cock enlarging and pulsing inside me. He unloaded a torrent of hot tasty cum down my throat. I swallowed quickly trying to make sure I got it all and then he subsided back onto the bed. I took a pause from sucking his cock to catch my breath. I could still taste him on my lips and his still hard, still twitching cock, had some last drops of essence and I couldn't resist the temptation and my tongue reached out to catch those last few precious drops.

Luke moaned a little as my tongue licked and travelled up and down his cock to savor his sweet salty essence. I devoured his cock as if it was a last meal taking as much of it down my throat as possible as I stroked myself. I suckled on his cock slowly enjoying the feel of his hard cock filling my mouth as I stroked myself to an explosive orgasm. Leaving a small pool of cum at his bedside.

"You are definitely a horny cock sucker" Luke said panting a little with the effort of talking.

He didn't know the half of it I wanted to crawl into his bed and latch myself onto his cock and suckle until I drained him dry. Since my mouth was still occupied with his cock I didn't bother to reply I was enjoying the pleasant afterglow of orgasm and a job well done.I tucked my cock back into my boxers and stood up and went back to my bed , I didn't want to push my luck too far, I had a feeling I might get another chance to play with Luke again but I had to play it cool and not let my hormones rule me.

"Thanks" I said.

Luke laughed across the room "You're welcome ".

"Good night." I said taking a deep breath in my new room that now reeked of sweat and cum, it reminded me of my room after a weekend of boredom, I smiled to myself.


Jackson may have thrown my life into chaos and ruined my chances of sucking off Ryan ever again and spoiled my locker room fantasy in the process. However I was determined to look at the silver lining of the situation. I was going to be living in the same room as Luke, who so far seemed much nicer than Ryan had ever been to me, was better looking, and had a bigger cock. I was also going to be with other mutants and might learn how to use my powers more effectively. I went to sleep feeling hopeful that this might be a new beginning and a fresh start where I didn't have to pretend to be straight or hide my powers.

Next: Chapter 4

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