
By wayne unknown

Published on Dec 24, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Story terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ Person involved:: and end with :: ::

'golems' = 6 foot tall ice golems with broad shoulders. Medium speed and power

'Onyx golems'= 7 foot tall ice golems. Slow but powerful hitters

proxies: ice copies of Victor's body (neutered for decency) used to do personal mutant errands


Morning training 7 am to 8 am.

Before I headed off to first day of my new job I told Luke to call or text me if there were any major issues to be dealt with.

I met up with the Power and Water minister who wanted to see how much water I could desalinate. We negotiated 10c a gallon for my services.

We went to the nearest beach so I could demonstrate my abilities. I pulled out streams of water making two ice boxes on the sand. A small crowd gathered and I showed off a little, creating a huge jet of water pumping out from the ocean overhead splitting into two streams. The larger of the streams contained desalted water, the smaller stream emptied out its salt load before moving to the other box. Now that I'd shown off some skill I decided to cease the freak show and 10 golems marched out of the water to gasps of shock, facing toward the crowd their backs to me. I created a small wave from the ocean and redirected it into a wall behind the Golems. I closed my eyes and continued to pile up desalted water and salt into the expanding boxes.

"That's probably enough for a demonstration." I said.

"Amazing. Next stop is the water supply grid."

I spent a few hours filtering out the salt from the ocean and pumping it directly into the water grid, gradually becoming more skilled at filtration. I phased and went for a break in the break room to muttered speculation from the everyday workers.

Next the Minister took me to see the sewage treatment plant. It was gross but my experiences ignoring the bathroom habits of people on the sea journey helped to deal with it.

I drained the water out of the soggy mess in stages redirecting the water into the final treatment section.

I arranged a work schedule of 9-4 with the minister before I headed back home.

When I returned I'm greeted by Scale and an unknown mutant.

Scale introduced him as Gill. The only sign of his mutantness were a series of loose flaps of skins down his neck which allow him to breath underwater. (Scale had gone out to meet him to make him feel more comfortable during my absence.)

"Hi, I heard about this place and wondered if I could join." Gill said.

"Sure. The more the merrier."

Next was a woman who wanted to be `fixed'. The woman had heard from a friend of a friend that I helped the Premier and wanted to know if I could cure her cancer. I told her I'd look at it. I scanned her, fixed the cancer and told her to go see a doctor for a follow up chemo/ examinations to make sure the cancer was completely dead.

She thanked me at great length and I said she was welcome and she left.

Next up was Gaia who said that we needed more fertilizer for the soil of the orchard. I told her I'd look into getting a supply as soon as I could.

After evening training Onyx comes up to me and asked "Do you have some time? I want to try something out."


We go off to my bedroom/throne room/swimming pool and he took off his pants, revealing his very hard 10 inch cock. "I've been solo training and I want to see if I can have normal sex again."

"Okay." I sat on his cock, his breathing steady as he held my hips as I stroked my cock slowly as I rocked up and down picking up momentum with each passing minute. He stood up lifting me up with him, walking us over to my bed as if I weighed nothing as I clung to him, his cock sliding back and forth in me with each step. He pushed me down against the bed with one hand as he pulled his slick hard cock out of my hole with his other. My hole ached with emptiness for a few seconds before he grabbed my ankle with one hand and flipped me onto my stomach with one forceful yank. I gasped in surprise.

"Fuck yeah" Onyx said as he slammed in deep with one powerful thrust pinning me beneath me, his breath hot and heavy in my ear my hard cock grinding against the mattress as as he fucked me harder and faster. I moaned wordlessly as I humped the mattress like an animal, mindless in my need. Several minutes later Onyx grunted and groaned as he pumped his thick load inside me without morphing.

"Well I think that was a success. How about you?" I said as he eased out of my hole, leaving me sore but not needing a phase to recover.

"Fuck yeah I'm going to get some pussy again. "

"Well that's nice for you I guess," I said, deflating a little.

