
By wayne unknown

Published on Apr 8, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Have no knowledge of the sexuality of any member of any Australian Football club.

No disrespect meant to the US army or its personnel or equipment.

Or Billabong the australian surf company.

Story Terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

[Text in between these closed brackets indicate the surface thoughts of various participants]

'sense cylinder' = a use of Victor psionic ability to use water to see through refracted light and hear via vibrations in water particles in the environment mixed with the sonar sense of disturbances of water particles to simulate 3/5 of the senses over large distances. (lacking taste and smell)

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

Defaulting – John switches back to his actual shape in between morphs

Persona proxies – proxies with ice bones, infused with psychic power and with traces of personality.

Golems – for the purposes of this chapter, golems include water golems and ice golems.

proto-mutants – Class 0 mutants that either have no discernible powers or are carriers for the next generation of mutants, they tend to have robust health and above average physical stamina and endurance.

'Passers' – mutants that could pass as humans in a crowd

Defaulting – John switches back to his actual shape in between morphs

'Persona proxies' – proxies with ice bones, infused with psychic power and with traces of personality.

Golems – for the purposes of this chapter, golems include water golems and ice golems.

'psychic clones' - physical copy of Victor infused with 90% of his current psychic strength, used to channel psychic power and for psychic feedings

To a telepath there are three layers of the mind of note, the outer self, the middle self and the inner self or Core.

The outer self is home to strong emotions and immediate reactive thoughts (surface thoughts).

The Middle self is where sensory links take place and memories can be accessed.

The inner core is the home of the mental landscape, the psychic avatar, the psyche and willpower.

The deeper into someone's mind a telepath descends the more at risk they are to personality bleed through and ejection from the mind.

Protection of the mind is typically in the form of shields... Psychic – resists telepathic intrusion and psychic force attacks Psionic shield – inhibits ESP (extrasensory perceptions). Depending on how the psionic shield is constructed, it can block another user from remote viewing them or seeing them when a foot away (Mike's camouflage ability). In other cases it can be used to stop a telepath from calling out for help or seeing beyond their eye sight to teleport (as was done to Phorcys). Telepathic shield – stops the casual scrutiny of other telepaths

Helicarrier- is the name for the Shield Naval Carrier that can also fly ... for whatever reason.

Authors Note

Donations to the site is good...

Feedback to me is lovely...

This took forever and a day to get close enough to the way I wanted.

Week 7 of my Antarctica exile was super quiet. I infused the excess psychic potential from my weekly clone feeding into the golem collective and boosted the hydrokinetic quotient of the golems. I trusted them now more than I did myself most days. John didn't visit. I spent a lot of time swimming, meditating, writing down negative thoughts via Justin and burning them and living my lives vicariously through my persona proxies. I didn't make a new persona proxy that week.

:: Week 7 ::

The psychiatrist proxy started recruiting for new patients with an advertisement online offering a free session for a psychiatric evaluation. This allowed Jacob (the psychiatrist proxy) to place his hand over a patient's forehead and root around in their minds to diagnose their various conditions and build up his psychic strength.

:: ::

Antarctica Week 8

Shit got dark again.

A wave of heavily armed SEALS equipped with rocket launchers and grenade launchers attacked the golems. Golems fell. The golems swarmed and disabled the SEALS quickly once the initial surprise wore off and they had regrouped. The golems had the advantage in Antarctica's environment as the frozen ground provided a (practically) unlimited arsenal for the golems to exploit and forced the enemy to wear bulky survival gear that slowed their speed.

I teleported the SEAL infantry naked to Tasmania.

Thinking the threat was over the golems raised up their brethren for me to infuse with psychic strength. However the real attack had only just begun. A huge Helicarrier descended from the sky unleashing 90 fighter planes while a naval Super Carrier with the name of USS Harry S Truman on the side released the same number of planes from its position in the sea.

The sky grew dark with planes, dropping bombs, firing countless rounds of high speed ammunition into my golems. My golems were overwhelmed by a superior aerial assault. They struggled to fire their attacks into the planes but their attacks were ineffectual.

I hadn't wanted to get involved in another direct confrontation with the US army but my golem offspring were getting massacred so I took charge of the situation. I directed my golems telepathically to combine their strength to create an ice dome around them. They did so, their efforts created a dome that outmatched my previous attempts to contain Phoenix.

Now that the golems had turtled themselves I launched a massive counter attack. I teleported beside the naval Supercarrier (Harry Truman) and absorbed a goodly portion of the ocean into myself. I was strafed by the Phalanx CIWS automated firing system which I shrugged off as inconsequential while I continued growing in size as I absorbed more and more of the ocean into myself. I grabbed 105000 tons of US naval superiority in one hand. All the aircraft had redirected their attention from trying to destroy the ice dome to trying to destroy me. Their attacks made me somewhat itchy. I squeezed Truman in my icy grip, the metal squealing from the extreme pressure, the fear from the humans within saturated my mind. I let them go, sacrificing my hand in the process. I had become immense and sluggish. I teleported again ditching the giant human form and reforming into something more effective...

I had taken the rough shape of Cthulhu to do battle with the Helicarrier but I was way too heavy to fly with the necessary precision and speed to combat the high speed planes. I sacrificed everything below the torso. I kept the huge wings, the clawed hands and serpentine face tentacles. I grabbed the Helicarrier with one hand while clawing out the spinning fans that kept it airborne with the other. The planes buzzed about like angry wasps, I used my new face tentacles to entangle, crumple and teleport away wasp after annoying wasp. I used my full strength and hurled the damaged Helicarrier into the middle of the North Pacific Ocean. I followed its progress with an `eye'; they landed with a huge splash. I froze the tidal wave heading towards Hawaii incidentally creating an ice bowl around the downed Helicarrier.

I returned my attention to the damaged Harry Truman vessel inside its ice hand prison. The personnel were trapped. I shed the Cthulhu shape, reforming to my usual ice aspect teleporting within the ice dome.

Of the 100000 plus golems that had started the 'day' only 48385 remained.

I summoned my 5 psychic class 4 clones and communed for the first time with the golem collective and together we raised 24323 of the fallen golems using our combined mental and hydrokinetic power. Despite our best efforts 27398 individual and unique golems remained lost. My class 4 clones had burnt out again and I was near my mental limit (10%).

I knew that if I wanted to save the remaining 'dead' golems from oblivion, I'd need to recharge my mental energy. I scanned the interior of the Supercarrier and made a decision to use the personnel scrambling about for weapons as food to recharge my mental batteries in order to try and resurrect the 'lost' golems.

I teleported inside the ship next to a solitary human who had been racing somewhere and grabbed his neck lifting him up off the ground with one hand. His eyes bulged as he struggled to breathe; I didn't bother with subtlety and launched a full powered vampiric psychic probe through him at full strength. Due to my exertions earlier, my psychic power had been stretched to the breaking point. I couldn't phase to recover as one more phase would render me powerless for the next couple of hours.

Instead of my probe hitting like a sledgehammer, my psychic probe hit with all the force of a fog, seeping into his Outer Self sprawling out further and further drawing power onto itself as it spread, leaving his thoughts foggy and unfocused. I drew out as much power from the Outer Self into myself and redirected the collected psychic energy into a focused attack of swirling psychic snow to break through into the Middle Self becoming colder as it leached out his energy before smashing into his inner core as a spiraling blizzard of razor sharp ice particles.

His mental energy surged through me reinvigorating me like a burst of sweet sugar to the system. His human mind was weak comparatively but the adrenaline pumping through his body as I choked the life out of him supercharged his mentality with unusual potency.

Another uniformed sailor shot at me with a small firearm distracting me and I discarded my human psychic snack onto the ground. He crumpled onto the ground; I had a pang of guilt for draining him so thoroughly and scanned him for life. He was unconscious but alive. He'd recover fully in a week or so (probably).

The armed sailor continued firing into my frost armor to little effect. I morphed my arm into a long water tentacle extending my psychic power through it as it wrapped around his throat as I walked towards him. I drained this new target in half the time as the last one. The rage in him energized me. I propelled myself hydro kinetically throughout the halls of the Truman sapping any nearby human for mental fuel with my ice hand or tentacle around their throat to strengthen the connection and increase the adrenalin pumping to the brain of my victim.

As my psychic strength grew more potent from the psychic feedings I reached out with my psychic awareness to seek out the strongest minds and teleported to their locations. When I arrived I drained them of their mental strength one by one. I left them lying unconscious wherever they fell.

After feeding on the hundreds of proto-humans scattered throughout the ship, I was at 80% of mental power. My psychic power had been buoyed by the unprecedented psychic feeding and I approached class 4.2 in psychic power. I moved on from one on one feedings to extending multiple psychic tendrils in order to drain the energy of multiple sailors at a time. First I teleported to rooms with small numbers of sailors and sapped them then I moved onto larger and larger groups.

