
By wayne unknown

Published on Dec 14, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.


Polymorph - an organism or inorganic object or material which takes various forms (eg. Colossus, Hulk, Vader, Onyx)


NAME: Victor (myself) ALIAS: Proteus – minor sea god/shapeshifter POWER TYPE: Water Mastery – hydrokinesis 5, water sensing 5 and transitioning 4? POTENTIAL POWER: 5 RANGE: low 5 (currently) CURRENT APPLICATION OF POWER: high 4 – low 5 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Hydrokinesis: water/ice weaponry, steam blasts, Control over golems' and hands' Water Sensing: water based communication and observation, water detection, sonar. Transitioning- Personal: Body modification- decrease and increase size/height/density, healing/restoration through phasing, transition from flesh to water/ice or water Vapor. Transitioning- External: Liquefaction, freezing (red ice), healing Combos/Unknown classification: Travel in armored ice form, liquid puddle form and as mist. Absorption of water to restore physical stamina/stature and `eyes'.

NORMAL SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Swimming 9/10 COMBAT SKILLS: Staff 8/10, Guns 5/10, hand to hand 7/10

PERSONAL LIMITATIONS: Poor social skills, erratic hormones POWER LIMITATIONS: Theoretically power reserves are unlimited but current mental strength allows Psionic sensing via mental arrow up to 3000 miles, circumference of awareness averages at 500 miles for few hours before rest is needed, `sense cylinder' current max is 500 miles for several minutes. Significant lag over water control/golems at the 1000 miles mark, reduced effectiveness of golems after 50 miles.

POTENTIAL DANGERS: Bobby who has similar power set but greater mastery over ice. Hostile Psychics/Telepaths could try and seize control over my body/mind or powers. Superior numbers of mutants, nukes, electricity, poison, energy attacks. Problematic subconscious/unconscious water control. Mist state has risk of mental fragmentation. While phasing helps to slow down mental fatigue, each phase has diminishing returns and after 10 phases had complete power loss for a couple of hours.

STATS Averages 5 foot 10 high with 6 inch cock with ability to upgrade to 9 inch and 11 inch.


********************************************* ALIAS: Onyx POWER TYPE: Polymorph- Rock POWER POTENTIAL: 3? RANGE: 2 CURRENT APPLICATION: 2 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Increased physical strength and endurance. Unknown type of rock rates 3 out of 5 on toughness scale.

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to hand 6/10, Gun 6/10, Staff 5/10.

STATS 6 foot 3 (usually) to 7 foot midnight black increased body mass/strength, 10 – 14 inch cock, large, broad shoulders and muscular, brown eyes, sandy brown hair

DISPOSITION: Friendly (Sex 9/10) TEMPERAMENT: Dependable

************************************** NAME: Luke ALIAS: Quicksand or Avalanche (unsure) POWER TYPE: Geokinesis, POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 4? CURRENT APPLICATION: ranges from 3 to 4 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Control over sand, compacting of sand into rock, breaking rocks into sand, increasing density of rock, minor earth quakes and construction of rock buildings.

SKILLS: Leadership COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to hand 7/10, Staff 6/10, Gun 4/10

STATS 6 foot blond, blue eyed, defined muscular build, 9 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Friend (Sex 9/10) TEMPERAMENT: Confident and self-assured (usually)

************************************** ALIAS: Spark POWER TYPE: Electric discharge POWER POTENTIAL: 3 RANGE: 3 CURRENT APPLICATION: low 3 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Electric bolts from hands, siphoning off excess energy into generator, secondary effect of starting fires sometimes.

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to hand 6/10, Staff 5/10, Gun 6/10.

STATS 5 foot 11, brown hair, average build, 7 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Friendly (Sex 7/10) Temperament: Outgoing, sarcastic humor

************************************* NAME: Peter POWER TYPE: Duplication POWER POTENTIAL: 4? RANGE: 2.5 requiring touch to activate CURRENT APPLICATION: 3? OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Duplication of inorganic and organic material

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 6/10, Staff 7/10, Gun 6/10

STATS 5 foot 8, slim build, 6 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Friendly (Sex 6/10) TEMPERAMENT: Shy, quiet

****************************************** NAME: Paul POWER TYPE: `reinforcement' POWER POTENTIAL: 3-4? RANGE: 2.5 touch activated CURRENT APPLICATION: 3 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Increasing durability of furniture, projectiles and walls.

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 6/10, Staff 6/10, Gun 7/10

STATS 6 foot, solid build, beer can thick 8 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Problematic (sex 8/10) TEMPERAMENT: Typically sullen (Personality 2/10)

***************************************** ALIAS: Scale POWER TYPE: Mutation based reptilian with narcotic/paralyzing abilities, minor regeneration POWER POTENTIAL: 2? RANGE: 2.5 requires physical interaction to be effective CURRENT APPLICATION: 2 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Paralyzing large groups of human soldiers with saliva, narcotic cum, above average reflexes

SKILLS: Technological improvisation COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 8/10, Staff 9/10, Gun 8/10.

STATS 5 10, greenish, reptilian, diphalia- 2 x 7 inches

DISPOSITION: Friend (sex 9.5/10) TEMPERAMENT: Initially withdrawn with `passers' but has become friends with Spark

******************************************* NAME: Grace ALIAS: Gaia POWER TYPE: Bio acceleration - Plants POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 3 CURRENT APPLICATION: 2.5 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Accelerating plant growth

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 5/10, Staff 5/10, Gun 5/10

DISPOSITION: Hero-worships me apparently TEMPERAMENT: Friendly

********************************************* ALIAS: Centaur POWER TYPE: Mutant based- increased speed, strength POWER POTENTIAL: 2 RANGE: NA CURRENT APPLICATION: 2 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Faster than human speed, strength and stamina

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 7/10, Staff 8/10, Gun 7/10.

STATS 6 foot 4, human half muscular build, bottom half unknown brown horse type, 18 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Friendly (Sex 7/10, humongous cock, brief)

********************************************* NAME/ALIAS: Cornelius POWER TYPE: Mutation based- increased strength/agility POWER POTENTIAL: 2 RANGE: N/A CURRENT APPLICATION: 2 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Smash and dodge golems

SKILLS: Acrobatic 7/10 COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 6/10, Staff 7/10, Gun 7/10.

STATS 5 foot 9, brown fur, average build, 8 ½ cock

DISPOSITION: Friendly (Sex 7/10)

******************************************** ALIAS: Dryad POWER TYPE: mutation based- increased durability POWER POTENTIAL: 2 RANGE: NA CURRENT APPLICATION: 2 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Increased endurance to physical blows, toughness rates a 2 out of 5

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 4/10, Staff 5/10, Gun 8/10.


STATS 5 foot 10, greyish brown bark like skin and hair, 7 ½ cock

DISPOSITION: Friendly (Sex 7/10)

******************************************** ALIAS: Quicksilver POWER TYPE: Exceptional speed POWER POTENTIAL: 3? RANGE: 3? CURRENT APPLICATION: 3 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Moving at incredible speeds to perform simple functions, punch, kick, dodge, fuck at super speeds.

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand 8/10, Staff 8/10, Gun 7/10.

STATS 6 foot 2, black hair, streaks of silver on face and body, lean build, 7 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Friendly (sex 7/10) TEMPERAMENT: Haphazard


Morlock Adult

NAME: Orb POWER TYPE: Energy projection POWER POTENTIAL: 3 RANGE: 3 CURRENT APPLICATION: 3 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Corruption and destruction of golem

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DISTANT ALLIES

NAME: Sean POWER TYPE: Psychic 4, Telekinetic 3 POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 4 – Low 5 (with Cerebro) CURRENT APPLICATION: mid 4 OBSERVED USE OF POWERS: Psychic - linking with me and Mike to use both our powers, ex corporeal excursions, telepathic communication, psychic shielding (of self and others), mental programming, mental probes, memory replay, memory scanning, psychic detection. Telekinesis – moving objects, blasts of telekinetic energy.

STATS 5 foot 11, black hair, average build, 8 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Confidante, best friend, psychic trainer (Sex 10/10- telepathic versatile) TEMPERAMENT: Intelligent, introspective

*************************************** NAME: Mike POWER TYPE: Psychic POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 3? CURRENT APPLICATION: 3.5 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Makes himself invisible' to physical and psychic detection by broadcasting a not here' psychic signal.

PERSONAL LIMITATION: Inexperienced at maintaining mental camouflage POWER LIMITATION: touch negates `invisibility'

STATS 5 foot 8, black hair, slim build, 8 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Competition for horniest bottom at the Mansion (Sex 9/10) TEMPERAMENT: Secretive, mischievous and borderline insatiable in the bedroom

************************************** ALIAS: Vader POWER TYPE: Polymorph - Shadow POWER POTENTIAL: 3-4? RANGE: 2.5 needs physical contact to be effective offensively CURRENT APPLICATION: 3 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Phasing in and out of shadow form, shadow form ranks about a 4 in toughness

POWER LIMITATIONS: Energy blasts probably have a negative effect and is limited to physical proximity and doesn't spread long distance physical attacks while in form would have no effect, knives, guns, etc. No increased strength as a result of the change in form. Can't maintain form for long.

STATS 5 foot 6, black hair, slim build, 11 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Friendly acquaintance (Sex 8/10) TEMPERAMENT: Cocky

**************************************** ALIAS: Eaves POWER TYPE: Mutation based mobility (sticks to walls), super hearing POWER POTENTIAL: 3 RANGE: 3 CURRENT APPLICATION: 3 OBSERVED USE OF POWERS: Clinging to walls, audio surveillance of 2 mile area

STATS 13 year old? 5 foot 3, brown hair, slim build.

