
By wayne unknown

Published on Jan 1, 2015



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

I still don't own Avatar the Last Airbender. *****************************************************************

Story terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ Person involved:: and end with :: ::

'golems' = 6 foot tall ice golems with broad shoulders. Medium speed and power

'Onyx golems'= 7 foot tall ice golems. Slow but powerful hitters

proxies: ice copies of Victor's body (neutered for decency) used to do personal mutant errands

If you enjoy Nifty and have money to spare, donate :P ...

MONDAY 31st July

Morning training

I took the new members of Avalon on a guided tour to introduce them to their new home and the major players that helped to run everything.

Avalon looked more like a citadel today with my castle at its center surrounded by buildings made of rock surrounded by an inner earth wall with the orchards and crops between the inner wall and the massive ice wall. During the day the walls had archways that allowed people to move in and out freely but at 8pm Luke and I would close our respective walls up for the night.

I started the tour pointing towards Peter. "Peter is the man to see about getting supplied. Paul the big guy helps him out. Next is Scale who does all the technical stuff including the very important generator project to help power this community." Scale shows off how Broadcast is helping them channel Spark's electric discharges to increase the input and output of the generator and goes into some detail about it. (Lots of glazed expressions by the end of his long technical rant).

Spark translated "He means we should have enough juice to run this place by next week without having to rely on the other generators."

"Scale also has the dubious honor of being the Morlock liaison." Next I showed them the entrance to the underground library which was accessible from above ground and also from the new underground Morlocks caverns. The elders weren't particularly sociable but some of them visited the library. I did a quick scan of Avalon for Luke's fluid signature and redirected my little tour group "Next we have the leader while I'm away and Master builder Luke Hale." Luke gave a brief nod at the group before continuing on his latest construction project of building a second story on the mutant accommodations...

I took them to the outer ring to meet Gaia "This is Gaia or Grace who as the only person here who grew up on a farm and heads the agricultural section of Avalon overseeing-"

I was interrupted by a bullet that smashed through my head and knocked me to the ground. There were yells and screams and general panicking as the tour group scattered as fluid leaked out of my head.

Luke came over and shouted "VICTOR!" as he shook me.

I stood up unsteadily and shifted to water, streaming upwards FURIOUS. I ranged out my awareness to hunt down the shooter while I turned the nearby golems into mist obscuring the others from any following attacks.

I found the sniper a short distance away walking downhill disassembling his sniper rifle casually as if he didn't have a care in the world. I morphed into a rain of ice daggers, slicing into his non vital flesh before redirecting the ice daggers through the flesh of his hands and legs to lift him upwards. He screamed in agony. I didn't care. I did a quick scan around Avalon ranging out to 100 miles and confirmed he had no back up/partners. I flew him to the ice wall and stuck him onto it like a captured butterfly.

I reduced the thickness of the ice wall to raise its height up to 30 feet with the assassin dragged along as the wall rose higher. He screamed and babbled nonsensically about not knowing who paid him but I ignored him disinterested in his protests. I absorbed the mist of the golems into me expanding into a giant (30 foot) ice proxy before shifting to flesh to gasps of shock from around me as the others came to see what was going on.

^VAMP^ . Vamp came running out to answer my call. He stopped mid stride staring vacantly at the spectacle until Surprise nudged him and he snapped out of his stupor.

"Yes?" he asked nervously. Which wasn't surprising since he barely came up to my mid-thigh now.

"Read his mind; find out why he shot me."

Vamp stood there for a minute deep in concentration "He was paid 300k for it and his instructions were delivered via email with you as the only target."

I stood there for a second tugging out the ice spikes from out of the assassin manually, his screams were background noise as I thought about my death being worth 300000 dollars "Is that US dollars or Australian?"


"Find out his banking details for me." Vamp nodded so fast his head looked like a children's toy. Meanwhile I sealed up the holes in the assassin's body. He just kept repeating "don't kill me" over and over and over again. I clamped my giant hand over him to stop him from talking as I fixed his internal damage. He slumped over all of a sudden soiling himself. I dropped him to the ground. "UGH"

"I think that was my fault, I may have sapped him too hard. I'm sorry." Vamp said

I shifted to water, reforming the 20 golems I had absorbed, relocating them around the slumped assassin to stand guard over him and reformed within my clothes. I realized I had been naked again as a giant. Woops.

I called the cops after some delay because we had called 911 and it didn't work and we had to ask one of the Australian Morlocks what the correct emergency service number was. (Australians used 000.)

While we waited for the cops to arrive I hijacked an unused computer to access the assassin's bank account. He had a million dollars in his account and the most recent transaction was 150 k credit from an unknown company bank account. I guessed it was an upfront payment for half of my death contract. I transferred the entirety of his bank balance into my account (with Vamp helping me to answer the secret question.) Then I made a donation to the AIDS council for 850k keeping the remaining 150k that paid for my assassination attempt to use later.

Eventually the police arrived and I told them that Adrien Dubois (French assassin) had tried to kill me. They pointed out that Adrien's clothes were riddled with holes while mine were only slightly dusty and if I wanted to press charges I could but a court would probably throw it out for lack of evidence. They kept one hand on their holsters as they glanced back and forth between the obvious mutants. I sighed and told them we'd deal with it ourselves.

Cop 1 "We're taking the both of you to the station for questioning."

I said "fine" drawing upon the golems, they unholstered their guns pointing them at me (I turned to ice) and sent the water upwards to recreate the ice dome around Avalon. I was escorted out by the cops as I made a temporary exit for us before closing it as we left.

On the car ride I water voiced to Luke some instructions to elevate Avalon to a more fortifiable position (Avalon was in a valley of his own creation as a side effect of his earth displacement).

I sent off a proxy to meet up with Daniel (governmental lackey) to explain my delay. Once I arrived at the police station I informed Daniel (via proxy) of my current location. While the police took my statement which involved making me repeat myself ad nauseam I went online to try and find stuff to protect against snipers that were less medieval in origin. I found an online store that had bullet proof helmets for 650 bucks and bullet proof vests for 1350. I bought 70 pairs (and paid for express shipping), eating up the assassin's fee for my death. Whoever paid to kill me had just unwittingly paid for better protection for my Avalonians and intensified my will to survive to the next level.