Once I had attained class 4.5 status I teleported to the room with the highest concentration of armed personnel and proto-mutants. They were protecting the captain of the ship from attack. I ignored the small-arms fire to concentrate on feeding on the men around him, their unconscious bodies dropping to the floor as I sapped them fully. The captain pointed his gun at his own head and shot himself, his last thought was [VOID SOLDIERS ARE OUR BEST HOPE TO STOP THE MUTANT MENACE].

The implacable rage drained out of me like the captain's blood pooling around my feet polluting my ice. I felt hollowed out. I reached out with my mind and using ambient water to form thin ice rings around the sailors I channeled the teleportation power within me and I remotely teleported the unconscious crew members to Tasmania.

As I teleported out of the ship the remaining golems reached out with their hive mind in their need for my help in resurrecting their fallen brethren, their psychic need triggered something strange within me, a cacophony of voices and a bombardment of memories that weren't mine.

:: Mental Landscape::

I stood inside my throne room looking up through the now opaque ceiling as thousands of humans battered at the class 3.8 vampiric psychic shield that protected my inner core from psychic invasion utterly confused trying to block out the noise, foreign memories and general bizaareness in order to think.

As I watched these strange mental attackers I noticed something peculiar. Of the thousands of mentalities attacking my psychic shield from the middle layer of my mind there were 3 types of attackers. The strongest attackers numbered in the hundreds, their psychic avatars were flesh and blood replicas of their physical bodies. I recognised them as being the low powered mutants and protohumans from the ship. They were working together in a limited mind meld to create a psychic battering ram that slammed into my psychic shield over and over again causing minor damage that increased as their meld tightened meshing their mentalities closer together.

The second type consisted of the hundreds of officers and 'natural leaders' with strong wills and minds that projected their memories of loved ones on repeat. They lacked the psychic potential to be a significant threat to my psychic shield but their memory bombardment had muddled my thoughts.

The third group being the remaining mentalities numbered in the thousands and lacked sufficient will and psychic potential to generate avatars with substance so they appeared as ghosts of themselves, transparent and insubstantial. They shouted insults and filled my mind with noise like impotent wraiths of the dead.

The weight of their mentalities increased with each passing second pressing down upon the psychic shield, threatening to breach my mental security. I came up with a variation on the Phoenix mental defense.

I extended out a tendril of water targeting one of the mental wraiths, freezing the water around him turning him into an ice statue. I pulled it into my mental core and placed it inside my mental throne room. The pressure and noise dropped minutely with his removal. I lashed out with more and more tentacles of water targeting the wraiths, encasing them in ice and scattering the statues throughout the throne room. Next I targeted the mental projectors, they required even more energy to contain. The mentalities of the melded protomutants/mutants took the last of my energy to contain as they had merged into one very potent mentality by the time I had taken care of the others and I had to send in my water as a blizzard to rip through their linked selves, separating them into their individual selves turning each one of them into ice statues to add to my collection.

:: ::

I woke up an hour later inside a small oval shaped pool surrounded by the remaining golem collective that had used their hydrokinetic power to keep me warm while I was unconscious and powerless. The strain of the battle and multiple mass teleports followed by the internal psychic battle had pushed me past my limits. I looked deep within...

:: Mental Landscape::

and my throne room contained thousands of ice statues, a couple of them rocked back and forth trying to break free of their ice statue prisons. I strengthened the ice around the psychic echos. :: ::

I teleported myself inside my Antarctic home and created a personal psionic shield around the ice mansion and me so that none of the golems could teleport in and barricaded my mind against external communication so I could concentrate on sorting out the mess of my mind. I felt responsible for the captain's death and the loss of the golems, I had failed. I had tried to steal energy in order to resurrect the lost golems and the only thing I achieved was someone's suicide and an even more cluttered mind scape. I had tried so hard to exorcise my demons but when provoked the essence of Phorcys would strike out with cold calculated cruelty.

I thought extensively about what had happened in order to figure out how to stop it from ever happening again. After some time I guessed that even though I had protected my core during psychic feedings having well and truly learnt my lesson about the danger of psychic bleedthroughs after the Phoenix debacle I had binged on too many hostile minds and had suffered through a weird case of psychic indigestion. The echos of the mentalities I had consumed had been stuck in my middle mental layer with access to some of my memories and remnants of their own psychic energy and when the golem collective called out for help they were provoked into action.

I needed more training on psychic power and better shielding. I needed to talk to Sean but he was too far away and he wasn't answering his emails. I'd have to sort it out myself as best as I could.

The only positive of the day was that I had survived a full on military assault by the US Army. Sadly some of my golems hadn't been so lucky. The golem collective could only buffer so much personality inside the golem collective and they had reached the limits of their power.

A day after the battle I activated a continental wide 'sense cylinder' so no one and nothing would sneak up on me unaware again.

I isolated myself for nearly a week afterwards and my 'persona proxies' called in sick as I grounded the ice statues in my mind into powdered snow that I placed into seperate locked chests guarded by nightmare soldiers infused with psychic power. Once I finished with the echos of the sailors I went searching through my mind to hunt down and contain any other foreign traces of personality still inside me. I found traces of Jean, Phoenix, Phorcys, Sean, John, Vamp and Xavier that still cluttered up my subconscious.

Psychicness is filled with inexplicable oddness.

Fragments of psychic knowledge from Jean, Sean and Xavier provided the basis for what I did next.

I went through each chest containing echos of the sailors mentalities sifting through the powdered snow and reconstituted the fragmented memories and personalities. I made it so each chest was accessible through voice activation by me. I could open a chest and sift through their memories for useful info. Each chest was labeled with the name attached to the memories and with their primary useful skill.

I made bigger stronger boxes for the other traces of personalities until I could decide what to do with them.

The psychic spring cleaning required lots of psychic energy forcing me to consume numbers of my psychic clones on a daily basis instead of weekly to keep up with requirements.

Antarctica Week 9

John showed up on a Tuesday flying in as Human Torch.

John had shifted to Emma Frost upon landing outside my door and psychically knocked on my psionic shield.

I sighed; my isolation would have to end. John wouldn't go away until he felt like it and that could be in 5 minutes or 5 hours and there was no telling what mayhem he would cause if left unattended for too long.

I let him in.

As he approached I realized the significance of what he was wearing.

"What did you do?"

"Me? What did you do? There's a giant ice hand wrapped around a naval carrier like it was a child's toy out there."

I sighed and said "They were stupid, they bombed my children and I lashed out."

John raised an eyebrow and said "Last I heard you were a gay bachelor and I visited you a couple weeks back."

"I mean the golems."

"Are you serious, didn't you make them to be expendable warriors. They're not children."

I slumped on the floor; head bowed "Yes I originally made them to serve as decoys to protect me. Then in my haste and ignorance I gave them the essence of a figurative soul and power then I spent time with them and got to know them as individuals while training them and despite their best efforts and mine a lot of them died."

"Can't you just rebuild them or whatever," John made a vague gesture with his hand as I looked up.

I sighed. "They are more than shells of water and ice now. They have individual experiences and names for themselves usually from the most significant landmark or feature when they were standing guard. The golems had created their own little temporary afterlife for the mentalities of golems who had lost their shells" I gave a weak smile at the thought "but so many of them got vaporized by the explosions that they're gone forever. I was too slow and weak when they needed me most."

John regarded me "So you are just going to give up and say uncle?"

He kicked me in the shin and I grabbed his ankle and tugged knocking him onto his ass. He looked at me through the eyes of Emma Frost before defaulting to his actual body. I placed my booted foot on his chest "We never surrender and we never say die" John laughed and I continued "Sometimes though we need a bit of a time out to sulk, throw a tantrum and generally regroup before we plot our next brilliant move." John shifted into Wolverine. His new outfit stretched to accommodate his shift in mass. "Now explain to me what you're wearing?"

"You don't like it?" he said thrusting his pelvis so I couldn't help notice the large bulge in his skin tight costume.

I stepped back and John stood, his new costume clung to every hard line of Wolverine's body. I eyed him up thoroughly thinking filthy thoughts. "I like the outfit, it makes me want to peel it off you, though I'm not sure how to since it doesn't seem to have any zippers or anything ... But that's the Fantastic Four outfit so I repeat what did you do? How did you get their outfit?"

John lowered his gaze submissively in either guilt or embarassment as he explained. "I wanted to add Mister Fantastic and Susan Storm to my collection so I flew in as Jean psychically concealed, stole Reed Richards costume and went to collect some DNA from the pair while they slept but there was a crib and the baby woke up and floated over and telekinetically bitch slapped me through a wall. I teleported out of there wearing the suit. That baby was crazy."

"Franklin Richards I'm guessing. He's a class 6 reality warper. He's the most powerful mutant I've ever run across. He would have killed me with black holes in the Danger Room if I hadn't distracted him for a vital second and stole his power."

John groped Wolverine's erection through the fabric "Class 6 would definitely complete my collection. I wouldn't need to consume DNA any more." His voice dropped a few octaves and he looked pensive.

