
By wayne unknown

Published on Oct 21, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Brief mention of Xena, don't own the tv show

Brief reference to Diablo 1 don't own that otherwise I'd be rich.

Glossary of terms and other stuff...

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

Within the psychic landscape

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION::

and end with :: ::

For clarity (I hope). Ice Golems used by Victor come in 3 settings.

Paul sized 6 foot broad shoulders refered to as 'golems'. Medium speed and power.

Onyx sized (when he's transformed into his larger form) 7 foot tall physically imposing refered to as 'Onyx golems'. Slow but powerful hitters.

Victor replicas sized about 5 foot 10 slight build (his average height and shape) referred to as 'statues' or 'ice statues'. Fast but not very intimidating, powerful or as durable. Often used as a proxy for tasks the real Victor can't be bothered to deal with personally.

proxies: 'statues' used to do personal mutant errands.

Author's note

In this chapter the shit hits the fan and Victor embraces his homicidal rage... There is also a really kinky graphic sex scene with the Morlocks and some time spent with a naked Cyclops.

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

Also if you wish to subscribe for email updates let me know.

If you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...

Thursday 22nd June

Wake up. Luke has left early in the morning. I go talk to Sean, we have yet another psychic battle, this time hitting each other with mallets followed by a game of chess that I also lose.

Have another danger room simulation after the day's lessons. This one comes as a complete surprise.

This one is set in a desert against Jean, Cyclops, Storm and Colossus. There's not enough ambient water to use golems to help me fight and I'm quickly overwhelmed with a coordinated 3 pronged attack. Cyclops and Storm using their energy attacks to distract me while Jean and Colossus got close enough to strike. Jean lashed out with a mental strike that turned my senses upside down. Pain became pleasure, light became darkness, sounds became colors, colors turned into smells. I couldn't hold onto my shape during a lightning strike and during my paralysis Colossus knocked me out with a single punch. I woke up after a couple minutes to Colossus's concerned shaking.

I shake off his concern, phase and prepare to leave but Cyclops breaks the news that Xavier wants me to go through the mob scenario before I leave. The only piece of advice I get is to use my powers wisely.

Mob Scenario

The X-men leave and the place around me flickers changing from a desert to New York City. I shift to water confused and still a little disoriented from the earlier fight. A random pedestrian shouts at me and calls me "mutant scum" and the streams of human traffic moving in each direction come to a standstill and focus on me. They yell and some of them throw things. It doesn't hurt me but it does damage my clothes. I try and restrain the rubbish/rock throwers with water shackles and it infuriates the rest of the crowd and they try and punch and kick me but their blows only damage my clothes. I fly above them as the energy needed to restrain the ever growing crowd of angry citizens increases, pushing me to the breaking point. I have nearly a 1000 humans with their hands shackled behind their backs but they still keep coming and police arrive on the scene in 2 squad cars.

The police shoot at me, I take away their guns as I don't appreciate the bullet holes in my already damaged clothes or the strange sensations of bullets travelling through my water body.

The police call for back up as I try to stay out the way of projectiles from the growing mob while maintaining the restraints.

A military copter appears and launches a missile and I barely dodge it before a second missile is fired. I turn myself into mist to avoid the strike and the missile passes through me and hits the building behind me. There's an explosion that disrupts me and litters the pavement below with glass and debris but no serious damage to the civilians. I melt the restraints, playing dead and bide my time until everything settles and reform on a different building naked. I search for an empty apartment and borrow some clothes.

The simulation ends and I'm naked. I shift to water for modesty sake as Cyclops congratulates me for being one of the only students to have defused that situation without resorting to violence. The only person to have managed to complete the scenario was Xavier who had mind controlled the mob.

I wander off with Colossus for some celebratory sex trying to ignore my earlier failure in the desert. After sex I feel heavy, filled with Colossus's cum. I think about it and wonder if I could work with this...

I shift to mist and the metal grains collect on the floor. I pick them up with water and make an ice jar to store them while I get a mug from downstairs.

After stashing the mug under my bed I go off to visit Cyclops to ask for more personalized combat training.

Luke pretended I didn't exist whenever he saw me the last couple of days which hurt. He was already packed for his international adventure and would leave tomorrow. I needed something to occupy my mind since water training wasn't helping.

I knocked on the door, Jean answered and something odd passed through her expression and I felt a wave of feral psychic energy wash over my mental shield cracking it. A brief surge of rage enveloped me before fading away near instantly. I felt sapped of energy.

Are you okay I felt a surge of power through our psychic link Sean asked.

^I'm okay^.

I asked Jean "Is Scott here?" Jean looked back to a towel clad Cyclops who stepped out of their bathroom freshly showered, water dripping down his body. It made thinking hard as I could sense' the drops of water sliding over his firm muscular body, collecting underneath the towel. My sensing' had become more sensitive as late and I wanted to touch Scott so bad. I shook off the thought as Jean glared at me.

I could `sense' both their hearts pumping faster than normal and I realized that I had interrupted them... No wonder she felt enraged. I wouldn't want to stop shower sexing Cyclops and get dressed to answer the door either. Woops.

"Did you need something Victor?"

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. I was hoping you might be available to teach me some hand to hand combat. Bobby is teaching me some tai chi and Bo staff routines and helping me out with power training but I want to learn how to fight. I figured since you're the leader of the X-men that you could teach me some moves. Luke taught me some basics but ..." I trailed off depressed, thinking about Luke.

"Any particular reason you want to learn how to fight unarmed?"

"Well after today's training session I've realized that having an awesome ability isn't much use if I can't avoid getting punched in the face. "

"Meet me outside the front entrance in about half an hour." He looked back for a second at Jean. Make that an hour."

"Thanks, I'll let you get back to it."

I visited Sean for a psychic checkup as the shield felt compromised. I told him what happened with Jean and he suggested maybe her annoyance over being interrupted had boosted her power. Strong emotions could affect powers and the danger room session had probably weakened the shield. He reinforced the mental shield and suggested I drink some water to refresh my strength. He mentioned that he'd work on strengthening my defenses against mental discords.

I grabbed some water from the downstairs kitchen switched back to `workout clothes' & made use of the time between activities to read up on lightning. I went outside to meet Scott dressed in the X-men uniform, I preferred the near nudity but his skin tight clothing would do too. He gave me a critical once over and said "Your shirt is ripped to shreds and your jeans will restrict your movement." I stripped off my shirt, jeans and shoes leaving me in my underwear. "Aren't you cold?"

"Cold doesn't affect me anymore."

"Ideal clothing for working out allows for free range of movement while offering protection from scrapes and bruises from falls and strikes."

I shifted to water forming ice armor around me. ^I don't need clothes when I can do this. ^

"You need to learn how to fight in your own skin before learning how to fight with extra weight and armor. Plus you are complacent when you are in water form".

^What do you mean? I'm not complacent! ^

"Judging from personal experience when you are in danger while normal you react instinctually to avoid strikes. When you're water or ice you don't react quickly because the new body is unfamiliar. Curiosity about what your armor can withstand is understandable but dangerous when you are that armor. Engaging in this behavior for too long may result in you becoming too complacent when you're unprepared and normal."

I shifted back, "Fine I'll do it as flesh" Scott raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you want to learn how to fight in your underwear? You could get injured."

"Well if it's not fatal I'll recover afterwards and you're probably right, the more pain I end up feeling the more I'll learn to focus on the lessons to avoid it."

"Ok, show me what you've learned from Bobby" I demonstrated my tai chi and Bo staff knowledge. He nodded and said he would show me some basic defense moves. He spent the next hour taking me through holds, throws and blocks. Luke had shown me some of these during our sessions but I let Cyclops demonstrate as his powerful lean body pressed against mine often felt comforting and erotic at the same time. A horny part of me wanted our training session to end like Luke's training had.

I managed to get him on his back during one of the holds, pinning his wrists to the ground as I sat on his hard lap. "Your mine now." I leaned forward...