I kept an eye on Avalon as I used every nearby water source to spawn fresh golems and sent them to guard the outside of the dome.

Daniel arrived a half an hour later interrupting the 5th recital of events. I was glad to see him as my patience was wearing thin with the cops and if I had to repeat myself again I'd explode (literally shatter into a million jagged shards slicing through these cops that managed to be both smug, officious and idiotic at the same time).

"Hey Daniel. Can you speed this up for me? I've said the same thing over and over again and I'm over it. I've not had a great morning and this isn't helping."

He looked between the cops and me and said "I'll see what I can do."

I shifted to water folding my clothes inside me as I slid under the closed door and waited outside as I sent off another proxy to do my day's work for me. Channeling my hydro kinesis long distance through a proxy was slower and harder but I'd done enough of this grunt work myself that it was doable and it helped to keep my mind off being shot in the head.

Daniel came out several minutes later with the two cops.

Cop 2 "You can go now but don't leave the country."

I streamed out of the station, flying through the air as a water orb to Avalon. I slid through a temporary hole in the ice dome before reforming into flesh.

I tracked down Vamp (via scanning) and thanked him for his help in dealing with the assassin. Vamp mentioned that the assassin had killed 12 other people for hire and a few for entertainment. I forwarded the names of victims to the police via proxy adding to the strangeness of their work day.

During my absence Luke had stalled his construction projects to work on the task I had given him; leveling the ground for several miles around Avalon and using the extra earth to elevate Avalon making it a mini hill fort.

I went into my castle and selected a dozen books from my little library on weapons/military tactics and looked online for others to read later. I read several at a time while maintaining the proxy that filled in for me at `work'.

Luke came in several hours later with me surrounded by books.

"So did you want to explain how you survived a bullet to the head?"

"I've been keeping my brain liquid more or less constantly since Sean told me how to keep my water creations running while asleep. I wanted to keep Xavier out of my head and it's much harder to mind rape a liquid brain. I've also been liquefying my other major organs on and off as a precaution against violence since you got shot. I'm more liquid than human these days."

"That's seriously weird." Luke said staring at me like he didn't know who I was.

"Yeah..." I drifted off into my own thoughts for a long moment preoccupied that humanity (even other mutants) felt like they were a world away from my nonsensical life. I was becoming something truly alien and even surrounded by other mutants I felt alone more often than not.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really but I'm trying to keep busy so I don't obsess about it."

"Anything I can do to help?"

I looked him up and down "A hug would be nice." He gave me one. "And a blowjob would be good too." He gave me a playful punch in the shoulder. I laughed which released some of the tension between my shoulders. "Just kidding. Not really in the mood for that anyway."

"That's unlike you, you're always horny."

I shrugged. "Someone out there wants me dead. It was bad enough that Xavier could creep inside my mind and take away what made me, me; but someone was planning on paying 300k to have me be a corpse. It kind of kills the mood for sex. Anyway you're not putting out any more anyway."

"I'm sorry. I don't really know how to help you out."

"I don't really know either. I'll probably be redesigning the outer wall tonight while most people are asleep. If you could copy the changes for the inner wall that would be good."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Towers and walkways for golem and mutant sentries. Higher walls and more golems. That's about all I've got at the moment but I might find something more useful to add later," I said pointing to the books around.

During the lonely hours of the night the only thing that helped hold back the rage about being targeted for death by some scared human/group was thinking about Mark, Tom and James. I just had to remind myself over and over again that humans weren't all the same; some could appreciate how awesome being close to a mutant could be.

To work out my aggression I increased the golem presence through Avalon making them smash each other in the face over and over again until I felt better. After I got that out of my system I upgraded the ice wall with higher and thicker walls with towers and walkways and populated them with different types of golems. I also practiced keeping my sense cylinder permanently active over a 100 mile region until it felt (somewhat) natural to be monitoring every movement in that range.

Once that was done I read more books, swam laps and thought up new offensive uses for the salt I had taken home with me until I finally passed out from sheer exhaustion.

TUESDAY 1st August

When I woke up I sent out a proxy to `fix' the 3 people with serious medical conditions that had stayed in temporary accommodations until I was free. It took longer to heal them via proxy but I didn't want to deal with people today. I also sent off a proxy to do fulfill my obligation to water desalination/purification.

Instead of going out, I locked myself away in my castle increasing the density of its walls, lining the hallways with golems and adding spikes to the walls to discourage visitors. I read, I swam and trained my body and mind, supervising Avalon remotely for further threats. Luke did as I asked and altered the inner earth wall from a basic wall to an easily fortified wall which included internal walkways for easier troop movements.

During the day, my proxies and golems dealt with the people wanting treatment, mutants that wanted to join (only 2 class 1's) and the general laboring jobs they did for Gaia.

:: LUKE :: Luke came to knock on the castle door around 6pm and asked, "You coming to training later?"

^ I'll send a proxy.^

"You can't lock yourself in there forever."

^I'm not trying to; I'm just not in the mood to deal with anyone. Sorry. Thanks for doing the rock wall though, your walls are tougher than mine.^

"You're welcome but this is your last day to sulk. Tomorrow you'll have to come out even if I have to drag you out by force."

Luke stomped off with no trace of the limp caused by his spinal injury.

:: ::

I turned the 50 golems in my castle into proxies to boost my combat training by pitting them against each other as they fought each other with staves, swords and fists.

Around 9pm Vamp and Surprise breached my castle defenses in the middle of my naked swim.

"Hey guys did you need something?"

"I thought maybe since you're all worked up I could help you out with working through that aggression but only if you want?" Vamp asked anxiously.

"Are you gay?"

Vamp projected his recent memories outside my mental shield like a movie in my head. The gist being that Vamp (real name Tim) and Surprise (Ralph) had become good friends and lovers while traveling. Surprise was straight but had been more open to fucking Vamp's brains out as a result of personality bleed-through during their extended psychic link. Vamp on the other hand was bi possibly as a side effect of feeding psychically off guys and girls and being bombarded with many different sexual fantasies.

