
By wayne unknown

Published on Feb 6, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Story terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ People involved:: and end with :: ::

'water golems' = golems consisting of liquid water that fire off blasts of water at their targets (effective at low to mid range)

'golems' = 6 foot tall ice golems with broad shoulders. Medium speed and power (melee fighter- close range)

'Onyx golems'= 7 foot tall ice golems. Slow but powerful hitters (melee fighter- close range)

proxies: ice copies of Victor's body (neutered for decency) used to do personal mutant errands

'saltwater golems' = water golems summoned from the ocean without filtration specifically created for 'salt bombardments' pressurised water attacks with salt as an abrasive to simulate the effect of an industrial water jet cutter.

'minions'= catchall term for large group of assorted types of water and ice golems.

'sense cylinder' = a use of Victor psionic ability to use water to see through refracted light and hear via vibrations in water particles in the environment mixed with the sonar sense of disturbances of water particles to simulate 3/5 of the senses over large distances. (lacking taste and smell)

Psychicness - Catchall term for psychic power, telepathy, mental shields and other psychic nonsense such as mind control.

Telepathy- communication between minds.

= For major news bulletin $ = for supplemental information &&&& = flashback sequence

In this chapter I introduce a spectrum of application/power to the baseline of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 power. So 4.2 is higher than a baseline class 4 potential. Xavier would qualify as a class 4.8 telepath due to his 50 years experience of being a telepath with a class 5.2 power when linked up to Cerebro. The difference being the range of Xavier as a class 4 is about a mile or two for high level stuff like mind control with an upper range of 1000 people whereas even at the lowest level of class 5 he's capable of mind raping the whole world to death but more slowly than a fully developed class 5 potential telepath could.

If you enjoy Nifty and have money to spare, donate :P ...

While my story has used the X-men Movies as a template and for background events I will be deviating from the events of X3 in some minor ways and obviously in some major ways for this chapter.

Some of the alterations are because the timeline of the movie doesn't really make much sense as Magneto moves the bridge during the afternoon/evening and minutes later it is night time and because I loathed the lousy characterizations and actions of the characters in X3.

For those unaware this entire thing has been a sexual satire meant to make fun of the various plot holes and stupid behavior endemic throughout the X- Movies.

Going to be playing a bit fast and loose with tenses as Victor will be updating his journal while doing other things...

Chapter 7

Thursday September 21 2000

It's been over a month since I updated my journal with the dysfunctional saga of my life as I've been preoccupied with dealing with Avalon and John. I don't have time to rehash the last month in as much detail as I usually do as Sean has called me requesting my back up in order to help find Cyclops as he's disappeared and Sean suspects it might have something to do with the dark psychic presence he's been detecting. Apparently Wolverine and Storm are off investigating at Alkali Lake 2000 miles away.

Quick update about Avalon and my personal life before I make my first long distance teleport-trek to New York.

Avalon Update.

Friday night drinks and debriefing somehow morphed into a government council (we have our meetings at 10pm on a Friday night) with

Paul & QS as Heads of Security (Day and Night Watch) Luke- Head of Infrastructure Development (which is a fancy way of saying he's Head of Construction) Grace as Head of the Agricultural team Scale as Head of the Tech Department and the Morlock liaison Lazarus Head of the Mutant Medical Research Department Broadcast Head of the Day Spa Division and Public Relations

As for Me I'm like the chairperson of the council with veto power that I rarely use as I mostly let the others do whatever they like as long as it doesn't sound too dangerous or stupid.

Transfer insisted that each section of Avalon be separate from each other so that each department could be evaluated on a cost benefit ratio. I tried reading a book about accounting but my brain refused to process the information so I gave up and just did what Transfer told me. Money was useful but I mostly just donated the remaining money from clinic work after expenses to whichever random medical charity took my fancy that week. Most of my personal income was made through water manipulation/purification and was up to mid-5 figures last week.

#Scale designed energy weapons for the Avalon Elites who now number 50 due to the massive surge of population in Avalon. The weapons are still at the early development stage and weigh 5 kilos each and discharge electricity in arcs, they're most effective at close to mid-range as voltage diminishes over distance and accuracy isn't great yet. Luke and Broadcast would create golems to help test the weapons. Broadcast is now capable of mass producing level 3 water golems and level 4 rock golems to create an army of mixed golems with enough control to wield the lightning guns.

Broadcast helped me to psychically mass program my golems so they could be effective without requiring my constant attention to operate. As well as helping me to infuse a tiny shred of my power into the golems to allow them to maintain a homeostatic existence (stop them from melting every time I was distracted by an epic orgasm) and mass produce level 3 water golems.

$ I had gotten the idea of mass psychic programming from a new recruit who mass programmed the less complicated minds of animals with his mutant power. He was a lower level telepath who made up for his lack of mental wattage by preprogramming instructions into his animals through physical contact. He didn't have enough raw power or control to hijack or read the minds of humans but he made a good living as a sought out after animal handler/trainer specialising in commercial advertising (featuring animals) and exotic animal training for the circus. He had heard about Avalon and how we had well trained psychics on the payroll and wanted to get more training to hone his power.

#Avalon's population has increased from a few hundred to over 10000 in the last month, 40% of it Mutant/Morlock, 60% human friends and family. As a result I relied on Broadcast's power to help boost production of everything to cope with the population explosion leading to several unexpected developments. He worked with Set to boost meat production, with Grace to boost the crops and orchard's yields and with Luke on turning the basic accommodation of Avalon into apartment blocks. It worked great to deal with the short term issue of production problems. Unfortunately there were unexpected consequences...

$ Lazarus convinced Set to try an experiment while he was dead and... Lazarus multiplied by 50... We had to tattoo them on their foreheads with numbers just so we could keep track of which one of them any of us talked to. The Lazaruses kept themselves to the secondary lab I had built under my ice mansion (it was only 10 rooms instead of the 100 I used to have in my castle). I watched them sometimes. It got freaky down there. Lazarus had a degree in chemistry and he kept killing his duplicates in a myriad of ways that even I found weird.

His research into his immortality had provided the basis for a new chemotherapy drug that the primary lab developed. The primary lab has 25 qualified scientists who worked full time to unlock the secrets of Lazarus's mutant power along with other mutant genetic benefits they were trying to synthesise and replicate. The new chemotherapy drug had promising results on the irradiated monkeys and even though there were still years of tedious protocols before it could be distributed to the public the Board of Directors seeing the billion dollar potential profits of having access to mutant DNA reconsidered Peter Hale's suspension as CEO. Peter Hale had returned to his job a week ago. Something that had really sunk in lately, money may not buy you actual friends but it will buy cooperation and acceptance in the short term.

$ Grace had developed a secondary mutation or Broadcast's influence had triggered a sub variant of her power (I was unsure) that led to her being locked in the new containment cells we had to build for her a mile underground. Her power had undergone a massive change from boosting plant growths to rapidly maturing animals. We first noticed a marked increase in dead insects in area she'd been in but we didn't connect the two events until after Luke woke up 3 years older, pale and weakened. I shoved her underground in a new containment facility with my golems serving her food and water as Broadcast and I treated Luke in the clinic.

After a few days Luke recovered and he insisted on talking to his girlfriend so I linked with him telepathically so he could send his golems underground using my psionic sense to talk to her through his rock golems. I tried to tune out the tears and Luke's emotions as we were linked. He was in love with her and it was sickening having to experience it first-hand.

I sent down various animals for her to practice control of her new power, psionically monitoring her progress and I removed the messy failures when her control over her new power slipped. After 2 weeks of continual power practice and Luke harassing me about releasing her, I deemed her safe enough to return to Avalon proper.

There were actual benefits to Grace's power up. After Luke had recovered, he was physically tougher than before and had larger energy reserves, Grace's maturation power resulted in giving plants and animals greater durability and metabolic recovery rates. Achieving a similar effect to Paul's reinforcement power and Broadcast's metabolic boosting but combined. As a result the flagging Agriculture section achieved greater financial success as Grace supercharged the crops and rapidly matured the livestock to prime age and we sold the extra meat, crop and some of the animals to outside parties. The only real downside to this process was that Spark needed to expend more energy to kill the animals now and the meat was less tender.

I got Grace to use her new power to age up John in normal state in 3 sessions so that he could look 21 for the purposes of getting him a new fake ID and alcohol in the US if he ever returned. It also increased his durability and metabolism when in normal state so he was a tougher sparring partner.

$ Luke's interaction with Broadcast had helped to boost his mental control and power so he now created toughness level 4 golems made of concentrated earth and diamonds. Diamonds created from Broadcast's high pressure heat blasts and Luke's pressurized earth control. They pressure cooked his earth golems to have diamond armor. It was both hilarious and highly effective.

$ My golems now numbered over 100000 spread throughout the state, the majority monitoring the coast with 5000 enforcing the peace in Avalon. I had used Broadcast to help boost the signal of my psychic programming instructions to all of the golems throughout Tasmania. I had infused the golems with a limited power supply to keep functional, a database of images to look out for (enemy aircraft/ships/ guns), an alert system to notify me of issues and most exciting a limited AI so they could fight without me having to direct every blow/movement.

$ Broadcast had changed significantly as a result of being so in demand. His project of a day spa to help people turned into a full time project which demanded massive amounts of time and energy from him. He had borrowed some money from Avalon's accounts to pay for nation-wide advertisement campaign for the mutant day spa offering a major energy boost and super discreet golem service.

The advertising worked, a lot of people came out of sheer curiosity but a few were attracted to the novelty. I helped him by providing hundreds of water golems to provide heated massages in the early stages until all the gross people gave me the creeps and we installed a psychic routine that allowed for basic instructions from the humans to be followed. The golems weren't capable of deep meaningful conversations but they had limited vocabularies and skill sets. Oddly enough it increased the amount of people coming in as it replicated the experience of getting massages from foreign people with strange accents and limited English skills.

In order to help Broadcast provide the supercharging for the humans and to fulfill the other intensifying demands of Avalon (electricity supply, crops for two weeks, Elite training, and psychic transmissions) I devised a way to boost his solar input to the next level. I used something I had learned during my early experiments with ice shielding outside, a transparent ice dome sometimes would magnify sunlight into something hot enough to burn which is why I usually opaqued my ice dome with dust or salt outside so I wouldn't accidentally burn myself.

Anyway I developed a cascade of glass like water lenses in the sky focusing the sunlight into magnified light and heat to feed Broadcast's solar reserves so that Glare could save his energy for concentrated light boosters throughout the day. Glare was Broadcast's right hand man at the Day Spa. During our daily sessions Broadcast's energy capacity increased exponentially allowing him to absorb and channel more solar power himself.

With his newfound psychic power to telepathically link up, he could link with mutants with non-energy based powers and he could use his class 5 power source (the sun) to power up those around him and linked to him, producing unprecedented synergistic benefits. He had become the mutant equivalent of Xavier's Cerebro, stretching the limits of what other mutants could do after a workout with him.

$ Spark with his daily interaction with Broadcast had gone from a class 3 electrical energy discharger to a full time class 4 lightning blaster. Broadcast's ability to increase the body's capacity with his secondary `super charge' ability along with a mutant's power output made him invaluable and very popular.

Broadcast's personality had changed a lot from when he first arrived, he was no longer just a healer trying to help people as a way to hide his mutantness; I had accidentally turned him bi and he had become more political. He spent a lot of time seeking power, building alliances within the Council and fostering the loyalty of the Avalon Elites. He also threw huge parties in his own rock mansion to ingratiate himself to Avalonians. I had the feeling that he was campaigning to be the new leader of Avalon.

Broadcast's powers had multiplied and increased from his original power set. He now used his class 5 capacity/power source to power his secondary fire attacks launching fireballs of up to 2000 Fahrenheit making him a class 4 flame throwing mutant. He was at least a Class 4 psychic as result of me using him to transmit my psychic PA's and golem updates. A class 4 earth mover due to linking with Luke so many times, a level 4 lightning blaster due to his many interactions with Spark. He could also increase plant growth at class 3 along with having absorbed class 4 versions of my hydrokinetic power and psionic water sense.