And he smiled. "Not that easy." He said before flipping me onto my back somehow with his legs with him on top of me. He jerked his arms and I lost my grip on him as he slammed me against the ground face first his knee digging into my back as he pins my wrists behind my back one handed.

"Uncle" I cry. He laughs, his breath hot on my ear as he releases his hold on my wrists. I try and jack-knife my entire body to throw him off me but he's too strong and he pushes me back to the ground, pinning my wrists to the ground, as he uses his whole body to pin me down. I get dirt in my mouth and I try and wiggle out of his hold panicking but he pushes me down more and his hard bulge presses against my butt and I feel overheated in another way. I harden in my underwear, and I moan into the dirt, getting more in my mouth but I don't care anymore as I want Cyclops inside me now. I try and escape his hold, so I can stroke his hard cock and suck him and ride him and have him fuck me into the ground like an animal. I'm mindless as I try and get free, rubbing my hardness over and over against the ground, and grinding my butt against his thick cock, the pleasure building until I explode.

He moves away. I flip over and look at him standing several paces away breathing hard and I realize I'd made a fool of myself again. My erection hurt trapped in my underwear with a growing wet spot. The biggest embarrassment being in my panic and later my horniness I had forgotten that I could have puddled out at any time. I closed my eyes breathing deep, trying to calm down. Luke's power would have come in handy right then so I could have the earth swallow me down into the depths where no one could laugh at my stupidity or horniness ever again.

Cyclops voice shocked me out of my dark thoughts. "I think you need a cold shower to help cool you off." I looked at him and he was no longer hard. Had I imagined that?

When we were inside he moved towards his room.

"Wait...I want to show you how my power has developed since my early failures. "

"I've seen your powers in action in the Danger Room."

I shrugged. "That's been more brute power than anything. I want to show you my skills."

He shrugged and followed me to the showers. I dumped my clothes outside and stripped off my underwear and watched him take off his X-men uniform revealing his hard sculpted body and his growing cock under my unabashed scrutiny.

"I really shouldn't be getting naked with a student."

"I've already seen you naked and hard before and you've seen me naked before in this place so it's no big deal to me."

"When did you see me naked?" Cyclops asked hands on his hips, his cock at half-mast.

"First day here I explored the place with my water sense. Though that wasn't so much seeing you more of an impression of your body as the water bounced off your skin and I sort of felt you through the water as you stroked your cock." I gestured towards his current 70% erection. "It's hard to explain it."

"I knew the water felt off that day and when I saw you I suspected you might be responsible but I had no proof. You need a spanking to teach you some respect for your elders. "

I turned around and displayed my ass "Go right ahead spank me. It'd be fun." The very next second I found myself pressed against the tiles with my hard cock against the cold tiles and his hard cock pressed against my ass.

"I'm happy with Jean and I will not cheat on her with you, I honor my commitments."

"I didn't say anything about cheating" I said clenching my buttocks so his hard cock was held tighter in my butt crack. The slightest change in angle and his cock could be buried to the balls inside me. I wanted him badly but I needed to behave. There were at least half a dozen guys downstairs that were single and would love to fuck me if given half a chance.

He backed away from me glancing down at his hard cock with a frown. He probably meant what he said but it's hard to say no to pleasure at least I'd imagine that is the reason Luke pounds my ass (or used to ) even though he isn't gay. I turned away from Cyclops and turned on the shower enjoying the feel of the hot water on my naked and bruised body. The painful ache of bruises reminds me of my former humanity.

Cyclops turned on the shower, silent and reserved as the water cascaded over his body, his body relaxed under the hot spray. I smiled as my awareness of his body increased through my water sense.

"So what skills did you want to show me that you couldn't show me while dressed" Scott said with scorn evident in his tone.

"This" I turned around and altered the pouring water into a dozen pairs of hands' and they took position on every exposed inch of flesh except the turgid length of cock and his balls. My hands' massaged the top of his shoulders, they worked the knots of tension on his back, slowly caressed his lower back and vigorously worked his tight butt slowly caressing his rear entrance with a water thumb on every circular pass. The `hands' also kneaded his thighs and calves working out the tension of his legs and his biceps were fondled shamelessly and his defined pectoral muscles were given a thorough rub and stroke with his nipples focused on until they were hard nubs.

He tried to protest at first by saying "Stop" and I did, I stopped everything, the `hands' still on him but motionless.

I asked "Are you sure you want me to stop?" and he shook his head. I continued my ministrations and the sensual effect of 24 `hands' caressing and massaging his body everywhere caused him to surrender to sensation. He was helpless to resist the urge to moan under the continued sensual assault.

He ended up bracing himself against the tiles as his knees grew weak and he grunted "Oh God, forgive me" and started stroking himself which I took as a sign to escalate things. I intensified the motions of the hands' making them rub deeper and harder and faster while manifesting a water tongue' to simulate rimming his tight hole. The `hands' working on his butt gave up the pretense of massage and merely held his cheeks apart for easier access to his hole as the rimming continued. He was moaning with his eyes closed as he worked his hard cock, I didn't know if he remembered I was there or not but my hard cock was throbbing and I was very tempted to slide it in deep inside him. However I had some respect for his attachment, technically I wasn't touching him at the moment, at this point he was just having an entertaining wank in the shower. It was just a mutant variation of hot tub jets, or at least that was the excuse I'd use if confronted by Jean. I slid a small trickle of water past Scott's sphincter hardening it to ice as it slid further into his depths tracing his insides until I found his prostate and pushed it hard from the inside and he collapsed in a violent explosion of cum against the tiles.

After he blew I redirected the hands' to me, they touched me everywhere they had touched him. I added an ice replica of Scott's 8 inch cock to slide into me, it hurt as it was the first sex I had since phasing and I wasn't gentle. The pain reassured me that I still had a shred of normalcy left. I fucked myself hard with Scott's cock' as the hands' worked me over thoroughly. I kept my eyes opened as I saw Scott recover from his orgasm standing straight, hard cock pointed at me as I fucked myself, he didn't touch himself as he watched me and somehow that made it hotter. I didn't last long with the stimulation of 24 hands' and `his cock' pounding my insides mercilessly and the clinical observation of a naked and hard Scott. I came explosively without touching my cock once; I braced myself against the tiled walls of the shower as I recovered from post orgasm sleepiness and euphoria.

When I had recovered fully which took less than a minute I asked "What do you think of my skills?"

"Well you have an impressive level of control and skill in creating and utilizing those `hands' however you're wasting it on juvenile behaviors."

Talk about ruining a fun moment, we were both naked and hard and he was insulting me. I was going to show him how many golems I could now create but decided against that and instead asked "What do you think I should be doing with my hands other than pleasuring myself or other horny guys, do you think I should use them for violence instead?" I redirected all the `hands' that had loitered in mid-air around me into closed fists to surround Cyclops. Freezing them solid, inches away from his flesh, aimed at his solar plexus, his cock and several aimed at his head along with others aimed at his knees and ribs.

He blasted at the ice hands, turning them back into water vapor. I pinned his wrists behind his back with a couple of `hands' so he couldn't trigger his visor, neutralizing him. In this form an optic blast could kill me. I needed to be more careful about provoking him. At least until I could figure out a way to increase this form's durability to withstand optic blasts and other dangers.

I let go of him and dispersed the `hands' frustrated. I stormed off grabbing my clothes on the way out. I yanked on underwear for the sake of decency and went to my room to drop off my clothes. Luke was absent and so were some of his clothes.

I scanned for Luke and he was in Onyx's room. I sighed lonely and confused.

I went downstairs to talk to Scale.

"Hey, sorry about yesterday. I got overwhelmed by everyone crowding around me and it brought up some bad memories and I had to leave."

"That's okay. It's not like we're not used to people running away from us. The disappearing was weird though. I didn't know you could teleport."

"I can't, I just turned into mist and drifted away into the elevator shaft."

