Vicar's Visit

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Sep 25, 2020


Vicar's Visit cajuncock

This is a work of gay fiction set in past times. The characters are simply from the imagination of the author. If sex between males offends you please read no further.

It was early in the 19th century. English society had not yet developed into a puritanical, bigoted religously narrow world it would later become. The colonies of North America had won their independance and gone their own way. His Majesty's realm stretched around the globe aided by adventurous traders and men seeking their fortunes overseas. At home the Prince Regent led a life that reflected an open attitude towards matters sexual. It was commonly accepted that men of equal status should be free to take others of their class as legal partners. Even the Anglican church found itself accepting the attitudes of the times, providing a wedding ceremony for male couples. Of course, the distinction between the social classes was strong. One dare not engage openly in a relatonship with a male of a lower class. Fathers with numerous sons often encouraged their sons to find a suitable, male mate. It eliminated competition for lands and titles for many an ancient family. Younger sons who choose to marry females were looked upon as a guarentee of future inheritors. Of course, only males were deemed worthy to inherent titles and lands. Unmmarried sisters were pensioned off with an honorable amount and a residences suitable for their status.

Such was the case with the young Mathew, Earl of Strainclift, son of the Duke of Grantly. The object of his heart's desire was Fredrick, the second son of a local baron. They'd met while serving in one of His Majesty's overseas wars and become quite attached to each other. Since the Earl's younger brother had already married and produced two sons, the union of the older brother with the handsome Frederick, the baren's son, was accepted. The usual dowry was offered by the baren and accepted by the duke. The bands were announced and the wedding scheduled for a month later. In keeping with tradition, the duke granted his eldest son one of the many manors he possessed along with a generous annual allowance to maintain the couple and the needed staff. Also, as was the custom, the bedding of the couple was witnessed by a select group of gentlemen, some quite drunk after the wedding feast. Such was the beginning of a young noble man's life as an adult. Mathew was a tall, dark haired man typical of one who'd led a soldier's life. His most outstanding feature was his eyes, a sky blue. His new companion, Frederick was very different. His blond hair rested on a fair creamy face with radiant green eyes and a straight military bearing body. Neither of the couple were virgins as might be expected of two soldiers havng served overseas. It was generally assumed that each one had tasted the delights of the other's body while serving in the army. They also had shared the bodies of other men along the way to adulthood. The consumation witnessed by the select group showed clearly the bedroom skills both men possessed.

In the month after the engagement was announced and after the duke had given his eldest the manor, the couple set about the task of setting up a proper household. They'd decided that it would be appropriate to have an all male staff for the estate. They searched through the various villages on the duke's estates for young men who might serve well in such an environment. The first choice had to be a stewart to oversea the day to day operations. They found the perfect man in Rodney, a strapping farmer's son. His appearance, tall, muscled, tanned body was impressive. Closer inspection revealed that he had other useful assets hidden beneath his clothing. Working with Rodney they were able to find a kithcen staff, stablemen, and a pair of twins who would serve as footmen. A cousin of Rodney's was taken on as the gardiner and keeper of the lands. He was also given the task of securing two assistants. In all theyhad been able to secure a staff of 11 able bodied, strapping young men of like sexual persuaiton. Mathew insisted that his military valet be brought on as his personal body servant to serve the newly wedded couple.

Having consummated their marriage the earl and his new countess/ partner began the expected receptions for the members of the local gentry. They also entertained their former military friends for long weekend parties. The descreet nature of the parties was accepted by the household staff who often joined in for the many late night parties. This being the current British social custom much that went on was kept from public view. After all what goes on in a gentleman's bed is his own business. The servants were often very generously rewarded by the guests at the end of the weekend parties. Of course what went on between men, between gentle men and men of the lower classes was their own affair. Mathew always let it be known that the ill treatment of his staff by guests would be punished with banishment from his social circle. It was a punishment that few men dare to incur.

But Mathew and Frederick were no strangers to having a third persson in their beds. The valet, a footman, or a young virile stable boy would willingly accept a late night invitation for an opportunity to engage with the couple. Mathew's long, thick, 8 inch cock was a fine reward for any servant's ass. Frederick's tight hole had enchanted many a local farm boy and servant into his bed. Most times the lured young man was well aware of what was instore for him when he was summoned for an "nterview" with the lords of the manor. The reward of a few coins was an addition to the physical satisfaction that they had shared. Knowing that revelation of these little night time visits would result in severe punishment kept all tongues quiet. Besides who wanted to be banned from further encounters in the bedrooms of the manor.

