
By wayne unknown

Published on Nov 20, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Glossary of terms and other stuff...

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

Within the psychic landscape

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION::

and end with :: ::

For clarity (I hope). Ice Golems used by Victor come in 3 settings.

Paul sized 6 foot broad shoulders refered to as 'golems'. Medium speed and power.

Onyx sized (when he's transformed into his larger form) 7 foot tall physically imposing refered to as 'Onyx golems'. Slow but powerful hitters.

Victor replicas sized about 5 foot 10 slight build (his average height and shape) referred to as 'statues' or 'ice statues'. Fast but not very intimidating, powerful or as durable. Often used as a proxy for tasks the real Victor can't be bothered to deal with personally.

proxies: 'statues' used to do personal mutant errands

Authors Note

I would have posted this chapter about a week earlier but I got sidetracked by a stay in hospital. Woops.

Chapter 1 exodus Saturday early morning

:: Office::

An attractive naked-ish guy in his early 20's is bent over a wood desk his dress pants pooling around his ankles, a loosened tie flapping back and forth as an older man who is mostly dressed in a business suit pounds his ass. The older man's hairy ass flexing as he fucks his junior executive/intern/PA?

They moan and groan as the elder picks up pace.

I slide in behind him shoving my hard cock into him during his climax. He turns around and yells out in fear.

I look down and my cock is human the rest of me shifts between flesh and ice at random.

:: ::

I wake up screaming in a pool of my own sweat, hard and disturbed... Luke tries to comfort me but I'm distracted by the vague sense of something familiar and incomplete lurking in the back of my mind.

I seek out with an `eye' towards the city and after an intensive search I find them.

:: Office::

The couple dresses hurriedly as they keep glancing at the messy remains of my half flesh/water proxy. There's blood and a severed 6 inch penis on the carpet.

I reach out and liquefy all of the mess and disperse it. The couple exchanged a confused glance and left the office.

:: ::

I seek out Sean misting through his locked door without even opening it. Sean wakes up. We're alone in his room.

"What's wrong?" Sean asks

"I've really fucked things up and I don't know what to do."

:: Pyschic landscape -Castle ::

Sean pacing back and forth: I have no idea what to say to this.

Me: Yeah this is not the triumphant day of independence I hoped for. This is the first time I've had one of these weird wet dreams since the first one and it was even worse than last time.

Sean: I'd suggest getting Xavier's help in isolating it but I think that bridge is well and truly burned ...

Me: Yeah well that's his fault.

Sean: Neither of you are helping the situation. The best I can do is ask for you and see if he has a solution that doesn't involve him placing a block in you.

Me: Can't he just memory replay the way he did it to me for you. That way you can do it. I trust you.

Sean: It's a very involved process and there's a risk that his personality would bleed through into mine and I like being me.

Me turning back to normal abandoning the Proteus persona: What do you mean?

Sean: If he shared a lot of memories there's a chance that the way he'd react to certain things would leak into me. I might end up siding with him and do more than cut off your sleeping self from your power.

Me: Fuck me. I'm so screwed.

Sean: You're unique.

Me: Uniquely fucked up.

Sean shrugs: The last time you had this dream you came back from hanging out with Mark with Tom and James. Maybe that's what made it happen again after you've been free of Xavier's restraints for a while now.

Me: So I shouldn't have sex?

Sean: You might need to refrain until I find another way for you.

Me: Guess I'll have to live vicariously through your sexual exploits.

Sean sighs: Lachlan and I had a fight last night after we came back. I'm trying hard not to read his mind to find out the real reason he picked a fight. I'm not sure we'll work out.

Me: But you guys are so cute together and look hot fucking.

Sean slumps back on a bed that appears from nowhere: I care about him but I think we may have moved too fast into something serious because of stuff and I don't know.

Me: I'm sorry I can't help but I've never really had a relationship with anyone.

Sean disappears. The bed remains.

:: ::

Sean shuffles over in bed making room for me. "Want to cuddle? I'm feeling a bit lonely without company."

"Sure" I slide into his bed, my hard cock pokes into his underwear clad bulge.

"No sex remember" and he nudges me onto my side facing away from him and we lay like that his arms around me.

I relax in his arms for a while before becoming restless and I manifest dozens of Golems at the lake playing around with them. "I should head off. I still have to grab my stuff and get everyone else organized.

"We'll keep in touch bud. When are you leaving?"

"10 am."

"Okay I'll see you there."

I get dressed in my room and go out to the lake. Via water voice I broadcasted to everyone ^Departure time in 30 minutes. ^

I had 2 prototype `dense golems' on either side of me in case Xavier wanted me to jump through more hoops as the other golems trailed behind me as I waited for the others to come out.

The Morlocks and the others came out with their suitcases and personal belongings along with dozens of other curious students and the X-men. They looked surprised by the sight of golems on the lawn. I guess the army of golems would be intimidating to people who'd never seen it before.

I shifted to ice, `bodyguards' at my side. The other golems I merged together into a single amorphous blob of water which I then flattened out and froze into a large ice disc platform. I hovered the stadium sized disk several inches off the ground in preparation.

^ Load all your stuff onto the platform.^

Xavier had authorized the Morlocks (according to Scale) to take anything they wanted from downstairs and they had taken that to heart. Scale had a wheelbarrow filled with a couple of odd looking computers (the learning modules) and assorted hardware and tools. The other Morlocks had their stuff piled on mattresses as makeshift suitcases.

Centaur was helping the others to pile on mattresses onto the flying disk while the other Morlocks disappeared downstairs to grab more stuff. I had to adjust my power output to each new thing added to the collective weight. Control of my powers had been a bit iffy since Sunday. Now that my training wheels had been broken, I had to readjust to using the right amount of power to get the right result.

