Vicar's Visit

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Nov 13, 2020


Vicar's visit 2


The usual rules apply. This is a work of gay fiction. It is the sole property of the author. If you enjoy the stories on this site please contribute to keep it going.

The next morning at breakfast Mathew and Frederick sat quietly. Both were still exhausted after the night of intense love making. They hadn't expected both footmen to serve breakfast but both were there, cheery as ever. Vicar Tim Wellcum stumbled down to the dining room. He looked worse for the wear of the last evening's sex lesson. His untidy light brown hair and unshaven face still showing bits of dried seed. He sat silently as both footmen brought his breakfast to him. He quietly thanked them. But he sat uneasy on his still sore ass. Mathew and Frederick winked at each other after greeting him. Mathew broke the silence saying "I sent one of the stable boys to the church to let your housekeeper know that you were here safe and sound. He explained that you spent the night with us rather than brave the storm. Rodney can drop you off on his way to the market, if you wish." Tim thanked his hosts for their kindness.

After the meal the vicar returned to his room. He gathered up his few belongings. As he was about to leave, the footman walked in to make the bed. Tim looked at him with longing eyes, hoping for some kind of recognition about the night they had shared. He stood looking out the window at the courtyard below. He felt a body approach behind him. Knowing who it was he mumbled "Thank you for the lesson last evening. I enjoyed it very much." The footman remained silent but tenderly kissed Tim's cheek before leaving. Tim saw a cart and horse pull up into the court yard and knew it was time to leave.

Mathew and Frederick spent the better part of the day going over the accounts with the housekeeper and Rodney. For them it was a sign of their new domestic life together. The evening meal was simple with only Rodney as a guest. Over coffee and brandy Rodney asked about the previous evening's dinner. He mentioned that the ride into town with the vicar was mostly in silence. Mathew commented that he thought the young vicar had learned much about his new parish that evening. Frederick wondered if the young man would become a regular visitor to their home? They both laughed at that comment. Being fully aware of the private life of his masters Rodney spoke up "Was the young vicar still a virgin with his chastity intact when he left this morning?" Mathew laughed saying "We didn't relieve him of his cherry. But I'm sure he enjoyed the operation none the less." Rodney laughed knowing that one of the horny, virile staff must've had a part in releaving the good clergyman of his chastity. Rodney, himself, had taken the cherries of both teen stable boys shortly after they arrived. After that particular session both repeatedly sought his bed for a repeat lessons in man love. His long, thick tool had done well in bringing both teen boys into the household staff. Rodney considered it his duty to make sure that each member of the staff was aware of all of their duties- day duties and night duties. He also assured the lords that each member would be willing and eager to maintain a good relationship with both lords at the manor.

As a part of the rural gentry Mathew and Frederick were expected to attend Sunday services at the parish church. They did so regularly. They were also frequent guests at house parties given by other local gentry. This gave them an opportunity to meet many of the younger men in the area. Some of these young men were only roughly aware of the nature of the earl's relationship. Their parents having thought it best not to put them in temptation's way. The two former military men would often find themselves answering questions about their military service. Some of the more brave would ride over to the manor for tea and conversation. The more aware of them made it a point to wear their best tailored tight fitting pants that showed off their assets in the hope of enticing one or both of the lords of the manor into some private play time. Their efforts most often failed. For the two lovers cherished what they had.

Now both men were well endowed, having uncut, 8 inch, thick cocks and plump hairy balls. They first met in the group showers of the Afgan wilderness during an attempt to subdue a local war lord. Being robust young men they let their admiration of the other's body be known in a wordless manner. As was the custom in the army they took advantage of what the local boys had to offer. Mathew often quoted the local saying "Women are for children, boys are for pleasure." They became close friends, seen often in each other's company. Few of their fellow officers thought anything of their friendship. The duty in the northern Indian territories was for 2 years. At the end of their time they were sent back to England. On the return voyage they shared a cabin on the crowded troop ship. It was during the long weeks at sea that their relationship bloomed. Seeing each other half naked so often soon led to compliments about their physical attributes. With nothing to do on the voyage, they like many others drank. But only a few days out at sea, they dared cross the line from friends to lovers. Anyone passing their cabin in the dark night would not mistake the sounds coming from within. Still no one mentioned anything. It was well known that the Prince Regent often engaged in many forms of sex with both men and women. He was surrounded by many very masculine soldiers whose sole purpose was to please him. As in many other courts in Europe, beyond the outward appearance of propriety there was a deeper lust that needed satisfaction. So Mathew and Frederick were simply men of their time.