Such was the situation when the new, young, unmarried, and very handsome young vicar arrived in the village. He was a recent graduate of the college and from a very religious family background. As was the cutom at the time the vicar, Timothy Wellsum, was invited for dinner. Some of the other gentry were also invited. Over brandy after the meal and after some excellent wines, the young vicar began questioning the others about the spiritual needs of his new congregation. At first those present were reluctant to discuss the needs of others in the small village. But under repeated questioning, they began to reveal some of the goings on among the lower classess. While not admittng their own involvement, they hinted at the sexual nature of many other men. The young vicar, being a man of limited worldly experience, asked for more details. At this point Mathew called an end to the evening. The vicar was the last to leave. Mathew seeing that the night had turned darker and stormy urged the young vicar to stay the night and delay his depature until morning. Seeing the storm the vicar agrred that it might be better to stay put rather than brave the storm.

Mathew ordered one of the footman to prepare a bedroom near his own for his guest. Another footman was sent to bring coffee and more brandy to the library while the bedroom was being prepared. For the nexr hour the three men sat in the library talking, The vicar asked how the couple had met and how they had recognized their relationship growing. The couple were honest in their responses. He further questioned them about the nature of their sexual attachment, having never had one himself. As they talked all three began to become excited. The young couple told of their love and of the joy of sharing their bodies with each other. As they answered more questions from the vicar each of the three men noticed that they were all physically becoming aroused. The clock sturck 11 and the footman returned to announce that the guest chamber had been prepared as instructed. He led the vicar upstairs to the bedroom. He proceeded to undress the vicar in preparation for bed. While he did this the vicar questioned him about the sexual nature of the young couple's relationship. Both the vicar and the footman were becoming aroused. The footman;s tight pants displayed his hard instrument and the night shirt left little to the imagination in regards the vicars's own equipment.

Next door Mathew and Frederck forgeting about their guest, soon were naked and making loud love to each other. Their passion could easily be heard by both the vicar and the footman. The vicar, being naive, asked the footman what was happening next door. Refusing to be ashamed the footman gave an accurate description of what was going on next door. The naive vcar asked if they were hurting each other. The footman assured him that each man was achieving the ultimate pleasure that a man can give another. The vicar thought for a minute before asking if the footman had himself enjoyed such pleasure. Being honest with the clergyman the footman admitted that he had enjoyed such many times. By now both their arousal was obvious from their stiff tools. The vicar admitted that he had no experience in sexual matters. He'd never been taught anything about sex. Looking down at his engorged tool he woefully admitted that it was lacking in his education. The now fully hard footman could stand it no longer. He asked the clergyman if he were looking for an instructor in the ways of sex that the two masters seemed to be enjoying. Whispering the vicar mumble :Yes, J think that I need it."

Soon both the servant and the vicar were naked on the bed. The footman began by kissing his new student on the neck while rubbing their nakrd bodies together. The vicar moaned at the new enjoyment he was receiving. The young virile footman moved over to gently press his lips to those of the innocent vicar. Overtaken with passion he opend his mouth to the footman. Who moved further down the innocent's body to suck on each nipple. A wave of desire swept through the young, innocent clergyman. He wrapped his legs around the hips of his new teacher. Feeling his student surrender, the footman reached over to the night table for the vial of night oil. Pushing himself to his knees he pulled back. He looked down at the young man beneath him seeing lust. Quickly he poured some oil on the prick of the other man, rubbing it in. He then reached down to find the man;s hole. Rubbing around the edges he tempted the vicar forcing him to moan loudly. The vicor begged for more lessons, more delights. The footman oiled his own prick then moving it to the winking hole. He gently touched the hole with just his tip. The vicar yelled out for more, for all of that prick that would bring him joy. Slowly, gently the footman pressed forward feeling the tight hole give way. The vicar yelled at the sudden intrusion. The footman leaned over to silence the scream. As he did this the pain turned to pleasure for the vicar. Slowly, very slowly the stiff prick was pushed in to the root. The vicar felt the other man's pubic bush rub his taint. He was filled with a supreme need. He screamed, begged to be taken, to be filled.

All of the screams did not go unnoticed by the occupants of the next room. They realized that the horny footman and the innocent vicar had finally connected on the most primal level. Mathew had selected that particular bedroom for the vicar because he had a secret. The chamber had an oil painting which had a small holes in it so that the scene could be viewed from the other room. Hearing the begging, both men rushed to the wall, pulled back a drapped panal on the wall and took positions to watch the deflowering in the next room. As they watched the footmn had turned the poor, innocent vicar onto all fours on the big bed. Free from the cock the vicar again begged to be filled. As the men watched the footman's long, thin tool began pounding into the young vicar who cried out his pleasure at being so crudely used by a virile man of the lower classes. He begged his agressor to never stop, to fill him with more cock. The silent footman obeyed the commands of the vicar plowing him harder.

Mathew, seeing the animalistic scene, could no longer restrain himself. He moved behind his lover and began fucking him loudly. Frederck encouraged his hisband to do more, go deeper. to fulfill his marriage obligations inide his own body. Soon their cries joined those in the other chamber in joyful and loving orgasms. Both Mathew and the footman were virile men with deep needs. