
By wayne unknown

Published on Oct 7, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Authors Note

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

^text between these symbols indicate Victor using 'water voice' to communicate with someone^

Within the psychic landscape

Dialogue tags/actions followed by: dialogue

Scenes not in the physical realm or not viewed personally by Victor will start with :: LOCATION::

and end with :: ::

I'm really proud of this chapter as there are revelations, confessions and developments that finally come to fruition in this chapter that have been subtly hinted (I hope) during earlier chapters. Sean also explains his (tragic) backstory further, 2 new characters are introduced and some really weird kinky sex happens. I also fanwank an explanation for the X3 classification system that is hopefully relatively clear and simple to understand.

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

Also if you wish to subscribe for email updates let me know. As future updates depend a lot around how much time I can squeeze in for writing around work and is unlikely to be as regular as I'd like.

If you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...

Monday morning

I walked to Sean's room debating myself about the merits of confessing my strange condition.

Sean said "Mike give us the room". Mike leaves and Sean telekinetically closes the door a second later.

"Want to talk about it now?"

"Not sure there is much point since you probably know what I'm going to say."

"I do but I'm going to move this conversation to the psychic landscape for more privacy."

He grabbed my head

:: Psychic Landscape ::

... and we're clothed in the same outfits in my castle room. Sean's clothes rippled and chain mail armor appeared over them.

Me: I don't know what I am anymore. I don't feel human.

Sean: We're mutants we're never going to be normal but we can do extraordinary things.

Me: I don't want to do this I want to get drunk.

Sean: You can't. Stop avoiding the issue and say it out loud here where there's just the two of us and get the burden of this heavy thought out of both of our minds!

Me: Fine.

I take a deep breath and...

Me: I'm losing my humanity. I don't feel the cold anymore and heat registers less and less. I feel stuck in a limbo of meh. The only thing that makes me feel even a little bit normal is having sex, getting fucked being broken in the pleasure/pain or exhausting myself through training. I don't feel the need to sleep without training to mental exhaustion and even then I rarely get more than 3 hours of sleep. I haven't had anything to eat in over a week or gone to the toilet. I've been stabbed repeatedly, frozen, nearly broken by Onyx and I've nearly died at least once maybe twice and I don't have a scratch on me well other than the hickeys by Luke.

Sean: and his dad.

Me: Fuck you know about that too?

Sean: It's a really strong memory. Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but I couldn't help myself.

I finger my neck absently realizing it didn't hurt any more.

Me: Where did they go?

Sean: We're in your mind, you don't think of yourself as having hickeys, you tend to default to what you imagine yourself as being here but I'll explain later. Go on.

Me: I'm anxious that I might lose control of my powers and hurt or kill someone. Everyone seems to think of me as a slut especially Cyclops and I can't tell them that since last Monday it hasn't even been about sex it's about feeling something, anything to even pretend to myself that I'm normal. At first it was just enjoying sex for the sake of having sex and not being concerned about diseases because of what you told me but lately it's been a lifeline of sorts as heat, cold and injury mean less and less to me. Since Peter Hale though, I don't know if it's an option anymore. I think I'm in love with his son and I know that's doomed, that even though the sex is great and it feels like he cares about me, he's never going to want me in the way that I want and need and its fucking torture. And I don't feel safe here with Xavier nearby able to strip me of the only thing that makes me feel powerful and gives me a tiny measure of control in life. My life is a complete mess and I don't know what to do about any of it.

Sean: I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you about any of that. I can't find any reference to any mutant with your particular issue. Even being a powerful telepath I didn't know my brother had developed a psychic ability and he sleeps in the same room as me. I don't think anyone really knows what's going to happen next except God and even that's questionable.

Victor: You believe in God?

Sean: Well I was raised Catholic so sometimes I believe and I question why he gave us free will with what a mess we make of everything and other times I think we're on our own.

Me: So what do you think I should do now?

Sean: I have no idea sorry. All I can say is keep training and hope for the best.

Victor: I hoped you might have a way to fix me.

Sean: Sorry. I've only recently mastered basic telekinesis and can now open and close a door. I don't have all the answers, I can only tell you the stuff I know and things I can only guess about your powers from your own memories and what I've learned here.

I sigh: How come you understand my abilities more than I do?

Sean: I wouldn't go that far. Some of the stuff you've done surprises me too. Like when you turned into water vapor in the hallway, it's obvious in hindsight but I didn't see it coming. However I have done research and I've read your mind which helps. I can give you suggestions but you're the one that has to figure out how to use your power the best way you can.

Me: Fair enough. At least you have better control over your abilities than me.

Sean: I've been here months and I've focused mostly on telepathy as Xavier says my unique talent to produce external psychic shields has great potential. He even said one day I might be the one tracking down mutants in distress. My telekinetic ability is new and underdeveloped as I'm still in the process of training that. It helps to get a new perspective when training. For instance Mike's ability has provided inspiration in better masking of psychic probes, scans and searches which I'm working on now.

