
By wayne unknown

Published on Dec 8, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel or DC universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think? copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel/DC universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Glossary of terms and other stuff...

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

Within the psychic landscape

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION/ Person involved::

and end with :: ::

For clarity (I hope). Ice Golems used by Victor come in 3 settings.

Paul sized 6 foot broad shoulders refered to as 'golems'. Medium speed and power.

Onyx sized (when he's transformed into his larger form) 7 foot tall physically imposing refered to as 'Onyx golems'. Slow but powerful hitters.

Victor replicas sized about 5 foot 10 slight build (his average height and shape) referred to as 'statues' or 'ice statues'. Fast but not very intimidating, powerful or as durable. Often used as a proxy for tasks the real Victor can't be bothered to deal with personally.

proxies: 'statues' used to do personal mutant errands

Authors Note

Working on this update has been delayed by my gall bladder being removed last week, hospitalisation and resulting poor mobility. That and my stupid brain now wants to skip ahead like a billion miles and jump to epic Xmen Days of Future Past battles with Sentinels.

Semi related thought.

Oxycodin is an interesting drug and I have a better appreciation of why it's currency in Z Nation...

Brief Chapter overview

slow buildup, porntacular middle followed by a main character being seriously wounded with future prognosis unknown.

Chapter 2


Training 7 -8am hand to hand combat

Luke was unimpressed with the haphazard job done by the Morlocks and spent the majority of the day fixing their errors with the advice of Gaia and the help of Onyx and a few of my golems.

In the afternoon I merge with the lake adjusting to the sensation of being several million gallons of water.

Spark and Scale worked together on a unique mutant powered generator for the community.

Evening 7 – 8pm weapon training

The Morlock adults go off to scavenge from the town's dumpsters and came back celebrating noisily after finding a large collection of bakery binnings. (Day old stuff that the bakery gets rid of)

A fist fight broke out between 3 `passers' and several Morlocks which I had to break up via a dozen golems. I told the Morlock Elders to take their scavenged food and distribute it amongst themselves. I told Spark and Onyx and Water Walker to go back to sleep and I'd deal with this later. I told Scale to make sure that the Morlock Elders didn't escalate the argument and that I'd get Luke to install thicker walls for sound insulation in the morning.

I needed sleep; while my body didn't need the rest my mind needed the downtime. I was making do with less sleep lately due to leadership requirements. Trying to make sure everyone got along was a nightmare.


I spoke to Luke early in the morning as he was the property owner. I went with him when he spoke to the bakery owner and asked if he could have their bakery left overs at the end of the day. The owner agreed as the small town didn't have much in the way of homeless to shift the leftovers to and they weren't allowed to sell it after day's end anyway.

:: Cyclops ::

Cyclops was busy as he had resumed normal class room hours however I could continue training with him in the evenings.

:: ::

Evening training was weapon training with staves. I demonstrated with a staff I made from the ice wall with Callisto as a sparring partner.

I spent the majority of the day using proxies to help with household chores and farm work. The cows weren't fond of the proxies at all but the chickens didn't seem to care as long as they got fed.

I had a dozen proxies within the property doing all sorts of odd jobs for Luke. Using proxies for chores helped turn the somewhat isolating and unusual process of using water as an extension of my physical self into an activity that helped me feel more of a part of the haphazard mutant community by helping out with manual labor that others didn't want to do. Farm work provided lots of opportunities for practicing my control over proxies and got me out of doing it myself physically.

One of my proxies spent some time with Gaia helping her out with her orchard. She had become quite the popular lady among the passer boys; Peter, Paul and Luke were competing for her affections and attention.

My true self had spent the entire day alone in the castle playing around with reshaping walls at random while swimming in the new pool in my throne room. It was 2 stories deep and 50 meters long. I had been swimming naked surrounded by my pliable element. After I had swum dozens of laps with a phase here and there to refresh my stamina after my hiatus from the activity I felt horny. I tried amusing myself with hands' tentacles' and even ice dildos but it felt dull after all the horny human/mutant sex I'd been a part of. I wanted someone horny to play with. I picked Peter as our last time had been very brief.

^Hey Peter come to the castle after you've finished your day's work and we can continue where we left off last time. ^ He was helping out with mass producing/planting seeds.

3pm Peter came over and I opened a passage directly into the center of my castle; the throne room. It was a bit ostentatious in theory to have a throne room since I wasn't king of anything but I liked my special chair and pool.

I stripped him naked and rubbed my hands over his smooth naked body before stroking his hard cock at a slow measured pace.

"Please" he begged.

I dropped to my knees sucking on his 6 inch cock fingering his tight little hole and he blew a juicy load down my throat after less than a minute.

"I'm sorry" He said sagging post orgasm.

"All part of my plan" I dragged him into the pool, using the water to lift him up just above, rubbing and caressing every inch of his body at the same time. He was hard again in less than a minute. I turned around presenting my ass to him "FUCK ME."

He got behind me and stuck his 6 inch cock into me. It felt good to enjoy sex again after a week of abstinence even through the initial burst of pain from pentetration as pleasure followed soon after as Peter fucked me fast and hard.

It was weird. I hadn't missed sex much until I spent the day as flesh and hormones kicked in again. Something to think about; Ice cubes don't get horny.

