
By wayne unknown

Published on Sep 28, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Authors Note

*text between these symbols indicates telepathic communication *

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

If you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...

Saturday morning

I woke up 7 am next to a sleeping Mark. The new location confused me momentarily until my memories caught up to events. Mark looked peaceful asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake him up.

I closed my eyes and decided to try ranging to talk to Sean. Sean's early morning lessons were educational and entertaining. Ranging my awareness outwards from Mark's bedroom I spotted Jeremy in the kitchen in white y fronts. I skimmed past him and the others in the apartment, my awareness spreading throughout the building. I had a brief snap shot of all the apartments, different decors and different furniture and differing amounts of people most asleep at this hour. The most entertaining event in the building was a straight couple on the 3rd floor having some early morning sex.

I was envious; I opened my eyes and looked over at a soft and sleeping Mark. I closed my eyes to focus and began again. I had one eye' on Jeremy as he sipped from a water bottle and other eyes' focused on his band 2 of them in his room and a couple on the sofa bed in the living room. They intrigued me as they were all down to their underwear and their skinny to defined bodies proved to be more entertaining than their average looks while clothed. I was tempted to reach out and touch them with `hands' but I restrained myself. I watched the unknown straight boy fucking his moaning girlfriend as I stroked myself.

I held the essence of Mark's apartment building in my mind as a touchstone for further ranging as my awareness spread further. I scanned through the rooms of other buildings distracted from my original purpose, activating and deactivating eyes' for sneaky snap shots of occupants. Many snap shots revealed rooms empty of people or containing dull sleeping people, old people, ugly people and/or children. I decommissioned those eyes' instantly as the sight revealed nothing interesting or relevant. As my awareness spread through city blocks I found more and more attractive naked, semi naked and sexing men to perve on. I slid a finger inside myself as I stroked myself faster.

Maintaining the effort of water surveillance during wanking grew exponentially more difficult and the pressure on my skull with it. I ended up dismissing all the `eyes' that weren't watching gay sex; it eased the strain. As I watched unknown gay guys fucking I slid a couple more fingers inside me. I fucked and stroked myself to a messy finish.

Now that I had relieved my horniness for the moment I could focus on my original purpose. I dismissed all the `water eyes' restarting the ranging outwards from where I had left off until I located the Xavier mansion. I scanned through all the rooms to find Sean. He cuddled a naked Mike in his bed. I wondered whether I should interrupt. I tried to move some water in the room to poke Sean but nothing happened.

Sean's eyes opened suddenly surprising me and he said "Victor" which preceded a sharp burst of pain in my head Victor?. The pain subsided Sorry Victor, not used to telepathic communication over this distance, overcompensated a little with volume, are you okay?

"I wanted to try out long distance psychic ranging with `water eyes' mixed with a bit of scanning. I hoped you'd give me another lesson today if you're not too busy. I tried long distance groping but it didn't work." I whispered.

*For starters you don't need to whisper. Once I'm in your head you just have to think the words and I'll be able to get the message since we're more connected now. You've had some success with long range power use so keep working at it you dosser. The block may be providing more resistance than expected. However I don't have as much power as you and the effort of maintaining this connection over this distance is draining me fast. I'll make this short.

Today's lesson is about narrow beam searches, focusing all your mental energy on a single result. Same theory as psychic probes but that's a different discussion for a day when my head doesn't hurt.

Next time you try and chat to me over a long distance try to focus your intent in a straight line as if you were firing an arrow of thought straight into my room. That's all for now, my headache is getting worse and you should probably refrain from any more ranging today. You're at risk of becoming like Icarus if you aren't careful and overextend yourself. Perving on an entire city is a hell of a thing to be doing.* I could feel his bemusement through our connection.

Thanks Sean, you're a great help, I'd be lost without you. I'll not use my powers for the rest of the day, which shouldn't be too hard since I'll be surrounded by humans all day.

Have a good first day at work. I'll work on your shield when I see you next, it's too complicated to do long distance.

Thanks I probably won't be back till Monday. I should be safe from Xavier till then. The connection broke and my head pounded. I needed water.

I walked out of Mark's room naked; Jeremy busy frying 4 eggs on the stove, his back to me.

"Good morning Jeremy ", I said, he turned around gaping as he glanced up and down at my naked body.

"You're not shy" he said treating me to a lopsided grin. I sauntered over to get a better look at him cock hardening as I sized him up. His white Y-fronts bulged. "I'm cooking up some breakfast did you want some?"

I dropped to my knees in front of him my mouth inches away from his bulge and pointed to his hard cock "Can I have a sausage for breakfast?"