Broadcast displayed his increase in power and control on Sundays against me or technically against my meat proxy. I used the meat proxy to limit the potential danger to all the civilians that came to watch our exhibition matches. Broadcast was too powerful to be taken out of the game completely and way too strong to compete against mere golems in the Battle Royale. My meat proxy looks like me but has a layer of skin over flowing water with ice bones holding it upright, I operate my meat proxies like puppets. It allows me to do my clinic work and my other jobs for Tasmania and pick up supplies without having to leave my house and other things. I won about half of the matches against Broadcast.

After I realized that Broadcast's power set would soon overshadow mine at this rate, I assigned John to help out by linking with other mutants in a secondary position so that mutants like Grace and Luke and a few other mutants could use him as a battery for high level uses of their power. It allowed the others to use him as a power source and give him valuable experience as to how they used their power. After the Grace debacle where the entire Agricultural department had stumbled and faltered in her absence I insisted that pivotal Avalonian mutants provide their DNA to John to ensure the smooth running of Avalon. The policy wasn't very popular but it only involved about 15 people whose powers were vital and weren't on file so I didn't consider it a major problem.

Enough about Avalon and its crap

Personal stuff

Some great news John and I have become a thing...

I have no idea what that thing is exactly. We're not exactly exclusive as he used to acquire DNA through sex with the new people whenever possible assuming whichever shape he'd thought would work best. After the second week of watching him do that I instituted a mandatory policy that all new recruits had to provide a blood sample for medical research. I provided him with just enough of the blood for him to stay healthy as he had a bad tendency to binge. I made him promise not to change into Avalonians while in Avalon unless he was in private. I sent the remaining blood either to our primary or secondary research labs depending on the volatility of the power of the mutant involved. The more potentially dangerous mutant powers I had John and Lazarus deal with.

I convinced John to visit the human scientists to make sure they weren't doing anything hazardous with the information under the pretense that he wanted to learn more about genetics due to his power. Ironically he actually became a very integral part of the primary labs research as he had an intuitive understanding of genetic variations that he previously had no context for. Similar to how I had scanned people's insides but didn't appreciate the medical ramifications until I had the necessary motivation to read up more about it.

As such John had discovered something he could do during the day to keep him out of trouble (or limit it at least). He'd alternate his efforts between primary and the secondary labs depending on the day and his mood. He liked wearing a lab coat as it was relatively shapeless and he could be naked underneath allowing him to stay technically clothed and change shapes on a whim. In the evenings he'd come back to mine with a lab coat and nothing else on underneath and we'd play doctor for a little while.

John had spent every night since my last update in my bed or to be technically accurate with me (hence my slackness with updating my journal lately). Sometimes during our evening training we'd just stay outside and fuck all night. To make training fun I had designed a way to practice my new abilities with John as my sparring partner/competitor with sex as the prize. Whoever won the round got to decide whether the other person topped or bottomed and which shape they wore while doing it and where we'd fuck, John liked outside sex. John had provided me with quite a few tips on the art of shapeshifting, as my ability to alter my size and mass was closest to Mystique's abilities; John shared his memories of her ability, her lessons and his experiences morphing. It had led to some interesting results.

We had 3 games; telepathic tug of war, teleportation races and splash fights. Telepathic tug of war consisted of testing out psychic probes against each other's shields until someone's shield broke which helped to boost telepathic sensitivity and defense and offense skills. Teleportation races involved teleport-hopping as fast and as far as we could to a predetermined location. Splash fights were a mixture of summoning as many `minions' as possible and direct hydrokinetic attacks (while John wore my shape) until the other person got splashed.

It helped to improve our control over the 3 varying power sets and was fun. I won about 70% of the time as the combination of powers I had gave me the edge but John frequently cheated, using Vamp's shape to sap me mentally during teleport races, morphing to EMMA FROST (a much stronger telepath) during telepathic tug of war when he was close to losing and using Bobby/Iceman's shape to freeze my minions.

I took the cheating in stride as it helped to improve my training to account for devious moral characters like John who would take advantage of any distraction or weakness to win. Also the sex was always entertaining with John no matter who won.

When I won I'd pick through John's `shapes' for whichever option suited my mood. When I was in a topping mood which was more frequent lately as I had a lot more pent up aggression lately (due to Broadcast's attempt to undermine my position) I'd pick Havoc. Havoc had such a cute face and butt and reminded me a little of Luke with his coloring, blond hair, white skin, dimples. Luke was smoking hot where Havoc's shape was super cute but only had a 6 ½ erection and was leaner. My favorite position with HAVOC was to have his legs up in the air, facing him and fucking him hard with THOR's 10 inch cock. When I felt like bottoming I'd let THOR pound my ass hard doggy style so I wouldn't have to look at him as I didn't really like the body builder type physique he had that much. Recently LUKE had been added to the roster of sexy times but John didn't fuck the same way the real Luke did so it wasn't the same. Sometimes I enjoyed some steamy sex with the HUMAN TORCH as a water or ice proxy for some hilarity. Other times he top or bottom as ANGEL and we have flying sex.

Sometimes I'd just ask him to surprise me and he'd pick a random human or mutant shape that he thought I might like and we'd fuck like animals. Whenever I felt nostalgic for the Mansion lifestyle I'd get John to become WOLVERINE, CYCLOPS or ICEMAN and fuck them or get them to fuck me.

What I felt for John was very different to my previous experiences with guys, I didn't lust after him the way I had for Luke and we weren't as close as Sean and I had been but I enjoyed being with him, he was so relaxed. He was an oasis of calm in my demanding and dysfunctional life and I loved the sex. Sometimes I worried that his indifference to every moral and social convention meant he was a borderline amoral sociopath but as long as he obeyed the rules of Avalon I didn't look for trouble.

When I lost I assumed a shape of his choosing, I could change my height, weight and skin color (pale white to midnight black by fiddling with melanin) but I couldn't change my eye color or hair color yet and the changes were only skin deep. Most of the time John wanted me more or less as I was with a few alterations to keep it interesting, he'd sometimes get me power top him with a 10 or 11 inch cock (as WOLVERINE or himself), other times he'd want me to bottom for him with a huge cock so he could stroke it or watch it slap back and forth as he fucked me in whatever shape he felt like at that second.

Saturday night after the beach we'd go to the gay saunas of Sydney together sometimes as ourselves, sometimes as completely different humans. Our favorite trick was to go as `gay twins' it was a surprisingly popular fantasy, John got his fix of human DNA (not that he really needed it with such a generous supply of mutant DNA at home to work with) and I got to enjoy some normal sex.

Mutant sex could get a bit insane sometimes and it was nice just to have sex with someone who wouldn't accidentally blast you in the chest during sex (HAVOC).

On other less fun news Cornelius, Dryad and Gargoyle went missing when they went off to Australia looking for work. I linked myself with John teleport- hopping back and forth across Australia scanning all of Australia for them, the first time for their fluid signatures and the second time flying back to Avalon slowly with `sense cylinder' activated. I didn't find them even though I became intimately familiar with every nook and cranny of Australia. It was very disheartening.

A week ago Quicksilver speed bursted his way through a very well-armed paramilitary group with no identification that had tried to capture him. I was unhappy but I didn't know who to strike down in retaliation but I had some suspicions as I heard there was research being done on Mutants back in the US. I intensified my golem watch program and my sense cylinder experiments in response. I can now scan the entire Australasian area with ease though activating a sense cylinder over that area took great effort.

Vamp and Surprise had merged together psychically into one mind in 2 bodies as a result of their doubled psychic sapping during psychic bonding. I nicknamed them Sump for short as I didn't like the amalgamation's personality much. Sump did an adequate job of screening newbs but I didn't really associate with them personally any more. I missed their separate selves.

Anyway now I've given a basic update of the last month or so it's time to teleport 10000 miles back to Xavier's school. I'm worried, I'm not looking forward to seeing Xavier again even with my liquid brain as a defense from his psychic interference. Going back to Xavier's feels like a step backwards even it's to help Sean find Cyclops.

I finished my journey of 10000 miles in record time; 5 hours, averaging a rough speed of about 2000 miles per hour, achieved by turning myself into ice, surrounding myself in an opaque water bubble and `sense cylindering' ahead for teleport-hops.

Unfortunately gaining Vamp's and Surprise's powers had actually weakened me a little as the unfamiliar powers required more mental energy to use and Vamp's psychic hunger meant that I drained mental energy faster than usual. I dealt with the situation by propelling myself via hydro kinesis in between teleport-hops that spanned greater distances each time and resetting myself every hour to combat the mental fatigue and power drain of using Surprise's class 4 teleportation power.

I had left Broadcast in charge of Avalon with John keeping an eye on him as I wasn't sure if Broadcast could cope with the actual responsibility of maintaining Avalon and if he fucked up John could message Sean or me. If Broadcast did an adequate job maybe I could just step down and leave him to it as my popularity declined with every policy I implemented to improve Avalon. No matter what I did, I couldn't please everybody and it depressed me. The responsibility of keeping Avalon safe felt like a huge weight around my shoulders keeping me trapped in Tasmania for the foreseeable future.

Before I left I channelled large amounts of psychic and hydrokinetic power through Broadcast into the golems to keep them operational while I was away.

I arrived at the Xavier institute at half strength and teleported my way into Sean's room.

When I arrived Sean updated me on the latest events but I couldn't believe it. Wolverine and Storm had brought back an unconscious Jean after finding Cyclops glasses and no other sign of him. When Jean had woken up she had behaved erratically and had ripped off the vault like door from its hinges and left abruptly. I suspected Jean's alternate personality The Phoenix had done something terrible to Cyclops.

I did an Australia sized scan of the nearby area finding no sign of Jean or Cyclops. I sent mental arrows of awareness to Alkali Lake 2k miles away to see if I could find some trace of Cyclops they had overlooked. I couldn't. I tried one last thing, I opened my awareness to the max scanning all of the US for the fluid signatures of Cyclops and the missing mutants and I couldn't find them. The only thing I found was a weird blank spot that resisted me, I triggered an `eye' in the area but it was just a weird bald kid playing video games in a white room on Alcatraz Island. I ignored him as irrelevant.

The large scale scan and my long trip had drained my mental reserves and even after a phase I'd be down to 20% and I didn't want to have a repeat of the last time I had been down to 0% and had become powerless for hours. I asked Sean if he'd mind if I had a nap in his bed to recover.

He tucked me in which was sweet of him.

It felt weird needing a nap in the middle of the day as I usually survived on an hour or less of sleep lately. My insomnia had worsened in the last month but I kept myself super busy throughout the week so I wouldn't obsess about the growing difference between me and 99.99% of the world's population.

Monday to Friday from 6am to 9am John and I 'slept in' snuggling and sexing. 9am to 5pm I channeled my strength through 5 meat proxies to meet the growing needs of clinic work. I used other meat proxies for fulfilling my work for the Tasmanian Government. I had hundreds of golems at the day spa that I monitored to make sure they were working adequately with the psychic programming. 5pm-11pm I trained and/or sexed with John and his `shapes'. 11-12pm I read and relaxed while John slept. Midnight – 2am I swam laps. 3am to 5 am I worked on golem construction/tweaking, testing out 'Trojan clouds' and attempting to perfect class 4 golems and using my minions to increase my martial arts training. 5 am to 6 am I slept.

During the week I had the golems in Avalon working 24/7 either on random tasks such as fetching and carrying or on more important tasks such as enforcing the peace when necessary. I cycled endlessly through the data my golems on sentry duty collected working on new protocols for the next golem update to cut down on needless alerts, trying to make the golems capable of filtering out irrelevancies.

Saturday I'd spend at a beach with the Government Council (presuming they didn't sleep in after a successful conquest from the night before) before John and I would go off to enjoy a hot night at the Saunas. Sunday I'd test out the improvements on my golems on the contestants and experience second hand (through a minor link with my golems) how far the regular contestants had improved since the last time. Broadcast usually had the most significant improvements over the period of a week.

I woke up an hour later sensing my mind had been breached. I automatically turned to ice and discovered that the guilty parties were Sean and Mike.

^What are you two doing? ^

"Shit sorry we didn't want to wake you up, we're keeping you hidden from Xavier." Mike replied. I stood up and he backed up a step.

Sean moved forward "We were building you some psychic protection just in case Jean returned. What the hell is wrong with her?"

^Xavier tried to limit her powers to class 3 so she'd be controllable as her notes said she was developing a highly egocentric behavior as a class 5.^

"Jean wasn't a class 5, I would have known."

^You did know, I talked to you about it and you read my mind after I found out about it...^ I realized what must have happened ^Xavier must have altered your memories to keep it secret from Cyclops.^

"He wouldn't do that" Sean said reflexively but then he hesitated and closed his eyes for a long moment "Dam it he took advantage of our mind links during my psychic training to hide the information from me so I wouldn't recall it."

I had a good look at Mike, he had grown a couple of inches and was slightly taller than Sean and after a quick scan of him, and he'd bulked up in the good way, more muscular around the arms and stomach. ^Mike you look good, have you been working out? ^

Mike grinned while Sean groaned and covered his face "Why did you have to say that? He's been insufferable lately."

Mike just poked his tongue out at his brother before stripping completely and stroking himself until he was fully erect. "He's jealous, I had my growth spurt and I'm bigger than him now." Mike's cock was now at least 8.5 inches making him Bigger than his Big Brother. "Vader is working out with me helping me bulk up and look hotter and the really cool thing is I have telekinesis too." A bunch of personal stuff started floating around in lazy circles behind Mike. "I'm better at it than my big brother who got it first."

I looked over at Sean for confirmation "Only because I shared all my memories of telekinesis with the little brat and I've been busy learning from Xavier to improve my psychic skills."

"I'm not little; I'm bigger than you in every way that counts." Mike boasted, stroking his hard cock at me. I streamed out of my clothes reforming naked in front of him with a 10 inch erection.

"I'm now bigger than you." I said

Mike dropped to his knees sucking on my cock. I groaned, grabbing onto him as he bobbed up and down on my cock licking and sucking with great enthusiasm and skill.

"Come on you two, the situation is serious; we don't have time for this." Sean protested but I could see the bulge in his pants.

"It's been ages since we've done this. Have a bit of fun." I pulled him closer with a `hand'.

"Fine but it'll have to be quick" Sean stripped and stood naked behind me and lubed up his cock and pushed into me while Mike pulled off my cock and bent over in front of me and I speared him. He groaned as I bottomed out in him. I rocked back and forth between the horny brothers. I definitely liked this part of being back at Xavier's school for gifted mutants.

Wolverine burst into the room adamantium claws extended. "I sniffed you out bub." He growled and tried to pounce on me but I teleported out of his range with Mike and Sean along for the ride. I reappeared behind him still locked in the middle of the sexy brother sandwich. I slid out of them becoming water then flesh and sacrificed my arm to shackle Wolverine's arms and lifted him into the air. Mike gaped at my stump in open mouthed horror; I shifted to water and reformed whole but with less mass.

"What's up Wolverine? I'm a bit busy."

"Let me down bub or I'll skewer you."

I walked towards him redirecting his arms forward and walked straight onto his claws skewering myself. "Your claws aren't much of a threat to me Logan, I'm beyond flesh these days, doesn't matter how damaged this body gets I can always make another one with water. All that matters is my will." I could sense the increase of heart rates in the room and sighed "That came across too much like a horror movie villain. Ignore that I ever said that." I dropped Wolverine onto the floor "What do you want?"

"What are you doing here? Did Xavier send for you?" Wolverine asked.

"Sean called me about Cyclops disappearance and Sean updated me not too long ago that Jean probably killed him."

"Xavier did it, He did something to mess with Jean and he implied I wouldn't understand. Fucking egg head. I want to smash something."

"So you came around to find me and pound me ay?"

"Something like that. I smelled you and sex," he eyed up the hard brothers with hunger in his eyes.

"Would you like to join the fun and games?"

"Yes" Wolverine said as he yanked down his pants releasing his hard cock and slid into my slick ass pounding me hard with his arm wrapped around my torso. Sean moved behind Wolverine and pushed his slick cock into Wolverine who grunted and fucked me harder.

Mike watched us for a few seconds stroking his cock at the hot show before bending over in front of me. I slid back into his hole continuing on from where we left off. I fucked forward into Mike's slick hole and back onto Wolverine's big hard cock over and over again until I dumped my load into Mike, Sean pumped his load into Wolverine, and Wolverine dumped his load into me.

Wolverine spent the next couple of hours fucking us and being fucked by us as we helped him work through some of his frustration. It was fun.

We worked our way through several entertaining positions, we followed the fuck train with Wolverine with his legs spread on Mike's bed as I fucked Logan with THOR's 10 inch cock as Mike rode Logan's hard cock and sucked on his brother's cock and Sean sat on Wolverine's face getting a hell of a rim job/blow job (Sean transmitted his pleasure psychically to us). Sean blew a load down Mike's throat, Wolverine exploded into Mike's horny hole and I dumped a thick load into Wolverine's hairy hole.

Next I jumped on Wolverine's hard cock riding him until Mike shoved his hard cock into me alternating between DP'ing me and fucking Wolverine's tight hairy hole as Sean fucked Mike. After Mike blew his load into Wolverine and Wolverine into me and Sean into Mike ;Sean and Mike took a short break on Sean's bed watching as Wolverine pounded my ass a couple of more times.

At some point Sean and Mike must have recovered because after the second load Wolverine dumped into me in a row I saw Sean on top of Mike fucking him hard. As Wolverine dumped his 3rd load in a row into me Sean dumped his load into Mike. Sean pulled out limp from Mike. Mike limped off the bed and moved over to Wolverine and me still hard as a rock.

"Can you guys DP me?"

Wolverine and I glanced at each other and smiled and I eased off Wolverine's hard cock and sat next to Wolverine pulling Mike onto my hard cock. Mike's hole was slick from the multiple loads and I slid in easily with my new 10 inch cock, as I bottomed out Wolverine grabbed Mike's hips and slammed his hard cock all the way into Mike. Mike groaned as he took both our cocks. I captured his mouth in a fierce kiss as Wolverine and I doubled up on his ass. It didn't take long before I blew my load into Mike and puddled out feeling sexed out for the moment leaving Wolverine to continue.

I reformed next to Sean seated on his bed and I watched Mike bouncing up and down on Wolverine's hard cock for a minute or two before broaching the burning question on my mind in a roundabout way.

"Well I feel better now, some sleep and sex. What's the plan for dealing with Xavier and Phoenix?

"Mike and I were trying to layer over our shields with yours. However he got distracted because he's become quite the little slut since you've been gone. He's been spending a lot of time with Tom and James and going out to clubs using his power to have lots of sex. "

"Sounds like fun."

"While he's busy" Sean glanced over at his brother bouncing on Wolverine's hard lap with contempt. "I'll try again to layer my shield over yours and once Mike is done we'll do something else to boost your defenses in case Jean comes back."

"You managed to get past my defenses."

"You're a lot stronger than the last time I saw you and it took a lot more effort to break through your inner psychic shield than I would have imagined."

"Yeah turns out creating a shield with the power of a psychic vampire has a secondary effect of draining the power of the psychic shield you had in place in my mind strengthening it."

"That would explain it. I didn't get very far into your mind before you woke up. It felt like I had to probe my way past a class 4 psychic shield that sapped at my energy while I did so."

"Yeah I've been draining a small fraction of the mental power of random Avalonians in order to condition them against psychic attacks as Broadcast is now a stronger psychic than me. Though Sump is strong enough to counter Broadcast and me."

"Who is Sump?"

"Surprise and Vamp, they've kind of merged into one person using two bodies."

"Why didn't you tell me about that?"

"It happened gradually over the last month and I felt guilty as I'm fairly sure it's my fault after letting them upgrade themselves. I didn't factor in that they had twice the psychic power to link into and from each other and I didn't know how to fix it."

"If you open up I'll teach you how to separate the two different personalities from each other forcibly."

"Okay" I opened up my mind and Sean fed me full of memories of Xavier's training sessions about how to keep your personality separate from a mind link/scan/probe and how to separate two people who had become too closely intertwined. I found out that it's incredibly dangerous and painful to all participants so the advice is usually to mind link shallowly and temporarily to avoid the painful solution. I could sense Sean scanning my memories so I shut him out of my mind.

"Sorry force of habit." Sean said.

"I understand the impulse better. I find myself probing people's thoughts without meaning to and spending a lot of time filtering out the mental chaos."

"During my brief look through your mind I noticed that you picked up a few new tricks since the last time I saw you."

"Yeah I have." There was a loud groan and ripples of psychic contentment as Mike slumped onto Wolverine having spent his load onto Wolverine's hairy chest and stomach.

Wolverine kept thrusting up until he grunted a load into Mike's well used hole.

15 seconds later Wolverine was thrusting up into a worn out Mike who rolled off him and just before I thought he was going to hit the floor Mike telekinetically lifted himself up to a vertical stand. I was impressed but Sean just sighed next me as Mike hobbled over to us.

"That helped to work off my frustrations. Thanks boys." Wolverine said, getting dressed, tucking in his hard slick cock back into his pants.

Mike gave Wolverine a back handed wave as he sat himself next to me. "I'll show you what I can do."

I felt a surge of strength and a new shield spring up over Sean's but it felt slippery like a memory of a dream, the more I concentrated on it, the less of a grip I had on it mentally. "What is it?"

"I call it a smoke screen; it's like an invisible mental wall that they won't see until it's too late."

"Very cool."

Mike glared at his brother "Sean has been forcing me to train on Cerebro saying that I need to expand my mind if I want to be a decent telepath."

"What will you do if I'm not there around to shield you, you have to be prepared." Mike groaned wearily and I felt like I was in the middle of a frequent argument between the brothers.

"I've got something better than telepathy I have kickass telekinetic skills." Mike's closet opened and a deck of cards comes flying out and the cards start shuffling while Mike looks on in concentration and Sean looks away bored. The cards fly out in different directions in an aerial display of telekinetic skill. While the cards continue to circle the room in ever more complex patterns, 6 red rubber balls come out of the closet in a conga line before circling around the cards and heading directly for us. The balls fell out of the air as did the cards.

Mike punched Sean hard in the shoulder. "Why did you do that?"

I was lost.

"To prove my point. Telekinesis isn't much use if someone hijacks your mind."

"I hate you." Mike stomped off disappearing from sight. I scanned the room and he was still in the room fists on hips breathing hard.

"So I'm guessing you guys have this argument a lot."

"Yeah ever since he developed telekinesis he thinks he can ignore training up his mind to resist psychic attacks. It's infuriating."

"YOU'RE INFURIATING!" Mike shouts reappearing.

"His mental screening only works when he's paying attention to it and he's mentally calm so he needs to work on his other skills too."

"No I don't." Mike replied with a pout.

"You ..." Sean stopped talking abruptly listening to something we couldn't hear. I activated my `sense cylinder' throughout the Mansion and discovered that Xavier, Storm and Wolverine were going to go to Jean's old home to talk to her.

Think I should go with them?

No Sean replied * Xavier might be distracted by your presence and he needs his full concentration to convince Jean to come home.*

I did a quick scan searching for Jean at the location they said and I could see Jean but I couldn't taste her thoughts from so far away but I felt an odd ripple of suppressed rage that felt surprisingly familiar.

I watched the remaining X-men leave the Mansion via the X-Jet.

While they were gone I got dressed and prepared an army of level 2 and 3 golems beneath the surface of the lake remotely in case of trouble. Sean, Mike and me hung out in the Danger Room, messing about with our powers, showing off our skills with telepathic defenses and offenses (Sean) and telekinetic (Mike) and hydro kinetic control (me). Mike fed me his telekinetic tips and tricks while Sean fed me his memories of his psychic training. The brothers teamed up beating up my holographic army of golems. It helped to kill a few hours as I waited and watched the X-men progress.