They made a great pair, complementing each other perfectly. Vamp provided psychic defense for both of them, psychic scouting for longer teleports and psychic leeching that he could use to channel strength into Surprise or use for distracting crowds when they `landed'. Surprise provided physical brawn, a thick 8 inch cock and a willing test subject for Vamp to practice his talents on (psychic and otherwise). Surprise moved them both faster so they could dodge physical attacks and travel great distances.

Even though they had access to each other's powers through their link they usually used the power they were born with but when they needed to they could use the other's power seamlessly.

Vamp's mind was filled with sexual fantasies and his memories of his times with Surprise. Including one particularly hot memory during his brief stay at the mansion where they had stayed in Sean's room. Their night ended with Surprise in Mike's bed slamming Mike's horny butt while Vamp had stayed in Sean's bed enjoying flip flop sex. In the morning Vamp got DP'd by both brothers before getting slammed by Vader...

The sexual memories got me all worked up so I accepted Vamp's generous offer and bent him over my bed fucking him with Luke's cock while Surprise teleport-slammed my hole from behind. Surprise teleported me out of Vamp with us reappearing slightly above my bed, he had me on my back with my legs lifted over his shoulders by the time we landed and slammed in so fast it took my breath away. Vamp teleported himself onto my hard cock which felt weird at first but as Vamp straddled me riding my cock I really got into the disappearing reappearing guys working my cock and ass. Vamp kissing me vigorously as he rode my cock faster and faster as Surprise teleport-slammed me got me closer and closer to the edge.

I groaned and exploded into Vamp as Surprise sped up the slamming into my spasming clutching hole. I manifested `hands' to stroke and tease Vamp as my cock was getting a little too over-stimulated post orgasm. I grabbed onto his butt and Surprise blasted his load into me as Vamp came on my stomach and chest in an explosive orgasm.

After they left I tracked down an unused computer with blank CD's and internet access and I leave a hundred dollar bill behind as thanks for the CD's I burned.

I really missed fast internet connection, the internet speeds here were pathetic which limited my porn access, though if I got desperate I could always use eyes' to watch people going at it. Unfortunately there was not much in the way of gay talent in this small state as the total population of Tassie was about 478000 people. I activated an eye' in Luke's bedroom only to discover him on top of Grace slamming into her missionary style. It was kind of hot and gross and weird all at the same time and it hurt my heart so I deactivated the connection with that `eye' after a few seconds. I resorted to remote water scans to wait for their heartbeats to settle down so I knew when to interrupt without interrupting them in the middle of sex.

After Luke was finished I sent a proxy to knock on his door and I invited him back to mine to watch Avatar-The Last Air bender season one so he can see what those Earth Benders were capable of.

WEDNESDAY August 2nd

Vamp does a limited psychic link with me so that I can transmit psychic instructions to him as I use my proxy to do the `healings' while Surprise acts as security for the place/Vamp.

Used another proxy to channel strength for water treatment.

I spotted Peter Hale driving a rental car with an unknown muscular middle aged guy in the passenger seat with a map in his lap directing Peter to us. In the back seat there's a guy that looks like he's mid 30's fiddling with incomprehensible notes from out of a large briefcase on his lap. Patrick lounged lazily behind the driver's seat snoring lightly.

I sent a proxy to get Luke to my throne room.

Luke said "I told dad that you got snipered and that I had recovered and he said he'd be by today to check things out himself."

Peter introduced the muscular middle aged guy as his head of security, a former Navy SEAL. The other guy was a bio researcher he'd brought along to study Luke's unnatural recovery and the people at the clinic.

Peter Hale gave his son a quick hug and then hugged me his hands sliding down my back while Luke had his hand shook by the Security Chief who smiled warmly at him.

"Dad..." Luke warned.

I whispered into Peter's ear my new policy of not having sex with straight guys or guys in relationships as it was too messy and complicated. He nods with a wistful smile.

Luke goes off with his dad and the researcher and security chief as Patrick stayed behind.

"Hey" Patrick said walking towards me with his sexy shark grin in tight jeans and a loose shirt.

"Hey" I said eyeing him up wondering whether I should make an exception on my rule about having sex with straight guys for him. He slid his hand under my shirt and minutes later Patrick was on top of me in my bed thrusting his thick 8 ½ inch cock into me while I moaned and groaned beneath him. He dumped a load in me as I spray the sheets with mine.

Afterwards as we lay naked in my bed entangled he asked about the setup of Avalon and I explained the general details of how we were still trying to sort out some teething issues like dealing with snipers and cops. I also went on about how I was feeling increasingly trapped by the increasing amount of people who wanted me to `fix' them.

Patrick suggested that I get Avalon granted embassy status so that way I can deal with any criminals in whichever way I like.

I thank him and we fuck again (with me riding him like a pony). Then he leaves to track down the others.

1pm a patient comes back saying her cancer came back worse after being treated by Broadcast so I removed 95% of her cancer and sent her off to deal with normal health care options for the follow up. I investigated the situation and found that Broadcast had tried to treat her yesterday during my absence as she didn't want to wait but had given her too high of a dose of his power. (Limiting my `cylinder' to monitor people only in public outdoor areas left problematic gaps in my knowledge of events).

She had felt better in the short term as her immune system was given a boost but the level of power he had used had resulted in an overdose that caused the cancerous growths to multiply faster in the longer term. I explained that while using his powers at a low level on humans was fine he had pumped too much of his power into her and her weakened human physiology couldn't take it.

I explained that all mutants I had scanned had a slight variance from `normals' of a fraction of a millimeter that I suspected was responsible for the increased stamina/endurance and metabolism that mutants enjoyed because of vasodilation.

A few people came to the clinic' during the day wanting to be treated for non-serious crap like arthritis and gout. I told them that will cost 10k to discourage them as I didn't want to deal with their minor problems. One old lady paid via cheque to have her arthritis fixed', I replaced her joints with those of a 20 year old and she seemed quite happy with the arrangement.

At 5pm, I called Peter and Paul to the throne room (via proxy). Vamp and Surprise were keeping me company.

