
By wayne unknown

Published on Sep 2, 2014



I do not own the rights to any of the characters of the Marvel universe. Any original characters referenced in this tale are my intellectual property (I think, copyright law is confusing :S), though anyone wishing to use them in their own parodies/fictions are welcome to as long as they give me credit for the use of characters and make them do something fun :P Oh and send me a link to your stories :)

I know and care little about the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If that may offend you, I suggest looking elsewhere for entertainment. Otherwise enjoy some smut. The smut will be widespread and hopefully organic to character growth.

Partial credit goes to the story Mutation by Phoenixfire543 (on nifty) for inspiring me to write my own variation on the whole superhero genre. His protagonist inspired mine power wise, though mine has a wide range of varying subset powers completely unique to my character and possibly the entire supernatural/special power franchise.

Authors Note

To save time when I say phase in reference to Victor, it means that Victor has switched to flesh – water- then back to flesh in a second to reset himself from injury or extreme exertion.

text in between asterixes is telepathic communication

'hands' is a shorthand description for 'water hands'

create - out of water vapor of a room (unless there's a larger source of water nearby)

disperse - into water vapor to a room after Victor's done with a prop

I welcome all feedback negative or positive to my email

I'm still aiming to post a new chapter every week, feedback though is greatly appreciated and helps keeps me motivated through the tiring editing/rewriting process. I've also started up a subscription list for those interested in being updated when the new chapters are posted.

P.s if you have spare cash and you appreciate the stories think about donating some of it to nifty via this donate link

On with the story...

Chapter 10


Woke up at 7 am to Luke snoring, he looked so innocent sprawled naked on his back, dick dangling limp on his thigh. He didn't look like the kind of guy to drag me around the room and use me like a live blow up doll. I needed to talk to Sean maybe he had some insight about the situation.

I tried to open Sean's door but it was locked. I knocked but no one answered, muffled thumps and groans behind the door told me someone was awake. I pictured the door as if I was looking at it from inside the room, creating a `water hand' to unlock the door and open it. The door opened and I smiled pleased at my success and also at the hot view. Mike was fucking his older brother doggy style on his bed. Mike waved at me and said "good morning."

When Sean looked over to the open door and me, he telekinetically closed the door behind me revealing the hovering `water hand' which I used to lock the door while I stripped naked.

"Thank God you're here. You can take over as my brother's bottom boy while I top him."

Mike paused and said "Hey. You have to let me blow in you or you can't fuck me."

"Not our deal. You said I had to let you fuck me for me to fuck you again. You never said anything about blowing, anyway Victor's ass will be tighter, it always is and I want to fuck you again."

This sounded like an odd rehash of Sean and Lachlan's argument from Sunday.

Sean eased himself off Mike's hard cock standing and took position behind Mike. "Take my place bud" Sean said as he penetrated his brother's hole, Mike sighed.

Sean slammed himself repeatedly into Mike's hole. I moved closer watching Mike rocking back and forth to take more of his brother's big cock. Mike reached out and pulled me closer engulfing my cock with his hot mouth. I fucked his mouth enjoying the wet sucking warmth around my cock as Mike rocked back and forth smiling. Mike squeezed my butt before his fingers slid into my tight hole. I gripped his head slamming in and out of his hot mouth his fingers opening me wider with each jab as Sean pounded Mike's ass. We both dumped our loads into Mike shortly after.

Seconds after Sean pulled out of Mike, Mike had me pinned on the bed fucking me hard. I loved his hard cock stretching me open with each thrust, my hard cock rubbing against the sheets of his bed. I grinded into the soft sheets as Mike's hard cock drove into me.

Sean placed his hand on my head reinforcing the psychic shield. Mike's thrusts became erratic as he blew a load in my ass. Mike pulled out of me and flopped onto his back spent. I hugged Mike rubbing my hard cock against him. Sean hugged me from behind penetrating me.