Victor: I have learned a lot from you Luke and Bobby. I should ask other students about how they use their powers to see if they have any decent tips I could use also. It might come in useful if I need to defend myself from them later.

Sean: Xavier has made you way too paranoid about other mutants.

Victor: Well being stabbed by Wolverines claws and turned to ice by Bobby, having my head nearly blown off by Cyclops hasn't helped much either.

Sean: Why did Cyclops try and blow you up?

Victor: I thought you knew all my memories?

Sean: I haven't read every thought and memory in your head. The strong memories stick out and I scanned you for memories of your use of power out of curiosity mostly. I try not to invade your privacy. I just want to help you as much as I can.

Victor: So why do you want to help me?

Sean: You really are getting paranoid, I want to help you because we're friends and I like you and I don't think what Xavier did to you was right. I can understand where he was coming from but it was awfully heavy handed and underhanded the way he went about it. That's why I'm working on improving all of our mental screens, it probably won't hold up to a concentrated attack for long but it should hold up to a cursory mental glance without giving us away.

Victor: This is what bothers me, what gives him the right to scan our minds?

Sean: The purpose of the school is to train mutants to use their powers safely and discreetly. I suppose the scans are a way to check we're not flaring up and the line between scans out of concern and satisfying curiosity blurs. He performs fairly low level sweeps for strong emotions irregularly to monitor us all. As a psychic I feel the brush of his mind as he scans, some of the longer term residents of the mansion have developed psychic sensitivity as a result. Sometimes he's forced to mind control other people. I guess the stronger the power of a mutant the more it can make the lines between acceptable uses of power and unacceptable gets confusing. Especially since it all depends on your perspective as to what's good and bad.

Me: Taking control over someone's body and mind sounds awful.

Sean: Well not too long ago Xavier used his mind control to try and rescue Rogue from Magneto which saved her life. It's all a matter of perspective I suppose.

Me: I think I understand your point.

Sean: Mutant abilities can be used for good or evil. I imagine the murdering mutant kidnappers weren't happy about being taken over but they were going to use Rogue as a pawn for their plan unconcerned if she died in the process.

Me: This feels like a weird mutant version of an after school special. Mutant children try not to use your powers to take over the world because it's a bad idea.

Sean laughs: Morality discussion over. Today's lesson is fairly straightforward. I mentioned psychic sensitivity earlier; basically this develops over time when someone has been psychically scanned/probed/invaded too frequently or too long."

Me: How does that work?

Sean: Even non psychics can tell something is wrong if a psychic spends too much time inside their mind or if the telepath is unskilled. I think your water sensing is psionic enough to allow you a greater sensitivity than a normal human or even a non-psychic mutant. It's probably why Xavier asked for your permission so you'd lower your mental guard before he psychically altered you in case you retaliated with force if you discovered his interference.

Me: Well that's disturbing but your shield protects me from him scanning my mind right?

Sean: It protects you from his level 3 scans of the mansion but it might not be strong enough to withstand his full strength and there's no hope it'd last if he used Cerebro. What I'm going to do from now on is drag you into this place (he gestured around us) so you can better detect if someone breaks through my shield and into your mind. Also you're going to be my guinea pig for practicing my psychic probes. I'll get practice attacking and you'll develop greater psychic sensitivity and more experience with psychic defense as a result. I think that's enough for today. Over time you'll have more sensitivity to scans, probes and have more time to counteract psychic attack with a physical strike.

Me: What would I do without you?

Sean deadpanned: Die.

Me: True enough. You saved my life last week and I really appreciate all your help. Thank you.

Sean: That's okay, that's what friends are for.

We exited my mind and I could feel a surge of his power as the psychic shield within me was reinforced.

Sean said "This should help screen more of your thoughts."

"Thanks again for everything especially letting me vent about what's been happening with me lately. I've been trying to deny it for what feels like forever even if it's only been a little over a week."

I gave him a hug conflicted, confessing to him had made me feel closer to him and yet unsure what we were now. Friends? Friends who had sex?

I left, skipping the usual sex. It didn't feel necessary to have sex to feel alive and connected now that I knew for sure that I had Sean as a friend backing me. Even after confessing that I no longer functioned like the rest of the planets population. I still felt like a freak among mutants but less desperate for validation.

I had a quick shower then went off to my classes. I woke Luke with a `water hand' remotely at 8:50 as I didn't know if I could resist him and I wanted to spend less time avoiding my issues with sex.

My classes were boring but one of the several classes I observed through `eyes' had an interesting exchange.

:: Xavier's class::

A new student introduced herself in front of the class (she must have arrived sometime during the weekend as I hadn't seen her before.) "My name is Grace, I was born and raised on a dairy farm and when I touch plants they grow faster." She had long dark black hair, wore old blue jeans and an oversized shirt, she didn't look like much but her power intrigued me. I'd have to say hello later.

Xavier said "Welcome to the school Grace. Gaia would be a suitable mutant name for your mutant gift.