"Thanks for all the help bud, you're a real trooper. I'll let you get some rest." He put on his clothes and left.

Luke arrived a few minutes later to find me face down in bed, enjoying the post Onyx sex afterglow, my hole wet with Onyx's cum.

"Hey Luke. How's your day going?"

"Onyx told me his good news and I thought I'd do the good news/bad news to you since you'd probably be in a good mood at the moment. What do you want to hear first?"

"Let's start with the good news." I said tensing up.

"Well today went well and no one tried to kill us. Also after our wins Grace and I had some drinks and had sex."

"Um okay? And the bad news?

"I think I might have fallen for Grace and whatever we're doing is going to need to stop."

"Oh." I stand up.

"Don't cry buddy."

"I'm not crying."

He swipes my wet cheeks. "Of course not, you're just leaking" he said sarcastically.

"Are you still going to be my friend if we don't have sex?"

He pulls me in for a hug "Don't be stupid, of course we are, we've been through a lot of stuff together. Just because we won't be having sex any more doesn't mean you're not my friend."

"Okay" I said sniffling into his chest. "So you and Grace are an official couple now?"

"Well not exactly but I like her and we've spent quite a bit of time together lately and I've never had a mutant girlfriend. "

"Oh okay. Well do you think we can have one last time then for old times sake?"

"I guess..."

I got down on my knees undoing Luke's pants swallowing his half hard cock before he changed his mind. I didn't want to lose him without a fight. He gripped my head and fucked my mouth. I pulled off and bent over in front of his hard cock. "Fuck me" and he fucked me doggy style. I savored every moment of him inside of me, thrusting into me; I didn't want us to end yet. He came hard into me.

I thought it was over but he said "One more" and pulled me into bed and fucked me face to face my legs wrapped around his waist as he took me slowly as I held him looking into his gorgeous face wanting to hold onto the moment forever.

After he blew for the second time in half an hour, he turned me over onto my side and snuggled up beside me, pushing his still hard cock inside me and wrapped his arms around me. "Night Hound." I placed my hands over his as his breathing settled and I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep in his arms. It was too hard to with my mind whirring. I reached out my awareness to the nearby lakes and summoned golems out of the 5 biggest lakes and sent them on endless patrols around our settlement trying to bore my uncooperative mind into submission and sleep.


I woke up in Luke's arm and smiled for a second before remembering what he had said. His cock had slipped out during the night and I felt empty without him inside me. I wiggled out of Luke's hold and licked and sucked on Luke's cock until it was rock hard in my mouth.

Luke moaned, gripping my hair "Fuck I'm going to miss your mouth, you're so hungry for my cock." He thrusted into my willing throat repeatedly. I pulled off before he could come. "Not like you to tease me."

"One more?" I pleaded.

"Fine I'm close anyway. Have your way with me you insatiable horn bag."

I sat on his cock and Luke thrusted up. "You're mine remember. You can't come that quickly." I pinned his hands above his head while I eased myself upwards leaving only the head of his cock inside me before easing back down on his cock. Torturing us both with a slow teasing ride as I bounced up and down on his hard cock kissing him teasing and stretching the moment out(I wanted to change his mind). The moment slipped away from me as passion overwhelmed my plan and he thrusted upwards over and over again as he stroked my cock, his tongue teasing mine and we both blew our loads. He pulled out of me wiping away my cum with a casual swipe of the hand.

As he dressed, I felt like I had been ditched and I was afraid we were over.

"You were my first. " I mumbled.

"You were mine too... and my last." Luke replied. "So now that you can't have my cock. Think you can resist my hot body and be a normal friend?"

"Well it's going to be hard to resist rubbing my hands over your body and the urge to have your cock inside me over and over again until your balls are drained but I guess I can try being a normal friend."

"Fuck man you really know how to word a compliment. " He palmed down his bulge.

"So why did you take so long to tell me about Grace?"

"Well you can be a bit scary when you get pissed off. I know what you're capable of and I wasn't sure how you'd react and I was a bit worried."

