
By wayne unknown

Published on Mar 8, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Don't own Diablo, Nightmare on Elm Street, Gremlins, Avengers, Marvel Agents of Shield or Greek Mythology.

Story terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

'water golems' = golems consisting of liquid water that fire off blasts of water at their targets (effective at low to mid range)

'golems' = 6 foot tall ice golems with broad shoulders. Medium speed and power (melee fighter- close range)

'Onyx golems'= 7 foot tall ice golems. Slow but powerful hitters (melee fighter- close range)

proxies: ice copies of Victor's body (neutered for decency) used to do personal mutant errands

'saltwater golems' = water golems summoned from the ocean without filtration specifically created for 'salt bombardments' pressurised water attacks with salt as an abrasive to simulate the effect of an industrial water jet cutter.

'minions'= catchall term for large group of assorted types of water and ice golems.

'sense cylinder' = a use of Victor psionic ability to use water to see through refracted light and hear via vibrations in water particles in the environment mixed with the sonar sense of disturbances of water particles to simulate 3/5 of the senses over large distances. (lacking taste and smell)

Psychicness - Catchall term for psychic power, telepathy, mental shields and other psychic nonsense such as mind control.

Telepathy- communication between minds.

Mutant- born from genetics (the X men)

Mutate- born from scientific experimentation (Spiderman and the Fantastic Four)

$= equivalent to a bullet point.

Authors Note

For the purposes of the story I'm going to have Victor mention complete strangers by name so as not to muddy the waters of the action sequences with long winded descriptions.

Also if you have spare cash and appreciate the platform of Nifty for your erotic entertainment, donate.

Jackson's bedroom

CP strode forward towards a sleeping Jackson, his footsteps resounded loudly in the quiet house. Jackson startled awake with CP's water tentacle around his throat. Jackson thrashed and clawed at the tentacle around his neck but only injured himself further in the process. CP grew more tentacles entangling around Jackson pulling him out of bed forcefully and slamming him up against the wall.

CP morphed into my shape before shifting to flesh.

"Victor?" Jackson asked, freed momentarily from the choke hold.

^This isn't your time to speak worthless meat.^ CP said as he shifted back to ice and clamped a hand over Jackson's mouth.

Jackson's parents walked into the room and his father yelled "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?"

CP gave a quick glance to the parents before launching two water hands to smack them both down. Jackson gave a muffled cry and thrashed harder in CP's grip which was ultimately futile. CP trickled water into Jackson clogging his airways as he telepathically relayed my memories of my high school years into Jackson's mind. Every moment of bullying and abuse replayed complete with the emotional stew I had felt at the time; fear, self-loathing, suppressed rage, unwanted desire and a bone deep sense of isolation. The memories ended with the events of that final locker room confrontation sending my life spiraling out of control.

Next CP shared all the darker applications of my power, liquefaction, shattering people into red ice, blood control and the myriad of weapons I could create from water. As he relayed memories he also used telepathy to skim through Jackson's memories and I got bombarded with flashbacks of Jackson's life.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Jackson experienced an early growth spurt that made him the target of bullying for a brief period of time before he responded violently and learnt the joy of using his superior size and strength to enforce his will over those smaller and weaker than him. Not long after that revelation, he discovered the joy of self pleasure, and those memories blurred together in a haze of stolen moments of self gratification and domination. Memories of girls that he had bedded followed, drawn to his bad boy persona and hot body and him dominating them in the bedroom as he used his thick cock as a weapon. Which led to his last memory of me naked against the locker as he tried to fuck me.

Jackson had tried to smash his way out of the leg shackles I had restrained him with as I escaped, scarring his ankles in the process. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

The last memory reeked of rage with a potent aftertaste of the fear of true helplessness.

Jackson cried out wordlessly reeking of fear and soiled himself, his urine leaking onto the ice of CP and staining the old oversized pajama bottoms he had worn to bed. CP smacked him against the wall. ^Pathetic mortal. I am a god compared to you and don't you forget it.^

:: Mental Landscape::

I rose up from the ground drawing upon untapped reserves of psychic strength and reformed into my typical shape. I reached out and dug my nails into CP's side absorbing some of his energy through physical contact and used it to restore more of my psychic strength. I pushed him through the ice floor and into the labyrinthine hallways below, populated by freshly created nightmare soldiers.

I had buried CP deeper into my psyche but I knew he would resurface stronger and more intent on violence in a minute or two. :: ::

I had control over my body again and I looked at Jackson from a fresh perspective, I had been inside his mind and while I didn't forgive him for what he had done to me I could understand him better. The truth was Jackson had gone from someone I had longed to be at one point in my life (popular and attractive) to someone irrelevant in my new life. He was still physically attractive but he had lost weight and definition and I felt no residual lust for him only pity for his choices. "Jackson, try to be a better person from now on." I stepped back releasing my hold on him.

He collapsed to the ground gasping for air. I teleported out of his house and teleport-hopped back to the mansion.

:: Mental Landscape ::

CP walked leisurely through the hallways. The nightmare warriors didn't intimidate him at all.

CP grabbed a vicious snarling gremlin (I had watched that movie as a kid and those things were CREEPY) one handed and slammed it onto his thick foot-long cock killing it.

CP didn't take the nightmare warriors seriously. My nightmares weren't his. He was a strange new person and I had no idea what scared him.

CP sprouted 4 tentacles from his chest as he came face to face with Freddy Krueger and one tentacle filled Freddy's mouth, another tentacle grew ice tipped and sliced right through his shirt and into his belly and out through his pants, the third jammed up his non-existent rectum and the last tentacle stroked the ice tipped tentacle.