Last time I had done something like this I transported wounded and unconscious enemy soldiers to the local hospital but I hadn't been overly concerned if they were injured in transit. Now I had to be much more careful as this was going to be a much longer trip and I didn't want to drop my followers.

I created a rim around the disk a foot high so things wouldn't fall off and hovered it a yard off the ground. Once all the extra stuff had been loaded onto the disk and I felt confident enough that I could maintain decent height at this weight I lowered the disk and said ^everyone on one at a time. ^

Once everyone else was onboard I hopped on as well moving to the center of the disk, my feet disappearing into the floor as I merged a little with the disk and slowly lifted us up in the air. The ascent knocked Gargoyle off his feet which set off a domino like series of collisions with 5 other people before Scale got knocked off the edge. Luckily as I had eyes' watching our progress from above I reached out with an ice tentacle from the base of the disk' around Scale's ankles and stopped his descent. I pulled him back up onto an unoccupied mattress.

I set us down onto the lake.

This was going to take a lot more effort than I expected, good thing we weren't expected anywhere at any particular time. We couldn't travel from an airport as the Morlocks didn't have valid ID's for one reason or another. The X-jet was a possibility but it'd require multiple trips and it'd be problematic with the Morlock parents if they wanted to come along. Anyway I wanted us to be independent.

While down I redirected everyone to spread out more and drew out half the lake to add to the `disk'. I extended the outer wall until they were 7 foot high and thickened them so that if someone crashed into them they'd not shatter easily.

^Lifting off again ^

As we ascended into the air the floor sprouted ice tentacles around my followers ankles to hold them in place as we gained altitude. People muttered and grumbled...

^This is temporary until movement is smoother, bear with... ^

I released the restraints once we had finished ascending and had started moving forward. This allowed everyone else to move around and unpack and snack and talk or whatever.

I drew in more water vapor around the disk' which was more like a large ice cake tin now to create a mist cover to hide our progress. I ranged out my awareness with multiple eyes' watching out for air traffic as we moved towards the city. We were moving at about 30 miles per hour.

Scale came up to me and said "We're up later than usual. Do you think we can stop for a nap before we see our parents later?"

^Sure. We'll park in Central Park. It'll give everyone else a chance to stretch their legs^ I looked down at my legs merged into the center and shook my head.

We stopped at Turtle Pond near Belvedere Castle (according to the signs). I extended out the mist further lowering the water temp to make it biting cold as we landed to discourage the pedestrians from coming closer as we landed.

As I landed us on the section furthest away from the Castle and the families wandering through it, I drew in more water creating a large makeshift building for the Morlocks. I created a dozen golems to help the Morlocks settle their mattresses into their new rooms and the Morlocks settled down for a nap.

Luke came to me "Hey Hound we're going to get lunch, you coming?" Luke was with Gaia, Onyx, Spark, Paul, Peter and the last minute additions of Water Walker, Sludge and Blur.

^Don't need to eat. I'm going to work on making more buildings. When you're done with Lunch if you could scout out anything we can use for later that'd be great. ^

Luke looked confused for a second before he shrugged and said "Can you let us out?" I knocked down a section of the wall to make an impromptu drawbridge for them to exit much to Spark's amusement.

I used water from the Turtle Pond to expand the ice settlement into more of a frost fort. I added a large central tower for myself and added another building for the other mutants to bunk in and a water tank near the center for easy water access.

Using the nearby castle for inspiration I added an ice brick veneer to the outer walls for fun.

After those adjustments I needed a break from using my powers, flying 30 people via ice was tiring as I had to maintain the walls against air friction, check for air traffic via `eyes' while maintaining a mist cover around us as we travelled.

Now that we were stationary I could send a surge of power into the ice every once in a while to maintain the shape of everything.

The only person around that was conscious was NightCrawler who had joined out of curiosity over Abraxas. He was hot for a blue guy but recent events had made it problematic for me to indulge in sex and as ice I wasn't very horny.

I ranged out with eyes' until I located Luke and company they had finished lunch. I called back Peter, Paul and Spark via water voice'.

I set off Paul with Spark on a mission to reinforce our temporary home against friction so I didn't have to expend as much energy on maintenance. Paul's reinforcing power had limited range and duration which is why I told Spark to use electric attacks to test the effects. I kept an eye on them until they had expended their energy. Their stamina ran out fast as they had never needed to extend themselves this much. I assigned Peter to `double' small cookies until he ran out of energy. He managed to get an extra kilo of cookies out of a bag before running out of stamina.

I checked on Luke and the others. They came back but they didn't want to stick around long as it was too cold'. Luke went off to buy blankets with Onyx. The other passers' went off for a walk through the park. Onyx and Luke came back after an hour with dozens of blankets. I had a couple of Golems distribute some of the blankets to the sleeping Morlocks while Luke and Onyx went to join the others in their walk.

Luke and others came back several hours later as the sun set with more food and earthen pots filled with soil. Nightcrawler left to go pick himself something to eat with a now awake Abraxas. The Morlocks left shortly after via the sewer system to talk to their parents and convince them to come with us on our journey to Luke's farm.


When Luke came to visit me at night wanting to have sex I explained about why I woke up screaming and that it wasn't safe until I got an update from Sean as to how to resolve the issue.

He left soon after.

Afterwards I froze part of the lake around us as I sent a surge of power through the ice making everything `dense' so I could have a couple of hours of sleep in my new tower.



The Morlocks returned with their parents around 6 am. Their leader Callisto wanted to fight me to ensure that I was worth following.