I reached out and groped his bulge, stroking his hard cock. "Let's talk less about depressing stuff and do something to take off our minds from our troubles for a little while."

"I like the way you think Boy Wonder" he grabbed hold of my butt pulling me closer. He smiled at me, I smiled back and he kissed me hard groping me roughly as he ground his erection against mine through layers of fabric. Energy surged within me and as it crested I broke off the kiss before I got too carried away...

I tugged at the suit trying to get it off but it stubbornly clung to John's body "How do you get it off? I asked impatiently.

John blushed "I don't actually know. I put it on in the dark and I teleported as fast as I could here to get away from that freaky baby and I didn't have time to figure out how to take it off since." We looked at each other and burst into manic laughter.

After the laughter had subsided and I had wiped the tears from my face thinking how John got bested by a toddler, I shifted to water and streamed into John's costume, I gripped his cock with a warm wet hand that stroked ever so slowly as my water pushed past his tight sphincter, my water expanding inside him to form a thick ice shaft pounding his prostrate. I linked loosely with his mind so I could experience his pleasure for myself. I stroked and caressed John's insides and outsides with my water with greater urgency as our pleasure fed back on each other as I shared my pleasure with him through our link. He gave a guttural grunt as he creamed the inside of the suit.

His orgasm exploded within my mind triggering my own release. I chased the pleasure.

John/Wolverine dropped to his knees riding the aftershocks of his orgasm while also experiencing the echo of my equivalent mental orgasm. After the pleasure from my mental orgasm subsided I still felt restless. John/Wolverine harsh breaths echoed off the walls of my room for several seconds. I gave him another 10 seconds to recover.

"Go again?" I asked.

"Fuck Yes!"

I continued stroking and shafting a sexually regenerating Wolverine until he had another orgasm. As he recovered from his second orgasm I increased the size of the ice shaft inside him. John groaned as he fell to his hands and knees unable to keep his feet with the furious fucking action of the ice shaft inside him.

"OH YEAH FUCK ME!" John shouted

I fucked John/Wolverine harder keeping hold of him with 3 ice hands one fisted around hanks of hair and the other two clamped over his shoulders. John had gone incoherent, grunting, groaning, and clawing at the ice beneath him as I fucked him like an animal. He came hard, his orgasm intense, ripping through us both. He slumped face first on the floor. I reformed on top of him with abnormal proportions. I didn't even bother with a head not needing it to see or hear and I used the extra mass to provide me with a foot-long thigh-thick monster cock that would have killed a human man but Wolverine's butt just clamped down on it like a vice. I slammed him hard over and over again, grinding his hard cock into the ice. The pain/pleasure was excruciating as it reached fever pitch. John came hard with jagged sobs.

I shattered... literally into a million pieces of jagged ice. After a small eternity I reformed next to a panting John.

"You okay?"

"You're a kinky pervert."


He defaulted and shifted into ME pre Mansion "No wonder I like hanging out with you. You're fucked up," he said with my voice.

Before I could comment he had shifted to water streaming out of his new outfit slamming into my virgin-tight hole with an ice cock of his own. He slammed me hard flicking through a rolodex of shapes with various cock sizes and body types, never staying the same for more than 5 seconds as he plowed my eager hole. It was my turn to claw at the ground as he fucked me hard and fast.

Afterwards we lay next to each other but with some space between us as John had defaulted and physical contact was dangerous with Rogue's power. I hadn't exerted any effort to figure out how to master Rogue's power. It hadn't seemed important before.

I asked "So where you off to now that we've had sex?"

"Mind if I stay a while?"

"Won't you get sick if you don't get your DNA dosage?"

"If I get snackish there are some humans nearby, they're not as tasty as what I've been eating lately but they'll do in a pinch."

"I'm not touching that at all."


"Maybe." We smiled at each other.

"So what do you do for fun out here when I'm not around to pound your ass?"

"I train with the golems and live vicariously through my persona proxies."

"You're weird." He leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the lips before rolling away and onto his feet. "Well introduce me to your children then."

I sighed and shook my head. "You're incorrigible. Don't you think you should get dressed first?"

John looked down at his limp shriveled dick "This old thing? Do you think they'll be scandalized by my nudity?" I glared at him. "OK, OK, I guess I should put on something warmer." He shifted into Johnny Storm. I glared at him and he ignored me striding off through an ice wall.

I shook my head smothering a laugh at his antics as I stabilized the walls after him. I teleported outside as ice.

I introduced John to the golems hoping to erase their first impression of him.

They had followed my example and had attacked him thinking he was a threat and when he became ME, they had gotten angry at the false god. I had a quick glance at John's surface thoughts about the golems and he hadn't given them much thought after they stopped attacking. (Typical of John.)

The golems seemed more somber than usual, their training efforts half-hearted.

John launched a fireball in their midst. "Come on guys let's have a little excitement." I covered my face to hide my embarrassment and frustration but I could sense the mentality of the golem collective focusing their attention on him. John must have sensed it too. "Maybe some clothes would be a good idea." He flew off back through my mansion before I could say anything.

I built a giant ice wall and said ^He's not the enemy, he's just a dick sometimes.^

"Such flattery." He had teleported over wearing Surprise's shape dressed in the stolen Fantastic Four outfit. He had left massive holes throughout the walls of my ice mansion and it was in imminent danger of falling down.

I gritted my teeth and teleported several steps away from him, repairing the damage he had left behind. "Then again I could be wrong." John opened his mouth to say something and I slammed my way into his mind hijacking his body and closed his mouth for him before he said anything else annoying.

:: Mental Landscape-John's mind::

I strode forward through the stinging red sand that smelled faintly of spilled blood to stand in front of John. He was transparent up close.

"Actually I'm over here," John said striding towards me. His psychic manifestation shimmered in the heat of the desert. He was shirtless and wearing billowy sultan like pants. The other John disappeared into nothing. "This is a first. You've never gone this deep inside my mind. Now what?"

"I..." John had manifested curved scimitars in each hand. I concentrated harder on maintaining the Proteus form. The heat sapped my psychic energy. "I just want you to tone it down; the golems have lost their family."

"You're projecting your feelings onto them and overreacting" He said sounding bored. He sliced at the air in front of me.

"I admit they don't feel the loss like we would but there's something missing in their lives." I tried to think of an adequate metaphor. "It's like they lost an arm and a leg and they don't know how to function now."

John stared at me with a coldness I had never seen before. "When you first started trying to improve the golems, you kept saying you were giving them updates like they were computers. They're computers missing parts, just because you can't get the same part from a defunct manufacturer; get them new parts already, with more RAM or whatever."

My mind whirred as I wondered whether that was possible or not. A wall of sand exploded from John's former position...

:: ::

John had shifted into Jean, his mind firmly barricaded. I gasped as he dispersed the giant ice wall separating us from the golems.

The golems took one look at Jean floating above the ice, the air crackling with negative ions and used teleportation to scatter miles away.

"Looks like I scared the children." He glanced at me and said "Should I go?"

My mind whirred uselessly for a long moment trying to get back on the right track. "No you belong here with us."

"Yes you would enjoy a frozen exile." He said cryptically.

Several long minutes passed as I tried to figure out what to do next. John had always been a little distant, a little callous but being inside his mind I knew for a fact that John's inner mentality resembled the desert landscape in temperament a little too much for my comfort. "You were right. The golems need to be upgraded and the whole system overhauled."

John nodded and said "you should track them down before they cause havoc with the researchers." I nodded and took the excuse to teleport out of there.

John worried me. I had known that John had made the best of Magneto's offer without getting sucked in with his plans for mutant domination but now I understood why. John didn't care about people as people; he only cared about them if they were useful.

I tracked down the golems and explained to them that I wanted to enhance them up to the limits of class 4 and 3 respectively so they'd be better able to defend themselves. I would also train them in battle strategies that combined their strength in effective offensive attacks against large groups of enemies and mechanized attacks. (If I drowned in my darker urges, I might need my golem children to end me for the good of the world.) I left out the second part of my plan as the details were still half formed.

We returned back to base. I went inside my ice mansion and John had moved in a bunch of his stuff in my absence and there was a fridge.

"You freaking out?"

"I was a bit shocked but you've stood by me through my worst and I care about you regardless of..."

"My issues?" He suggested

I laughed, glad we could make light of the situation. It helped to bridge the new distance between us. "Well it wouldn't be any fun if I was the only freak here."

He smiled and pulled me close for a clothes on hug.

:: Persona proxies x 6:: (Week 9)

Justin relapsed much to the disappointment of his therapist. Justin's sexual behavior escalated to new levels. He acted like a total slut, going to school only to spend his time in the disabled toilets offering up his ass, mouth or cock to whoever wanted it. After school he visited the local dance academy and spent the evenings fucking about with the athletic dancers. At night he frequented the glory holes. On Saturday he spent his day on the beach and in the evening went to a footy game only to end up in one of the teams' locker room having his ass and mouth filled by 50 horny men. Justin told his therapist everything about the sex. Afterwards he explained that he was grieving for his aunt, uncle and 3 cousins that had been killed in a random car accident last week.