"Oh. There was a puff of steam. We thought that was like Abraxas and how he teleports."

"He can teleport."

"Only like a couple of steps at a time. He hasn't been able to do it for long."

"Well that's cool. Anyway today got me really worked up so I was wondering if you could organize for the guys I met last night to pound my ass one after each other but only those guys not the other 8 guys downstairs."

"How did you know how many other guys there are downstairs?"

"Long story. Can you do it?"

"I can ask. Did you want Centaur to fuck you too?"

"Yeah but he's going to be at the end of the line."

Scale laughs and shrugs and goes to organize things for me. He comes back 15 minutes later to the storage closet that I had found him in and said "Well they're keen to have sex but they ..." Scale trailed off.


"They want to blindfold you first so you can't look at them because they're straight and they're anxious about you freaking out again and running away before you ... um ... you finish with them."


"You're not offended by that?"

"I don't need my eyes open to get laid."

Scale shrugs and strips off his singlet wrapping it around my face "We don't really have blindfolds down here so this will have to do."

I activate an `eye' over me as Scale walks me to Centaurs room.

:: Centaurs Room::

The room is lit with only a couple of candles around Centaurs mattress on the floor. The guys quiet on the other side of the room absent the bunk bed from last night, their hands on their bulging underwear. I didn't know why they went to such great lengths to hide themselves unless they were unsure about my blindfold or perhaps being isolated for so long they had poor body images. Or they didn't want to see each other naked and sexing in the same room as their friends. It didn't matter to me as I can see them all clearly with my eye' and with water sense'.

Scale takes me over to Centaur's mattress. The bunk bed on the other side of the room had been removed to make space for Centaur and the others to stand around waiting.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Kneel on the mattress in front of you." I do so and Quicksilver blurs forth his hard cock buried down my throat before I know what's happening. He grabs the back of my head face fucking me at a furious pace. "Hey be careful Silver don't break him."

He pauses with his cock buried in my throat. "Don't say my name otherwise what's the point of the blindfold?"

"He knows who is in the room because he asked you to be here."

"Oh." He starts blurring in my throat again. "Does that mean I can fuck him now?" he asks Scale.

^Yes. ^

"Who said that?"

^The guy whose mouth you're fucking. ^

"Weird stuff man." He blurs behind me penetrating me faster than my `eye' can register. He's slamming in and out of me so fast I can't tell if he's in or out of me on a second by second basis.

Abraxas teleports in jumps' of a few steps, disappearing and reappearing in a puff of red smoke seems like it only saves a few seconds of travel before his cock occupies my mouth. I grip his butt as he fucks my mouth his tail swinging around wildly as QuickSilver blur fucks me. QS (Quicksilver) grabs my hips and he appears stationary to my eye' but my hole is subjected to an intense vibration for a few seconds until he explodes into me and he pulls out with a `thanks man.' QS leaves the room in a blur.


Abraxas teleports from his position fucking my mouth to behind me fucking my ass in a second. Mm, his thicker 7 inch cock feels nice inside me. Scale is stroking his double cocks while the other guys are now naked stroking theirs. Dryad walks forward and now I see his 7 ½ inch darkish brown cock in more detail, the veins on his cock crisscross each other upwards in a strange pattern similar to shoe laces. Abraxas picks up speed within me. Disappearing at random reminding me a bit of Vader, phasing in and out of me except Vader didn't turn into Smoke. It made for a very weird experience until Abraxas thrusted into me for the last time, blowing a thick load in me adding his cum to QS's fresh load. Abraxas left.

Dryad slid in his thicker, longer cock (7 ½) into my now cum slick hole with a groan, gripping my hips with his rough gnarled fingers, slamming into me hard as Gargoyle steps forward filling my mouth with his thick 8 ½ inch cock. Gargoyle stays still, his hands clenched at his sides as I'm fucked onto his thick solid cock over and over again by Dryads rough thrusts. Gargoyle seems more considerate of the fact that his cock is tougher than flesh than Onyx did when he damaged my tooth when he face fucked me.

Dryad continues fucking me for several minutes as I suck and lick on Gargoyle's cock in between thrusts. Dryad blows into me and I sense' its difference inside me instantly as it contains a strange water profile' but I don't have time to think about it as Dryad pulls out and leaves the room leaving me empty for a moment...

Gargoyle pulls out of my mouth and slams into my now very slick sticky hole with a grunt churning my insides with his thick solid cock. "Yeah fuck me harder." Gargoyle does and I moan and stroke myself as he slams into my prostate with his rock like cock.

"You left before I could introduce myself. My name is Cornelius." The monkey man said hand outstretched as his big hairy cock (second longest in the room) swinging in front of him. I reach out for it one handed and he dodges out of the way when I am fucked forward into the mattress by Gargoyle. Gargoyle yanks at my hair as he humps me into the mattress exploding into me heavy on my back for a second and then he just keeps going. He fucks me hard and fast for another minute grunting and groaning still Cumming inside me. Scale and Cornelius try and drag him off me as he's got his hand on the back of my head pushing my face into the mattress. Gargoyle collapses on top of me, crushing me beneath his weight, still pulsing and pumping weak spurts of cum inside me.

Cornelius and Scale drag the limp body of Gargoyle off me. "I'm so sorry, it's been so long and I lost control I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?"

I flop onto my back "Well that was different. The mattress tastes weird."

"Gamey perhaps" a rich voice came from the other side of the room from Centaur whose body was a marvel of mutant kind. Thick broad muscular chest and torso, handsome aristocratic face capped with jet black hair on top of a horse's body or to be more accurate a stallion's body, his cock thick as Paul's but long... 18 inches of tube like meat.

"Hmm perhaps. Cornelius, it's nice to meet you, want to fuck me now?"

Cornelius looked around the room as Gargoyle skulked out. "Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I had Onyx fuck me with his 14 inch rock cock, Gargoyle was a bit over eager and shot lots of cum into me but I'm fine. Do you mind fucking me like this though, it's easier for me to wank."

Cornelius exchanged a look with Scale before shrugging "sure" Cornelius said. He kneeled in front of me and slid his 8 ½ inch cock into my sloppy hole burying himself deep in a single thrust. I rubbed his soft furry back one handed as I stroked myself as he slammed into me faster and faster as Scale rubbed his cocks above us. Cornelius came inside me drenching my insides with cum as Scale blasted his load all over my face and chest. Everywhere it hit on my body went numb. I couldn't feel my face any more. I burst into laughter at the ridiculousness.

Cornelius and Scale stepped aside as Centaur trotted forth huge cock aimed at me like a heat seeking missile. "Ready for me now?"

"Give me a sec." I rubbed Scale's cum on my hole and pushed some inside and I felt nice and numb as I assumed the doggy position. "Ready when you are."

"Hold him still."

Cornelius and Scale gripped my shoulder and hip from each side as Centaur got behind me and yelled "Tally HO." He mounted me like a true stallion his thick long cock spearing my insides. His front legs/hooves drove his weight into my back as he humped into me pushing me into the mattress with each strong thrust. The others made way giving him space as his huge horse like cock slammed into me over and over again.

Scales cum helped to numb me as my body tried to make way for the giant fuck missile inside me as he slammed into me over and over again, moving only about half his cock out of me at any time. The effects of Scale's cum wore off and the conflicting sensations grew problematic as Centaur fucked away into me.

I cried out "Fuck!"

Scale asked "are you okay?"

"Fuck my mouth Scale." Scale looked over at Cornelius with a smile and a shrug and moved over to fuck my face with his cock. I wrapped a `water ring' around Scales cocks binding them close inhaling them both in my need. I needed Scale's precum to help ease the pain of Centaur's cock inside me.

Without his cum `relaxing me' Centaur's meat missile hurt more than it felt good. I loved the fact that he was stretching me further than ever before. It hurt so good.

I shoved my fingers into Scale's formerly tight hole. Last night fuck with Luke's 9 inch cock making him looser. Centaur increased his speed fucking me faster and I needed cum in a hurry. Scale blew in my mouth just in time as Centaur hit his max speed into me and gushed what felt like gallons of cum into my ruined hole. He pulled out awkwardly and I felt terrible as soon as he did, his exit doing terrible things to my insides. I shift partially, turning my insides to water and back to normal before sleep claimed me.


Friday 23rd

I wake up downstairs with QS there to greet me.

"Hey sleepy head you've been sleeping the day away or our day anyway. "

Memories come back of last night's misadventure I shake my head groggy. "What time is it?"

"8 am."

"Okay well I should get ready for classes then."

"Last night was hot. I heard you took on Centaur and survived."

"Yeah..." I trail off thinking about what happened before I passed out. I had used an aspect of my power that I had never consciously used before. I'd known I was capable of a partial change because when I first `flared up' my body had morphed to water in stages. I never needed to do it before though. Last night was a hell of a night. Though I didn't think I would be likely to repeat the experience any time soon. QS looked at me expectantly. "I've got to go."

I misted away to my room to change and went to visit Sean, who spent the 45 minutes firing off disorienting blasts of mental energy at me while we played chess. Sean won the chess round easier than usual.

Classes proceeded as normal until Cyclops shop class where I tried not to spend the entire time thinking about how good Cyclops looked naked.

Cyclops paused in his lecture about... and "Victor come with me. Students you can have a 20 minute break until the next class."

"So taking me anywhere nice?"

"Xavier just sent me a message that there's a mutant having their first flare up and is in great distress and wants me to calm them down. I'm taking you with me as her powers are energy based from her hands and you've shown great skills in restraining people without hurting them."

"Um thanks."

I followed him downstairs where we went into a weird looking jet. Once inside he stripped down to his underwear. I appreciated the split second view of his butt bent over as he put on the X-men uniform.

"For this mission you can wear the X-men suit as your normal clothes don't do well in these situations."

"Cool." I strip naked as Cyclops watches me. I stand naked, hard and horny, thinking of the last time we were alone together and naked. I try to read his expression but it's difficult as the visor covers his eyes.

I stood there staring at his body clad in skin tight outfit, thinking of him naked yesterday, wishing he was single so I could really have my way with him. The `hands' playing with him yesterday was fun but I wanted him touching me, I wanted to suck him, to have him fuck me hard.

I sighed and got dressed and took the seat next to Cyclops, he started the jet/plane and we fired out of the ground. I looked back to discover we'd come out of the basketball court.

This place was weirder than me.

While flying Cyclops said, "As well as your skills, I brought you along because I want you to know the importance the school has in reaching out to troubled mutant teens and helping them when they're most in need. I don't think you appreciate the work Xavier does. "

I pondered that for a moment and shifted uncomfortably. "So what do you do when you get an erection in this outfit? it doesn't give much room to grow does it?"

"I don't get erections when I'm on a mission."

"Not ever? This feels like it's squeezing my balls and cock, it feels amazing. It's getting me super horny."

"Focus on the mission."

"What exactly is the mission?"

"We're going to make first contact with a girl who has discovered that she has the power to make explosive energy bursts from her hands. She used this ability on a security guard at the local mall. Luckily no one was injured but we need to have a talk to her. Let her know that we're a resource she can use if in trouble and she wants training. The school is voluntary. Since you're close to her age you might be able to relate to having a dangerous ability you can't fully control yet. It's vital that we don't hurt her. The early stages of a mutant discovery can be dangerous so you can tie her hands behind her back if necessary if she's at risk of injuring you."

I pause and let that information settle. "That didn't help get rid of my erection. I can't stop thinking about sex for some reason." I stare longingly at his strong jaw line and the skin tight clothing clinging to his muscular body.

Cyclops shakes his head. "Think of an empty white room where you're alone with your thoughts where no one can bother you or distract you."

"Is that what you do when you have an inconvenient erection?"

Cyclops sighs. "Do you ever think about anything but sex?

"Well there's not much left to focus on these days. I'm 16, I used to think a lot about swimming and Jackson. I can't do either without getting sad or angry now. There used to be stray thoughts about the comfort of food and sleep but I don't eat and I barely sleep. I think about water a lot, how to control it, how to make it do more interesting things or adjust to the weird stuff I'm capable of doing. Half the time my powers surprise me and I have to backtrack trying to figure out how I did something. And when I spend too much time thinking about that I worry that I'm too powerful and I might accidentally kill myself or others around me so I have to hold everything in place and it's so tiring. Then I circle back to sex, which sometimes makes me feel normal and relaxes me..." I thought about Luke and the mess I'd made of that situation. "Though sometimes that ends in more confusion and chaos so I do `water training' of one variety or another to keep my mind off those problems and I find myself cycling around endlessly like a hamster in a wheel, trying to run from my problems but never escaping."

"You can't run from yourself."

I gesture with a finger drawing water around into a ring of water before freezing it into a chakram (Xena's weapon of choice). "I wish I could be a good normal boy and think good normal thoughts." I hover the chakram over my head like a halo "but this is who I am for better or for worse."

I melt the chakram over my head and I direct it under the X-men suit, wrapping some around my cock, stroking it in a cylinder of water as the rest pushed past my sphincter. I close my eyes embracing the feel of the water stretching me out, rubbing against my prostrate from the inside, while other water strokes my cock.

"Victor." I like the sound of his voice, stern and in command. I imagine him fucking me and the water inside me churns pushing against my anal walls, it freezes inside me creating a hollow cock outline that fucks me faster.

I moan out "Cyclops." Needing him to blow inside me to feel his pleasure.


"Yeah. Give it to me." I groan so close to the edge.

Pain radiates out of my shoulder. I open my eyes, snapping out of my dirty day dream noticing Cyclops balled fist. "Victor." Cyclops said his mouth a hard line of disapproval, I can't help but notice, his cock is also a hard line.

"Mmm sorry I drifted off there." I can't contain my amusement and I can feel a smile creeping upwards.

"We're 5 minutes away."

We arrive, landing on top of a mall. Cyclops tries the lock and I open it from the other side.

We make our way through the mall looking for this girl. We find her and Cyclops tells her about the mansion and that it's a safe place for mutants like her and hands her a business card. She freaks out and blasts him shooting what appears like colored energy sparkles out of her hands. Cyclops rolls out of the way of her explosive blasts and I shift to water and restrain her hands behind her back with water shackles.

Cyclops stands up. "If you need us we're around to help you, our number and location is on the card. We'll leave you to think about it in peace."

I release her hands and wave goodbye.

When we're on the roof I ask "What was the point of that?"

"We offered her help and gave her our details. It's her decision as to whether to enroll."

Evening Luke leaves along with Onyx without who is accompanying him to Australia to Sydney without saying goodbye. Poker night is suspended. I train until very late/early in the morning fighting against my Golems.

Saturday 24th

Controlled water ranging seeking Luke's plane. Scan about 100 miles via mental arrows before mental fatigue sets in.

Work. Mark asks a few questions about me being a mutant. Like what I can do? Do mutants eat different foods because he's hasn't seen me eat anything since pizza our first night out.

I give him a brief overview of mutants and in particular me. I leave out the part about being a class 5 and my potential for world-wide devastation.

Sunday 25th

Range out further testing my limits for no particular reason as Luke is now 1000's of miles away from me and I've had enough issues as of late to risk a mental exercise spanning half the globe.

Work is a dull affair. I feel uninspired.

I go back to an empty room and create golems out on the lake in the comfort of my own bed to pulverize each other and cry myself to sleep.

Monday 26th

Cyclops has me come into the school's gym to assess my current fitness level. The place is bigger than my old gym. I'd seen' the place before during my earlier water explorations' but I hadn't paid much attention to the place since.

It features an inside running track, a custom weight machine about 7 feet long with extra thick padding the metal bar is made of titanium and there's a huge stack of heavy weights around the machine.