Armed with a couple of knives Callisto moved around me at super speed stabbing into my ice armor over and over again. It was ineffectual. I simply reformed the armor over and over again until her stamina wore out and I tangled her arms and legs in ice restraints. She conceded the match.

Afterwards I demonstrated a fraction of power by creating a rain that morphed into hail then snow then a fearsome blizzard. They decided to follow me impressed by my displays of power.

I created another building with 2 dozen rooms for the parentals as I didn't know what their sleeping arrangements usually were and I didn't want to have that conversation with them on the first night/day.

^I'm sorry but sleeping facilities are limited at the moment. I'll see what I can do about getting you something more to sleep on^

"We're used to living rough." Callisto responded before marshalling the Morlock group away.

When Luke woke up I asked him "Do you think you can organize mattresses to be delivered to the farm for our arrival?"

"When do you think that will be?"

"A few days probably. We just gained another 25 passengers and between Paul and me we've doubled the weight of the ice from when we started. "

"Do you think you can still get us there or should I organize a bus or something?"

"We'd need like 2 buses and what if we got pulled over by the cops. I don't think they'd like the fact that most of us don't have valid ID's. I'll be able to get us there, it's just going to take more energy to move us at the speed we need to get there alright but I can do it."

"It took us a couple hours to get here and I could have driven here in like half the time."

"Yeah but this was a practice run. I'll move us faster."

"Okay. I'll go organize a delivery of stuff."

"Cool. Thanks."

^Everybody, prepare for lift off. Find a comfortable position we're going to go faster. ^ I broadcast the message via water voice throughout the `frost fort'.

I lifted the `frost fort' up along with a thick cover of mist. To people on the ground we'd look like a strange cloud rising from the ground. Not that there were many people around at this time of day.

I propelled us through the air on a constant watch for air traffic as we picked up speed. We managed to get up to 60 miles per hour.

I stopped at 1 pm for a break at a lake on our way allowing the others to get off and walk about and stretch their legs while the Morlocks and parents slept. They went off to get lunch in the nearest city and came back with groceries and I suggested to Peter that he try his powers out on rice... He got a couple of kilos out of his power before he wore out.

At 3pm we left, this time I got up to 100 miles an hour and kept going until 7 pm when Luke asked for me to stop so they could eat.

We parked in a stretch of uninhabited land near a small brackish pond. After Luke and co finished eating he went outside and broke up the nearby rocks into sand and streamed it over the floor and buildings.

I shift to flesh and put on some clothes to go outside "What are you doing?"

"It's freezing. I'm putting down some insulation. Aren't you cold?"

"I don't really feel the cold any more..." Luke looked confused "Due to my constant phasing I don't need to eat and I need very little sleep to function."

"That would explain a lot. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Life has been crazy enough. I didn't want to pile it on."

"Right. Can you wake up the others so I can add sand to their rooms too?"

"Sure." ^ Everybody up and outside we're going to do some training while Luke makes modifications to our temporary home. ^

"What training?" Luke asks

"I figure everyone should work on some basic defense skills so that if this place is ever under attack like the mansion invasion that not everyone will be forced to run and hide like rats."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help. I would have liked to kick some ass."

"It's okay..."

I was interrupted by everyone walking over the icy drawbridge towards us. It was odd to see them all together, the `passers' outnumbered by the obviously mutant Morlocks.

"It's time to play people. We need to be strong to survive in this rough and tumble world. Some of you have trained with me before but since some of you haven't we're going to work our way from the beginning."

I demonstrated some tai chi basics followed by some staff maneuvers with an ice staff

I saw a tree in the distance and sent my ice staff flying into it at the last moment splitting it apart into dozen of mini ice katanas slicing through the dead tree cutting off its branches.

The end results were a lot of knobbly staves but oh well. I worked with Scale on techniques as I tested the Morlock teens with Golem staff battles while the Morlock parentals were shown through the basics again via Golems.

Callisto picked up the skills even faster than Scale had. It was a little disheartening but I buried the sense of envy and assigned her to supervise the Morlock parentals. After a few bouts with Scale I sent him off to supervise the Morlock teens while I gave one on one instruction to the `passers'. I found myself missing the excitement and drama of a tough fight with Cyclops and Storm.

At the end of an hour I figured I'd given Luke enough time to sand bend insulate and I wanted to see the result of the near endless streams of sand blowing around.

"Everyone keep hold of your staves we'll be doing this daily. Next session will be tomorrow at 8am" There were several groans from the crowd but they dispersed.

Gaia remained behind looking awkwardly at the damaged tree. When everyone else left she asked, "What about the tree? "

I scanned the tree, it didn't feel very healthy but I hadn't bothered to scan it prior to chopping off most of its branches. I felt a little trickle of guilt for slicing into a living thing but it had looked dead and... "We can bring it along if you like; you can add it to your collection."

"Yes please." I shifted to water and worked out a large chunk of earth to keep the majority of the roots intact.

As I got halfway back to Gaia with the tree Luke showed up and he smirked and pulled the tree out of my grasp with a "Where would you like it?"

Gaia blushed. "Follow me". Luke trailed after her the tree floating behind trailing sand onto the ground.

I walked into my `frost fort' and was surprised by how different it looked. There was a thin layer of sandstone over the ground and most buildings inside and out. The ice walls and my tower remained untouched. Hopefully this would reduce the grumbling about it being cold.

^Lifting off, brace yourself. I want to get to our destination by tomorrow. ^

I lifted the `fort', heavier now because of Luke's efforts and propelled us in the direction of the farm. I had scouted out its location earlier.

We got up to about 120 miles per hour.

I stopped at 3 am for a rest break exhausted on top of a now frozen pond and woke up 3 hours later.


We were nearly there. We had made good speed though there were leaks that had weakened the sandstone layer.

