
By wayne unknown

Published on Sep 4, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine varies a lot in temperament and disposition.

Mention of Star Wars and Diablo (the game) own none of the rights to either.

Authors Note

To save time when I say phase in reference to Victor, it means that Victor has switched to flesh – water- then back to flesh in a second to reset himself from injury or extreme exertion.

text in between asterixes is telepathic communication

'hands' is a shorthand description for 'water hands'

'sense/d' using water sense to detect water

create - out of water vapor of a room (unless there's a larger source of water nearby)

disperse - into water vapor to a room after Victor is done with a prop

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I'm still aiming to post a new chapter every week with varying success, feedback though is greatly appreciated and helps keeps me motivated through the draining editing/rewriting process. I've also started up a subscription list for those interested in being updated when the new chapters are posted.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...

"Hey Victor I heard about what happened to you. Are you okay?"

"Hi Lachlan. I'm fine. I'm just processing the day, what did you hear?"

"That you turned into fog and nearly died. I'm shocked. Xavier usually takes us aside when we get too stressed and talks us down or sends us off to the Danger room to work out our issues. "

"Didn't really apply in this situation. Anyway my day also involved me running naked through the halls, having sex with Sean in the showers while groping 4 other nameless guys with `water hands'. I also grew 2 inches in height somehow and Xavier wants me to go through an assessment which I managed to put off till tomorrow."

"Sounds like a crazy day." Lachlan leaned over to give me a hug and I pulled him in for an embrace, needing something normal. We stayed like that for several minutes with him in my arms before I kissed him.

He kissed me back, tongue dipping into my mouth as his hands roamed under my shirt sliding up and down over my skin with greater urgency before breaking off our kiss to strip off my shirt. Once my shirt hit the ground, he kissed me again grinding his erection against mine before tugging at my sweat pants. He stood up yanking my pants and underwear off in a single pull leaving me naked and exposed. He stripped naked, I appreciated the view of his lean body slowly being exposed.

He stood naked before me, his dirty blond hair, pale white skin and his erection jutting out leaving me breathless with anticipation. I leaned over and sucked on his cock, leaving it nice and wet before lifting my legs high for easy access. He slid in deep on the first stroke, Sean's cum from earlier providing welcome lubrication as he fucked me. I pulled him in for a kiss, loving his mouth on mine, his hands roaming my body making me feel good while he pounded my ass. I caressed his back and squeezed his buttocks as he made love to me.

This felt refreshingly normal having a gay guy fucking me, kissing me and groping me without an audience in my own bed. I wrapped my legs around his lower back so I could get better leverage as I rocked back and forth.

Luke walked in with some random 6 foot something guy who looked like a walking slab of muscle holding a basketball. Lachlan was oblivious to them, too busy thrusting into me and licking and nibbling on my neck. I patted him on the back and moaned "Lachlan" he sped up and kissed me deeply as he slammed in repeatedly picking up speed.

"I'm going to cum" just before he blasted his hot load in my ass.

Luke clapped "Good old Hound, I leave you alone for an hour and you're getting fucked again."

Random Guy "Lachlan, you're gay?"

"Yeah Onyx, I'm gay" Lachlan said, slipping his cock out of me, hastily dressing.

Luke took advantage of my spread legs by dropping his basketball shorts and sliding his big thick cock into my vacated hole. "Excuse me boys but no point in leaving Hound empty". Luke thrusted into my freshly fucked hole over and over again. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he pummeled my hole mercilessly as Onyx and Lachlan looked on awkwardly. The new guy's basketball shorts tented out severely as he watched us. I slid my hands underneath Luke's basketball singlet to tease his nipples. We tangled briefly as he tried to take it off. Eventually managed to get it off him, we both laughed looking into each other's eyes before kissing passionately. He slammed into me faster, it wouldn't be long until I had his load in me and I couldn't wait to feel him blow inside me. I loved his cock inside me.

Onyx ruined the moment by asking " Are you gay too Luke?", Luke paused his thrusts and stopped kissing me, leaving my lips feeling bruised and aching for more, he looked down at me for a second, before turning to Onyx.

"No man, I'm straight but Hound here is a dog that loves my bone and it's fun giving it to him over and over again", Luke thrusted again into me.

"But you were kissing him. That seems gay."

"Fuck dude. It's great sex, who cares? It feels good so why not enjoy it. You should try out his mouth, he gives great head."

Onyx squeezed his massive bulge hesitantly and moved over to me and he said "What about..."

"It'll be fine. Victor can take anything, just pull it out man and see if he wants it."

Onyx pulled out his 10 inch cut cock, I stared in amazement at how thick and long he was. Luke fucked me at a rapid pace his eyes closed hands firmly wrapped around my ankles no longer kissing me since Onyx's unwelcome questioning. I reached out to stroke Onyx's cock . Onyx groaned thrusting forward into my open mouth shoving half of his hard cock down my throat. Soon he had his big balls slapping against my chin as he fucked my mouth .

Onyx's skin changed color; his tan disappeared under a midnight black. My jaw cracked as his cock stretched out in all directions clogging my throat. I couldn't breathe as he sped up his thrusting into my throat.

Onyx turned to Luke and said "The floor won't hold me long". Luke paused in his thrusts opening his eyes and gestured over to his side of the room and his rock flew over. As it flew over it flattened into a crude lumpy platform as if someone with incredible strength punched the rock into a lumpy rock pancake.

Luke said "jump up" and Onyx jumped up and the `rock pancake' slid under Onyx's feet. Onyx fucked my throat with rapid thrusts gripping my head in a brutal vice like grip. I couldn't survive a second more of Onyx. I needed him to stop. I tried pushing him off but he weighed a ton. Luke and Onyx were too busy fucking my holes to notice my struggles. The lack of oxygen became critical. I felt dizzy.

I created 2 `water hands' and pushed with them as hard as I could. Onyx flew halfway across the room landing on Luke's bed. Luke looked over at Onyx the 7 foot tall midnight black rock giant with what looked like 14 inches of rock cock slumped onto his bed and burst into laughter. Luke collapsed on top of me blasting my insides with cum.

I took deep gasping breaths sucking in oxygen desperately as Luke eased out of me rolling onto his side. I felt around the inside of my mouth with my tongue, Onyx's cock had chipped a tooth.

I phased, hoping it would fix my damaged tooth. I'd never broken a bone before and I had no idea whether this would work. I tongued my tooth and it was whole post-phase.

I needed to examine the mutant library/database later to work out how I grew 2 inches today and regrew part of a tooth. My phasing ability had been underutilized for scrapes and bruises. Who knew what it was really capable of?

Luke shook with laughter next to me. Onyx sat on Luke's bed breathing heavily. Lachlan walked over to me and asked "are you okay?" I shrugged, whole now, a little distracted and horny again post-phase. A strange creaking sound made me look over just in time to see Luke's bed crumple under Onyx's weight. The mattress sinking in the middle and the metal legs concertinaed under the weight.

"Fucking hell," Luke cursed.

"Sorry man. I can't even get a blowjob anymore without breaking something or someone. I'm never going to get laid again at this rate" Onyx said getting off the bed changing back to a solidly built 6 foot 3 guy his cock a rigid 10 inches again.

"Well I'm glad you're okay but this isn't what I expected when I came to visit you. I'm going to go," Lachlan said giving me a goodbye hug.

"Okay, I'll see you later then."

Luke said "I need a drink. I'm thirsty all of a sudden. I'll head out with you Lachlan", Luke quickly got dressed and they both left.

Onyx just stood there looking lost in a ripped basketball singlet 10 inch cock sticking out looking unloved. It wasn't rock hard anymore; `rock- hard' with him wasn't a colorful metaphor. I thought Colossus had issues with his metal cock but Onyx had a 14 inch rock cock that would tear up the insides of any girl or boy he tried to fuck. At least Colossus could find a nice girl who didn't mind riding him all the time since his metal cock was tough but smooth, Onyx's cock was rougher than metal. I'd had both of their cocks down my throat; though for an accurate comparison I guess I should have Onyx fuck me.

Naked alone and horny in a room with a hung relatively attractive guy (Onyx looked like a rugby player all square shoulders and beefy build, not really my preferred type but okay in a solid way). I surrendered to the obvious impulse.

"Would you like to fuck me?"

"Really? I didn't think you were keen what with throwing me across the room and all. How did you do that? I weigh a lot in rock form."

"Less talking, more nakedness" he nodded cock bobbing in reaction, he removed his singlet. I walked towards him "Lie on the bed with your cock pointing up" he sat on the bed holding his cock up watching me. The bed creaked ominously so I used some water to slide under and over the damaged legs of the bed freezing to reinforce the bed. It wouldn't last long but it should hold long enough.

I grabbed the lube, coating his cock with generous amounts of lube, squatting over his cock. I slowly sank down until my butt hit bone. I took a moment to adjust to the feeling of fullness before bouncing myself up and down on his thick engorged cock.

"This feels fucking great," Onyx said, turning black. He grew HUGE inside me stretching me painfully and gloriously all at the same time. I groaned in pleasure/pain. Onyx's grip increased on my hips painfully, his strange fingers digging into my soft skin as he drove his cock deeper into me. My organs felt like they were being bruised with every thrust. "Fuck I can't stop." He gripped me tighter, crunching my pelvis beneath his grip. I cried out wordlessly. Onyx slammed me bodily onto his cock repeatedly while driving his cock into me as hard as he could, my body shuddered in the numerous collisions of force. The bed made an odd thumping creaking sound every time Onyx's ass hit the mattress.

Luke walked in at that moment drinking a bottle of water alone. "Every time I walk in to this room you have one of my friends fucking you. We're going to have to organize a system like a sock or a tie or something on the door so I know not to walk in. That or you'll need to lock the door so random people won't walk in." I couldn't reply, too busy panting, groaning and feeling like something was ripping inside of me but it felt amazing like when I'd been dp'd for the first time but way more intense. I was unsure whether this was agony or ecstasy or some nonsensical mixture of both. Onyx kept slamming away increasing speed and force. He grunted out "Fucking. Cumming" and a few spine-crushing bone-jarring thrusts later I could feel his cock expanding into me as he unleashed blast after blast of hot semen into me. Somewhere during that I must have blown a load, since Onyx rock skin was coated in my cum. I must have been too lost in the pain to notice the orgasm. I was exhausted. Onyx shifted back to normal, the emptiness around his cock hurt like crazy. I eased myself off his hard cock collapsing onto the floor in the fetal position, trying to ease the pain inside and outside.

"Fuck, that's not a good sign" Onyx said, his cock, liberally splattered with blood.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked crouching down to check on me I reached out with a 'hand' to grab his water bottle. I drank greedily, draining the bottle dry in seconds. I phased to water, I felt off. I stood up, shifting to water, levitating myself a few inches off the ground ditching the dust and dirt from lying on the ground earlier. I shifted back to flesh again, feeling normal again.

Luke stared at me shocked as I dropped a few inches back to the floor. I guess I forgot to mention I could hover. Onyx held his cock away from his stomach. I used some water vapor to cleanse the blood from his cock. I pulled on some underwear and left without another word. I needed another shower. I needed time to think about everything away from anyone who might ask questions.

I went off to the shower room letting the hot water ease away my stress. I remembered what I did in this room earlier in the day and I smiled hardening. I shook my head bemused. The more I phased the less relief I got from my orgasms. It was another worrying development.

Since I was alone in the shower I might as well amuse myself while I stroked my cock in the shower. See how those unknown guys from this morning felt as I played with them.

I created a dozen 'hands' to relax/pleasure me. 2 hands' worked on my head giving me a gentle scalp massage, 1 hand' on each shoulders rubbing away. 2 hands' on my upper back kneading my shoulder blades, 2 rubbing on my chest tweaking my nipples. 1hand' playing with my balls while another stroked my hard cock and I had 2 massaging my butt.

I added a rimming tongue so I could feel what I had done to Bobby, that tongue eventually turned into a `water finger' slipping into my depths as I braced myself against the tiles. Luke walked in naked his soft cock dangling "I came to make sure you were okay after sex with Onyx. I guessed you might be here but obviously you're okay". Luke's cock hardened as my water creations continued to work on me.

I pictured Cyclops walking in on me and thought about how good he looked naked stroking his hard cock in the shower. The water finger' probing my ass quickly grew in size and width to the proportions of Scott's cock. I imagined him finding me and fucking me in the shower as my creations pleasured us both. Luke stroked his cock while he watched me, I wanted him in me too "Fuck me". Luke didn't ask questions, he slid his hard cock into me Cyclops water cock' providing very little resistance.

"Sex with you is definitely different" he said as he pumped into me while `Cyclop's cock' continued its merry business. Luke's cock felt good but it was sort of muted in parts where' Cyclop's cock' was blocking Luke's. I blew hard against the tiles as Luke fucked me, the 'Cyclops water cock' dissipating due to disinterest. Luke continued fucking me for a while until he came in me.

"Well that was entertaining and all but I need some down time. Sorry" I shifted to water freezing the pouring water into ice armor around me so I could focus on something other than sex and levitated away down the hall.

I went to Bobby's room figuring he was the only guy I could talk to about what I was feeling without it getting complicated by sex. He was the only guy that knew I was gay that I hadn't had sex with which now that I thought about it was fucked up in all sorts of ways. I'd only been here for less than a week and nearly every guy I'd spent any time with minus Xavier I wanted to have sex with or had already done something sexual with or in the case of Scott seen naked (sort of ). I couldn't talk to Mark about any of this since that would mean having to explain that I was living in a place with guys whose cocks changed in weird ways when they were excited. I didn't have any friends from back home, I couldn't talk to my family since I'd only recently come out of the mutant and gay closet and eww. I needed to vent to someone and Bobby seemed like the only decent option even if he was a straight virgin.

I knocked on his door not wanting to interrupt if he was with his girlfriend Rogue, though from what he told me his relationship was PG but I needed to be on my best behavior with Bobby. I liked him and I didn't want to fuck things up.

Bobby opened the door poking his head out and I said "Hi, is this a bad time?" Bobby looked flushed and he was hiding his body behind the door, I knew what that meant. Woops. Bad timing.

"Hey. Um it's okay. You're leaking." I looked down wondering how he could see my cock under my ice armor. The outer layer of my frost armor was melting, dripping onto the floor. Using my water sense I tracked my progress from the shower room and the resulting watery trail and drew it towards me splashing it against my armor to patch the leaks.

"I just wanted to vent to someone relatively neutral for 5 minutes but you look busy I'll come back later"

"It's okay you can come in" I hovered in looking around at Bobby's rumpled bed and Bobby wearing baggy boxers that tented out with what looked like a semi hard cock. Bobby breathed rapidly his athletic body coated in a thin sheen of sweat. I `sensed' every drop of sweat trickling down his body. He turned over to me and said "I'll put on some pants."

"That's unnecessary, I'll be gone in a few minutes and then you can go back to wanking. "

Bobby blushed furiously, covering his crotch with both hands. "I had a date with Rogue and I like her and all but afterwards I feel so restless. You have no idea how hard it is to like someone and not be able to touch them. I feel happy every time I'm with her but we can't do anything and it's so frustrating you wouldn't believe how complicated it is."

"My high school crush, the alpha jock who bullied me for 2 years tried to pimp me out for a gang rape so I'm familiar with complicated."

"Shit. When did that happen?"


"5 days ago Friday?" I nodded depressed. "Shit. I'd give you a hug but you're all ice and water."

"Could I borrow some underwear? I kind of left mine in the shower when I was getting away from Luke and I feel kind of stupid hovering in ice mode and I wouldn't mind a hug."

"Sure" he bent over to his underwear drawer to grab me a pair, the material of his boxers clung to his ass highlighting the curves of his bubble butt. He looked good bent over. He caught me staring at his ass and grabbed the underwear quickly and straightened up giving me an odd look.

"Sorry but you've got a cute bubble butt and you bent over in front of me and well " I said trying to shrug but my ice arms ended up shattering off at the shoulders crashing to the floor I sighed "I can't seem to do anything today without making a mess of it" I broke the ice armor in half and turned the shards of my ice arms into water and turned the remnants of my frost armor into a large water sphere and shifted back to flesh and took the underwear from Bobby putting them on.

"Um thanks" he said, his cock twitching in his boxers

"For what?" distracted by his now hard cock tenting his boxers

"Saying I have a cute butt, I don't get many compliments."

"Well I think you're very sexy and you've got a cute ass, even if you hide it in baggy boxers."

"Well I like them, they're nice and comfortable. It's not like anyone really sees them anyway, I can't even get to first base with my girlfriend. So gays really do go around critiquing fashion choices of straight guys."

I laughed "Actually Luke pointed out my boxers were lame and he bought me some boxer briefs and after seeing how hot he looked in them I could see how they highlight his assets."

"So is he one of the ten you mentioned earlier?"

"Yeah he's been pounding my ass since Sunday, he has a beautiful cock."

"I didn't know he was gay."

"He's not, he's just hot and horny and hung and likes having someone to fuck and it'd be a shame not to have his monster inside me."

"How big is he then?"

"He's got a 9 inch cock and it dwarves mine."

"How big is yours?"

"6 which is probably why I end up being the bottom usually even when I'm having sex with gay guys. How big is yours?"

"Jack is 7 inches and frequently in need of attention." He paused before explaining. "Jack is the name I gave my cock because I always have to jack it and I'm frost". Turning water vapor into frost outwards "Jack Frost, I thought it was pretty clever when I found out I was a mutant."

"That is clever. I named mine Private Ryan because he always needs a helping hand and he's happiest in the company of men."

"That's kind of lame. Why were you trying to get away from Luke if you two, are um whatever you guys are? "

"Well before I get into the whole fucked up mess of today's events you think I could get that hug."

"Sure" he hugged me and it felt nice and comforting but hormones kicked in as our hard cocks pressed together, I grinded against him just a little.

"Victor" Bobby said in a warning tone. I burst into laughter which devolved into sobs. "Victor, are you okay?"

I sat on his bed. "You sounded like my mom there for a second, when I was younger and I would try and steal cookies from the cookie jar. I always had problems resisting sweets" I said looking over at Bobby seated next to me. His hard cock had popped out of the fly of the boxers. Bobby stood up facing away from me as he tried to get the Jack in the box. "I've already seen Jack, no need to hide him now."

Bobby turned around giving me a speculative look "I guess modesty is a bit pointless."

I stood up "I'll be naked too" I said slipping off my borrowed boxers while he took off his and we just stood there facing each other naked and hard.

"This feels super weird, didn't you want to talk about something."

"Yeah I did but I'm having trouble getting my mind off sex today. I'm going to stare at a wall and tell you about my fucked up day" I said lying on his rumpled bed facing the wall " So today I nearly killed myself by turning myself into mist" Bobby slid over to give me a hug and his hard cock jabbed into my lower back "you're poking me".

There was a pause and he shifted down and his cock was now pressing against my butt crack "is this better?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not sure any more, this has gotten sort of weird and I'm really horny but I'm trying to ignore that so why mist?"

"It's another long story and I'm having trouble concentrating for some reason so I'm going to give you the highlights. Xavier wanted me to go through an assessment in order to test me out and see what I was capable of but I stalled it until tomorrow at 6 so I could have a warm up with you after class tomorrow. I accidentally made myself taller somehow as I reformed after being mist. I also had sex with Onyx today for the first time and he turned into a rock while inside me and ripped up my insides and I bled all over his cock. I phased to recover and I'm fine now and here we are and I'm like 3 seconds from moving your cock inside me. However I don't want to do that because you're like the only guy I haven't had sex with in this place that knows I'm gay and you have a girlfriend and you're the closest thing I have to a normal friend in this place which is entirely fucked up considering I water rimmed you in your sleep. So yeah, nearly died, Xavier wants to run experiments on me, I bled a lot after sex with a human rock and my hormones want to ruin the only semi normal friendship I have" Bobby pulled away and stood up without saying anything. I just lay there facing the wall wondering what would happen next. I had no idea what I was doing from minute to minute.

