
By wayne unknown

Published on Dec 12, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Used a bunch of real world stuff in this chapter. Brief mention of Avatar the Last Airbender. Still don't own that show. Brief mention of Downsies a real coin shop in Melbourne, no affiliation or real world knowledge of any of the staff. Possibly tasteless reference to Jim Bacon and Honey Bacon. Real world people covered only because they're theoretical celebrities in this time period. Brief mention of the nudist group Cairn's sun boys, no offense meant with their inclusion.

Story terminology

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

::Within the psychic landscape::

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ Person involved:: and end with :: ::

'golems' = 6 foot tall ice golems with broad shoulders. Medium speed and power

'Onyx golems'= 7 foot tall ice golems. Slow but powerful hitters

proxies: ice copies of Victor's body (neutered for decency) used to do personal mutant errands

******************************************************************* Authors Note

I was tempted to split this chapter in half because it got a little long with with the talk and sex but I want to move forward to the next actual chapter which details the birth of Avalon.

Plot summary... Victor struggles against the consequences of his choices. A lot of stuff happens in this chapter plot wise. Valuable lessons are learned (maybe?) and filthy depraved sex is had. Medical-ness and politics happen. Also treasure :P lol


I woke up screaming from a nightmare where Luke glared at me shouting "IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M DEAD" his face rotting away revealing a sinister grinning skull, then he reached out with skeleton arms to strangle me. It took a few minutes to settle after that disturbing nightmare. Apparently seeing all those human skeletons at the bottom of the sea during my sense cylinder experiment yesterday had been more traumatizing than I realized at the time. I decided to go check on Luke in person to make sure he's okay.

I flew out to the hospital in an ice sphere, cushioned by water, fully dressed, arriving at 9 am and landed behind the hospital. I made my way to Luke's room which had two hospital guards blocking the door. They give me a once over and call out to Peter. Peter came out looking worn down from a long night watching over Luke. "He's my son's friend, let him in". They make way for me and I walked into the room and Luke looks a little healthier than last night, snoring softly.

"How is he?"

"I don't know," looking distraught, "I'm worried, the doctors are saying to wait until he wakes up to see the extent of his injury. I know what that could mean." He pulled me in for a hug, crushing me against his muscled chest, I whimper a little in pain and he eases off a little, hands sliding down my back keeping us close. It's comforting having his arms around me.

"Don't worry, whatever happens I'll be there to bring him back. Whatever it takes."

He pulls back looking concerned. "How so?"

"Well I already brought him back from the dead once; if necessary I'll do it again."

"I died?" Luke croaked from his bed.

We turned to look at him and I explained "Just for 30 seconds, technically Spark restarted your heart while I re-inflated one of your lungs."


"Um ..." I say not sure what he's talking about.

"I'll call for a nurse." Peter pressed the call button and then he looked at me. "Hell I forgot about you there. They asked a lot of questions about you after they finished the surgery. You should leave". I glanced around, my clothes making a quick escape problematic. I shift to water dragging myself and my clothes and shoes under the bed just as a doctor, 2 security guards and a nurse come in. I activated an `eye' in the room.

A security guard asks "Where did that other guy go?"

"He already left." Peter lied. "Didn't you see him walk out?"

The security guards exchanged a confused look.

The doctor and nurse walked over to Luke.

"My name is Jonathon and I'm your doctor. How are you feeling?"

Luke repeats "Water."

The nurse said "I'll go get you some ice chips honey to suck on."

Luke lies back on the bed, looking tired as Jonathon checks Luke's chart. The nurse returned and Luke sucked on an ice chip.

Jonathon asked "Did that help?" Luke nods. The doctor asks a bunch of questions about his general health which Luke answers while I think unpleasant thoughts about the janitors and their apparent disinterest in cleaning under the bed. I fiddle with my clothes as water, feeling like an idiot, hiding out as an amorphous puddle under the bed.

Eventually the doctor gets around to doing a reflex test on Luke...

Jonathon asked "Do you want to be told the result privately?"

Luke said, "It doesn't matter."

The doctor spoke for a minute in incomprehensible medical jargon before getting to the real meat of the issue.

"You have paraplegia, paralysis in the legs as a result of your injury. It's hard to tell yet whether this will be a permanent effect of your injury due to damage to your spinal cord or a temporary effect due to bruising. We will be monitoring your condition closely as there is some risk that small bone and bullet fragments may travel through your body causing further injury. Unfortunately we have to wait and see as we've removed as many of the fragments as we could find. If you suffer any strange symptoms notify us immediately as it might help to locate a fragment and to minimize the long term consequences. We may have to do follow up surgeries to remove bone fragments, remove blood clotting and relieve pressure build up.

"Luckily for you the bullet didn't ricochet once it hit the spine otherwise there would be more significant internal damage.

"Due to federal regulations we have to report your involvement in a firearm incident so the authorities will be notified and the police will be in later to take your statement.

"During your admittance and post-surgery we ran some tests including blood tests and there were quite a few anomalies when treating you. We are aware that you are a mutant from the genetic markers when we tested your blood. However we aren't under any obligation to reveal that information. I would appreciate if you told me if there's... anything we should be aware of in regards to that. Can you do anything unusual?"

"I can sense and control sand. Does that matter?"

The doctor taking a deep breath "Anything else?"


"It's just that during the operation the surgeons noticed that you had no entry wound and your organs were in perfect physical condition. They couldn't explain it. Typically with gun-shot wounds the most difficult part is dealing with the internal injuries and blood loss. Your case was made more complicated by your unusual reaction during surgery and early tests that came back with strange results. During surgery we had to clamp the incision to keep it open as your body actively fought against our efforts to cut into you to remove the bullet. Your mutant physiology may be partially responsible. We don't get a lot of mutants in your age bracket, on rare occasions we get 13 year olds who are brought in by their parents with strange skin conditions. This is our first time operating on a mutant gun-shot wound victim.

"I had to ask as it wasn't long ago that a mutant survived a gun-shot wound to the head after an altercation with police. I heard military jets were scrambled afterwards. It's a medical oddity. We checked the description and it was a man in his mid- 30's with dark hair and muscular build with mutton chops. I mention this since as the oldest mutant this hospital has treated we're not as knowledgeable about how your mutant physiology will react to treatment methods and this type of injury. We ended up giving you 4 times the dose of anesthetics to keep you sedated. Your body seems to be metabolizing and processing drugs 3 times the speed of the average patient so we're going to give you a larger than normal dose of corticosteroids. Considering your robust immune system now, we're not sure it's necessary but it is standard practice in this type of case to reduce the swelling in the spinal region.

"We'll also provide you with literature later with info sheets about this condition and various support organizations that can help in the rehabilitation process.

"I can't guarantee anything but with your robust mutant physiology and barring any unforeseen complications and with rehabilitation and proper care there is a good chance you can regain most functionality."

Peter Hale says "I'll get you the best treatment son." Luke says nothing just closes his eyes. "Can I have a moment alone with my son?"

Everyone leaves and I reform into proper shape inside my clothes, shifting to flesh. "I'm sorry Luke. I forgot about leaving an entry wound for that bullet when I fixed the damage from the other bullets."

"Other bullets?" Peter asked.

"Um yeah he had 4 others but those went through him mostly though I did nudge one out. I fixed all the internal stuff I could but I didn't want to touch the bullet near the spine because it was lodged in deep. I only had 3 go through me."

"WHAT?" Luke semi shouts before slumping back on the bed, drained from that effort.

"I got shot too but all my organs were liquid at the time so it didn't matter much, then I became a blizzard slicing through those soldiers because I was pissed. Then I went back and fixed you. "

"How did you know what to do?" Peter asks

"I had already memorized his body scan from the Mansion for other reasons." I now had two pairs of blue eyes trained on me in confusion. "Because I copied his cock..."