He looked over to where his friends were snoring on the couch "Fuck it, sure" he said serving up the eggs on the plate before releasing his 9 inch cock from its cotton confinement. I immediately went to work deep-throating his big cock. He turned down the temp of the stove and pulled me off his wet cock "On your hands and knees I'm going to fuck you fast, hard and dirty". I got into position and he clamped his hand over my mouth before slamming his cock deep in me. My moans were stifled as he fucked and stroked me behind the cover of the counter.

He fucked me for several frantic and joyous minutes before groaning around a mouthful of my shoulder as he exploded into me. He pulled out of me and stood up wrenching up his underwear over his leaking twitching cock.

"Best breakfast I've had in a while." I stood up.

Jeremy chuckled handing me a plate of eggs "Now that you've had your sausage, you can give these to Mark, he's got work soon". He piled 4 slices of bread onto the plate. He went back to cooking his meal as if he hadn't fucked me on the floor a minute earlier.

"I'll go wake him up", I went back to Mark's with Jeremy's load inside me. I poked him in the ribs. Mark woke up slowly. "Morning sleepy head, we have work shortly, Jeremy cooked you breakfast."

Mark nibbled at his breakfast in bed.

When Mark finished his meal we went off to have a shower together.

As soon as the bathroom door locked we stripped naked. Mark came to life under the hot water smiling and kissing and groping me in the shower as he lathered me up. He pressed his hard cock against my soapy hole slipping in with little pressure. He fucked me hard in the shower. Ten minutes later he blasted his load into me as I sprayed mine down the drain. We had a quick rinse and lather and went back out wrapped in towels, looking clean.

There was some jeers and wolf whistles from the boys in between them shoveling the remnants of a large bacon and egg breakfast into their mouths. Mark ignored all the guys as he walked back to his room. I eyed up them all up thinking their music would be more tolerable if they played in their underwear.

"We're going to be late, here put these on" he handed over a pair of clean briefs and tailored pants and shirt as he hurriedly dressed. They were slightly too small for me but I couldn't complain as I had forgotten to bring along a change of clothes. I'd been distracted by Wolverine/Poker night.

We raced down to Mark's car. Mark drove us to work, foot heavy on the accelerator.

We were late to work and Sandra waited at the counter looking smug "Mark you are so dead, late and bringing a trick to work, Allesandro is going to have your balls on a platter".

I laughed "I work here now actually" Sandra's expression shifted from shock to anger to suspicion to her polite `clerk face'.

Facing Mark "Isn't that nice, he wanted to see you when you came in". Turning to me ", I guess that means you too whatever your name was."

We went in to see him, I felt anxious about being late on my first day of a new job.

"Morning men, running late today, are we?" Allesandro asked with a smirk.

"I'm sorry sir, I distracted Mark this morning."

"I bet you did, well try not to let it happen again, Mark you help Sandra with the register while I induct Victor."

Mark left. "Let me make it up to you sir." Allesandro pulled out his hard cock and I got on my knees and kissed it before licking it. He groaned, his fingers clutching at my hair slamming his cock into the back of my throat forcefully.

"Yeah take it". I unzipped my pants stroking my hard cock as Allesandro fucked my throat. After a few minutes of that Allesandro stopped thrusting and I had a chance to breathe. He turned me about yanking at my pants before pulling me right onto his hard lap. I bit my lip to stifle my moans as he bounced me on his hard cock. He held my cock in a vice like grip, the faster I bounced up and down on his thick cock the better it felt. I moaned out loud as my teeth slipped over my bloody lip. He covered my mouth with his hand pushing me to the carpeted floor pounding me harder and faster. I rocked back and forth in his grip until I blew a meager load onto the carpet. He sped up the sounds of slapping flesh resounding off the wood paneled room. He groaned as he unloaded into my well-used ass. We stayed like that for a minute recovering our breath.

I spent the rest of the day learning about my new job from Mark. He taught me how to use the register; the virtues of the various fabrics, cuts, labels and popularity of designs. Mark and I didn't have breaks at the same time. It was quiet with Sandra dealing with the few male customers that came in.

During Lunch I went to the staff toilets to phase as the unaccustomed tedium of working drained me mentally and physically. I felt dissatisfied by the need to hide my powers by visiting the toilet; it felt worse than high school in some ways. I didn't like the need for deception. However I didn't know if Mark or Allesandro would accept a mutant in their lives.

I wasn't sure what to do about the situation though. At some point I'd have to tell Mark about being a mutant and see how that worked out. Mark was my first gay human friend but would he still like me if he knew the truth?

I couldn't do it yet. This job was crucial in allowing me to gain independence from Xavier's charity and my family's desire to cocoon me in their expectations. At least I only had to lie to Mark about one aspect of my life. At least I made some progress; I didn't feel the need to hide my sexuality though my mutant status troubled me.