While wildly excessive the football team was hot and here's what happened in further detail than what Justin could reveal to his therapist.

Justin walked into the teams' locker room watching as the team enthusiastically cheered their win as they stripped at various speeds to shower off the sweat and grass from their fit muscular bodies.

The first to notice Justin was a guy in only a Jockstrap (JS) "How did you get past security?"

"They let me through when I said I wanted all your cocks in me." (Reality was he merely projected a not here message to the guards and walked past them)

"Is this some sort of joke, Do we look like a bunch of faggots to you?" JS asked

Justin stripped free of his shirt and stepped forward smiling "You look tasty and I want to suck you dry."

JS bulged a little thinking of how good a hungry mouth would feel wrapped around his cock. Justin kicked off his shoes and pulled down his pants revealing his own white jockstrap barely containing his thick hard 9 inch cock. JS squeezed his bulge "You might choke on my cock little boy."

The rest of the team had stopped what they had been doing to see how this played out.

Justin dropped to his knees in front of JS and with one hard yank freed the Swan player's half hard cock and engulfed it with his hungry mouth.

JS grunted with pleasure as his cock was fellated expertly by Justin who had no gag reflex or any need to breathe. Justin projected his horniness into JS as he probed past his surface thoughts. His mind was consumed with lustful thoughts as he thrust over and over into the warm slick mouth. JS clutched Justin's head as his pleasure grew. The other players watched, some squeezing cocks that had grown hard from the show, a couple of them were openly stroking their cocks moving closer to the action. Just as JS was about to blow Justin amplified his pleasure psychically, transmitting the result mixed with his own horniness into the crowd of 40 horny muscular football players. More guys freed their cocks from the confines of underwear, JS blew deep into the warm throat of Justin whose name he didn't even know.

Justin pulled off once the cock had been drained. JS stepped away unsure what to say now, surprised at how much he had enjoyed that. "Who wants to fuck my mouth or ass next?" Justin said spreading his cheeks to let them know he was serious.

One of the guys step forward "Me?"

"Mouth or ass?"

"Mouth then ass?" The men cheered, surrendering to the moment.

The man stepped forward into the open warm mouth and a minute later he was buried balls deep in the horny cocksucker's hole. He loved it. Justin's mouth was filled by a 3rd player's cock.

Every guy had his cock out (minus Justin) preparing themselves mentally for their decision of mouth/ass or both. Justin had two loads pumped into him nearly at the same time by the guys pumping away into his holes. They pulled out and were quickly replaced by other footballers who didn't say a word to Justin.

Justin was slammed between the hard cocks of the horny footballers as they used him for their pleasure. Their rough callused hands pushed and pulled him into convenient positions for fast sex. The guys had been revved up by the show and none of them lasted very long inside him but it didn't matter because it was only a few seconds for one vacated hole to be filled by another hard cock.

Several of the support staff had come to check in on why the footballers hadn't left the locker room in over an hour. They had found Justin in the huge shower room with many of the guys crowding around him as he was spit roasted by two of the footballers. At this point most of the men had used either Justin's mouth or ass. Several of the guys were impatiently waiting for their chance to fill Justin's mouth or ass again or try it (gay anal sex) for the first time depending on which hole they had used previously. A few of the men were showering off the sweat while watching their friends and or teammates using the gay slut.

The footballers invited the support staff to join in. After some half-hearted protests most of the support staff stripped off and joined in. Those that didn't participate went off to double the security so that no one else wandered into this scenario.

Justin had his throat very enthusiastically fucked by one of the junior football coaches who thought [I'd spent countless nights wanting to be in this young slut's position but I was always too afraid that even if the footballers went with it and fucked me, my career would be ruined. Football is a man's game and if they knew I loved a cock in me they'd never let me near a locker room again. Football is very macho and often homophobic. Fuck his mouth feels good and that's a hell of a cock on that guy. God I want it in me.]

Justin stuck a finger up the young coach's ass "Oh yeah" he moaned as Justin worked his hole over having added another finger, then a third jamming right up deep into the prostate. [Fucking want his cock jammed up me] Junior coach exploded into Justin's throat going slack as his orgasm crested over him. The guy behind coincidentally was a horny gay top.

Justin pushed him out (which was the first time that Justin had slowed down the action in any way) Gay top thought [must have hit his limit, fucking just my luck, little Ranga slut takes 30 cocks in a row in either hole and he wears out just when I get a chance at his hot ass. I wanted to tear him up, so hard finding a discreet gay guy that takes a cock well and won't blab and ruin my career.]

Justin released Junior Coach's (JC) cock from his mouth, turned him around and with one clean movement jammed his cock deep into the slick hole in front of him. JC grunted as he accepted the cock deep inside him. The others gasped moving forward to deal with this unexpected development but it quickly became apparent by JC's moans and gyrating of hips that he was totally into being butt fucked.

The players and other coaches didn't know what to make of that but Gay top (GT) knew what he wanted to do; continue fucking. He moved forward into the hole that kept winking at him provocatively as Justin flexed his hips fucking the horny coach. JC no longer cared about anything anymore but getting cock into him harder. Justin had ass in front of him and cock behind him. He was in slut heaven having 2 hot guys on either side of him enjoying his ass and cock. He blew hard into JC, his hole clamping around GT's cock.

GT got pushed out [Fucking hell you've got to be fucking kidding me, I'm so close to busting my nut]

"Blow your load in the coach." GT and JC exchanged a look and JC gave a small nod and GT didn't argue and pushed into the recently vacated hole, the slick cum left behind added much needed lube for GT's thick cock.

"Fuck me hard!" JC begged.

"Will do" GT said as he pounded the hole in front of him eagerly [Figures. Guy tells me how to play the game and now he's telling me how to fuck him. I'm going to breed his hot hole.] GT exploded moments later into JC.

Justin on the other hand had pulled one of the hard players onto a nearby bench by the cock, Justin straddled him, riding his cock vigorously his own cock thwacking against his stomach.

As GT pulled out of JC they exchanged an awkward look.

Justin shouted. "Anyone who hasn't fucked me come on over to this side. Everyone else JC's holes are empty and in need of filling" JC blushed and ducked his head as some of the men catcalled at the pronouncement but JC didn't object.

About 10 guys moved over to the bench while GT stepped aside (Justin placed a psychic suggestion inside their minds that they should talk later) to make way for the other horny guys.

Justin impatient and still insanely horny told one of the guys waiting for a hole to open up to slide in his cock along the other guys in his butt (after Justin took the 10 seconds to remove his mouth from the cock he had been sucking to do so). After a few moments of thought and a mental nudge from Justin, the dude obeyed.

Justin got double fucked from then on by the remaining 10 guys.

As Justin left hobbling a little he noticed JC on his knees getting his ass pounded and sucking cock he probed his mind and found him happy about the situation. [Oh God. I'm getting more cock than I've had in years. Being discreet sucks. Fuck my knees and mouth are getting sore from all the fucking but I'm not going to complain. I'm going to enjoy this no matter what happens tomorrow.]

$ Jason shagged the bejesus out of the women he dated. He was a catch, single, fit, independently wealthy so it wasn't hard to find willing women.

$ JJ researched neuroscience and fucked Justin's ass every morning before Uni.

$ Jackie helped tweak the metabolism of the old people in the retirement home so that they were healthier.

$ Jacob's technique had improved; he'd gone from probing patients' minds for the truth of their mental condition and studying their memories to find out their triggers to scanning and copying their mentalities for a more intense cognitive therapy. Jacob was performing minor neural restructuring in an effort to replicate the temporary effects of drugs on a more permanent basis.

$ Jake got more intensive counselling for his PTSD episode.

Antarctica Week 10

With John's help assuming different shapes I had managed to upgrade the remaining golems to the next class power wise. The water golems could manipulate water at class 4 power and range while the ice golems were class 3. Their psychic potential had been massively boosted as well as had their teleportation range.

As Phoenix he allowed me to use his/her psychic potential to boost the afterlife program and increase the complexity and range of the psychic uploads of knowledge. As Wolverine he helped boost my recovery rates after I had expended my mental energy on infusing the golems with hydrokinetic power. As myself so I could double the hydrokinetic power reservoir at my disposal to infuse more raw hydrokinetic ability into golems and proxies.

:: Persona Proxies x 6 :: Week 10

Justin had been enrolled in a more intensive sex therapy for at risk teens where he met a well-hung dark-skinned proto-mutant lad named Aaron with athletic prowess. They had absurd amounts of sex with each other. It was a compromise from the promiscuous sex of before.

Justin was prescribed a larger dose of SSRI's to reduce his thoughts of sex. I found that remaining as ice had a similar effect on my hormones.