Then he simply tugged the tentacles in opposing directions and Freddy Kreuger exploded. :: ::

I arrived at the Mansion and sent a proxy to talk to Sean to outline a rough plan to deal with CP as I had another proxy set up the Danger room to start the mob scenario simulation on maximum difficulty with the safeties off. I shifted to water and teleported myself into the Danger Room as I waited for Sean to follow through on his part of the plan.

The humans on the street noticed me and turned to stare at my obvious mutantness. I had my 'sense cylinder' activated for about a city block around me, tracking the movement of the humans as they formed a mob around me. I had landed in Brooklyn near 4th avenue and 8th street.

I also had an `eye' watching Sean's progress; he had already enlisted Mike and John to help him. John had assumed the shape of Jean placing one hand on Sean's right shoulder as Mike placed his hand on Sean's left shoulder. Sean placed Cerebro on his head and a moment later I lost connection to the 'eye' and proxies I had outside the Danger Room simulation.

Sean had obviously been successful in creating a class 5 psionic shield around the Danger Room stopping CP from unleashing an army of golems loose upon the school. Sean would contain me psionically while the Danger Room contained my physical body. Or at least that was the plan.

The world within the Danger Room had become my only reality. The mob scenario had escalated and the humans were already shouting insults and getting violent.

:: Mental Landscape::

CP raced forward through the labyrinth hallways dismembering and decapitating the nightmare soldiers with almost absent minded swipes of his blood red sword. He left a bloody mess in his wake as he ascended to the throne room.

He glared at me across the throne room: You Moron, you can't get rid of me that easily.

CP raised up the floor around me imprisoning me within a 6 by 8 prison cell made of transparent ice.

I punched the wall of my new cell with all my strength without even denting it and said: I will die before I let you hurt my friends.

He walked over: Perhaps you'll have that chance at some point but from now on you should address me as Phorcys.

I banged on the ice wall of my prison trying to find a weakness and asked: Phorcys?

Phorcys smiled and shifted into a merman with crab fore legs: Yes, Phorcys, Greek God of the Hidden dangers of the deep dark sea and father of monsters. It seemed fitting all things considered. Don't try and diminish me with a stupid nickname.

A memory surfaced from the time I had spent researching Greek gods, Phorcys was a sister fucker and father of various Greek monsters.

I paced back and forth in my cage: How did you know that I had given you a nickname?

He gestured around us: This is my world now you're just a remnant from before my birth and your thoughts are poorly screened.

I gaped at him in horror, confused, wondering how long he had been reading my thoughts and how to hide my thoughts since we were effectively in what used to be my mind. I finally managed to blurt out a semi-coherent thought: Why did you tell me?

Phorcys pointed his sword in my direction: This is only fun if you resist me and if you continue to be such an open book about your plans it won't even be an entertaining challenge.

I backed away from the sharp sword: Did you know about my plan with Sean?

Phorcys nodded: Yes you're expecting Sean to wipe me clean out of your mind once I wear out your body defending myself from all these virtual nuisances. You can't erase me that easily. It's time to teach you a lesson.

I asked: What lesson?

I focused my remaining psychic strength on containing my thoughts deep within my avatar so Phorcys couldn't access my thoughts as easily.

Phorcys regarded me with amusement: That there is always someone bigger and stronger than you are and you're going to need to be tougher and smarter to survive.

His red fingers extended out across the space between us and his claws dug deep into my avatar's chest. His fingers grew ice thorns that mimicked a chainsaw sawing through my ribs. He pulled out suddenly and my insides burned as he dug his chainsaw tentacle finger deep into my abdomen. The pain seemed somehow distant in the mental landscape and instead of bleeding like a normal person, my grip on my memories and myself became tenuous.

Phorcys threatened my last surviving shred of Self with oblivion. He had already hijacked my body, corrupted my 'safe place' and I didn't know how long I could teeter on the knife edge of complete mental dissolution before Phorcys grew bored and tipped me over the edge.

Phorcys played with my consciousness for what felt like an eternity in mental landscape time but was probably only a minute or two in the 'reality' outside. Whenever I teetered too far towards oblivion, he'd pull out his tentacle-claws and he'd force feed me his dark energy until I recovered enough so that he could dig his claws into me again and continue the existential torture. Towards the end he had my hands and legs ice shackled and stretched me like a medieval rack victim as he ripped into my insides with his ice tipped tentacle claw.

During a force-feeding of his energy Phorcys became distracted.

One of the red ice walls of the throne room turned into a red tinted window into the virtual world outside. The mob of New Yorkers used impromptu weapons against our body to little effect. Briefcases, umbrellas and punches weren't a threat to water. Phorcys' amusement rippled through me through our connection (because of the tentacles inside me).

Phorcys stepped away from me, withdrawing his tentacle-claws reforming into a red version of Proteus. The torture had reinvigorated me ironically. I absorbed the shackles into me and made myself a shield and sword with it.

The red-ice window-wall' expanded in multiple directions as I watched until I was immersed in the world outside while still remaining locked within the mental landscape. I was made to witness Phorcys' destruction as if it were my own handiwork through his sense cylinder'. :: ::

Phorcys surged forward into the crowd of angry hateful humans, shifting to ice and manifesting a rapier-like sword from his right arm. He sliced at the neck of the closest human to him, his weapon glanced off the neck bone with a dull thud, as the human clutched at his neck, dropping to his knees and bleeding to death while Phorcys grunted with dissatisfaction. Phorcys liquefied the dying human and used the extra water to provide himself with a thin layer of frost armor and another sword in his left hand. Phorcys stepped forward slicing with his rapier-like ice sword one handed while swinging at a different human with the broadsword- like weapon in his left hand. He used his inhuman strength to bolster the weapons' mediocre sharpness to decapitate and dismember the 2 targets of his wrath. The angry crowd had been stupefied by the sudden violence.