:: Jean's house::

The X-men arrived at Jean's house and I linked with Sean and Mike so that they could see through my `eyes'. Magneto and Xavier went inside Jean's childhood home and Xavier kept trying to talk her into coming back while simultaneously invading her mind without her consent repeatedly. Magneto continually undermined Xavier's attempts to convince Jean she was a danger to herself and others. Meanwhile Wolverine had gotten impatient as usual and had charged into battle with a huge guy with a strange helmet and a leather chest harness. Storm summoned wind and lightning and took out a couple of unknown mutants before getting into a fight with Callisto. The X-men held their own. Jean meanwhile was locked into a mental battle with Xavier telekinetically moving things about in the background, Sean tried to add his mental weight to help Xavier but the effort drained him as he was too far out of his effective range. He dropped out of the mental link as did Mike.

I continued to watch as Jean lifted up Xavier from out of his wheelchair and lift the house they were in off its foundations, Wolverine tried to make his way to help Xavier but Xavier continued his attempts to mind rape Jean into submission. Water was flowing out from the sink and I tried to redirect it but Jean's power trumped mine at this distance and I was helpless to do anything as Xavier got telekinetically ripped apart at the molecular level. Before he died Xavier said "Don't let it control you." As he did so he smiled at Wolverine which I didn't understand at all.

Magneto yelled out "Charles". The house collapsed back on its foundation. Magneto said "Oh dear" and walked Jean away with his other mutants.

:: ::

I broke the news that Xavier had been killed to Sean and Mike.

Mike cried and Sean went blank. Sean left the room and headed off to Cerebro. I guess he wanted to check for himself.

I tried my best to console Mike but I can't say I was very good at it, I'd never really had to console anyone before and I cared less about Xavier's death than I did about Cyclops but no one seemed to be that concerned about Cyclops which I supposed was typical. No one cared for the people that did the dull necessary jobs to keep everything running smooth. They preferred more charismatic people like Xavier or Magneto no matter how dubious their methods were.

Mike went off to visit Vader, I had a quick check on Sean and he looked deep in concentration so I went outside to practice mass producing level 1, 2, 3 golems and half-heartedly continued my attempts to create level 4 golems.

Level 1 golems were basic golems that were the equivalent of water puppets that I had to manually control for every movement and were the easiest to form. Level 2 golems had a minimal reserve of my power infused into them psychically allowing them to modify themselves to create spikes and maintain their consistency even on the hottest days. Their instructions involved a basic protocol of swarm, menace and disarm. Level 3 golems had a larger reserve of my power and a more sophisticated AI, they were faster, had ranged water attacks drawing on ambient moisture within a 3 feet radius. Their AI was more complex and developed with battle tactics to maximize their water and salt attacks in a non-lethal manner.

I wanted to make a level 4 golems that would look like me, with the skill to control water at a class 4 mutant's level. So far the closest I had come was a meat proxy that I used to channel my power through remotely over short and long distance though the closer I was to them the more effective they were. I wanted to automate the clinic work as the patients and their sad stories depressed me.


Xavier's funeral, he had a very nice headstone, though it listed him as a father which is something I never knew about him. I see only students and the teachers at the funeral and I don't see anyone that would be a likely candidate for being a child of his. How strange.

Cyclops hadn't been mentioned even though he had a headstone next to Xavier which was much smaller and less impressive.

They told the students to stay indoors and I watched them grieve the death of Xavier, everyone expected the school to shut down and since most of them were runaways or had been kicked out of home for being mutants they were afraid of what the future held. I told them they could come to Avalon if they wanted, most didn't seem too enthusiastic about the prospect.

Friday night

I watched remotely as Bobby froze the water in the fountain we used to train in so he could have a late night skate with Kitty. I watched and listened as Rogue complained about her power to Wolverine shortly after. I watched Wolverine let her leave.

I waited a minute and followed after her. If Rogue didn't want her power I could help her out without needing a Cure to suppress her mutantness.

I asked what she was planning and she told me that she planned to be Cured to get free of her powers so she could hug and kiss people again. I told her I had a way for her to touch people again without having to sacrifice her powers permanently and surrender to mediocrity. After I told her what I had in mind, she agreed with my plan.

I took Rogue back to Tasmania encasing her within my watery grip to make teleporting her easier. Jean was going to be more dangerous than I had imagined and I couldn't let Rogue piss away her power so thoughtlessly.

We arrived at Avalon after an 8 hour journey. It took longer with her as a passenger as I couldn't hydro kinetically propel her at my max speed as her body couldn't endure the high speeds like mine could so I had to rely more heavily on teleportation. The heavy reliance on teleportation drained my mental energy faster and teleportation energy. To give myself a break every hour from overreliance on teleportation I would phase to recharge and let Rogue sap me for a minute. It hurt like hell but it ensured an hour of high speed hydrokinetic travel as her sapping worked on a 60:1 ratio, every second resulted in a minute of power. That way the first hour would be teleportation heavy and the second hour would be hydrokinetic travel heavy.

When I arrived back at Tasmania, I called up Transfer and John and told them the plan to relieve Rogue of her power that left her unable to touch.

1 John morphed into EMMA FROST with Psychicness and Diamond Morph

2 (via Transfer) Rogue swapped her Physical Sapping power for the Diamond Morph of EMMA FROST

3 Rogue now had Diamond Morph with John as EMMA FROST having Psychicness and Physical Sapping

4 (via Transfer) John swapped his new Sapping power with my Water power

5 I sapped him taking a temporary version of his Morphing, Water power and Psychicness

6 (via Transfer) I swapped out the temporary version of my Water power for the Permanent version of Water power

7 We let the temp powers fade out and I was left with Water Power, Teleportation, Telepathy and ROGUE's Physical Sapping. John still had his morphing power. Rogue had EMMA FROST's Diamond Morph.

This way if Rogue wanted to reclaim her power she could and in the meantime she could still be a mutant but a less volatile type allowing her to touch Bobby all she wanted with only a slight risk of turning into a diamond in the heat of passion.

John insisted on joining us for the trip back. He said that Broadcast was doing fine without me around. I let him join us knowing there was no real way of stopping him from coming along.

Before I left Avalon I sought out Broadcast to amplify my power to reinforce the golems throughout Tasmania. I gave them a large boost in psychic and water power to keep them functioning for a few days without any maintenance from Broadcast or me.

I travelled back with Rogue and John. I mentally linked with John as he assumed the shape of SURPRISE and I forwarded his tips about EMMA FROST's Diamond Morph to Rogue. Some of the tips he had gained from personal experience but most of it he had learned from Magneto who had known her well enough to know what her triggers were. I also forwarded my tips learned from my experience with other polymorphs (mostly Onyx and Colossus) forwarding breathing exercises and the use of mental distractions to deactivate the morph.

I used John while he was Surprise as a source of teleportation power to increase the distance of our teleport-hops as Rogue practiced her control over her new Diamond Morph power. Whenever Rogue turned diamond it made teleporting her and her increased density more difficult and telepathic communication impossible as I didn't have enough psychic wattage to break through the diamond mental defense. We made it back in record time of 3 hours as I could propel Rogue at epic speeds to trigger her Diamond Morph or during her Diamond Morph.

Saturday Morning

John and I arrived at the Mansion at 11:30 am after dropping Rogue off at her home town. Now that she could touch people without risk of injuring them she wanted to spend a little time with her family.

I hunted down Sean and Mike and they were having sex.

Mike asked "Where have you been? You missed all the excitement."

Sean kept thrusting on top of Mike as WOLVERINE walked in a pair of boxer briefs "Wolverine wasn't around."

Mike grunted as Sean sped up and moaned out "But you're Wolverine."

John changed back to normal for a second before morphing into CYCLOPS "Actually my name is John."

"John I think it's too soon to be using that particular dead man's body to be wandering about this school in."

"Yeah probably right Boy Wonder." He switched back to normal then into MYSTIQUE assuming Mike's shape. "Time to pick up some more DNA." He left the room using MYSTIQUE's power to assume Mike's `shape' while wearing the stolen underwear of Wolverine. My lover was weird.

I rolled my eyes at my errant boyfriend but now that I had Rogue's power I couldn't touch him without draining him of his life force and power. I needed to practice but first I needed to see what had happened in my absence. Sean groaned squirting his load into his horny brother. It made me horny watching them but when Sean pulled out and Mike moved towards me I told them that I had acquired Rogue's power and I was a little dangerous to touch at the moment.

Sean told me that Bobby had gone to look for Rogue and Wolverine had gone off to track down Jean after a quick psychic scan.

I visited Colossus to catch up with him on old times and a hardcore training session. I told him that I had Rogue's power and I would need him to fuck me as metal for his safety. I got a few loads out of him before he told me he had to take care of things. He left with the room with his giant TV under his arm. This was a weird place.

That said I shifted to water shaping the osmium grade cum into a thin layer of metal armor over my ice bones. I had lost the osmium grade cum armor I had before during my experiments with mist travel through the town near Luke's farm a couple months ago and I hadn't the time or opportunity to replace it.

I spent the next few hours deciphering through the Shi'ar instruction manual for the Danger Room with the help of the handwritten translations.

I spent the rest of the day practicing Rogue's power on simulated people, working on trying to control it, to shape Rogue's power into a more lethal weapon. The holographic people while made up of hard light holographic technology could still be drained of their energy. Instead of dying or becoming comatose like real people they would fade from existence. Their energy made me feel like my skin was on fire after a while.

I also practiced my hydrokinetic control over mass summoning various levels of golems including my favorite new golem type Trojan clouds'. Trojan clouds' were unique golems with level 3 power reserves and level 2 AI designed to take out enemy aircraft. They were essentially widely dispersed water droplets acting as an army of 'eyes' during 'scout mode'. When an enemy aircraft was spotted though, they would hide themselves in the nearest cloud bank and as the aircraft went through the 'Trojan cloud' it would coalesce around the aircraft restraining the aircraft within an ice ring. Once restrained it would creep into the cockpit as a puddle and spike its way through the cockpit's controls. I termed this 'restrain and disable' mode.

So far I had only used these 'Trojan Clouds' throughout Tasmania in 'scout mode' and when I felt generous or bored I'd use them to trigger a rain cloud.

I'm still developing the final mode 'booby trap mode'. If there was a large scale aerial attack on Avalon/Tasmania the 'Trojan Clouds' would litter the skies with random ice walls and floating ice minesweeper that would explode into an icy shrapnel bomb when triggered by contact with enemy aircraft.

Saturday night

I needed a break after several hours of simulated energy absorption so I left the Danger Room and ran into a worried Bobby.

I told him that Rogue was safe and he told me that he had run into Pyro outside a cure facility and Pyro had used his power to create an explosion inside the place. He also told me that the School was going to remain open. I had a creeping suspicion that the situation was going to escalate dramatically before it settled down again. I had concerns about the Cure and how quickly it was going into mass production and distribution. It made me wonder about the mutant disappearances throughout Australia and whether it was possible that unwilling mutants had been the test subjects for the Cure.

I did a quick scan of the Mansion and I couldn't find Wolverine. I did a larger scan for his unique fluid signature and found ...

:: Wolverine::

Wolverine limping his way out from a forest path onto his motorcycle, his open necked greyish white singlet had a line of vertical holes in it with dried blood. He changed his shirt to a hoodie and rode back to the Mansion.

Not too far away I saw a small army converge on what looked like a camping spot for a large group of people. They pointed their guns and were shocked to discover a single man multiplied hundreds of time. I admit to some surprise when I saw him absorb all the duplicates into him and quip "OK I give up" with a mocking smile.

I could hear them report back to the Secretary (presumably of Defense?).

:: ::

I scanned for Sean and Mike and they're in Vader's room.