We landed on a small pond at the property. Luke went to talk to the interim manager and a small herd was included as part of the buying price. The farmer had sold most of the other stock to others. Also the mattresses had arrived.

Had a brief training session from 7:30 to 8am with the group demonstrating more tai chi and staff routines with Callisto and Scale helping out then they dispersed to unpack.

I reached out my awareness to the Lake around 8:30 near the Xavier mansion and made a long distant proxy and sent it off to perform its mission.


Sean was sleeping in his bed with a naked James behind him while Mike was asleep in his bed with a naked Tom behind him.


"Sorry. No idea. Too sleepy. I'll get back to you later."

I dispersed the proxy leaving Sean to recover from what looked like an entertaining night.

:: ::

Via golems I helped everyone move into their new living spaces.

Then everyone rested, the Morlocks to sleep and the others to enjoy a quick nap on their new mattresses.

While everyone took a break to relax and get used to their new home I amused myself. I stretched out my tower into a mini castle while pushing out the perimeter of the frost further in the process. The expansion left gaps in the sandstone covered floor. I dredged up more sand from the bank of the stocked pond with water clenched over the sand depositing it on the floor compacting it as best I could with water pressure.

Nightcrawler/Kurt came to see me teleporting on to the wall for a second before showing up outside my new castle's door.

"Everyone is asleep. Did you want to...?" He stroked his bulge.

"I'd like to but I can't right now due to power complications but I am interested in observing your powers in action if you don't mind. "


"You took out the President's protection in under 2 minutes."

"I was drugged, my memories of that time is hazy."

"Doesn't matter I want to watch you fight my golems."


"I'll take that as a yes. Let's get out of here for a bit." I sent a surge of power into the ice to keep it stable while I was gone.

I flew to a small well further back on the property at my top speed with Kurt closely behind teleporting after me.

I manifested 4 ice golems to better test Kurt's combat skills. The last time I'd seen him in action was in the danger room and he had only transported people around to attack me instead of attacking me directly himself.

Kurt smashed my golems to pieces with a mixture of teleporting and targeted violence. He teleported out of the way of punches thrown by the first 2 golems only to reappear a second later in mid-air behind them kicking them in the back, knocked them both to the ground to shatter face first. Kurt wrapped his tail around the third golem's leg yanking it off balance to shatter on its back. Kurt wrapped his tail around the neck of the last of the golems teleporting it a dozen yards above the ground before dropping it onto the hard floor below.

He had destroyed all 4 golems in 10 seconds. It was quite an impressive display of mutant power and martial arts. I noticed something interesting when he teleported the 4th ice golem that I had to think about further. His high speed combat skills made my ice battle form seem relatively useless comparatively.

I had improved a lot from the clunky ice armor I used to escape the locker room a lifetime ago but it didn't feel like enough.

My current ice form while tougher and thinner still didn't provide the speed and durability I needed for combat against other high level mutants. I wanted to know how he fought with such effective strategies at an unbelievable pace.

I coated Nightcrawler in a microscopic sheen of water to better understand his technique. He had moved so fast that I hadn't learned much about how to adapt his technique for myself.

I reformed my 4 golems. "Could you do that again?"

He flashed in and out causing devastation on the useless golems. I didn't care.

His ability was fascinating. He broke down on a molecular level along with his clothes for a second visible for a split second as blue smoke in the in between stage before reappearing elsewhere fully formed as if it was nothing. When he was invisible to normal vision he was travelling through the air at such speed as a sort of molecular vapor. I wondered if I was capable of that speed as water vapor. It would probably require lots of practice.


"I'm curious as to how you know how to teleport via molecular travel"

"I do not understand what you mean about molecular travel"

Kurt must have had an innate understanding of the nature of physics, momentum and causation to fight considering the way he fought.

"When you teleport you break down into tiny parts and travel through the air to your destination. Haven't you ever been curious as to how your power worked?"

"It is a part of me, like my tail, it just is."

Disappointing. He wouldn't be able to teach me how to fight as water vapor though I'd probably end up fighting naked knowing my luck lately.

"What's the furthest you can travel via a single teleport?"

Kurt shrugs. I grit my teeth frustrated. He didn't have a file in Xavier's archive so I didn't know his limitation and apparently he didn't know or care how powerful he was. Infuriating.

I reformed the ice golems out of their shattered remains and added some spikes to their body and ran through the exercise again. The end result was the same, though this time it took Kurt 15 seconds as his kicks were limited to their unprotected heads and the spikes had the added benefit of cushioning their falls onto the grass.

Kurt compensated by wrapping his tail around all their necks and dropping them from great height one after another. I could have stalled them in mid-air but I wanted to see whether their extra weight would result in a larger shower of ice debris; it did. The ground was covered in remains of former golems; it was a bit sad so I reformed them. They could die over and over again through Nightcrawler's attacks but the water would still remain and they would be remade as many times as necessary.

I set them up again. This time with longer curved spikes around the neck to help block Kurt's tail from easy access to their neck.

Kurt teleported upon their non-spiked shoulders, clamping their heads between his legs and teleporting 20 yards above and dropping them. All four of them were plummeting to the ground in a span of 5 seconds. I halted them a few feet above the ground to see what Kurt would do now that I removed one of his most potent elimination attacks.

He came up with a new strategy unbelievably fast. He wrapped his tail around one of the golem's feet and spun it in the direction of another golem, before I could react he had kicked a 3rd golem in the direction of the 4th. They smashed together so fast I couldn't react and I was showered in ice shrapnel. One of the pieces slammed into my forehead I pulled it out, blood gushing out of the wound. Even watching this fight turned out to be more dangerous than I thought.