"I wouldn't hurt you." I said patting his shoulder, I could already feel the distance chafing already. "I spent way too much energy fixing you."

We left for training after a quick rinse and during training I thought about everything that had happened. After training I call the coin place to tell them I'd be there after work to cash in all the coins.

Now that things had settled down a little I decided that I wanted things to be as normal as possible. Luke no longer wanted to have sex with me and Onyx could fuck like a normal person again and wanted to have sex with girls again. It felt like everyone was moving on and I didn't want to be `dumped' again. I decided I would tell everyone after evening training (except Scale and Centaur) that I would no longer be having sex with them.

The only people I'd have sex with would be Scale because he was gay and Centaur because his sexual options were limited and he usually finished in a minute anyway.

I worked 9-4. 9 to noon I spend at the water pumping place desalinating ocean water and transporting it for inclusion in the water supply network.

Had my Lunch break and transported 100 kilos of sea salt to the sewage treatment facility where I spent 1pm to 4pm draining the water out of the sewage. At the end of the day I encase the remnants for Grace to use for her orchards.

I get back home and drop off the manure' leaving Luke with the shitty job of infusing it into the ground for Grace's sake. (I may be a little bitter about Luke dumping' me)

I fixed another 2 people with cancer.

Spark and Scale have managed to get the power working again with their tesla like generator. Spark discharged into the generator and it radiated out the power in a mile wide circle. They had made a lot of improvements on it since Luke's farm and it could generate power for 5 or so hours a day when operational.

I left the salt in its ice cylinder in a room of my ice castle.

I gave a brief welcome to the Gill's 2 mutant friends (Class 1's).

Grace talked to me about running out of feed. I told her I'd organize something after I got back.

I go to the coin shop and after they examine and valuate all the coins (except the one I've kept) and I get a cool 1.7 million dollars in the form of a cheque. I bank it and get myself a cheque book attached to my account. I purchase a few generators to take back with me.

Plumbing to the earthen housing had been started. (Septic tanks and the like.)

I head back to visit the Premier to buy the land off him/the Tasmanian government. I gave him a cheque for a million dollars to pay for a large chunk of area around where we're staying including the land/mineral and water rights.

Evening 7 pm to 8 pm. After training finished I made an announcement to the group.

"Hello everybody. I wanted to take a few minutes to talk to everyone now that we've made some progress on the plumbing situation. I'll also get some normal generators soon to help power our electronics during down times. Now that that's out of the way I've purchased this land around us and I'd like for everybody here to think of this as a chance for us all to make a new start the way we want. This is our new home where we can be ourselves and live up to our full potentials and whatever happens next, we won't let other people force us to run away again.

"There are a few rules though of course. 1 When we are out in public we must make a good impression to the locals. 2 Don't use your powers to pick on the locals. 3 If you have to defend yourself, do as little damage as you can and leave immediately.

"If you're angry and want to work out some aggression we will continue to have training sessions for staff and guns every day. If I'm not here Luke or Scale will run training in my place.

"I am calling this place Avalon after a mythical place of plenty from Arthurian legends. Working together with our unique abilities I'm hoping we can be mostly self-reliant within the next month or two. I'm relying on everyone's help and cooperation in order to make this a reality. I don't want us to hide in the shadows pretending to be ordinary. We are extraordinary each and every one of us. No more hiding our gifts. We are mutants and even though people will hate us for being different, that's no reason to be ashamed or hide because it also means we're capable of extraordinary things. I refuse to hide any more. FUCK THAT. I want us to use our gifts, mutant and otherwise to build something great, a community of mutants who will work with the rest of humanity to make the world a better place.

"I'll be working with the local government to ensure that we're treated fairly. For the meantime that means I'll be answering for any fuck ups. So please don't fuck up. I suck at diplomacy.

"At the moment I'm doing desalination, sewage treatment and trying to deal with the increasing amount of sick people visiting here. As for the rest of you if you've been assigned a task please do it to the best of your abilities. If you're unable to, just let me, Luke or Scale know and we'll try and find something more suitable for you. I ask for your patience in this period of adjustment.

