
By wayne unknown

Published on Sep 27, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Brief reference to Avatar the last airbender, don't own it.

Authors Note

To save time when I say phase in reference to Victor, it means that Victor has switched to flesh – water- then back to flesh in a second to reset himself from injury or extreme exertion.

text in between asterixes is telepathic communication

'hands' is a shorthand description for 'water hands'

'sense/d' using water sense to detect water

create - out of water vapor of a room (unless there's a larger source of water nearby)

disperse - into water vapor to a room after Victor is done with a prop

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

If you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...


I woke up in pain with half of Luke's hard cock buried inside me, his arms wrapped around my torso.

"Fuck. That hurts"

"Sorry. I woke up hard. You're not usually this tight."

"Did you even use lube?"

Luke paused. "Nope didn't want to get up, wanted to get rid of my piss hard on and your ass was right there. You're usually looser than this."

I groaned and created a `hand' at Luke's drawer before changing my mind. Instead of grabbing lube I streamed water around Luke's cock in concentric circles as it helped soothe my injured insides. Luke slammed into me all the way grabbing my cock and stroking it.

"Yeah that's much better." I said as I backed up against his cock sinking it into me. Now that the pain was gone I could enjoy Luke inside me.

"Fucking you is always entertaining" Luke said driving his cock into my wet hole. The water massaged my insides as Luke stroked and fucked me, my insides sloshing. He fucked me faster, right hand frantic on my cock, left tight on my stomach. I squirmed in pleasure as he fucked and stroked me to orgasm; my vision became blurry as I blasted a load onto my sheets. I lost control over the gently streaming water and it became inert inside me as Luke grunted sped up and came inside me.

"And good morning to you too. Next time, use lube."

"Yes Hound." Luke stayed buried in me until he gradually softened and slipped out of my hole. "Thanks for the help" and with that he went off to the toilet and pissed loudly as I closed my eyes and groaned in exasperation. The afterglow was ruined. I rolled out of bed and pulled on some underwear and went to see what Sean was up to.

I went to Sean's room and opened the locked door with a `hand'. Sean lay naked on his bed stroking his cock. I relocked the door. Mike pounced on me wearing red briefs giving me a death grip bear hug sniffling saying "I'm sorry" repeatedly.

"Thank God you're here Mike has been whining ever since he found about you nearly dissolving into mist. I'm so unbelievably horny and Lachlan didn't want to come around last night because last time Mike tried to DP him and he wasn't in the mood to help me out" and with that he yanked down my underwear and slammed his hard cock into me "That's what I needed."

"Why is no one asking me whether I want to be fucked today?"

"Do you object?"

"Not really, but it would be nice to be asked first."

Mike whimpered against my chest pitifully as Sean picked up speed. "Mike I'm okay, nothing to be sorry about I'm the same as I usually am". Jarred by Sean pounding, I held Mike tighter for balance.

"But you only got in trouble because of my bad advice about thinking about mist."

"I didn't even know I could turn into mist so how could you? I think I can gain height when I draw in extra water. I'm not sure how it works yet but I have a few ideas I might try later. Don't worry so much about me I'm tougher than I look." I said as I tried to ignore Sean's rapid pumping into my ass. His fucking was good but it made finding the right words to calm down Mike harder. He blew a load into me and withdrew.

"Your advice worked Mike. When he turned to mist, he went off my radar completely. If it wasn't for the mental shield in him cracking I wouldn't have known there was a problem. Luckily I discovered the confused students who watched Victor turn into mist and shouted him back into coalescing."

"It's all fine now Mike."

I pulled up my boxer briefs between the conversation about my near death and the impromptu sex with Sean I was limp and disinterested in sex at the moment.

"Let's chat somewhere different." Sean gripped my head and Mike's from beside us and pulled us all into my mind inside my mental ice castle's throne room. I felt like I was split in half, living two very different realities at the same time. In one I was in a strange 3 way physical link and in the other they were seated to either side of me on golden thrones, Sean on my right and Mike on my left. My throne was solid ice. I finally had some idea what Mike meant when he said psychic landscape.

::Psychic Landscape::

Sean: I thought this might be a more suitable location for today's psychic lesson. I set us up with our own chairs. That's another lesson in itself but today we'll talk about psychic ranging.

Mike: What's so important about chairs?

Sean: We'll cover that later. Mike because you have at least one telepathic ability, I'm going to give you some psychic training along with Victor. At least until Xavier gets you to join me in my psychic classes.

Mike: Ok cool, Xavier said I could join the class when I felt ready.

Sean: Yesterday proves the danger of ignorance. Victor I didn't realize you could turn into mist. However I do think you're capable of something you're probably not aware of.

I've been thinking about this for the last few days and I've done some checking in your memories while strengthening your mental shield. I also reviewed the mutant database. Victor while you don't have psychic abilities in the typical way displayed by telekinetics and telepaths you do have abilities that come fairly close to mimicking them.

Me: What are you talking about?

Sean: For instance, you've opened my locked door a few times now using different forms of hydro kinesis. That water hand of yours is very versatile, allowing for a similar action to telekinesis. You've demonstrated ability for psychic detection, though I'll talk about that one another day too. When Xavier limited your class 5 hydrokinetic abilities, he reduced the range and power of your abilities...

Me: I'm not sure that's all he did. Sometimes when I use my power I feel like I'm pushing uphill with them and I end up feeling drained. I'm not sure if it's because of his tampering or because I'm using my powers more often and for longer lately.