"Sounds like an intense day" he pulled on his boxers grabbing some pants "I think I should put on clothes to continue this conversation."

I rolled onto my back sighing. I had to get a grip over my hormones this was getting borderline ridiculous. Bobby was off limits, he had a girlfriend. I had to ignore his cute ass and face and think of him as a platonic friend. "You're probably right" I turned the water sphere I had shoved into a corner while I was busy into 4 large hands' and used 2 to grab the discarded boxers while I sat on the edge of the bed trying to think decent thoughts. When my hand' passed me the boxers I slipped them on. I stood and slapped myself on both cheeks with the other `hands'.

"What are you doing?"

"Just trying to slap some sense back in me so I can think about something other than your naked body pressed up against mine."

Bobby grabbed a shirt from his wardrobe to cover his chest. "You're very weird."

"That I am." I said with a sigh. "Think I could borrow a shirt and some pants so that it doesn't look weird when I leave here. I doubt you want it getting around that you had a gay boy leaving your room in your underwear might give people the wrong impression."

"Shit. I didn't think about that." He grabbed some other clothes and threw them in my direction and my `hands' caught them "When did you learn how to do those? They're cool."

"Well I used them Sunday morning while I was sleeping and I've now started using them as extra hands, they come in handy, excuse the terrible pun," I said, as I got dressed.

"Now that we're both dressed and feeling a bit more normal. I'll repeat something Xavier told me when I first got to this place and I didn't know how I felt about being a mutant. `Your life will be more challenging as a mutant because you will be feared for what you're capable of but you need to hold true to who you are. Focus on who you want to become rather than the person people expect. Find out what you want and figure out what you're willing to sacrifice to obtain it'."

"I have no idea what you mean by any of that."

"Neither do I honestly, Xavier talks a lot and half the time it feels like Star Wars. Lots of weird platitudes that don't actually answer the question you asked. I guess it boils down to; do you know what you want to be?"

"I'm not sure what I want, other than to get stronger mentally and physically. Having lots of sex along the way is fun, though it does seem to complicate certain things."

"I'm not sure I have any helpful answers as to turning to mist or getting taller or weird butt sex. I do know about assessments. I can help you out with that. It's not that bad, it usually involves some simulated scenario where they test you on speed, strength, agility and control over your power. I had one the second week I got here and I've had one every year since along with the occasional danger room session. Tomorrow I'll meet you here directly after class and show you some Bo staff training. It's good for improving strength, reflexes and learning discipline. I've been doing it the last 6 months so I should be able to teach you some of the basics. It might help at least."

"Thanks for letting me talk and the advice and I'm sorry for interrupting and that things got weird" I said.

"That's okay. I'm not sure how much I helped."

I dispersed the hands' before I did something stupid like offer to help out' Bobby with water wanking.

I walked out the door closing it behind me before I ruined the budding friendship with my out of control horniness.

I leaned against the door with my eyes closed trying to picture Bobby and his room. I could imagine him standing in his room making sure the coast was clear before slowly stripping naked and climbing onto his bed. Bobby reached down stroking his hard cock with one hand while his other hand rubbed up and down his torso. He stroked rapidly, urgently on his cock before sliding one finger into his tight butt and yelled "Fuck". He blasted out several spurts of thick cum all over his stomach and chest.

My imagination must be going wild because I swore I could hear him say fuck. I was way too horny. Thankfully Paul and Peter walked by at that moment.

Peter said "Hi, are you okay? I heard you disappeared into smoke and nearly died."

"Mist actually". I corrected. "I'm fine now."

Paul said "What are you doing?" suspiciously looking at me leaning with my back against Bobby's door.

"Though I'm feeling bored and horny, want to fuck me Peter?" ignoring Paul entirely.

"If you were looking to get Bobby to fuck you, he has a girlfriend" Paul said grumpily.

"Really? That would be cool, we can go to my room," Peter said.

"Are you both just going to continue ignoring me like I'm not here?"

I turned to look at Paul directly "If you're a good boy you can fuck me after Peter is done with me."

Paul looked conflicted as if he couldn't figure out what to make of that. I didn't really care about his opinion, I liked his cock but I didn't need it, between Luke, Sean, Mike and maybe Colossus and Vader I now had quite the selection of big cocks to ride at whim. I should visit Vader and Colossus tomorrow as a treat if I manage to survive the assessment and the rest of the day without dying or nearly dying. See if they'd be interested in more sex with me.

I walked off with Peter, remembering where their room was from my late night nocturnal excursion. Paul followed silently behind us and we arrived at their room shortly.

I stripped off Bobby's borrowed clothes desperate to relieve my epic levels of horniness. I dropped to my knees and helped Peter remove his pants and underwear sucking on his cock just for a few seconds to get it wet. I lay down on his bed on my back with my legs spread and I helped him to slide it in. He lasted less than a minute before he blew inside me.

"I'm sorry" Peter said

"Is this your first time?" I asked. He nodded shyly.

Paul walked over naked, beer can thick cock slick with lube "My turn", Peter moved out of the way and Paul slid his thick cock all the way into my recently used hole . It hurt a little but it felt good being stretched, I wrapped my legs around his waist and gripped his shoulders.

"Fuck me hard". He obliged. Peter stroked his cock watching us and I beckoned him over so I could suck him while being fucked. Paul subjected me to more frenzied fucking as he slammed my hole. Peter blew another smaller load in my mouth after 5 minutes.

Paul kept fucking me for another 10 minutes before finally thrusting once more with his teeth clamped over my right collarbone his cum splattering my insides. Paul slumped on top of me so I couldn't touch my throbbing cock, I had gotten so close but not close enough. I created a water hand to slap Paul's ass.

"Get off."

"I just did" Paul said with a laugh.

If he wasn't going to move I might as well make use of his hard cock to get off. I tightened my grip on his waist, rocking back and forth, grinding my cock against his solid stomach. I licked his neck and he moved in me grinding his cock in me before fucking me again. I blasted a load against his stomach. He flipped me onto my stomach pummeling my ass with his cock for the next ten minutes until he was dumping another load in my ass.

Peter had been sitting quietly on Paul's bed stroking his cock having watched us Peter asked "Can I try fucking you again?"

I shook my head. "Not right now. Got to go." I put Bobby's clothes back on.

I needed to work on fixing my ice armor before tomorrow. It had numerous issues that I had to sort out since it was my main defense in combat and I couldn't even move it without it shattering, I could only hover with it. It melted in warm conditions leaking and I had an assessment tomorrow to focus on.

When I arrived in my room Luke was in his bed in his very sexy boxer briefs with his rock hovering over him.

"Hello" I said unsure what he was up to.

He looked over briefly "Hey, just doing some homework, trying to strengthen the rock" he looked at me again "Where did you get the clothes? You left your underwear behind last time I saw you."

"I borrowed them from Bobby," I said, getting naked again.

"You know he has a girlfriend and she can drain powers from other mutants with a touch."

"I didn't have sex with him, much as I would have liked to, I didn't want to complicate the only non-sexual friendship I have in this place."

Luke looked over at me and said "Then why do you smell like sweat and sex" placing the rock back on his bed side table standing up with his underwear starting to bulge enticingly. I went over to hug him.

"Well after being relatively good and not having sex with Bobby because of his girlfriend and other reasons I went back to Peter and Paul's room. Peter fucked me once, Paul fucked me twice. I wanted to change out of Bobby's clothes before they smelled like sex. Now I'm naked, hard and horny. Want to fuck me again?" I slid my hands over his lower back and under the waistband of his underwear and squeezed his manly butt.

He slid his hands down my back and gripped my ass firmly sliding a finger into my ass "no resistance". He slid in another finger making a scissoring motion inside me making me moan "I bet Paul stretched you wide with his thick cock". Luke slid in another finger into me. "I have no idea why your sluttiness makes me feel so fucking horny" jamming those 3 fingers in deep and hard.


"Please what Hound?"

"Please fuck me."

"Okay I'll give my doggy a bone". He spun me around, pushing me to the ground to my hands and knees and mounted me like a dog, sliding into me deep in a single thrust.

"Oh God" I moaned, while Paul stretched me width wise, Luke still had a longer cock and it was entering virginish territory. I loved Luke's cock.

"Like my bone, Hound?" he asked while giving me slow deep thrusts.

"Yeah I love your bone, give it to me harder" he paused for a split second before slamming into me. Fuck he felt good. We didn't talk any more, his fucking reducing me to incoherent panting moaning and grunting. Luke fucked me as hard as he could. He lasted about ten minutes before he ground me into the floor blowing a hot load in me. We stayed that for a minute or two recovering our breaths.

"Well that was different"

"Yeah" I said dazed from the hot hard fucking.

He pulled out of me and stood up and went back to his bed and picked up his rock with geokinesis so that it was hovering over him while he held it in front of him brows furrowed as he stared at it. It hurt that I had been used and now I was being ignored but I wasn't his girlfriend, I wasn't even really his type considering I was the wrong gender for him. I didn't know how to complain about his treatment without being ditched for being too high maintenance. I knew he was rich and girls were probably throwing themselves at him all the time and he was straight and I was gay and I hated this feeling of vulnerability. I closed my eyes breathing deeply and pictured a distant ocean with the tide rolling in and out and people on the beach having fun in their underwear in sunny weather, slowly relaxing.

I opened my eyes and stood up; butt clenched and lay down on my stomach next to Luke trying to play nonchalant "So how do you strengthen a rock?" I asked with my hand on his chest ignoring the weird dip in the bed and the vaguely ominous creaking of the bed beneath our combined weight.

He looked over "I can use my power to turn sand into rock which usually takes millennia naturally. This exercise is so I can practice exerting my power to compact the rock through external force so that the rock is transformed into a tougher substance. Power used to simulate the effect of time and pressure on carbon so that it eventually becomes a diamond. Except with normal rock."