Nightcrawler teleported in front of me. "You are injured, I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, and I swore to myself that I wouldn't harm another living creature as long as I lived."

Well that explained his passive role during our training. I phased resetting my body. Despite my class 5 powers I still got my ass kicked way more often than I would prefer by more experienced mutants. I needed to be better.

At least I had managed to counter Xavier, one of the most powerful mutants in the world in a one on one battle.

"No need to worry, I'm healed now, I'm tougher than I look, I want you to fight me directly, I want to work on my hand to hand combat skills some more and your technique is fascinating."

"I can't, I don't want to injure you"

I shifted back to water and drew the remains of the 4 golems into loose armor around me.

^Even if you break my armor your physical attacks will not injure my water core, I want to learn how to move as fast as you and the only way to do so is to fight with you directly.^

"Are you sure? I don't want to injure you."

^I'll be fine. Get on with it. ^

With only a single opponent he was even more impressive, he focused a flurry of teleportation boosted punches, kicks and body slams into me. My ice armor cracked in numerous places and I compressed it forming my tier 2 armor (the externally compressed armor). It still wasn't enough to endure his attacks. I altered the armor into tier 3 armor (the dense armor with internally rearranged molecules). His attacks lost much of their effectiveness taking several hits to damage.

Nightcrawler teleported back onto solid ground, panting from the exertion of extended battle. I hadn't injured him other than damaging his fists with my armor. I couldn't land a blow as he moved too fast. I barely managed to block/evade 10% of his attacks.

His teleportation bypassed the telegraphing of movement that 99% of other opponents displayed during combat. He could punch me in the face, kick the back of my head and knee my stomach within the same second. Effective evasion was problematic. Watching through an `eye' above didn't help much as it only gave me a microsecond to react to attacks from behind.

He left to recover. At least I now knew something more about his power. He wore out like I did after excessive use of power.

While I was alone in my control tower I practiced my own water version of teleportation. It was nowhere near as effective as Kurt's technique.

I shifted to mist and my clothes were left behind in the process. Not exactly a great combat skill when you end up naked in a battle.

I spent the rest of the day practicing mist travel exploring this new place with eyes' and myself as a fast mist cloud moving about. I used other eyes' to monitor my progress and speed as I would shift to flesh and back to mist from place to place.

I explored the isolated town as mist before coming back to my mini castle. I expanded the castle outwards a little before adding more water to expand upwards adding 5 turrets so I could see out from many angles the central tower being 30 feet taller than the others.

I needed a break exhausted from my efforts. The `passers' were busy exploring their new home while the Morlocks continued to sleep.

They left for a dinner out in the town via a 2 truck convoy Onyx and Luke the drivers.

They came back in time for evening training at 7pm. Training went well everyone had mastered basic movements.

The night passed quietly as I thought about my technique compared to Kurt's ability.

So far my mist travel technique had too many limitations to make it useful for combat. I had barely managed a tenth of Kurt's speed. While it could be used as a last ditch escape from a really dangerous battle like against that Danger Room jet I'd end up naked as my clothes wouldn't transfer along. To compensate for that vulnerability I had practiced transitioning to `dense flesh' on arrival to a new location.

On the upside mist travel allowed me to work on improving my reaction times and come up with a new idea for a golem type.


:: Cyclops::

Via Proxy ^ Morning Cyclops. I wondered if you could help me out. I have recruits now but my training on hand to hand combat isn't that extensive and I hoped that you could give me some more one on one training to pass on.^

"Victor give me a minute I'll get you the training document I made for you. "

I was confused by Cyclops response but as he moved around his room searching through the clutter I noticed other more problematic developments. His facial hair was unshaved, his movements erratic, his clothing rumpled.

^ Are you okay? ^

Cyclops returns with several pages of handwritten notes passing it to my proxy. "Xavier told me to take a few days off teaching to deal with... But the time alone gives me too much time to think and remember and it hurts."

I glanced through the pages and it looked like a year –long exercise plan. ^I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you. ^

"It's okay I needed the distraction from my thoughts. I wrote down my fitness regime for the last decade it should keep you busy for at least a year.

^Yeah thanks, I appreciate your help. ^ I scan through it trying to memorize as much as I could.

"How are you finding life on your own?"

^Honestly it's weird. I'm not sure how much of a leader I am. I often feel like a packhorse carrying everyone and their stuff around. Luke is proving to be a better leader dealing with people's complaints. I'm still trying to master my abilities and I don't really have a long term plan for the group. Luke at least has a plan though it seems to involve everyone helping him to make the farm better. I don't know. ^

"You said something about training recruits."

^Um yeah. I've done a couple of training sessions with the group teaching them basics of fighting with sticks and some tai chi but I was thinking the next one should be more hand to hand combat.^

"Sounds like you're being a leader of your own fighting force."

I thought about that for a few seconds. ^I learned from the best ^

Cyclops gave me a weak smile. "Thanks?"

^I was talking about Xavier. His own private army and a school full of students that feel like they owe him something. ^

Cyclops sighs. "You were one of the most promising students to have come through this school. Not simply because of your potential power but because you had the drive, determination and desire to improve yourself no matter the pain involved. It's a shame that you couldn't appreciate the work we do here."

"I'd blame Bobby for that."


"He's a class 5 and yet he's still there years later settling for mediocrity. I didn't want to suffer the same fate."

"What makes you think that he's class 5?"

"I looked at Xavier's files."

"I don't believe it."

^Haven't you read the database? I figured you didn't know about the Phoenix but this is ridiculous. ^

What are you talking about?"

^ I should go^

"Don't you dare. Explain yourself."

I felt a little tingle of excitement hearing his voice go low and authoritative.

^Bobby's a class 5 cryokinetic and Jean was a class 5 telekinetic. ^

Cyclops stayed still for several tension filled moments as I thought about how my golems never did find her body. I had been disturbed by a lingering sense of deep malice in the region that I couldn't identify and I hadn't returned since. Cyclops asked "Did you want to spar? This time I won't hold back. "

"Um sure. I could do with more practice with these proxies. Where though? ^

"Danger room. No sessions have been organized for this week."

Cyclops switches from his rose tinted glasses to his visor eyes closed in between.

Cyclops escorted my proxy to the Danger room while he set up the program.

When he walked into the Danger room it transformed from an empty gray room to the island location from my first assessment. There was a table filled with all sorts of medieval weapons, broad swords, and bows, cross bows, mauls, maces and battle staves. Most I recognized from playing Diablo but some were odd weapons a staff that was 80% blades on the end and a triangular bladed hand weapons.

"So what's the game today?"

Cyclops laughed bitterly. "I guess this would be a game to you. The game ends when your ice man is a puddle. "

^I call these statues or proxies. ^ The proxy says gesturing to itself. I summon half a dozen Paul shaped golems out of the water ^these I call golems^. I pull out another dozen Onyx sized golems ^these are called Onyx golems^. I summon a couple of liquid golems out of the water ^and these are just `water golems'^.

"Impressive. Let's start." He blasts half a dozen of my assorted golems into steam before I can counter. I summon wave after wave of golems to advance on Cyclops. He keeps evaporating them with optic blasts and I reform some and summon more out of the ocean.

He backs away step by step retreating further inland from my waves of assorted golems. I don't even bother getting them to dodge as the ocean provides an endless source of golem material. Cyclops has retreated to the middle of the island having evaporated all the golems near him. I have half a dozen assorted golems left on the beach I get them to grab a random weapon as they pass by the table. They test the heft of each weapon, trialing attack methods as they walk to where Cyclops is waiting.

Cyclops easily dodges each of my armed golems' attacks blasting them into nothing.

He wins. The air is thick with water vapor from the evaporated golems. I reform one behind Cyclops he turns around fast hand on his visor trigger I lift my hands high ^ you win. ^

He smiles.

He spends the next several hours expanding my knowledge of hand to hand combat, along with armed combat with each of the medieval weapons. It's quite fun and more entertaining than all my previous classes at Xavier's.

He explains towards the end that I had relied too heavily on a single strategy, swarming. Whereas he had turned his numerical disadvantage into a strategy by luring my troops away from their source of power giving him more time to recover and plan.

I do like Cyclops. He's smart, good looking (less so today) and dedicated.

:: ::

:: Sean ::

He's alone again in bed. "I'm making progress on a solution for you. I'll explain tomorrow."

:: ::

Group training 8 am – 9am training with staves.

Late afternoon

I tested out a new water golem on Nightcrawler a solid water' version of my regular water golems. It was a variation on Vader's ability, these solid golems' could punch with limited force (making them lousy melee fighters) but when attacked the force would be partially resisted by the `solid water'.

Also this version had a novel attack method, a ranged water blast, every blast reduced their size meaning limited `ammo'.

The solid water form meant they'd retain their shape for a minute before collapsing from inattention. While more difficult to maintain long term than ice golems their resistance to physical attacks would make them a welcome addition to my golem arsenal.

Kurt's physical attacks against solid water golems' had little effect. Nightcrawler ended up knocked out by a water blast from one of these solid golems'.

My new water golem was a success, now I had to figure out how to mass produce them as my ranged attackers while letting my ice golems be the melee meat shields. Figuring out how to replenish/increase the ammo of the water golems was a priority. At the moment they could only fire off 3 shots before becoming unstable. They'd probably suck against energy attacks.

I had another golem in mind but I would leave testing that for another time.

Evening training 7-8 pm with gun basics, the Morlock teens demonstrating to their elders and to the `passers' how to load, unload and dissemble weapons.



Engaged Bobby in a mutant version game of tug of war with a rope of ice. The aim for me was to turn it into water while he tried to keep it as ice. He won.

Next we did a speed drill which involved me firing off water orbs at him that he'd turn to ice firing it back in my direction that I'd turn to water and fire back and so on and so forth until we ran out of energy or get struck by too many `missiles'.

He won that round too, smashing my proxy to bits with a series of high speed ice orbs. Apparently a lack of proximity limited my effectiveness high level opponents like Cyclops and Bobby.

:: ::

:: Sean::

Sean alone again in bed. "Hey Victor give me a second I need to plug into Cerebro."

Several minutes later Sean memory replays his knowledge via Cerebro as to how I can channel my power while asleep to maintain my water creations and to avoid fallout from awkward `wet dreams'. The gist being I had to picture what I wanted in order to maintain water creations. As well as partitioning my sleeping mind to a limited range and reservoir of strength. It wouldn't eradicate the problem but it'd minimize the potential damage. "Thanks Sean. You're a legend!

"Now that that's out of the way I want to share Monday morning's excitement."

:: Memory Replay/ Sean's POV::

I sense Mike through the network getting closer he's highly agitated. I scan for him and find him outside in a parked car with Tom and James. James is in the driver's seat pulling down his shorts unleashing his giant cock. I'm curious how that would feel in me. Mike is wearing an unfamiliar singlet and shorts in the backseat, wearing is a bit of a misnomer as his shorts are around his ankles and his singlet has been pushed up around his neck. All the while riding Tom's hard cock as he reaches out for James' cock "But I don't want to go back I want to hang out with you guys. You're awesome. School sucks."

"I know little buddy". Tom thrusts into my horny little bro's hole speeding up as James jams his huge cock into my bro's mouth. I'm not sure whether I'm proud or envious of him getting so much action at his age. Tom strokes Mike's cock as my baby bro is jostled between the two hard cocks.