As there were two Peters in Avalon at the moment I decided to suggest a new nickname/code name for the younger Peter (and Paul since I had wanted to talk to him about another thing anyway).

"Hey Peter as one of my guests is called Peter too I was thinking maybe a good code name for you would be cornucopia."


I explained that it was from a myth about a horn of plenty that kept producing stuff out of it sort of like his power.

"I'd prefer to go by Horny then as in the horned one" he said. He broke out into amused giggling.

I shook my head and groaned but said "Whatever". I suggested Paul go by Bulwark.

"Bulwark what is that?" Paul asked.

"One of its meanings is that is a source of strength in times of danger doubt or need. Like religion." Paul gave me stink face so I changed the subject. "I need your help in reinforcing Luke's improvements to the inner walls in case we come under attack again."

"Okay. I'll go do that." Paul and Peter left and I smashed the back of my head against my ice throne and sighed. I could barely feel the pain any more. (Managing people sucks)

I continued "And also like religion you can be useful in a crisis but normally you're just a pain in the ass with your unreasonable demands and intolerance to anything you don't approve of.

Vamp asked, "Why do you keep him on the payroll if you dislike him."

"He has a very useful power and when shit goes down he is actually surprisingly upbeat and useful. It just the rest of the time he's so tedious."


In the evening Vamp and Surprise teleported me to the premiere's house linked to them in a limited psychic connection. After a long discussion with the premier he agreed to allow me to have the mutant sanctuary Avalon given the rights of a foreign embassy. This allowed us to police the grounds as we saw fit and to deny entry to anyone including the police or government within reason. He also promised to organize a bill classing the human on mutant violence a hate crime.

"I'll increase the golems I make so I can increase the military profile of this state."

"The assassin who tried to kill you is wanted by 5 countries for extradition, including the US which is a political minefield but because he's a French National the French are claiming jurisdiction."

"Okay then."

After I returned from the Premiere I have a chat with Peter Hale who gives me some tips about managing people after I complained about Paul. He suggested that I give Paul a meaningless title and some responsibility as he might feel insecure about being surrounded by so many heavy hitters power wise. I could appreciate that. I knew how it felt being at the bottom of the social pecking ladder at high school for years.

I have a one on one chat with the former Navy Seal asking him for more tips as I needed all the help I could get to try and make a success of this place. He talked at length about his time in the army and how it instilled certain values in him that enriched his life. I thought about it for a bit. He then went on to give Avalon a threat assessment pointing out that we had no police, military, air-force to rely on and we were very isolated behind walls that would have been useful 300 years ago but could be taken out by one plane.

I told him that Avalon had me and I was fully capable of taking out two 18 million dollar jet planes by myself and I was working on a more efficient way of detecting and destroying planes.

He asked me how and I told him it was classified. He laughed at me. It didn't bother me much as I was used to being mocked for being different.

THURSDAY August 3rd

Word had managed to spread like wildfire that I was now charging and there was a crowd waiting outside the dome to get to the `clinic' first. Ironically curing cancer unpaid is considered mere faith healing nonsense until you start charging 10 k to fix someone without it and then somehow everyone takes it more seriously. (People are weird)

It was crazy. I recruited Broadcast to help sort out the mess. He did triage sorting the crowd so that all the people with cancer were at the front of the line. Surprise dealt with complaints from those who got shuffled to the back due to the unusual sorting policy. Vamp screened the people for their bank balances and got Kermilla (a tiger striped faced Australian girl that Gill was dating) to handle the transactions.

At first I wasn't sure about charging these new people but we could do with the extra cash flow and if they couldn't pay we'd provide the service for free (for the treatable serious conditions) so no one would miss out due to lack of funds. Those who could pay would be helping to provide better equipment for those who came later. The `clinic' was very basic, a two roomed rock building with no plumbing or electricity as the previously afflicted didn't stay long. Channeling my power through a proxy was slower though and there were way more people to deal with so we'd have to upgrade the electricity/plumbing/seating situation soon to deal with the extended wait times.

Broadcast dealt with the patients after my proxy fixed' them, providing a very small burst of energy to help fight off the remaining cancer (or super charge them) before helping them with the medical questions and so forth. His bedside manner was far better than mine as he was one of life's natural upbeat people while I tended towards quiet introspection and clumsy socializing so I left him to it. It allowed me to better focus on the mechanics of the healings' without getting involved in the sticky complicated emotions that the `patients' had.

I guess I was too used to being my only company and other people were like puzzles I couldn't quite understand. It didn't help that I was drifting further away from other mutants as I immersed myself in developing my powers to the fullest.

I spoke through yet another proxy, using it as a mouthpiece (some people disliked the invisible water voice commands) to promote Paul from Peter's assistant to head of the Day Watch. I explained that he was now responsible for monitoring the golems during the day for unusual behavior and doing circuits to reinforce the inner and outer walls with his power.

I decided to make QS head of the Night Watch as his speed made him perfect for doing fast circuits at night to check for any gaps in the defenses. It would also relieve Scale of one of his duties of monitoring the golems at night so he could work on better receivers to focus and channel the power distribution to the most important sectors when necessary.

A new mutant that I nicknamed Transfer arrived in the afternoon. A slightly stocky man in his 40's who had worked as an accountant from Sydney (Australia) with the unusual power to switch mutants' abilities.

He had found out that he was a mutant very late in life (last year) during a party where he had accidentally touched 2 other mutants at the same time and their powers had swapped.

I talked with him at length about his power to find out the limits and to see how it worked. He could only swap one manifestation (power/skin color) at a time and only through touch which made it interesting for a novelty but very limited.

After I told him about how we were set up he suggested that I set up a company as a trustee for a unit trust as that would allow for flexibility as to who would be the unit holder.

I nodded and tried to figure what the hell he was talking about. "So what would I need to do exactly?"

"Just come up with a company name and I'll do the rest."

"Okay..." I thought about it for a few minutes and couldn't come up with anything awe inspiring so I went with "Avalon Industries?"

"I'll check if it's a registered trading name. If it's not I'll register it for you as it will help in making the purchases for this community potentially tax deductible. I'd also recommend creating a corporate account to pay people."

"Um okay that's good I guess. I'll let the others know."

