
By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 8, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Authors note

This chapter gets a bit dark and I'm sort of sorry about that but unfortunately even my fictional protagonist isn't immune from having to endure some rough times. Hopefully it makes him stronger.

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email (as long as it's interesting) anything vague along the lines of "you suck" or "you rock" will result in an eye roll and a follow up email asking.

"Anything in particular you liked/disliked?"

I aim to post a new chapter every week depending on the level of interest and how much alteration I feel is necessary after getting audience feedback.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via the donate link up the top

On with the story...

Chapter 2

It was a Friday night and I was on my knees sucking cock. I had been on the team for about 6 weeks at that point with 5 of those weeks spent sucking off Ryan. After a 2 hour swim practise, Ryan sat on a bench with his speedos around his ankles and for once Ryan's hands weren't holding my head down. Ryan was finally letting me set the pace on how fast I sucked him and I was enjoying it thoroughly. I was taking my time, savoring his cock, I alternated between deepthroating him, slowly stroking his cock with my left hand while my right was fisted around my cock and sometimes I sucked slowly on the head of his cock. I was slowly picking up speed as I alternated between devouring his cock,stroking it and suckling on it and Ryan was moaning his fucking head off. Typically we'd try and be quiet but Friday nights the older guys were off getting drunk and hooking up with the swim team groupies so we were enjoying the unaccustomed privacy.

I had even gotten some interest from girls now that I was edging into popular territory, I actually went out with a couple of them did the movie and dinner thing with them. I even kissed them and got to second base to see if maybe I was bi but it felt sort of empty and meaningless so I often made polite excuses to get out of them. It wasn't that hard to avoid offers since I still hadn't gotten a car yet and was still on my L's so the couple of dates I had were with girls I met at the places and got dropped off by my sister begrudgingly.

Anyway I was down on my knees having the best time of my short young life sucking a nice thick juicy cock of a hot young swimming athlete aiming for my 4th load from him that day and stroking myself off rapidly with my speedos somewhere around my ankles. Then I heard a drunken chuckle from behind me and I looked around to see Jackson and his 3 cronies behind me in just their underwear and they were all bulging with semi hard erections. I could tell they had been drinking, they reeked of cheap alcohol, I allowed myself a happy moment to enjoy the view and possibility that maybe my fantasy would come true and after tonight I'd no longer be a virgin .

That thought was introduced to the harsh light of reality when I found myself dragged by the neck by Jackson and then shoved harshly into the lockers.

"I always knew you were a faggot Victoria but now I have proof, you fucking degenerate cock sucker, does sucking cock get you all wet, bitch?"

He had his right hand wrapped around my throat and I could barely breathe but his semi hard cock was rubbing up against my stiff cock and I was unbelievably hard and I didn't have brain power left to compute sane responses so I blurted out the simplest answer, the truth, "Yes".

He looked at me in shock for a second and I could see the thoughts trickle slowly through his mind as the alcohol dulled his reactions and it took him a while to process my agreement of his accusation.

"Well if you like cock so much, you'll love my cock faggot" and he loosened his hold on my throat a tiny bit and grabbed my left hand with his left and pushed my hand against his tenting red boxer briefs. I could feel his cock hardening as I gripped it and without any thinking on my part my hand started stroking it through the expensive material, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Jackson. I had wanted him for years and now I was naked (my speedos had fallen off in his rough dragging) and hard and I had my hand on his cock and it was so thick that I could barely get my hand around it.

There wasn't a single sound in the locker room other than the sound of heavy breathing, I think his cronies were in shock that this was getting so violent and gay. From what little I could see of them (from over Jackson's shoulders) their cocks were enjoying the view as they were all tenting significantly however they were all staring open mouthed not moving. Ryan was sitting facing me having turned around at some point to watch events with his hard cock wet and unattended. If I had any breath to spare I'd probably end up giggling at the absurdity. I was starting to feel a bit lightheaded and my eyes started to drift closed and my hand stopped moving and then I was unceremoniously dropped on the floor on my ass painfully.

"I was supposed to be getting laid tonight but the stupid bitches had to get salad with fucked up dressing and come down with food poisoning so you'll have to do instead".

He yanked down his underwear and freed his monster cock and I swear it was looming over me filling my vision with its presence, it was huge and magnificent and in this situation ominous. He slapped me hard on the face and my mouth opened in shock and his cock was inside my mouth, halfway down my throat, filling me with hard jock meat and I was equally terrified and aroused; immensely. He kept trying to slam his cock further down into my throat but he was at least beer can thick and drunk as fuck and every time I tried to put my hand on his cock to try and stop it jabbing painfully into the back of my throat, he'd slap my hand away and slam my head against the lockers. He thrusted again haphazardly into my throat causing me to reflexively gag, incidentally scraping his cock with my teeth, he yowled in pain "Fucking useless faggot, watch your fucking teeth, I should punch them out so you'd be a better cocksucker. If you're going to be a faggot you should at least be able to suck dick well. "

He yanked me to my feet by the arm pits and then roughly turned me around and pushed me into the lockers, pressing my hard cock against the very cold locker metal. "One hole is useless, might as well try the next one" I felt his huge cock pressing haphazardly against my hole and I found myself clenching up to avoid being split apart by his thick cock with only my spit as lube. This was totally not what I had in mind when I fantasised about losing my virginity to Jackson, his hard cock was pressing harder against my hole and it felt like a battering ram as it tried to force its way into me.