"So good" He moaned thrusting into me in rapid little thrusts. Using water I spread his butt cheeks apart sliding a tendril of water into him which I solidified into a pencil long/thick ice probe that I fucked him with at the same speed he fucked me. His pace sped up as I gripped the edge of the pool and stroked my hard cock and waited for the right moment to release. I didn't have to wait long before he blew in my butt and seconds later I blasted my load into the water.

He hugged me from behind leaning on my back barely treading water I buoyed us up with my will over water. "Thanks that was fun."

He grinned giving me a normal(ish) hug, our semis rubbing together; I groped his butt sliding the ice probe out of him. "Was that okay?" I asked

"That felt really good" he said.

"Glad you liked it. Maybe next time you'd like something bigger and warmer" I said looking down.

He blushed looking down "Maybe."

I gave him an open mouthed kiss goodbye that lasted a couple of minutes as I rubbed on his bulge. Peter left tugging on his clothes.

10 minutes later Paul knocked on the castle doors. I let him in. He walked in pants bulging while I swam breast stroke back and forth. I climbed out dripping wet, naked and hard.

"Hey Paul, what's up?" I asked smirking.

He looked down "The usual. Peter came back bragging that he banged you" Paul had his fists on his hips looking annoyed at me and the world. (I doubted Peter phrased it like that) "and I wanted to know why you didn't invite me along."

I shrugged "I like him better, he kisses me back."

Paul looked confused "So if I kiss you you'll let me pound you?"

"Take off your clothes."

Paul smiled and stripped naked. Paul was solid not muscular and his attitude sucked but his 8 inch beer can thick cock was too tempting to ignor... "Bend over bitch."

"I'll make you a deal, come into the water with me and I'll ride your cock as long as you keep kissing me."

I dived in the water and Paul cannonballed in after creating a big splash and I couldn't help being amused at the child like behavior.

After he surfaced he moved towards me as I swum toward the opposite edge waiting for him to catch up. He pinned me to the edge and with a thought the water around us surged loosening Paul's grip on me spinning him around so his back was to the pool's edge. I kissed him and he tried to pull away until I sat on his thick cock burying half of its thick length inside me. We groaned into each other's mouths his arms wrapped around me tight as he slammed deep into me. I rode him for a while enjoying his thick cock. "GOD I want to fuck you like the dirty slut you are."


He tried to climb out with me in his grasp but he didn't have much success. With a thought I deposited us on the icy floor of my throne room using a small tidal wave. Onyx grabbed me and manhandled me into a doggy style position facing away from him and slammed in hard and deep in a single stroke. He fucked me hard that way for several wonderful minutes, his thick meaty hands firm on my shoulder and hips as he pounded my hole.

He dumped his load into me with a "FUCK Yeah slut take it." grinding me into the floor as he came.

He pulled out and I just laid there face first on the floor, hole tender and leaking from Paul's hard fucking. He left without another word. God he was such an ass. I hated myself a little for letting him use me like that but his cock had felt great slamming into me.

Onyx showed up 5 minutes later pants bulging.

I'd forgotten to reshape the hallways behind Paul and I hadn't even noticed anything until I heard Onyx's footsteps and activated an eye' in the room. I knew I should have felt embarrassed as my ass was still up in the air and I looked like a total slut with my ass leaking Paul's cum (via eye' POV) but I didn't care. Paul had gotten me off before leaving and I was even hornier than when I started. All I knew was I wanted to get the cum fucked out of me and I didn't care how. Life as an ice cube had been dull and safe like my life pre Ryan and I wanted excitement.

"Hey man. How are you feeling?"

"Good. Chilling out it's the weekend." I burst into laughter at my stupid joke.

Onyx unzipped revealing his thick 10 inch cock jutting out. "You up for a fuck?" Onyx asked.

"God yes, give it to me." I wiggled my ass a little, admiring the view from the `eye's POV' as Onyx kneeled astride me sliding his hard cock into my slippery hole. He gripped my hips with both hands still mostly dressed as he pushed all the way into me.

He fucked me slowly for several minutes, easing in and sliding out faster over and over again. I stroked myself one handed as I rested my forehead against my other forearm enjoying the nice slow fuck.

That changed soon enough when Onyx leaned in close and whispered into my ear. "I can't hold it back any more." He grew in stature, his cock stretching out inside me solidifying into hard rock.

I cried out wordlessly in pleasure/pain as his gigantic rock cock stretched me out. His fucking became more rapid with his extra bulk crushing me into the ice floor with each thrust until I was pinned beneath his massive weight. I kept stroking, embracing the pleasure/pain as Onyx kept battering my prostate as if it was a piñata with his giant rock cock.

Several minutes later I blew my load against the ice as Onyx slammed into me with more force. I slumped against the floor boneless. "Come in me please!" I begged.

Onyx wrapped his arms around me in a crushing grip as his thrusts reached frantic levels. He blasted into me his thick cum gushing into me. He shifted back to normal and pulled out. "You okay mate?"

I lay there my ass wrecked and overflowing with cum. I phased absorbing his cum into me and flipped onto my back. "All good. How's you?"

"Luke is out on a date with Grace who is cute and I have no chance as I don't think I'll ever be able to hold back enough to have sex with a normal girl." He looked way too sad for my liking.

"Being a mutant can suck but maybe I can help you out."