DISPOSITION: Initially grumpy settled down into a friendly source of information. TEMPERAMENT: Incorrigible gossip,

************************************************** NAME: Piotr ALIAS: Colossus POWER TYPE: Polymorph- metal POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: NA CURRENT APPLICATION: 4 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Increased strength, durability. Toughness of upgraded form ranks a 4

STATS 6 foot 4, muscular build, 8 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Work out buddy (Sex 8/10) TEMPERAMENT: Friendly

***************************************************** ALIAS: Wolverine POWER TYPE: Regeneration 4, enhanced senses 3, claws 4.5 RANGE: NA CURRENT APPLICATION: 4 POWER POTENTIAL: 4? OBSERVED USE OF POWERS: Heightened sense of smell, increased stamina, passive healing. Toughness of Adamantium skeleton ranks a 4.5

PERSONALITY LIMITATIONS: tends to treat every fight the same, rushes in and attacks POWER LIMITATIONS: healing is involuntary, still feels pain.


STATS 6 foot 2, black hair, 9 inch cock (Sex 9.5/10 extra point for endurance)

DISPOSITION: Power Top, Powerful regenerative mutant pin cushion TEMPERAMENT: Aggressive Loner type

******************************************** NAME: Cyclops POWER TYPE: Energy projection – Optic Blasts POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 4 CURRENT APPLICATION: 4 OBSERVED USE OF POWERS: Adjusting strength of optic blasts to damage, heat and destroy various substances.

PERSONAL LIMITATIONS: Weird father/son mentor/student relationship with Xavier. POWER LIMITATIONS: Can't destroy adamantium/blast through ruby quartz, one directional attack.

COMBAT SKILLS: hand to hand 10/10, staff 10/10

STATS 5 foot 10, black hair, 8 inch cock

DISPOSITION: Disappointed Mentor type combat (Sex 8/10) TEMPERAMENT: Moral leader/role model (usually)

********************************* NAME: Storm POWER TYPE: Weather Control POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 4 CURRENT APPLICATION: 4 OBSERVED USE OF POWERS: Rain, lightning, mist, wind

DISPOSITION: Former teacher/Danger Room Combatant TEMPERAMENT: Quiet with a snarky humor

***************************************** NAME: Rogue POWER TYPE: Power Absorption POWER POTENTIAL: 4-5 RANGE: 2.5 CURRENT APPLICATION: 3? OBSERVED USE OF POWERS: (second hand reports) of borrowing Wolverine's, Magneto's, Pyro's and Bobby's powers.

DISPOSITION: Unknown TEMPERAMENT: Withdrawn, insecure, stupid

***************************************** NAME: Bobby ALIAS: Iceman POWER TYPE: Cryokinesis POWER POTENTIAL: 5 RANGE: 3 (currently) CURRENT APPLICATION: 3.5 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Ice constructions, ice mastery, freezing

PERSONAL LIMITATIONS: Seems happy to stagnate at the Mansion for the indefinite future.

DISPOSITION: Friendly TEMPERAMENT: Friendly, outgoing and honest

***************************************************** NAME: Lachlan ALIAS: Lullaby POWER TYPE: Sonic based POWER POTENTIAL: 4? CURRENT APPLICATION: 3.5 RANGE: 3 OBSERVED USE OF POWER Hum weakens, shouts creates sonic blasts and song causes sleep

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Potential enemies

NAME: Xavier POWER TYPE: Psychic POWER POTENTIAL: 4 – high 5 (with Cerebro RANGE: 4-5 (With Cerebro) CURRENT APPLICATION: High 4, to high 5 (with Cerebro) OBSERVED USE OF POWER: Psychic detection, telepathic communication, psychic neutering, memory wiping, memory replay, psychic attack. (second hand reports) Mind and Body hijacking.

PERSONAL LIMITATIONS: old, physically weak, limited mobility and mediocre mutant principal. POWER LIMITATIONS: Telepathic abilities can be blocked by other psychics/magic helmet, mutants are harder to control on average than humans and have little to no effect on inorganics.

DISPOSITION: Dangerous Telepath TEMPERAMENT: Secretive Puppet Master, Hypocrite and mental rapist.

************************************************ ALIAS: Magneto POWER TYPE: Metal Control/ Magnetism POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 4 CURRENT APPLICATION: Highly experienced 4 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: (Second hand reports) control over the metal of cars/guns/bullets

PERSONAL LIMITATIONS: mutant supremacist with poor taste in allies, poor military tactics POWER LIMITATIONS: Useless without metal to control

************************************************ ALIAS: Pyro POWER TYPE: Fire control POWER POTENTIAL: 4 RANGE: 3 CURRENT APPLICATION: 4 OBSERVED USE OF POWER: (Second hand reports) increasing flame size for fiery attacks,

PERSONAL LIMITATIONS: hot head (ironically enough), limited combat experience POWER LIMITATIONS: Can't create fire

Next: Chapter 23: Avalon 4

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