"Today's psychic lesson; focus on something detailed. Think about the details, so it occupies your mind completely. That will help keep you calm so you don't broadcast your thoughts or emotions so easily. If Xavier scans you he'll only pick up the preoccupation on something boring and won't delve deeper." He eased halfway out of my hole and slammed back in hard. "It's also good for stopping you from blowing too quickly into a hot horny guy whose ass is nice and slippery with your brother's cum."

I moaned trying to keep up with the conversation. "I stared at the ceiling in Xavier's class thinking about my mental fortress yesterday."

"That's a start but I could feel your anxiety leaking through our connection. You have to be completely calm and relaxed or at least be good at psychically faking it. Think of waves crashing on the beach over and over again while taking slow deep breaths so your body will relax, the high oxygen intake tends to mellow out anyone." Sean said as he fucked me with excruciatingly slow thrusts.

"Okay I'll try that next time," I said trying to get more of Sean's cock into me but Mike was busy licking my neck and squeezing my butt while humping at my cock. It was hard to think in the middle of this hot brother sandwich.

"Don't worry too much about Xavier scanning you in class. He only does low level scans sometimes to check for flare ups. My half formed psychic shield will hide your thoughts from that kind of scanning. He would only get a taste of your emotion. He probably just assumed you were nervous about your first day. Today you should aim to try and stay as relaxed as possible so he doesn't scan deeper". Sean said fucking me faster.

"Yes sir."

"I think you need some discipline." Sean fucked me full speed while I clung to Mike kissing him, grinding against his hard cock until we both blew meager loads onto each other's stomach. Sean blasted into me leaving me a sticky mess both inside and outside.

I left shortly afterwards to go relax under a much needed shower. I dressed and began my school day. Classes were duller than yesterday and the last class of the day was a tedious lecture by Xavier about mutant morality which I found laughable considering his behavior to me. At the end of the class he told me to see Jean to undergo a medical exam.

I felt anxious considering my late night run in with her husband while I was naked. I followed Sean's advice and worked on keeping a slow steady breath while keeping my mental defenses up just in case. Turned out to be fairly anticlimactic, Jean took a sample of my blood, checked my heart rate and did a full body scan with some high tech machine.

I went to hang out with Bobby for more training at the fountain. This time we spent a couple of hours doing speed drills. I'd throw a water sphere at him and he'd try and freeze it before he got splashed. Eventually I built up to firing off 8 water orbs at a time. Bobby put up a good fight though; the area around him was littered with the remains of melting ice balls up to his waist.

"I need to get dry and have a shower" Bobby said.

I pressed my hand against his flat stomach "No need" heating up his wet clothes/skin to a nice warm temperature. I removed all the water and turned it into another small ice puppy.

He looked at me speculatively for a bit. "Thanks, I've got homework though. I'm busy Wednesday and Friday but I'll be free Thursday for another round. I'll show you some basic routines with an ice bo staff next time. "

I had a fairly quiet evening hiding out from Luke in the library reading. I didn't know what to say to Luke. At midnight I went for a walk through the grounds. I spent a few hours at the fountain creating water balls of varying sizes turning them to ice and back again. I hovered 8 large balls of water around me and spun them around me in various patterns until I felt like I had done enough `juggling' at 3:30am.

I walked into my dark room and slipped into bed mentally exhausted from my exertions.

"Hey Victor. I think we should talk"

"Can we not?"

"I just want to apologize about yesterday. I wasn't very nice or gentle with you and I'm not surprised you've been avoiding me since."

"It's not that I minded it rough. I like it rough but last night I wasn't sure you even liked me so while I liked the sex it felt like you were trying to hurt me or something."

"Sorry dude I'm not sure what I'm doing any more. No offense but it feels like my life is completely off the rails since I met you."

"I'm sorry". I burrowed under the sheets away from the hurtful words.

"It's not that I dislike you or anything like that. Fuck I don't know how to say it right." He went silent for a minute while I tensed up curling in on myself to protect myself from another verbal strike.