Sean: As I was saying he also lowered your max threshold. Instead of the apparently unlimited reservoir of energy available to an Omega class or class 5 mutants you're down to a level 4. You still have a lot of power just below the surface but you have to work harder and it's bound to be more draining mentally.

However Xavier didn't cut you off from your water sense because you would have noticed that immediately. I have a theory that your water sense is also level 5, which allows you more range than Xavier or I would have imagined possible. For instance do you remember when you talked to your mother and you could picture her in her house.

Me: Yes. Your psychic powers can be super creepy sometimes. It was like when I lived there and I kept my sense on high around me so I knew if I was going to be interrupted.

Mike: Interrupted doing what?

Me: Same thing you were doing when I first met you.

Mike: Cool, I wonder if I could do that if I get other psychic abilities later.

Me: It's how I met your brother. I was spying on him in his room and he busted me. Good times.

Sean: I'm starting to regret including you Mike. Could you two stop interrupting my dramatic reveal?

Mike: Just say it already. It feels weird to be in Victor's mind.

Sean: After a lot of thought about what you did during your dream I realized that your power isn't limited solely to water control and that your abilities are far more impressive than Xavier first thought.

Me: What do you mean?

Sean: With some mutant abilities there's a degree of blind faith in what they do. For instance Kitty can walk through walls and she has to believe that her molecules can disperse just enough to pass through a solid object.

Other mutants like Pyro or Bobby learn how to channel their power through trial and error watching how their power works and adjusting.

Mutants like Luke and Magneto who can sense their element within a certain range can sense the changes they make. For instance when Luke engages his sense he can do more than just control sand he can change the internal structure of a rock through his element sense. However since he's anywhere between a 3 or a 4 on power scale, he could probably only do one rock at a time even though he could sense rocks within a mile radius.

Me: I'm confused is Luke a 3 or 4 with geokinesis.

Sean: Classifying mutants can be difficult. Xavier can judge natural ability or the max threshold when he uses Cerebro but even then classes don't necessarily tell you everything relevant for a battle. 2 level 3 telepaths theoretically should draw if it was a paper battle but in real life other things come into effect.

Me: Such as?

Sean: Well with telepaths, various factors are involved: force of will, personality, physical fitness, level of training, mental defenses.

Mike: I'm lost, what does any of this have to do with me?

Sean: Victor mentioned something before when he said I could shield others that you might be able to screen more than yourself with enough practice however before you try it you both need to hear about the dangers.

Mike: What dangers?

Sean: The biggest danger for both of you at your current level of skill/training is mental dissolution.

Mike: What's that?

Sean: If you push yourself too far mentally, your mind may be unable to cope with excessive input and you could die or become an empty vessel. I don't want that to happen to either of you. It's why when I psychically range I do so with Xavier and sometimes Jean, admittedly I do free range sometimes since I have an idea of my limit. You two have no idea what you're doing so you'll have to promise me to start off slow and not push yourself too far without adequate supervision.

Mike: Okay but why ?

Sean: When I was younger I created a psychic shield for myself instinctually but you were still in danger from Dad and his mood swings. As I developed my power I created one for you at the same strength as mine but I over reached and the initial mental strain nearly killed me, I had to scale yours down and work back up to it in stages. It's like exercising too much, too fast with no build up, you injure yourself or run out of energy.

Me: Is that why you said you wouldn't break down the psychic block that Xavier installed on Sunday?

Sean: I didn't know you as well then. You had spied on me wanking and fucked me with an 11 inch ice dildo while you were asleep, you made a dubious first impression. However I did some research after you left Sunday about psychic blocks and I've been slowly chipping a tiny bit off the psychic block limiting your max threshold daily since Monday. I've been monitoring your memories not only to better help you develop your abilities but to make sure that I was doing the right thing in countering Xavier's psychic block. The block that stops you from tapping into your power while asleep remains intact though, I'm not touching that one.

Me: Thanks, I'm glad you trust me more now.

Sean: It will still take over a month before its gone as I'm taking my time to make sure that I'm doing the right thing and so I don't injure myself or you in the process. Anyway I should fix the mental shield you broke yesterday.

Sean disappears from the throne room.

Me: Well that was confusing!

Mike: Sean loves being the wise older brother with all the information. He's a psychic know it all. That's why I had so much fun hiding my power from him.

Me: I can imagine it could get tiresome having a psychic older brother. I have an older sister I'm happy to avoid.

We stood up and hugged and we blurred a bit

::Physical:: and I can feel myself occupying two bodies mine and his. I focused on the unfamiliar sensation of being shorter and pressed against my other chest. This was more than the psychic echoes that Sean reflected back at me sometimes. I occupied two bodies at once. It was thoroughly confusing; Mike was in the background of his own body as I was in the background of mine.

We both had the same thought or maybe the thought shared us. This would make for an awesome double team on Sean's ass or with each other. He, I, we hardened. We lowered his briefs unleashing his cock from its prison. I wrapped his hands around my new cock, he felt different, bigger and better. His hands felt smaller on a bigger cock and I wanted to feel it bury into me or the former me. Mike wrapped a hand around his new cock as I spun Mike around careful not to break the connection with Sean as his eyes were closed. I grabbed my other hips and slid my big new cock deep into my well used ass. My cock slid in easily and my hole clutched around my cock as Mike ground his/my ass against his/my cock. The lines between him and me blurred as I fucked myself harder with a bigger cock and it felt wonderful. I was so close to blowing in my hot ass. No wonder all the boys enjoyed fucking me even though several were straight.


Sean: STOP IT. (Reappearing out of nowhere)

A giant wall appears between Mike and me. I fall to the ground naked, my body briefly looking like Mike's before changing back to my usual body. The cock was the last to change back to normal. I missed the upgrade immediately.

Mike: Oww. That hurt.

Sean: You idiots I leave you alone for a minute and you nearly merge into one stupid consciousness. You need to be careful when you're in someone's mind. These bodies in here are your psychic avatars and if you fuck around here you'll get fucked over. GOD DAM IT... I don't know what to do with either of you.

Me: Sorry I didn't know that hugging here was so dangerous. So what does a level 5 water sense allow me to do that is so impressive?

Sean: I guess no permanent harm done. Lesson learned. Anyway you can use your water sense for more than feeling water molecules in the air. You can see through water.

Me: It's transparent. Everyone sees through water.

Sean: When you were asleep your subconscious used your power to deal with your curiosity and lust at the same time. Everyone focused on the effects of your actions, all that water groping and we missed the relevance. You shouldn't have been able to do it.

Me: But I did, I'm not sure how I was able to do so much when I'd never created water hands or bodies before.

Sean: You acted on a subconscious impulse. You dreamt that you were in all those rooms and since you thought it wasn't real the logic gaps didn't bother you. When you wanted to touch someone you created `hands' to do so.

The important thing we all missed was that you were able to see all the participants throughout the house. I had assumed incorrectly that you used water sense like sonar to move about but when I went through your memories of the dream yesterday I saw it from your POV. You saw everyone as if it was day time.

You're still capable of using that power. When you open my locked door from the inside, you imagined you were inside my room looking at the door unlocking it with a `hand' because that's the easiest way you know how. The most startling revelation is that you weren't using imagination. You channeled your water sense subconsciously into a second vision using a single water molecule. It's a combination of light reflecting through water and your water sense around objects. I should have realized the truth when you first spied on me.

Half the time when you thought you were imagining a situation, you weren't. When you imagined a beach, you were actually looking at a beach half way across the world in Australia. When you thought about your home, you saw it in real time.

Me: How do you know that?

Sean: I checked your phone for the time of your call and then I used a narrow band psychic scan on your dad to replay his memories of the time period and they matched up nearly perfectly.

Me: If it wasn't exactly the same it could have been a coincidence.

Sean: There's usually a degree of inaccuracy with memories. I checked your beach memory and it looked like Bondi beach. You've never been there and it's not a memory. I've seen it as something on a TV special once.

Me: If I can see through water half way across the world how come I've never noticed it before?

Sean: You've mostly been using your water sense on the lowest possible level for years in order to detect large masses of water. You used to ignore the specific water molecules because you didn't have any use for it usually. Since coming here, you've been repressing your power less and using it more freely and in more ways because you're not concerned about anyone finding out any more because that's already happened.

Me: So I have the ability to see across half the world with a thought does that mean that if I crank up my water sense to max I'd have global omniscience because I'm class 5.

Sean: Probably. Unfortunately your mind wouldn't cope under the strain for more than 2 seconds with the flood of information. Your mind isn't as strong as your power yet but I think you're very capable.

When you turned to mist yesterday, your mind blanked on what to do next. Your thoughts drifted with your sense of self. You didn't know at the time that you occupied an entire hallway with yourself. You drifted as your mind tried to cope with being in literally a million pieces.

If you continued to spread out, your consciousness would have collapsed within a minute. When you shift into water state you expect yourself to remain human shaped instead of a puddle so you shift into a human version of water. Yesterday, you accidentally shifted into a mist state expecting nothing and thinking about mist and drifting away.

Today we're going to do some basic psychic ranging water style and we'll be your anchors. We're all linked now via the mental shields so any time you need one of us all you have to do is think our names through your shield and we'll be there with you mentally or physically. We'll go back to physical realm and if you start drifting or coming under mental pressure we'll drag you back to your mental castle.


And they were out of my head and I was alone again with my own thoughts but I could also feel a faint echo of them within me. If I called them they would be there shortly one way or another. Mike's cock had slipped out of me sometime during Sean's lecture.

"Well that was different" I said as I adjusted to the sensation of being linked to a faint psychic network.

"Yeah but now we'll work on improving your power usage," Sean said.

"What about me?" Mike asked.

"I'll help you develop your powers after class."

"So what did you want me to do?"

"We'll start with you shifting into mist"

"Do you think that's a good idea? I nearly died last time I tried that."

"Well that's because you were unprepared, this time think about mist in a human shape and shift from flesh to gas in mist form. It should give you more mental control."

"If it doesn't work tell my family, you know their number now."

"You'll be fine remember you're tougher than you look. That reminds me you have dozens of missed calls from your home and a few text messages from Mark."

"Something else to deal with later" I said taking the plunge and shifting to gas on the next breath.

It was a lot less scary being mist now I expected the change, though parts of me drifted in the air currents. I pulled myself back together into a vaguely humanoid shape.

"How does that feel?"

"Good" my voice felt weird.

"That answers my other question. You can both hear and talk in this form which is remarkable considering your vocal chords and ears are now water vapor. Your water sense must allow you to sense vibrations against the water vapor in the air and replicate them."

"Anything else about my powers you know and I don't?" I asked trying to ignore the faint echo of my words.

"Well nothing specific comes to mind other than the thing you don't want to think about or talk about. Otherwise I just have general suggestions. For instance now that you can control your gas state, try to expand slowly throughout the room until you occupy the room". I did so. "You can reform yourself now."