Rodney was trusted with the task of the first interview for those who wished a position at the manor. It was rumored that all the male applicants would be intimately examined for any physical deformities. His methods were hinted at by rejected applicants. They termed it a very deep examination. But the rejected applicants were each rewarded with a few coins for their efforts. Now Rodney's own physical attributes were known. He stood at over 6 feet tall with broad, muscled shoulders, large hands and feet (a sure sign) and a full head of sandy brown hair. The two masters had personally interviewed him on two occasions. They both were completely satisfied and enthusiastic in their appreciation of his ability to impress others in their service. His thick, long tool had satisfied many a young farm boy in the village.

After that first visit the vicar had returned to his parish duties with a new desire to please others. He encouraged the local men to always obey the good book and to serve their betters. He, himself, practiced what he preached. On his visits to the manor he got to know well both Mathew and Frederick. They both soon were tending to the vicar's more carnal needs. Many an afternoon the sounds coming from the library assured the staff that both men were being satisfied. It was the custom of the house that after the mid-day meal was finished the masters would retire to their bedroom for a "nap". Some days they were alone, others they invited selected guests or staff to join they. They particularly invited those with large endowments. It was not uncommon for the sons of a few of their neighbors to drop by to share the mid-day meal. They often would leave before sunset after relaxing with the young couple. Since it was an all male staff it was not uncommon to see a naked man leaving another's bedroom fully erect. Of course, this prompted erections among the staff of servants. Below stairs was the scene of spontaneous coupling of two or three servants in dark closets or storerooms.

While the outward appearance was always kept up. the real happenings were well known. Rodney's frequent visits to the village pub allowed him to keep up with the local gossip. But it also gave him access to prime local boy cunts. Late at night one might hear moans and sighing coming from isolated huts or barns. Skin slapping skin was quite common whenever Rodney was out for the nightly drink. Younger boys would whisper about the size and vigor of the man's tool. Many a teen wanted to become more involved with him, to feel that legendary tool for themselves. He made no secret of his attributes wearing tight pants and shirts. The man made it his duty to get to "know" the local lads. This came in handy whenever extra help was needed at the manor. The two lords appreciated having such a well endowed and well known man in charge.

Not all of the year was spent at the manor. Mathew and Frederick were required to attend to the fall social season in London. Mathew's father was expected for the sitting of the House of Lords. This was accompanied by a round of social events and balls. The Prince Regent's favorites competed with each other trying to outdo themselves with the glamor of each event. Mathew and Frederick being well known in the city were invited to many events. As was the norm for such a lusty court, many of the more elaborate were all male parties. Men, often soldiers, and boys from the all male brothels, were hired as servers. Their tight fitting pants and revealing shirts tempted the guests to naughty side entertainments. After the initial meal was finished many of the guests were invited to sample the somewhat hidden talents of the servers. Many an early morning saw noble gentlemen stumble to their carriages to return to their wives and families. The servers were often left with handsome tips for their efforts.

Before leaving for a month in London Mathew let it be known that the vicar would be in charge of the manor in his absence. Tim made it a habit of spending most nights at the manor. The servants who by now knew of his tastes made sure that all of his needs were taken care of. Rodney was the first of the staff to personally introduce the young vicar to his own special lessons