******************************************************************************** Peter Hale came to visit me late in the evening

"I was wondering if my researcher could sit in during your `healing' sessions. "

I said "I guess so."

Peter told me about the work he had already done. The researcher had collected current blood and tissue samples from Luke to compare against the samples gathered from Luke's hospital visit. The preliminary results were fascinating (to the researcher) and Peter wanted to set up a base here to study the long term effects of my mutant healings to evaluate side effects and long term consequences.

Peter said "From what Luke has told me about what he understands of what you do and from what my researcher has gathered you're breaking down skin, tissue and bone into water and turning that `water' into the equivalent of stem cells. If we can find a way to duplicate that process with science my company would potentially make trillions of dollars and could solve disease and they'd be forced to reinstate me."


"After Luke was so brave in facing down the army, I came out as a mutant in a company press release and the board put me on suspension. They're trying to say I breached my morality clause. My lawyers are arguing with theirs about semantics but public reception has been very mixed. I decided to spend some time with Luke and see if I could find a way of turning the news around."

"Well I'd rather have you and your scientists testing my `patients' than trying to experiment on me."

"It'll be very low key I promise, no vivisections or rectal probing." I gave him a dirty look and he smiled deviously and I couldn't help but smile back even as I rolled my eyes at his attempt at humor. I could see where Luke got his charm from. Luke came over not long afterwards and we all watched Avatar together.

FRIDAY August 4

Morning Training

Today I used 3 separate proxies to put a full day of work into sewage treatment, clinic work and desalination.

Work with doing water treatment was dull but it was PAYDAY today and I got 2k for my work which was good for a first week. Apparently it was pro rata or something which meant that I got paid for the first week like a week later or something.

Using this new cash I sent off several proxies to pick up supplies at the shops with my personal funds. I bought manure and potting mix (for Luke and Grace), fish for a pond in my castle and a bicycle. Initially the people in the shops freaked out but when the proxies flashed their cash and bought things the shopkeepers got straight to business. It helped that I added a generous tip for their service (apparently that wasn't done in Australia). It was funny watching a small child's eyes bug out when one of the proxies ate a small fish only for it to swim inside around happily as the proxy flew away.

The clinic had an even bigger crowd to deal with than yesterday as word spread of our treatment policy. This time the researcher collected samples from people while they waited in line as Broadcast tried to sort out their conditions from most serious to least. Surprise tried to deal with the swarm but I ended up having to call in Onyx to help too, his midnight-colored rock-form intimidated the crowd into compliance for a little while.

I sent off a small army of proxies to go fetch comfortable furniture for people to sit on as well as a port a potty and a ticket tape machine (that thing they use at butchers to print out numbered slips). My proxies paid out of money from the new corporate fund that Transfer had set up.

The researcher helped to increase the clinics available medical knowledge (though most of his experience was technical rather than personal) and sat in with Broadcast and my proxy during the `healing' sessions. He also collected samples after my healing and after Broadcast's efforts. The poor patients ended up having to give 3 blood samples in a single day for the pursuit of science. Peter Hale came in later and saw the sheer volume of samples collected and ordered in some more scientists and researchers in order to set up a more well-staffed facility from out of his own pocket. I offered to forward 80% of the money collected to help fund his research as I did not want to be tied down by the world's sick forever and I felt I owed it to Luke (and his family) as he had to abandon his new farm because of me.

It had been a strange week and I was still trying to fully incorporate the best of corporate, cultural and national strategies into Avalon's culture. I wanted to take the best from all of our different backgrounds and combine it with mutant power to make Avalon awesome.

I had already incorporated the use of Arenas to train and entertain Avalonians. I was also hoping to copy the Swiss and turn Avalon's military stance to that of armed neutrality. At a later point I wanted to add some military training from either the local military elite (the SAS) or from Navy Seal training as I wanted the best for my people.

As such I came up with a short value system based on the Navy SEAL lifestyle for Avalonians.

Loyal Organized Attentive Driven Selfless

With the hilarious (to me) Mnemonic of LOADS.

Due to morale being lackluster, I called a meeting of the Avalonians after work and I tried giving a heart-warming speech...

"Despite the recent attempt on my life I am still committed to being the best I can be and help everyone here to be the best they can be. This isn't due to ego, we aren't better than humans we're just capable of doing thing in a different way. While we may be the same under our metaphorical skins, some people will focus on the differences between us and them and we will have to be patient and do our best to make a good impression on those that give us the benefit of their interest and the time they've taken-

"Does that mean we have to let them walk all over us" asked Dryad.

"Definitely not! Avalonian law: Fuck with us and we'll fuck you up."

There was some "Yeahs" and cheering at that.

"However I don't want anyone picking fights with the `normals'. Vamp will psychically scan anyone who gets in an unauthorized fight whether it's with a mutant or human to find who is at fault.

"While I'd like to believe in Xavier's dream for peace with humans, the sad fact is that to have peace you must prepare for war. We must be the best we can be because there are humans out there that will try to hurt us or kill us for being different. We might not be able to change their prejudice easily but it doesn't mean we have to roll over and take it lying down either. (That got some snickers)

"So I ask you to work with me on helping making this place a beacon of hope, strength and courage for all mutants. This place needs to be more than our home it needs to be our training ground and an impregnable fortress against enemies. I'm doing my best to use golems to increase our production without making all of you work harder. This isn't a sweat shop and I'm not your master. I'm working on organizing regular wages for work with our new mutant accountant whose power is to swap powers so if you want to play around with that... do so carefully preferably in the arena where fuck ups can be contained easier.

"While you're outside these walls you're subject to Tasmanian law. While you're within these walls you're subject to the rules of Avalon as they are at the moment. The rules here are fairly simple, follow work instructions from the leaders of whichever section you've been assigned to, don't hurt anyone and try to stay out of trouble. Once done with work your time is your own, however I'm accountable for any mess once you leave Avalon so try not to get into too much trouble please. Our survival may depend on us maintaining a good relationship with these people.

"I'm also working on increasing our defenses, if anyone can think of anything that might improve that, let me, Luke or Scale know. I will be trying to recruit more mutants to join us so we can increase our numbers and the pool of talents/abilities we can draw upon. So far we have a basic level of infrastructure in place with our electricity generation, plumbing, housing, agriculture and cattle production. This may be a rough ride but I know we can be great together; we are pioneers of a new society that will achieve great things in the future. I wrote a brief song to commemorate our new nation.

We will not bow, We will not break. We will grow stronger; With every blow we take.

We will remain undaunted, Through hatred and fear. Together we will stand, Against insults that we hear.

Through persecution and injustice, We will outlast. To build a society, Whose greatness will last!"

My song received lackluster applause but I wasn't out to be loved, just motivate people to do better.

******************************************************************************** After that speech I gathered Glare, Broadcast, Vamp (Surprise joined uninvited) to try a new experiment to transmit a psychic message to the mutants of Australia. Glare pumped up Broadcast with a burst of concentrated solar energy which Broadcast redirected into Vamp and me, energizing us. Then he got another dose of light from Glare and then Vamp linked Broadcast and me into his link with Surprise. I provided the psionic targeting range with a concentrated `sense cylinder' that included every person within Tasmania. Vamp drew on our combined mental and energy reserves to release my predetermined message to the masses while Broadcast drew on solar energy to maintain the Tasmania wide psychic communication.

Psychic address "My name is Victor and I am a high level water mutant and the founder of the mutant community of Avalon. I am calling out across Tasmania for mutants who wish to use their abilities for fun and profit instead of having to hide your gifts for fear of persecution and hatred. If you're a mutant or think you might be contact us or visit us (inserted mental image of Avalon and location details). Come join us, our population is small and growing at the moment but with every day we grow stronger together.

"So far we have a citadel made of rock and ice to keep our citizens safe along with patrols of ice and water golems. We have free electricity generated by mutants, our food production boosted by mutant power and our members are offered martial arts training including weapons training. We believe in being prepared for anything and we are offering sanctuary, healing and guidance to those who need it. "

The effort of transmission was very tiring for Vamp and me even with the boosting from Broadcast. After a phase and another boost from Broadcast's reserves I called Sean and asked him to transmit a slightly modified version of that message throughout America within his range.

Vamp went off for a well-deserved nap; even with Broadcast's boosts he was still mentally drained.

Done with the politics of Avalon and the attempt at large scale recruiting I enjoyed a few rounds of poker with my friends before we went out drinking.

This time I drank more slowly, pacing myself. Onyx and Spark found girls to go home with. Onyx asked me to listen out' just in case he had a morph mishap and she needed to be fixed'. I watched... it went alright as far as straight sex goes.

Scale and I go off somewhere secluded as I pushed Scale against the bark of a tree in a nearby park, kissing him roughly, excreting his paralytic toxins through my pores, letting us have a good old make out session like semi normal people. I stripped off his pants and I'm surprised to discover a reptilian tail. "I feel like I should have noticed that before."

"I've been growing it out. Do you think it's ugly?"

"Tails can be sexy, is it prehensile?" He looked at me blankly "can you use it to pick up stuff" I explained.

"No it's just a tail. I used to cut it off every time it grew because it got in the way but this week I decided to let it grow back out."

I lifted his tail up and fucked him like an animal against the tree, fucking him with Luke's cock. I blew too soon in him as his tight hole felt great around my big borrowed cock. I pulled out and he fucked me on the grass, slamming into me with his cocks before unleashing into me. I encased his narcotic cum in ambient water making a small ice sleeping pill for later.

SATURDAY 5th August

Luke, Broadcast and I go out to a random spot on an isolated stretch of Tasmanian beach to hang out and relax. I left Vamp and Surprise in charge of Avalon in my absence as Scale was still sleeping off last night's fun.

I kept several eyes' watching over Avalon and the surrounding area on the lookout for anything dodgy while I swam in the ocean practicing moving objects miles beneath the surface as a form of powercising'. I kept having this feeling like the worst was yet to come and I had to keep pushing myself otherwise I would be overwhelmed and destroyed. I hoped it was just baseless paranoia after everything that had happened to me lately.

Broadcast had joined us in our nudity revealing a nice lean but muscular body with a dark treasure trail and a hairy chest. Sadly he was depressingly straight so I had to settle for watching as he had fun soaking up the sunlight naked. Luke meanwhile worked on building more elaborate sand castles; he even made a chest high rock castle that looked very similar to mine but smaller.

I wasn't sure whether he was mocking me or not but before I could ask Broadcast came into the ocean swimming close to me. I smiled as I thought of something fun to try. I shifted to water merging with the ocean around me, feeling Broadcast's body inside me along with thousands of other aquatic life forms. Broadcast was the most interesting thing in the water as far as I was concerned. As water I caressed his body and he sprung a boner (a nice 7 inches) and gasped.

Luke came splashing into the water "Hey you okay?" It felt weird to feel him kicking me out of the way as he also became more immersed in me. I enveloped him within me touching every part of his body below the neck. "Victor" he moaned as I tweaked his nipples with invisible watery fingers and stroked his cock and fingered his very tight hole.

Broadcast was glowing gold as I massaged and explored his body.

Luke shouted "VICTOR" as he exploded into the water going slack and I cradled him lovingly, until he recovered enough to fire the beach into me which snapped me out of my sexual fixation and I reformed as I stepped out of the surf onto a devastated beach. Luke had redirected all the sand in a 3 mile radius into the ocean leaving behind a layer of sediment.

Broadcast stepped out of the ocean still rock hard and confused that the `beach' had been replaced with something different.

I held back the tide from hitting this new beach and drew up all the sand I could from the water within tiny ice crystals and unleashed a rain of sand onto the sediment. The results were patchy.

Luke stepped out of the surf looking very angry.

"I'm sorry, I kind of got swept away by the moment."

Luke ignored me and evened out the sand. Broadcast came up to me. "So is this a normal outing for you guys?"

"No, I got a bit carried away sorry." I looked down at his very nice cock and looked away again trying to remind myself that I was trying to be a responsible leader that thought about stuff other than sex. It was hard though. I shifted to ice and that helped to lessen the influences of my cock and hormones. "Sorry about that I didn't mean to grope you; I mean obviously I did but um..." I trailed off realising I was babbling worse than Vamp did. "Sorry again. Won't happen again."