He gave me a look as he sat near me, his trousers down to mid-thigh and his cock at a semi. "We already did that."

"Yeah we did" I said with a smile placing my hand on his thigh "and it was hot." I trailed my hand slowly up his thigh until it rested against his balls "but that's not what I had in mind." He gave me a doubtful look. "Ok it sort of is but this is sort of scientific. Bear with me, I've got a theory and correct me if I'm wrong but you started out unable to change out of rock form, probably because you were stressed about going through mutant puberty and when you calmed down you could stay human shaped until you got sufficiently angry or emotional. Am I right so far?" He nodded. "I'm thinking if you could stay calm even during sex and orgasm then you should be able to stay human shaped the entire time."

"How the hell would that work?"

"Lots of practice" I smiled, gripping his semi "and meditative breathing. During my workouts with Colossus it took him longer and longer to metal up so I figure the same principle should apply. I stroked his hardening cock. "Want to try?"

"You had sex with Colossus? Was there anyone you didn't have sex with?"

I let go of Onyx's cock "He had sex with me technically. I didn't have sex with lots of people at the Mansion. All the girls, half the Morlock guys, Xavier, Pyro, Bobby, Sludge, Water Walker, a whole bunch of boys under the age of 16. Did you want my help or not to fix your sexual incontinence?"

"No need to get defensive, I was just surprised Colossus seems like such a butch guy."

I smiled remembering our workout sessions. "He was an excellent top and his cum was unique..."

"You're an odd guy."

"I hear that a lot."

"I guess I could go again."

"This time we'll go slow and I'll ride you and whenever you feel the urge to bulk up, tell me and we'll stop or something."

I eased onto his hard cock straddling his lap and rode him slowly as I talked him through breathing exercises, doing my best to distract him with words.

Several minutes later he grunted out "I'm going to rock out soon."

I stopped rocking back and forth on his lap. "Slow steady breaths." He tried to buck his hips into me and I pinned him down with `hands' until he cooled off a bit.

"Thanks. I think this might work after all."

"No problem. Always happy to help out a friend." I said rocking back and forth on his cock.

Onyx laughed, gripping my hips and slamming into me with slow steady fucking. "You're a good friend."


10 minutes later Onyx "Don't think I can hold back any more." And with that he lifted me up in the air slamming me onto his cock as his body and cock lengthened and hardened.

"Hey. This wasn't the point... "Onyx wasn't listening so I drew on the water from the pool and slid an icicle up his rockening butt.

He stalled. "What the fuck." He changed back to human mid morph.

"Sorry you weren't paying attention."

"Fuck. My ass is sore now."

"Welcome to my life but we learned something new. Your morph can be stopped mid-way through."

"Don't do that again." He grumped.

"Okay" I ran my hands under his loose shirt stripping it off him. He kicked off his pants and proceeded to fuck me on the ground missionary style. I let him have his way for me for the next 15 minutes. He morphed and this time I shifted to ice around his rock cock.

"Fuck that feels weird."

^Good or bad? ^

He slowed down "It's different" and morphed back to human "Fuck your cunt is cold"

"Sorry" I shifted back to flesh his hard cock stretching my newly virgin hole out again.

"Can we ditch the experiment now? I really want to bust a nut."

"Sure we can pick this up later." He pounded my ass hard for some time as I stroked myself, horny as hell from depriving myself of release for the last hour and a bit. "Fuck me hard."

"I'm going to..."

"DO IT!" He morphed growing huge in me, slamming into me rapidly. I came hard all over my belly.

He pulled out and I phased. The horniness returned at half strength.

I chilled out, cock hard again but with no real urge to do anything about it right then.

"How are you still horny after that?" Onyx asked incredulous.

"Every time I phase after sex I regain a fraction of my horniness."

"When Scale wakes up. You want me to tell him that you're horny and might want a fuck?"

"Yeah that would be good. So what brought you out here anyway?"

Onyx was in the midst of getting dressed again in his loose shirt and stretch pants." Paul came out of your place looking pleased with himself and I asked him what he was up to and he said he left you lying ass up with a load of his cum and ..." He shrugged. "I thought I'd see how you were doing."

"Well it was fun but I guess I should let you recover the normal way while I amuse myself with more naked swimming."

"Sure. Thanks for letting me fuck your brains out for practice."

"You're welcome. Feel free to come around tomorrow for another session of power control. I'm often bored out here. "

"You could always come out and join the rest of us."

"It turns out I'm not that great at socializing."

Onyx left and I amused myself by swimming since the Morlocks were asleep. Everyone else was out in the town trying to find what entertainment options could be had in this town on a Friday night.

A few hours later I get a visit from QS, Cornelius, Centaur, Dryad, Scale and Gargoyle. I'm naked and hard by the time they enter my throne room and they're quick to strip revealing their hard cocks. Onyx must have passed on the message.

Scale fucks me first, his precum helping to numb my hole as he stretches it wide with his cocks. As he cums into my ass I shift to water and siphon off his narcotic cum into an ice jar. I shift to flesh and QS gives me a super-fast fuck. Cornelius, Dryad and Gargoyle pass me around filling my mouth and ass as they like taking their sweet time dumping their loads into my ass and down my throat. Scale and Centaur wait patiently for them to finish. They leave shortly after thanking me for 'having them over' leaving Scale and Centaur behind. Scale reams out my ass of their loads before Centaur slams his horse cock into my now numbed ass. Scale fills my mouth with his cocks as the others leave as I'm slammed between the two with each thrust. I stroke myself off as Scale dumps a load down my throat and Centaur dumps a massive load in my well-used ass.

I shift away Scale's cum adding it to the jar. Centaur leaves, dripping cum from his shriveled horse cock. Horse cocks look even weirder soft than normal cocks.

Sad thing is I'm horny again after shifting to flesh. The impromptu gangbang with the Morlock teens had been enjoyable but I didn't have a spare moment in the midst of all those hard cocks to take care of my own needs.

"Scale can I fuck your tight ass please?"

He nodded and turned around and I took great pleasure in dumping my load into his tight ass. (I didn't last long.)

Before Scale left I asked him to help me with an experiment. "I need you to supervise my golems from 3 – 6 am while they patrol to make sure they don't do anything weird."

He accepted and left to do stuff.

Luke showed up a couple hours later knocking at my castle door and I let him in. I was still doing laps. He looked nice all dressed up in an a snazzy form fitting blue Calvin Klein shirt and tight black pants that clung to his thick bulge.

"I left the Morlocks chores to do while I was out, only the adults are doing stuff, half the others said they didn't feel up to it after fucking you. How come I'm the last to know? From what I hear you've had 9 guys fuck you today and where was my invitation?"

"You were out and I was horny. I made do."

"How long have you been able to have sex?"

"Wednesday morning." He gave me a look of shock and betrayal. "I've been ice for most of that time and I didn't really feel horny until I started swimming naked in my new pool today. Like it?"

He stripped naked. "Your ass is mine." His 9 inches jutted out hard and ready. He dived in and pulled me against him. He turned me around and pushed his way into my now tight hole.

He gave me no time to adjust before he slammed his thick length into me. "Yes Master fuck me." I missed his cock inside me; it had been too long since he had dominated me. He fucked me hard against the edge of the pool his balls sloshing against me in the water. I slid water into his hole stretching him out as an ice probe pushed its way into his tight hole. He groaned and fucked me faster. With a thought the water became `solid water' holding us firm as Luke pounded my ass.

"Fucking hell, I'm going to blow in you."

"DO IT."

"Fuck yeah" Luke sped up arms tight around my chest as he pumped his load inside me. He stayed inside me as his grip on me loosened a little. I reached down, stroking myself and rocking back on forth on Luke's hard cock. "Out of the water Hound." Luke demanded.

On a gentle tidal wave I deposited us on the ground and Luke took me again missionary style, lips locked on mine as I wrapped my legs and arms around him, needing him close to me.

He fucked me on the floor for several minutes... He pulled out dragging me over to the only piece of furniture I had in the room at that point, my chair and fucked me with my legs over his shoulders until he came in me again.

"Thanks I needed that. I was out on a date with Grace and she's sweet but I'm trying to go slow and it's torture on my balls."

"Did you have a nice time?"

"Yeah it was nice. Not much to do out here though, there was a movie cinema and we went for a walk and visited a diner. Nothing that exciting, compared to some of my other dates but I like her."

I sighed. "I wonder if I'll ever find a gay boy who wants to date me for more than 5 minutes."

"I'm sure you'll find someone. You're an attractive guy and you're very hot sex... very weird hot sex."

"The only way I can control my hormones seems to be remaining in ice form but how am I supposed to date a guy if I'm ice."

Luke shrugs. "No idea mate. I'm going to set my alarm and check on the others. No sleeping with my employees until after they finish their day's work. You're a bad influence."

I smiled "Yes Boss Man."

Luke grins back at me, dimples on display "And don't you forget it." He pulls me in for a brief hug and grope of my butt before heading off.

"Before you go can you help Scale monitor the golems for odd behavior?"

Now that I had phased so often during the day and down to 20% of my power reserves I planned to practice Sean's theory about golem control while asleep.

If it all went wrong, I couldn't do much damage (Theoretically).

At 3 am I created a dozen golems from scratch and thought about what I wanted them to do before absorbing Scale's narcotic cum into me and passing out.

Saturday Morning

I woke up at 7 am and checked with Scale and Luke via water voice as to whether my golems did what they were supposed to while I was asleep. All seemed okay. They patrolled about the property with nothing of note happening.

First test run had been successful. I didn't bother with morning training as 90% of the mutants were asleep. I had scanned the property in a second and had discovered Nightcrawler getting fucked by Abraxas. Even though the red on blue action looked very colorful I stopped watching after a few seconds I didn't want to invade their morning fun. (Privacy was such a flimsy and important right.)

Luke came by and fucked me hard doggy style a couple of times before leaving for a day's work on the property fortifying the new fences of earth and engaging in mutant powered landscaping.

Onyx popped by 20 minutes after Luke left. Onyx complained for a few minutes about how Grace liked Luke better than him... I suggested an alternative to keep his mind off Grace.

We spent the next few hours naked working on his morph control during sex. Whenever we got too worked up I'd shift to ice to prolong the experience. He dumped a couple of juicy loads into me.

Our practice sessions helped Onyx to increase his control over his morphing. As an added bonus his sexual stamina was getting a boost from our sessions too. The sex was hot and intense which made the practicing enjoyable for the both of us.