As you're new here I'll give you a brief overview of one of broadest classification of mutants based solely on power potential. This classification is used by the military to assess a mutant's threat level. There are other typing systems that are more specific factoring in mutants outward appearance, power level and weaknesses. I mention this for context only.

Class 1 consists of mutants with negligible power and range; an example being a mutant with an unusual skin color: blue, red, green or grey. Class 2 consists of mutants with abilities limited to their own person such as above average speed, strength or endurance. Class 3 consists of mutants with a reasonable level of power and limited range of about a yard or two. Their abilities cover the spectrum from telepathy, geokinesis, ferokinesis and telekinesis. They may have incredible speed, strength, physical defense. Class 4 mutants are similar to class 3's except with greater reserves of strength, range, physical defense and/or pure power. Class 5 mutants are rare and typically have 1 or 2 powers that are at such a level they can affect the world. They have nearly unlimited reservoirs of power. Unfortunately their unimaginable raw strength sometimes damages their mind or body and they can die or go insane in the process."

Grace raised her hand, Xavier said "Yes?"

"What level am I sir?"

"Your potential is class 4 but until you've had your assessment it's unclear as to what your current level is. From my observations your application is at a Class 2 range and a Class 3 power. As I said the class system is a reference system not a comprehensive or complete definition. Ultimately a mutant's classification is irrelevant. I mention it only to motivate students to reach their full potential.

An untrained level 5 mutant may possess unimaginable reserves of raw power but without adequate control and discipline they pose an unacceptable risk to themselves and others. This is part of the reason this school exists to give everyone a chance to control their abilities safely.

However I'll give a short example on how a hypothetical fire mutant's power may display. Class 1 would be resistant to minor burns. Class 2 would have stronger fire resistance and capable of creating burns through physical contact. Class 3 could launch small fireballs. Class 4 could survive high intensity blazes and launch larger fireballs and modify and intensify existing sources of fire. Class 5 fire mutant could theoretically create or control fire worldwide."

Grace and an unknown girl with a white streak in her hair exchanged nervous glances.

"The control necessary to maintain a world wide effort for more than ten minutes without suffering great mental and physical strain would take at least a decade of rigorous training."

"What Class are you?" Pyro asked slouched in his seat.

"I'm Class 4; however I've developed and trained with my powers for the last 50 years. Over that time I've used artificial augmentation for decades to gradually expand the limits of my ability. Even with all that experience I can only use Cerebro to scan the world for 15 minutes a day for mutants in distress and to monitor manifestations before I feel the strain. In my youth my power manifested at a low class 3 and over time with effort, I've reached the upper limit of natural class 4 and with augmentation I can maintain class 5 for short periods of time."

"How can you tell what class I am?" Grace asked confused

"While using Cerebro I can determine a mutant's potential by the strength of their red aura. At your current level of skill you need to touch a plant to increase its growth rate. With enough practice and training your ability could develop into a ranged ability affecting multiple plants. Alternatively when you touch a plant instead of multiplying the growth rate by 4, it could get as high as 20.

The motto of this school is mutatis mutandis which simply translates to `changing only those things which need to be changed'. We teach you to control your abilities so you can choose what sort of life you want to lead. However there is a stamina limit for how far and fast you can push yourself.

Using our hypothetical fire mutant as an example; at level 1 he'd be capable of tolerating 30 seconds of a 390F fire, at level 2 he'd be able to withstand that fire for a couple of minutes. At level 3 a 500F fire for minutes and level 4 800F for an hour. A level 5 could theoretically create and hold an intense heat forever if adequately trained or prepared. This example doesn't take into account smoke. Stamina is often dependent on training, practice and endurance.

The difference between a class 4 and a class 5 mutant is akin to normal athletes and Olympians. Athletes have talent and have gone through rigorous training however they lack the natural extra to become an Olympian. Someone may have the potential to be an Olympian but lack the ambition, motivation or dedication to embrace their natural advantage.

Most of the students come here for safety and security and we teach them enough to protect themselves and others and control their abilities under high stress situations. Some students dedicate themselves to training to protect their mutant brethren and become the Xmen. "

:: ::

I trained with Bobby for a few hours after last class. He demonstrated tai chi movements explaining that it improved movement and flexibility and was a building block for martial arts. Late evening I went back to my room and Luke was reading in bed. He springs out of bed clad in his tight boxer briefs with definite bulge "Hey you okay? I haven't seen much of you today? Was I too rough last night?"

"No I loved last night it was great. The rough sex was hot and the cuddle sex afterwards was comforting, like you cared. Very HOT. I just had to talk to Sean about something and then I had classes and training with Bobby and the day got away from me. Wasn't avoiding you or anything."

He stood up "Ok then." He moved closer smiling "You kept my hickeys" tracing an outline of the hickeys. It hurt a little.

"You told me to". My skin prickled and my cock hardened as Luke closed the small gap between us, his hard cock pressing against mine as he made faint spirals on my wounds with his index fingers.