Cyclops has me lift some weights; I can bench about 50 pounds which is below average. He gets me to do laps around the place until I run out of energy. I do about 20 laps before I collapse from exhaustion. Swimming had left me lean and ripped but my recent focus hadn't been on fitness and my physical stamina had suffered as a result.

I go visit Colossus for fitness tips as he's been here a while and is huge and muscular. He shows me how to do weight curls, sit ups and push-ups using the gym class equipment. Afterwards when we're all sweaty we go into the gym's shower. These showers are lined in a row against a single wall. Colossus takes the shower next to me and he catches me looking over his naked muscular body. He pounds my ass for a few minutes as normal before shifting to metal and taking me hard and fast against the tiled wall as I stroked myself to a messy finish. Colossus blasts his metal cum in me before pulling out. He shifts to normal and I phase trying something new. I graft his metal cum onto my bones aiming for a effect similar to Wolverine's metal bones. Colossus's cum adds at most a millimeter of protection over the bones of my rib cage. I need a lot more if I want to survive a Cyclops blast as flesh.

Monday night Scale finds me at the lake practicing with golems in a hooded cloak I cover us in mist and I show him what I learned that day.

We end our session with him fucking me hard in the lake, I phase mid-way through sex, tightening around his cocks and he fucks me harder and faster until he blows.

I shift to water so I don't bother Sean. Sean has spent the last several nights with Lachlan while Mike had been occupied with Vader. I didn't want to bother him if I didn't need to.

In `water state', the numbing cum is in a deferred state as I don't have a circulatory system. I could expel it but with Lachlan keeping Sean busy till late I figure I should give him some time to sleep in. I also like the side effect of grogginess when I wake up. It feels nice and normal.

I walk Scale back to the kitchen and proceed with training as water until I feel mentally drained and mist to my room and shift back to flesh to pass out on my bed.

Tuesday 27th

Sean psychic exercise, chess (while Lachlan relaxes).

Classes I spend idly extending my mental scans further and further out missing Luke. Storm and Jean aren't at their classes as they're apparently tracking down a teleporting mutant who attacked the president (according to Sean via Mike via Eaves eavesdropping)

Afternoon I have an argument with Cyclops while he's getting me to do more weight lifting to try and improve my physical strength. I'm too distracted by longing for Luke's touch to pretend to be interested. Training this way is too slow and boring. I try and think of a better way to improve but I can't focus.

Cyclops takes me aside and said "What would you do if someone did this" throwing a punch at my head. I ducked automatically and threw a quick jab to his rock hard abs, pain reverberated up my elbow. He shook his head. "Your reflexes are well developed but you have very little physical strength. I've spent years on training my body for combat, combining strength training and core training to complement my power. You have impressive control over your powers at your age but powers aren't the only important thing in surviving a fight."

I phased to ease my fatigue from the exercise and my aching hand "What's your point? "

"Recovering from an injury is useful but relying too heavily on that skill to escape the consequences of mistakes could prove catastrophic. You will become reckless charging into battle thinking you're invincible or stand around accumulating blows due to overconfidence until someone puts you in the ground. "(Reminding me of Thursday afternoon lecture)

I felt like I had been slapped. All I could think about was Wolverine, the way he rushed into every fight with no apparent strategy, yelling and stabbing things. I nearly died several times since coming here due to lapses in judgment and/or overconfidence. Wolverine could get away with using himself like a battering ram because his injuries healed automatically. I needed to have a second of free time to phase and in the middle of an intense battle phasing (accidentally) had nearly killed me.

I didn't want to be like Wolverine, living life like a video game with endless respawns.

I sighed frustrated at being criticized and annoyed that Cyclops was draining what little joy there was in using my class 4/5 powers. I guess I would have to suffer through running laps and doing weights in order to be tougher for the moment. "What would you recommend that I do instead when I'm injured?"

"Get used to it, pain is part of life, if you avoid dealing with pain the typical way, you will achieve temporary relief but you'll be learning a terrible life lesson. Instead of learning better ways of avoiding or enduring pain you'll take the easy way out. When your life is in real danger you won't avoid the knife or bullet because you've trained your body to accept injury. Unlike the danger room sessions real life doesn't come with a warning of danger that allows you to become ice or water. It's vital you stop focusing on hormones and physical pleasure and pay attention to the lessons that may save your life one day. "

"That doesn't sound like much fun."

"Life is full of necessary tasks that aren't exciting but you'll find one day when you get a job in order to pay for food and clothes, then you might appreciate my advice."

I laughed and Cyclops clenched his fists and ground his teeth audibly. Cyclops sounded so ancient and uptight.

"I actually have a job and it's been fairly entertaining so far. I don't eat and I try and avoid wearing clothes for too long lately. I see your point though; I have to put as much effort into training my body as I do in controlling my powers and hand to hand fighting and other stuff. I'll add it to my list of things to work on. So how do I train my body to a decent level? How do I get rock hard abs like yours?"

Cyclops smirked for a split second. "Every night before sleep do as many sit ups as you can before your stomach hurts then rest for 30 seconds or so then repeat twice more. That's 3 sets with as many repetitions as possible. Afterwards you do as many push-ups as you can before you collapse or your arms feel numb. You'll sleep like the dead after you complete them. The first couple of weeks you'll probably wake up and feel like a zombie. Soon though you'll feel energized by the exercising and will have more energy and endurance to get through the day. This will give you some experience in learning how to power through physical fatigue. As a result of your training you'll have a stronger core and more upper body strength. You should also grab some dumb bells to start off your workout until you're ready for more advanced kettle bar work outs." He handed me an outline of a 2 month fitness regime based on yesterday's physical assessment.

"Um okay, could you show me how you do a sit up and push up?"

Scott lay on the floor and demonstrated slowly both a sit up and a push up. I enjoyed watching him, I moved closer and his head nearly hit my crotch on his way up from a sit up. It gave me a few filthy ideas to try out later.

I visited Colossus again and got him to spot me as I did sit ups and push-ups. After the first set, I phased, recovering and the next round I pulled down his pants to suck on his cock during sit ups. By the time we got to pushups, Colossus was metal and horny. I got him to hold himself above the ground in an extended push up as I performed special push-ups. Every time I lifted myself up I got fully penetrated by Colossus's thick cock and I'd try and hold the position as long as I could enjoying the fullness before dropping to the ground. I tried to spend as little time on the ground as possible since I had him barely inside me then. It helped encourage me to do push-ups as fast as I could and extend the up part of the pushups as long as possible.

When my arms were too weak to lift me again, Colossus pounded my ass brutally, adding his liquid shrapnel cum inside me. After he blew, I phased and we'd have a short break and do so again when he recovered. After 3 rounds of cum, exercising and phasing. I felt like that was enough progress for one day.

I went to my room and shifted to water redirecting the osmium grade granules of Colossus's cum around my `body' and shifting to flesh to graft this metal onto my bones. The process felt a bit absurd but I wanted the extra defense as Cyclops had made me anxious about physical attacks when I was unprepared.

That night I had Scale and Dryad come visit me at the lake as I practiced with my golems. Scale had told Dryad about my training and Dryad wanted to learn too. I sliced another branch off a tree for him (I still needed to say hello to Gaia) as Scale and I demonstrated techniques for Bo fighting. They practiced their techniques against my golems and afterwards me.

Having another sparring partner really intensified my work out. I suggested they get anyone else they could at around midnight and we'd spend a couple of hours working through stuff together before they had classes.

I saw something in Dryad's eyes that I had always longed for but never had received before; true respect and appreciation. Closest I'd ever come before was Luke's appreciation for my ability to create an ice dagger out of thin air.

Dryad respected me for my power and my martial talents (even if those were overshadowed at times by Scale's skills). It was a headier and stronger dose of personal validation than I had ever gotten from sex. I wanted more.