After he left I shifted to ice and thought about how erratic and nonsensical my sex life had become. It felt like all I did lately was bounce from one extreme to the other. I'd had sex with 10 guys yesterday after not having sex for a week because I was worried about my sex dreams interfering with real life.

I wanted to find a happy medium between no sex and a gangbang but I wasn't sure how to go about that.

My proxies meanwhile were being productive by helping out with the farm work.

Via `eyes' I watched Luke in action as he used his power to lower and raise the terrain and dig furrows in the earth so that my proxies could dump in the soil nutrients for better crop yields. Luke's skill and control over Earth had definitely become more extensive since I first met him and he demonstrated his power over sand.

Around 10 pm Luke visited again and he fucked me hard and fast as I braced myself against the ice throne bent over until he dumped a load in me.

"Hound you really need some more furniture in this place." He looked around. "A bed would be good."

I took the suggestion to heart thinking maybe if I had a bed he'd stay over for post fuck cuddles. I missed them.


Nothing too exciting happened today.

I extended out the frost fort to include wider thicker walls with walkways on top so that I could have the golem sentries' patrolling back and forth day and night as practice. I also ranged out my eyes' above the property and over the town limiting myself to their outdoor/ public activities as a concession to their privacy.

Around 1 pm Onyx and I visited the local town and I spent the majority of my savings on an expensive queen sized latex mattress base ensemble bed complete with high thread sheets and blankets and quilt and pretty pillows. He helped me to load it on the back of the Ute we borrowed.

Even though an expensive bed wasn't a necessity as post-Mansion I simply fell asleep curled up on the floor most nights I thought I'd treat myself to something nice.

Onyx wanted to help me christen the bed but I wanted Luke to be the first to fuck me in my new bed. I invited him around and he was quick to oblige once I explained the situation. Onyx went second, pounding me with his 10 inch cock for half an hour before morphing and slamming my hole for another ten minutes before blasting his load into me. The bed was great. It took the fuck well without breaking. I phased and Luke had another go at fucking my ass. Onyx went for a protracted session to demonstrate his improved control for Luke. By the end of it I was being slammed by Onyx's 14 inch rock cock onto Luke's 9 inches deep throating him in the process. I took both their loads. They had a short nap with me squeezed between them. Onyx behind me and Luke in front.

Then we had to attend evening weapon training as an example of dedication to self- improvement.

Afterwards we went back to bed. We hung out and chatted and they both pounded my ass some more, dumping one more load each into me before going to sleep.

I spent the next 3 hours idly sending out `eyes' back and forth from the property to town and back again while having golems patrol the fort and property to drain me.

At 3 am I gave up on trying to drain my mental energy via `powercising' and called to Scale to help me out. Sleep had become harder and harder to achieve on my own as of late. I puddled out of bed when he arrived and I had him fuck me doggy style in the hallway outside my throne room so as not to wake Onyx and Luke. He fucked me hard with his cocks until he spurted inside me. I shifted to water, puddled back to bed slipping between the sleeping pair and reforming...

Monday 10th July

Around 6 am I woke up alerted by a vision of a military convoy midway to the property. I double checked with mobile eyes' and my dream' was correct. I kept track of their movement as I broadcasted a warning throughout the community ^everybody incoming military personnel, grab a gun and prepare yourself. ^

Luke stumbled out of my bed bleary eyed. After I explained again about the military he went off and blocked off the road into the property with a giant 10 foot rock wall with a small gate for passage and a walkway up the top. Onyx left to get any sleepy heads up and moving.

Several minutes later I called together Luke, Scale and Callisto to an empty room in my ice castle to discuss our options as they each represented the major factions of our mutant community `Passers' 'Morlock teens' and 'Morlock elders'.

I emptied out the lake beneath the frost fort and shifted the mass of water 1000 feet above and in front of our new rock gate.

Luke said "We have every right to be here so I think Victor and me should go out and see what they want."

Callisto said "They want to wipe us out because we're mutants. We've got guns let's kill them and be done with this."

Scale suggested "We could hide?"

"I agree with Luke." I said.

Callisto rolled her eyes. "We're all going to die because of you."

"And as a backup in case they want to hurt us Callisto you can take a vantage point at the top of the walkway with 10 of our best shooters. Scale you can supervise another 10 shooters who are decent shots at ground level. Luke you can leave openings big enough for those ground level shooters to fire through without exposing themselves to return fire. I'll get Onyx to escort those not up to a confrontation to the Morlock caves. I'll also organize Paul to help reinforce the front gate. Everyone know what they need to do?"

"Yes" they replied with varying levels of enthusiasm leaving to complete their tasks. I shifted the frost fort nearer to the entrance in case we needed to run in a hurry.

I requested Paul's assistance and he was eager to help out. His enthusiasm was a bit disconcerting considering his usual sullen/grumpy disposition. He spent 10 minutes braced against the wall at ground level using his power to reinforce the rock wall/gates integrity while holding his gun loosely at his side.

The military convoy had 20 vehicles with 10 soldiers in each loaded with rifles and ammo aplenty. We were definitely outnumbered but whether we were to be outmatched remained to be determined.

Callisto was now on the top of the wall crouched down with 10 of our best marksmen while Scale supervised another 10 brave mutant warriors at ground level. The non-combatants waited in the underground cave of the Morlocks with Onyx in rock form standing guard along with a dozen `golems'.

I went out with Luke to meet the army to see what the hell they wanted. I shifted my insides to water and prepared to use the newly formed cloud above us as a weapon if necessary.

"Luke, it might be safer if you stayed inside."

"I own this land, they're trespassing or about to and I can take care of myself. " He gestured to the dirt road stretching out in front of us. "The earth is my weapon and my shield."

I kept my mouth shut unsure of what to say to convince him to stay behind the wall.

We waited for several minutes in tense silence as the military convoy stopped a mile outside the property and marched towards us in rows of 4. I lowered my cloud in preparation as my anxiety sky rocketed as they approached in military formation.

The soldiers looked more menacing up close rather than filtered through `eyes'. They were temporarily disconcerted by Luke and my presence in front of rock gate but they merely prepped their weapons to fire. Callisto and the others waited out of sight for my signal to fire behind rock fortifications.

"Can we help you sir?" I asked as a man in his mid-30's walked to the front presumably the leader of this army.

Meanwhile Luke says "You're trespassing on private property. Leave."

"We know what you are and we're taking you in under the power of the US military for national security. You're in violation of several national and state laws." Leader stated.

"Which laws?" I asked my curiosity stronger than my annoyance.

"I don't know which one of you is responsible but a flying ice castle attracts attention especially when you park it near a weather station. We have satellite images of minors using stolen military equipment." Leader said.

"This is my property and you have no rights to enter this property. The guns were acquired during a military raid on a school." Luke said.

One of the soldiers to the side shouts out. "You're all mutant freaks and you deserve to die."

"THIS IS MY FARM. FUCK OFF." Luke shouted and the ground shook rupturing between the soldiers and I have no idea whether it was intentional or accidental but a spray of bullets hits both Luke and me and the wall behind us. The bullets punctured my skin and pass through me doing no real damage.

I lose myself in a moment of rage and explode forth into the mass of soldiers as a swirling storm of iced fury. I burst the water cloud above drenching them in water. I absorb the new water into my maelstrom.

I became a watery thing of fury and icy calculation surrounding this army. I disarmed the soldiers with water tentacles, tossing their weapons into my frost fort. Then I bombarded them with razor sharp ice shards that slice through their clothing leaving behind shredded uniforms, shallow wounds and shivering soldiers.

Callisto shouts "FIRE."

I become a wall blocking the bullets wanting to hurt them myself. I snap out of my rage at the sight of Luke's blood dripping into the dirt around him.

^DON'T^ I shout tentacling around their weapons and ditching them into the frost fort too.

I reform kneeling next to Luke my body 'dense' with all the water I've absorbed into me. I shift to water again, shackling the shivering soldiers with the excess. I shifted back to flesh.

Luke's blood continued to flow out of multiple wounds and his eyes drift shut. He gives me a small smile and says "You're naked" and chuckles for a second spattering me with bloody phlegm.

I bury the rage I feel for the soldiers who've done this, trying to figure out a way to repair all the damage before he dies. I scan him and I can feel his body shutting down from all the damage. At least one of the bullets must have ricocheted off his ribs because he has massive internal damage. I take a deep breath for calm to focus and shift all his bleeding entrance and exit wounds to flesh which helps to stem the bleeding.

My anxiety rose as one of his lungs stopped working. I shifted to ice embracing the cold rationality of the form before my fear killed Luke. His heart stopped beating and his breathing stalled. I wrapped a tentacle around Spark forcibly air lifting him next to me.

^Spark I need you to give him a jolt ^ I pointed at his heart ^ While I re-inflate his lung. ^

"I don't know if I can do it."

^Just do it! At this point you can't hurt him. ^

Spark places his hand on Luke's chest and fires a small burst of electricity into Luke, his heart stays still.

^AGAIN with more power. ^ Spark gives me an anxious look and fires again into Luke's chest with more electricity, it beats faintly. ^Good work. ^

I re-inflate the lung using the blood in the paper thin walls of the lung. I reach inside Luke with my power liquefying and fixing every damaged thing I find until I run across a bullet still lodged inside him. It's located near the spine. I don't want to move it in case I paralyze him. I lock it place with water wrapped around the compressed bullet. I lifted him into the air on a solid water bed moving him into one of the rock buildings. He remained unconscious during transit.

I turned towards the shaking soldiers annoyed at their existence.

If I hadn't memorized Luke's entire body scan when I wanted to copy his cock he would have died. His condition remained critical until the bullet inside him near his spine could be removed.

Scale comes out and asks "Can I help? "

I thought for a second "Kiss them all." I drew out more water shackling the soldiers' ankles together so they couldn't move.

"What?" Scale and the mutant hating soldier said. I flicked a glance at him and noticed he had a larger than average limp cock. I smiled in malevolent glee.

^I need them paralyzed temporarily so they can't make any more trouble for us. ^

Less than 2 minutes had passed since Luke had been shot.

I phased refreshing my energy and drew water from a neighbor's pond to create dozens of proxies. Everything had turned to shit. Luke and I had attacked the US army and we weren't strong enough to survive the retaliation.

I broadcasted the message ^we're leaving this place now. Pack all your stuff and let's get out of here. ^ The proxies, golems and mutants moved everything that looked important or relevant onto the frost fort, including the cattle, the trees that Gaia had planted complete with soil, chickens, vehicles, furniture and personal effects.