He chuckled. "I wasn't being serious but since you were such a good boy and did what I said I think my doggy deserves a treat.

"Woof," I said grinning and nodding.

"You're weird. On your knees." I kneeled in front of his bulge "It's time for your treat." I rubbed his covered cock "Suck on my bone Hound". I freed his cock and engulfed his entire cock. "Look up at me" I did so "Yeah that's hot. I want to see you swallow my load." He followed that by hunching at my throat over and over as we watched each other's expressions. I licked his cock as often as I could as it moved in and out of my mouth at a furious pace. He gripped the back of my head pulling on my scalp as he cried "FUCK". I swallowed every drop of his load. He subsided and pulled off and lay back on his bed hands beneath his head looking relaxed, cock upright.

I stood up my cock throbbing painfully in my pants demanding satisfaction. "Can you fuck me now? I'm horny."

"Do you have Bobby's load in you?"

"No he has a girlfriend and I've been on my best behavior with him." (Minus the naked cuddle)

"Well good to know you have some standards." I slapped him across the face with a `hand'.

Luke gasped in shock and so did I, I hadn't even thought about creating a hand and it had appeared to follow through on my momentary desire to slap him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay, I deserved that. That was uncalled for."

"You can make it up to me by fucking me hard. I'm super horny now and I haven't blown a load since last night."

Luke chuckled "get naked then on your knees Hound and I'll take you like a bitch in heat."

I stripped and obeyed. I waited on my hands and knees for him before I felt his cock pressing against my tight hole "I haven't been fucked today, give me a sec" as I coated his cock in water and slid in a thin trickle of water inside me.

"Didn't get it from Sean or Mike today?"

"Not today." I sighed quietly. I really did need to cut down on sex and find another way to feel alive. While I enjoyed sex a lot I didn't like the presumption that's all I was about. My pride hurt and I considered whether to call a halt to the fuck until Luke respected me but I couldn't. I wanted Luke any way I could get him even if it meant being treated like a sex slave or a dog or being disrespected. Everyone else though would have to watch their step from now on.

He pushed into my hole "Fuck you're tight."

"Mmm" I moaned enjoying the pleasure/pain as he stretched me out. Luke fucked me hard and fast yanking at my hair as I stroked myself one handed.

He slapped at my moving hand "You'll cum when I fuck it out of you."

"Yes Master". Luke chuckled fucking me harder and faster tugging on my hair as he squeezed my butt. My scalp burned.

"Good doggy," he moaned.


"Fucking hell". Luke lost his smooth rapid rhythm and just slammed me into the floor my cock and head hitting it at a bad angle. My body ached as Luke fucked me with harsh erratic thrusts gripping both shoulders for leverage as he ground me into the hard floor with his fucking. I came hard all over the floor. Luke came 30 seconds later. He slumped on top of me with a groan, breath harsh and hot in my ear.

"Get off me" I squirmed out from underneath him crawling to my bed, aching all over from the rough fuck and sated from the recent orgasm. I sprawled face down on the bed drained of all useful energy.

Luke poked at my rib. I looked up at him and let my gaze roam his naked sweaty body. He radiated vitality and masculinity and his dangling hard-ish cock tempted me with possibilities. He grinned "Move over". I moved onto my side and Luke lay next to me on his back. "You're a kinky little fucker"

"You're the one that pretends I'm a dog and fucks me."

He shrugged. I placed my hand on the middle of his chest my wet cock pressing against his thigh as I cuddle up to him. I circle his nipple with my index finger "Want it again already?"

"Just playing around" I said as I rub on his left nipple teasing it into a hard nub then moving onto the other until it hardened too. Luke breathed hard as I tugged on his nipple with one hand while playing with the other one with a hand' I straddled Luke's pelvis, his hard cock filling my butt crack with its heat. I closed my eyes concentrating on the difference between one hand' and my real one. I wanted to make it feel better for Luke who had gripped my hips grinding against me wordlessly. I wanted to make it feel more like skin and less like a wet hand. I concentrated more on hardening the skin' of the water hand' but I could sense it transitioning in a slushy icy hand and Luke gasped beneath me slapping my bottom.

I tried to match the texture of water hands to the same texture as real hands but something shifted in me and the `hands' felt off.

Luke screamed. I opened my eyes as he bolted upright dislodging me onto the floor. I gasped at the sight of an amputated hand on my bed. As I watched it started to degrade sinking in on itself. I had a sudden realization and repeated "back to water, back to water" in my head as I focused on turning the abomination in front of me back into water. I succeeded and scattered the former flesh/water outside. Luke left the room naked abruptly muttering to himself `bad dog'.

I went to the library to try and figure out how the hell that happened. Several hours of research later I came to the conclusion that my ability to turn into water and back again had more applications than I had imagined. My theory was that my transition ability could be used to turn any human/mutant (composed of at least 60% water) into 100% water for an instant fatality. I could also shift any water into flesh and bone. It made a certain kind of sense; it explained how I changed heights, healed wounds after phasing and regrew a part of my tooth. I had been subconsciously defaulting (similar to what Sean said about default image in psychic landscape.)