Phorcys flung the 2 fresh corpses into the crowd using hydro kinesis at the cellular level to trigger a massive chain reaction. The corpses exploded from the inside spraying the humans with frozen red ice, bone and bile. The humans ran in all directions from the human shrapnel bombs, their anger washed away by the fearsome monster they had provoked. Their efforts to escape were futile. Phorcys moved with inhuman strength and speed, propelling himself with hydro kinesis and using the altered time scale within the mental landscape to plot his moves faster than the humans could think or run.

He killed at least a thousand humans within range, sending the swords to independently kill while he grew spikes and slammed through the humans like a monstrous wrecking ball. Other humans were liquefied to become various weapons to kill more victims. Sometimes he'd simply explode the humans within crowds for maximum carnage.

The police arrived on the scene to a sight of bloody carnage, their weapons drawn.

Phorcys regarded them with mild amusement as they discharged multiple rounds at him. Their bullets ricocheted off his frost armor with minimum damage done.

Phorcys liquefied some of the scattered body parts that his rampage had created absorbing their water into himself and extended outwards in an ugly mass of tentacles entangling around the mostly intact corpses. He used the corpses as improvised missiles, flinging them at the police first responders exploding some of the corpses above the police as a distraction to catapult other corpses onto cops and cars alike. The police died and their vehicles were crushed under the corpse onslaught.

:: Mental Landscape::

Meanwhile I buried my horror at Phorcys' behavior to take advantage of his inattention to draw upon the ice prison to infuse myself with greater strength in order to attack him when the time was right. I followed his example and used my limited store of psychic energy to sample some of his thoughts and emotions. He was relaxed and amused, reminded of the carnage we left behind during Diablo games.

Phorcys turned to me and I clamped down on my very limited psychic probe, extremely wary of him reading my thoughts and destroying me completely.

He simply smirked at me and said: Now comes the interesting part, the Army and their guns. :: ::

Phorcys used multiple `hands' to rearrange the cop cars as if they were children toys lining them up in rows blocking off access in and out of the street.

Phorcys amused himself for the next 10 minutes by playing with the dead police men. He `fixed' up the most attractive male police officers and puppeted them through a couple of my police related fantasies...

$The speeding motorist offering sexual favors to get out of a ticket. (Phorcys fiddled with the water vibrations to produce varying baritone voices for his game)

$ And one of my more frequent cop fantasies of getting caught fucking in public and the cop joining in still in uniform.

Phorcys used my medical knowledge to simulate life from death, activating blood vessels for the corpses to engage in carnal acts.

I'm ashamed to admit that I was turned on somewhat by the show.

:: Mental Landscape::

Phorcys grew a merman tail just below his massive erection, stroking himself: Liking it?

I held up my shield to hide my erection while pointing my sword at him: You're depraved

A disembodied hand appeared and slapped the sword and shield from my hands for them to shatter on the walls of my ice prison cell. He strode forward and reached through ice walls as if they were nothing and pulled me closer so we were millimeters apart and kissed me softly as water streamed over me gently massaging every inch of me. His kisses grew deeper as the movement over me grew more frenzied. He grabbed the back of my head biting my lower lip sucking on it hard as the water hardened into ice around me, becoming serrated and sliced through my clothes and into my flesh. I was very naked and very hard as he pulled away. He looked me over dispassionately and the ice shifted to water and trickled into my hole hardening and stretching me out. I braced myself against the walls as the ice inside me lengthened and expanded, slamming back and forth inside me without mercy.

I couldn't think. I could only WANT and I wanted RELEASE. I focused and absorbed the ice of my prison cell into myself and reached out to grab his massive foot long erection.

Phorcys stepped back his foot-long cock disappearing as the ice stopped moving within me and sanity returned and I realized that I had fucked up in my horniness.

He eyed my hard naked body speculatively for a long drawn out moment as I breathed heavily, his ice dildo still lodged deep within me.

He smirked and the ice inside me moved at a rapid speed against my prostate as multiple disembodied hands touched, stroked, caressed and squeezed every sensitive part of my body. I lost myself in the waves of sensation and he said: Correction we're both depraved.

Everything ceased. The hands' and ice dildo working me over disappeared as Phorcys had turned his attention to the virtual world. I was left naked, throbbing and aching with desire. I resumed watching through the red ice window-wall'. :: ::

The military had arrived but this time they had the Avengers and the Agents of Shield on their side.

Things got intense quickly. The Danger Room had no safeties activated; if Phorcys was killed I would die too.

Everyone attacked Phorcys. The infantry fired bullets, launched rockets and threw grenades as Iron man used his repulsor weapons and uranium laced ammunition; Hawkeye fired various arrows, Thor discharged electricity from his hammer, Captain America threw his shield.

Hulk charged forth unconcerned about friendly fire as he was practically immune to all of it.

Phorcys moved back and forth in a complicated pattern that resembled a strange dance as he dodged bullets and other projectiles but he got struck by several rounds of uranium laced ammo as he evaded the Hulk's relatively slow punches. Phorcys weakened and slowed as the radiation spread through his water and the Hulk hammered Phorcys' frost armor, exposing the more vulnerable water beneath to more uranium laced bullets.