Luke slid in next to me wrapping his strong arms around me, his left hand rested on my flat stomach teasingly close to my erection. His bulge pressed against my butt becoming larger and more insistent with each breath. Luke trailed his hand onto my hard cock and whispered into my ear "I like fucking you but I don't know what any of this means. I'm really confused. Can you forgive me?"

"Yeah, just don't make me watch you pee again. That was weird and probably unhygienic us fucking over the toilet."

Luke chuckled squeezing my cock, grinding his bulge against my ass. "Well your bed is hygienic and I missed having you take care of my cock today. Want to get fucked Hound?"

"Yes" I couldn't say no to Luke. He felt so good in me and being in his arms with his cock pressing up against me made me so horny for him.

He stood up dropping his underwear and grabbed the lube out of the drawer. He fucked me slowly for the next half an hour rocking me gently with his thrusts. I fell asleep with him inside me.


I woke up content in Luke's naked embrace his thick cock hard between my butt cheeks. I grabbed his hard cock sliding it into me. He woke up slowly as I rocked back and forth mindlessly fucking myself with his cock. He held me close while fucking me hard and fast. He gripped me tight as he exploded into me. We lay there for a while enjoying the afterglow in silence.

Then I went off to Sean and Mike's room to see what they were up to, the door locked again. I opened it from the other side with a `water hand', with greater ease than yesterday, guess all the practicing was paying off. Sean was seated on his bed stroking his hard cock.

"Can you see my brother" Sean said. I looked around and shook my head "we're playing a game of psychic hide and seek. He's hiding using his power while I try and find him with mine, so far he's winning. See if you can find him with yours."

I closed my eyes, activating my `water sense' and I instantly knew Mike's location, he was sneaking up directly behind me. I created a water rope around his midsection to halt his progress.

"Got you," I said triumphantly, turning around to find a naked Mike.

"I guess you win the prize," Mike said looking annoyed.

"What's the prize," I asked

"You get to fuck me," Mike said

I stripped naked and Mike pouted at the sight of my erection. Ouch. He probably had too much sex with Sean to be satisfied with my cock so I would have to be imaginative.

I stood in front of Sean and moved his hands out of the way before turning and sitting on his cock. I levitated Mike using the water rope onto his bed. I created 5 hands' to grope Mike as I bounced on Sean's lap. One hand' played with his butt sliding one water finger into him until there were 3 water fingers in him along with 4 hands' rubbing and caressing him. I used two hands' to pin his arms against the wall as I used the other two hands' to hold his legs wide apart. The hand' fingering him morphed into a replica of my cock enlarging as it moved in and out of his hole to the size of Lachlan's cock.

Sean gripped my head reinforcing the psychic shield. He transmitted his brother's pleasure and thoughts telepathically to me. Mike wanted bigger, so I increased the water dildo/cock to Sean's cock followed by Luke's as I rode Sean's cock. Mike moaned loudly, I knew he was still greedy for more so I expanded it to Vader's cock size solidifying it into ice inside Mike.

Sean threw me onto the ground, I landed on my knees and Sean slammed back inside me. Mike whimpered splashed inside and outside with ice cold water because of my distraction. I grabbed Mike's cock; licking and sucking on it as I recreated my water props and resumed fucking Mike with an 11 inch ice cock complete with balls.

I mimicked Vader's power by shifting `ice cock' to water mid thrust and shifting it back to ice by end thrust. A minute later Mike grunted out his pleasure as his cock spurted salty goodness down my throat. He lay there panting exhausted as Sean fucked me hard with rapid thrusts until he blew in me. Sean stayed in me as he recovered. "Mike, tell him what you know about psychic camouflage."

"Psychic camouflage is picturing yourself like mist or fog, untouchable, if you picture your thoughts as clouds drifting in the breeze, it's easier for you to remain unseen on a psychic landscape. That's what I was practicing, trying to remain mentally invisible, projecting the thought `nothing to see here' over and over again until people don't see you. Anyway what was with that ice water combo, it was fucking hot."

"I'll tell you who inspired that tomorrow. I need a shower."

I walked back to my room thinking about mist, my thoughts became slippery and my body felt loose. I looked down in shock to discover I'd slipped into `mist state', my clothes scattered on the floor. There were a few students around watching me curiously. I drifted outwards.

My thoughts were drifty and nonsensical, I struggled to stay focused on the thing I needed to do. My body' felt scattered, loose and drifting on the breeze. I heard a distant voice in my head shouting "COALESCE!" I needed to pull myself together again. I drew in my drifty mist body' desperately pulling in water from around me to reform into a normal `water state'.

Once I collected enough water I shifted to flesh reforming naked in the hall. As I picked up my clothes a sprinkle of what looked like metal shavings tinkled to the ground. I picked one up, it was the size of a grain of sand but smooth, silvery and heavier than I thought it would be. I no longer felt vaguely `off' but the hallway looked subtly different from before. Students stared at me so I raced to my room. My legs felt too long and awkward on the way there throwing off my rhythm.

I threw open the door startling Luke awake in the process. Luke looked at me blearily and said "why are you naked? You look different". I created a full length ice mirror out of water vapor against the door looking at my reflection in shock. I was a couple inches taller than this morning. I tried to think how this happened.

Sean burst through the door in his boxers looking sweaty and stressed shattering the ice mirror. I melted the shards mid-flight before they hit anything dispersing the water.

"Victor, are you okay? I felt you nearly mentally dissipate, I was barely in time to stop you from ..." he drifted off lost for words. "Are you taller now" he said looking at me confused.

"Yeah. It turns out on the walk from your room to mine; I discovered two new disturbing abilities. I can turn myself into mist which as you know nearly broke my mind and when I tried to put myself back together again I drew in excess water in panic and I somehow managed to make myself taller. I need a shower." I dropped my clothes on the ground running out of the room.

I got a few weird looks as I raced through the halls but frankly I was too stressed out about my near death to care about my nudity. I needed a super-hot shower to help rebalance me.

I jumped under the first available shower as the shower room was fully occupied with guys having early morning showers.

I had a couple of minutes under the central shower before I turned around to discover Luke and Sean. I launched myself at Luke, his strong arms encircling me as he hugged me back. I cried against his chest burying my face into his warmth pressing close against his firm naked body. Sean slipped behind me, hugging me, his semi hard dick digging into my butt. I felt loved. Being between these two hot naked men got me horny again. I rubbed my cock against Luke's; Sean's cock hardening behind me. I reached behind me and guided his cock into my hole. I loved his hard cock filling me, it was good to be alive and in the crowded shower room being hugged and fucked. Luke patted my head as Sean drove his hard cock into me, moaning as I licked Luke's collarbone and tweaked his erect nipples.

Sean entered my mind broadcasting my horniness at the rest of the room. The boys in the rooms stroked their cocks. I created a couple of dozen hands' to play with them. 2 to rub up and down their torsos, 1 for their cock and 2 to rub up and down their back squeezing their asses on the down stroke. A couple of hands' were used to take over the tweaking of Luke's nipples so I could pull Luke in for a kiss with my actual hands. He kissed me back, hands on my face as a hand' stroked his cock. The noise of multiple boys groaning, grunting and moaning as my hands' sped up increased to deafening volume. Luke reached down to stroke my cock as our kiss deepened and that was enough to push me over the edge and my orgasm rocked me, I blew all over Luke's hand and stomach.

Sean broadcasted my orgasm to the room gripping my head as he pummeled my insides. Luke jerked off on me as Sean splattered my insides with his cum. The other boys exploded in my `water hands' coating themselves and the tiles with their cum. The room filled with the sound of panting, heavily breathing boys recovering from their orgasms. I used the water from the showers to rinse everyone, the water sliding over every inch of flesh at a nice warm temperature, cleaning the mess and having one last feel of their naked bodies in the process.