"Oh" they both said with varying emphasis.

"Victor, I owe you for saving my life."

"That's what friends are for. Sean was always bailing my ass out of trouble. I figure it's only fair to help you out. Anyway I'm going to leave you two alone to work stuff out. When the cops ask, say that you can't remember anything about the shooting."

I cause a brief distraction using moisture to press down on a nearby water fountain's trigger spraying water on the floor. I kept the water pouring for a minute before turning the large puddle into mist throughout the hallway and I sneak out the door as the guards are blinded.

I pop by the frost fort sending a surge of raw power into the ice, before creating a large ice dome over the place to keep the others safe as I go back home to talk to my Mom.

I speed towards the practice Mom works at, needing my Mom to comfort me and most importantly to give me the information necessary to help Luke recover completely. I ratchet up speed in increments travelling as a large ice blob surrounding clothes scouting ahead with `eyes' as I rushed towards Mom. After all the practice lately dragging along a gigantic frost fort filled with mutants, moving myself was easy... I hit a high speed of 500 miles and I arrived in my home town within 2.5 hours. I reformed within my clothes and shoes just off to the side of Mom's practice in the car park.

I go up to the front counter with Gladys who's 60 and a pillar of the community, working as the clinic receptionist since the 70's. I've known her my entire life; she used to babysit for me and my sister when we were younger. She gives me this odd look and I look around and everyone is staring at me and the reason I ran away comes flooding back. Small towns gossip and everyone must know I'm a mutant by now and were treating me like a freak show attraction. I ignored it, too preoccupied to deal with it, "I need to see my mom. It's an emergency."

"She's in with a patient. I'll let her know that you're waiting. Take a seat."

Gladys's coldness towards me hurts after all those times as a child when she used to bake me fresh choc chip cookies while she babysat us.

I gave her an assessing look, thinking how far away my comparatively trouble free childhood was. I used to be just a smart kid with a sweet tooth and now I'm alienated from the majority of humanity by being a gay class 5 mutant.

I couldn't even blame her for the distance I felt between us now. The last month had changed me in so many ways. I felt myself drifting further and further from who I used to be on a daily basis. Depending on the day or hour I'd go from feeling sad/scared/anxious to wondering how far I could push myself. I tried not to think about it too much.

I sighed and buried my anger and hurt. I waited for 5 minutes surrounded by the whispering and muttering people before Mom came out.

"Hi Mom."

"Are you okay bambino?" (Mothers are so good at making you feel like you're 5 again which gets irritating after 5 seconds)

I hug her ignoring that thought trying to find comfort in her familiar embrace. "Not really."

"What's wrong?"

I felt the other people staring at me. "I need your help to fix something. Can we talk in your office?"

"Sure Bambino." I roll my eyes behind her back (the affectionate nickname felt wrong considering everything I'd been through) as she walks to her office in front of me. "What do you need?"

"I need your medical expertise. A friend of mine got shot and his spine got damaged, he's paralyzed in the legs and I need to fix him."

"Why was he shot?" I ignored that question and pulled down the medical books from her shelf flicking through their pages at random, looking for information about spines at a rapid pace. "I'm sorry baby boy but with spinal injury sometimes there's nothing anyone can do but hope and pray. Do you know whether it was a spinal cord injury or a vertebrae injury?"

"Um no. Give me a second I'll find out."

I sent a thought flicking via mental arrow towards Luke's location. He was asleep on his bed strapped to the bed with his dad sleeping nearby on a chair. An unknown woman was watching over Luke from another chair, presumably his mother, she didn't look like what I'd imagined. She had platinum blond hair, cut shoulder length and was dressed elegantly in an expensive designer outfit as if she got called away from a gala event. I tried to lift his chart subtly with ambient water moisture but she noticed and gasped. Peter startled awake in his chair looking towards his wife and then at the floating chart that I was flicking through as fast as I could for the relevant information.



I found the information and dropped the chart and turned around disconnecting from that `eye'. "Impact to the L4, causing injury to the lumbar region causing minor swelling and paralysis. Spinal traction is suggested to limit movement of potential bone and metal fragments as a temporary measure, prognosis is positive, complications from fragmentation require close monitoring of condition." I repeated from the chart.

Mom said "I'm not even going to ask Vittorio. Well that's some good news the lower the injury is on the spine the less severe the effects are. The closer to the neck the more risk there is of brain damage. How old is your friend?"

"He turned 18 not too long ago."

"Well if he's young and healthy he should be able to adjust to the permanent damage. As long as he remains under medical observation and limits physical activity for the next few months and engages in the recommended physiotherapy, he hopefully should be able to walk within in the next month or two though he won't have the same mobility as he used to."

"That's not good enough!"


"Sorry mom." I sighed deflating into a dark depression. "I need to fix him mom, he wouldn't have been hurt if he didn't follow me and I can't live with the guilt if he doesn't make a full recovery. If I got rid of the bone fragments and metal fragments would he heal faster?"

"Bambino you're talking nonsense. Settle down. The doctors will remove the fragments once they find them. Usually that doesn't happen until symptoms occur from them impacting on another region."

"I'm going to fix him and I'm not letting anything stop me." I flicked from book to book, reading everything I could about the human body, diseases and symptoms.

"Honey, tell me what happened."

"We got shot by the military on Luke's farm and I didn't know what to do about the bullet in his spine."

Mom pulled me to her frantic. "Where were you shot?"

I pointed at my stomach and said "here" and she yanked up my shirt "and there" pointed to my heart "and there" to my lung.

She shoved me hard in the chest leaving a red palm print behind "Don't scare your mother like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I'm a mutant Mom; my life stopped being typical a long time ago. I got shot 3 times and Luke got shot 5 times and I fixed up his internal injuries with my power."

She looked doubtful.

I sighed and shifted to water streaming through my clothes circling around the room as my Mom looked on spinning in place to keep track of me. I streamed back into my discarded clothes as a puddle, stretching upwards to reform inside my clothes. I lifted up my shirt revealing my smooth unblemished skin free from her palm print. "When I get injured, I turn to water and when I change back my injuries disappear."

Mom gasped. The intercom buzzed interrupting and Gladys asked, "Stella there are patients waiting. How long will you be?"

"Go on with your work Mom. I'm going to do some research here so I can ask you questions when I need clarification."

"Can I buzz the next patient in?" Gladys asked. Mom looked unsure.

"Go on I'm going to read the books for a bit." I flicked through the books using hands' and eyes' and sent a thought home, using hands' and eyes' to access every computer in the house to use the internet to find out everything I could about spinal injuries and other related conditions. Reading through 5 medical books and using 4 computers simultaneously didn't even feel like a strain after my recent efforts with golems and the `sense cylinder'.

Mom said "Send in the next patient."

Mr. Willis walks in and I turn around and give him a smile "Morning Mr. Willis, don't mind me, I'm just doing some extra credit research."

He stared in shock at the floating books. I gave him a quick internal scan to make sure his heart doesn't give out or something, he's like 50 something, his heart rate is a little high but seemed to be okay. I turned back flicking through the books having noticed something odd about him.

Mom says "Ignore him. How can I help you today Mr. Willis."

He sits down slowly "It's my joints."

"Actually it's gout." They both turn to look at the back of my head. "He's got a build-up of crystallized uric acid in his big toe. It's a textbook case of podraga." I point to one of the medical textbooks "That textbook in particular. I can fix it in like 30 seconds if he takes off his right shoe."