Luke had been busy while I apologized to Broadcast and had brought back a dozen compressed rock golems. "Let's fight." He encased himself in his rock armor leaving the eyes and mouth exposed.

"If you want." I created a dozen of my own golems (5 ice golems, 2 ice proxies and 5 new untested salt water golems).

Luke made the first move, one of his rock golems punched my salt-water golems and as it does, my salt-water golem turned to ice around the punch and ripped off the other golem's arm firing it back at that golem destroying it. 2 of Luke's rock golems teamed up to smash one ice proxy after another. Then his golems smash my ice golems leaving only my salt-water golems remaining after a mere 33 seconds.

His 9 golems surrounded my remaining golems and one of his rock golems walked through one of my salt-water golems leaving it a useless puddle on the hot sand. My remaining 4 salt-water golems fire off jets of pressurized salt water at point blank range at intense speeds into the other golems' bodies. The salt has the desired effect smashing through 4 of his golems before the remaining golems occupy the same space as mine disrupting them to death.

I lost the battle but my salt water golems did well for a trial run. My research into water jet cutters had been useful for producing a more effective golem soldier. I evaporated my fallen minions and tried to smooth over the mess I had made with Luke (again).

"I'm really sorry about earlier. Do you forgive me?"

"You know I'm with Grace." Luke said with his arms folded tightly over his hard nipples.

"Yeah I know... I'm sorry... I just couldn't resist your hot body in the ocean. I'm weak."

Luke laughed and wrapped his arm around me putting me in a partial headlock. "I guess I can't blame you, I am irresistible."

I rolled my eyes and flipped him onto his back where we get into a half serious fight for dominance. We're both very hard when Broadcast electrocutes us.

"Hey" we both protested. I looked at him thoughtfully as I have myself seated on a still wriggling Luke. Olympian old school wrestling was hot. (No wonder they didn't allow women to watch- They'd probably interrupt). I looked over at Broadcast and his still hard cock at eye level. "Yes?" I asked.

"Do I get a turn?" He gave us a good natured smirk.

Luke asked "With what?" He groped my butt distracting me for a vital second as he flipped me onto my back, his hard cock brushing against my hole. "His ass? He's a greedy hound for cock." I shifted to water splashing him and he buried me as water.

I streamed out of the sand as water tentacles entangling his hands and legs.

"I want to practice my fighting."

"Who with?" I asked having reformed myself into human shape.

"Against the winner of the last fight obviously."

Luke laughed as I reformed next to him hands on hips. "He got you good with that one."

"Think you can take me little man?" Luke asked hips thrust provocatively flaunting his longer and thicker cock at his new competitor.

"No challenge at all."

I laughed amused and aroused at all the testosterone flying around. (Straight boys were an unhealthy temptation for me)

The boys squared off while I was distracted. Luke with his little army of 12 rock golems and Broadcast naked and oddly confident.

Broadcast turned to me and said "you should tell us when to start so that he doesn't complain afterwards that I cheated to kick his ass."

Luke laughed. "I'm going to have fun kicking your ass little man."

"START" I yelled out wanting to see these two sexy naked mutants fight.

Broadcast glowed bright like the sun, blinding Luke and while he was distracted by the pain, Broadcast obliterated 3 of Luke's stationary golems with large fireballs generated from the palms of his hands. Luke rubbed his eyes and fired off two of the golems at Broadcast, Broadcast jumped incredibly high and the two golems collided together at high speed and crumbled. Broadcast charged towards Luke and Luke tried to counter with a wall of 5 golems only for Broadcast to smash them with fiery punches and kicks as the last 2 stomped over to defend their master. Broadcast leaped over and high kicked one golem's head off and then threw the decapitated head at the last remaining golem.

I was impressed by Broadcast's strength, speed and success in taking out so many of Luke's golems so quickly.

Broadcast charged forward and finished Luke with a palm strike to Luke's rock armored chest that sparked electricity. Luke fell stunned to the ground, rock crumbling around him.

"Wow Broadcast that was an epic fight. Congratulations."

Broadcast smiled wide at me puffing out his chest "It was nothing."

"How did you do the energy thing at the end though?"

"Turns out that absorbing other people's energy means I get a fraction of their strength. Or at least it has with Spark but that's because he's been using me to channel his electricity every day since I got here."


Luke got to his feet shakily. "Fuck. That hurt like a fucking bitch."

"Don't call me little man then bitch."

"Don't call me bitch then." They glared at each other for several long seconds before they both broke into grins. I had no idea what was going on.

"That was fun; we should do that again sometime." Broadcast said.

"Yeah I definitely want a rematch. So what are you going to do about that thing" Luke's eyes glancing at Broadcast's cock "since you don't have a girlfriend?" Luke needled.

"Hmm... I was thinking I might fuck your Dad, I hear he likes the cock too."

"You fucker." Luke tried to grab onto Broadcast but he burst into flame, laughing as he ran away. "I'm going to fucking kill that guy." Luke covered himself in sand and flew into the air chasing Broadcast.

I shook my head wondering what the hell was going on. I let them run around like crazy idiots for ten minutes to wear themselves out (which made me feel like a parent and that ruined the mood) so I shackled the both of them and encased them in bubbles of ice and took them both back to Avalon.

Broadcast fought me firing bolts of electricity and fireballs into the ice sphere but I just kept piling on salt water around his sphere obscuring the sunlight until he ran out of energy.

I dumped them off in separate corners of Avalon to cool off and went off to find Vamp to work out my sexual frustration. Ended up being double penetrated by Vamp and Surprise at one point which was hot as they randomly teleport-slammed my hole until they both pumped their loads into me.

When Scale woke up I enjoyed a long slow ride on his cocks before slamming his hole hard and fast with Luke's cock. (The day at the beach with the weird straight boys had really got me all hot and bothered.)

I sent a proxy to ask QS to paint the clinic to make it more cheerful as his speed would make painting the place a breeze.