This was starting to become a bad habit of mine, groping random boys with `water hands'. This time I was awake, I don't know whether it made the situation better or worse. I hadn't even bothered to ask whether it was okay for me to have my watery way with these boys, it was fairly shitty of me really. Only excuse I had was I almost died 10 minutes previously and I was really fucked up and being fucked at the time.

"I'm sorry about that guys" I said to a now silent room. "I got a little carried away there again" and at that I dispersed the `hands' from the room as they'd served their purpose.

The boys left abruptly and I took that to mean it was time to leave as the next few boys wandered in including Peter and Paul. I waved as I left. I needed to leave the scene of the crime asap. I parted ways from Sean and Luke and headed off to classes as soon as I got dressed, I didn't really want to talk about any of the earlier events. It was shaping up to be a very weird fucked up kind of day and I didn't want to talk about it.

I spent the next 6 hours in class consumed with thoughts about the uses of water in a gaseous form trying to avoid thinking about the other troubling aspects of my life.

Water vapor could be used for more than a useful source for water creations. I could use water vapor itself as fog or mist for physical camouflage since I didn't have psychic camouflage like Mike. Steam could probably be used offensively as an invisible attack as it probably would be impossible to counter.

When classes finished for the day I stood in the hallway for a minute reluctant to talk with Luke about us kissing or my near death or me having had my way with the boys in the shower room. I didn't want to talk to anyone or deal with my issues right now, what I needed was more time and more information so I could figure out what to do with myself.

I headed to the mutant library to check out the mutant database. I logged in with the password genesis. It had a list of mutant/given names. I opened one at random it had medical/personal details along with their current abilities and case notes about possible future developments. I searched under my name overwhelmed with curiosity.

Victor – mutant name: undetermined Age: 16

Abilities: Class 5 Hydrokinesis (mostly suppressed) and ability to phase to water and back. Also has an unclassified seeker sense in finding water at a molecular level.

Physiology: Extremely healthy, high metabolism, heavily oxygenated blood flow, above average water content present, fitness high with significant reflexes.

Psychology: Highly intelligent. Sexual inclination is homosexual, high sex drive, appears prone to inappropriate and risky sexual behaviors. Introvert tendencies coupled with desire to connect with others, highly analytical and driven to capitalize on any perceived advantage. Psychological trauma resulting from attempted rape by high school bully/crush. Sadomasochist tendencies? Type A personality, possible paranoia, strong need for control compensating for years of bullying. No apparent egocentric internalization of class 5 abilities. The subject has subconsciously repressed his abilities since original manifestation 2 years ago in order to blend in society. Despite psychological deficits, Victor's abilities and intelligence makes him a prime candidate for inclusion to Xmen if sufficiently motivated into protecting the mutant community and behavior is modified suitably. Inconclusive data as to how he'd integrate into a team environment.

Course of action: Psychic blocks placed in subject until full control reached or risk assessment can be completed satisfactorily.

Xavier/Jean? wrote about me as if I was a lab monkey. I'd have to deal with that later. What about the other class 5 mutants? I entered `class 5' into the database.

Bobby Drake – mutant name: Ice man Age: 18 Abilities: class 5 cryokinesis (mostly undeveloped) Physiology: good health and fitness levels

Psychology: Extroverted, averse to conflict. Sexuality is heterosexual. Numerous mid-level psychological issues relating to his power, romantic entanglements and family dynamics. Bobby's power level manifests usually at class 3-4. No apparent interest in maximizing ability. No egocentric dysfunction noted.

Course of Action : Monitor semi-regularly to assess any psychological issues that might prove to be problematic. Place in Xmen training programs in danger room sessions and allow to accompany on missions if low risk rating.

Phoenix Age 30 Abilities: class 5 telekinetic and unclassified psychic abilities

Physiology: good health and average fitness

Psychology: split personality with a functional though insecure main ego while id is highly dangerous with restraint issues.

Course of Action: continue to monitor and keep psychic blocks in place until permanent solution can be found.