"On an upbeat note I am proud that each of you have decided to follow me here. I know it's been a trying couple of weeks and dangerous at times but we have survived and we've grown much stronger. "

After my speech there was brief and mild applause. After that was out of the way I broke the news one on one to everyone I'd had sex with that there would be no more sex. It was extremely awkward and I ended up having last times with half a dozen guys to take the sting out of me `dumping' them.

I bit the bullet and called home to find out the repercussions of my visit to my home town. It was typical. Mom lectured me at great length because word had gotten out about my abilities and quite a few people had shown up asking questions. First there was the army who wanted information about me and where I was. She couldn't answer as she didn't have any idea. Second there were hundreds of people who had shown up since then wanting to be cured by the miracle man. There was a third batch of a half dozen people who wanted to complain about the side effects of my `healings' namely excessive hunger, sleepiness and lethargy. I had left her with a massive mess and she was not happy. The fact that I had forgotten the time difference and woken her up probably didn't help.

She passed me onto my dad afterwards and he asked "where are you now?"


"Odd choice"

"It was a long way away from things."

"Be safe son." (Our conversations were always brief. He worked long hours as a manager at the local paper mill and we had an odd relationship. Mom while busy lectured me on occasion but Dad always seemed preoccupied and somewhat distant even at the best of times.)

Afterwards I swam laps trying to work through everything that had happened.

Scale came to see me at 3am (his lunch time) and I told him I would still have sex with him. He was pleased and fucked me hard and we cuddled naked for a bit before he had to return to his work with Spark who stayed up later than usual helping beta test the modifications to the generator.


In the very early morning I move all the ice within Avalon (except my castle) into an 8 foot high, 10 foot thick ice wall around Avalon, ditching the frost fort theme. This left the other buildings a dull brown compared to my gleaming ice castle.

Morning training 7 am to 8 am

When I arrived at the designed water supply depot I was assigned a human mutant liaison named Daniel.

"What did you do previously?" I asked.

"Used to be a PA but I've been assigned to look after any of your needs." He was around 25 and attractive with dark brown gelled hair (I was curious about how far he'd go to take care of my needs but it didn't seem appropriate to pursue that after all my efforts to behave.)

Work 9-4.

After work I visited the bank and withdrew 200k in cash. (I like Australian currency, it's so colorful.) I stop off at home and left 150 k in my throne room so I can try rolling around in money later for a laugh.

I visited a local book store and had a brief look around before deciding on buying myself a library worth of books to help fill the long, often dull hours before sleep claimed me. (Insomnia is a bitch.)

"I'd like to buy 1 of each book."

Stacy (name tag) the female sales clerk in her early 20's looked around the store and back at me. "Are you pulling my leg? That would be a fortune."

I pull out a large wad of cash, mostly in 100 dollar bills and her eyes go huge. "I'm usually serious."

"Um." Her eyes glaze at the sight of the cash. "I'm going to need to get my manager to help me collect all the books and ring them up as this doesn't happen normally."

"I'll collect the books." I stream out of my clothes as an army of `hands' piling books on the counter and in front of the counter until I have one of each book in the store ready to be scanned for purchase.

I reformed into my clothes and she stayed stock still and shouted "Steve".

He comes out and sees the piles of books around me and "What the hell is going on here?"

"I'm buying some books." I display the wad of cash and his expression changes completely into one of greed. He helps to ring up the charges then asked whether I wanted it delivered somewhere.

"I'll take it with me. "

He looks at the hundreds of books that he's rung up and said "that's 41450 dollars."

I counted out the money and handed it over and he counts it again as I streamed out of my clothes and piled all the books into 4 towers of books. I reformed into my clothes and he hands me a receipt after a long while.

(Money makes the world more tolerant of oddity. Something to keep in mind for later.)

I leave with books in tow within an ice sphere made of me.

I return back to the castle. I looked at the piles of books and the ice around and decided that an underground library might be safer.