I worried about the danger I posed to everyone around me. I didn't want to liquefy anyone. I needed help.

I unlocked Sean's door from the outside with a water hand, I looked at his bedside clock and it was 2 am. He slept alone in the room. I wondered where Mike was and the answer came to me as a mental picture of him asleep in the arms of Vader. My powers manifested with greater ease and less thought, my near constant use of my powers recently had unlocked the deep reservoir of untapped strength within me.

Sean woke up and I told him about what had happened and what I thought my 3rd power could do and how I needed him to place a psychic block in me to stop me accidentally using this ability against others.

"I thought you didn't like psychic blocks," Sean said rubbing at his eyes.

"I didn't object to a sleeping block. I just didn't appreciate my powers being hobbled while I was awake without my informed consent. This is dangerous to everyone around me friends or foes and I don't know how to control it yet so it needs to be chained up for now."

"Get Xavier to do it. I doubt I'd be able to block it completely."

"I can't get Xavier to do it, I don't trust him and he'll find out about the psychic shield and everything. Anyway I don't want it blocked completely, turning into water is one of my best combat abilities and the post phase healing helps me survive from some of my more dangerous mistakes. I just want to be able to control it so I don't accidentally turn people into water. This aspect of my phasing is creepy as fuck; I thought growing an inch due to absorbing too much water was weird but being capable of turning any water into flesh or vice versa is way worse".

"I don't have the experience for a psychic block Victor. The only experience I have with psychic blocks is when I noticed the subtle differences between when I scanned you Saturday and Sunday. I've been chipping away at your psychic block but it's easier to destroy something than recreate it. I'm great at shields, I'm mediocre with telepathy and I'm border-line awful at telekinesis. It may be my fault that your powers are manifesting strangely. The best I can do is show you how to partition this power from your other abilities. It should stop any accidental liquefaction though it might make your phasing less reliable and automatic until you adjust. It will have to do until I can think of a better solution.

"Whatever you suggest. I trust you, it's not your fault that my powers are flaring up, Xavier tried to push my powers down and you've been working to counter it. Side effects are inevitable. Either way this would have happened sooner or later and it's best that I get this stuff out of the way up front. Though I can understand why there are so few class 5's around, this level of power is scary dangerous and I don't think I'm at full strength yet."

Sean pressed a hand against my head and filled me with his memories of how to partition. It seemed half memory trick, half psychic phenomenon, somewhat similar to partitioning a hard drive, you separate a section, label it and then work from it.

"I know you don't trust Xavier because what he did to you but he's not a bad guy. He's taught me a lot and he helped me appreciate my talent with shielding. He gave us a safe place when we had nowhere to go. He helped me to make sense of why I had to spend so much time creating mental shields for me and eventually my brother against my dad's powers."

"Why was your dad attacking you?"

"I don't think he knew he had any telepathic ability but every time he got drunk whatever emotion he felt at that moment was magnified and broadcast to everyone around him. He was a very rare sort of empath, instead of absorbing or knowing what other people were feeling, he inflicted his emotions on others. When he was in a good mood it was fine but when he was in sad or angry we'd all suffer for it. When my mother died he was constantly sad or angry and he drank all the time. My powers manifested during that time and I used it a lot to stop his depression from bringing down Mike and me."

"So um... "

"How did my mother die? She committed suicide, guess the 15 years of erratic mood swings from being in close proximity to my dad made her unstable. We spent most of our time at school or out with friends so she ended up getting the brunt of the empathic assaults and since she wasn't a mutant she broke."

"I'm sorry." I hugged him.

"Yeah I spent the following 2 years blocking his daily depression and after the first couple of months I realized there was something different about me and I found a way to pass my immunity over to my brother and then dad died too of alcohol poisoning and we ended up here as orphans. "

Sean psychically guided me through creating the partition in my mind with the warning that I'd have to learn to maintain it as partitions wore down quickly.

I walked into the center of the lake in ice form and floated myself halfway to the surface then I stopped myself creating an ice room around me. I held it in place with my power as I used the excess water that was displaced to create a small army of ice men statues around the lake spaced several yards from each other. I would have to keep myself away from everyone until I was sure I had this new development under control. I spent the next 5 hours cycling through each statue practicing sending a small surge of power to maintain it as I walked it from one statue' to its left then to the statue on its right before returning it to its original location. I watched over my efforts from a bird's viewpoint with several eyes'.

Tuesday morning

I sent an ice statue to go see Cyclops at 8 am to tell him I wouldn't be attending school for the foreseeable future. When he answered the door he wore only plaid boxers. While his choice in underwear left much to be desired his body was muscled perfection. A decade of rigorous training had honed him from neck to ankle, firm pecs, bulging biceps, flat abs with a hint of a 6 pack, muscled thighs and calves. I wondered if an ice statue proxy of me could give him a blowjob without it being a violation.