Mark had a male customer in his early 40's needing assistance, I tagged along watching him measure and dress him. Then the work day was more or less over, I got some cash in hand directly from Allesandro at the end of the day. Allesandro said "You get an hourly rate and commission on sales. More you sell the more you earn. "

We had a quick pit stop at Mark's to get showered and changed before Tom's. Mark convinced me to go in a white jockstrap and nothing else. I drove Mark's car while on his hard lap.

When we arrived there were a few people having quiet drinks on the couch. Tom and James met us at the door "Welcome back" Tom hugged me and kissed me and groped my bare bottom while wearing a black jockstrap. Mark received a similar greeting from James but with more groin grinding. Mark and I exchanged a look, disengaged and swapped places. I had my hands down James's pants stroking his hard 11 inch cock while he fingered my lubed hole, I got on my knees trying to devour his massive cock but it was beyond me.

"Answer the door for us" James said to the unknowns. James dragged me to their bedroom, Tom and Mark trailing us as Mark stripped. James pushed me face down onto the bed "Hot little ass" he pulled my butt cheeks apart before sliding his tongue into my hole. "This might hurt" he said before he jammed half of his big cock into me. I opened my mouth wide to scream and Tom filled my mouth with his cock. Mark getting in behind him fucking Tom's white ass. James slid all the way inside me the kink of his cock stretching me as his bf fucked my face. I was sandwiched between the two men as they dominated me entirely, using my holes for their pleasure. James cried out "FUCK YEAH" firing his cum into me. The second after he pulled out of me Tom took his place while Mark's cock filled my mouth. Tom thrusted into me a dozen times before adding his cum to his bf's fresh load meanwhile Mark dumped his load into my mouth.

We lay there for a while recovering for a while before Tom took me off for a shower, James stayed with Mark. Tom took his time lathering me up and soaping up my ass and we ended up having a nice slow leisurely fuck in the shower as more boys arrived. When we returned to the bed James lay on his back as Mark rode his hard cock with a wide smile. 2 other brown haired boys were 69ing next to them. A couple of other guys were watching half naked and stroking their cocks through pants... Tom shrugged at the sight "want to grab a drink?"

"Definitely," we had a few drinks and a dance. He went off to greet his guests with hugs, kisses and/or gropes. After he left I tried to mingle but the music was loud and the boys were hard and horny and more often than not my jockstrap was gripped as I dirty danced with one boy as I was fucked by some unknown from behind. After 3 unknowns dumped their loads in my ass I got off the dance floor to get more alcohol. The fucking felt unsatisfying after being pounded by James and Tom.

I talked with this very muscular 20 something African American with very thick lips and I ended up doing tequila shots off his naked body. We got very drunk together and he fucked me doggy style on the floor as some unknown face fucked me. The unknown blasted a bitter load down my throat that I washed down with more tequila and my new buddy pulled me onto his lap kissing me. I liked the contrast of his skin against mine. I may have said something drunkenly about wanting his black cock to rip my white ass apart. I'm not sure. He bounced me on his cock anyway, his lips rough on mine as he fucked me while 3 boys wanked in our faces watching us. I came on him, my white cum glistening on his dark skin, I rubbed it over him and he chuckled and kept fucking me. He blew inside me groaning triggering the other 3 guys to blast their loads all over my face.

I somehow ended up in the bathroom draining one hard cock after another before they used the toilet. One guy used my mouth as a toilet which was gross. After that acrid experience I said "no pissing in me" before I put any of the hard cocks in my mouth and pointed to the bath tub guy "piss in his mouth if you want that stuff". Apparently sex parties made it hard to stay soft long enough to piss judging by the volume of hard cocks I sucked off. Mark found me on my knees sucking away and he dragged me back to Tom's bed shaking his head.

Sunday morning

I woke up to groans and a rocking bed. I looked around the room with an `eye'; Tom's bright red face matched his red hair and pubes as he fucked Mark. James hard cock nestled in my butt crack rubbing against my lower back. A naked boy sprawled face down arms and legs spread out like a starfish and a trail of cum leaking out of his ass on the floor. James whispered "morning" in my ear and slid his hard cock into my hole. My head pounded as blurry memories of last night asserted themselves. I felt embarrassed. Luke was right I acted like a gay nympho. I should probably do something about that later. James grinded into me and I reached out to touch Tom's ass. He smiled at me fucking Mark faster, I slid a finger into his moving ass and he grinned wider. He was slick so I slid in a couple more. James pushed me onto my stomach fucking me full speed next to Tom.

James and Tom fucked us as the same tempo as I held onto Mark's hand. I tried kissing him but James pinned me down fucking me harder and Mark's grip tightened on my hand as Tom sped up too. They both groaned as they sped up and dumped their loads into us. They slumped on top of us. I smiled content.