Wednesday 28th


I visited Colossus and sent a proxy' to play chess with Sean as I exercised' with Colossus as a partner (we had 3 sexy rounds and 1 normal). Sean did a long range version of psychic attacks and I realized how much power was lost with a telepath over distances.

Jean and Storm were still out tracking the mutant so I amused myself by sending a proxy to those classes to do `reading' and spent the entire time doing numerous sets of sit ups and push-ups, phasing every time I got to my physical limit. Meanwhile around me I had a dozen ice statues fighting so I could practice my fighting technique without actually having to do it myself. I found that I could actually exhaust myself and my phasing recovery process.

After the 10th phase to recover over a short period I couldn't control water any more. It was an odd feeling. I felt like I had lost a limb. I tried not to panic as I drank lots of water and tried to relax my mind during the last couple of classes.

I was super relieved when by the end of the last class I felt a trickle of my power reactivate. For a couple of hours I thought I had expended my power into oblivion. Scary!

After the last class Cyclops came to talk to me.

"I can't do our training today as I have to escort Xavier to see Magneto."

"Ok then." I kept my mouth shut wondering why Xavier visited Magneto if they were enemies. Weird but that meant there were no classes for tomorrow and most importantly no danger room session. I could have a day off and relax.

I spent the night dealing with a dozen Morlock teens enjoying being outside under cloud cover I provided as we did a large scale training session. If anyone could see us from above it'd look like I had my own private army. I collected branches for the ten new additions to my dojo from trees a mile away. I could feel the restraints on my power weakening. I could use my ability further and further away with each passing day and with less strain.

Thursday 29th

I spent the morning with Colossus, `exercising' while a proxy played chess with Sean. His psychic attack is stronger than yesterday's attempt but not by much.

Afterwards I go the lake and spend the day playing with weather. Creating cloud cover and rain and creating half a dozen Onyx (rock form) golems to fight against with physical attacks utilizing my increased osmium grade metal defenses and compensating for my slight weight gain as a result.

As the teachers are absent on their errands classes are suspended so I'm free to mess about.

I amuse myself by fighting the ice golems, trying to match their brute strength and solidity with speed instead of power. To make the fight harder, I litter the area with hail and snow and blizzard like conditions for entertainment.

Water training is so much fun.

I spend roughly 100 hours a week doing training of one kind or another mostly water training. Classes cut in a lot of my time and a few hours a night for sleep. It was a definite improvement from the maybe 4 hours of training a week I snuck in back home.

It still didn't feel like enough time to truly master my abilities or learn to defend against a mutant populated world. I still felt like a rank amateur with my mutant power as I had such limited opportunities to experiment and develop them fully.

Water training and Sean's psychic training plus his efforts in eroding Xavier's psychic block helped me to progress to my full potential faster. Unfortunately a lot of my time was still bogged down in needing to pretend to be normal (God I was sick of pretending) in class, at work (though less so lately).

It reminded me of the first day of swim practice where the coach had complimented me on my speed and my natural skill. Then he spent the rest of the training session demonstrating how I could improve my performance by adopting a whole list of changes of technique. Even though I had natural talent' it took a whole lot of determination and training to maximize my talent'. After a month I had really felt the difference. I felt sad that I could probably never thank my coach for teaching me the difference between being good with `talent' and working towards greatness with dedication.

Cyclops was the perfect example of a mutant who combined natural talent and ruthless dedication to be more effective. Even if he was prudish and sometimes dull he was the backbone of the X-men. It was imperative that I push myself to my limits.

Bobby was the perfect example of a mutant not living up to his full potential. He'd been here for years and he had yet to master his abilities, it wasn't very encouraging.

Storm had great power and versatility but didn't seem to have much of a role with the X-men.

According to Eaves, Jean moved objects late at night much to Cyclops confusion while asleep. She had been here for decades and she still had power issues.

The mansion was littered with mutants who couldn't control their powers/phases or simply didn't know what to do with them because they spent most of their time here trying to pretend to be `normal'. I couldn't see the point of an existence pretending to be 'normal' while being extraordinary. FUCK NORMAL!

This place kind of sucked as a mutant training facility. It's only useful function being a hidden sanctuary for mutants.

Completing homework instead of mastering my mutant power felt like a waste of time. I was sick of hiding who I was. I wanted to embrace my new identity as a mutant even though I couldn't figure out a mutant name for myself yet. Not that I was sure I wanted a mutant name to hide behind. This place felt so transitional. Mutants came here to learn to pass for humans then go off to pretend to be `normal'.

I didn't really want to be here anymore but it was the safest place I knew of for mutants so I had to endure the tedium for now. Xavier was a hypocrite, he kept telling us over and over again that mutants and humans could work together but there wasn't a single human on the estate. Xavier had started the school over 40 years ago and there didn't seem to be much in the way of improved tolerance for mutants or progress on the whole human/mutant cohabitation plan. I didn't see what the fucking point of Xavier's ideology was. If he wanted humans and mutants to get along shouldn't he be doing something productive than spending time with the mutant equivalent of a terrorist.

I spent the night experimenting and developing better control over my darkest power in the ice room in the lake.


Woke up, exercised' with Colossus, proxy played chess with Sean and I scanned further afield to see how far I could reach with my power. I could move things with decent control from over 3 miles away while my eyes' could range out 150 miles now.

I spent the day reading military campaigns while working on my golems and exercising with weights while scanning the nearby area for the missing adults who were overdue.

Friday night I work on golems. Midnight till 3 am the Morlocks join me and practice their techniques on their golem combatants. When they go downstairs I go back to bed.

I wake up to screams and chaos.

Someone in military garb enters my room and points a gun at me and I shift to mist freezing a little as I rush towards him, covering him in a thin layer of frost. I smack the gun out of his hands and hit him knocking him unconscious.

I range out trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I feel weakened by the insufficient sleep and the strain I had put myself previous to sleep. I scanned for my friends. Vader, Eaves and Mike are hidden under Mike's power. Lachlan and Sean work together in taking out a couple of soldiers. Lachlan fires off a burst of sound paralyzing them while Sean throws them around like toys. I shackle both unconscious soldiers before moving on.

Victor are you okay?

^Yeah I'm fine. Your brother is hiding himself and Vader and Eaves. ^

I reach out with a couple of hands turning on all the showers in the shower room on the level I'm on, I create a dozen `ice statues' in the shower. A couple of soldiers move towards the unexpected sound and they fire at my 'statues' smashing holes in them to little effect and get punched out and disarmed.

I send off my `statues' to hunt down the other soldiers to inflict violence on these intruders. I catch a soldier breaking into Gaia's room; I break his nose while she runs away. My statues help to distract the soldiers on this level allowing Colossus to lead the fleeing students towards the secret exits.

There is so much chaos going on it's hard to keep track of everyone's movements and operate the `statues.'

Elsewhere Wolverine is stabbing like crazy into soldiers. I stay out of his way. His violence disturbs me because a dark part of me wants to join in the retribution.

As I spread out my awareness I'm too late to stop the soldiers leaving the Mansion with unconscious children in a military helicopter. It's moving too fast out of my effective water control range and I don't want to risk the children's safety with experimenation. It's infuriating how helpless I feel. I try and track their destination but my attentions snaps at the 250 mile mark and my head kills. I phase for some mild relief.

I use my new golems to collect weapons from the dead and unconscious stashing them downstairs with the Morlocks before blocking off the elevator with ice. I send a message to Scale to defend himself from attack if soldiers manage to break through or new ones show up.

Everyone else has scattered other than Sean, Lachlan, Mike, Vader, Eaves and myself and the unaffected Morlock teens downstairs.

I have my Golems collect the dead soldiers and deposit them in Xavier's office out of the way. The few surviving unconscious survivors I shove on a flying ice platform about 10 feet across and dump near the local hospital a couple of miles away. That drains me. I phase again which provides a temporary boost and I seal the wounds in the dead soldiers with undifferentiated flesh and seal Xavier's office with ice.