They both look at me with alternating confusion and suspicion. (A familiar and depressing reaction.) "Or you could be prescribed a NSAID." I look up the drug type online and read more about it. "But you'd have to be on it for a couple of weeks. My way would have you fixed in a minute though you may be a bit sleepy afterwards, I'd suggest some sugar and a change of diet. Or not..."

I continue researching furiously, understanding things that I had overlooked before. I reached out via mental arrow to Luke and scanned his body deeply again now knowing what to look out for. I experienced a sort of mental whiplash, spreading pain throughout my body and mind. I grunted in pain, losing grip of eyes' and hands' dropping text books on the ground. I phased. "Sorry Mom." I said picking up one damaged book with an ironically dented spine. I'd overexerted myself scanning Luke 1300 miles away. (Something to think about later.)

"You're really a mutant, aren't you?"

"Yes Mr. Willis, would you like me to fix you?" He exchanged a look with my mom who shrugged bewildered.

"If you think you can help. I guess. What do I need to do?" He asked hesitantly.

"Just take off your right shoe and sock."


"So when I take out the crystallized uric acid it doesn't rip through your shoes and socks."

"Crystallized uric acid is microscopic and needs to be specially tested." Mom said.

I shrug resuming research undaunted "I can." Mr. Willis takes off his shoe and sock.

"Now what?"

"Close your eyes and think happy thoughts". I turn around focusing on his foot and reach inside and liquefy a small section of his foot and lift out the tiny crystals out along with a quarter of the uric acid remaining in his blood stream. Mom stared in shock as his foot returned to normal. I levitate the crystals towards me, the light glinting of it oddly and briefly, I liquefy the crystals dispelling the `water' into the air.

"Done. Mom can talk you through the diet stuff Mr. Willis."

I tried to ignore Mr. Willis's surprise about his joint feeling better and Mom talking him through diet stuff as I continued reading/researching.

(Turns out I fucked up by moving Luke when he was injured as he should have received medical care immediately). I sighed, depressed, flicking through a dozen books and the 4 computers trying to find a way to erase the damage I did through ignorance and desperation.

Mr. Willis and Mom left the room. A minute later Mom returns with another patient who's in her mid-30's and gives me a speculative look. I scan her, curious what her issue is.

Mom asks, "How can I help you?"

"I've been experiencing pain after meals."

"She's got a gall stone in her bile duct and a couple in her gall bladder." They both turn to look at me but the woman has a look of awe and Mom looks nervous. (That's a new reaction.)

"Can you fix me like you did Mr. Willis?" (Small towns, some people are known by everybody in town)

I send an `eye' to the waiting room and Mr. Willis is telling everybody about how I fixed him and how the pain is gone. I returned my attention to the look of hopeful expectation on this woman's face.

"Probably. Did you want me to remove just the stones or the gall bladder as well?"

Her hopeful look dims as she turns to Mom confused and Mom explains "The gall bladder sometimes produces gallstones for reasons we don't fully understand as of yet and when it does, the stones can clog the ducts and enter into the pancreas causing further problems. Sometimes the gall bladder needs to be removed in order to prevent more serious conditions such as infections and inflammations or blockages."

"What does the gall bladder do?" Woman asks.

"The gall bladder adds bile to break down fatty food, you can live life without one but you may need to reduce fat content in your diet if you do get it removed. Typically to remove the stones requires a procedure called an ERCP and the gall bladder removal is a cholecystectomy."

I research those surgery options, thinking about how I could use my power to do it instead.

"Stones out only," she said hesitant.

"Okay. Eye's closed, mouth open and thinks happy thoughts." She snorts, covering her mouth as her body shakes with suppressed laughter.

I realize how filthy that sounded. "I'm gay... "

She swallows her laughter and follows my instructions. I reach in and liquefy the stones sending them up through her digestive passage and out her mouth. I reform them in the air holding them with ambient moisture.

"Want to keep them as a souvenir?"

She looks at them and says "NO" vehemently.

I shrug and liquefy them again and disperse them into the air. I flick through all the books, skimming the pages memorizing the majority of the information.

"Nice to meet you and all but I have a friend to fix."

She takes the hint and leaves us. We sit in silence for a long moment before Mom spoke "Vittorio-"

I cut Mom off not sure I want to hear what she has to say about what I just did. "Thanks Mom for your help I should go. I've gotten what I need now. "

As I left her office, Mom trailed behind me. I walked into the waiting room and people looked at me with a mixture of wariness, curiosity and expectation.

"Hey..." I said to the room wondering if I would need to puddle away to avoid an angry mob situation.

I'm quickly surrounded by people oversharing their medical problems hoping for an easy fix to their problems. I scan them all, anxious to leave now before this gets any more out of hand. I've gone from freak to messiah in 20 minutes and the sudden shift in mood is worrying. I shift my arms to water and redirect the closest people into a line to the front counter.

^I'm going to make this quick. I've got somewhere I need to be so everyone stay calm, get into line and I'll see what I can do to fix you. ^

"Mom can you help me?"

"What do you need me for? " Mom asked her tone bitter.

"Your bed side manner. I'm not great with breaking things gently and you're the doctor and can prescribe them stuff to recover faster and I can't."

"Ok" she squares her shoulder and stands next to me while Gladys seems bewildered by today's events and I can't blame her for that either. It's weird for me too.

The first one is a woman in her 50's I whisper her condition to Mom and she goes off to examine her for a couple of minutes.

Meanwhile I redirect a dozen of the patients into a separate line. ^I'm sorry but whatever you have I can't diagnose at the moment. You'll probably need a blood test and some antibiotics to cover the bases. ^

Mom returns with the woman looking ashen.

"Did you want me to remove the tumor or just fix it?" I ask the woman

"Can you fix it?" She asks hope warring with cynicism on her face.

"Yeah I was just wondering if you wanted to keep it as a souvenir." She glared and I held up my hands up in mock surrender "Guess not." (I guess I had a weird relationship with my own body as I lost and gained mass at random and I was never quite sure of how much of me was the original me. So I may be strangely sentimental about losing bits.)

"This might hurt, close your eyes, hold your breath and think happy thoughts now" she did at least two of those and I liquefied the tumor, and reformed it as the same sort of flesh as in the other breast for consistency. "Done. You can breathe out now. Did that hurt?"

"It felt strange. Is it gone?"

"Yes but you might want to schedule an appointment for some chemo just in case."

She hugged me "You're a miracle worker. I don't feel any tenderness any more."

I went through another dozen patients, fixing hemorrhoids, liquefying someone's worms, repairing a small burn, a skin rash, arthritis and reducing the cholesterol buildup in one guy's heart.

The last one got awkward as the cholesterol turned to blood triggered a different sort of build-up of excess fluid and I had to quickly adjust to the internal surge by turning some of it back to water and pulling it out through his pores. (A very close call. I nearly caused another TIA and this guy wasn't a psychic rapist like Xavier.)

I gave Mom a hug finally understanding that quote about `Never being able to go home again.' My time at the Mansion had changed me and this town didn't feel like home but a trap.

Mom said "I don't who you are any more."

"No, but don't worry about it, neither do I."

I left before anyone else asked me for anything.

I left as a flying water orb around clothes from the clinic's automatic door, unconcerned about being seen using my powers.

I fly back to the hospital at top speed thinking through everything that happened and what I had learned. I arrived back at the hospital after a 2 hour journey.

I walked into the hospital and I take off my shoes in the hallway near Luke's room shifting to water folding my clothes and socks within me as I stream into the ventilation system. I reform inside my clothes at the foot of Luke's bed.

The 3 of them were in the midst of an argument. "I'm sorry am I interrupting? "

Luke said "Help me out Hound. They want to shove a catheter in me. "

Peter Hale replies with "It's only until they're sure they've got out all the fragments out of you."