I asked Luke for his help in constructing one and he gets in done in a few hours. Meanwhile I have a brief roll around in piles of foreign currency just to see what it was like. I grow bored fast and passed out 5 k to everyone including Luke and the new mutants. I'm left with only about 4 k of cash on hand.

Half of the mutants leave to buy stuff.

A young guy with AIDS and 2 people with cancer arrive late wanting to be cured.

I explained to the guy with AIDS that I can't fix him as viruses are way too complicated to remove with any accuracy. I apologise.

I tell the cancer people that they'll have to stay the night so I can fix them in the morning as I'm unable to treat them at my current energy levels safely.

Luke had been busy while I was gone building new accommodation so everyone had their own space. Luke was a good leader.

3 new mutants show up in the late evening and they're at least class 3 mutants with very interesting abilities.

Glare is 17 and he can intensify light into a mini solar flare that blinds. (He's not immune from the flares so he has to keep his eyes closed too)

The other 2 mutants are a little more extreme. Luke had gone out to meet them as they were `passers'.

After Glare left they walked in. A pale skinny guy dressed all in black complete with an old fashioned cowl around his neck and the other guy dressed normally who looked a bit like Onyx when he rocked up. 6 foot 6 and solid with broad shoulders.

"My name is Vamp and I'm excited to be here Sean told me so much about you and taught me a lot of exciting stuff and taught me to help out my new friend here." He clapped the silent giant and he merely grunted in response "So we could come out here and join you crazy guys. "

"So what can you do?" I asked warily.

"I'm a telepathic vampire. I drain psychic energy and read minds. He can..."

The big guy disappeared from sight and reappeared in front of me with a wide open grin his fingers wiggling in my face and shouted "SURPRISE".

"He goes by Surprise because you wouldn't think to look at him but he can move super-fast by teleporting at will. After I talked to Sean while he was strapped to that machine and he said shit was going down I bailed from my home town and Sean told me that you would probably need a new telepath to help you weed out the nutters to help prevent a Pyro situation from happening again but I don't really know what he was talking about there. Anyway so Sean helped me find this big lug out in Texas because he wanted to leave as anti-mutant stuff was really getting dangerous. So we met up and Sean told me how to link us together so we could use each other's powers and it's been fucking awesome. WOOP WOOP." And then he disappeared and appeared upside down on the ceiling for a split second and just as gravity was about to assert itself he reappeared where he had started from. "Sean also taught me how to like move out of my body which was really weird at first but helped him `port' (he even used air quotes) further at a time since he used to be limited to line of sight but then we could both teleport but I spent a lot of time practicing my out of body power while he fucked about with his porting power and yeah." He finally stopped talking for a few seconds.


"It's been great it's like getting a new power especially since I used to think mine used to suck, reading people's minds can be fucking irritating sometimes. I have this problem where if I don't use my power to sap mental strength like every other day it leaves me weakened but this guy has helped me spread out my feedings. It gets dangerous if I take too much. I could sometimes borrow other mutants' powers by taking them over but it wasn't much fun because they always fought but this new way is awesome. Linking with someone to double your powers is awesome and it helps to spread out my feedings because I have his mental energies to draw on. Like even when I'm not close to him it works which is much better than the version I used to use. I was out at a 7/11 while this guy was sleeping off a long day of porting' and anyway the place gets robbed by this guy with the gun and I just port' outside and ran back to the motel we were staying at. Sorry I talk a lot when I'm nervous or excited and I hear you're scary powerful so I'm a little both."

Vamp tried to probe my mind and I could feel him sapping the energy maintaining the psychic shield Sean had left in me. I lashed out with a `hand' wrapped around his throat and Surprise teleported a punch to my head and I misted my head at the last second so his punch smashed against my ice throne instead. The probe ceased and I let go while Surprise is rubbing at his hand.

"I'm not fond of being attacked."

Vamp coughs rubbing at his throat before saying "I'm sorry it's a force of habit I probe people to find out if they like me or think I'm crazy or whatever."