I call up the Morlock teens to stand guard on all the exits arming them with the weapons the soldiers didn't need any more.

Scale advised me that might be dangerous without training so I showed him to the Danger Room to work out a simulation for training. He found the control room and spent a couple of hours reading through the instructions and fiddling about while I double checked the interiors with the help of the `passers'. Scale gave instructions to the Morlocks one at a time setting up a fire range with simulated guns just in case we came under attack again.

I went to sleep needing the rest and asked Sean to wake me if anything else went wrong.


I woke up and confirmed that the mansion was secure. I relieved the Morlocks of their sentry duty with freshly made 'Golems' that I posted at all the major entrances. I got Eaves to act as a auditory trip wire keeping track of every sound in a 2 mile radius while I had `eyes' monitoring the entire mansion inside and outside.

Now that I had some rest and felt more energized, I ranged' out with eyes' and located Colossus and his group of followers. He had gathered the 30 or so students that had escaped from the Mansion. I had seen 6 students being taken and I had been helpless to stop it happening. I blamed Xavier for interfering and limiting my range. I also blamed myself for pushing myself to the limits trusting that this place was secure. I wouldn't make that mistake again.

Wolverine, Bobby, Rogue and Pyro were MIA. I didn't think they had been captured; they must have gotten out of my range in last night's confusion.

^Colossus I have secured the Mansion^. They returned several hours later as they had transport issues.

I called into work saying that I had an emergency and I wouldn't be able to come into work. I struggled to keep everyone calm and work out how much food we had. I hadn't really paid attention to the food situation as I didn't need to eat.

I spent the day cleaning up the mess made of the Mansion while Scale familiarized himself with the Danger Room control system. I left him to it, trusting him. I organized with Centaur and Scale for them to do night shifts so I could get a couple hours rest.


Woke up, called work to tell them that I wasn't coming in due to complications.

The adults had yet to return and Colossus was the oldest person in the Mansion. I tried to keep everyone calm while we waited on news.


I rushed towards Sean as mist towards his mental shout abandoning my clothes in the process.


I had a flash of its location and wrapped myself around Sean as ice armor propelling us through the hallways, triggering the elevator from a distance with a `hand' so it opened as we got there.

There were a few seconds to ask a question as the elevator took us down a few levels.

^What's going on? ^

  • I feel a wave of great psychic force heading towards us and I have a really bad feeling. I'm going to scan with Cerebro to see if I can figure out what's going on.*

The elevator opened and I propelled us to the Cerebro's door. I flooded the locking mechanism from the inside and forced it open, infected with Sean's sense of urgency. I streamed away from him into mist, reforming nearby.

Check on Mike for me. Sean broadcasted as he rushed into the weird room.

I shifted into mist again and shot into the elevator opening through the access shaft and to Vader's room.

As I got to Vader's room, I reformed. A wave of pressure built around the mental shield as I gathered my mental strength trying to resist it but the shield broke in a few seconds. The crushing weight of Xavier's psychic strength overwhelmed my mind. I shifted to water which eased the pressure, it still hurt but I could move. Mike, Vader and Eaves lay crumpled on the floor clutching their heads.

I checked on Sean with an `eye' and he was locked in Cerebro and I could feel him fighting off the wave.

^ Sean he's attacking everyone. ^


I pulled Mike off the ground wrapping him in water as I sped through the halls with him. I got Mike to Cerebro in less than 10 seconds; I could `see' everyone in the mansion crumpled around the place in agony. The door opened and Sean reached out to us both pulling us both into my mental castle.

:: Psychic Landscape::

Sean: We don't have long, we have a bit more time in here but the difference is not huge I need you both to join with me so I can protect everyone in the school.

Mike and Me: Okay.

Sean touched us both lightly and I could feel us wrapped in bubbles of energy connected within a sphere of pure psychic power.

I felt distant from my own body as time moved slowly outside and I felt like I was a passenger to Sean's defense.

He used my eyes' to track the students, using his shield to protect them while masking' them with Mike's power. I could feel him reaching out further trying to protect other mutants. He held 100 minds safe in the eye of Xavier's psychic storm for 30 seconds... :: ::

Sean collapsed under the effort. I felt a moment of mental squeeze as Mike gasped and clutched his head for a second and then nothing.

I scanned the school and everyone seemed shaken but okay. I shifted back to flesh and felt liberated. That last burst of Xavier's psychic attack had shattered his psychic blocks as well as my partitions and obliterated my mental castle.

My celebration over freedom from Xavier's restraints was cut short as I noticed Sean's deteriorating condition. I scanned Sean deep and his heartbeat was erratic, his breathing shallow.

I floated him down to the medical bay ^Scale meet me at the Med bay. ^

Mike shambled towards the med bay trailing behind me; the effort needed to defend the students had drained the psychic brothers but had energized me. I had never felt so strong. Even with this new found strength I couldn't fix my friend. All I could do was try and hold his vitals steady, artificially pumping his heart, my practice with the golems paying off.

Scale plugged him into the fancy medical equipment to monitor his heart rate as he flicked through the tech books for the life support machines. I kept Sean's body functioning until Scale could attach Sean to the life support.

^Lachlan come down to the Med bay, Sean is in trouble. ^

Lachlan arrived and went to Sean's side holding Sean's hand as Mike held the other. I felt useless and helpless as the life support machine took over keeping Sean alive.

I raced out needing to find something to help my best friend wake up. I used hands' and eyes' to tear through Xavier's office looking for something that might help.

I tracked down an account of Xavier's experience when he had been corrupted during a session in the Cerebro where he was rendered unconscious and he had spent a few days lost as a shapeless psychic entity trying to find his way back to his body.

It gave me an idea. I plugged myself into Cerebro and activated dozens of `eyes' around Sean's limp body trying to light the way back for Sean.

I reached down deep into myself feeling for the echo of him through the psychic network. I could barely feel him even with the power of Cerebro magnifying my minor psionic abilities.


Victor? Where are you?

I'm inside Cerebro, your body is in the med bay. Where is your mind?

I'm not sure; I don't really recognize the place. I feel so tired.

*Don't give up on me. I still need you. *

Always about you.

Mike and Lachlan are standing vigil by your bedside; your body is barely clinging to life even with my help and life support machines. You have to come back. There was a long protracted silence. I drew on more of my mental energy trying to broadcast deeper and further to wherever Sean was. Sean?

I'm at your friends Mark's.

Okay I'm going to leave a trail of `eyes' for you to follow back home to your body. OK? Stay with me for a little bit longer and I'll get you back to your brother and your lover.

I reached out starting from the dozens of eyes' in the med bay spiraling outwards all around the Mansion until I had left another dozen eyes' at Sean's room and launched off leaving a trail of thousands of `eyes' from Sean's room to Mark's place.

I felt the strain as I maintained the multiple eyes' but the longer I held them in place the easier it was to maintain them. Every 20 minutes I'd check on the bedside vigil and on the psychic network. I felt a gradual strengthening of Sean's presence' through the psychic network as the hours ticked by even though Sean no longer responded to my psychic calls. I tried to be patient. Finally at midnight Sean responded I'm back but I'm very tired. I pushed myself too hard.

His life signs improved and Scale took him off the ventilator. I informed the others that Sean was on the path to recovery now as his mind had been returned to his body. All he needed now was rest.

Scale gave me a run through of the Danger Room control system and the medical equipment before he left for much needed sleep. He had been up for the last 36 hours. I had an `ice statue' explain the medical systems to Lachlan and Mike while they waited just in case.

Meanwhile I had fear and rage to work out. Xavier had psychically attacked the entire school somehow without Cerebro. Sean was in a deep sleep recovering from defending the school.


I went to the danger room to work out my aggression, worried that if I didn't find a way to vent this rage I might inflict my darkest power upon everyone around me. Using Scale's information I set up the mob scenario again. The simulation starts off the same as last time, a human objects to me being water, calls me "mutant scum" and ...