I pulled myself together into a gaseous form of myself and when I felt I had myself all back together I shifted back to flesh and said "I'm not sure I like the feeling of being a gas, it's too iffy."

"You did well and you don't have to use your gas state if you don't want to but it's good to know the basics of it just in case and now that you've done that we can move on to one more exercise before we get ready for class.

"What now?" feeling a little frustrated at how ignorant I was about my powers and how much everyone else seemed to know about my abilities.

"When you occupied the room as gas you felt the majority of the room as you drifted past, correct?"

"Yeah I did."

"Now the idea is to close your eyes and feel every water molecule and how it interacts with everything else in the room".

I closed my eyes and pictured the room increasing the sensitivity of my water sense and sensation exploded into me. It was like I had a thousand hands and they were touching everything in the room and that I had a thousand viewpoints within the room at the same time blurring around like a kaleidoscope. I felt sick and dizzy and like my brain was going to explode.

"Why am I dizzy?"

You're seeing the room from every angle with the molecules of water because for the first time you're thinking about how you see with water instead of just doing it subconsciously. It'll be a bit disorienting at first. However I know you're capable of using numerous `water hands' while occupied. It's basically the same technique. Filter out the unnecessary details while noting other events. Think about seeing the room from one tiny drop of water in the center of the room.

I focused on that idea and the room came into stark focus in 360 degree vision. Sean held up 3 fingers in the center of the room.

"How many fingers am I holding up?"


"And now?"


"Good, that's confirmed, now to push it a little further, I have one thing I want you to try before we end this training session."

"What now, sensei?"

"Just trying to figure out how far your range is now."

"I thought my range was potentially global."

"Your water sense is probably level 5 meaning you can see everything with water with sufficient practice but what I want to know is your range of effect given your current handicapping. Usually a level 4 mutant can only manipulate their elements within a certain range. However you can possibly see everything so I'm curious what your range of effect is."

"Well I couldn't manage to move a single water molecule at home when I tried on Monday."

"Ok, we'll try something closer for now. Close your eyes and picture your current room and remember to only think of the one water molecule in the center of the room for a nice central view". I closed my eyes picturing Luke asleep in my bed, snoring lightly. "Now create a water hand and poke Luke with it."

I created a `hand' and stroked Luke's cock. He woke up. "Victor?"

"Come to Sean's room". Luke pulled on blue boxer briefs and walked out of the room. I followed him with my water molecule spy. I opened my eyes to stand up but I lost the picture of Luke so I closed my eyes and used water vision to see Sean's room so I could unlock his door while searching through the hallways until I picked up Luke again from behind and in front. I had 3 different visions in my head. I opened my eyes when he knocked and I opened the door for him, he looked good and he was a hell of a treat for a successful experiment.

"Hey Hound, did you learn a new trick? How did you sound like you were in the room when you were here?

"Long story Luke, meet my friends Sean and Mike."

"That would explain why they're both naked, looks like you've worn them out so it must be time for me to finish the job." Luke removed his underwear revealing his hard cock; he gave me a quick hug before spinning me around and sliding his hard cock into me. Mike dropped to his knees and licked and sucked on the head of my cock before devouring it whole while I got my ass pounded by Luke. Sean grabbed lube from his drawer and lubed his cock and kneeled behind his brother and slid into his hole. Being fucked by Luke while Mike sucked my cock as Sean fucked him quickly pushed me over the edge and I unloaded into Mike's hungry mouth.

As soon as Mike swallowed my load and stopped sucking he asked Luke "Can you fuck me next?"

Luke pulled out of my ass, we looked at each other and he said "you have some horny friends". A minute later Mike and I were 69ing as Luke slammed into him and I had Sean fucking me again. Ten minutes later Sean had pumped another load into my ass as his brother squirted into my mouth and Luke had groaned presumably unloading into Mike's ass.

We had barely enough time left to get showered and dressed for class.

Classes were more interesting. I spent most of the first class with my eyes closed with one water eye' trailing through hallways looking around. Storm dropped a book next to me and I opened my eyes to see her looking at me curiously since I hadn't really reacted to the noise. By the end of that class I managed to keep my eyes open for ten minutes while my eye' drifted through hallways in the Mansion.

Xavier's class was next and I spent it recovering from the headache I got from the extended session of `water sight'. During the morning break I tracked down Sean via water eye and said hello via shield and tickled him with a 'water hand' while he ate.

Third class I channeled my water sense through two `eyes' to get sound as I observed two other classes. Initially the sounds of three rooms with students breathing, rustles of clothing and talking created a pandemonium of sounds in my head. I cranked down the sound to nothing slowly building up the sensitivity filtering out the irrelevant noises so I had normal hearing in 2 other classes. The last 20 minutes I listened to 3 classes.

Fourth class I recovered from the mental strain of keeping up with 3 different classes at the same time. Lunch I listened to random peoples conversations for amusement. By the last class I had managed to get up to 4 separate `eyes' in other classes with my eyes open allowing me to observe 5 classes at the same time.

I went to Bobby's room for training. He showed me his wood Bo staff and I held it in my hands to feel the weight of it. It was 6 feet across and thinner than a broom handle. I seeped a microscopic amount of water into his Bo staff like I did with Luke's rock so I could make myself a copy out of ice. We went to the fountain and I created a thicker ice dome over us for privacy as he showed me staff routines.

I used 4 `eyes' around us so I could watch the moves demonstrated by Bobby from various angles (Bobby looked cute and earnest from every angle) and used my water sense to feel the displacement of water as Bobby moved. It made copying the techniques easier as I saw it repeatedly from multiple angles and knew the movements involved on a microscopic level. It made it easier to self-correct as Bobby had me copy his motions as he did them. He showed me basic strikes, blocks and spins.