While we all recovered our breaths I closed my eyes awareness spreading outwards from the bedroom. I could see the outcome of last night's sex party, a dozen naked and semi naked boys in the living room scattered on the couches and on the floor. I spread my awareness outwards as a circle a few city blocks before remembering Sean's advice. When I oriented my current location in the city I shot a mental arrow in Sean's direction. Sean lay naked in his brother's arms. He woke up and smiled in the direction of my water eye.

Good morning buddy I see you took my advice about narrow beam searching today, you're coming through loud and clear.

"What do you mean? I didn't even say anything yet."

When you use your `water eyes' to remote view, a portion of your consciousness inhabits it. I can sense your psychic signature with my telepathy. Today you didn't drain your mental energy before contacting me. It's how I knew it was you last Sunday morning, your psychic presence left a trace, plus the water appearing out of nowhere was a fairly obvious clue.

"So every time I look around with water eyes I split up my consciousness and anyone can tell?"

Not everyone, just me and maybe some other telepaths depending on their level of attention. It's easier for me as I can sense the echo of my power through our psychic network. I can track you anywhere as long as you still have my psychic shield in you because you're part of me now.

"That might explain how Jean knew about me using `water eyes'."

*That's odd; the mental shield must be weaker than I thought. Even though the shield is incomplete it should stop class 3 probes and that's usually as high as Xavier goes to monitor the stress level of students. Jean doesn't do any scans as far as I'm aware. On Monday I'll add more power to the shield. My best guess is that while you were exploring the school through `water eyes' she noticed being observed and scanned around her and noticed your psychic presence. *

"There's still so much I don't understand about this psychic stuff."

It's okay; some of this stuff is new to me too. I've been naughty and went through Xavier's notes while he's at that symposium to find out more about psychic phenomenon because of you.

"So you're going to blame me if you get caught?"

*Not exactly what I meant but maybe. Because you convinced me to tamper with Xavier's psychic block I've been spending a lot more time researching psychic phenomenon than before your arrival. I need to make sure my brother is aware of the dangers too now that he's developing psychic abilities especially after Thursday's near disaster. *

"Sorry about that. I didn't know hugging was so dangerous."

More my fault than yours for not explaining the dangers and entertainment of the psychic landscape but I see you've had an entertaining time since we last spoke.

"It's sort of creepy and reassuring that I don't need to explain stuff to you."

Sorry, the lines can get so blurry so quickly for a psychic hence why I said I didn't bother looking for a guy to date. It's so hard to resist the temptation to find out what he thinks about you. However my brother's mind has become slippery to probe which excites me. I have flashes of guilt about the incest sometimes. Sean's cock rose to full hardness and he turned over rubbing up against his naked brother Not often, he's such a greedy bottom boy and he loves fucking my ass so it doesn't feel like I'm taking advantage of him.

Mike moaned in his sleep.

"I'm not too concerned about privacy but it does make it harder to have normal conversations about stuff other than psychic training when you already know what I've been up to lately. I'm never sure whether you know it already."

I see your point, I've got an idea he paused for a minute as Mike woke up and kissed Sean. Sean nudged Mike's shoulder and Mike turned over and Sean slid into his hole smoothly. Mike rocked back and forth and Sean slammed into his brother's hole with greater speed and force. Sean paused with his hard cock buried deep in his brother and started nibbling on Mike's shoulder. Sean reached underneath Mike and stroked his younger brother's rock hard cock.

"Morning little bro."

"Morning big bro, I love you" Mike replied, bucking his hips wildly, fucking his brother's fist and impaling himself over and over again on Sean's cock.

"God" Sean groaned "I'm so going to hell for fucking my little brother, but you've got such a hot ass and I can't resist."

"Fuck me bro, fill me with your juice".

Sean slammed in harder into his younger brother's horny ass and added a load of fresh cum into Mike.

"That was hot," I said.

"Fuck, sorry Victor, I forgot all about you," Sean said out loud.

"Victor? Where's Victor?" Mike said lifting his head and looking around curious and confused.

"I was chatting to him before psychically and then I got horny and side-tracked, I'll patch you in Mike."

I felt Mike's mind being added to the conversation like a mental 3 way chat.

"Hey Mike, looks like you're having a good morning too."

"Um yeah, it's good." He blushed. Mike was adorable, being shy about having sex considering our recent sexual interactions together.

I opened my eyes and looked over at the boys, Tom and Mark slept as James stared vacantly at the ceiling on his back. He sported a semi of around 8 inches. I reached out and stroked it, in the back of my mind I could feel Sean and Mike's interest focusing on the growing cock in my hand.

Mike asked "How's your weekend?"