Tom keeps slamming in harder as Mike bounces up and down moaning around a mouthful of cock like a hot little slut.

Tom's mind blanks in joy as he explodes into my little bro's voracious hole. Tom continues lazily "I need a break, my cock is feels used up. You're a horny little fucker." He gives my little bro a squeeze and a hug from behind as he tries to get up. Mike is uncooperative until...

"My turn little man. I've watched you grinding on my boyfriend's cock for the whole car ride. Now I'm going to fuck your horny boy hole hard. "

Mike gets off the lap of Tom who tucks in his half hard reddish cock matching his bright red pubes into the shorts while James moves to the backseat and doggy styles Mike who buries his head into Tom's covered crotch as James fucks him fast and furious.

As I shamelessly probe both of them their mounting pleasure saturates the link infecting me with their mutual lust. I pull out my cock stroking it fast wanting to blow at the same time as James. James loves my brother's hole wrapped around his monster cock as do I. Mike loves James' cock too inside him, stroking himself as he bucks and grinds as James slams into him over and over again. Mike cums first and his orgasm drenches me in his sensation, James explodes a short time later pushing me over the edge with his orgasmic pleasure as he unloads into my brother's well used hole.

Tom asks "Do you think we can watch you and your brother fuck next time?"

"Come with me and you can see me fucking him in 5 minutes."

Tom asks "Wont they get suspicious of us walking through the door with you. "

"You up for another fuck already?" James asks fingering my bro's leaking hole.

"Yeah" Mike grins. "And I can get us past everyone without being noticed. Just hold my hands as we go so I can make you guys invisible with me."

"You can ..." They disappear and Mike fades out from the psychic network. I concentrate and he comes back into focus barely but only as a sense of him getting closer.

I get excited and scoop up the cum on my stomach and slide it into my hole to make way for my brother's cock.

I unlock the door and close my eyes as I finger my hole stretching myself out. I hadn't had sex since Friday since Lachlan was being unreasonable. The bed sinks a little later. I remove my fingers from my hole and a second later Mike slams into me with his hard cock. I open my eyes and Mike gives me that familiar cheeky grin as he pounds me hard. I smile back at him reminded of all the trouble I used to have to save him from and now I was a willing accomplice. I squeeze his hot little ass fingering his leaking hole. He kissed me hard tongue sliding past my lips as we share our sordid brotherly love.

James makes his presence known by shoving his huge cock into my cheek. Mike pulls back making room for the other boys as he grabs my ankles slamming into me harder. I moan for a second before my mouth is filled with James' long kinked cock. I suckle on it as Tom sucks on mine as my little brother fucks me harder. All I can see of Tom is his ginger covered head bobbing up and down on my hard cock as he squeezes his shorts covered cock.

My pleasure builds and my mental filters weaken as I'm fucked, sucked and face fucked. I'm overwhelmed by the sudden rush of James' and Mike's lust and I clutch Tom's hair as I explode in mindless rapture into his talented mouth. Tom swallows down my load teasing out a final burst of pleasure. I share the sensation with Mike via our network. Mike fucks me harder and faster until he explodes into me. His orgasm mixes with my after-glow and the other two boys' lust and I'm so hard. James has pulled his cock out of my mouth letting me breathe freely again.

"Tom you want to go first or can I?" James asks. Mike pulls out of me to stand off to the side of my bed with James who is stroking his huge cock.

"He's going to need a warm up. I'll go first." Tom moves off from kneeling onto the floor, stripping off his shorts to reveal a nice 9 inch cock. He slams in hard mouth on mine as he fucks me hard. The horniness saturates the room as Mike and James stroke each other as they watch me being fucked by Tom.

Tom pulls out to stand on the side. James is quick to fill me, stretching me wider than ever before with his big hot cock. Mike sits on my cock his hole squishy with their loads. Mike kisses me hard as James slams me hard. I'm giddy from the lust saturating the room and James inside me. Part of me leaves my body to watch from above as my brother rides my cock and a hung blond rip into my hole.

Tom slides behind his bf slamming into his bf's tighter hole. Tom squeezes my butt and hip as his bf fucks my brain out and Tom fucks into James while Mike rides my cock. Sensations blur as all the physical contact makes it hard to discern who is feeling what.

It ends too soon and I blow my load into my horny baby brother who coats my stomach in a thin trickle of cum as he joins me. I'm not sure if I was sharing my feeling with him through the network. Things are confused and I'm so sleepy.

Mike cuddles me as James continues to fuck me as Tom fucks him.

The sex started to hurt post orgasm so I link Tom and James together so they feel each other's rising pleasure for a few seconds and they both cum...

I push James out of me with a telekinetic nudge. My hole aching. I definitely preferred to be the top.

They collapse on top of me. I'm too weak and lazy to do anything about it.

"WOW!" James exclaims. "That was fucking intense. We definitely need to hang out with you guys more."

Tom asks "What time do you guys start class?"

"9" I respond.

"We'll hang out here till 9:30 so we won't get caught out on the way back."

"Cool. Come cuddle with me Tom." Mike said moving off me to go off with Tom to his bed.

James said "You're all mine then." He cuddled up behind me, his semi lying in my butt crack.

I drifted off exhausted.

Victor wakes me ...

Wake up again at 9:30 from a Xavier prompt Report to class immediately.

"Guys you got to go." I said anxious. James cock had stiffened during sleep and was pressed against my hole. My cock stiffened thinking of him inside me. I wondered if he'd let me pound his ass. We didn't have the time Xavier could come check on us via astral projection or in person if we didn't hurry up. Could be awkward being discovered in bed with humans.