SUNDAY August 6th


This time we had an audience of new spectators who had come to check out our games' numbering about 100, 3 of them were mutants. We were becoming quite well known between my healings/psychic announcement and Grace's unnaturally fast growing orchards/crops and Peter's duplications'.

As a result I wanted to make the `games' more dramatic this time for our audience. So I announced there would be 3 prizes for the top 3 contestants of the final grand battle against 103 of my water minions. To warm up the contestants there would be solo, pairs, trios and team events against golems and obstacle courses (that Luke had set up around the outer track).

The grand prize being one of the stolen army vehicles (they'd been mostly communal property since I'd taken them along with us but remembering how much I had wanted a car before Jackson and my discovery that I could fly I figured it should motivate people to fight hard). Second prize was a cow and the third was the bicycle.

80% of the mutants participated with the last 20% mostly being the reclusive Morlock Elders who didn't like humans or crowds.

It was a spectacular fight as I had a wide arrangement of my watery minions (minus the one I was still working on at night) arrayed against the other mutants.

Some tried doing it alone, others teamed up in pairs or groups. They used a combination of powers and weapons to take on my golems, `Onyx' golems, water golems, salt-water golems and proxies.

It was pure unadulterated violent chaos which made for excellent training for everyone and was quite fun.

Broadcast was the winner of the Grand Prize, Luke came in second with QS third.

Broadcast had been spectacular in battle, launching high powered fireballs and electricity attacks in between superhuman combat. He also had showed off a bit launching his shirt at one competitor and firing off his shoes into 2 `Onyx' golems destroying them.

Luke had been impressive too in a more subdued fashion, using the ground to swallow up ice golems and using sand to overwhelm water golems to turn them into mushy mud piles. He also had his dozen golems fighting for him along with Grace, Onyx, Spark and Scale.

After the big battle was over and I had presented the winners with their prizes I announced that I was planning on developing an elite military force of mutants to protect Avalon. To decide who qualified I would be adding some swimming, push-ups, pull ups, curl ups and running to the daily routine starting from Tuesday.

Broadcast was swamped with female fans and he went off with 4 girls. I was curious how he was going to pull that off so I followed his progress with an eye'. He plowed each one of them one after another using his superhuman speed stamina to fuck them in a variety of positions. It was strangely hot watching him being such a stud even though he didn't wear a condom and I felt obliged to turn his sperm into water' to stop him from prematurely becoming a dad.

Set arrived and I asked him for the mutant show and tell...

"I'm 15 years old my name is Lloyd but I picked `Set' as my mutant name because when my dog died when I was 13 I hugged it and something weird came over me and the next thing I knew, there was another dead dog that looked exactly like my dog Shadow. I named myself after the Egyptian God of Death. I was hoping you could help fix me."

"There's nothing wrong with you." I looked him over and he was a super skinny looking guy who looked much younger than 15 and I tried to figure out how best to help him. After a few seconds of sizing him up I said "It's just a matter of practicing so you can gain control over your ability so you can decide when you use it and when to lock it up in a box inside yourself."

He didn't look convinced. "I just want to have a dog again without worrying that I'll have to explain there being 2 of them dead."

"Yeah pets are good. What I'm going to do is put you with Grace she's a nice girl and she runs the agricultural team and you can help her boost our meat supply. You can practice on dead chickens and then maybe in a week or 3 you'll learn how to turn it off." He looked doubtful. "It's amazing what practicing doing something 8 hours a day will do for your skill. Ask Peter." He looked confused. "He's kind of like you power wise, he copies things but he can't copy more than 500 grams at the moment but back when I first met him he could only copy nickels but after helping out with copying grains he's now our supply master copying lots of stuff like gold and rice and grain and fruit. If you work hard you could be the head of our livestock division."

He looked more interested now. "What's that?"

"Dealing with animals." I called out to Grace and introduced him to her and told him about her power and they went off together talking about life out in the middle of nowhere with lots of pets.

Transfer came to me in the late evening having calculated out the average wage for the jobs that the mutants were doing having added extra for hazard pay. The results were scary, I couldn't pay them that much as most of their `work' involved helping out the agricultural team in producing the free food that they ate. I had spent most of my recently acquired money on the land and equipment to make this place more habitable.

I would need to take over the burden of general laboring using my golems to do more of the necessary fetching and carrying. It looked like I was going to have a mutant version of the British Industrial revolution and replace my laborers with golems instead of machinery.

I would spend the night practicing and I'd announce that the Avalonians would have to make a decision as to what they wanted to do next.

So far the only options for them would be to work a minimum amount of hours for their room and board, find another more skilled job inside Avalon (that a golem couldn't), continue with education (via the Morlock learning modules) or find a normal job outside of Avalon.

I felt like I had bit off more than I could chew by starting Avalon but I was committed to seeing it through to the bitter end (or at least until I found a decent replacement).

At 2am I went to see Broadcast in person and he was still naked and hard after wearing out 4 girls. I was impressed and a little worried about him. He asked if I wanted a ride and I declined.

He shrugged and wanked himself off in front of me, it was very distracting.

I talked to him about safe sex which helped kill the mood though he was initially annoyed at me for `snooping' but then he bucked up and started bragging about what a stud he was.

Straight standards were so different from gay standards.

4 sex partners in a night for a straight guy was an achievement. For me it was a relatively quiet night. Then again I was trying to cut down on my preoccupation on sex. I had so many other things to take care of it was mentally exhausting but I found myself suffering from insomnia more nights than not. Oh well no rest for the wicked I suppose and I was a bad horny boy.


Authors note

I won't be updating for a few weeks since I'm going to be busy and I'm going to be without my laptop next week as I'm going to visit my frelling family for my birthday.

I'm planning on having one more chapter before I get onto the events of Alcatraz island and a dramatic show down between Phoenix and Victor. Next chapter will feature some (hopefully) exciting developments; a cameo from the Xmen who will join in an epic Arena battle and provide some counsel and some necessary story developments since Victor's absence and probably some sex too. Victor also meets someone who has some appreciation for his sleeplessness and alienation and strange cravings...

Till next time...

Well I hope you've been enjoying reading the story so far. Until next time.

Next: Chapter 25: Avalon 6

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