Sean responded with watch this and a torrent of images flowed through our minds, with all the sexual highlights since getting to Tom's after work. Getting tag teamed by James then Tom, then getting fucked by Tom in the shower and even the couple of random guys who fucked me during the party and then waking up and getting fucked by James again. It was hotter reliving it with Mike's enthusiasm reverberating through the connection. The memory replay made me feel like my life was a porno movie and that I had just watched the porno trailer version of it. A lot of the boring parts of the memories were gone, leaving only the highlights mostly a slide show of me being fucked by various boys in various positions and how it felt at the time.

Mike flipped Sean onto his stomach forcing his hard cock into Sean's tight hole. Through our connection I could feel Sean adjusting to the girth of his brother's thick cock and Mike's enjoyment of the warm vice like grip around his hard cock. I opened my eyes briefly to sit on James's kinked cock and closed my eyes bringing the brothers back into view mentally and visually. Watching the brothers fucking with an `eye' while experiencing their every sensation through our mental link was so hot.

Sean amped up the pleasure by mentally replaying his sexual memories from the previous night, it was a bit choppy and played like an action trailer. He had found his brother getting double penetrated by Lachlan and Spark and had dragged his brother back to their room. Once there Sean bent a naked Mike over and roughly fucked him doggy style until he came deep in him. Then they lay cuddled together kissing before stroking, sucking, and flip flop fucking each other ending with Sean's legs over Mike's shoulders as he came deep inside him while kissing. I could feel every pulse of Sean's cock as he relived the sensations of fucking his brother and being fucked before sleep claimed them both.

Their current fucking increased speed and intensity as we all enjoyed those memories as Mike fucked his older brother while Sean stroked his cock rapidly. I could feel the ripples of pleasure building from them both as they got close. Mike unleashed into Sean triggering Sean's second orgasm of the morning. Their brotherly love was sweet and filthy and the sensation of two orgasms followed by the drifty afterglow overwhelmed the mental channel and pushed me over the edge. I climaxed spectacularly all over James's chest and stomach.

Sean eventually continued so yeah psychic lesson today, memory replay can be fun for sharing memories, works best with strong memories, either recent memories or memories with strong associations. Love, hate, violence, rage tend to leave indelible memories.

"Like Friday morning then? Having your memories felt initially weird but it's so much faster working off your memories than learning through trial and error through suggestions."

Well it does have it benefits but there are also risks. I'm exhausted now and I can't maintain the connection any longer. We'll talk about it later...

The connection broke off, leaving me alone in my own mind. James's hard cock throbbed within me; he hadn't cum yet. I opened my eyes and saw him grinning at me "lost in your own little world?"

"I suppose so" he flipped me over onto my stomach, stirring the others and slammed his long cock into me, rubbing against my prostate with every thrust. I felt exhausted suddenly, the absence of Sean plus the drinking and the long distance mental communication taking its toll.

Mark woke up drearily "Fuck! I have to get to work soon, come on Victor, get your ass into gear" he said impatiently.

James said "His ass is definitely working for me" as he kept slamming into me picking up speed, Mark left along with Tom and I soon heard the sound of the shower running as James kept fucking me. I could hear moans and thumps from the bathroom as James kept fucking me seemingly undaunted by all the previous sex.

Tom and Mark came back looking flushed and with semi hard cocks swinging as they walked in to James still fucking me Mark said "I think we used up all the hot water, Victor I think you're going to need to have a cold shower, which is good because you have to be quick, I'm going to head off in 5 minutes". Mark picked up his clothes off the floor dressing.

James sped up and dumped another load in me.

I hopped into the shower as James settled back down for a nap. I turned the water up to full switching to water state for a couple of seconds absorbing some of the water for more energy. I heated the water with my power scouring my flesh of all impurities accumulated through all the sex. Out in 2 minutes I pulled on my less than pristine white jockstrap. Mark had dressed, James was asleep and Tom had dragged the starfish boy into bed fucking his ass as we waved goodbye.

I didn't know how I was going to manage a day of work in my jockstrap. I really needed to bring spare clothes to change into if I was going to be clubbing/ sleeping over at Mark's or Tom's.

Mark drove to the store and left me to wait in the car as he went upstairs to fetch me clothes. I yanked them on.

Mark and I got called into Allesandro's office his mouth a thin hard line of annoyance, understandable since we were 20 minutes late.

"Boys while I do enjoy fucking both of you, this is your work place and you need to show up on time. Sandra called me up this morning irate about having to open the shop alone. Luckily I was able to salvage the situation. However you'll both need to be punished. Lean against the table."

"Yes sir."

Allesandro yanked down Mark's pants and underwear spanking his ass hard on both cheeks with stinging slaps. He yanked down my pants and must have seen my stained jockstrap because he laughed and slapped my ass playfully.

"Mark, you go help Sandra. I'm going to fuck your new coworker's brain out".