Phorcys lashed out with a tidal wave from the nearby Hudson River that washed away most of his opposition except Iron Man who flew up and Hulk who stood his ground against the tidal wave. The wave helped cleanse us of the drowsiness caused by the irradiation.

The X Jet landed a minute later on the freshly cleared road and Phorcys regarded the X men as they disembarked including Wolverine, Iceman, Colossus, Beast, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Cyclops, Jean, Storm and Professor Xavier.

Storm's eyes went opaque as she summoned lightning from the sky to attack. Phorcys evaded each strike fluidly turning the attacks against the assembled X men. Every time lightning was close to striking Phorcys, he'd sacrifice some of his water into making hastily assembled water orbs to absorb Storm's attack and flung them at his opposition which Cyclops or Jean evaporated. The atmosphere sizzled from the battle of wills/powers.

Wolverine and Colossus charged forth to help Hulk who had resumed his attempts to beat Phorcys to slush. Phorcys allowed himself to be struck by a full powered lightning blast and entangled the 3 melee fighters, electrocuting them all. The pain reverberated through us.

Colossus had been knocked out and Wolverine was charred around the edges but The Hulk had barely felt it.

Phorcys shifted to water and streamed into Hulk, occupying his body, distending the blood cells of his mutate vessel. Phorcys operated him like a mech suit.

Occupying Hulk limited Phorcys' vision and by the time he had compensated the view outside had changed. The opposition had regrouped including Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow who had used their combined skills to escape the tidal wave's devastation.

Other heroes had appeared alerted by the tidal wave and presumably by the reports of devastation.

Spiderman, Dr Strange and the Fantastic Four joined the heated discussion as Phorcys amused himself by punching nearby buildings with the Hulk's strength. Hulk's rage sky rocketed along with his strength but physical strength is meaningless to sentient water in the veins.

Doctor Strange derailed Phorcys' occupation of Hulk with unknown magic. Phorcys was expelled violently from Hulk's body and reformed nearby before floating several feet above the enraged Hulk. Iron man fired his weapons again at Phorcys who merely teleported out of the way.

Hulk tried to jump onto Phorcys as Phorcys reappeared only for Hulk to go flying through him as Phorcys shifted to mist and landed several feet away. Iron Man fired some sort of energy weapon at us, sending strange ripples through us while we were mist. Phorcys shifted to ice and teleported out of range. Iron man flew after as soon as Phorcys rematerialised.

Phorcys retaliated to the lingering after effects of the energy weapon by flash freezing Tony Stark shattering him inside the Iron Man armor, the suit crashed to the ground without its pilot. The Arc Reactor in Tony Stark's chest had been damaged by the corpse explosion and made strange noises. The various heroes scrambled to contain it before it obliterated New York. Susan Storm and Stephen Strange worked together to create shields around the damaged armor, they had barely finished generating the shields before the blast vaporized the armor and destroyed both shields, leaving behind a crater 5 yards long and 30 deep.

The heroes regrouped to plot their next move after the loss of one of the Avengers and to question the arrival of more costumed or super powered weirdoes who were technically villains including Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and Sand Man. Spiderman objected. Daredevil arrived on the scene during the argument.

:: Mental Landscape::

Phorcys sighed: There are way too many weirdoes in costumes to annihilate in this simulation.

I tried to shake off my residual horniness: You can't win this battle.

Phorcys gave me a grim smile: Winning or losing the battle doesn't matter when I know I will win the war.

I had gained greater control and Phorcys seemed too preoccupied to bother fighting me at the moment so I monitored his thoughts remotely waiting for the right moment to strike. :: ::

Phorcys summoned an army of vicious golems to distract the heroes before they could come up with a cohesive plan. Over 100 k golems hastily programmed to kill anything that wasn't Phorcys or golem.

The assorted super powered individuals separated to chase down and deal with the spiked golems who had spread out in all directions, killing anyone they came across. Phorcys flew about through hydrokinesis adding to the chaos by using his tentacles to rip people apart limb from limb and teleporting about raining ice spikes on the simulated citizens.

Thor and Storm used lightning attacks to thin out the golem numbers. Storm generated a storm with lightning bolts raining down from the sky taking out multiple golems at a time. Thor used his hammer to channel electrical energy in concentrated blasts at the golems. Meanwhile melee fighters such as Wolverine, Colossus, Hulk and Captain America attacked the ice golems. Phorcys drew on the displaced water of the smashed and melted golems to create a small blizzard. Jean created the telekinetic equivalent of a large scale shield around herself, Cyclops, Storm, Xavier and Thor. Cyclops let out an unending barrage of optic blasts at any of Phorcys minions that came too close to them.

Meanwhile Bobby moved around the impromptu battlefield using an ice slide maneuver I had never seen him use before while fully ICE firing frost blasts at various water minions, freezing them. Once the 'minions' were frozen Hulk would smash through the minions a second or two later shattering them to useless ice shards.

Wolverine tried to slash his way through Phorcys' minions but Phorcys directed those golems personally in order to keep Wolverine busy.

The assorted heroes and villains were vastly outnumbered but they fought with determination against the overwhelming odds.

Spiderman was swarmed by 35 water golems who fired water orbs at him, soaking his suit clinging to the hard lines of his athletic body but doing little damage. Phorcys froze that water, slowing Spiderman down and dug the ice into his vulnerable flesh disemboweling him.

Phorcys said to no one in particular ^Water is deceptive, it is vital for life but it has so many ways to kill without assistance; tidal waves, whirlpools, icebergs and most impressive of all ice ages. It is eternal, constantly renewed while mountains erode and supposedly great civilizations leave little behind but the occasional ruin.^ Phorcys drew deeper on our power reserves and seized control over every molecule of water within the simulated New York area.