I go there and find Mike is the central player in a mutant orgy. He's getting his ass slammed by a Vader who has become much more muscular and bulkier in my absence. Sean meanwhile is fucking his brother's throat and Mike's cock is buried in an unknown pale mutant's ass who is face down into the pillow leaving only his sandy brown hair on display as he arches back to take more of Mike's cock.

Sean sees me we're relieving some tension after Magneto's latest television announcement about cities and homes not being safe. Want to join in?

I strip naked revealing THOR's cock and pick up the discarded lube bottle on the floor and lube up my cock. I look over the gyrating mass of thrusting boys and Mike is busy in the middle of a sex sandwich and I don't want to disrupt their rhythm so I kneel behind Sean and finger his hole. I feel a surge of psychic strength and he stops thrusting into his brother's mouth paling and I remember that I have Rogue's power and I pull out my finger.

I look down at my latest cock upgrade in frustration as I try to think my way out of this sexual predicament. I come up with a partial solution and grab a condom from out of Vader's top drawer and relube and shift my outsides excluding my cock to water and fuck my way into Sean's tight hole. I keep my internals normal as I fuck Sean hard. It feels kind of weird to be having sex with a condom on after all these months of raw sex but there was some novelty to the experience.

Vader grunted and groaned as he released his load into Mike's horny ass.

Sean looked back at me "Oh God that's weird. Pull out."

I pull back disappointed that Rogue's power was already being a nuisance. "Sorry" I said.

Sean moved over the other side of the bed and grabbed onto Mike's fast moving hips to stop him long enough to slide into his brother's recently abandoned hole. "Victor come fuck me."

I teleport-slammed Sean's hole and Sean groaned as I fucked my way into him using my telepathy to intensify the experience as I linked us in a loose psychic bond. Mike was much more vocal now that his mouth was empty. He grunted and groaned his way to an orgasm pumping into the unknown beneath him. Sean continued on for another minute before he blasted into his brother's well used hole. I pulled out and stroked out an orgasm onto Mike's face.

Sean pulled out, then Mike did and the unknown boy revealed his face "Hi." He blushed bright red, looking rumpled and sweaty from all the sex. "My name is Ghost I can send my spirit walkabout, what can you do?" He extended out his hand and I shook it for a few seconds absorbing his power.

"Nice to meet you Ghost. I have a few powers, hydro kinesis, teleportation, telepathy and the latest is physical sapping."

"Wow you're so lucky." Ghost replied while the others looked at me strangely.

Mike said "I'm going to Tom's as soon as I recover did you want to come?"

"Yeah that would be good to catch up with my old friends. Does Mark still go to those things?"

Mike just shook his head at me and said "Every week without fail. He brings his sugar daddy."

I shifted completely to flesh as I redressed "He has a sugar daddy?"

"Allesandro, he's kind of hot for an old guy."

"Oh I guess that makes sense. I'll just bring John along; he'd probably enjoy some fresh human DNA." I tracked down John and teleported to him as an unsuspecting Colossus came into MIKE's hole. I rolled my eyes as my sort of bf fingered his hole and licked up a glob of cum from his finger acquiring Colossus's DNA. "Anyway John did you want to come to a human sex party?"

MIKE morphed into John "Mmmm fresh meat." He turned to Colossus and said "Thanks for the load."

Colossus looked confused and hot, naked and sweaty. "Sorry about John he's morally bankrupt."

John just smiled at me naked and undaunted. "Where is the party?"

I took a hold of his shoulder, sapping a bit of his energy as I teleported him into Vader's room as the others were gathering their clothes.

Sean said "That was a quick exit, we're off to shower."

I asked "Who's coming to the party?"

They told me and I shifted to water entangling John, Vader, Sean and Mike and teleported them to the shower. After we showered I teleported them to their respective rooms to change clothes. Then after a couple of minutes I teleported them to Tom's place in a series of teleport-hops. Mass teleportation was useful. We were there in 5 minutes bypassing the door completely.

When we arrived there were at least a couple of hundred people crammed into the loft sized apartment as well as 23 mutants, some of them more obvious than others. They were in various stages of undress and sexual activity.

Mike walked over to the bar with Vader with Sean trailing behind them lecturing them about underage drinking which they ignored as they joined a drunken pairing against the bar.

I took John's hand in mine and I felt a surge of his energy. I sighed and turned my right hand to water and teleported us into Tom and James's room. They were in their bed having their big hard cocks ridden in tandem by two horny twinks while several other horny twinks watched and engaged in their own sexual acts nearby.

"Hey guys long time no see."

"Victor?" Tom asked trying to peer past the two guys fucking missionary next to him.

I shifted my hand to water and entangled the two fuckers and teleported them into the air holding them in place as gravity worked against them. I held them in the air with my 'water hands' groping them and fingering their holes. They became the center of attention. Even the boys riding Tom and James were distracted by the sight of two boys fucking in midair held up by water. I spanked the lazy sex jockeys and water-whispered into their ears to keep going.

"Yeah" I looked over at John and said "I'd like you to introduce you to my..." I blanked at the right descriptor for John.

John smirked and put me out of my dilemma over how to introduce him and said "I'm John his better half."

I laughed "More like he's the devil on my shoulder telling me to abandon Avalon and join him in taking over the world."

"It'd be a lot more fun than administrating over that nursery school you call Avalon. Most of those idiots don't know how lucky they are that you tolerate their crap as much as you do."

"Anyway I see you're letting more mutants join the fun." I said to Tom.

"Your goodbye orgy had everyone talking and Mike proved to be a popular addition as a horny mutant as did Vader."

"Good to know." We smiled at each other as the fucking continued around us and above...

I spent a few hours at Tom's, watching John suck and fuck his way through the party population, acquiring all the mutant and human DNA he could in a variety of mutant and human shapes. Vader turned out to be a popular guy at these events as a power top while Mike was popular as a greedy bottom boy.

ROGUE'S power forced me to settle for being a power top at the party. This time I coated my cock with water so that no skin contact was made. James tried to slam fuck me from behind and I was forced to push him out as the momentary skin contact drained a lot of energy from him. I checked his pulse and he was fine just a little weak so I made 3 golems from tap water and had one fuck his face, his ass and ride his cock. That activity derailed the party a little as people stopped to stare and then quite a few of them wanted the same kind of treatment.

I made a loose mental link with the golems so the muted sensations rippled back and through me and then I would mass transmit my pleasure back to Tom's party goers. John as Colossus in full metal morph slammed his metal cock into my ass pushing me over making me blast my load into the unknown twink's hole. COLOSSUS continued to slam my ass until he unloaded his metal cum into me. I integrated it into my osmium grade armor.

Mark and Allesandro showed up late to the party as we were about to leave around 2 am. I congratulated Mark and Allesandro on their new relationship and introduced them to John who got DP'd by them as I watched. Afterwards we had a quick chat about open relationships and work with the promise I'd come visit them sometime soon. The good news was they had fired Sandra and replaced her with someone more sincere with their upbeat personality.

We left sometime after 3am. I mass teleported everyone home, including a reluctant Mike who had wanted to sleep over at Tom's but Sean and I had agreed that it wasn't safe to separate with Phoenix on the loose so Mike would have to settle for sleeping over next week.

The boys go off to sleep and John and I spent some time in the Danger Room engaged in a more intense training session than usual.

Despite John's general indifference and insensitivity to the issues of others John had taken the Phoenix problem more seriously than I had expected. John had snuck into Jean's old room which had been left untouched and found an old hair brush in Jean's old room and being the amoral type of guy had eaten a strand of hair with the root intact to acquire her DNA.

We practiced for a few hours with John as Jean telekinetically dismantling my best offenses and defenses with increasing ease as he gained greater control over JEAN's power. It was depressing.

We went off for an hours sleep in Cyclops bed. His sheets were clean with a hint of his clean and masculine scent on them. John slept as Colossus in metal mode to avoid accidental skin contact as we slept.

Sunday Morning

I went off to Cerebro for a couple of hours to help boost my psionic powers further and to create a class 4 psychic shield with psychic vampirism qualities to help protect my mind. I used it to practice a last ditch psychic defense as well. I teleported back to Cyclops's room to see JEAN levitating all the furniture in the room.

"I need to talk to Sean."

"Did you want me to come along?"

"No you keep practicing with that shape. I might need you to guard the school while I deal with the Cure problem and then Phoenix if I can."

"Sitting around waiting for someone to attack is not my style."

"Please do this for me. You can hang out in the Danger Room and play around with this new shape and I'll get Sean to tell you if you're needed." I transmit the instructions on how to use the Danger Room to him telepathically.

"This shape does have a hell of a lot of power. It's definitely a keeper but do you think you can take down the Phoenix by yourself?"

"Not yet but I have a few ideas after our session and I need Sean to help me with half of my plan."

"Don't get killed."

"You either."

I gave him a kiss which felt weird since he was still in the body of a former female teacher who had killed 2 of my other teachers in the last week.

Sean and Mike were asleep when I teleported in. Sean woke up in a second, fists up and out ready to fight. "It's way too early for this. " He slumped back onto his bed, eyes closed as Mike remained oblivious and asleep.

"I know but I need your help if I'm going to survive a confrontation against Jean."

"What do you need?" Sean asked wearily, eyes closed.

"I need you and Mike to layer Cerebro level psychic shields over me to stop Jean from invading my mind too easily."

"That could take a while." Sean gave a telekinetic nudge to wake up Mike.

"What?" Mike asked grumpy from being awoken after a late night out.

"I need your help to stop Jean." I replied.

"Can it wait 10 minutes?" Mike asked. Sean and I exchanged our amusement telepathically.


During the following 35 minutes Sean and I spent some time inside my mental castle with him helping to reinforce my internal mental defense (walls and nightmare soldiers) and discussing the risks involved in my last ditch defense.

We got bored of waiting for Mike to wake up again and teleport-dragged him into the shower room, blasting him with cold water and explained what we needed from him once he finally woke up fully.

We teleported to Cerebro still naked as it was unlikely that anyone would bother us in here as access was limited by retina scan security.

Sean linked with Mike and they both bombarded me with more specific information about their respective shields. I attached myself to Cerebro for a mechanical power up to engage a test run of my last ditch psychic defense.

:: Mental Castle::

I'm alone in the mental castle as Proteus, I extended myself in all directions cannibalizing my mental defenses, swallowing up the mental castle, its walls and nightmare soldiers for a power up. I reached upwards as a giant version of Proteus spearing my fingers through the layers of psychic shields protecting my mind consuming the power of a class 3 vampiric psychic shield, a class 4 mental shield and a class 4 smoke screen shield and the class 4 vampiric psyschic shield. I overflowed with fresh psychic strength and I used that new psychic energy to rebuild my mental castle with larger and stronger walls, tripled the amount of nightmare soldiers and created a stronger class 4 vampiric shield around my mind. :: ::

I detached from Cerebro and phased.

Sean mentally linked with Mike to create 2 class 4 combination psychic shields over my class 4 vampiric shield. The outermost shield from my mind was 80% powered by Mike and provided mental camouflage with 20% power from Sean giving it additional strength from general psychic probes to help hide it from detection longer. Sean's shield went between Mike's shield and my latest class 4 vampiric psychic shield and it was 80% powered by Sean with 20% power from Mike giving it a lot of durability with a little bit of mental camouflage.

Then Sean attached the Cerebro helmet and I allowed him past my class 4 vampiric psychic shield as he carefully constructed a class 5 mental shield beneath my vampiric psychic shield and infused it with as much psychic strength as he could spare. He stepped away exhausted from the Cerebro helmet gesturing to his brother to finish.

Mike stepped up and put on the helmet and with the lightest of mental guidance from Sean created a low end class 5 smoke screen shield in between the class 4 vampiric psychic shield and Sean's class 5 mental shield.

We take a break for 20 minutes where I told Sean about my plan to have John protect the school while I took out the Cure facility and used the supply of the Cure drug to take out Jean. Sean agreed that it's the best plan to take out a psychotic class 5 telekinetic ASAP before she gains more control over the power and becomes a bigger threat.