I knew that my sex drive had been excessive in the past but I couldn't seem to stop myself sometimes. There were so many things out of my control and sex was pleasurable and allowed me to let others take over for me for a short time. After Justin's therapy I knew that I had been using sex to feel powerful and in control and it was no longer necessary.

$ JJ continued his medical studies, probing the minds of two visiting researchers engaged in revolutionary medical research. JJ sought out religious counsel from a priest about the demon buried at the core of his soul.

$ Jason continued working at his business, hiring a couple of new guys to help out with the odd jobs.

$ Jacob continued getting more patients through word of mouth advertising and his first free session policy. His first patient had already been cured of their agoraphobia after only 3 short sessions.

$ Jackie continued to help provide a calming and healing presence with hydrokinetic tweaking and telepathic probing. Acquiring vast amounts of anecdotal history from the minds of the infirm.

$ Jake progressed through his PTSD treatment obtaining real life combat experience from the minds of the Veterans involved.

Antarctica Week 11

I had chosen two volunteers from the golem collective to help me test the second part of my plan for their continued survival. I demonstrated through a series of telepathically relayed images what I wanted them to do.

The 2 ice golems sacrificed an arm and a leg each with some of their own hydrokinetic power and psychic strength infused within. Then their sacrificed limbs would be combined with some of the icy ground to create a `child golem'. I gave the first child golem an infusion of psychic strength and hydrokinetic power and gave the new child the name of Isaac. The parents regrew their missing limbs slowly. After some close supervision by me and his 'parents' combined with some telepathic training throughout the next 24 hours the child was ready to be showcased off to the golem collective.

They initially greeted Isaac with skepticism and shock.

By the second day two water golems had tweaked the process for themselves without my input. They had combined with each other and split into 3 separate but equally powered individuals which was a problem. The 2 class 4 water golems were reduced from class 4.5 hydrokinetic mutants to class 3's.

The golem population continued to rise on a daily basis. At first I tried to restore the power lost by their unauthorized procreations but that only seemed to encourage their breeding so I stopped so they would learn that their reproductive excesses had consequences.

:: Persona Proxies x 6:: (Week 11)

$ Justin and Aaron spent every free moment together being obvious about their mutual lust much to their parents' annoyance.

$ Jacob performed more tweaks on the neuro chemistry of patients in order to effect changes with actions but trying to keep the core personality intact. It was harder than it sounded. There were many errors, a lot of the time we had to 'system restore' to the last good save. Neurochemistry is exceedingly complicated and the effects on mentality subjected to limited research due to limitations of `normals' researching it.

The other proxies continued with their respective therapies/activities with little of note. :: ::

Antarctica Week 12

The golems had slowed down with reproducing as their collective strength hadn't grown much even with their population skyrocketing.

I told them that slow sustainable growth was best. Golem parents now contributed 1/3 of their power each along with their sacrificed limbs that produced offspring that would accumulate mass over time as their skills improved until they were the same size as their parents.

Sometimes the golems would group up in 4's to sacrifice a limb each in order to make a new golem that was powerful and would mature faster than the 2 parent offspring.

I taught the golems how to construct buildings through a demonstration braiding their collective strength with mine to build a huge city made of ice. It was a replica of New York.

It was an extravagant display of raw power but I wanted to build something suitably impressive. It didn't take long for the golems to make alterations to their new home.

January 7th

John and I had decided that the golems were self-sufficient enough now to be left unsupervised for an extended period of time. I had teleported to one of the Antarctica research bases and informed them that Antarctica was the new home of the golems and that they would defend their territory vigorous from military incursions. The golem population numbered over 250k. I doubted the researchers posed much risk to the golems. The golems had been created as sentinels and peacekeepers and now that they were parents they had become territorial about their new home.

The supercarrier Truman remained locked within the grasp of my discarded ice hand. At John's suggestion the golems had raided the weapon stores of the ship so that the 'children' could fight too with conventional weapons if they were attacked again.

I communed with the golem collective before I left for Tasmania feeding them another large dose of power and uploading a series of commandments inspired by the bible for direction while I was away.

1 thou shalt not kill 2 thou shall honor thy progenitors 3 thou shall not steal 4 thou shall not bear false witness 5 You will not defy my words/teachings

Even though I had convinced the golems not to call me their Father God, I still felt responsible for them and their respect/reverance made it easier to influence their behavior. Their actions had been exemplary so far but I needed to make sure they knew that if they misbehaved in my absence there would be consequences. I planned to check up on them in a couple of weeks time to make sure they were behaving well with their human neighbors. The golem collective provided me with their compiled memories on how to use class 4 hydrokinetic power. That way when I needed to create a class 4 golem puppet it could be quickly uploaded with the necessary experience to use the raw strength properly.

It was time for John and I to move on from this place so we could deal with some loose ends and end my self-imposed exile. I had finally mastered Rogue's power and I had made sure of that by spending the entire day with John as Wolverine while he fought and fucked me.

It had taken a few weeks of experimentation until I had finally found the correct telepathic program to allow me to physically sap people when I wanted to instead of uncontrollably during any physical contact.

That night John and I teleported to Tasmania where we booked a motel room as I wanted to come in around 9am with the rest of the new recruits and tourists and the like. We spent the night having leisurely sex with John in the shape of Angel as he practiced backwinging (flying on his back while facing the ceiling as his wings maintained altitude) while I rode his cock. Antarctica's temperature and Rogues power had limited our sexual options the last few weeks. The only shapes that could withstand or ignore the temperatures and or incidental sapping was Wolverine and Johnny Storm.

:: Persona Proxies :: (January 8th)

In the morning I absorbed the mentalities of the persona proxies into my mental landscape, each of them got a room inside my mental castle and free run of the place. They had grown too real to be discarded but they weren't real enough to continue their fictional lives now that they had served their purposes in the outside world. I copied their useful acquired memories and experiences (from their lives or stolen from mind saps) into individual books of varying sizes to add to the HUGE book case already in my throne room.

Most of the books on the shelves were autobiographies of the people that the persona proxies or I had sapped. I had thousands of books detailing the lives of the sailors I had sapped, with introductions featuring some of their personality, the middle filled with interesting anecdotes and life experiences usually finishing with their major accomplishment.

Some of the books were technical manuals on a particular subject compiled from multiple mentalities combining their life experiences and knowledge into a single comprehensive book.

As I flicked through the pages of an autobiographical book I'd be able to immerse myself in that life as if it were my own. As for the technical manuals, I could grab the huge book titled medicine and I could flick through it for memories/knowledge of psychiatry, neurology, human anatomy and medical research. Instead of trying to remember everything myself all the time in the off chance I might need it I had compartmentalised my collected memories into 'books' so I could make use of the combined experience whenever I needed to with a single thought. I had manuals on dance (from the dance academy students), music, football (football team), swimming (lifeguards and me) and US military procedure and equipment (sailors).

Before I discarded the mortal shells of the persona proxies I let them say a brief farewell to the meaningful people in their lives. Jackie to various patients and staff she had gotten to like, Jake to his therapist and support group, Jacob to his clients, JJ to his uni student friends, Jason to his employees. Justin had the hardest time saying goodbye to his lover Aaron.

After uploading the mentalities and sorting out the memories and knowledge into books I felt like my mind had just undergone a disk defragmentation, my mind no longer bogged down trying to maintain the persona proxies long distance and hold up under the weight of the accumulated memories of countless others. I felt more centered than I had been in a long while.

Now that my mind had been cleared up, I wanted to sort out some stuff at Avalon before visiting Sean for a psychic tutorial/tune up. :: ::

January 8th

We arrived outside Avalon's crumbling earthen walls within specially created bubble golems that I was testing out. This new golem type responded to a few telepathic commands by its master; defend, attack and follow. It had level 3 programming with class 4 hydrokinetic control and class 2.5 psychic power. John's bubble golem formed a frost armor layer over Emma Frost's diamond form inside the stolen Fantastic Four outfit.

We waited for about 10 minutes alone outside the gates waiting for the welcoming committee to vet us so we could complete our business here before moving on to the US.

Broadcast came out of the gates glowing golden with a large ball of concentrated fire in the palm of one hand while in the other hand he held a bolt of lightning in his hand. On his right, Spark held a bolt of lightning in each hand while crackling all over with barely contained electrical power. Paul/Bulwark stood on Broadcast's left with a baseball sized steel ball in either hand. 55 other mutants (all 'passers') stood slightly behind the powered up trio armed with lightning guns and various other mundane weapons.

John's (as Emma Frost) diamond form flickered for a second as he manifested a pair of psychic scimitars held in each hand. I frowned wondering what those would do. John's potential for strange displays of mutant power rivalled mine.

Scale came out of the gate dressed in a figure hugging red leather outfit and ignoring the army scowling at us hugged me. He was followed by an army of 200 Morlocks armed with lightning guns who stood off to the side as they eyed up Broadcast's 'passer army' with contempt and disdain. I drew on the water from the nearby lake system and created a new bubble golem for Scale as I disentangled myself from his embrace and created a giant ice wall between the two armies. Both sides looked a bit too trigger happy for my liking and I wanted to avoid bloodshed during my visit.

John stepped forward a devilish grin on his face and his psychic scimitars pointed forward, the full psychic potential of his current shape poised for maximum damage.

I gave a quick scan of Avalon to see how much damage would be caused if this got out of hand. I discovered that the total population of Avalon had plummeted with the only population growth being of the Morlocks. There were a few hundred humans with some other 'passers' who had hunkered down in the spa but I didn't recognise anyone but Transfer. The spa looked really run down.

If this got out of hand John could kill everyone that opposed us as Jean. John had a simplistic viewpoint; anyone in his way was too stupid to live. I had impressed him back in the day when I fought him regardless of his shape. Since then John had become more powerful with our frequent sparring. He was incredibly dangerous. He wouldn't kill me because he liked my 'spunk' but everyone else he'd kill without a moment of guilt.

John I don't want more death on my conscience

Spoilsport. If they attack I'll knock them unconscious then.

Fair enough.

"I come in Peace" I said realizing how ridiculous that sounded when John burst into laughter.

3 pairs of hands popped out of the Earth suddenly and grabbed onto Scale's, John's and my ankles while the ice wall blocking the Morlock army from interfering encircled them, pressing them into a tighter space as they fired their lightning guns into the ice walls making their situation worse as they incidentally tasered themselves through contact with the ice. I glared at Broadcast knowing he was the only one capable of both earth and water attacks. I wrested control of the ice from Broadcast as I teleported out of the grip of the earth hands to float above the ground. Scale's bubble golem had crushed the earth hands into clods of dirt while John had simply kicked the earth hands away with a diamond foot.

John launched a wave of psychic power at Broadcast's 'passer army', Broadcast erected a psionic bubble around Spark, Paul and himself while the rest of his army were knocked unconscious by the psychic unleashing.

Spark launched lightning bolts at me like a modern day Zeus which my bubble golem deflected easily. Paul threw his steel balls at Scale and Scale's bubble golem blocked. John had moved closer to the trio manifesting a pair of psychic sledge hammers in an attempt to bludgeon the psionic bubble to bits. The psionic bubble held firm.

Broadcast launched a super powered lightning bolt and fireball combo at me which my bubble golem tried to block as an ice shield in front of me but it was unsuccesful. My bubble golem died evaporating into the air and I lost a chunk of my torso as a result of its failed block. I reformed drawing on the ice wall for more mass.

John shifted from Emma Frost's diamond form to Phoenix, floating a few feet off the ground. John erected a telekinetic force field around Scale and me while exerting his telekinetic power in the form of a telekinetic gale against everyone in range. The morlocks had some protection within their ice wall but the unconcscious Avalonians were being thrown together in an untidy heap. I could sense John accessing the much deeper reservoir of psychic strength within his current shape which worried me as an uncontrolled burst of telekinetic energy could obliterate everyone nearby and a telepathic blast could leave them all vegetables.

I water whispered to Broadcast ^I suggest you surrender before John obliterates you and yours. I don't want to take over Avalon I just want to visit Transfer and catch up with my remaining friends here until I leave for America tomorrow.^

"I surrender okay." Broadcast said

The Morlock army cheered even while showered with ice crystals from the crumbling ice wall around them. Paul and Spark exchanged a worried look.

ENOUGH I tele-shouted at John with a vampiric psychic probe to give my command emphasis.

John turned off the telekinetic gale and floated down to the ground before resuming his default shape. Broadcast unleashed his healing energy into the unconscious who scrambled groggily out of our way. John kicked a couple of the ones that moved too slowly out of our way in the ass as he grumbled to himself. I rolled my eyes knowing he wanted to unleash the power of the Phoenix for some exercise. My man is trouble with a capital T but he had been there when I needed his help and that was worth some fear and frustration.

Scale showed me around what Avalon had become in my absence, the place had a sort of quiet deserted feel to it. Scale showed me his workshop filled with various Morlocks of varying severity of mutations. They all appeared to be busy manufacturing the high-tech lightning guns.

Scale explained that the Morlocks had a thriving little cottage industry fabricating high-tech gadgets for the Australian army, mostly the 3rd generation of Lightning guns; they were half the weight of the original with twice the capacity of the previous generations.

Scale introduced me to way too many new mutant followers for me to remember their names for more than a few minutes afterwards.

Scale introduced me to his new boyfriend a lean fellow with aquamarine blue tinted skin who demonstrated why he was codenamed Razor. From out of his body popped out vaguely wave-like shaped metal sort of similar to the logo of Billabong, these metal waves jutted out from out his own skin tight red leather outfit. I poked one of the 'waves' with an ice finger and his metal dented my finger and I got a taste of his surface thoughts, [This is Scale's first and he can look however he wants and his power is so much more impressive than mine. What could I do if he wanted him back?]. I traced my finger down and through the column of 'waves' running from his collar bone to alongside the right side of his belly button stopping at his pelvis. His leather had small little openings that allowed his metal to jut out without destroying the outfit.

"Very impressive mutation. You must be a very good close combat fighter."

Scale stepped next to Razor and gave his butt a casual squeeze "he's more of a lover than a fighter, my man." They smiled affectionately at each other and Razor retracted his 'waves' and kissed Scale in front of us passionately. I waited and waited for them to break apart but their kiss kept going getting more heated while their hands slid under their red leather vests to caress bare skin and they started to grind their bulging crotches together.

John cleared his throat and they broke apart as I shifted to flesh. John wrapped an arm companionably around my shoulders and declared "Victor's mine when I want him." He punctuated the end of that sentence with a bite of my earlobe. Razor gave him a brief up and down glance and I could guess what he was thinking [really? him?]

Before John or I could comment, Peter hug tackled me. "I'm so glad you're back, things have been shit since you left."

Peter had gained a lot of muscle and grown a few inches since I had been gone "I'm sorry." I hugged him tighter enjoying the feel of his firm body against mine.

John said "Hey where's my hug?". Peter blushed bright red and he stiffened in my embrace.

"Um" Peter said. I released him and he moved very slowly over to John and John pulled him in for a hug and John assumed Peter's shape as he slid his hands into Peter's underwear groping his butt "hey" Peter said, his blush deepening as his erection was ground against his own... Scale and I exchanged a confused look and Scale shrugged while Razor looked on in undisguised interest.

"Long time no see" John said giving a hard squeeze of Peter's bum "We should catch up?"

Peter looked at me guiltily as a finger pressed urgently against his hole and he moaned out a "yes."

"Show me to your room." John said his eyes alight with mischief as Peter with his eyes downcast led his physical doppleganger away.

Razor looked at them leaving and me standing there silent. "Aren't you going to join them?"

I shrugged "We don't exactly have a typical relationship."

Razor asked "Do you have an open relationship?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that. He needs fresh DNA to function and I've had other things on my mind as of late but it's fine. I'm with them in spirit anyway." I had followed them with an 'eye'.

:: Peter's Room::

John was on his knees bobbing up and down on Peter's cock as he worked a lubed up finger in and out of Peter's tight hole. Peter exploded down John's throat and I could taste it through our sensory link. Peter collapsted onto his back on his single bed drained for the moment.

John stood, Peter's cock making a medium sized outline in the Fantastic Four suit. He defaulted, shifted to me, streamed out of the suit and reformed straddling Peter's pelvis, John morphed back into Peter and flipped the real Peter onto his stomach and started lapping at his tight hole until Peter was hard and grinding his ass against John's tongue eager for more. John grabbed the lube and lathered up Peter's cock and slid it slowly into Peter's tight hole. I could feel Peter clamping around our cock through the sensory link as John eased in Peter's 6 inches into his own hole. As John bottomed out inside Peter, he whispered in his ear "it's not gay if it's your body doing it, it's just really hot masturbation."

Peter moaned into the pillow as John started moving his hips.

Peter grabbed fist fuls of the sheets as he was pounded by his own cock with increasing speed.

After a few minutes of furious fucking Peter orgasmed, spurting his load all over his fresh sheets. John came not too long afterwards as Peter's hole milked out the cum in Peter's cock.

John lay on top of Peter. From an observers point of view they looked like identical twins, John having matched their phenotypes.

:: ::

Meanwhile I had to try and pretend to be interested as Scale explained that Peter was the only 'passer' in the Morlock section who helped multiply the thousands of components necessary for the mass production in the Morlock workshop. I barely paid attention as my hard cock throbbed with need as I watched and experienced second hand John and Peter's sex.

Razor was eying me up. I looked down and noticed that my current 10 inch cock was poking past the waistband of the pants I wore and making an obvious outline in the shirt I wore.

"I design and make clothing for Morlocks that make allowances for unusual shapes and sizes." He pointed at my groin.