"Victor?" I shook my head and my proxy did the same. I laughed and I could hear the echo of it in the hallway outside Cyclops room.

^Not exactly^ All the `statues' looked like me because they were easier to move while they had my shape. My usual golems looked blocky and a little like Paul 6 foot tall, broad shoulders, thick arms and legs. I didn't realize that Cyclops would confuse me with an ice version of me but then again I could walk around as ice. I could probably turn this proxy into a flesh copy of me but could I kill something that looked like me after I was done with it?

"What is this?" He asked hand creeping upwards to his visor. I cut off my stray thoughts and focused on my objective.

^I've come to tell you that I won't be able to come to classes for at least the next few days.^

"Why not?"

I decided to tell him the truth. If he told Xavier maybe he'd kick me out and I could go live with Mark and Jeremy for a while until I found a place of my own. ^I've developed a really dangerous power and I'm not safe to be around. ^

Cyclops stepped back. "You have class 5 hydro kinesis and you've been attending class fine with no issues what could be more dangerous than that."

I sighed and concentrated on the right hand of this proxy while looking at my own hand giving it a quick scan with my water sense then I sent a surge of power into my proxy and its right hand became flesh. It became more than flesh, it was skin and bone and blood. Unfortunately my happy surprise at this unexpected success came to an abrupt halt as the hand broke off the ice statue at the wrist dropping onto the ground.

Cyclops stood stock-still as I observed the hand through an `eye'.

This time it was easier to be dispassionate about the amputated hand as I expected it. It bleeding into the ice was unexpected. I activated another eye' directly over it to examine it in greater detail. It wasn't deteriorating like the last one. I thought about it for a couple of seconds and realized where I had gone wrong last time. I had thought about making a hand' with skin more realistic and it became so but it still had water inside and became a creepy hand shaped flesh coated water balloon.

^That.^ My proxy stated. The proxy pressed the crumbling icy wrist against its stump and I fused it together shifting the hand back to water. ^And that.^

Cyclops shuddered slightly. A normal person wouldn't have noticed but since my water sense was up to high in the area, I could feel the rush of his blood pumping faster through his veins and sense the slight shake. He shook himself and stood straighter "I'll organize something to catch you up on the class work when you..."

^That won't be necessary.^ I shifted the proxy to water vapor in a blink of an eye swirling it through the hallways to talk to Sean. `Mist form' was way more fun when I did it to a proxy rather than myself as I didn't have to worry about my mind breaking.

I reformed the proxy into solid state to knock on Sean's door and told him that I was going to stay inside the lake in my ice room until I mastered this latest development of my phasing power. He said he wanted to talk to me in person.

^Follow the proxy^

He stood on the edge of the lake "Victor?" I created ice steps down into my room.

"Hello Sean."

"Are you okay? You're occupying a lake with an army of ice golems."

"These are ice statues that I activate as necessary, I can only maintain 4 golems at the moment. I figure it's safer for everyone if they stay far away from me until I'm sure I won't have any accidents."

"Well I can't practice my telepathy on your statue since its mind is an ice cube."

"Hmm okay. What's today lesson?"

Sean looked at me with an odd expression before I felt a surge of power

:: Psychic landscape ::

Sean in full chain mail armor: All the focus you've shifted to maintain all these statues left your mental defenses drained of their strength. Without my shield in you, any half way decent telepath could rape your mind and use your body for anything they wanted. You must remember that your mental defense is equally important to your physical safety.

I bowed my head: I guess I shouldn't rely so heavily on your mental shield. One day soon I might have to fend for myself without you around.

Sean: Well until then I'll give you some more information about the psychic landscape, in particular your mind. This body you're using here is a psychic avatar, since this is your mind you have the home field advantage and can modify this place and yourself with greater ease than I can. First experiment; try changing what you're wearing.

I focused on what Sean wore and duplicated it. I felt stronger: Like this?

Sean: Good job. I'm going to make this brief my fingers and toes in the physical realm are numbing. Disadvantages to psychic landscape, if a psychic touches your avatar here you'll experience blurring and possible personality bleed through. If they hold on for too long and they are stronger than you, your mind may be consumed or buried by the stronger psychic presence. It's vital that you keep control of your mind. If someone less scrupulous took over your mind they'd have access to all your powers and cause significant damage. One last thing; keep track of what your physical body is doing...

I stood alone in my mental throne room as Sean disappeared. I focused on reinforcing the ice walls and nightmare soldiers before returning to the physical world.

I looked around the ice room and scouted around with an `eye' until I tracked Sean down as he walked back to class.

I restored the puddles made of my ice statues' due to my inattention along with the structural integrity of my room'.

I observed my classes with an eye' while the rest of my attention and power toggled between activating statues'. During the day since I barely had to pay attention to the lessons I focused on increasing my skill over controlling and maintaining these ice statues of me. I cycled through the statues one at a time putting it through its paces then two at a time for a few circuits of the lake then 3, 4, 5 and eventually 6 of them at a time. Midway through the day I realized I could use the statues/golems as walking eyes'. By the end of the school day I was exhausted. I phased and a vast majority of my mental exhaustion disappeared. I sent off a statue' to go talk to Bobby.