I freeze every cell in his body shattering him into a bloody pinkish mist. Humans nearby have a moment of shock before shouting verbal abuse and throwing whatever objects are nearby at me. The crowd surges forth intent on my death and I release the rage I restrained during the mansion invasion onto this simulated mob. They freeze and shatter spraying nearby buildings with high velocity icy debris. The debris shreds my clothes and passes through my water body without incident. Terrified onlookers dial 911 while other maladjusted individuals take photos. While I wait to see what happens next I draw in the icy debris around me. I compress the debris over me within competing forces of hydro kinesis compacting the pinkish debris around me into a new form of armor. This `death armor' is a foot thick throughout.

Embracing my rage I play around with the nearby humans' blood flow. If merely being a mutant was cause to act like I was monstrous worthy only of fear and violence I'd teach them what monstrous acts I was capable of when pushed too far. The effects of my experiment ranged from relatively harmless `pins and needles', to strokes and aneurysms.

Several cop cars arrive and a dozen police point their guns at me demanding my immediate surrender. One or more cops fire and with a thought, their frozen shattered remains are incorporated into my death armor'. More people arrive on the scene and I fiddle with their blood practicing the range of power necessary to cause the desired effects. I pick up the discarded guns with hands' and pull in more water around them creating gun toting ice golems.

Still angry and with no significant opposition at that moment I use high pressure high temperature water jets to create series of small holes through nearby vehicles. I use water tentacles barbed with high density ice thorns to slice through the weakened metal slicing and cutting the vehicles into sheets of scrap metal. I use `hands' to lift and bend the metal around my ice armor to form a metal layer over the "death armor". I spot weld the metal into place with super-hot water manipulated via hydro kinesis. I draw in more water to cool the metal before freezing the water for another layer of protection.

By the time a military copter hovers over my location I've got a thick layer of scrap metal armor sandwiched between thick layers of ice armor. As well as a dozen armed ice golems.

20 soldiers parachute out of the helicopter and I use my thorny ice tentacles and water jets to kill the pilot and slice apart the copter in midair for higher grade metal. The soldiers fire into the ice golems with semi-automatic weapon fire leaving hundreds of bullet holes through them. The soldiers turn their weapons on me as the golems are unaffected by the barrage of bullets. I have the golems use the soldiers for weapons practice, killing them one by one.

My outer layer of ice was pocked with weapons fire. I violently ejected the bullets turning my body into a shrapnel gun/bomb. I patched the holes in my armor with ice before covering myself in layers of the helicopter metal. The higher grade of metal took a lot longer to melt and the end results were sloppy looking. Oh well.

Military personnel arrived in APC's, and a tank rolled down the formerly busy street; the civilians finally taking the hint to run away. The golems discarded the police pistols and replaced them with the discarded soldier's semi-automatic rifles.

At least 100 soldiers armed with a variety of weapons from semi-automatic rifles (about 80%) the rest armed with flame throwers and rocket launchers. The tank fired upon the ice golems and I barely managed to block it with a hastily constructed wall of ice which evaporated in the heat of the following explosion. As the steam dissipated the golems were being hit with 1000's of bullets at high velocity as well as being hit by flame throwers weakening their overall integrity. Then the flame throwers gave the rocket launchers a clear shot and the golems were blasted into water vapor.

I retreated hovering 50 feet off the ground moving backwards fatally ice spiking soldiers while dodging tank shells. I used an `eye' to make sure I didn't hit any buildings while I retreated. It reminded me of playing Diablo, run backwards and fire off spells. Movement was slow due to carrying several tons of metal and ice while flying backwards.

Yet another military copter showed up. This copter fired off two missiles at me, I managed to knock one back into the copter slapping it backwards with a giant water hand. The copter exploded as the other missile hit me full force. I was knocked to the ground by the impact of the explosion. The metal armor was damaged, the ice layer over the metal providing insufficient resistance.

Another wave of troops arrived as I fumbled huge volumes of water around me into ice armor. 500 infantry along with several tanks and APC's with mounted guns now surrounded me. They fired everything they had at me. I used the water vapor in the air to create thin tentacles to try and redirect the barrage of attacks. It didn't help much as the outer 2 layers of my armor were ruined under the assault.

I hovered above the fray; I froze a dozen of the soldiers bodily and awkwardly moved them around to fire at their former comrades. The unexpected assault in the middle of the ranks caused at least 50 more deaths. Bored I went "fuck it" and used my darkest power and turned all the soldiers into water. I coated myself with thick ice armor.

The X-men arrived: Xavier, Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean, Storm, Bobby and even Rogue. They tried to talk me down but I was not interested in their platitudes. I wrapped them in chains of ice and sent them flying back to the mansion at top speed and dropped them back there minus their super plane. It'd take them half an hour via conventional means to return and at least another 10 to break out of the ice chains. I could have killed them to make sure they were permanently out of the way but I had no real interest in killing mutants in this simulation. Due to the limitations of the simulation, Xavier and Jean were absent their most useful weapon, psychic offense; the danger room couldn't simulate mental attacks on a real person.

I wanted to work out my rage over the mansion invasion by human military personnel. These simulated soldiers made for good targets. It was the only productive way I could work out my anger and helplessness over not being able to help the abducted children. I had no idea where they were or what was being done with them. The real soldiers had hit the Mansion hard and fast escaping out of my range of influence with child captives.

A couple of jets streaked past in a blur of speed presumably to assess the situation. I used an eye' to better see the battlefield. I stood 12 feet tall coated in pinkish ice' and `human ice' in the middle of what used to be a busy road. Around me were empty vehicles and tires and puddles. I had a dozen unnatural looking ice/human warriors standing armed with semi-automatic rifles. The view was dark but impressive. As I pondered what was next the 2 jets circled back firing missiles at me faster than I could react. The simulation ended.

Take 2

I restarted the simulation with a `statue' in the control room.

I tried a different approach this time as I was insulted by the first human. I stated my terms. `Leave me alone or die'.

The first human scoffed and I froze him absorbing his essence into me. I repeated the same message via water voice to each new level of opposition. The smart members of the crowd ran away unharmed and those that chose to attack were frozen shattered and absorbed into armor. The cops were frozen and absorbed. The soldiers were frozen and absorbed. I used their metal belongings to strengthen my existing ice armor. My attempts to metal bend improved as I practiced with bullets, guns, cars, helicopters...

When the jets arrived I froze and shattered the pilots into shrapnel bombs inside the cockpits and the jets crashed into buildings causing significant damage on impact. The shrapnel from the explosion damaged nearby buildings. Another plane passed by and I sent it tail spinning into downtown. More aircraft arrived and I shattered pilots and smacked them out of the air with gigantic water hands indifferent to the explosions and devastation done to the city. A riot broke out before people started looting. The simulation ended abruptly. I checked the control room and a nuke had been fired a few miles from my location wiping the city and me off the map.

I sighed disappointed at the results, even with my powers, I couldn't withstand the retribution from humans by myself and my golems only provided token resistance. I guess payback would have to wait. I needed more mutants on my side and way more freedom to advance my training without the restrictions placed by Xavier. I needed to leave this place and take anyone who wanted to come with me. This place wasn't a sanctuary after all.

In Xavier's papers had been a history of the school and 40 years ago Xavier had his foster sister Mystique recruited to Magneto's pro mutant cause. Magneto was a level 4 metal bending mutant who had spent decades building up a following. Xavier was level 4 too and he had built up a following involving school children.

As a level 5 mutant that could control the most common and vital resource in the world (water) I should be able to gather at least a few followers. The Morlock teens deserved to have their moment in the sun without fear of retribution. I just needed to find somewhere isolated preferably a small island somewhere surrounded by water or maybe a farm out in the wheat belt with a large source of water nearby.

I wanted to build a real mutant sanctuary that embraced honesty not this lie of a school.

Next: Chapter 18

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