His mother directing her comment to Luke "It's for the best dear."

"No way are they going to stick anything up my dick."

"Language Luke! I apologize for my son's behavior. I'm guessing you're the friend that convinced him to go out and buy a farm out in Kansas of all places and get shot. My husband tells me you saved his life. However since you put it in danger in the first place I'm not sure whether to thank you or yell at you. " she said hands on hips.

"I didn't –"

"I'm Liliane," she said, a well-manicured hand outstretched in greeting. I shook the offered hand, lost.

"Um, I can get rid of the fragments and then you won't need a catheter." I had 3 pairs of blue eyes staring at me.

"Do it!" Luke said.

"It might hurt for a few seconds."

"I don't care."

Liliane objected "I don't think this is a good idea." She looked towards Peter who didn't comment. I ignored them both, not needing their permission.

"Take a deep breath and think happy thoughts"

I locate each of the fragments again; a couple of them having migrated a little since I last scanned him and rip them out of him. He screamed and I patched up his insides covering up the holes left behind with new skin. "Fuck man, that hurt"

"Did you want to keep the shrapnel?"

They all look at me like I'm crazy and maybe I am. I levitate the shrapnel into my front pocket to look at later.

"Want help going to the bathroom? " I asked Luke.

"Maybe we should give the boys some privacy." Peter

"What was that Peter?" Liliane asked incredulous.

"Our boy has a good friend; we'll talk about it later."

They leave and I can hear their raised voices but I don't care enough to listen.

"I'm really starting to hate looking at that ceiling you know." I look up and it's just a bland white color, I'm not really sure how it could be offensive.

"Um okay. Did you need to go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah but I can't walk."

"I'll carry you." I wrap water around his thighs and chest, lifting him up and onto his feet. I wrap more water around his ankles, knees. I stand next to him, walking him over to the bathroom with a mixture of water rings around him and his arm around my neck leaning on me for support.

I hold him up with water, back turned as he does his business. "I don't feel good." I turn on the tap; using its water to encase him in a layer of water and floating him gently back to bed. I turn off the tap and walk back to Luke. I dispel the water around him into the air.

"Good news is I can still get an erection." He lifts his gown, idly stroking his half hard cock until it's fully grown. I'm speechless. "That water thing you just did felt really nice."

"So you're feeling better then?"

"Yeah. Standing up for so long made me feel lightheaded but lying on my back feels good." He said still stroking his cock. "Want to help me out with a BJ Hound?"

I look over at the door and I can see the backs of the two guards. "Um do you think that's a good idea?"

"I need to make sure my cock still works."

"I guess I could." I stream the water out of the toilet bowl and create a thin ice wall to block off access to half the room and hopefully muffle the sounds.

I lean over and lick the head of his cock and he moves his hand out of the way, I deep-throat his cock sucking and bobbing up and down. Despite the surroundings, Luke's hand on the back of my head and his quiet moans are getting me worked up, I rub at my cock, getting harder. "Ride me!" He demanded and I pulled off his cock, looking at him, his gown up above his abs. He'd been shaved for his operation and his cock looked even bigger than usual.

I shifted to water and streamed into the air before puddling onto Luke's lap. As an amorphous puddle I slid his hospital gown up around his arm pits, tweaking both of his nipples and stroking his cock. I resume a watery human form, shift back to flesh, straddling him with his cock buried in my ass, my fingers tweaking his nipples.

His cock burned within me, stretching me. "Fuck!"

He grabbed onto my butt with both hands squeezing hard. He slapped my bottom. "Yeah. Fucking ride me."

I lifted up slowly until only the head of his cock remained within me, I locked eyes with him as I sat back down, impaling myself on his cock again. Up and down. Up and down. Over and over. I took my time enjoying the twin sensations of near emptiness and fullness.

I needed to bury the image of him lying bleeding in the dirt and this helped.

Then he grabbed my cock and it was all downhill or up from there. I went wild, bucking up and down fast on his cock and in his grasp, kissing him hard as I tugged on his nipples hard as his other hand stroked my back. Then he grunted and blasted a load into me and I came hard moments later over his abs and the bandage over his stomach.

I stripped it off him revealing smooth skin beneath. Luke doesn't notice as his eyes are closed, breathing deeply. He'd fallen asleep.

I snuggle into his neck, his cock still hard inside me and join him for a nap.

I wake up to a knock on the ice wall. I check and it's Luke's Dad who's thankfully alone. I create an opening for him, sitting up, my movement wakes up Luke.

"Good to see you're feeling more yourself son." Peter fondled my butt before sliding a finger into me. I gasped and I could feel Luke hardening within me as my own cock hardened.

"Look my stomach is healed." Luke said pointing at his abs. Peter gave it a brief feel brushing against my cock in the process. The moment felt so sexually charged it was ridiculous.

"That's amazing." Peter said looking at me.

"Want a turn Dad?" Luke asked slapping my butt.

"Tempting as that offer is, your mother went to get us a hotel room nearby. We'll return in a few hours." Peter Hale leaves.

Luke's cock softened. "Ugh total mood killer." I puddled off him, the mention of his mother ruining my mood too, reforming inside my discarded clothes.


"That was hot though. So when did you learn how to do that thing before with the shrapnel?"


"And that thing where you came out of the vent?" He asked while pulling down his gown over his cock.


"Sounds like an eventful day."

"Yeah ... I wanted to fix you" I pull down his gown to cover him "so I went to talk to my mother and I learned a lot about medicine and diseases and human anatomy. I finally realized that my darkest power may be something I can use to help the world and more importantly help you to recover completely."

"I'm lost Hound but if you think you can fix me, go right ahead."

"This isn't going to be pleasant. I'm going to need to flip you over onto your stomach. Close your eyes and think happy thoughts." He closed his eyes and I use some of the water from the ice wall to flip him and lift the gown up over his butt.

"Victor, my legs aren't working but I can still feel my butt, you don't get a free pass to fuck me."

"Furthest thing from my mind at the moment."

"If you say so."

"Close your eyes and think happy thoughts while remaining quiet, I need to concentrate." I scan him again, reaching inside him with my power shifting the blood in the wrong place into water and seeping it out of him a little bit at a time out his rectal passage dispersing it into the air afterwards.

"That feels so weird."

"I'm fixing your internal bruising. Quiet." I finish clearing up the area around his spinal cord and phase. "Okay that's all I can do today. I'm going to need to work through the rest in stages. Are you feeling any better?"

"Feel more tired and I still can't move my legs."

"Hmm, that would be because you've technically lost some blood. You'll need some food and some rest to recharge and so do I. It's been a long day." I phased. Post-phase my power reserves down to 50 % strength. (Damn diminishing returns)

I trailed a finger down his leg while he was face down.

"Hey I can sort of feel that, it's like weak and tingly all at the same time. "

"Good. I'm going to head off and I'll come back tomorrow to repair the bone and work on tweaking the spinal cord when I'm at full strength."

"Can you get me out of here?"

"Where did you want to go?"

"Where everyone else is."

"I don't think your mom likes me. If I sneak you out, she'll definitely hate me."

"Dad likes you though and I'm 18 now. I can make my own decisions and I want to be with my friends and away from this boring room. I just need to be near earth and I can take care of myself."

"Okay then. I'll cause a distraction and walk you out."

I melted the ice wall sending the water back into the toilet bowl. I liquefy my major organs just in case as I walked past the confused guards.

"Where did you come from?" First guard asked

"I walked in, didn't you notice me?" I said with a jaunty little wave.

The second guard yelled out "STOP!" I kept walking. "The police want to talk to you."

I drew on the water in Luke's room, sliding it under his gown and under his armpits and around his chest and thighs. I had a small amount behind his knees and under his feet to help move him to his feet.