"Hey Victor, I didn't see you in class."

^Um... (I realized I didn't need to cancel my training session with Bobby after all, Bobby had come to the same incorrect conclusion as Cyclops) I'm trying something new out.^

Bobby had a good session smashing repeatedly into my ice statue' with his Bo staff while I tried to fend off his numerous ice attacks through a proxy. Long range defense took more energy out of me than the previous 7 hours of single minded training had. I phased again after Bobby left smiling dispersing the statue'.

When everyone settled down asleep in their beds I worked on my more dangerous training. I used a proxy to sneak into the medical bay and memorized every detail of my full body scan, Vader's and Luke's. I spent the next 9 hours in gruesome experimentations on the `statues'.

Wednesday Morning

At 8:00am Sean walked out to the lake. I came out to meet him on the shore.

::Psychic landscape:: This time I could feel him smashing through my ice walls and through my nightmare soldiers and burning through the labyrinthine passages of my castle straight to my throne room.

Sean: Today's a definite improvement but you're still expending vast amounts of mental energy on maintaining those `statues' unnecessarily and not enough on mental defense.

Me: I figure it's important to push myself to know what I'm capable of.

Sean: Hard to argue with that. Since we're not in your frozen coffin I'm going to demonstrate another version of psychic warfare.

Me: Ok then.

Sean blurred and ring mail surrounded him and he had a large broadsword in his right hand: Since you're so fond of the medieval motif let's have a sword fight.

I summoned chain mail armor and a large ice staff for myself: Turns out I have more fondness of a staff than I do for sword play...

Sean shrugged and lunged with the sword and I sidestepped and he came at me with a downward strike and I used my ice staff to block. We fought for 20 minutes, no idea why but it was sort of fun before he disappeared without comment.

:: ::

He touched my head in passing and I could feel a surge of energy reinforcing the shield and a subtle release of a weight on my ability.

I observed classes while pushing myself further I got up to 10 statues at a time. Each extra statue required more energy input than the previous. Bobby was busy that evening so I froze the surface of lake for privacy in preparation for a more important and dangerous experimentation.

I disposed of all but 10 of my statues which I placed on top of the frozen lake to keep out intruders. 4 stood sentinel at each of the four main compass points (N E S W).4 walked back and forth between those stationary sentinels securing the perimeter. The final two patrolled between north and south and east and west. Through an `eye' above the last 2 left a deep trail marking a large + within the giant diamond of protection necessary to contain and explore my darkest power in secrecy and with isolation.

I spent the next 6 hours reshaping a single statue within my room' from the neck down one minor alteration at a time until I felt in control of this scary ability. Then I spent the final two hours trialing a single alteration on myself. It required numerous phases, eyes and hands' researching in the mutant library and medical bay to correct each of my failures but I finally succeeded. I reinforced the `transition' partition and left the lake.

I abandoned my training weary but excited to show Luke what I'd managed to achieve. I stopped in the kitchen to get a glass of water before bed. I didn't need food anymore but drinking water partially restored my stamina. As I walked out of the kitchen I bumped into someone and without looking I said "sorry" and then I noticed who I had bumped into. "Fuck".

I stared in shock at the boxer clad bright green scaled mutant. I looked him over he had no hair visible, a wiry build, pointed black nails and his face was set in a deep scowl. It wasn't the fact that he looked like something from prehistoric times that had bothered me but the realization of what his presence meant.

"Why the hell are you up at 3 in the morning? You `passers' are supposed to be sound asleep, this is our time." His expression abruptly changed his forked tongue darting out back and forth. "Please don't tell Xavier, I'm not allowed to be above ground but I wanted a snack and the ones up here are much better".

"Why's that?" I asked backing away to lean against the counter to avoid touching his scales. I tried not to think about the last time but I could feel my cock rising in my underwear at the memories.

He looked at me with contempt as I moved away his tone became dry and bitter. "So we don't scare the mutant children or the normals outside. That's why we live 3 floors underground. I suppose it's better than the sewers. At least I have internet here. "

"You used to live in the sewers"? I asked lifting myself onto a seated position on the counter in an attempt to cover my growing erection. He wasn't wearing enough clothes and his body was a novelty that I wanted to explore with my normal hands.

"Yeah with my parents, but Storm convinced our parents that they should let us come here a few years ago so we could get a normal education and maybe find a way to fix us. We have lessons via a computer program except on rare occasions when Beast and Storm teach. At least our new hideaway doesn't reek. Most of us sleep during the day and have classes and stuff during the night, this is my lunch time, I've been coming up here for years and I've never seen anyone else up here other than the TV kid. "

I knew who he meant; there was this kid who sat on the couch in the downstairs area flicking through channels with his mind or something. He was too young and scrawny and his powers seemed too stupid to bother with, I merely nodded at him in passing when I saw him.