We had a few mock battles as Bobby was impressed with the speed of my learning the basics. Bobby won all 3 rounds but I resisted defeat longer with each round.

Then it was time for my assessment. Met up with Cyclops and Xavier in Xavier's office and they escorted me to the danger room. It didn't look like much but then Xavier went off and a minute later the empty grey room was a small island in the middle of what looked like a vast ocean.

My first test was against Cyclops to test my physical fitness, reflexes and skills with a Bo staff. He started with very slow strikes that I blocked. His strikes became faster and faster, I tried to counter with a flurry of desperate strikes against him but he blocked them all easily. I went in for a sharp jab at his face and he ducked and swept my legs with his staff and I landed on my ass. I had managed to last about 2 minutes against him.

My second test with Cyclops was a sword fight with katanas.

"Isn't this dangerous?"

"The swords are holographic projections and the Danger room will cease the simulation if one of the strikes is calculated to be fatal. The swords can still hurt you, as there has to be an element of risk or injury for the simulations to be effective training tools. If the simulation ends because of a fatal strike you'll lose."

"What if the fatal strike comes from me?"

"I've trained for years with numerous weapons and I am the leader of the Xmen with a decade worth of combat experience. That's unlikely."

"I've never even seen a katana in real life so the only way to make this fair is to do this." I shifted to water state before coating myself with surrounding water vapor from the ocean. The water had a vaguely electronic hum as I manipulated them into ice armor.

"You won't be able to move easily in that..." He looked over to the side mid-sentence presumably getting telepathic instructions from Xavier he gave a curt nod and said "begin".

I tried blocking Scott's attacks with my katana but he was too fast. Most of his strikes got through my defenses slicing at my armor leaving numerous gaps. If I had been flesh I'd probably be bleeding out. I couldn't manage to get a single strike past him.

I wrapped water around the katana for a second as I hovered backwards to get a better feel for the weapon. I created an ice katana in my left hand hoping that might give me some advantage in this fight. Things deteriorated more as I tried to block and strike with 2 katanas as Scott easily countered everything I threw at him.

He sped up his attacks forcing me to spend more time hovering away from his frenzied strikes. My armor was losing integrity and I didn't have the time necessary to patch the gaps. I blocked a strike with the ice katana but Scott's momentum and sharp katana sliced through the middle of my ice blade. I hovered back several feet a couple inches off the ground as I frantically tried to think of something that might end this battle.

I created 4 `eyes' to watch his every move as he launched a new offensive. I dropped my broken ice sword to the ground as Scott sliced away my armor bit by bit as I kept backing away dodging or blocking as many strikes as I could with my katana. I studied his fighting style through my multiple vantage points looking for a weakness.

His last blow hit my armor with resounding force and my armor collapsed in on itself crashing to the ground. Scott was distracted for a split second so I threw the broken ice sword at his leg with a tiny bit of hydrokinetic force as I struck at him with my katana. He countered both strikes with startling precision. My katana clanging on his as he kicked the ice katana, it shattered, peppering him with tiny ice shards.

I dropped my katana. "Are you okay?"

Cyclops stabbed me in my watery chest with the katana "Never let your guard down, you lose."

The battle is... I turned into ice around Scott's sword trapping us in place. I felt heavy in this unusual form and I wasn't sure how to move yet so I created a `hand' to grab my dropped katana and pressed its edge against Scott's throat.

"Being impaled on a guy's sword isn't a problem for me. You're injured and I have your weapon and mine is against your throat."

"Interesting strategy" Scott said with a faint smile letting go of his sword and stepping away from the sword against his throat. I shifted back to water, Scott's katana dropped to the floor through me and the bottom of my jeans. It tickled slightly. "Typically that test evaluates a mutant's ability to adapt to a dangerous situation without using powers. Xavier suggested we'd make an exception since you're an unusual case and we wanted to see how you used water to protect against physical attacks. I'm not sure how to judge the result of that round though."

"What's next?"

"The next round will be power against power. Use whatever force you like against Wolverine as he has super healing and has incredibly dense metal bones. The winner will be whoever keeps their opponent down for the requisite ten seconds."

I reformed my ice armor out of the ocean and ice shards on the ground.

I stared in shock as a 30 something man with large mutton chops striding towards me wearing a tight black outfit with an X on the torso. Fuck. He was the strangely heavy guy I had fooled around with Sunday morning in my dreams. I now knew why; metal bones. Was the fallout of that wet dream ever going to end?

He yelled, metal claws extending out of his knuckles as he charged towards me. He stabbed me, his claws piercing my armor into where my heart would normally be. He kept stabbing over and over again into me. I tried to use the same trick on his claws as I used against Cyclop's katana to no effect.

His momentum and constant stabbings caused me to tip over. Wolverine was on top of me my ice armor cracking beneath me as he drove his claws deep through me into the ground pinning me in place. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...* I didn't want to lose so I levitated my ice form with increasing speed until I was 20 feet up and rotated trying to tip Wolverine off but he clung on like a barnacle. I exited out of the back of my ice armor hovering in my water form as I drove my former ice armor into the ground with epic force. Wolverine smashed into the ground, the ice armor shattering violently into razor sharp debris over and into him.