The guards followed after me. I ducked into a passage way and they pursued. I shifted into mist ditching my clothes.

I moved Luke like a puppet/golem down the hallway in the opposite direction moving him out of the hospital and stopping him near the garden bed outside. I encased his legs in a thin layer of ice to keep him upright as I redirected my full attention to evading the guards.

The guards discovered my discarded clothes on the floor and double back to Luke's room trying to find me. I shifted back to water puddling into my clothes reforming and ran out to pick up my shoes. They weren't there. (Grr)

I ran out barefoot to discover Luke clad in dirt from a hole in the garden bed and my ice shattered on the floor around him.

"That's new. When did you learn how to do that?" I asked.

"During my holiday, lots of beaches out in Australia and the weather wasn't always cooperative so I had some time to kill."

"Well good news then we're heading off to Australia; you can work on your tan and earth control there."

"Where to? Brisbane?"

"Um Tasmania?"

"Where's that?"

"Island state off the bottom of the country."

Luke shrugs. "Where we off to?"

"I left the fort parked off the coast of New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico."


I drew in water covering my clothes in ice as I turned to water and entangled Luke in a layer of water.

"Don't. I can do it myself." I reabsorb the water into me as he lifts off the ground floating. "Where to?"

"Nice work. Follow me then."

I lift off moving slowly unsure how fast Luke could fly after me; he didn't move that fast going about roughly 30 mph.

He started lagging after 10 minutes.

He shouted out "VICTOR!"

I fell back streaming around him as he started plummeting out of the sky, dirt dropping from him. I pulled him out of free fall and lost grip on my clothes in the process. I had to stop on the ground until I found my clothes. "Here you wear this," I handed him my clothes "You can look after them."

He put them on, ditching the hospital gown. He looked hot in my clothes. He was bigger than me so my clothes clung to his body, making his biceps, pecs and crotch look huge.

"FUCK. I can't do anything right lately. Grace is right you are a hero."

"I wouldn't go that far. I came really close to giving a random a stroke today and yesterday I castrated a soldier and 25 people bailed on me. Heroes don't have people abandoning them. Also I'm broke and naked again. "

"Sounds like I missed a lot while I was out of it."

"I guess. Nothing really fun. I'm sorry but I don't think we can stay at the farm for a while until things cool down a bit."

Luke sighed. "Doesn't matter I'll just ask Dad to find me a property manager until things settle down. Who left?"

I ran through the list of deserters as I shielded him with my water/ice body picking up speed back to the others. ^So why does Grace think I'm a hero? ^

"For a smart guy you sure can be stupid sometimes. You saved her from soldiers with guns. If you were straight she'd probably be all over you but luckily for me you're a cock hound and everyone knows it."

^Yeah...^ The fact that he's sort of inside me amuses and arouses me a little and I slide a trickle of water into the very tight jeans, wrapping around his dick.. ^I'm a definite fan of your cock. So when did you learn to fly? ^

"On holiday too. I copied you. Lachlan told me you could lift yourself up by controlling ice so I gave it a whirl with earth and it worked. I didn't fall out of the sky then. "

"Not your fault, you're recovering from a serious injury. You just need to regain your strength."

"I wanted to impress Grace with my mutant power instead I got angry and didn't think."

"You weren't the only one to get angry yesterday."

"Yeah but you were more prepared for things to go wrong."

"Yeah because I'm used to everything being a mess."

We returned to find half of the mutant population swimming outside, one of the walls broken.

I reformed next to him upon landing and escorted him to his room with as much of his stuff that I could salvage from the property.

Grace got him food and tucked him into bed and I left. I grabbed some of the duplicate candies from Peter for him to snack on afterwards and left them by his bedside.

I restored the wall and surrounded the frost fort within an ice sphere within a mist cloud. I plotted a direct course to Tasmania that would be about 9000 miles.

I lifted us up and we traveled around 150 miles an hour for several hours over Mexico and the North Pacific Ocean stopping midway between Mexico and Hawaii.

I created 30 golems before sleep exhausted after a very long day. I ask Scale to do golem duty, to check that they behave.


I go visit Luke early in the morning and I scan him and do some restoration of his spinal cord requiring a few phases as it is very intensive work. Afterwards he has limited mobility in his legs. I fetch him a branch staff to use as a cane if necessary and I give him a bucket full of sand so he can armor up if he didn't feel up to that.

Group training 7 am to 8 am (10 minutes tai chi, 30 minutes staff training, 10 unarmed combat, 10 minute tai chi)

Then I go off to my castle to drive the fort for the next several hours as I work through Cyclops exercise program.

We take a pit stop at 1pm several miles away from the coast of Hawaii. I send the others off to enjoy themselves as recent events have been stressful. I handed Scale the rest of my cash to restock our supplies and Luke one upped me by giving Grace his credit card to use to buy whatever she wanted. I told everybody to back in 3 hours.

"You may have better powers but I have more money."

"Can't argue with that, you're also hotter than me." I said. He smirked.

He rested on his cane as he waved the others off as I provided them an ice floe trip to the coastline of the major island. Luke went back to sleep. Even though I could replace flesh, his body had to replace the lost electrical energy and probiotic life itself. Luke needed lots of sleep and high sugar content to recover to full strength. While Luke sleeps I spend my time working on improving my sense cylinder ability to spread out further and maintain it for longer. The effort requires quite a few phases to compensate for the mental strain.

I use a few `eyes' to keep track of the others as they spread out and enjoy the beaches and the friendly atmosphere.

The peace is broken when I spot 2 Jet planes heading straight for the fort.

I reinforced the ice dome with dozens of internally condensed ice layers. They swoop down out of the air a couple of minutes later, firing off 2 missiles each at the dome before regaining altitude. One half of the dome cracks and splinters in the resulting explosion destabilizing the other half so it topples over. I slow its momentum but not fast enough to prevent damage to several buildings including the one Luke is in, he's knocked out of bed.

^Luke armor up. Maximum strength. We're under attack again. ^

The planes double back and I'm furious.

I mist upwards far above the remaining half of the ice dome, drawing on my rage to strengthen my power. Millions of gallons of water stream out of the ocean at my will. I redirect it into restoring and tripling the durability of the ice dome.

Through `eyes' I track the return of the planes (F16's) and dig deeper into my power reserves to bend the ocean to my will. I mist down into the ocean, becoming one with it and dredging from its depth a manifestation of my fury. (Like Aang did at the end of season one of Avatar.)

From out of the ocean I bring forth a thousand foot real world version of PROTEUS-my mental avatar. It has become me and yet I'm also present in every drop of water within a 2 mile radius watching from a distance. My giant minion stands with the ice domed frost fort between its legs, ready to protect it from further attacks. Its body rippling becoming ice/water/mist at random, hands clenching and unclenching at its side, inhuman fingers twitching impatiently.

The planes return to fire repeatedly into my watery mass and the explosions hurt in a distant way, the fire and sound rippling into my new body but I'm too large and infuriated for it to matter much. The jets try and veer upwards to dodge me.

They're fast little flies but I grab each of them in an inhuman watery hand, my watery fingers entangling around them, developing razor sharp ice ridges which squeeze and crush with relentless and ruthless precision puncturing through the metal. I rip apart the planes piece by piece, an ice spike digging into the cockpit console; I break off the wings and tail fins leaving only a dented and damaged fuselage. I stream some of myself into the fuselage, forming proxies inside to the consternation of the scared pilots.