Scale looked back at me and glanced at my crotch and at his bf. "Yeah he's got great hands," he smiled conspiratorily at his bf "he made our pants so we'd have room to grow into them" he said squeezing his growing cocks "Want to see where he works?"

"Yeah that would be good."

Scale and Razor took up positions to the right and left of me, escorting me to Razor's workshop, their hands groping my cock and butt in tandem.

:: Peter's Room::

John had defaulted lying beside a naked Peter and he morphed into Vamp

what you up to? It seems fun.

This I uploaded the viewpoint of the 'eyes' hovering above me as Scale and Razor stripped me naked.

Razor was kneeling in front of me with a tape measure ostensibly measuring me for a new and improved outfit. Scale on the other hand lapped at my hole with his long tongue.

Razor nudged my legs apart as he measured my inseam and then measured my cock before engulfing half of it in his hot mouth. I grabbed onto Razor's longish black hair and tried to bury more of my cock down his throat. He almost gagged and he pulled away gasping for air. Razor stood up eying my cock "Think I can take it?"

Scale paused his tonguing action to finger my hole and said "I believe in you babe".

HOT, link us all up John defaulted to finger Peter's hole.

I reached out and linked us all together in a loose sensory communion as Razor bent over and grabbed a bottle of lube from under his drafting table and threw it to Scale who caught it easily. He pulled down his pants and coated his cocks with lube before sticking 3 fingers inside me, then he pulled them out and cramming his cocks together in his fist jammed himself into me a little bit at a time. By the time Razor had stripped off his leather outfit revealing a very nice lean muscular body with a thick 8 inch cock and had walked over; Scale had started fucking me with hard fast strokes.

The pleasure/pain reverberated through the 5 of us making everyone hornier than usual.

John said to Peter. "Time to have something bigger in you." John's cock slid in slowly into Peter's cum slickened hole.

Razor backed his butt onto my jutting cock shifting the total pain quotient of the group's sensory communion upwards as he eased onto my enlarged cock. I resisted the urge to slam in deep, letting Scale's, John's and my pleasure soak into the sensory communion to relieve Peter's minor discomfort from taking a bigger cock and Razor's more substantial discomfort as he adjusted to my big cock inside him.

Soon the pleasure overwhelmed the remaining pains of penetration saturating the sensory communion so that Peter greedily ground his butt back and forth onto the thrusting cock as John fucked him harder. Razor ground his ass onto my cock as Scale pounded away into me with his forked double cocks.

After too short a time, Scale blasted into me causing me to slam Razor harder whose pleasure pushed John and Peter over the precipice of pleasure as he blasted his load over the floor. The crescendos of pleasure hitting me one after another caused me to collapse into a puddle, literally. The sensory communion flooded with my pleasure before I lost grip on their minds. :: ::

I reformed some time later to find Scale and Razor dressed.

Razor looked at me then to Scale "You were right, he's a freak."

I looked at Scale feeling betrayed. "In the good way," he said, lounging on the couch while Razor sketched something on a drafting table that looked interesting.

I shrugged feeling a little drifty.

:: Peter's room::

Peter paced up and down. "That was wrong."

John lay naked on the bed looking smug and unapologetic. "I got off, you got off. What's the problem?"

Peter covered his face "It was you fucking me."

"It's always been me fucking you kid. I was just fucking you with my body for a change." he paused for a second "Though the 5 way sex link was admittedly new."

:: ::

I cut off the 'eye' feeling like I had seen too much of John's personal life. I tried not to ask too many questions with John as the answers often disturbed my sense of morality or decency.

I stood there for a while lost in my own thoughts.

Scale asked to speak to me privately for a moment. I looked over at Razor and he seemed preoccupied with whatever he was doing.

I went out into the hallway with Scale and he handed me a USB flash drive. "These are the decrypted files on the military projects. I managed to decrypt them a couple of weeks ago and there's some worrying stuff on it. It explains so much."

Tears slid down his reptilian like face "Are you okay?"

"You should read the files when you're alone. Make sure you do so on a computer unconnected to the internet as you don't want them to know you know."

"What will I know and who are they?"

Scale looked back and forth between the approaching Morlocks and me "Not now, not here. I have other bad news I should tell you first."

He pulled me back inside and told me that Sump had gone crazy and tried to eat the minds of some of Avalonians compelled by his out of control psychic hunger and he had left several people in comas before Broadcast stopped him/them with some thunderbolts to the brain stopping their psychic rampage dead. Lazarus had left Avalon with the research team from Peter Hale's company a week later.

I scanned Avalon for Transfer and once I found him I sent a telepathic image to John telling him to meet me there when he was done with whatever.

I scanned Transfer's mind and got a more comprehensive understanding of Avalon's financial situation. The Morlocks not only outnumbered everyone else at Avalon, Scale had real clout as the leader of the Morlocks and the inventor of the lightning gun. The majority of Avalon's income now came from the lucrative deal with the Australian government that Scale had negotiated for exclusive access to the Morlock designed lightning weapons.

The Australian government like the rest of the world had been overshadowed in recent years with the Avengers and SHIELD's access to alien tech and weapons. The Australian government had forked over major bucks to have some high tech weapons to try and keep up with their ally's achievements.

The agriculture section had dwindled when Luke and Grace had left with several other mutants and passers' for Luke's abandoned farm and no longer turned a profit. The Avalon community had started to break down slowly as internal pressures built. Tensions between the passers', Morlocks, protomutants and humans had escalated without the golem peacekeepers to break up the inevitable fights. Then a particularly bad fight broke out between 'passers' and Morlocks and with several people being severely injured and a few people dead most of the 'passers' returned home as the situation back in the US had stabilized somewhat with Beast being named UN liaison giving mutants some semblance of a voice in the international political forum.

John arrived a short time later and I asked Transfer to help us out one last time as Vamp's psychic power had unexpected side effects and I needed a psychic power that had better shielding options than my current version. I explained that I had fed on 'psychic clones' to satisfy my psychic hunger and to extend Vamp's psychic potential past its natural limits but it had limited use as Vamp's psychic power rates at a class 3 and pushing it past a 4 hurt and didn't last very long. I needed an upgrade to settle my psychic hunger permanently and provide a stronger power base.

Transfer agreed to help and through a modified version of the mutant power shell game John passed on Sean's psychic ability to me while John got Wolverine's power for his default form.

I immediately tried using Vamp's power to feed on Sean's psychic power and it worked, though I did have a mild case of mental nausea as a result. This should eliminate the need for psychic sapping of randoms and the weird side effects and reduce my reliance on 'psychic clones' for power boosts. Sean's power would provide class 4 psychic and psionic shield and class 3? telekinetic potential.

John and I had spent the weeks where we were unable to enjoy normal intimacy (because of Rogue's power) fighting/training and during that time we discovered our respective weaknesses. Mine had been the inability to form mental shields over class 3.9 status without pre fight preparation leaving me vulnerable to John's psychic sucker punches as Jean, Sean or even Emma Frost. John's major weakness was his default/transitional form lacking significant endurance or regeneration beyond the mutant norm leaving him vulnerable to physical attacks.

We left late that night as I didn't want to antagonise Broadcast or the brewing internal conflicts at Avalon. That and I had an unpleasant run in with a pissed off Centaur.

We arrived a few hours later to Xavier's mansion.

January 9th

Early Morning New York

We had arrived too early in the morning so we booked a hotel room for a week so we could have somewhere to have noisy sex later without interruption or censure.

John and I shared a very bubbly hot tub which we ended up defiling when I fucked him as a physical copy of Angle but with a 10 inch cock (and minus the wings) in multiple positions and he shot his load into the water. We rinsed off in the shower and John dragged me into bed for a power nap.

:: Xavier's mansion::

After the run in with Broadcast and his followers I decided to send in a 'psychic clone' infused with class 4 hydrokinesis to test the waters at the Mansion since the last time I saw the Xmen in person I had slapped them around while possessed by my darker side and last I had seen them I had pitted them against a group of violent homicidal mutants.

Sean came out to meet 'me' and took me to his room and told me about all the latest developments.

During my absence from the school

$ Mike had become a highly skilled telekinetic and psychic camouflager.

$ Xavier had returned from the dead in his formerly mind wiped twin brother's body. The students and staff at the Mansion had been informed by Dr Moira MacTaggert that he had miraculously survived his run in with the Phoenix but still needed time to recover. Which was true in a way but unfortunately, Xavier had been corrupted by Phoenix's psychosis and jumped into his twin brother's mind, knowing the body had the raw potential to be used as a vessel for his power.

As Xavier recovered full use of his twin brother's body, his mind succumbed to his darker urges to have his own will obeyed by everyone by whatever means were necessary. Xavier had taken control of every mutant's body within his formidable range and used them as his psychic thralls to help further spread his particular version of the Phoenix psychic poison.

There was chaos and rioting as the psychic poison spread, the X men argued as to what they should do to stop Xavier.