While the two were away the vicar had been in charge of the manor with Rodney on hand to help. It was not unusual for the vicar to spend the night at the manor. Unknown to most, Rodney had taken charge of the vicar's sex education in the ways of lustful men. Each night he supervised the lessons using the staff to teach Tim ways in which a man could reach bliss. Tim was an eager student. having been brought up in a very religious home and being an only son Tim had not been exposed to males of his own age. Rodney taught Tim what pleasure could be had from his rear hole. Using the two young stable boys to help Rodney allowed Tim to plunder young, tender boy flesh. He also taught him that he could be satisfied with a man's tool in his own hole. But Rodney was not selfish. He allowed Tim to enter his own hole repeatedly. Soon the vicar had graduated to buggering the footman with his long, slender tool. Both experienced men praised the skill with which Tim plowed their asses. Of course they were paid to do so by Rodney who'd taken their rears during the job interview. Shortly after learning the use of his prong Tim was in hot pursuit of every male on the staff. It became the custom for them to wear the minimum of clothing when the vicar visited. Often Tim could be found in the library not bent over a book but bent over a chair waiting to be filled with the cock of one or more servant. Tim did not neglect his duties though. Daily he visited the humble homes of the villagers. He prayed with them and preached the gospel. Many a young peasant lad sought out the vicar to help them deal with temptation of the flesh. They would kneel and pray. But Tim had another kind of prey on his mind. Somedays he'd walk by the river watching the naked young men bathing and playing in the water. His prick hard at the sight of all of those strong, naked boys. In his heart he knew that he relished the thought of those innocents being ravished in his bed.

Mathew and Frederick returned from the season in London to an apparently unchanged, rural life. The manor was running smoothly. The crops were ready for the harvest and the vicar was strangely attentive to his parish. But the sons of the local gentry had an unusual sudden interest in religion. Many would visit the vicar on their daily ride, stopping for tea. They usually left with a satisfied smile. Tim wore his long, black cassock and no under garments. If one looked closely he might see a small wet spot. The vicar smiles a lot after such visits.

Shortly after their return the two lords sat and reviewed the ledgers with their estate manager, Rodney. They were interested in the conditions of the houses for their tenants. Rodney assured them that he knew of some village boys who were skilled in repairs. He was sure that all would be put right before winter set in. After a morning working on the ledgers the young lords sent a stable boy to ask the vicar over for lunch. Rodney had assured them that the vicar would be most eager to see them again. He hinted that in their absence the young man had become fully familiar with the ways of men. Indeed he was now very eager to guide the men of the parish. Orders were given for an intimate lunch to be served in the library. The footmen smiled knowing what that meant.

Mathew and Frederick decided to tempt the young vicar. They both opted to wear tight fitting pale trousers which emphasized their own sizable assets. Rodney, knowing the vicar's raw cravings, wore an open neck shirt and similar trousers. They sent a donkey cart to fetch the vicar. It was driven by one of the handsome staple boys. Nothing was left to chance in the lunch preparations. A good bottle of wine was brought up from the cellar to be served with the meal. Both of the lords were eager to test the young man's virtue. This was obvious in the bulges of their outfits.

The vicar arrived on time wearing his long black gown as usual. He was greeted at the door by Rodney who escorted him to the library. Rodney had his hand on Tim's cloth covered rear as they walked in. The hand on his rear had caused a slight tent to form in the gown. Mathew greeted Tim offering him a drink. The four men spent a few minutes drinking and talking. Rodney and the two lords standing after offering the vicar a seat on the sofa. The footmen prepared a table apparently ignoring the gentlemen. But they did occasionally wink in expectation of the events to come. A simple meal of soup and a joint of meat was served by the footmen who paid particular attention to the vicar's needs. Over liquor after the meal the lords thanked Tim for caring for the estate in their absence. Rodney sat splayed out in a chair facing Tim. The young man could not help but stare at the wanton display between Rodney's legs. The two lords smiled at each other as the young man stared and a large tent formed in his black gown. As Rodney talked about the affairs of the various tenants both lords began touching each other in their intimate places. This only brought more attention to the large bulges in their trousers. The young vicar's mouth was watering at the wanton display before him. The three tempters knew exactly how to entice the vicar. Tim's tent grew to an extreme size as he stared at the others. Two footmen stood invisible at the side. Their own trousers displaying an awareness of their masters. Finally, Rodney stood and asked "Vicar is there something we can do for you seem a bit excited or is it curious?

At that offer the vicar fell to his knees as if to pray. But prayer was not what he needed. Rodney reached down and pulled the black clerical gown from his body. Beneath the gown was a naked, wanton man in sore need of relief. The footmen lighted the candles and closed the drapes as the three gentlemen removed their own clothing and the last of the vicar's attire. He was left wearing simply his starched white collar and black socks.

Thanks again for reading my simple tale and for your comments

Next: Chapter 3

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