He slid in deep in a single thrust stretching my practically virginal ass (post phase) out wide while I bit my lip to stifle my scream. "Fuck you're tight today." As his precum coated my insides the fucking became smoother and more enjoyable "MMM YEAH" he dumped his thick load into me.

I walked out to see Sandra smug as she stated "you're not going to last much longer if you keep rocking up late". I shrugged.

Allesandro and Sandra left after the lunch hour break. After they left Mark kissed me and said "we can get into some real mischief now that we have the shop to ourselves".

"What about the cameras and possible customers?"

"I forgot about the cameras. There aren't any in the change rooms due to legal reasons. I've got a fun idea."


"It's a surprise."

I busied myself with checking the stock while Mark texted on his phone. This place didn't appear to get many customers.

Half an hour later an attractive older man in a business suit in his early to mid-30's walked in. He reminded me a little of Luke in the way they both moved with visible confidence, posture straight shoulders swinging. I felt an instant attraction because of that minor similarity even though there were many differences between Luke and him. This man was older, had hair the color of wheat, couple of inches shorter, bulkier around the shoulders and hips.

Mark said "Why don't you take care of the customer". Mark winked smiling.

I showed the customer a suit I thought would look good on him and suggested he try it on in the change room as I waited outside. He pulled me into the room asking for a measurement in his underwear with an impressive bulge. His bulk turned out to be more muscular than the clothes suggested, flat stomach, big pecs, strong legs. He dropped his underwear revealing a 9.25 inch cock. I took the obvious hint and sucked his cock. "Get naked", I did. He got down on his knees behind me and rimmed me his thick tongue licking and pushing in deep. I wondered if he tasted Allesandro's load. "You've got the sweetest little ass I've tasted."

"Thanks. You've got a hot tongue." He turned me about, my cock slapping his face "Sorry".

"That's okay son" before I could question his use of the word son his tongue lapped at my balls which felt so good before devouring my whole cock. I grabbed onto his head fucking his mouth and he responded by fingering my hole and sliding two thick fingers deep within me.

I groaned "Oh fuck yeah daddy... fuck me..." At that he bobbed faster around my cock, sliding another finger into me and finger fucking me hard, I exploded in his mouth. He swallowed down every drop of my cum.

"Mark was right" before I could ask what he meant by that he had turned me around and slammed his thick cock into me. I moaned as he slid inside me, he covered my mouth fucking me hard until "TAKE IT BOY!" and he paused holding me tight as he fired several spurts of hot cum into me.

Mark bursts into laughter once Peter and I exited out of the changing room disheveled. Luckily there were no other customers around to see us.

"What's so funny?"

"This is the real Peter Hale. Luke's father."

"FUCKING HELL." I bury my growing rage and guilt to deal with later.

"How do you know Luke?" Peter asked brow furrowed.

"I go to school with him..." I reply.

"And sleeps with him" Mark continues.

"So you're a?"


"What kind?"

"Water control mostly."

"I'm Minor Earth."

"Like Luke then?"

"He's much stronger which is why he had to go..."

"What are you guys talking about?" Mark asked confused. Now that he doesn't look so smug about his surprise it's easier to contain my rage. However I feel saturated in guilt.

Peter Hale said "I think we should talk privately" as he dragged me into the changing room. He pushed me to the floor "do you fuck my son?"

"He fucks me..." I reply.

"Damn" Peter unzips the pants releasing his hard cock as he fumbles at my pants before pulling them down to my knees. He lifts my legs up and fucks me again.

I grip his shoulders as he fucks me, his metal belt buckle slamming my balls. I try to ignore the pain.

"Does he fuck you like this?"


"Do you like it?"

"Fuck yes."

"Do you like his daddy's cock fucking you?"

"Yes, "I moaned "love it"

"Do you like his?"

"I love his most. I love ..."


I paused biting my lower lip blocking off my traitorous mouth. Peter smiles and kisses me hard fucking me harder on the floor. I slide both hands over his hair before grabbing a chunk of hair pressing him closer as I tap his moving butt with the heel of my foot. He takes the hint and fucks me harder grunting into my mouth as he cums again into me. As he settles he bites my neck digging deep.


"That's so you don't forget me when my son fucks you next."

"Did you want me to tell him that you fucked me if he asks about my hickey?"

"God no."

He pulls out looking down on me hard cock slick "Then why?"

"Don't tell Luke. Promise me."

"Ok then. I promise. It's not like I'm eager to tell him that his dad pumped a couple loads into me while I was at work."

"This was probably a bad idea."

"Are you bi or straight?" I asked confused. I don't think Luke had ever told me whether his parents were separated or not.

"I'm bi, is Luke?"