Meanwhile Scale had done as I asked with several Morlocks holding the struggling soldiers as he kissed them into a paralyzed state.

I found the mutant hater and grabbed him by the cock pulling him up stroking him till he was rock hard while the rest of him remained paralyzed. I could sense the confusion of my audience (mutant and human alike) as their pulse rates increased.

He was 9 inches while hard. I gave him a vicious smile looking into his deep blue eyes. I squeezed hard and he dribbled from the corner of his mouth unable to comment. "You hurt my friend and while he'll probably recover there is a price for his pain. This is the last erection you'll ever have. I wonder if you even feel it." I shifted his cock to water and reformed it as an inch stub with just enough of the necessary bits to piss but not enough for an erection.

Callisto moved closer "You should kill them while you have the chance instead of playing these games with them. They'll hunt us down and kill us for this."

I glanced at her and said ^they won't be able to. ^

I moved toward their leader who kneeled naked on the floor trying to stand. ^You and your little army have ruined our fresh start. This is the second time in two weeks I've dealt with armed soldiers attacking mutants and I will not stand for another attack. When feeling returns to your bodies you can leave here. However before we go I want you to know something. If my friend ends up paralyzed or dead because of this, I will hunt you all down and kill you. So I suggest you pray to any and all Gods that he will make a full recovery. However you will walk naked to the town after we leave. ^

I scan them all, memorizing every detail of the fluid flow of their bodies. No matter where they might hide. I would recognize their fluid signatures.

Callisto muttered under her breath "It's stupid to let them live".

I went to check on Luke ignoring her completely. When I get to him, his pulse is weak but he's hanging on. I secure the guns into my castle.

I went to make sure the preparation for our departure was in place so I could take Luke to a hospital.

I come out to find Callisto and 2 dozen others with their stuff in their hands.

"We're not coming with you." Callisto said.

Nightcrawler says "Abraxas and I are heading to Canada to search for our heritage. It is too dangerous here."

"Okay". They teleported away. I didn't have the time to argue.

Callisto's group was the largest with 10 older Morlocks and 7 Morlock teen males, the ones I'd had little interaction with 3 of the Morlock teen females.

Blur, Water Walker and Sludge wanted to return back to the Mansion and they went off with Callisto and the others bypassing the paralyzed soldiers and stealing 3 of their transport vehicles.

I couldn't think of a compelling reason for them to stick around while Luke still needed real medical care. I had too much to do and not enough time to deal with 25 of my followers turning into deserters.

This left me with only 30 followers.

Their lack of faith in me was disappointing. I had won the battle easily single handed. Luke's presence had been more hindrance than helpful. I needed him to pull through though. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if he died following me around. I loved him. What use was power if you couldn't protect the people you loved?

Grace was watching over Luke with Scale when I returned. I asked them if they wanted to leave too but they wanted to come with wherever we went.

Hey are you okay? I sensed your psychic distress. Sean asked via Cerebro.

I reached out my awareness to him and replied with. ^Luke got shot by the military and I don't think I handled the situation well. I think we'll be leaving the country shortly and half of them are abandoning ship. ^

Is Luke okay?

^ I fixed most of the damage but there's a bullet near the spine and I'm not going to touch it in case I damage him permanently. I need you to do me a favor. ^


^You need to warn all the mutants in the US that they should watch out for soldiers. ^

What did you do?

I told him and he was silent for several moments.

Fuck. This is going to be a mess.

^It was already a mess with US soldiers breaking into the mansion and Xavier mind blasting the entire world. ^

I'll try broadcasting the message. I'm going to need to tell Xavier about this.

^I know. Tell any interested mutants that we're heading to our fall-back position. Tasmania. ^

Where is that?

^Australia, it's a small island state off Australia close to Antarctica and it should be far away enough from US military retaliation.^

That sounds very far away

^Roughly 10000 miles as the castle flies. ^

God this is a giant mess

^On the upside, it's surrounded by water, has limited population and military strength and is rumored to be home of 2 headed mutants as a product of incest. So that should be interesting. ^

Sounds like you're very up to date on the place.

^ When Luke was gone on his Australian holiday, I spent some time researching the country.^

Ok. I got to go. I can't hold this connection any longer.

^Hope to see you soon Sean.^

I disconnected my awareness and moved Luke into my new bed tucking him in and sent off a proxy to see if the soldiers were up and moving yet.

:: Soldiers ::

The soldiers moved around slowly, trying to cover themselves with the shredded remains of their uniforms.

The effectively castrated soldier has recovered his speech. "You're nothing but mutant scum and soon humanity will wipe you all out once and for all. "

I look over to his leader who looks in his 30's clean cut and upright even with the nudity ^ Is he always this idiotic? ^

"You took away his ability to have an erection. How would you feel about that?"

^I did it to myself first when I was learning how to use my abilities. If he wasn't such a dick head I would have reversed it, since I cooled off a bit but now I can't be assed. ^ The captain snickers while dickless glares at us both. ^This wasn't the way I wanted the day to turn out but I want some information from you before we leave. ^ :: ::

Meanwhile the frost fort hovered up with everything we could salvage from this place. I monitored the progress of Callisto and co before dismissing them as irrelevant and checked air traffic before moving out. A mile out I grabbed the remaining 17 vehicles figuring they might be useful for later. I strapped Luke down on the bed as we sped up while I kept a hold on the single proxy talking to their leader.