Legion Abilities: class 5 mutant with numerous unclassified personalities and abilities Physiology: reasonable health Psychology: highly unstable with numerous personalities and possibly unlimited reserves of power. Course of Action: unknown

Scott walked in so I exited out to the main screen unsure how to log out.

"How did you get into the mutant database?" Scott asked. "That information is restricted to staff only."

"It was already open, I was just about to see what it said about me" I lied.

"Xavier wants to see you in his office now." Scott logged out of the database escorting me to Xavier's office.

"Is there a reason why I'm not allowed to know what's in the database about me?"

"It also has information about every mutant we've encountered. You can ask Xavier what it says about you if you're curious."

"I might do that. Why does Xavier want to see me?"

"I didn't ask."

We had reached Xavier's office "Well as usual Scott it has been entertaining running into you again but I guess it's time to see the principal again".

I walked in alone, heart beating erratically as I tried to marshal my courage to face Xavier.

"Hello Xavier."

"Hello Victor, I've had some troubling reports today about you and I wondered if you had anything to say?"

"You'd have to be more specific Sir, today has been fairly eventful "(lesson from dealing with my mother never volunteer information that could incriminate you further).

"Students reported that you turned invisible, clothes falling to the ground before reappearing naked in the hallway. Then you ran through the halls naked startling students, care to explain yourself?"

I thought about how to explain today's event briefly without revealing too much.

"Well today I accidentally turned myself into mist and back which I guess should have been obvious after Bobby turned me to ice and it had little long term effect. Hindsight is 20/20 though. I thought being paralyzed as ice was distressing but being water vapor was way worse I felt myself dissipating. Luckily I pulled myself together in time and shifted to water before shifting back to normal. I was freaked out so I ran through the halls naked back to my room."

"Bobby turned you into ice?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah Bobby is training me after class since we have similar powers. He broke through my ice armor and froze my water state' in our mock battle. Now that I think about it, it might be possible to change directly from either ice or steam to normal' (I air quoted that) but I'll probably stick to changing from water to flesh for now. I've had enough near death experiences today."

"Your abilities are still mostly unknown. I will organize a danger room session with Cyclops so that we can more adequately assess your current abilities so that we can attempt to prevent any further dangerous discoveries" he paused for a second and Scott walked in. I wondered briefly if Xavier had called him in psychically. "Cyclops escort Victor to the Danger room for an assessment ."

"No!" I shouted.

"What do you mean no?" Xavier asked.

"Remember how I said I nearly died today, I'm not particularly interested in running a mutant gauntlet at the moment."

"It is important that we correctly assess your current level of skill and abilities in order to ensure your safety and the safety of the other students. You will be in no real danger as the danger room ceases the simulation if it assesses that participants are in an unacceptable level of risk".

"I'll do it tomorrow, I just want to lie down and have some time alone."

"Fine, we'll organize it for tomorrow after your last class."

"Actually I'd prefer to do it at 6 pm, I have a training session with Bobby organized for after class already and it'd be a good chance for me to warm up before your assessments."

"Meet us here at 5:55 and we'll escort you to the Danger Room."

"Ok then."

I went to my room to collapse onto my bed, this day had been a bit too eventful for my liking and it was only 4. I needed a chance to unwind. Luke lay on his bed texting.

"Hey, you okay?" Luke asked looking concerned.

"Just been a really long day and I'm kind of wiped out. Do you mind if we don't talk?"

"Sure Hound, I'll give you some space". He patted me on the head before leaving the room. Part of me was tempted to call him back for sex to get my mind off everything. Unfortunately I needed some time alone to get my head around everything. I had an assessment tomorrow with Cyclops whatever that involved. I might be able to find out from Bobby tomorrow. I was surprised that Cyclops and Xavier hadn't mentioned my height gain, maybe it was more obvious to people who had more interaction with me.

2 more abilities discovered today. What else would I learn about myself while I was in this place? And could I survive the learning curve? The future felt like a scary prospect. Life as a mutant was problematic, that's for sure. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts and I opened the door with a `hand' as I couldn't be bothered getting up.

Next: Chapter 11

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