Sean used Cerebro to recruit every mutant with telepathic/psychic/psionic ability in the US to help contain Xavier.

For a short time Xavier had been able to run rampant in his stolen body. During the confrontation between Xavier and his puppets and the X men backed by the psychic contingent one of Xavier's puppets got freed from his mind control and stabbed Xavier in the back (literally). This distracted Xavier long enough for the contingent lead by John and Sean to win the day.

Xavier returned to his wheelchair his mind forcibly purified by the contingent who had drawn on the psionic strength of Storm, Mike's camouflage ability and Mirage along with several other telepaths of varying skill and powers to achieve their objective.

Sean and the psychic contingent were still trying to clean up the damage months later. After Xavier's defeat, the psychic contingent was weakened (especially when John buggered off because he got bored) and the corrupted scattered while other freed humans and mutants struggled to adjust to what their bodies had been forced to do. Sean used Cerebro to track down the corrupted mutant minds and sent the nearest psychic contingent member to purify them up close and personal. Quite a few mutants and humans had died during Xavier's rampage as they had been corrupted with unspeakable rage that accessed their darker urges.

Sean had taken over Xavier's position as prime telepath while Xavier recovered his mental equilibrium with his alien queen girlfriend (bizarre). Sean had turned his natural inclinations to be an over protective and know it all big brother towards seeking out the psychically corrupted and psychologically damaged and fixing them. He had lots of 'hands on' experience dealing with dangerous mutants with issues. He also shadowed psychiatrists assisting in various treatments whenever suitable. He advised the psychiatrists of repressed memories to be addressed or wiped other problematic memories.

Sean had gained lots of experience over the last 6 months with psychic cleansing, while the other Xmen (and those helping out) kept his enemies busy physically he would cleanse them psychically.

$ Most of the mutants that I had unleashed upon the X men when I was overcome by Phorcys had survived their fight with the Xmen by surrendering a mere minute after fighting began.They were then rounded up by the Army, Cured of mutantness and imprisoned for their criminal acts. This had used up the army's supply of Cure temporarily. They did try to synthesise it from their remaining doses and they had some limited success but not long afterwards they found out that the Cure was only a stop gap measure, as Mystique's mutantness had resurfaced after a month and the other mutants not long afterwards.

$ Leech had regained his powers but at a much weaker level. He didn't create a null space as much as a limiting effect on mutations. Physical mutations were less pronounced in his presence and other mutations with long range effects were limited. Leech became an honorary member of the faculty, serving as an umpire for Mutant games and being integral to helping new students getting over their fears of flare ups by reducing the damage they could do while they learned more about themselves and their powers.

Phoenix still caused problems from beyond the grave.

:: ::

I updated John on developments, some he had known about, others he hadn't. I asked him about why he joined the psychic contingent as he wasn't the sort of person to pitch in for the common good. He explained that he had wanted to get more training on how to use his psychic powers and helping the psychic contingent gave him access to highly skilled/talented telepaths that he could work with and acquire the DNA of.

John and I spent the day together in the hotel room alternating between sex and training.

Now that I had Sean's power I wanted to play around with it, get to know it, learn how to use it and see how I could combine it with my other powers. I promised John that tomorrow we'd go out and do nice touristy things together in New York.

Despite my psionic ranging through the city, I had been far too preoccupied with my own personal issues to do the typical tourist things like go up to the top of the Empire State building or take a walk in Central Park or take the Subway or people watch in Times Square. We had already paid for a week's stay in a fancy hotel in New York so we could do touristy stuff and maybe once the week was over we'd travel through America and have some fun.

John would have to snack on some human or mutant DNA along the way to remain healthy but I looked forward to having some down time with my strange man and enjoying life for a change. John wanted to pick up Mystique along the way now that she had regained her mutant powers after taking a Cure Dart for an ungrateful Magneto.

John demonstrated telepathically how he used Jean's telekinesis but it didn't help much as Sean's telekinetic power felt unwieldy. I was so used to manipulating objects with water hands that using my mind as an instrument to pick up things long range felt uncomfortable and ungainly like trying to learn how to use your opposite hand for writing.

John's experiences with Jean's telekinesis had involved learning to channel that reserve of pure raw telekinetic power to levitate a single large object and scaling down from there. I had the opposite need. I had to learn how to work my way up from a single small object and work my way up the ladder increasing weight and sophistication of techniques.

John had better luck with improving my telepathic shielding. I would create a telepathic shield and John would smash through them as Emma Frost. After a day of mind numbing telepathic shielding exercising to boost what I had already learned as a class 3 telepath I felt reasonably comfortable at creating a lower spectrum class 4 psychic shield.

Towards 10 pm John wanted to go out and hit the nightclubs. I opted to stay behind and rest. John shrugged and left.

It's been a few hours since I updated my journal and since then I've checked the data that Scale had provided on my laptop disconnected from the internet and the news is bad. It has a lot of disturbing information about the projects that the US government/army had pursued in the past and some of the current projects on the books and the intentions behind them.

In the distant past there was the Weapon X project: Wolverine and other mutants that had been weaponised or recruited for the Army's purposes. Specifics about Adamantium's unique properties and the gruesome details of the attempted Adamantium grafting process and the many failures before the Army achieved success with Wolverine and later Lady DeathStrike.

Recent(ish) past with the Cure Project: The US Army had discovered the Worthington goal of creating a Cure for mutants 5 years ago and impressed with the progress of their research had used their access to Intelligence networks to find Leech whose ability to temporarily disable a mutants power within a certain range of himself proved promising to their goals to find a chemical Cure for mutantness. The army provided the research project the Alcatraz facilities and near unlimited resources for mass manufacture of the finished product. The Army provided the political clout to bypass the usual FDA process so that Worthington Labs could announce to the public that a Cure for mutantness was available without going into the costs in mutant lives to make the drug safe. (The dozens of mutants who died during initial stages of testing the synthetic Cure drug. The countless mutants who after receiving the Cure drug without suffering adverse side effects for over a week were then summarily executed to maintain absolute secrecy. Other mutants were snatched during the final stage of testing from various locales including my Morlock friends in order to participate involuntarily in mutant hunts where the Cure Weapons were tested against mutants in a 'simulated battlefield'.)

The Cure drug was step 1 in a detailed US plan to stop mutants from ever deposing humans as the dominant species of Earth. Magneto had proved time and time again to be a threat to humans and to the government and the humans were scared and prepared to do anything to keep themselves safe.

Step 1 provide the Cure to as many of the mutants as possible in the US as a choice to allow them back into the mainstream of society to reduce their population growth rates. Initial surveys of those who took the Cure showed that many with detrimental mutations or problematic powers were happy to escape their mutantness.

Step 2 Concurrent development of Cure Weapons to take out militant mutant objectors or trouble makers (Magneto or anyone like him).

Step 3 Mass production of US Army controlled mutates codenamed Void Soldiers (completion date 5 years from now) that would help to eliminate any threat posed by future generations of mutants. These Void soldiers would be made with genetic splicing of the genetic material of Leech, Wolverine and Havoc into retro-engineered super-soldier-serumed human soldiers (thanks to Captain America's unknowing contributions while frozen) that would be cloned to make a unbeatable army for the US against any and all threats domestic and foreign.

The Void Soldiers didn't pose an immediate threat as that part of the plan was stuck at monkey testing stage and would take years to get to human trials. The preliminary results were troubling as Leech's grafted mutant ability in the monkeys rendered any nearby mutant captive powerless.

Step 4 of the plan labeled the FINAL SOLUTION- SENTINELS: featured an army of Robot shapeshifters that could scan for mutants and kill them with an arsenal based on the weapon tech of Tony Stark's Iron Man. The Sentinels would be equipped with sophisticated AI to eliminate any human errors or sympathy that the future Void Soldiers might exhibit while fulfilling the goal of mutant erasure.

Fucking nightmare. I'd have to tell Sean about this so that he could alert the US mutant community to be wary of the threat of the US government engaging in further experiments with mutant DNA. My chances of enjoying a restful holiday free from the stresses and responsibilities of being a class 5 mutant just got knocked down from possible to not a chance in hell.

I'd need to check in on Luke and Peter Hale and check on Lazarus and rebuild Avalon as a sanctuary while dodging Broadcast's ambitions and try and stop the Void Soldiers from becoming a reality and master class 4 psychicness and class 3 telekinesis and figure out how to make a fully developed class 4 psychic hydrokinetic clone army without them collapsing like souffles and god knows what else before I could have a proper holiday. FUCK MY LIFE.


If I proceed with Book 3 Void Soldiers and Scarlet Witch shall play major parts with some chaos caused by the 'events' of the Xmen Days of Future Past movie. I'm not sure if I particularly want to continue as my laptop keeps crashing during rewrites and redrafts and it's so frustrating having to start all over again with editing and I have other stuff I really should be doing instead. I guess we shall see what happens.

Next: Chapter 30: Voided 1

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