:: Soldier :: "I can't give you any information."

^Don't try my patience or I will turn you and your soldiers into puddles and don't think for a second I'm unable to do so. I'm a class 5 omega mutant and I am dangerously close to the edge due to recent events so please don't push me. All I want to know is how you found us so fast^ He paled as I compressed my proxy into diamond tough ice.

"Satellites. They've tracked you ever since you left New York."

^Thanks you can go. ^

"What about our clothes and supplies? We won't make it back without supplies."

^I'm sure you'll survive. There is bound to be someone on the road at some point. ^

^Goodbye^ :: ::

I ranged out in all directions searching for the nearest hospital and a way out of this situation. We travelled at about 150 miles per hour. I stopped briefly above Arkansas River, using its water to cover us in a humongous rain cloud as I created a duplicate frost fort, digging up mud from the river bed to fake the coloration of the buildings within the ice walls.

I sent off the fake frost fort to hover low over Oklahoma City while under cloud cover we picked up speed on our way towards Mississippi.

A couple of hours later I dropped Luke off at a hospital in Mississippi for surgery to remove the bullet. They asked me a lot of questions and I made up a story about Luke being shot in a drive by.

I called up Peter Hale and told him Luke was in hospital and I needed his presence to sort out the stuff I couldn't. (Paperwork) I sent him a sms with the hospital name and address and state.

I needed to leave to get the others somewhere safe. I watched over Luke as I navigated two frost forts in very different directions.

The fake got shot down as it travelled towards the Mexican border over land. Its destruction freed my mental energy for travelling faster towards our real destination. I watched over Luke as he had surgery to remove the bullet. It took many hours.

Meanwhile I parked the real frost fort in the Gulf of Mexico near New Orleans.

While the others tried to adjust to yet another change of location. I went on an excursion to the center of the Gulf of Mexico to stretch out my awareness in a new way to keep my mind off Luke's continuing surgery.

Instead of exploring the world via a mental arrow or numerous `eyes' in a limited circle outwards this time I really pushed myself and did a mixture of both. I sent a mental arrow into the water becoming every single molecule of water until I hit the bottom of the sea. I paused as I adjusted to the sensations as countless fish passing through, drinking and all the microbial life in me... It was intense.

Then I reached up using every single molecule of water above me as `eyes' filtering out all the double vision until I hit the upper atmosphere and there was no more water to see from. I filtered out Dryad's parents banging.

When I adjusted to the line of sensation of below and the line of sight above I spread out slowly expanding my awareness in stages. This new cylindrical awareness helped to keep my mind off the single `eye' monitoring Luke's ongoing operation.

Eventually after several phases and short breaks to regain my mental strength I managed to achieve complete awareness of everything above and below the water line of the Gulf of Mexico. My awareness even broached the coastlines of several states of the USA and Cuba and Mexico. It helped me to feel somewhat in control as Luke's operation continued. I held onto that level of awareness for several minutes before abandoning it. Exhausted from the mental strain. I refocused on Luke's surgery which still hadn't finished.

Sean had said my water sensing was a 5 and it had killed some time and distracted me for a while. Luke's operation continued into the night. I filtered and absorbed some water and returned back to the frost fort and rested for half an hour.

I expanded my observation from Luke's operation to see if anyone was being updated to its progress. I found Peter Hale pacing the halls.

I shifted into mist and launched myself into the night towards the hospital.

I travelled at unknown speeds as mist, rushing there.

I arrived sometime later and upon spying Peter Hale I remotely water whispered into his ear ^ It's Victor, I need to talk to you.Come outside ^

I materialized naked near the ambulance bay


I explained about Luke using an earthquake after an anti-mutant comment and how I'd turned into a living blizzard and sliced and diced some soldiers clothes and how they'd blasted a flying fake frost fort into a muddy mass over the Chihuahuan desert.

Peter Hale sighed "The arrogance of youth. I've booked him a private room 1512 for when he gets out. I'll let you know when he gets out. Why are you naked?"

"Long story. I'll be around."

I shifted into mist again slipping through the hospital and bypassing their security to arrive in room 1512. I monitored the whole hospital through `eyes'. It required little effort compared to my Gulf of Mexico awareness exercise.

After another couple of long hours waiting anxiously Luke is wheeled into the room and I mist into the ventilation until Peter Hale is alone with him. I mist back into the room and shift to flesh startling Peter.

Luke looks pale and diminished up close attached to a cardio monitor and an IV attached to his arm. I look over the chart and it's a glucose drip.

I watch over an unconscious Luke with his dad. Peter tells me that the doctors say that the surgery went well but they have to wait till Luke wakes up to find out how much damage has been done. It'll be several hours before anyone knows anything more. Police will visit tomorrow so Luke can make a statement about the drive by...

I head back to the frost fort needing the proximity to maintain the structure and hanging out at the hospital depressed me. I felt so helpless.

Author's note

I'm not sure what to do about Luke I can't decide between full recovery, paralysis or death. I'm tempted to roll a literal dice for an outcome. Audience feedback would be appreciated. @

Next: Chapter 21: Avalon 3

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