The water vapor turned to diamond-like ice and attacked anyone and everyone nearby in a flurry of frosty violence. Phorcys used some of the water to enhance himself, quadrupling the thickness of his frost armor while tripling his overall size. Phorcys created another 150000 golems to swarm the remaining heroes. He phased for a split second buried under the frost armor. He only had 2 more phases to go till complete power loss judging by my calculations of his/our remaining strength.

The New York defenders fell back under the protection of Jean's shield, Cyclops' optic blasts and Storm's lightning strikes. Villains and heroes stood together against a common threat to their way of life.

Phorcys didn't care about them; they were mere practice for when he escaped this prison. He used his tentacles to grab various humans and smoosh them together at high impact or to encircle his water tentacles around civilian necks and decapitate them.

Stephen Strange and Susan Storm helped Jean to enhance her shield somehow protecting those beneath its cover from assault from diamond ice blizzard. Other New Yorkers weren't as lucky, dying in droves.

Human Torch helped Cyclops and Storm to slow the golem advance on their defensive position with his ranged fire attack.

Phorcys telepathically transmitted to his dark army, a new primary objective destroy the shield and everyone in it.

Cyclops optic blasts and Storm's mass lightning attacks and Thor's concentrated lightning attacks couldn't hold back the massed golem armies swarming their position. Phorcys had created a blizzard around the shield to lower visibility and the effectiveness of their counter attacks. The water golems bombarded the shield with water orbs while the ice golems hammered at the shield with ice fists.

The Hulk charged out from under the shield's cover barreling through a line of minions as if they were nothing. The second he had passed through them Phorcys reformed them unconcerned about the melee menace. Phorcys forces had the momentum of numbers working for them as the NYRF (New York Resistance Force) struggled to defend their position as their energy waned.

31 minions surrounding the Hulk had their shapes sacrificed in order to entangle the Hulk in a sentient bubble of water and ice. Phorcys launched The Hulk like a cannonball into the shield which punctured under his unnatural physiological mass. Cyclops and Storm were knocked out by the resulting shockwave of his impact with the ground.

With a hole in the shield, the golems had a new target to focus their attacks on. Jean, Strange and Susan worked together to try and repair the hole in the shield while trying to maintain the rest of the shield from the constant barrage of Phorcys' minions. The strain showed on their faces as their shielding continued to weaken.

Human Torch flew up blazing through the air in circles around the NYRF acting as offense and defense while the remaining opposition regrouped. He launched massive fireballs as he struggled to maintain a fire shield around the group while being consistently bombarded by Phorcys' minions.

The Thing rushed out through the fire shield disrupting dozens of water Golems only to find himself in the middle of an ice golem army alone. The Torch rushed to help his friend abandoning his defensive position and the golems swarmed forward intent on victory.

Stephen Strange waved his hands about chanting and a massive surge of energy discharged from his hands. The magic shockwave extended out in all directions from his position turning 70000 golems into useless puddles. He collapsed from the unimaginable effort of that spell.

The remaining golems closed up the gap caused by Stephen's use of chaos magic in less than a minute. However it gave Thing, Human Torch and Hulk time to regroup back wihin the shielded position.

Captain America and Thor used their hammer and shield to try and fend off the golems.

Phorcys extended out two massive tentacles from his position far above the fray and snatched Captain America's shield as it ricocheted off his golems. Thor tried to retrieve the shield from the tentacle but got slapped down by the other tentacle knocking him into a building. Thor's hammer dropped out of his hand and that tentacle grew a hand and snatched Mjolnir (Thor's hammer).

Phorcys now had the iconic weapons of two of the members of the Avengers. The hammer wasn't much use without the concentrated lightning attack but it still made a fun trophy and would work well as a melee weapon.

Thor and Captain America beat a hasty tactical retreat as Hawkeye and Black Widow provided cover fire for them.

With a thought Phorcys exploded Black Widow and Hawkeye. Captain America cried out in grief at the loss of two more members of his team. Thor's grief was subdued.

(Phorcys considered using his darkest power to be a lazy way of destroying an enemy but humans weren't much of a challenge anyway, even if they were skilled combatants. Humans didn't deserve elaborate deaths. )

The NYRF struggled to fight off their enemies while hampered by the potential for friendly fire in close quarters conditions. The `villains' were less concerned about collateral damage.

Phorcys sacrificed another 15 water golems engaged in fighting with Wolverine to encase him in water/ice armor to manipulate him like a marionette. Phorcys yanked Wolverine's water strings to stab Thor in the back while he was in a fist fight with multiple ice golems. Thor turned around and Puppet Wolverine sliced off Thor's head.

Phorcys flung the headless corpse of Thor at Captain America exploding it in his shocked face killing him with frozen viscera.

Thing, Mr. Fantastic, Hulk and Human Torch were trying their hardest to protect the exhausted Jean and Susan while they struggled to maintain the shield without Strange's magical assistance. Thing shook Dr Strange awake and once he was awake he cast a quick spell to revive Cyclops and Storm who quickly joined the others in fending off the golems.

Several of the Xmen had died swarmed by a virtually unending supply of reforming fearless golems including Xavier(useless without his telepathy), Colossus, Kitty,Rogue and Beast.

Stephen tried to chant away the ice covering the advancing Wolverine puppet. Johnny Storm used a more direct approach and launched a supernova-like fireball at Wolverine. The water melted away in the intense heat as did several layers of skin and flesh. Wolverine regenerated from the damage within moments and went to check on Jean.