"No... "

"But he fucks you. "

"Yeah I don't know lots of straight guys fuck me lately. The reality is more confusing than it is hot". I sigh depressed. "What was Mark right about?"

"Here" Peter Hale tucked in his cock and reached out with his other hand. I took it and he pulled me up. I looked Luke's dad over. He looked great in the suit I had selected "Mark informed me he had a horny new coworker and that you loved oral and anal sex and you tasted great and I should visit you for some epic sex." He kissed me squeezing me tight. "You're definitely a tasty twink and I'll take this suit and another while I'm here."

I laughed suits being the last thing on my mind. I pulled up my pants, ass squelchy as I walked around as I picked out a similar suit in his size. He paid for them at the register with a different card. The total cost ended up in the four figure mark but Peter Hale didn't even blink at the price.

Peter Hale left after giving me his business card. It had his name number and occupation: CEO of a major pharmaceutical company. I pocketed the card. Aggravated by Mark I spent the rest of the shift ignoring him. Allesandro came in at the end of the day and congratulated me on my major sale and handed me a wad of high denomination bills. I received a 10% commission off the sale. Allesandro mentioned that while I could borrow store clothes to wear at work I could also buy them with a staff discount at a significantly reduced price later.

"I'll think about it," I said.

At the end of the shift I went back to Mark's to pick up my abandoned clothes. Jeremy lay naked on the couch watching porn stroking his cock. Jeremy looked surprised to see me. Maybe it was the suit I wore that confused him.

"Jeremy this is Victor, Victor this is Jeremy."

"Hey" Jeremy

"We've already had sex." I replied.


I went off to his room abandoning the conversation to change out of my borrowed suit into my `slut outfit' since I had nothing else to wear. Next time I'd be more organized. When I returned to the living room Mark was naked beneath Jeremy with his mouth covered being fucked hard.

"I'm off guys." Jeremy waved and Mark tried to say something but I didn't care to hear it then.

I carried my folded borrowed suit outside stained boxer briefs hiding between the clean clothes.

I spent the next hour on the hunt for a water proof case. The first store I found I bought something and shoved my clothes into the bag that came with purchase. I found an expensive water proof metal briefcase with combination lock; I thought it was a prudent investment in security. I deposited the cash in the case.

I flew back at sunset in an ice sphere. I drop my bag at the edge of the lake and strip down to nothing and turn to ice and jump into the lake sinking with the metal case. I dig up a small section of the bottom of the lake with water to make room for the case I bury it a foot deep in a thin ice cube surrounded by Earth. I freeze the mud around it to make it difficult to anyone else to get to. I get out and dressed and move back to my room unseen.

"LUKE!" I cry out as Luke is covered in dirt eyes closed in his bed in his underwear unmoving. Sand scatters spiraling upwards into his bowl as Luke opens his eyes to look at me.

"Hey I thought you weren't coming back till Monday." I calm down as I realize he's fine and I shake my head feeling stupid.

"Change of plans I needed some downtime from all the craziness."

Luke chuckled "And you came back here for normal?"

I laughed too at the absurdity. In this room I felt safe with Luke. Everywhere else had become problematic. "You're here."

Luke smiled and moved closer to me "Looks like you've been busy" pointing at my neck.

"Um yeah what you've been up to?"

"I got bored without you around to entertain me so I figured I'd play around with sand since Sean said you probably wouldn't be back till Monday. You didn't mention that you're a class 5 mutant."

"Does that matter?"

"No but it explains some of the weirdness around you."

"I've heard that I'm weird and paranoid a lot since getting here."

Luke chuckled. "You are weird Hound. Did you come home with a couple loads in you?"


"Hot, fucking your sloppy hole makes me so horny. When you rode all my friends Friday I wanted to pin you down and fuck you over and over again."

"What about what you were doing?"

"I can pick that up later I'm horny now. Up for a rough fucking? I haven't blown since Friday."


He strips off his underwear and I strip off my clothes. We meet in the middle for a naked hug and he throws me onto my bed face down and fucks right into his daddy's load. I cry out in pain, his firm grip painful on my fresh wound.

"That's what you get for allowing someone else to mark you. You're mine" he pulls at my hair yanking my head up as he bites the other side of my neck. His teeth digging deep into my neck, his tongue swipes the space between before sucking hard. I like it and it hurts. He lets go and it throbs and aches already "No matter how many other boys fuck you I was your first and you're mine" Luke pulls out "On your back, legs up" I scrambled to comply.

Luke looked down at me and patted my head "good doggy do you want a bone for a treat?"

"Woof" in my best imitation of a dog as I could as I nodded.

He chuckled "Roll over doggy" I stared at him confused and he slapped my chest "ROLL OVER"

I did and he slid into me forearm tight against my adam's apple and my fresh father son bites "ow."