"Sounds interesting" my hand trailing down his chest to grab onto his cock.

"You can't seriously want another fuck already."

"I didn't blow during the last fuck."

"Fine" he said shifting over moving the rock with him "Move down" I obeyed instantly, he placed the rock on the pillow in front of me as he slid his hard cock back into me. He reached under me grabbing my cock. "I guess I have to make sure you get off this time otherwise I'm never going to get a break, who knew there was such a thing as too much sex."

"Is that a thing?" I asked pushing my ass up.

"For normal people yes, how many times you've been fucked today?"

I thought back "this would be the 6th time you've fucked me, 2 times by Sean, 1 by Lachlan, 1 by onyx, 1 by Peter, 2 by Paul and once I guess by me."

Luke started picking up speed "Dude I think you're a gay nympho" the bed started rocking and the creaking grew louder and the rock hit me in the head. "Fuck, are you okay Hound?" Luke paused his thrusting.

I used some water to push it away and hold the rock in place "I'm good and close. Keep fucking me!"

"You're terrible," Luke said, slamming into me. He stroked me at the same rapid speed as his thrusts driving me closer and closer to the brink. The creaking growing louder and more frequent, the bed sinking further beneath me.

"Fuck I'm Cumming." I blasted a load against the sheets.

"Feel better now?"

"I'll be good for a while. Tell me more about your rock strengthening, it sounds fascinating."

"You are so odd, one minute you're all about my cock and the next you want to know about my rock."

"I love your cock in me" I said shifting a little to feel it throb in me "but I've cum now so now I'm curious about what you're up to since I'm still trying to get a grip on all this mutant stuff."

"As I said I'm trying to strengthen it, so try not to talk or move too much while I concentrate on affecting the internal structure of the rock "

I gave it a minute but I couldn't tell what was happening and I was dying of curiosity "So is it working?"

"Ugh. I was making progress, I'd gotten about ten percent of it harder but now it's relapsed to its more natural state."

"So why didn't I see anything happening"

"Because I'm squeezing its insides so from the outside it doesn't look any different"

"So how do you know that it's changing?"

"Because I can feel it change."

"Hmm" I thought about it for about ten seconds "do you mind if I try something with your rock?"

"If you must" he said shifting a little, his cock rubbing against my prostate, I moaned and clenched around his cock feeling my cock harden again.

"I think I should pull out so I can focus."

"Please don't" I pleaded but his cock was already out of me and I ached at the loss.

"Well if you insist" and he slid his cock all the way back in, "I guess I'll have to try doing it while fucking your greedy little butt" he said as he placed his hand to hold it still, I placed my hand over his, entwining our fingers. He pulled out all the way and slammed all the way back in and my grip tightened on the rock.

"I'll use my water to seep through into the rock and `water sense' what you're doing" doing exactly that.

"Wow that feels so weird, I can feel your water moving through my rock, you're penetrating my rock" he laughed as he slammed into me with more force. I could sense the core of the rock pressing together tighter pushing my water out in the process. I could sense its progression as it pushed my water out.

"It's odd to sense rock pushing out water".

"Fuck man I'm going to cum" his fucking growing erratic as the bed squealed in protest. I could `sense' the rock revert back to normal as Luke exploded. "I'm drained, no more sex today Hound, I'm stealing your bed as mine is ruined because of you and your sluttiness." He slapped my ass as he got off me.

Luke had a point; between me throwing Onyx onto his bed leaving a giant dip in the middle of the mattress and the water that seeped out of the rock onto his pillow and the wet spots around the legs where I had forgotten to disperse the water post Onyx sex, and cumming on his sheets it was a mess. All the fucking on it probably didn't help as it had a sunk a few more inches since I laid down. He eased out of me and stood up and walked over to my bed and threw my underwear at my head "I grabbed these for you when I left the shower so you could have them when you came back, of course I didn't expect that to be a few hours later."

"Ok then. I'm going to have a shower."

"I'd come join you but knowing you, I'll probably end up balls deep in you and my cock feels way too sore."

"That's okay. I wanted to work on doing water training by myself before you distracted me by looking so hot. No more sex with me today."

Luke chuckled. "Before I met you I didn't think hearing no sex today would be a welcome phrase."

"Guess we're both learning new things about ourselves in this place" I said putting on my underwear.

"Before you head off for however long you're going away for, did you want to come join my friends and me for poker night on Friday? It's great fun you'll love it. "

"Sure, see you later."

I wandered off to the shower in my underwear, lots of people had seen me naked by now and I didn't care anymore about modesty. The shower room was empty, this time I turned on the central shower and sealed the glass door at the entrance in thick ice so I wouldn't be interrupted again.

I turned on a single shower and created numerous hands' to turn on the other showers and shifted to water state' and used all the water around me to form a foot thick ice armor around me. I levitated myself so I was hovering in the small rectangular room and I moved the water around me in a water ring circling around me. As the water poured down I created more and more rings around me, moving them faster and faster. I randomized the speed and temperature of the water rings to practice control.