Phorcys was undaunted by the NYRF as the golems continued to swarm them, forcing the NYRF to push themselves to their physical and mental limits to hold their ground. Every minute that passed, the less powerful the resistance to Phorcys became as their members continued to die brutal and gruesome deaths. Green Goblin had his bombs redirected back onto him and exploded in a large fireball. Doc Oc was grabbed by a couple of his mechanical arms and thrown bodily onto the pole on top of the Empire State Building where he was impaled and died a slow agonising death. Phorcys then ripped off his metal arms and used them to kill more civilians from on high.

Phorcys targeted Jean with a thousand water golems firing torrents of water at her through a fresh breach in the shield. Cyclops stood next to her as did Bobby; Cyclops fired a continuous destructive stream of energy from his visor at full strength as Jean slowed the water with her telekinesis. Bobby meanwhile was firing long distance frost attacks at the ranged attackers freezing them solid.

Phorcys coalesced some of the steam drifting about inside the breached shield and used it to give Cyclops a hard nudge in the shoulder, shifting him temporarily off balance, Cyclops ended up blasting off Jean's head and half of Bobby's body. Cyclops dropped to his knees cradling Jean's corpse and a spiked Golem punched him in the back of the head, killing him instantly.

Wolverine yelled out in rage and demanded Richard Reeds fling him at Phorcys. Richard Reeds flung Wolverine at Phorcys while Human Torch flew next to Wolverine providing covering fire.

Golems swarmed Richard Reeds position, punching away at him to little effect. Susan turned invisible and joined her husband encircling him within one of her shields. The larger shield failed as Susan redirected her attention to protecting her husband.

A small army of salt water golems bombarded a weakened Storm stopping her attacks cold as she struggled to rub the salt from her eyes, a few spiked golems took advantage of her temporary blindness and punched her to death. Stephen Strange fought off the minions attempting to swarm him valiantly with fireballs and lightning strikes but he was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and persistance of the golems who often reconstituted themselves after being melted intent on victory. He simply ran out of mana and was swarmed to death (happened to me all the time in Diablo).

Phorcys sent out a water tentacle to entangle Human Torch's leg and also Wolverine's as they came towards him. Phorcys turned to flesh for a second, copying Human Torch's and Wolverine's power.

One phase to go? Or not?

I could feel Wolverine's power surging through us as well as Johnny's fire power.

Johnny plummeted to the ground along with Wolverine who had been slapped down by a giant tentacle hand. Phorcys flew down to engage Thing, Susan and Mr. Fantastic in mortal combat.

Phorcys entangled Susan Storm with a giant tentacle absorbing her ability to generate shields and turn invisible and draining her of her very life force.

Mr. Incredible and Thing attacked Phorcys from both sides. Captain America's shield blocked Richard's punch easily enough while Mjolnir smashed Thing into pebbles after repeated strikes powered by inhuman strength.

Phorcys generated a force field around himself as he encased Mr. Fantastic in ice, before blasting him with supercharged fire. The rapid temperature fluctuations destroyed Mr. Fantastic elastic-like body.

Without Dr Strange to stop Phorcys, Phorcys possessed Wolverine's body with his water, Wolverine's body however actively fought occupation. Wolverine's resistance was ultimately meaningless as Wolverine was operated like a puppet again; this time from the inside. Phorcys pitted Puppet Wolverine against the enraged Hulk in an epic battle to the death.

Hulk and Wolverine fought. The Hulk punched Wolverine with impossibly powerful blows that rebounded off the adamantium skeleton beneath while Wolverine sliced at flesh that regrew almost instantaneously. These two behemoths were relatively evenly matched.

The Human Torch blasted at our back with a super concentrated fire attack that smashed through the generated shield evaporating over 56% of our ice. Phorcys turned invisible and teleported a few miles away and absorbed all of his remaining golems back into himself for extra mass.

The only remaining players on the board were the Human Torch, Wolverine and The Hulk. Phorcys generated a skyscraper tall shield around himself and drowned the last 3 opposing heroes in a deluge of water and froze them in ice. He shattered Johnny and left the other two alone encased in ice as their regenerative abilities might have them regenerate from a shattering and he had grown bored of their melee attacks.

Phorcys looked over the remnants of the battle field amused at the carnage. His attention wandered as he sent his water sense scanning to the edges of this virtual reality. It replicated the environs of New York City but it ended in a pale blue nebulous space.

It was like being in a demented virtual snow globe...

:: Mental Landscape::

Phorcys stretched: Well that wasn't so bad.

I glared at him: You won't win; it's only a matter of time till I take back what's mine.

Phorcys shrugged: Perhaps.

:: ::

Several jet planes manifested a few minutes later from the nebulous blue space.

Phorcys sacrificed some of his essence to create a small army of Trojan clouds to patrol the New York sky line for any air traffic with very complex psychic programming.

The Trojan clouds were to alert Phorcys of any aerial activity, smash through cockpit and kill the pilot and any crew. Phorcys would then decide whether to allow gravity to finish it off or in the case of military hardware, dump it into nebulous space.

He expelled 100000 golems to spread out and kill everyone remaining within the New York snowglobe regardless of whether they were humans, mutates or mutants.

The Trojan clouds patrolled back and forth around the `blue space' perimeter of the New York simulation and within the city itself destroying every single aerial craft whether it was news helicopter, civilian aircraft or military air craft. They were all destroyed.

Several nukes of varying delivery methods were jettisoned back out to `blue space' upon discovery of their cargo, .