Using the two proxies as mouth pieces I broadcast the same message to both of them ^Water is patient wearing down the World.^ The proxies step forward their arms morphing into tentacles entangling around the pilots before freezing into icy ropes covering their bodies. I continue less calmly ^Personally though I'm fucking sick of being harassed and attacked just because I'm a mutant. I will not tolerate attacks on myself or my friends again. This is your last warning. Next time someone tries to attack me or my friends Violence will be met with Violence and I will have my pound of flesh. Do not fuck with me! ^

I dump the broken planes on the shore of a small crescent shaped island absent of people (Lehua).

I seek out the others and air-lift them back to the frost fort along with all the stuff they had purchased. I grabbed all the wreckage from the planes and store it in one of the empty rooms of my castle.

I step out of Proteus, returning back to my castle and released my hold on the ocean and let the giant Proteus sink back into the ocean. I lifted us off till we were hovering 400 feet above the sea and I redirected half the layers of the ice dome below the frost fort fusing it together to make a tough ice sphere. We sped off at a fast 250 miles per hour. I practiced small bursts of localized `sense cylinders' as I go along to make sure no other planes are incoming.

It was hard adjusting to being in my own body after the intense experience of becoming part of the ocean and having a 1000 foot golem as big as a medium-sized skyscraper under my control. My body felt too puny to hold the power within me. The sight of the slow sea traffic in the region irritated me.

I take a pit stop around 6pm as I notice something interesting on the bottom of the ocean during sensory exploration. I reach down into the watery depths struggling against the massive resistance of water pressure to lift out a water logged chest from a sunken ship. It takes 20 minutes of mental effort and a phase before I get it out and bring it back to my castle. The chest is filled with hundreds of large gold coins.

To celebrate I skewer a small school of 20 fish with ice spikes and get Spark to cook them with his power. It takes 5 fish before Spark figures out the right voltage to flash fry them so they're edible.

7pm to 8 pm group training.(Training with the stolen M4 Carbines Assault Rifles, now everyone had a gun of their own with a 5 minute live firing exercise at ocean based golem targets from the ice walls.)

Late at night Luke limps over for a quickie, cuddle fucking me and falls asleep afterwards.

I watch him sleep for a while, thinking how fragile he still is and how I feel responsible for him and everyone else who has come along on this journey with me.


I wake up with Luke's arms still around me. I puddle out to run the 7 am to 8 am group training.

Afterwards I returned to my bed and gave Luke another dose of treatment. I escorted him back to his room so he could get more rest.

"That's about all I'm able to do." I told him after I tucked him in. "I've restored as much as I can but you're going to need lots of rest and some light to moderate exercise to rebuild your strength."


"You don't need to thank me. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been injured. Despite my efforts I don't know if you'll make a full recovery or not. "

"Victor. I'm not a child. I'm an adult and I made my own decision to join you because I agreed with you. I'm a mutant and I don't think that's something to be ashamed about. I want to show off my powers. I don't want to be like my dad who felt the need to hide his mutant powers for decades. You of all people should know how exhilarating this type of power is. Working on that farm, doing things no normal human could do, making the earth move to my will, it was incredible. Not being able to run is a small price since knowing you means I now know how to fly and I've really come to appreciate how awesome we can be."

I'm touched. I hug him. "Thanks I needed that. Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing."

He laughed. "I seldom ever know why you're doing stuff but the results are often entertaining. Seriously everyone has been talking about how you created a giant water man to protect me and I missed everything again. Next time there's a fight I'm going to be useful."

"I'd rather there were no more battles, that's why we're heading to Tasmania to get away from the army."

"Well I'm going to get stronger either way, just in case."


Spark and Scale finally get their mutant powered generator working and we have a couple of hours of electronic fun. I amuse myself by flicking through the learning terminal. A lot of stuff I already know but the history section gives me a fun idea.

I go to Luke's room. He's got a rock hovering in the air.

"Luke can you help me out with something?"

"As long as it doesn't require running. I'm in."

"No running. I need your earth bending skills."

"Okay cool." He walks slowly behind me with a slight limp.

I try something new, instead of fighting the force of gravity and water pressure to access the bottom of the ocean I siphoned out all the water in 3 foot round hole, preventing the ocean from filling it in with my will like a lazier Moses. I used the excess water to expand the frost fort again, doubling its size.

I dredge the ocean floor for mud incidentally disturbing some of the deep sea life. I wrap the mud in layers of water and dump it into the middle of a large expanse of empty ice in the frost fort. It looks like a giant turd which is unfortunate.

^Okay I'm going to direct the mud into a rough outline of what I want and then I want you to harden it. ^

Luke chuckles. "Yes sir" he saluted at me.

We spent the next couple of hours with me shaping the walls and draining the mud of moisture as Luke helped me turn the mud into walls a foot thick made of solid sandstone. Then I made rough steps and Luke evened them out for me.

After we built the coliseum both Luke and I were exhausted. I asked Paul to help reinforce the interior walls and seats.

The finished coliseum had a dirt floor arena the size of a football field with an outer track of slightly solidified sand for a running track surrounded by a head high internal wall with seating behind in ascending rows, suitable to seat over a thousand people comfortably. I top the internal wall with an internally condensed transparent ice wall just to protect the crowd as it is from shrapnel debris. I had my own small `emperor's box' with balcony so I could supervise my minions fight.

I phased and sent the frost fort off to the nearest island Vanuatu for Lunch. Everyone but Paul and I left the frost fort to scrounge lunch. I amused myself with long range 'sense cylinder' exercises, making note of interesting shipwrecks in the region to check out later. As well as working my way through Cyclops training regime and playing around with my golems getting them to punch each other to work out how tough the compressed ice version of the golems were.

When the others returned at 4 I suggested we have an arena style battle to test everyone powers against a golem in individual combat while the others watched. Then afterwards we'd have another seafood feast.

The adults barring one declined and about 25% of the others chose to decline.

There was only one rule; no guns.

The winner would be decided by damage. If a golem had significant damage to 40% of its body then it would be a mutant victory. If a golem landed a blow that rendered a mutant immobile, such as unconsciousness or the mutant raised his/her hand in surrender it would be a golem victory.

Luke went first against a golem. He pulled out a section of rock wall reshaping it into a thick armor around his body and most of his face. He looked like a rock golem. He dodged the first few experimental blows of my golem before he detached part of the armor covering his fist, condensing it in mid-flight straight into my golem's mid-section. It shattered. Mutant Victory

Peter held a golf ball sized rock in his left hand from Luke's discarded rock armor and duplicated the copy into his right hand. He kept duplicating and throwing at the golem as it marched forward but his aim wasn't great and Peter got struck by a glancing blow and surrendered. Golem Victory.

Paul used a similar strategy, throwing rocks he `reinforced' resulting in extra dense rock missiles smashing the Golem's head and much of its body. Mutant victory.

Luke restored the rock wall after Paul's s victory.

QS blurred around the golem before body slamming with super speed the golem into the interior wall. Mutant Victory.

Cornelius ran, rolled and did an acrobatic flip landing on the golem's head toppling it over. Mutant Victory.

Centaur charged forward shoulder checking the golem into the interior wall. Mutant Victory.

Scale went next, armed with a staff. He dodged every golem punch retaliating with numerous strikes to the golem's body. His last strike broke the golem's right leg causing it to topple over and shatter. Mutant Victory.

Onyx morphed into rock form, ignored a blow and lifted the golem up one handed throwing it half way across the arena only to walk forward calmly and stomp it to pieces. Mutant Victory.

Spark fired off bolts of electricity into the golem but it had little effect, the golem pushed him to the ground and held him still for a few seconds. Golem Victory.

Only Morlock elder combatant Orb who coincidentally fired off small bursts of sickly green energy orbs into the golem corrupting and dissolving it. Disturbing Mutant Victory.