They layer weaker versions of their class 4 mental and smoke screen shields above my class 4 vampire shield. I follow their example and layer a very weak class 3 vampire shield over all the other shields to serve as a decoy for all the mental shields below.

My mind had multiple layers of psychic protection; Jean would have her work cut out for her if she tried to attack me mentally. We left the Cerebro room mentally drained.

My psychic protection looked like this

Class 3 Vampiric psychic Shield Class 4 Smoke Screen Shield Class 4 Mental Shield Class 4.7 Combination Smoke Screen 80% Mike 20% Sean Class 4.7 Combination Mental shield 80% Sean 20% Mike Class 4.3 Cerebro-Boosted vampiric psychic shield Class 5.1 Cerebro-Boosted Smoke Screen Class 5.1 Cerebro-Boosted Mental Shield

When we returned to Sean and Mike's room Vader was waiting there impatiently.

"They left without me."

"Who?" Mike asked exhausted from the early morning wake up and psychic exertion.

"Wolverine came back and talked the others into trying to stop Magneto from taking over Alcatraz island and using the cure weapons to stop any mutants that stand against him with Phoenix as his weapon of mass destruction."

"When did they leave and who did he take with him?"

"An hour ago and Storm, Shadowcat, Iceman, Beast and Colossus."

"Why didn't anyone ask us?" Sean asked

"No one knew where you were." Vader said

"So the 6 of them went off to stop Magneto and his army of mutants?" I asked

"I know, they suck, I wanted to go and fight but they said I was too young." He looked over at Mike "How unfair is that?" Mike didn't say anything just collapsed onto his bed. "What's wrong with him?"

"He hasn't had enough sleep. Nothing ever goes to plan." I closed my eyes and engaged `sense cylinder' and find that they're halfway to Alcatraz. I stretched my awareness further and see Magneto amassing his army of 300 or so mutants near the Golden Gate Bridge. "Wish me luck. I'm going to have to come up with a new plan on my way to Alcatraz."

"Good Luck" Sean said.

I teleported to John in the Danger Room while he's Jean and he's recreating Avalon with telekinesis, moving water and earth with a surprising degree of skill.

"Boy Wonder you look stressed."

"I have to figure out how to stop the humans from using The Cure to take away our mutantness and stop Magneto and his army of homicidal mutants from ruining all the goodwill we've built up with the humans. Add to that I have to somehow figure out how to take down the Phoenix before she dismantles the X-men who are probably going in half-cocked without a proper leader. So yeah I'm a bit stressed."

"I have faith in you. If you get in trouble, let me know, I'll come running."

"Thanks but could you switch to normal so I can give you a kiss goodbye."

John laughed and morphed to normal "You get so squeamish about the weirdest things" and I gave him a hug and kiss as the earth and water that had been levitating fell to the ground.

I teleported out of the Danger Room and stole an X-men suit to put under my current clothes. I shifted to compressed ice with a thin layer of osmium grade armor inside me protecting a core of water against energy attacks and the like.

I teleport-hopped after the X-Jet, eating up the distance between us despite their head start, I overtook them while they were still 20 minutes away from their destination.

I deactivated my class 3 vampiric shield and remade it stronger under the Cerebro boosted shields of Mike and Sean so that I could go `invisible'.

Class 4 Smoke screen Class 4 Mental shield Class 4.7 Combination Smoke Screen 80% Mike 20% Sean Class 4.7 Combination Mental shield 80% Sean 20% Mike Class 4.3 Cerebro-Boosted vampiric psychic shield Class 5.1 Cerebro-Boosted Smoke Screen Class 5.1 Cerebro-Boosted Mental Shield Class 3.8 Vampiric pyschic Shield

I kept my distance and watched as Magneto hijacked the Golden Gate Bridge transporting his 300 strong mutant army and countless hapless civilians in their cars. I didn't want to tip off Magneto or Jean to my presence as my invisibility would only hold if I stayed under the radar. They weren't my biggest problem anyway. I had to take out the Cure facility to deprive Magneto of his prize in case he won the battle.

:: Alcatraz Cure Facility::

I engaged a limited `sense cylinder' on the island and the soldiers were preparing themselves for Magneto with plastic guns with cure darts inside. I found an unoccupied computer terminal and read through the data as fast as I could about the Cure drug. I found a section on drug trials and found the names of Dryad, Gargoyle and Cornelius along with countless others including a few names of Morlock mutants who had abandoned us back at Luke's farm. I searched through an unused military computer and found encrypted files labeled Sentinel program, Weapon X, Void Soldiers and Cure Weapon Trials. I forwarded the information back to Avalon for Scale to look at (to help decrypt with his tech department) and to Peter Hale for deciphering the medical jargon. I knew the human body more thoroughly than anyone but the dull clinical stuff bored and confused me.

What I did understand was that the Cure had been synthesized from Leech (bald kid) during the last year and there was no way that the humans had created a weapon that delivered a perfect dose of Cure in less than a week. This seemed like it had always been their contingency plan. I was furious but I had to bury the emotion to stay calm and `invisible' and do what needed to be done for the continued future of Avalon, mutant kind and myself.

I remote scanned the Cure darts for the chemical composition of the Cure and found a reserve supply of the drug for civilian use that had meant to be shipped but the Magneto attack had delayed.

I opened it with `hands'. :: ::

Magneto dropped a bridge on the sentry tower causing a couple of humans to abandon it by jumping out. Magneto said "Xavier always wanted to build bridges" as he did so. I snatched up the humans with water tentacles that turned flesh for a few seconds, knocking them unconscious. I teleported them to the nearby sand bank sans weapons. I took their weapons for myself.

Magneto waved forward a group of 50 mutants who jumped onto the ground from the slightly elevated bridge. He referred to the first wave as pawns. Magneto proved to be even a bigger ass than I had imagined. I had thought Xavier had been a condescendingly superior old mutant but Magneto was a super smug asshole. Magneto tried to wave away the plastic Cure weapons with no success as his first wave attackers were taken down by Cure Darts. Next the humans fired off these very futuristic type rockets that spun around ejecting cure darts. They tried using it on Magneto but he just used a few pieces of broken bridge to block it. A mutant named ArcLight used a series of shock waves to target and destroy the humans' weapons. The majority of Magneto's mutant army surged forth intent on victory.

The X-men arrived in their X-Jet with stealth mode active which seemed a bit weird as Magneto could sense metal and the engines were sort of loud. I briefly wondered about why Magneto didn't use the X-Jet as a shrapnel bomb but figured he was just too arrogant to care about opposition.

The X-men announced their arrival with very flashy entrances. Storm's being the most useful for the actual battle, floating in and using lightning to separate the humans and mutants before they could engage. Beast then leapt onto the ground from the roof. Bobby landed into the ground with Shadowcat. Colossus landed making a dent in the ground. Bobby and Shadowcat resurfaced with Bobby complaining about the experience. Then Wolverine used his claws to decelerate as he jumped down though that seemed unusual for him as he was usually indifferent to injury. Maybe he was thinking for a change. Wolverine then ruined that thought by ordering the remaining soldiers and the other X-men including Storm, the more experienced X-man around.

There were a bunch of unconscious mutants and corpses in the middle of the two different factions. I couldn't do anything about it as the different sides stared at each other across the no man's land between them.

:: Alcatraz Lab ::

I collected the entire supply of the civilian use Cure drug and contained it inside an ice orb and teleported it and the 2 stolen Cure guns and teleported it outside the bald kid's room. The area just around him negated all my powers. It was aggravating how Leech's negation power could render any mutant's power near him irrelevant.

While everyone else was fighting to protect or kill the kid; I fired the guns with perfect accuracy firing 2 dozen Cure Darts into the cowering kid's body. Leech convulsed open mouthed and the negation area around him deteriorated into nothing as the Cure did its job. To make sure that the Source of the Cure was destroyed permanently I poured the contents of my Cure Orb down the kid's throat.

I didn't like the task but it was necessary to make sure that neither Magneto nor the humans had the power to neutralize then annihilate mutants they didn't like.

I teleported him to the other side of the bridge.

:: ::

I returned my attention to the battle outside. The X-men were doing surprisingly well in holding their own against Magneto's army. It probably helped that none of Magneto's army had a weapon or any armor.

Magneto was a pathetic general.

I did clean up duty and water-teleported as many unconscious and bleeding mutants to the shore. The bleeders I patched up then sapped with Rogue's power with flesh tentacles and locked them inside an ice dome until I could figure out what to do with them later.

I teleported 20 soldiers who were standing idle as the X-men fought and killed other mutants and water-whispered instructions to the soldiers telling them to stand guard over Leech if they valued their lives.

What a waste of mutant life. I tried to save as many of the fallen mutants as I could, patching up the hurt and injured trying to lower the number of fatalities that Wolverine caused. I teleported and sapped the mutants. They had made a terrible decision joining with Magneto but the humans had weaponized the Cure weapon and used it on unwilling mutants. They had legitimate cause to be aggravated and they had no real recourse to stop the Army from doing what they wanted with this new anti-mutant weapon.

3 of Magneto's mutants went into the Alcatraz labs but I didn't even bother to track their movements as Leech was no longer inside. Juggernaut charged forward breaking through a wall and Shadowcat disappeared through another wall. I debated whether Shadowcat was in danger and needed my help but I figured if she got in trouble she could just run away through some walls.

I watched as Wolverine faced off against another regenerating mutant who tried to use punches to combat adamantium claws. He kept having his arms sliced off and continued punching, then Wolverine kicked the guy in the balls and said "Grow those back" which made no sense as his balls were still intact just damaged from having adamantium toes slammed into them. I teleported the regenerator and sapped him harder than the others to make sure he stayed unconscious for long enough to resolve this.

The real Angel swooped by to save a falling middle aged man and flew off. Storm threw Callisto into a fence and electrocuted her to death firing lightning from her hands. That was a new development. I thought Storm was a weather controller not a lightning blaster.

Magneto launched cars from the bridge that Pyro set alight with his flamethrower boosted fire attacks. The exploding cars scattered the human army and I teleported as many as I could out of the battle zone. The mass teleportations were draining my mental energy and I had yet to engage. I phased reducing my fatigue. Bobby took out a flaming car and Pyro engaged in a one on one fight with Pyro doing the classic good guy bad guy battle of wills nonsense. Magneto's army had been reduced from 300 to 5 active members with Jean/The Dark Phoenix looking bored at the show.

Pyro had gained the upper hand but I had faith that Bobby would overcome as Pyro was a class 4 that required on brute strength while Bobby was a class 5 with excellent control over his powers even if he lacked the requisite drive to push himself to the limits. Bobby turned to ice while surrounded by flame and grabbed onto Pyro's wrists icing them, breaking his flame thrower attached to his arms and head butted Pyro unconscious. I left Pyro where he lay, Pyro wasn't misguided he was psychotic and there would be no chance at redemption for him.

Colossus threw Wolverine into Magneto and while Magneto gloated about Wolverine not learning anything Beast leapt onto Magneto's back and shoved a handful of Cure darts into him. Magneto reacted with shock as he got depowered, shuddering as the drug coursed through his veins. Magneto rolled over and turned to Jean and said "This is what they want for all of us". I couldn't help but agree with Magneto's statement but Magneto's methods were crude and had cost many lives needlessly. If he had wanted to take out Leech and what he represented he could have just dropped the Bridge onto Leech but his real motivation had been power. He wanted to eliminate the source of the Cure as some kind of political statement and use the remaining Cure to take out any mutants who opposed him.

"It's over Jean. It's over." Wolverine said breathing hard from the exertion. Unfortunately the army's reinforcements chose that second to appear from behind Jean. "No don't shoot." Wolverine shouted. I thought the humans might have a chance to Cure Dark Phoenix finishing this nightmare peacefully but Jean eyes turned black and her skin went weird and she telekinetically held the fired Cure Darts in place in mid-air turning around floating as Wolverine shouted "NOOOO..." very dramatically.