He moved closer towards me "you're not scared of me?" he asked.

"Why would I be scared of you?"

"Because I look like something that crawled out of a nightmarish swamp and you yelled out "FUCK" when you saw me and you moved far away from me while we talked, if you're not scared then why are you looking so guilty?"

I started to blush while I pushed my erection further down remembering how in my dream I had groped him and now I knew that part of my wet dream wasn't a dream either. I had at least a dozen other people to apologize to. I sighed "I realized that I had to apologize to you for groping you Sunday."

"Wait. That was you? You're Victor?" He smiled revealing too many sharp pointed teeth for my liking, he pulled me down into a fierce hug. His massive bulge pressed against my cock and another memory returned and my resolution to behave crumbled. He squeezed my butt pulling me closer to him before giving a quick peck on the lips. I pulled him in for a longer kiss groping his butt as my tongue battled with his forked tongue. He pulled out of reach. "Fuck that was stupid. Shit," He backed off walking around in a fast circle "shit, shit." He muttered to himself.

A tingling numbness spread from my fingers upwards through my arms. I slurred "What's the matter?"

"My saliva has traces of paralyzing venom. Damn it all to hell."

I phased but it spread the venom all over. I shifted to water sensing the venom in my system and pushed all the water of my `body' to one side and the venomous saliva dropped to the floor as a small black puddle. I shifted to flesh.

"Well that was different." He rushed towards me and I held him away from me with a `hand'. "Best to keep your distance for a moment so I can ask you some questions. How did you know my name? Are you gay, single and equipped with a poisonous tongue? Because that sounds like a punch line to a very weird joke." I couldn't drag my gaze away from the huge bulge in his boxers distending outwards in an unusual way. I leaked precum like crazy thinking about that bulge.

He bowed his head and said "I knew your name because when Onyx visited us on Saturday night we asked him about Sunday's weirdness and he mentioned you by name. After he knew how much we wanted a repeat performance he told us that you loved taking his cock up the butt. Centaur wanted to know how you survived Onyx's transformation and Onyx told us that you transformed away your injuries. I really hoped I'd meet you in person. I've never had sex because of my appearance and there are no other gay Morlocks that I know of. My sex life had been entirely uneventful until you sucked me in the middle of the night" he explained caressing his bulge "Yes I'm gay, single and poisonous. My whole life is a bit of a joke."

"Maybe this will help" I dropped to my knees and yanked off his boxers to his knees to reveal his two rock hard scaled cocks both around 7 inches each pointing in different directions. I sucked on one of his cocks while stroking the other, his cock tasted unusual. I alternated the sucking and stroking before pulling off to look up at his pleasure slackened face. "Want to fuck me now?" I asked and his eyes exploded open in shock as I continued to stroke both his cocks in various rhythms.

"Are you sure you can take it? This might hurt a lot" I stood up looking at his forked cocks, they were at an angle, getting them in me could be a problem.

I dropped my underwear bending over braced against the counter binding his cocks in a water ring' pushing them together for easier entrance. He grimaced in pain so I stroked him with the ring' and I asked "So what's your name anyway?"

He laughed "Mutant name is Scale." I lubed up my insides with a small trickle of water in preparation.

"Come on Scale fuck me before I change my mind." He grabbed my hips before pushing into me past my virgin tight entrance. I groaned in pleasure/pain as his cocks sunk all the way in stretching me wider than Paul or Onyx's. I kept the ring stroking him inside me so it'd help lube me up more. I took a deep breath and dispersed the `ring'. We both groaned when I dispersed the restraints around his cocks.

"Oh yeah." Scales grip tightened, his sharp claws digging in a little into my flesh as he moved slowly within me. I bit my lower lip as he cautiously moved his cocks within me, trying not to scream from the pleasure/pain. It was fucking intense, it was like being double penetrated but more intense since his cocks pointed in different directions inside me stretching me further apart than ever.

As I started to adjust to the sense of fullness his cocks and the pain receded somewhat the heat within me intensified and I cried out "Fuck me like an animal."

"Oh yeah. You feel so good." He moved faster within me to our mutual pleasure. The pain didn't matter as the heat built up within me blocking out thought leaving only the joyous burn as he used me. He sped up as my insides gave way to him, fucking me rapidly against the counter, his cocks moving so quickly within me, his claws buried in the flesh of my hips holding me in place. I couldn't think it hurt so good, the pleasure and pain blurrin within me. I panted in pleasure with each thrust pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

"Fuck me hard, I love it, it fucking feels awesome." My orgasm built up fast as he sped up within me. I felt lightheaded as he ripped my ass apart.

He continued eagerly, fucking my hole with his diverging cocks. I blasted a major load all over the base of the wood counter as Scale sped up slamming into my spasming hole. He blew shortly after me, shooting loads out of both of his cocks into my ravaged ass. The blast from the right cock seemed larger than the one from the left. I could feel them twitching as my eyes drifted closed and the ground rushed up to meet me...

Next: Chapter 16

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