A blast on the door distracted me causing a momentary lapse of concentration. I crashed to the ground as I tried to rein in the water rings. They destabilized, spurting off in multiple directions which I tried to stop or stall or redirect. I lost control of 2 jets of water and they smashed into two different tiles on opposite ends of the room and the tiles broke on impact. I created new 'hands' to turn the water off and reformed my ice armor with 2 feet of thickness to face whatever was blasting at the glass door. I hovered over to the corner of the room so that I had the advantage of line of sight and I defrosted the remaining ice around the door. I used a `hand' to open the door. Cyclops walked in confusing me as to why he was blasting at the glass door.

"Victor, students downstairs complained about water leaking from the ceiling so I came to check on the situation. I knocked but you didn't hear me. I figured a low level blast would get your attention. I see you've been practicing your abilities and while I respect your dedication. This isn't the best place to be practicing as you've caused some damage already."

"Sorry about the tiles" I said while I used 4 `hands' to pick up the shattered pieces of tiles while I dispersed the ice armor "and the leaking ice. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep the ice from melting and to try and keep track of everything when doing multiple things." I put as much of the tile pieces together as I could and froze the pieces together to try and fill the missing spots where the smaller pieces must have drifted down the drain.

"The tiles can be replaced easily enough, however the students downstairs had issues with leaks Monday night too so you'll need to find a new place to practice where your mistakes won't affect others."

"Ok I'll go outside, it's dark now so I'll just go there for now, sorry about the mess and the leaks."

I walked out in `water state' grabbed my boxer briefs off the hook outside shifting back to flesh and went outside. I spent several hours next to the fountain using it to replenish my ice armor as I practiced maintaining the temperature of the ice armor so it didn't leak. I practiced walking and punching with the ice armor.

I spent a lot time trying to prevent the ice armor from shattering every time I moved. I reduced the amount of damage by allowing a small gap filled with water around major joints such as the pelvic joint, elbows and joints of shoulders. I still couldn't get the full range of motion as the ice tended to shatter if I moved too much so I had to stick to small slow movements in order to repair the constant structural damage caused by minor movements. Kicks involved too much motion. Punches were easier.

Melee sucks. I always preferred playing Sorcerer when I played Diablo even if life was problematic until you got mana shield. After that you could just mana potion your way around as attack and defense while lobbing fireballs and using a golem to weaken enemies while using fire walls to retreat or advance. I loved playing as a sorcerer it was fun collecting spells and selling most of the weapons designed for warriors and rogues and finding a good staff.

I'd already figured out the poor man water versions of some of the sorcerer attacks. Water orbs instead of fire balls, ice shackles instead of stone curse and an ice shield sort of worked for mana shield. I still needed to work out how to use my `water avatar' for more than fucking so it could act like a clay golem. As for mimicking the effect of fire walls, flame wave or the awesome hydra spell I had yet to come up with any bright ideas yet.

Lightning attacks seemed completely beyond me.

I wish real life was like Diablo. In Diablo you were alone against a sea of demonic enemies. You didn't have to worry about collateral damage; ice melting in hallways or on randoms or one of your teachers constantly interrupting your attempts to level up skill wise. I didn't know how to keep track of everything that I needed to yet. It was frustrating being so close to something epic and have it be constantly out of reach. I had great power but unless I learned how to use it properly; I could accidentally kill someone or die from incompetence. The real world sucks.

High school bullies no longer bothered me. Mutants were the danger! I couldn't even exclude myself from being dangerous. In less than a week around other mutants my subconscious had sleep groped way too many guys, a psychic principal had hobbled me possibly with good intentions and I nearly died due to accidentally turning into mist. I needed to be constantly on guard and in control in order to regain and retain my full strength in the face of psychics and most importantly survive my powers and malicious mutants.

I updated my diary with recent events. Writing down the events of today especially all the sex made me feel awkward and a little horny. Luke might be right about me possibly being a gay nympho.

He had no idea that sex was the only thing grounding me in reality lately with all the recent random changes in my life. I hadn't told anyone yet about my biggest concern. Sean probably knew about it though. I couldn't vocalize it yet. If I said it out loud to someone it'd be a fact and I wanted to pretend that I was still at least nominally normal for as long as possible.

It was 4 am by the time I went to Luke's crumbled bed feeling amused about sleeping in my own wet spot in his bed. The bed made weird noises as I tried to get comfortable.

"Hey Hound come over here. We'll share your bed." I crawled back into my bed, careful not to injure Luke as I let him spoon me. I wiggled trying to get into a comfortable position. "Not now just go to sleep."

"I was just trying to get comfortable. Your cock is poking me."

"You wiggled up against it. Just ignore it; it'll go down soon enough. So tired..."

I reached behind me to grab Luke's half hard cock and Luke slapped my stomach growling. I moved it so its length pressed against my butt crack instead of awkwardly jabbing me in the butt cheek. "Night Luke". I placed my hands over his enjoying his warmth and solid strength against my back.

"Night Hound."

Next: Chapter 12

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