One of his cronies finally spoke up "I think this has gone too far Jackson, you're drunk, you need to settle down"

Jackson turned and as he shifted as his cock was no longer pressing up against my hole and I sighed in relief. "Fuck off, he'll love my hard cock in him Joey and after I'm done you can have my sloppy seconds, closest you'll come to getting some real action from a pussy anyway."

"This is really fucked up, let him go" Ryan said standing up looking pissed off (I was touched he was defending me ) .

I was not going to get passed around by a drunken jock as if I was his property, no matter how attractive he and his friends were. I elbowed him in the neck while he was looking at Ryan, I swept his legs out from under him performing a manoeuvre I had seen in a self defense manual. He landed on his naked butt and his jutting arousal provided an absurd counterpoint to the situation.

"I'm going to fucking kill you fag" Jackson stood up, he was fucking furious, his face was red and I could see the veins in his temple throb, he looked truly ugly and hate filled.

I raced to the shower room and at the door Jackson appeared shortly after with 3 of his very confused half naked compatriots. Ryan must have been elsewhere.

"Nowhere left to run faggot" The room didn't have any exits, just the one entrance but I wasn't concerned any more, I was furious and my rage felt like it was coming from a deep dark place within me.

I turned on the taps to the shower and the look on Jacksons face was priceless, utterly lost and confused. I morphed into water and surrounded myself with an ice shield while Jackson went incandescent with rage and started pounding on the ice shield. The others just looked confused as they looked on, Ryan poked his head in briefly wearing pants and with his shirt in the other hand and then he quickly backed away. I didn't hold it against him, I was fine and the situation was FUBAR. My ice shield felt perfectly durable against physical blows so I used the excess water pouring onto the shield and formed them into tentacles and wrapped it around Jackson in rings around his body. A ring around his ankles, around his knees and around his upper thighs and around his torso and then I froze them into stronger ice restraints.

I pulled the ice shield onto my water body, tailoring it around my water body making myself some full body ice armor. I felt safe and secure in my armor though movement was far too slow, I focused my will and made myself lighter and I could feel myself floating a couple inches off the ground, which was unprecedented and willed myself forward. The cronies moved out of my way but I was still pissed and I didn't want them to follow me. I created thin tentacles and wrapped them around each of their ankles and froze it lightly and then used other water tentacles to turn off the water flow. I kept those remaining water tentacles trailing behind me in mid air just in case they broke free. I must have looked like an avenging water god or something out of a hentai nightmare but at that point I didn't really care how I looked.

I went to my swim locker, used one of the tentacles and turned it into a water bubble bag to shove everything into it from my locker and walked off to my school locker to pick up my stuff from there. I knew I wouldn't be able to come back here, I had outed myself as a mutant in order to defend myself and I would never be safe here again. I used the other tentacle to create a larger thinner bubble bag for all my school stuff and then I hovered/propelled myself out of school and focused my will on floating higher until I reached the roof top of the school.

I oriented myself on my house and sped there flying through the air, in other circumstances I would have enjoyed the sensation of flying but I was in survival mode and I had too many other things to think about right now. Most of them involving making sure to propel myself evenly so I didn't crash onto the ground below, I didn't want to make this day any worse than it already was. I arrived home quickly, flying was definitely faster than catching the bus home and somewhat fun minus the fears about falling and dying. I hovered outside my bedroom window on the second floor of our house and used my window sill as a landing pad and let myself into my room.

I penned a quick note to my family explaining that I was a mutant and that I had been attacked at school for being gay and that I was going to a place where I thought I could be safe and learn how to deal with both of those things. I dropped both bubble bags on my bed and quickly shoved everything I wasn't taking with me into the back of my closet. Anything I thought might be useful or didn't want to leave behind I shoved in a normal suitcase from a previous family vacation. I took some change of clothes, a beloved childhood toy (a dolphin that squeaks) some money that I had saved up from my allowance. I took some books including text books from school (I still had assignments to finish) ,a map showing Xaviers Mansion and some shoes. I dispersed the water bags into the air, they had served their purpose.

I grabbed the greyhound schedule I kept in a drawer and floated in my water state ice armour with a suitcase out the window and landed about half a mile away from the bus shelter to avoid anyone seeing me land. I dispersed my ice armor and shifted back to normal and put on some clothes hurriedly. I bought myself a bus ticket out of town into the city and from there onto Xavier's Mansion. Following the directions he had placed in my mind after my water freak out years ago.

A couple of hours later I stood in front of the Xavier Mansion in the increasingly darkening night wondering if the psychic instruction I had received still was up to date, the place looked even more imposing in the dark and I didn't know what to do. The mansion could have a new owner from 2 years ago, it might be a trap of some sort, I could be putting my life in more danger by being here. I felt so lost, my life had been problematic before today but I never missed home so much in my entire life, I was torn by indecision. I just stood there trying to figure out what to do, my fear and confusion mounting with every minute and finally I felt anger at everything start to consume me and I shifted to water and drew in water to coat me in a thin ice armor. I strode forward committed to doing whatever it took to survive this place and the mess my life had become.

I had no idea what I was getting into or how incredibly out of my depth for this journey I truly was. Then again I was a teenager back then and I thought one locker room fight with a homophobe gave me some preparation for how fucked up life was.

Next: Chapter 3

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