"I don't like people poking about in my mind without permission."

"I won't do it again, it's just that Sean said you guys were super close and you let him in your head all the time."

"Yeah well I trusted him, he saved my life a few times and I've just met you."

"I'm sorry we'll go." They `ported' out.

I water voiced to Luke that the next time we had new arrivals human or otherwise we'd get them to stay outside the walls until we were sure whether they were hostile or not.

Evening 7 pm to 8 pm

Swam laps at night while reading a book to help drain mental energy faster so I could sleep.


Morning training 7 am to 8 am

I dealt with yesterday's cancer people with my full strength as their cancers were extensive.

Work 9-4

Picked up some generators.

Evening 7 pm to 8 pm

Night I read and swim.


Training 7 am to 8 am

Work 9-4. This time I'm redirecting the desalinated water into the dams instead of water towers. (Work was dull but it provided a steady income that increased daily as I got more skilled at using my power to make water drinkable. It was a great way to `powercise' as I could develop my abilities and get paid for it too. )

Returned home to find only one new mutant to deal with/welcome and no one to fix.


"Before I welcome you officially to Avalon home of mutants I'd like you to do a mutant show and tell. Basically just tell me your name, where you're from and give me a brief demonstration of your power. "

"I'm Solar, I'm 19, I'm from Texas and I can absorb energy from sunlight which makes me faster, stronger and tougher which was great for football for a while but then it started building up too much and I'd accidentally set fire to my sheets like this." Each of his fingers shot out a small little flame.

"That'd be awkward."

"Yeah tell me about it. They thought I was some kind of secret pyro but I found another way to get rid of the excess. I passed on my energy off to my Ma who is a nurse which helped release some of the pressure. Anyway the older I got the more energy I could hold but being super strong is dangerous so I started volunteering at my Mom's hospital doing the rounds with a snack trolley pumping energy into the patients. It helped them get better faster and I started studying nursing with my Ma's help.

"Anyway recently it's been getting harder to hide my energy and things are getting really bad back home with anti-mutant protests and the like. I didn't want to end up cut open for government experiments since there was this doctor that started to ask a lot of questions and I started sweating bullets. I got told by this guy inside my head to come hang out with you as you've been healing the sick and he thought maybe I could help you out. I hopped on the first plane out this way. "

"That would be Sean; he's a friend of mine. Is it just solar energy that you can absorb?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well it sounds like you're able to absorb solar energy and convert it into fire and strength within in a certain range. I read about a mutant with similar abilities though he used his power to kill and you're using yours to heal. Have you ever tried any other sort of energy absorption?"

"No. I didn't even really want to absorb solar radiation it just sort of happens. The only thing I can control is the redirection."

"Well we'll run a little test."

^Spark can you come help me test a theory in the throne room^ Spark arrives. "Hey Spark, can you do a small static electricity level blast of energy towards him."

"Guess so. You okay with this dude?"

"Give me a sec I'll pump myself up." The light around Solar dimmed for a second and he glowed golden like the sun for a few seconds. He smiled "Give it to me."

I chuckled to myself as Spark fired off a small bolt of electricity towards Solar. There was no visible effect for a few seconds but then Solar's fingertips discharged a small burst of visible electricity.

"Good work Spark."

"Thanks I've been practicing a lot with Scale to control the energy that I pump into the generator."

"It's paying off. Thanks for your help, you can go." Spark left and I called up Glare to come over to test another idea.

"Hey Glare. I've got a quick favor to ask of you. Can you increase the amount of light without blinding?"

"Um I'm not sure, never really tried." He looked at both of us. "You're going to need to close your eyes for this as it might hurt."

Solar kept his eyes closed and I shifted to water as Glare increased the light to near blinding levels. The light around Solar shimmered as it was absorbed into him leaving him luminescent with energy.

"Wow that's intense." Solar said. "That felt like a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart. I've never felt stronger.""