Wolverine lay motionless within a small impact crater for 6 seconds (Xavier counted) as his numerous gashes, cuts and bruises rapidly healed. His eyes opened as he slowly brushed away the debris of my former ice armor off him. I drifted down to a couple feet above his head and reformed the debris into an armor cage over the top of his body in an attempt to pin him to the ground. He rocked back and forth stabbing over and over again at anything in reach weakening the ice. I couldn't keep up, he broke my ice over and over again; my ice useless against his metal claws.

I solidified the ice around him tightening its grip on his arms trying to hold him into place but he kept moving resetting Xavier's count repeatedly. I grew frustrated at this tedious attempt at passive pacification. I drove ice spikes deep into his body creating a half iron maiden out of ice around him. The spikes blunted and or shattered on his tough metal bones, icy debris pelted his organs and he slowed. I deliberately bypassed his bones and aimed at his major organs (heart and lungs). Wolverine's eyes closed his skin paling as the ice leeched his vitality as Xavier counted in my head 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

I levitated the `ice maiden' off him after the count of 10. Disturbed by the sight of so much blood dripping off the ice spikes onto the ground and Wolverine I flipped it upside down spikes up. Wolverine's skin started to pink up slowly as his wounds closed up.

"So did I pass or fail the assessment?" I asked Scott.

Xavier appeared out of nowhere "It wasn't a pass or fail; this isn't a school exam, you're not being graded. We needed to evaluate your general fitness, combat skills and control over your powers in various situations. Scott tells me you've had a couple of mishaps in the shower room due to distractions" I looked over to a silent Scott "the aim of this school is to allow students to control their abilities so they can live normal lives".

"What if I don't want to live a normal life?"

"What kind of life do you want to lead then?"

"The kind of life where I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not. I don't want to spend my life pretending to be something I'm not just to fit in anymore. Whether it's pretending to be human or straight I've had more than enough of that nonsense for one lifetime. I plan to be myself and if people don't like it too bad for them. I am a gay class 5 mutant and as far as I know that makes me unique in the world and very dangerous, doesn't it Xavier?" I pulled the reversed ice iron maiden around me keeping the blood soaked ice spikes intact and drawing in extra water to make ice spikes over the back of armor as well.

I hovered away disinterested in Xavier's response, tired of the lie of civility between us and went to check on Wolverine. He looked normal except for the numerous puncture marks throughout his outfit revealing tantalizing glimpses of flesh. He had a few wounds closing up in front of me, I reached out to touch one of them curious, he yelled and stabbed me again. I backed away and wrapped his wrists together with water tentacles and froze them into an ice shackle.

"Hi I'm Victor. The match is over. I won. Could you stop stabbing me now?"

He shook his head and growled "let me out of this ice now kid!"

"Fine." I melted the ice around his wrists while hovering several feet away from him. I looked down at my clothes and sighed. "My shirt is ruined."

My clothes were a mess. My shirt was shredded from Wolverine and Scott's attacks and I had a hole in my jeans and underwear from the exit of Scott's sword. I yanked Wolverine to his feet with a couple of `hands'.

"You've got some impressive skills for a kid, how long have you been at this place?"

"Less than a week" I looked over at Xavier and Cyclops in the midst of a silent discussion. "It's been interesting running into you again but I think this assessment is over" and I walked over to the silent pair "So how do I get out of this fake island room hologram?"

"There is one last test before the assessment is over. Cyclops is going to test his powers against yours."

"I don't think me or my clothes can take much more of this assessment."

"Your aptitude manipulating your ice armor independent of yourself so effectively poses some questions I'd like to address. I want you to use your armor independently again against Scott. You don't have to fight him directly. "

"Um Ok then" I stepped out of my ice armor "Now what?"

"Launch an attack against Scott with it." I launched the spiked armor at a slow speed towards Cyclops wary of injuring him further. He wouldn't heal as fast as Wolverine had.

Scott fired a blast at it and it exploded into shards.

Scott asked "Can you make ice armor any stronger than that?"

I thought about it for a minute and said "Possibly". I pulled out water from the ocean filtering out the salt into an amorphous blob on the beach and transformed it into a solid ice man. Instead of 6 inches of ice armor covering my water body, this ice man was ice throughout. At its thickest part it was 3 feet thick, I mimicked Luke's ability covering it in water and attempted to compact it but Xavier and Scott were waiting so I only compacted for about 30 seconds.

I launched it again at Cyclops; it weighed a ton so it moved slowly as I adjusted to the weight difference. Scott fired another blast at and it lost about 3 inches of ice from the front. I pulled out more water to patch the damaged armor while Scott adjusted the button on his visor and he blasted again at my ice armor proxy and it was destroyed again.

"Can you make ice armor stronger than that?" Scott asked.

"I don't think so."

"Class dismissed" Xavier said and the hologram disappeared and we were back in the empty room again. I had this odd feeling that I was missing something important in the undertones of the Xavier and Cyclops interaction but the assessment was over and I could move on now.

Deciding to deal with another problem before treating myself to some entertainment, I went and checked my phone which I hadn't touched since Monday. I had dozens of missed calls and voice messages from home and a couple of text messages from Mark.

Mark: It doesn't matter what you wear on your first day, since you can always just wear something from the shop Mark: Want to go clubbing Friday night? We never ended up doing it on our `first date'. Me: I start work on Saturday won't clubbing the night before be irresponsible?

I scrolled through the missed calls from home noting the times and wondering how much flak I'd catch for hanging up on Mom and not answering calls.

Mark: You're so funny, you've had sex with your boss and your co-worker why worry about appearances now. I'll get you back to work in time, you'll just have a load or two of mine in you and maybe some other boys if we pick up together lol.

Me: Luke invited me to join his friends playing poker Friday night. I'll text you after that and let you know then. It sounds like it could be fun.

I called home and apologized for not returning calls but stated I was fine, that I got a job that I was starting Saturday and I was making lots of new friends and enjoying myself with people who knew what it was like being different. Mom wasn't happy, she still wanted me to come home but I stood my ground and said I couldn't return back to that place until I sorted myself out and knew what I was capable of.

I looked at myself with a `water eye' from every angle, the rips and tears in my clothes showed off a lot of skin and the hole through my jeans and underwear made it easy to poke a finger into my tight hole. It was time to reward myself for the last 10 hours of training and behaving. Previously to the Mansion Ryan provided entertainment before during and after swim practice. My options had widened drastically as to whom provided entertainment but sex was a great incentive for hard work at least in my opinion.

I used an `eye' to track down Colossus, he was in his room, sketching, he had definite artistic talent. I didn't bother to change clothes.

I went to his room and knocked on his door. He opened the door shirtless, wearing loose pants.

"I hope I'm not interrupting".

"Are you okay?" He gave me an odd once over.

"Just had an assessment session in the danger room, my clothes took the brunt of the abuse, so do you mind if I come in or are you busy?"

"Just sketching, come in."

"I like your artwork" I said as I looked him over taking a deep breath before plunging into the real reason I was here. "I wanted to know if you might be interested in having sex with me again preferably now."

"Yeah that would be good." He said with a smile his pants bulging. "Last time was great. I'd like to draw you if that's okay?"

"Sure" I said cheerfully flattered about the chance of being someone's model "how do you want me?"

"Get naked and lie on my bed with your ass up in the air as if you're waiting for your lover to return to take you," I stripped off my clothing and did as he said. A `water eye' watched as he slipped off his pants revealing his hardening cock and grabbed his sketch pad and pencil. His cock expanded into its full length as he sketched. He shifted into metal and his pencil snapped in his hand, he grabbed another pencil sketching me hurriedly.

Being a model was dull after the first couple of minutes as he sketched and erased and sketched some more. I amused myself by creating a `hand' to stroke his metal cock. By the time his sketch was finished his cock was covered in water. He stood up and impatiently jammed his metal cock into my tight hole. I used water to cushion my insides against his metal as he slammed into me over and over again, pinning me down with his weight and gripping me hard on my shoulders and hips. Watching us fucking from a 3rd person perspective made for hot viewing as the metal man pounded away.

By the time he had finished he had dumped 3 of his strange loads in me while I had blown a couple loads onto his sheets and I was covered in bite marks, bruises and sweat. Colossus drew me again as I lay naked on his bed recovering the normal way for a change. He showed me the finished sketch and I looked like a well-drawn and well used slut.

I went off to the shower letting the water rinse off the sweat and soothe my bruises as I reviewed my day and week so far. Colossus's load felt heavy in me so I flushed it out surprised to find that his cum looked a bit like liquid mercury as it pooled slowly down the drain. Mutant sex was weird. I went off to get changed in my room. I pinged Mike via the mental network and he met me in my room "I'm going to show you the inspiration for the 11 inch ice/water cock" and we went together to Vader's room.

"Hi Victor, how's it hanging?"

"Hard and upright" Vader looked over at Mike curiously "hope you don't mind I brought a friend along who wanted to see how you shifted in and out of shadow among other things."

"You a cock sucker too?"

"Yeah," Mike said.

"Cool, well my roommate is here too. He wants someone to suck him after hearing us fooling around."

"How did he hear us?"

"Ask him he's up there" he pointed up to the ceiling where a shoeless barefoot 13 year old smiled goofily at us.

"I can hear everything that goes on in the mansion. I'm learning to block out stuff with Xavier's help but I heard you being fucked. I want to fuck someone too."

His cherubic face with an oddly green tinge to his skin unsettled me. The fact that he was upside down on a ceiling barefoot and shirtless looking like a strange human crab scuttling on the ceiling probably didn't help. "You're too young for me to fool around with."

"But I've heard you being fucked by everyone and I'm horny."

"Sorry but you're not my type."

He scuttled off the ceiling and left the room in tears.

"Well that was awkward..."

"That was mean, you could have given him a blowjob at least. I would have. He's a cute kid."

"He looked way too young and I wasn't fond of the implication that I owed him sex just because I've been having lots of sex lately with other guys. I do have some standards."

"Ok then."

"Anyway who wants to fuck me first?"

Vader and Mike laughed.

We stripped off all our clothes and Mike fucked my ass as I bent over while Vader fucked my throat before they switched holes. I loved the way they felt filling my holes with their big cocks. Vader pulled out and moved over to his bed cock up and I rode his cock as he shifted in and out of shadow form.

Mike gripped my hips and slid in from behind stretching my hole out again with an impromptu DP. Their big cocks showed no mercy as they pounded away into my insides until they both blew in me. I blew my load all over Vader's stomach and eased off their cocks lying on the floor ass sore and content.

Mike licked my cum off Vader's stomach before sucking on Vader's big cock and sitting on it. He groaned as the big cock stretched him out. I watched from various viewpoints with my `eyes' at Mike's joyful expression as he bottomed out. Mike leaned over to kiss Vader and Vader turned away in disinterest. Mike closed his eyes and lifted himself up a little before backing down onto Mike's hard cock. Mike soon bounced up and down on Vader's cock with greater speed leaning back moaning loudly. Vader grabbed his hips and thrusted hard into Mike. They moved together faster and faster, Vader's balls slapping against Mike's rear over and over again. Vader slipped out of Mike, flipping Mike onto his stomach before slamming back in deep. I watched them from multiple angles as Mike got his ass pounded by Vader. I felt a little left out watching them fuck without them even remembering my presence in the room but the show was hot so I didn't mind too much.