Dark Phoenix obliterated the 30 fresh troops, their bodies, clothes and weapons ripped apart on the molecular level to drift on the breeze. She rose in the air ripping apart everything nearby, ripping off chunks of the buildings, crushing a light pole and destroying the X Jet.

Beast shouted "Everybody get out of here" and as the head of Mutant affairs and the guy who had smacked a shit load of mutants around, the soldiers obeyed him. The soldiers ran and Shadowcat appeared alone and she and Bobby ran across the bridge. The Dark Phoenix floated above a pile of debris levitating and destroying soldiers and 3 of the mutants that left the Alcatraz Lab.

I couldn't delay any longer; it was time to swallow my fear and strike. I struck at Phoenix with a full powered class 3.5 psychic blast which paused her devastation as I became visible. I used her distraction to speed up the evacuation process by water tentacling around everyone that remained in range and teleporting them to the other side of the bridge. I phased for a split second to restore my psychic strength.

She reverted to normal like appearance "Victor? Run while you still can, I can't hold it back any more."

"Jean I know you're still there" Wolverine said as he walked forward, Dark Phoenix sent a telekinetic blast at his shoulder ripping through part of his X-Men suit and damaging his skin which grew back near instantly.

Jean was levitating water up into the air.

I muttered to myself "Enough of this nonsense" and targeted Jean's brain cutting of the flow of oxygenated blood to it. She slumped forwards, her eyes returning to normal, Wolverine rushed towards her and her eyes turned dark her veins stood out in stark relief and she telekinetically blasted the both of us. Wolverine was sent flying into the ocean, his adamantium bones causing him to sink quickly beneath the surface. I held myself stable against the telekinetic wind tearing at my ice armor, drawing on the water nearby to increase my icy mass.

I grabbed Wolverine from the bottom of the Bay and propelled him to the opposite shore.

Dark Phoenix rose to her feet and levitated herself into the air flinging large chunks of concrete and metal at me. I water whipped them down and she obliterated them at the molecular level. "ENOUGH. I've had enough of you insects pestering me. THE WORLD MUST BURN."

Jean had gone bat-shit crazy and needed to be stopped. I needed to do whatever it took to safeguard the world from a psychotic class 5 telekinetic. I tried another attack on her blood flow but she blocked me somehow. She concentrated her complete attention on me tearing apart my ice faster than I could compensate, I was losing ground. She hit a thin wall of osmium grade metal armor inside me and stopped. I took advantage of the moment of confusion and merged myself with the San Francisco Bay, drawing upon its watery mass to send forth a 1000 foot Proteus to do battle with the demented Jean while my essence stayed safe beneath the surface.

She laughed and telekinetically ripped the slow Proteus golem apart with even more ferocity than she had to me. She ripped apart the water molecules into their separate elements (Hydrogen and Oxygen). I had no control over Hydrogen or Oxygen separately, Dark Phoenix was getting scarier by the minute.

I had to think quickly of a new plan. Dark Phoenix was incredibly powerful and seemed to be gaining more control over her power even as she became more erratic. She ripped everything around her, the remaining corpses, the remaining buildings, the random debris; she was now lifting up the earth into the air and ripping it apart. I was running out of time.

I sent out water tentacles to entangle the Dark Phoenix but she obliterated them long before they reached her. I didn't know what else to do.

She flew forward to the edge of the island and I knew I had run out of time. I had to stop her by any means. I tried a desperate gamble. I rose out of the Bay inside a 10 foot Proteus duplicate surrounded by a small army of class 3 water golems that I had hastily infused with power and psychic instructions.

They barely slowed her down; she blocked their attacks with ease and ripped my golems apart at the molecular level. I lashed out with a psychic attack desperate to stop her.

:: Mental Landscape::

She struck back with a fearsome mental counter attack; she concentrated all her psychic power and her unbelievable rage into a psychic probe of phenomenal intensity in the form of a fiery Phoenix. It smashed through the now defunct class 4 smoke screen effortlessly and burned a fiery hole through Sean's weakened mental shield. The combination class 4 psychic shields slowed the Phoenix Probe's momentum enough so that my Cerebro-boosted class 4 vampiric psychic shield could drain some of its energy weakening it. My vampiric psychic shield had gained some strength from the shields above it so it was strong enough to give the Phoenix Probe pause for a few seconds.

It gathered its strength and burst through my vampiric psychic shield. The hole in the vampiric psychic shield closed rapidly behind the Phoenix Probe. The Phoenix Probe burned through Mike's class 5 smoke screen to collide full impact with Sean's class 5 psychic shield. The shield remained intact and barely damaged from the impact. The Phoenix Probe roared drawing upon a deeper reserve of rage and fury to breathe fire onto the shield to weaken it before smashing through and right into the clutches of my last vampiric psychic shield.

The Phoenix probe had been ensnared in my very potent vampiric psychic shield that had been sapping the strength of all the shields above it. The Phoenix Probe fed my vampiric psychic shield's power as well as boosting my own psychic reserves. The Phoenix exploded in a devastating fiery explosion weakening the class 4 plus vampiric psychic shield and the remnants of Sean's class 5 mental shield. The Phoenix Probe flew from the fireball and through the hole in my vampiric psychic shield.

The Phoenix Probe flew over my outer and inner walls setting fire to my nightmare soldiers effortlessly like a fantastical dragon of medieval legend. It burned its way through the walls of my castle and straight through the labyrinth of twisting ice hallways and deep into the center of my mind. The throne room where my psychic Avatar resided.

Our Avatars came face to face so to speak as my psychic Avatar Proteus spread out its tentacle fingers in an open gesture as it shifted through various water states.

Phoenix: DIE

Proteus: You first.

The Phoenix flew forth at my Avatar Proteus seeking to destroy me at my mental core. I extended out my water finger tentacles into the approaching Phoenix and it tried to dodge but this was my domain. I caused the ceiling to collapse onto it distracting it for a moment so I could encircle the fiery bird within my water tentacles digging into its fiery flesh with ice thorns. I used Vamp's psychic sapping power boosted by Rogue's physical sapping power to drain the psychic energy of the Phoenix's Avatar/Probe. The Dark Phoenix's energy was very potent and I used its mental strength to boost my psychic reserves, channeling the foreign power into restoring my mental castle and doubling the strength and the amount of nightmare soldiers. As I drained the Phoenix Probe of its power its dark power infused my very being and it became easier to funnel more of its power into me as I dug deeper into it.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I experienced a second hand series of flashbacks from Jean's & Phoenix's POV.

Her hijacking the Professor to stop Wolverine and Cyclops from getting her at Alkali Lake as she lifted the X-Jet out of danger, holding back the giant wave. Then a flash forward as she flew joyously under the water as The Phoenix relishing the power of molecular control as she bent matter to her will.

Then holding back the dark urges of an alternate personality gone mad from being confined without adequate release for the rage within.

Memories of the last 6 weeks as she kept trying to reach out to Cyclops for help as her telepathic power struggled to catch up to her epic Telekinetic power. Eventually she gained enough strength to telepathically make Cyclops come to investigate the dreams alone without telling anyone where he was going or why. When Cyclops arrived she used her greater telepathic control to reach inside Cyclops mind and turn off his power similar to how Xavier had shut her power down over a decade ago. They had shared a moment together before Cyclops thought about taking her back to Xavier's to `help her' which she had read while they were connected. The dark side of her personality lashed out at Cyclops obliterating him defensively as the Phoenix did not want to be confined deep inside Jean's mind again. Jean and the Dark Phoenix personality fought bitterly over Cyclops death draining the energy of their vessel causing Jean's body to faint.

When she woke up again she was with Wolverine and the Dark Phoenix wanted to play with him bored of being denied satisfaction for so long. Wolverine declined unsettled by the change in personality and Jean bobbed to the surface momentarily terrified only to be buried by the darker personality. The Dark Phoenix escaped Xavier's school which had imprisoned her for so long with LIES and DECEPTION.

She flew away to confront her parents about sending her off to be neutered by Xavier. Words were exchanged and Phoenix obliterated Jean's parents seeking to destroy anyone who had ever betrayed her or tried to confine her. Jean surged back trying to bury the dangerous alternate personality but Xavier had come to her family's house trying to reach inside her telepathically. Jean had done her best to hold back Phoenix while telling Xavier to stay out of her head but he wouldn't listen, he never listened and The Phoenix obliterated him and devastated her childhood home in the process. Jean had left with Magneto shocked while Phoenix gloated inside her mind buoyed by Magneto's reassurances that she was a goddess.

Later Jean and Phoenix argued inside their head about Magneto's intentions. It resulted in Phoenix taunting Magneto with Cure Darts, he had sounded like Xavier as he told her to STOP... While Jean had been in control she called out to Wolverine for help wanting him to put her out of her misery. The Phoenix wanted to kill him as he was a source of hope for Jean. Jean fought furiously to stop Phoenix in her mind with their body watching Magneto throw him into a tree without comment.

Phoenix had watched the Alcatraz battle with mild curiosity as Jean struggled to break free from under Phoenix to help her former friends and students. Jean had only managed to stop the Phoenix from participating directly until the soldiers provoked the Phoenix's rage and she had been helpless as the Phoenix used her telekinetic strength to kill and destroy. Seeing Wolverine and I had temporarily helped Jean to seize temporary control over her body but the moment was lost.


Distracted by the intensity and unexpected nature of these memories I lost momentum on draining the Phoenix Probe/Avatar as it diminished. It cried out in rage and fear exploding into a mini supernova breaking my icy hold on it. It blazed upwards burning out an exit through the ceiling for its escape. I reached out through the hole extending my water tentacle fingers after the blazing Avatar to finish this. It moved too fast to catch smashing its way past my remaining vampiric psychic shields effortlessly as the shields were only meant to stop things getting in not trap things in. It exited my mind. I took an extra second to repair the vampiric psychic shields with my surge of foreign psychic strength. I felt invigorated and hungry for more of the Phoenix's power. :: ::

We had exited the mental landscape and were back in the physical plane. I doubted whether our mental battle had lasted for more than 30 seconds in the physical plane but it had changed me. I was HUNGRY for power.

I sent a tidal wave to attack the weakened Dark Phoenix and she stopped it as expected tearing it apart at the molecular level. I didn't care as it was only a distraction so I could teleport over to her and grab her throat. I shifted my ice hand to flesh using the recently acquired Rogue power to drain Jean/The Phoenix. I no longer cared who was in control I just wanted the power. The Phoenix was surprised by my attack but it didn't last long and she flung me a mile away. The damage had been done though. I had the power now and I was awash with renewed strength.

I propelled myself to Jean and launched an experimental telekinetic attack at her. She blocked me with minimal effort. I rose above the water and launched thousands of ice spikes at her hydro kinetically boosted by her own telekinetic power. She halted them and ripped them apart at the molecular level. I grew frustrated with my lack of progress and launched several different attacks, concentrated salt attacks, ice spikes hidden in waves and finally 1000 class 2 and 3 golems. None of them worked, she either stopped their attacks cold or merely obliterated it. I felt the telekinetic and telepathic power draining from me too quickly.

I tried teleporting for another power boost but an unknown type of shimmering shield sprung up around her, blocking my hand from touching skin. I tried to cut off the blood flow to her brain again but she countered it with telekinesis (restoring her blood flow). I tried to use her telekinesis to rip her apart molecule by molecule like she had done to my creations but my newly gained telekinesis had already faded out.

The Phoenix rose upwards and I knew I couldn't let her leave this island. She had killed too many people and needed to die. I drew upon all my remaining reserves of psychic and hydrokinetic energy and launched an army of 10000 class 2 and 3 golems, hastily assembled and programmed to KILL PHOENIX.

I phased while she was distracted and teleported a mile away. While The Phoenix was casually dismantling my golem army to their constituent parts I created a large ice dome around Alcatraz Island including a small section of the water line.

The Phoenix glanced upwards and said "You can't cage me so easily" and laughed in contempt as she created a large hole in the thin dome with a telekinetic blast. Her minor distraction gave an edge to the single minded golems who bombarded her with attacks. She returned her attention to the golems attacking her, forgetting about the dome momentarily.