Mike pouted. "I'll miss you guys"

"You're both welcome to come visit us next Saturday." They said dressing.

"Cool." Mike said

"I'll think about it." I replied unsure. James was hot and his cock had felt great but then it hurt, my hole ached a little now.

They left the Mansion and grounds bypassing the usual traffic as everyone was already in class.

"Let's shower and get dressed." I told Mike

The memory faded...

:: ::

and it felt weird to be a different body in Kansas when I had this feeling like I should be in Sean's room in the Mansion in Westchester County.

"That memory replay flashback was intense and more detailed than your usual ones..."

Yeah I wanted to give you a sexy example of the dangers of memory recall so you wouldn't forget.

:: ::


I went to check in on Cyclops and he seemed better than yesterday. We spent another day training via the Danger Room as Cyclops helped me explore the limitations of my Golems/proxies before treating me to an intensive session of combat training with various weapons. He defeated me with every weapon easily except the staff where I held my own for several minutes before overwhelming Scott.

:: ::

Group training session 7 am to 8 am hand to hand combat training. Callisto did well. The `passers' went to work. Luke used his powers over Earth to raise up waist high earthen walls behind the wooden fences to secure the property while the others helped Gaia plant her mini orchard of a couple of berry bushes and apple trees. Afternoon I had another training session with Nightcrawler and this time Abraxas attended. He was only half awake as he watched Nightcrawler and me battle in mid-air. Practice had allowed me to block/evade 30% of Night crawler's attacks. I still couldn't land any blows on him, his reflexes were unparalleled but I wore him out fast enough. I felt like I had probably learned as much as I could from my time with Kurt.

My time with Cyclops had highlighted my need to maximize my use of assorted golems' to be more effective in larger quantities. My current mental abilities limited me to controlling an army of about 30 assorted golems'. I wanted to have my own personal army of summoned units like I did in the new game of Diablo 2 when I played necromancer and basically had my options on what to summon; skeletons, skeleton mages and revives. I missed playing it. Only a couple of months ago had I been playing that in my free time between school, swimming and sneaky water practice and of course wanking. I didn't have much time left for computer games.

On the upside maybe I would manage to make myself a real life equivalent to the power of summoning that virtual necromancer had.

Theoretically my power was unlimited in potential but I needed more experience to control the results. Now that I had been let off my mental leash I wanted to push my limits.

One day I might be able to control 1000's of golems from a distance. Maybe I'd find a way to use the mental imagining/partitioning trick to keep golems active and mobile while I slept.

I drained some the water from the buildings within the walls of my frost fort' using the excess water to dredge up sand from the bottom of the pond to replace the lost mass. The less reliant the other mutant buildings were on my power fluctuations the better. It would mean that I'd only have to maintain' my castle and the frozen walls and base. Admittedly my `frost fort' had 40% less water in it now but I was keeping the name anyway.

As for the new sand buildings, I used water pressure to shape and compact them. It was clumsy but it would do until Luke had time to fix it...

Gaia had set up a compost heap and gathered some earth worms in order to improve the soil of the land. Her powers had become more effective with regular exercise but leeched the soil of nutrients fast.

Peter's ability to replicate items of a particular size made him uniformly popular across the demographics. He had built up quite a collection of confectionary from the passers' shopping trips. His stamina increased daily as he continued to push himself to double' more candy. He pissed on the conservation of matter to eat junk food. It was hilarious and ridiculous.

When I first met him he'd duplicated small coins but with my suggestion of duplicating foodstuffs he's really pushed himself to discover his limits. Other than fatigue that was combated by large sugar intake he'd discovered his max threshold of duplication as being about 500 grams at a time or the size of an average apple. The larger the item the faster it drains him of energy leaving him unable to duplicate until he recovered. Any organic item hits its expiry date he throws it into the compost to be used for the soil.

Television made it seem that learning a new magic skill was so easy. You got a magic power and learned to use it by instinct' with minimal training if any. This was bullshit! Half the time the hero' would develop a new ability in danger and have perfect control over it instantly.

I had been good at swimming but I still needed a coach and regular practice to improve.

Even with a couple of years of self-training, I had only started to fully develop my abilities in the last 6 weeks because of circumstances. Xavier's actions had motivated me to push myself harder to unlock my full potential to defend myself against anyone and everything life could throw at me.

Sean had helped with providing psychic guidance. Other mutant interactions had inspired me to try out new things. It helped to grow when I didn't need to hide any more.

My main aim now was to allow other mutants to grow to their full potential in this new hopefully safe sanctuary far from everything.

I had learned a lot from my time at the Xavier mansion and I wanted to share my experience with everyone here whether that was combat skills or advice on how to use their powers better. I didn't know how I'd extend my psychic resistance to others. I really wished Sean had joined us.

Evening group training. I decided we should learn to use the other weapons we had acquired. Guns.

We didn't have enough guns to pass around so people had to share to do limited target practice. It gave me a flashback of having to share limited copies of a book or a printout at school with the person next to you except darker.

Luke asked the Morlock teens to help out with farm chores. They were initially resistant but Scale talked them around. The Morlock adults were even more resistant. I threw my own weight around from on high as their new leader.

The Morlock teens had years of education in the sub levels of Xavier's mansion and were used to drastic changes in their lives.

The Morlock adults were less inclined to tolerate change. They wanted to be back under ground.

Luke obliged by making a small cave beneath the property in exchange for them helping to plow and maintain the crops. I did a little bit of irrigation for Gaia's orchard and Luke's plot during the night.

I had misgivings about the situation as I could hear Callisto and a few other Morlock elders grumbling about farm work.

Next: Chapter 20: Avalon 2

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