To finish up the games I arrange a Golem Battle Royale exhibition match with 10 golems armed with ice swords another 10 onyx golems with ice staves and 5 proxies unarmed and 5 water golems. I set them to fighting.

The onyx golems' were the first to be annihilated their massive bulks making them too slow to dodge the strikes from the other minions. The golems were broken and dead' a minute later, double teamed by the proxies and water golems. The water golems had the initial advantage over the proxies since the 'proxies' attacks had little effect but combined with limited `ammo' and the extra strain to maintain the shape, the final battle ended up being between a proxy and a water golem. The water golem tried a water blast which the proxy easily dodged before retaliating by running through the water golem disrupting it to death. Victory to my proxy the audience clapped at the conclusion of the spectacle.

I ended the game with a water broadcast ^ Thanks for those who participated in today's festivities. Next time we'll try some mutant pairing or team battles against the golems. Make it more interesting. ^

Skipped the evening training as the arena felt like sufficient exercise.

I find and spike a dozen fish, an octopus and a shark. The octopus I cube and the shark I slice into strips. Spark flash fries the fish and Grace and several of the females prepare the octopus and shark with plum sauce to mixed reception. I couldn't comment as I didn't eat any.

After giving the others an hour to digest and relax I kept us moving till midnight off the coast of Queensland


I woke up early and moved us at a reduced speed of 150 miles p/hr. as the extra bulk drained my reserves faster.

Group training 7 am to 8 am

I parked the frost fort half way between New Zealand and Tasmania as I went off to give my prepared speech taking along a coin from the chest along and locking up the castle as I went off alone to see the Premier of Tasmania. (Funny word Premier...)

I arrived in Hobart the capital city of Tasmania and went straight to the House of Assembly. Compared to the hustle and bustle of New York this city seemed like a small town with barely a sky line. The tallest building in the city was 240 feet or 73 meters as the Australians would describe it as they used the metric system.

I entered the office in a nice dress shirt and pants but barefoot as I might need to escape out a ventilation shaft if things went poorly and dress shoes would be problematic.

I went to speak to Jim Bacon (The Premier). A couple of guards tried to stop me but they had no weapons and I just switched to water and kept walking...

"Hi." I said, giving him a once over, early 50's with thick greying hair, mustache and eyebrows.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Victor, I am the self-appointed leader of a small group of mutants and we'd like to ask for asylum as we're being unduly persecuted."

"There are proper channels for an asylum request."

"I'm sorry but the threats against us keep escalating and I'd really like to settle down somewhere quiet and out of the way." I could see he was about to come up with another objection. "I just need 5 minutes of your time and if I haven't convinced you of our potential value to your island state we'll shack up in the mainland, New Zealand, Vanuatu or Papua New Guinea but my preference is here."

"Better make it good then. Your time starts now."

"Great thanks. First we're not poor refugees and we're not looking for a handout." I showed him the gold coin. "I've recently come across a chest full of gold coins that should be worth something" and flicked it toward him he caught it with both hands examining it closely.

I continued, "I've picked out a location south of Miena in the middle of an area with high concentration of lakes. We'll pay for the land and we have cattle and we have a small orchard and other stuff. I'll tell you how I alone can help your state. I am a class 5 water mutant and I'm capable of boosting your nation's military strength, hydro-electricity output, shipping speeds and increasing water supplies by desalination of the ocean. Anything water related I can do, including fishing and finding shipwrecks with gold... Also I can provide unique medical care to those in need. All I ask is your cooperation in letting us buy the land, helping us with some plumbing requirements and letting us go on about our business without persecution."

"What kind of medical care?"

I gave him a quick scan "I can detect anomalous growths and irregularities within the human body and can replace damaged flesh as long as it's not too extensive. My friend got shot 5 times on Monday and I fixed his internal damage and afterwards the damage done to his spinal cord by relieving the internal bruising around his spinal cord and restoring sections of his damaged spinal cord. He's walking with only a mild limp today."

"While you're capable of at least one magic trick, I don't believe you're capable of the things you've said or that this coin is the real article."

"Would you like a more large scale demonstration or would you like me to tell you about the medical condition you're afflicted with which probably has been reducing your physical stamina more and more over the last few months?"

"Who told you that?"

"No one. I can see inside flesh. It's essentially a water MRI and it's very thorough. Go to a doctor and get a chest X-ray and they'll confirm that it's an irregular growth in your left lung. I'm going to pick up my flying frost fort while you check that out and after you confirm I'll remove it for you before it kills you."

"How dare you! "

I walked out while he ranted. That hadn't gone exactly as planned. Fuck it. Tasmania only had 250 soldiers on the payroll. If worst came to worst maybe I'd just take over the island instead. I flew back to the castle as a water orb with clothes inside me and reformed back in my castle.

I took my time flying to the location south of Miena.

When we arrived I asked Luke to help me make a moat around the frost fort. I asked Paul to help reinforce the outer walls of the fort.

Once that was done I drew on the water from several of the nearby lakes and reinforced the dome around the frost fort while I went to see if the Premier had calmed down.

"Blimey mate. How did you know? Were you serious about being able to get rid of the tumor? The doctors said it was inoperable."


I fixed it.

"You can have your coin back. I had it checked out at the local shop and it's legit. So what about that other stuff you said."

"You grant us asylum and help us and I'll help you... Well for a small fee anyway. I do have people to feed and I suppose I should start paying them for their labors too. "

"Well if you're as powerful as you claim. We could do with some help with water treatment and desalination. Depending on how that goes on Monday we'll talk about other options."

"Just remember you still need to have the doctors follow up with some chemotherapy to kill the rest of the cancer. I removed 90% of its mass but if it's not treated it'll grow back faster."


He specified a time and place to meet a power and water representative so he could go back to his wife Honey (her actual name) and tell her the news. We now had provisional sanctuary dependent on my performance. He also promised he'd organize someone to come out to the area for plumbing soon.

I returned back to my castle, needing to unwind after what was nearly a colossal misstep and an incitement to war.

I broadcast to the others ^We appear to have found a new place to settle down with provisional government support. ^

I woke up Scale for a quickie, so I could have an early night for a change. After he left I locked up the castle and allowed his narcotic cum to knock me out.


Late morning

Luke woke me up with a mini earthquake and broke down my door with rock attacks.

"Hey slacker. Why are you hiding out? It's good news right? The army won't fuck with us again."

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm worried that it'll all fall apart."

"You know what you need?"


"A break from all of this. You're all strung out from all this training you get us to do and trying to single handedly do everything. We're going to go to the beach!"

"You want to go to the beach in this weather?"

"I thought you didn't feel the cold?"

"It's raining. I can sense the water tapping on my dome."

"The dome is cool but I'm thinking we could go fly over to Australia. It's nearby right and we can hang out just the two of us at this nude beach I know."

"I guess I can get one of my coins evaluated too."

I made a drawbridge out of the outer wall and a hole in the dome so the others could explore the area if they felt like it...

Luke extended out the trench around the castle. He covered himself in layers of earth leaving his mouth and eyes exposed. He flew off to the west and I followed after.

^ Can you go faster? ^

"If I go any faster I get stuff in my eyes and mouth."

^I'll help you out then^ I created a small personal ice bubble around him.

"NICE ONE MATE. Let's race!" He flew off speeding off.

I chased him laughing at his cheating.

We spent an hour flying before Luke started lagging behind as we flew above the ocean.

^ Running out of energy? ^


I wrapped the bubble tight around his earth armor and flew us faster towards Queensland.

"Where's this beach?"

"Over in that direction. I think."


We hung out on the mostly empty Buchan's point beach. There were a few brave souls. Luke buries our stuff under a layer of hardened sand leaving us naked. We dived into the ocean and I used my power to heat up the water around us. A couple of guys in their 20's came over to us splashing into the warm water.

"How's the water so warm?"

Luke pointed at me.

"What did you pee in it or something?" The slightly taller of the pair asked. They were very similar, brown hair, eyes and slim bodies.

"No I can make the water move faster and it heats up the water..."

"So you're a mutant then?" One asks

"Yes. Is that a problem?

"Fuck no. I wish I had cool magic powers. Life is so dull. You guys gay?" One asks

"I am he's straight..."

"But I do fuck guys if they're keen. " Luke said.

"Hot wanna fuck us then? " The second asks.

"Somewhere warm and on solid ground though." The first continues.

Luke creates a large dome of earth for us to hang out under which impresses the guys, I warm the air.

They're both bottoms with 7 inch cocks. I loosen the first with some water and Luke bends him over and fucks him while I fuck the other one with my normal cock. When Luke blows his load in the first, we switch bottoms and I fuck the first guy with Vader's cock. He loves it. After Luke dumps his load into the second guy I fuck him again with my bigger cock. They're both completely fucked, holes leaking by the time we're done.

The second guy gives me his number and says they're part of the Cairn's sun boys and they don't have any mutants and could do with some younger guys to make it more fun.

They leave through an opening Luke makes and we just lay there naked for a minute enjoying the peace and quiet. I snuggle up to Luke. "Well that was amusing. "

"Yeah" He held me tight against his chest, idly stroking my hair. "You left those poor boys limping worse than me that massive cock you used. Whose was that?"


"That mouthy brat has a huge cock?"

"Yeah. He was fun sex for a while but he's banging Mike these days."

"So is he gay?"

"Nope just horny like most guys there."

He squeezes my butt. "I don't see you top very often. Do you prefer taking it or giving it?"

"I don't know, they're both good but I guess I prefer taking it more. It may sound weird but I enjoy not having to be in control for a change. "

I slide my hand down to grab his cock. "How about you? Do you prefer fucking guys or girls?"

He takes a long moment before he answers. "I prefer girls because boobs." He chuckles. I say nothing. "Though..." He pulls me onto his lap "I do enjoy having you take my cock, you're either super tight or sloppy with cum and that's strangely hot." He pushes his slick cock past my sphincter and we both groan as he pushes in deeper, before bottoming out in me. I rest my palms on his chest as I adjust to the fullness. "And I like it when you play with my nipples, " I rub my palms on his chest till his nipples go hard and I tweak and tug on them "and nibble on them." I alternate between licking, sucking and nibbling on each nipple as he rocks beneath me, squeezing my butt as he fucks upwards. He flips me over onto my back "I like knowing that no matter how hard I fuck you," He said thrusting harder into me, sand streaming around and over his legs solidifying "Or how kinky I feel like being" He grabs my shoulders as sand swirls around inside me. "You'll take it and love it because you're my Hound." He kisses me hard as the sand swirls around us, clinging to his body becoming rock. He fucks me harder as the sand solidifies inside me wrapping around his cock in rings of expanding rock. My insides churn with sand and rock as he fucks me faster. The pleasure/pain builds as I'm stretched out by the expanding rock, my cock rubbing against his solid abs as I cling to his back helpless to resist.

He bites my clavicle and I cry out wordlessly, gripping him tighter as my orgasm builds. "Luke" I moan as I blow, hole clutching at him as I black out for a second.

He pulls out. "You okay?" He's back to normal, having discarded the rock armor.

"Yeah," I could barely think. "Intense."

"I thought since you liked Onyx's cock so much I'd give myself a rock upgrade."

I phased to recover. "It was good but if I'm your doggy you should fuck me like a doggy?"

I flip over, on my hands and knees, ass up.

Luke slams in deep, fucks me hard, hands tight on my hips before he fucks me face down into the ground collapsing on top of me."

"You're really good at draining my balls." He lay on top of me, cock softening.


He pulled out. "Oh and in other news, I convinced Grace to give me a sponge bath Wednesday night. Hot stuff, she touched my hard cock too."

"That's nice." I said as convincingly as I could manage.

Sex over, Luke retrieved our stuff and we got dressed.

I take Luke for a detour to Melbourne where we visit a coin dealer's shop called Downies.

I show the shop clerk my coin and he informs me that it looks like a Massive British Gold which can sell for up to 10000 or more depending on the condition of the coin. He looks at it and calls over a manager.

The manager asks where I got such a coin.

"From a shipwreck. I've got a couple of hundred of the coins."

The manager eyes go wide and said "We'll buy your coin and any others you may have."


I get a check (Australians write it as cheque, I guess since I'm now living here I should start using their spelling and metric system.) for 10000 dollars and I leave to set up a new bank account at the nearest bank. The bank provides me with a bank card from them after I deposit the cheque.

Once I sell all the coins I'll be rich. It's a weird feeling knowing you don't need your parents or to work again unless you're bored. I wondered if that's how Luke felt after he got his trust. I didn't want to ask, I'd only end up sounding like an ass.

Luke goes to visit a shop to pick up a calling card so he can make international calls from his cell phone and I remember I should probably talk to my Mom and see if there was any trouble after my visit. I keep forgetting I have a cell phone. I get a calling card too.

I have an idea for a prize for the next competition so I used a pair of hands' and an eye' to hijack someone's unused internet connection to research the how.

I buy myself an acetylene torch, a crucible and several molds.

I went back to the fort and gave a coin to Peter to duplicate for me under my supervision so I could make some prizes for tomorrows arena competition.

I spent the night working to melt the duplicated gold to make the prizes.



I announced that there would be a new competition after lunch with special golden prizes for the winning teams of 3 and pairs of 2. Everything but guns was allowed. This time I used my strongest golem minion the `internally condensed' golems to field test them against mutant competitors.

I figured a prize might motivate some of the previous non competitors to participate. I wanted to see how everyone stacked up power-wise and combat-wise before I started work tomorrow for the Premier to earn our keep. Just in case it went wrong and we needed to fight.

I worked with Peter and Spark so they'd have better luck against the golems this time.

At 1pm the competition began, me in my emperor's box and everyone who wasn't competing in the audience stands.

The best team was Grace, Paul and Peter.

Grace planted a small coconut tree with her hands wrapped around it. As we watched it grew larger bearing coconuts that she passed to the other two while behind the safety of the trunk. Peter duplicated the coconuts passing them to Paul and sometimes trying to throw them himself. Paul `reinforced' the coconuts before hurling them at the targets. They were the fastest team to destroy their 3 ice golem competitors.

An honorable team mention was given for Scale, Gargoyle and Centaur's efforts. Scale and Gargoyle used staves to herd the golems within kicking distance of Centaur's devastating front and back kicks.

The funniest and most effective fighting pair was Onyx and Luke.

Luke attacked the first golem with a wave of sand that turned into rock as it came close to the golem smashing it under a wave of rock. The second golem he smashed personally while encased in rock and the third... he threw Onyx at him. Whatever Onyx was made of while in Rock form Luke could control and Luke's power compensated for Onyx's usual lack of speed.

I gave each of the 5 winners golden staves. Luke and Onyx Paul, Peter, Grace.

The competition was entertaining and gave everyone who participated a good work out.

While I didn't want to duplicate the coins to sell, melting down the duplicated gold to coat staves made from the melted debris from the F16's felt right.

I compiled a rough database/black book on my observations over the last few days/ months to better assess the fighting strength of everyone just in case the group came under attack while I was away.


Decided to go with all 3 options, he died for 30 seconds, got paralysed for a little while and has recovered about 85% strength. He can't run but he can fly.

Mutant database next expisode... brief foray into determining power levels of characters.

Next: Chapter 22: Black Book Database

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