"I have an idea on how the both of you can help Scale and Spark with their generator so that it powers this place all the time instead of a few hours. I'll let Scale know the details. One last thing Solar I think a better mutant name for you would be Broadcast since you can absorb different energy types and redirect it outwards."

"Okay." They looked at each other unsure. Glare left.

"Solar or Broadcast maybe next week once you're settled in more you can help me deal with the sick people, boost their immune systems after I'm done with them."

"Sure, that'd be good. I do like to help out where I can." His enthusiasm was vaguely worrying after dealing with Vamp's manic intensity on and off for the last couple of days. While things had settled down a bit since our first disastrous meeting the truth was Vamp absorbed psychic energy from those around him to maintain himself, he could range from lethargic indifference to hyperactive enthusiasm depending on his 'feedings'. I kept my distance. Solar/Broadcast radiated a sort of wholesome cheerfulness that complemented his ability to infuse others with greater physical/mental? health. Hopefully they'd even each other out maybe?

Onyx suggested we resume poker night.

We played a few rounds of poker. Poker night felt weird with Lachlan missing. There was a sexually charged moment where everyone looks at me expectantly after we played the last hand...

"I'm trying to be a good boy. Remember." I said.

"Let's go out and get drunk and pick up." Onyx said.

"Well I'm not able to but I'll invite Grace out for a night out." Luke said.

Spark rolled his eyes and Onyx and I groaned out at an "UGH."

Luke brings Grace as we go out to Hobart the capital city, there's not much selection so we pick a random bar and settle in for a long drinking session. There were some odd looks at first when we arrived mostly directed at Scale but when I passed a wad of cash to the bartender and said "First round is on me." They cheered and the room felt way less hostile.

Onyx and Spark tried their luck impressing the few female patrons with their extra cash while Grace and Luke nauseatingly whisper sweet nothings to each other. I amused myself by indulging in good natured teasing with Scale as we tried to drink each other underneath the table.

Grace bailed early, escorted by Luke. Scale and I continued drinking.

I dragged Scale into a toilet stall, and suck on his cocks. He fucks me sloppily as I'm bent over the toilet hands splayed against the wall. Someone walked in the bathroom while he's fucking me but we can't stop, it felt too good and we're both way too trashed to care about a potential audience.

Scale picks up speed inside me and someone knocks on the toilet stall door. "Busy" Scale said as I tried to stifle a laugh. The unknown only knocked louder. Scale held me tighter as he fucked me faster. The unknown kept knocking. Scale bit me on the shoulder as I bit my lip trying to stifle my moans as I stroked my cock. The unknown banged on the door, the frame shuddering under the blows. Scale bit harder for a second before releasing my shoulder from his toothy grip and shouting "I'M FUCKING CUMMING ALREADY." He blasted inside me and that took me over the edge and I blasted my load into the toilet bowl.

I turned around and gave Scale a quick kiss before puddling across into the next empty stall along with my clothes.

Scale flushed the toilet as I exited out of the adjacent stall to find 3 angry looking men in their 30's.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"Are you with the mutant freak?"

"Yes. Do you have a problem?"

`Yeah. I'm going to punch your face in mutant lover."

Scale comes out and knocks out one with the door "Woops." We easily knock out the other two with little effort. I called Luke to pick us up as he's our designated driver.

As we leave with Luke, Scale is targeted by two police and I ranted semi drunkenly "He's the least dangerous of us. One of us can fire off electricity enough to start/stop a heart another can turn into a 7 foot tall rock giant and a guy who can cause earthquakes. You're worried about a guy who happens to be green and has paralyzing saliva. What you should be worried about". I stepped forward and they trained their guns at me. "Is me. I'm a class 5 water mutant and if I'm pissed off enough I can drown this entire island. Turn this little nation into one big watery grave." I stepped forward again a little wobbly on my feet. "The real danger of course is not that I could kill you all so easily. It's that I cured your premier of cancer and he owes me big. I could probably get you fired fairly easily. After all you're basing your fear on the color of his skin and that is so 1950's. Now bugger off before I get angry." I shift my fingers into foot long ice blades.