The golems spread throughout New York killing everyone they could find. There was minor resistance by armed citizens, police and some surviving army personnel; they were overwhelmed by the legions of fearless golems.

The ghetto regions of Mutant Town provided unexpected levels of resistance. Half of the Trojan clouds were reassigned to help their golem kin. The reassigned golems would spread out like fog banks and any mutant that passed through the 'fog' would have their mouths prised open and force fed water till they died of hyponatremia. The mutants in Mutant Town showed some interesting diversity in abilities but lacked sufficient training to be significant threats like the X men had been.

:: Mental Landscape ::

Phorcys gloated over his victory over New York's most powerful mutants, humans and costumed mutates: This game is too easy.

:: ::

Franklin Richards appeared in front of Phorcys as a 10 year old boy floating in mid-air "YOU KILLED MY PARENTS."

^So? ^

Franklin aged himself up to 40 and created 2 singularities, one above Phorcys and below. The gravitational pull of these mini black holes increased exponentially upon Phorcys.

Phorcys sent all his golems to attack Franklin. Franklin waved his hands and they all disappeared from New York.

The singularities exerted growing pressure on our body, tugging at our water. Phorcys tried to teleport but nothing happened.

Franklin's eyes were tear bright as he said "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY."

:: Mental Landscape::

Phorcys eyed me up: Time to finish what I started

He disappears into a blizzard of razor sharp ice slicing through my clothes and reforms behind me impaling me on his foot-long cock. I groan as his thick cock fills the emptiness left by his ice dildo. He has no body heat but his touch leaves me tingling.

He grabs my cock stroking me as he thrusts into me over and over again. The pleasure builds with each thrust and I find myself leaning into his fucking absorbing his power into myself through our physical contact: Yeah fuck me harder...

He wraps his arms around my torso clinging to me as his massive cock expands to Centaur-like proportions making it hard to think as he fucks me harder and faster. He grunts into my ear: I'm going to cum.

I moaned: Fuck yeah...

and he explodes into me unleashing torrents of wetness into me for what felt like a small eternity before slumping bonelessly against my back. His cock has grown limp and slipped out leaving me feeling empty and used and not in the good way. I pull away effortlessly from his hold and turn to look at him.

Phorcys is so much smaller now, he's only about 5 feet tall and very slim as if he was only skin and bone. My hole feels full of him and curiously empty all at the same time. Phorcys looks small and weak now.

I push him angry at him for taking my body in multiple ways without my approval or permission. He falls to the ground and looks up at me with an expression that reminds me of the kid that ran into me in highschool.

That was Jackson's memory/flashback of me. My mind was too cluttered with remants of other people's psyches due to telepathic intrusions/interactions from Xavier, Jean, Mike, Sean, Sump, Luke and John. Rage rose within me and I cracked my knuckles and Phorcys tried to shuffle away out of my reach. I grabbed his ankles and pulled him towards me, my cock throbbed in anticipation of making him pay for defying me.

I flipped him onto his stomach and he yelled: NO

Him resisting me only made the idea of taking him sweeter and my new foot long cock demanded to be buried within his virgin hole. I gripped his buttocks spreading them and exposing his pink rose bud of a hole and slammed forward impaling his hole in a single thrust. His scream of pain made a beautiful counterpoint to my grunt of pleasure as I bottomed out within him. I dug my nails into his shoulders as I forced my way back and forth within him as he squirmed futilely: YOU'RE MINE ASSHOLE.

I clamped my hand over his sobbing mouth as I sped up my thrusts eager to mark the inside of my new bitch with my cum. His stifled moans encouraged me to fuck him harder...

I bit hard on his ear lobe as my climax surged ever closer. My climax washed over me and I gave an animalistic grunt as I unleashed into the conquered Phorcys.

My orgasms receded and I spit out the torn ear from my mouth and pulled out of the wrecked hole.

I breathed heavily as I surveyed the broken Phorcys beneath me.

I kicked him hard in the ribs and he flopped onto his back and stared into my very soul and gave me a bloody smile and exploded splattering me with viscous redness.

I shook my head and buried the strange sensations crawling through me to deal with the bigger issue in the virtual world before I died for real in a virtual world.

:: ::

I had regained control of my body with the bloody disappearance of Phorcys.

^Stop this. I've regained control over my body.^

Franklin launches a supernova- like punch to my chest. More of me melts and is sucked into the black holes. I shake my head annoyed by Franklin's continued existence.

I dislocate both arms from my body and fire them off at Franklin. He's distracted for a second by my attack as he waves the spiked fists out of existence and the singularities lose their intensity and I break free from their gravitational hold and teleport behind Franklin shifting to flesh and grab his exposed neck. His power surges through me and I wipe clean the simulation.

I collapsed to the ground returned to human form, naked, the last dregs of power expended on using a foreign class 6 power to end the escalating danger of the simulation. As I drifted into unconsciousness I sensed a deeper darkness swelling within me.

I scream out to Sean. "Help I need you."

My last memory involved Sean's avatar of the warrior archangel Michael thrusting his flaming sword within me and boiling me alive as I screamed.

I woke up in Sean's room naked and tied to the bed as John, Sean and Mike watched me warily.

"You still possessed?" Mike asked looking odd in his boxer briefs.

Sean punched Mike in the shoulder and said "Mike" wearily as he rolled his eyes. Sean was the only one fully dressed in the room. John was shirtless in Wolverine's sweatpants, watching the bickering brothers with amusement.

I closed my eyes and look deep within me and I sense a faint echo of Phorcys' presence within me. "I'm not sure Mike. There are dark ripples within me but its faint. Sean what happened?"