"I didn't tell you to speak. You're my doggy you'll only talk when I tell you to" I nodded unsure but willing to see where this went. "Tell me you agree."

"Yes Master".

Luke smiled "that's more like it" he fucked me harder for a while as I bucked and grinded beneath him rubbing my cock against the mattress before Luke grunted and blasted a thick load into me.

He subsided and we lay there for a while as he patted my hair. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep my body relaxing in his arms as he caresses me before he thrusts forward hard with his hard cock pulling at my hair. "OW"

"I'm not done with you yet. Roll over" He pulled out and I rolled over onto my back legs up. This time he entered me slowly while kissing me tenderly with slow gentle thrusts as I stroked myself carefully anxious not to blow too soon as I caressed his back. God it felt good. (I loved him but I couldn't have him and this sweet gentle love making was exquisite torture on my heart).

After some period of time I couldn't hold back any more and came all over Luke's hard washboard abs. He laughed and sped up and I rubbed and licked and bit on his nipples which spurred him onwards and he grunted adding another load into me.

"You're the best." I said

"I'm sticky and sweaty that's what I am but I can't be bothered having a shower now." He looked straight into my eyes "I like you, you're my favorite roommate."

"I..." My heart raced as hormones fought against intellect. Intellect won. "Like you too."

Luke chuckled "You like my cock that's for sure" he said pulling out cock deflating now and pulling me against to spoon me "but you like lots of cocks".

"I also like your face."

"Fucker" he said slapping my abs "No phasing away my hickey. I want people to know you're mine."

I giggled nervous. "What about the other hickey?"

"Fucker. I forgot about that. He nudged me onto a weird angle so he could see my neck "I can fix that" He opened wide clamping his mouth over the hickey his dad had given me sucking on it hard teeth deep into my neck for a long time. As I moaned from the pleasure/pain I worried about what to do about the secret I had from Luke. If I told him would I cause the breakup of his family? I didn't want to be responsible for that. Would he hate me if he found out? I didn't know if I could survive Luke's hatred.

He eventually released my neck. My neck felt like it was on fire from the double dose of hickeys. "OWW"

"Now they're both mine as you are Hound. You're my doggy and you'll do what I say right."

"Yes Master."

"Yeah... God damn it I'm going to have to fuck you again. Turn out the light will you." I did so with a `hand' as Luke held me close and fucked me again in a bear hug on our sides.

He blew and fell asleep slipping out of me as he softened while I stared at his bed for a long while as his breath slowed and his grip on me released. I gave it another 20 minutes before I fetched my journal and a few pens and moved down to the Lake to make a new deposit.

I updated the journal with all of the activities of the weekend. I felt very guilty about having sex with Peter Hale, Luke's dad. FUCK. From now on I needed to screen everyone before sexing or groping them. Finding out that I was immune from STD's I thought I could have all the sex I wanted with no consequences. Today proved that anonymous sex could have unforseen complications.

I lifted all the water in the lake above me as I walked to my new hiding spot to hide this dangerous secret. It was probably time to talk to Sean about my biggest secret. I'd tell him tomorrow maybe he could help fix me.

From now on I'd have to journal at night. As I sought out the spot I discovered it had collapsed in on itself. The dirt caving in around and into the melted ice making the whole thing muddy mess.

I raised the suitcase out of the ground with `hands' and deposited the journal and pens in it along with a pencil. I placed the case on the muddy soil before pulling down some of the water and washing the case clean before placing it on an ice platform 3x3 feet. I shaped more water into an ice cube with walls 2 inches thick around the case. Holding the large volume of water above me against gravity taxed my flagging stamina. It had been an exhausting day. I had to hurry before my energy reserves ran out entirely. Using water I excavated a hole 2 foot deep into the muddy soil.

I covered the ice box in thick layers of mud draining the water out of the mud until it was dry earth around the ice box. Then I squeezed the dirt between two competing uses of my power. The ice box pushed the earth away as water pushed the mud dirt and earth towards the ice box.

The eventual result was an ice box surrounded by an inch thick earth box made of compacted earth. It should withstand burial alright. I checked to make sure the briefcase could be fully opened while inside the ice box. I grabbed the earth box with `hands' and dumped it into the hole.

My grip on the water above me loosened and I ran towards the edge of the crater, trying to keep a desperate grip on the water above me. The minor leaking/sprinkling on me turned into a torrential downpour as I reached the craters edge. I got swept in by the last little deluge sinking into the churning lake.

Instinct caused me to swim upwards for a couple of seconds before intellect kicked in and I created an ice sphere around me and bobbed myself to shore. I felt drained. I gave one last burst of energy to freezing the bottom 5 inches of the lake to prevent interference. I shambled to bed shattered.

Next: Chapter 15

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