They make a hasty retreat. Luke takes us home. I passed out in the back of the stolen Army vehicle (they made for roomy transports). Luke dragged me to bed and told me I was a terrible drunk. I laughed as Scale joined me for naked cuddles in bed.


Waking up was rough (hangover), phasing helped my headache but it made my memories rush back in of me threatening police. (Total fuck up)

I chose to ignore and went with Luke to the beach, where I made him ice goggles to protect his eyes while he flew.

We found an isolated stretch of beach where we stripped naked. Even though I'm not allowed to touch Luke any more I still love looking at his naked body.

Luke spent most of his time laying on the sand working on making his full body tan is even, covering parts of his body with sand as he creates elaborate sand/rock castles on the beach.

I spent my time alternating between swimming, communing with the ocean and increasing my sense cylinder's range with a little time spent sunbathing next to Luke.

Luke challenged me to a rock/ water battle before we left the beach.

We take our places. I tread water in the ocean surrounded by my element as Luke is surrounded by his element.

The battle began as I launched a wave of water towards him and he covered himself in sand solidifying it around him into rock armor as he stood his ground. I redirected the wave at the last moment into ten ice golems, solidifying them into the `condensed' version that ranks a 3/5 on the toughness scale. He creates his own sand golem that solidified as I watched into a rock golem that ranks about a 4/5 for toughness. An ice golem punches his rock golem only for its fist to shatter; the rock golem punches my disarmed golem in the head, smashing it. My other 9 ice golems surrounded Luke and his solitary rock golem, they grab onto rocky arms and Luke triggers a mini sand quake and the ice golems lose their grip. Luke (in his rock armor) and his golem smash 6 of my ice golems in the next 30 seconds. I shift my remaining 3 golems to water and use their water to blast his golem to pieces with the remnants of my fallen ice golems. Then he launches the front of his armor into a single attack against one of my water golems. The disruption of its water and the distraction of Luke's hard cock meant the death of one of my remaining water golems. The half armor doubles back shifting to sand as it smashed into my second last water golem leaving it a messy muddy puddle. The sand headed to my last golem and I shifted it to mist at the last second and it passed by harmlessly falling to the ground.

"I win." I said reforming the mist into a water golem.

"Not so fast." Luke said as the sand rose up around my water golem, swallowing my water golem its body becoming muddy, I drained the water out of it leaving the sand.

"I'm going to call that one a draw. Nice work Luke."

"I can't do as many as you can yet but mine are tougher."

"Are we becoming competitive?"


"Great. Should make tomorrow more entertaining than... "


Arena day

I declared a change in the games. "There will be double the golems to mutants in each match up in whatever combinations but there will be only one prize to the winner of the Battle Royale at the end of the games. Think of the early match ups as a chance to warm up before the big event."

Solar/Broadcast was the most interesting of the new competitors as his enhanced speed and strength and flaming touch made short work of the 2 ice golems against him. After his match Broadcast helped to speed up the recovery times of injured mutants.


20 ice golems with ice swords, 20 Onyx golems with ice staves and 10 proxies unarmed and 10 water golems against 15 mutant combatants. Glare had a good start as he blinded all the other competitors except Broadcast who used the jump start to take down half a dozen ice golems.

Vamp and Surprise were entertaining fighters as they teleported in and out of the fray before Vamp got knocked out by a random water blast and Surprise was overwhelmed by the other fighters.

Luke coated himself in his rock armor and had two rock golems that he used to smash multiple golems into pieces.

Broadcast absorbed Orb's and Spark's attacks redirecting their energy to take out multiple ice golems while tackling various combatants.

The top 3 fighters of the match were Orb coming in 3rd, Broadcast 2nd, Luke 1st. Next time I'd have to make/get/buy prizes for second and third place.

I gave Luke a gold coated shield (made of melted 'duplicate gold' and the wing of a downed jet) for winning the Battle Royale.

Next: Chapter 24: Avalon 5

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