"I tried to cleanse you psychically but Phorcys or CP or whatever you want to call that alter ego is a part of you, all your darker urges and buried rage given life and form through extended psychic exposure to the Phoenix personality."

"So Phorcys is me?" I asked confused and concerned.

"The darker half of you made worse due to psychic bleedthrough with the Phoenix. I did warn you that psychic entanglement was risky but I never expected this."

"So Phorcys isn't dead dead?"

"I couldn't destroy Phorcys without effectively neutering you. We all have dark urges which need to be addressed or expressed from time to time so they don't build up to dangerous levels. You held in yours too long and you're going to need better outlets from now on and should engage in psychic purification rituals and maybe some therapy to address some of those deep seated psychological issues.

"How do I psychically purify myself?"

"Too tired to show you now. I drained a lot of my energy channeling John's, Mike's and my powers into maintaining that psionic shield and I used the last of it trying to banish your alter ego."

"That's okay. You can show me later. Crisis has been averted." Sean and Mike share a guilty look while John covers his mouth which usually means he finds something deeply amusing but knows that I will get pissed off if I see him laughing about it. John's humor is kind of dark and irreverant. "What?"

"I have some bad news..." Sean trailed off.

"What now?" I asked wearily

"John originally came to get you because Broadcast called and said that the golems had been acting odd and had started teleporting around and we wanted your advice..."

"Then you went crazy and ripped Wolverine a new one." Mike said gleefully moving closer.

John grabbed the waistband of Mike's underwear and yanked him backwards against his hard chest as he morphed into Wolverine and encircled Mike in a bear hug from behind. "I think we should be quiet so your brother can tell Victor the bad news."

Before Mike could protest John had Wolverine's hand over Mike's mouth and the other rubbing on Mike's growing bulge. John grinded against Mike's underwear clad ass.

Sean glanced back at his horny brother bucking his butt into 'Wolverine's' hard bulge. "Broadcast called back 15 minutes ago after I had tried cleansing you of Phorcys and tied you up just in case Phorcys was still active when you awoke and we had all showered." Sean turned around as Mike loudly moaned as he impaled himself on the thick cock behind him, as Mike had telekinetically removed his underwear, Sean squeezed the growing bulge in his pants but shook his head and continued on with his bad news. "Anyway the golems have now laid siege to Avalon and demand your presence. Broadcast tried to deal with them but there are over 100000 of them and they have pooled their abilities through some hive mind-like psychic link and they teleport away from attacks and shackle their attackers in ice. Broadcast tried to stop them with his telepathy and Sump's but the only thing they achieved was that they found that the golems' psychic signature is similar to yours personality wise. You're probably the only one that can deal with them now as the X men are still being debriefed about the events of Alcatraz by the army and John wouldn't leave until you were awake."

"Seriously?" I asked watching my sort of boyfriend in another mutant's shape as he pounded Mike while Sean looked between me and them in obvious discomfort from the bulge in his pants which he continued to rub and squeeze distractedly. He nodded in response to my question as he moved away from me stripping off his clothes hurriedly as he kneeled in front of his brother sort of naked (his shirt on but unbuttoned hanging loose off his shoulders, his pants around his thighs as he stroked his hard cock and sucked on Mike's cock). I tried to get up but I remained tied to Sean's bed post, I tried to break free but my efforts were ineffectual. I tried to shift to water but nothing happened and I remembered that I had drained myself into powerlessness to stop Phorcys. I flopped back on the bed exhausted from the minor effort of movement, my cock throbbing from the hot show in front of me. I wanted to join in but they were out of reach. My brain filled with other less pleasant images that my imagination provided about my golems loose upon Avalon causing havoc and destruction and me powerless to help. "I really hate my life..." I muttered to myself as Sean bent over in front of his brother and had his ass penetrated in front of me.

This was ridiculous. I had survived a psychotic class 5 telekinetic in the real world and a psychotic alter ego who hijacked my body forcing me to take a desperate gamble to stop him culminating in a confrontation with a class 6 reality warper in a virtual setting only to wake up tied to a bed and be told that the golems I had made to protect Avalon had become sentient and were laying seige to Avalon so they could demand my return for my death? for retribution for some imagined slight? or whatever random nonsense sentient golems could want and couldn't do anything because I was too weakened with multiple confrontations against super powered opposition and I had nothing left for another confrontation. Rope had become an unbeatable opponent of all things today. To add insult to injury not only was I completely unable to help Avalon in my present condition my friends and lovers were having sex in front of me without taking the 3 seconds to untie me. I repeated to myself "I really hate my life."


Well that's the end of Book 2. It took a few strange turns that were unexpected even to me but I guess that means the characters have a life of their own or something.

I'm not sure if I'll continue or not. I have a vague outline for a book 3 named VOID featuring Void Soldiers but I have new employment so I may just write an epilogue for what happens with the sentient hive-mind, teleporting, semi psychic 100000 strong golem army and finish the series prematurely.

I have yet to decide what I'm doing, between technical issues with my laptop and frustration with Victor or John doing whatever they like half the time ignoring my amusing ideas for battle sequences in order to oblige their need for organic character behaviour and lacklustre response I'm undecided about continuing the writing process. Che sara sara, whatever will be will be.

Perhaps Victor will let me use my idea for a flying giant sting ray whipping people from on high at some later point. Probably not. Damn Victor. So obstinate and willful. I shall have to take him over my knee and spank him...

At the very least I hope this has shown that Rogue has a completely underrated power set.

Next: Chapter 28: Avalon 9

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