I repaired the hole in the dome, layering billions of gallons of water and spherically rearranging the molecules to resist unpacking as Phoenix cackled ripping apart large volumes of my golem army with increasing satisfaction. The dome was ready; it was 10 feet thick throughout.

I teleported a shred of my remaining clothing to the ground inside the dome while Jean lazily continued to dismantle my golems while laughing hysterically. She hadn't noticed my teleporting of the shred of fabric. I took a deep breath as I committed myself to destroying Jean completely. At least she would be amused in her final moments.

I gave a quick scan of the surrounding area for what I needed and I found it in a nearby abandoned car. A cigarette lighter. I grabbed it with a `hand', flicked it on, a flicker of flame appearing and teleported the cigarette lighter flame first onto my shred of clothing. A fraction of a second later the fire ignited the heavy concentrations of Hydrogen and Oxygen inside of the dome due to the Phoenix's signature attack.

The explosion was massive, shattering the ice dome. I was flung backwards by the incredible concussive force of the explosion. I stopped myself and melted the debris that had been flung out in all directions. I whispered to myself "that was for Scott", I scanned for any trace of Jean/The Phoenix to make sure she hadn't survived somehow. I didn't find any trace of her but I was shocked to discover John.


John as Human Torch said "Hello Lover. That was a spectacular explosion."

"Thanks I guess. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be protecting the school."

"No need, your buddy Sean hooked himself up to Cerebro to check out your progress and since you were all 3000 miles away from the school he sent me to deliver a message from Avalon. "

"How long have you been here?"

"About 5 minutes."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME?" I felt rage overwhelming me.

John hovered backwards several feet. "I figured you had something up your sleeve. You're a tough little bastard and I wanted to see you unleash at a worthy target." I clutched at my head as I tried to bury my anger but I could barely hold it back and my anger wanted a target. "Victor what's wrong?"

"I can't hold it back." I tried to explain.


"The rage. I think the Phoenix infected me with its rage while it was inside me. I can't control it for much longer. Tell Sean to protect the school from me. I don't know what I'll do now."

"Fight it as long as you can. I'll go get help."

I watched him fly off holding back the alien urge to break him, to rip him limb from limb. I needed something safe to attack instead. I scanned the shore and found Wolverine mostly naked trying to convince some random soldier to give him his clothes at claw point.

I flew over to him drawing on the water around to skewer him with a thousand ice needles.

"Victor..." He turned around bleeding from the numerous wounds "What do you think you're doing?"

"The thing I do best, surviving whatever it takes." I punched him over and over again, the ice of my fists shattering from repeated impacts with his adamantium skull. The osmium took longer to degrade as I kept punching him and kicking him.

Storm arrived on the scene firing off lightning from her hands into me shouting "STOP."

I ignored her, needing to use Wolverine to weaken my physical defenses for Sean. He was the only one strong enough psychically to stop the demon that was slowly overtaking me. Violence helped to sate it, slowing its spread through my mind but it wouldn't delay it for long. Bobby and Colossus shouted at me but I couldn't absorb their words as I continued to pummel Wolverine without mercy trying to sate the demon and buy John some time.

They surrounded me, Bobby firing frost into me to slow me down as Storm and Colossus alternated attacks. Colossus would smash my face or body before moving back so Storm could fire more lightning into me as Bobby continued to try and freeze me. Their efforts to stop me were futile. I merely intensified my attacks on Wolverine, using the extra ice Bobby provided as shrapnel bombs inside Wolverine's skin.

His adamantium skeleton offered minimal protection against my targeted attacks. The only thing left undamaged was his brain and his skeleton by the time I was done. I dumped his adamantium skeleton on the ground; the demon inside me having grown bored from the lack of meaningful resistance from these mutants. Wolverine was already regenerating but too slowly to be interesting.

I found myself indulging in uncontrollable maniacal laughter as I turned around to face the remaining X-man (Storm) and wannabe X-men (everyone else). Shadowcat and Beast along with dozens of soldiers had appeared while I had been distracted beating on Wolverine. I could see Storm's mouth moving but I could no longer hear her words or the words of the others. I was beyond them.

Shadowcat rushed towards me and I let her curious what she'd do to me and she rushed through me and pulled me into the ground so only my head remained above ground. I laughed hysterically and teleported above them turning to ice and shattering myself over them unleashing the remaining osmium as a weapon against them. Shadowcat turned intangible, Bobby froze anything that came towards him, Colossus shielded Storm with his body and Beast did his best to protect the soldiers to limited effect.

A few ice shards of me hit the water and I reformed unscathed from their combined attacks. I looked them over as they made a line of defense to protect the unarmed human soldiers. I had grown bored of them. I had someone more important in mind to torture and I said "Time to kill Jackson."

I unlocked Magneto's mutants from their ice dome prison and teleported them in front of the X-men. I coated Magneto's mutants in frost armor and provided them with an assortment of ice weapons (ice katanas, daggers and staves). I watched mildly amused as the X-men lined up ready to fight against the 100 or so mutants I had managed to save. Perhaps they would all kill each other. I no longer cared.

I teleported far into the atmosphere several miles away and scanned the city of San Francisco. It had more people than the entire state of Tasmania. I had spent so long stuck in Tasmania struggling to make Avalon better for an ungrateful population that preferred the powerful and popular Broadcast to me even though I had fucking founded Avalon. They would all pay for their lack of loyalty soon enough.

I watched the people of San Francisco with mild interest as they slept, had late dinners, went clubbing and had sex. Their lives bored me. Their existence was meaningless. I flew away before their mediocrity could infect me.

I flew over the US on my way back home to torture and kill my one time crush/ high school bully and the asshole who had tried to rape me. As I did I created numerous class 2 and 3 golems with a single purpose; TO DESTROY THE CURE. I created them near Cure distribution centers within my range with the chemical signature of the Cure implanted as their primary target.

I looked forward to seeing Jackson again and repaying him for the years of verbal and physical abuse he had subjected me to as if I was worthless as if I was WEAK. He would pay, they would all pay but first I would rip Jackson from his bed and feed off his fear and torment as I telepathically shared all the ways I could torture and kill him. The X-men had provided a few moments of entertainment as they tried to stop me but they weren't adequately afraid after the Alcatraz Battle to feed on.

I bobbed to the surface out of the unleashed ocean of rage and psychosis. I looked around and saw my home town. I looked deep inside myself and my mental landscape had been horrifically altered.

:: Mental Landscape::

My defensive outer walls were made out of red ice, guarded by nightmare soldiers dripping with blood and my castle was the color of dried blood.

Inside my mental castle sitting on a blood red throne sat a dark twisted version of my Proteus with red ice spikes arranged in an odd inward spiral on its torso, its fingers dripped blood that steamed on the floor. It looked at me and gave me a smile.

Corrupted Proteus: No one can stand against me

I looked at myself reflected off the gleaming polished ruby red walls of the Throne room and saw that I had returned to the shape I had been when I had first run into Jackson a lifetime ago. A skinny kid with a peach fuzz failure of a mustache: I will.

Corrupted Proteus: I have all the power here and the only reason you still exist is so that I can show you how you could have conquered the world instead of scurrying to some insignificant corner of the world to play fort with your friends.

Me: I was trying to make a home for mutants to feel safe and appreciated.

Corrupted Proteus: And what did you achieve? Your little empire is being undermined by a healer of all things and you're letting him win without a fight. How pathetic are you? You should have gone with John and followed his example and taken what you wanted instead of waiting for the world to treat you like you were worth something. I will use the powers you've accumulated and bend the world to my will. I'll take any power I want with Rogue's power, take any man I want with Vamp's mind control and use your water power to drown anyone who defies me.

ME: I won't let you get away with this.

I try and summon a sword to stab the Corrupted Proteus but nothing happens.

Corrupted Proteus: This is my world now. The outside world will be the next to fall but first it's time to take care of some unfinished business. You should have killed Jackson in that locker room but now I'll do it for you.

Me: I will stop you.

CP extended his fingers reaching across 5 feet and yanked me by the throat onto his lap: It's adorable that you think that you have a chance to stop me or that John or Sean will be enough to stop me. I'm a Dark God now; I absorbed the ferocity of The Phoenix and your tactical skill to become something new and improved...

CP slid his blood red hand under my generic white shirt and it felt amazingly good as he caressed my belly: and here I am, dominant and in control and ruthless. The person you always secretly wanted to be...

I tried to escape his hold but he had an iron grip around my throat as he stared into my eyes as he idly rubbed his other hand over my stomach: I've never wanted to be you.

He chuckled sounding exactly like Luke with the exact same pitch, timbre and sound as him: Perhaps not but ever since you ran into Jackson, there's been a broken part of you that has wanted guys like Jackson, confident, in control with that edge of violence to them. It's why you fell so hard for Luke, the all American Ideal who sensed your need to be dominated and satisfied it while remaining just that little bit out of reach to keep you keen. Then there was Wolverine, the damaged soldier with rage issues whose recklessness attracted and repulsed you. Cyclops your teacher who was off limits and so uptight that you poked and prodded with your sluttiness and pointed remarks until he snapped and treated you like the little slut you longed to be. You try and fight your bad little urges to be the good Roman Catholic boy you wish you were, so you settle for someone like John; a little distant, a little dark and just twisted enough to oblige you in whatever fantasy you like. All that time looking for someone dark enough to be compelling and pure enough not to tug at your Roman Catholic guilt. Here I am but ignore the guilt and I will give you what you've always secretly wanted, someone strong enough to match you at full strength and give it to you harder. Just give in and I'll make you feel so good as I take you.

CP released my throat and slid both hands under my generic white shirt lifting it over my head. He rubbed his hands in the practiced movements of my Swedish massage style over my torso and back that I had honed from my countless work hours at Broadcast's day spa. CP's hands vibrated with warm energy that increased the pleasant sensations echoing through this `body' and served as a conduit for psychic strength that he fed to me. The waves of sensations both physical and psychic were seductive as they washed over me but the sane part of me was repulsed by the dark energy filling me.

He grabbed the back of my head one handed baring my throat and he covered my throat with his mouth suckling on it as the psychic strength doubled through his hand on the back of my head. I moaned helpless as I hardened from the multiple sensations.

He pushed me to the floor providing me with a moment of clarity. Before I could do anything with my new clarity CP sliced through my standard school black jeans with razor sharp claws. His thick foot long erection jutting out like a missile as I scrambled away naked hard and confused by contradictory feelings as he stood there watching me a blood red smile on my stolen face.

CP: The harder you fight me the more satisfying my victory will be in the end. You've had a taste of the pleasure and now to show you what I'll do to those who try and hurt us. :: ::

We teleported into Jackson's bedroom. I was now a passenger in my own mind and body and I didn't know how I'd stop him from torturing and murdering Jackson and anyone else that didn't oblige him in his dark whims.


Well the Phoenix confrontation ended up being altered and reduced in some parts to improve narrative flow but hopefully it was more entertaining than Wolverine walking forwards slowly and stabbing the woman he shared a couple of kisses with while she was dating someone else and then declaring his love for her as she died from a mortal wound to the abdomen ?

Anyway the Phoenix as the fiery bird lives on through Victor. A slight alteration to the Phoenix myth, instead of burning up and laying one egg in the process and being maybe reborn as the same individual, this Phoenix has broken free of the Jean mind/body and is free to wreak havoc through a new vessel which befits the whole telepathic motif far more meaningfully. (JMO)

This is the second last (or penultimate) chapter of the Avalon book.

Now the big question becomes whether Victor can be saved from Corrupted Proteus or will Sean be forced to kill Victor to stop the psychic corruption from spreading further? Thanks to the diary format I can kill the original narrator and continue the story via Sean's telepathicness to epilogue the result... Or not ?

Decisions, Decisions. I haven't decided yet how to end this story/series. Comments or suggestions are welcome at my provided email.

Next: Chapter 27: Avalon 8

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