Vader dumped a load into Mike as Mike blasted against the sheets. Vader slumped onto Mike and Mike grinned sleepily. Vader wrapped his arms around Mike as he gave an idle thrust "Mine."

"Your cock feels great."

"So does your ass."

"I'm going to leave you two horny boys to it. I've got stuff to do."

"Ok bye." Vader gave a halfhearted wave as he squeezed Mike's butt, Mike moaned not even acknowledging my goodbye as he ground his ass against the huge cock in him.

I had a quick rinse in the shower before moving outside to the fountain for more power practice. The danger room session demonstrated Cyclops had the power to blast through the best defense I could create. I knew Xavier posed a danger psychically and Sean was providing assistance to limit that danger. However I needed to develop stronger and better defensive and offensive techniques to counter the physical danger mutants such as Cyclops and Wolverine posed. I had sacrificed my best defense in order to pin down a single mutant. Ice shackles worked on human bullies but had limited use against mutants.

I created a solid ice man and fired off jets of water that I super-heated into steam attacks against it. It took an hour of repeated attempts before I managed to find the best moment to turn the water jet into steam for maximum damage. I watched myself from 4 different vantage points as I trained. After the first ice man was rendered into a giant puddle from multiple steam attacks I walked towards the lake needing a larger source of water for the next stage of training.

I drew in massive amounts of water to create 3 solid 7 foot ice men with 3 feet thick armor at the chest. I compacted the ice men under layers and layers of ice making them as strong as I could possibly think to make them. I found the more I compacted the ice the less stable the ice became because of friction. I slowed the vibration of the water molecules and tried to pack the ice from the inside out instead.

I wasn't like the water benders in Avatar, I didn't need to make elaborate gestures to make water do what I wanted to, I only needed to think and it happened. Each nation had developed a particular fighting technique around their bending and I wanted to do something similar but unique to me. Standing around or sometimes hovering while I let water do my fighting for me left me essentially irrelevant in my own fights.

I wanted to be a more active participant in future fights and I had a strange feeling that one day soon I would need to defend myself against these people. I didn't trust Xavier or his intentions and he had the Xmen on his side. I needed to learn quickly to become as powerful as possible to protect myself. I also needed to conceal the majority of my progress so they would underestimate me until it was too late.

Sean helped me with psychic training but didn't have any combat experience. Bobby provided me with some interesting ice techniques and basic Bo techniques. Luke had incidentally provided me with an example of restructuring an element into something stronger by artificially manipulating it with power. I needed to learn from mutants that had more combat experience or interesting powers.

It was time to push myself harder with my training. I needed to explore my full potential by exploring and training all possible avenues of improvement at the same time.

First I created another 4 eyes that trailed the grounds aimlessly taking in the sights while the other 4 spread out further to observe my training from a greater distance. I created an ice staff going through the staff routines as flesh. Then I shifted to water and drew in large amounts of ice around myself forming thick spiked ice armor before going through the routines again. Cyclops was right ice armor made me much slower than flesh since the armor constantly cracked with movement requiring constant patching and I had to adjust to the increased weight. I liked the feel of this weapon as it was light and while it could injure someone it was unlikely to kill anyone. I didn't want anyone's death on my conscience if possible.

I repositioned the 3 ice men around me as I practiced the staff techniques that Cyclops had used against me while firing off multiple jets of water from the lake towards the ice men and me. I hovered myself and them out of the way of as many attacks as I could. I kept adding more water to boost defense/repair damage of the ice men while altering the molecular composition of my own armor from the inside attempting to increase durability of my personal armor. I alternated between basic high speed water attacks and steam explosions. I managed to dodge roughly half of the attacks. Steam proved difficult to redirect effectively. The increasing darkness didn't affect my eyesight or my `water sight'.

I found the outdoor pool located behind the mansion with one of my eyes', I felt a brief stab of longing for the days when I found swimming to be a welcome oasis from the problems in my life, unfortunately the pool led to memories of how my brief stint of popularity ended up. I focused on the goal at hand and practiced long distance water manipulation shifting out all the leaves in the pool onto the grass. I created a small army of hands' to collect hundreds of leaves from about the pool and from the trees that I scattered over the grass. I morphed the hands' into 1 foot katana type blades and played around by hacking the leaves into tiny pieces. I adjusted the blades' constantly in order to make them sharper as they sliced and diced the scattered leaves into pieces.

The long distance water manipulations proved to be the tipping point as I steadily drained of energy and my overall performance grew sloppier with time. Maintaining the level of effort involved in staff routines, maintaining and moving the heavy ice men, molecular rearrangements of personal armor, water strikes/steam attacks and the `eyes' left me utterly exhausted.

I needed to clean up the mess so I returned the water to the fountain, lake and pool. I gathered the leaf remnants into a tightly compacted mass before coating it in water freezing it solid into a ball and hovering it 10 feet over the lake shattering it with full force. The resulting debris I rained down into the lake removing the evidence of my training.

I got back to my room at 4 am according to the clock display on Luke's bed side table. Luke meanwhile was fast asleep snoring on a new bed on his side of the room. I had been training for about 6 hours non- stop. The time flew.

Next: Chapter 14

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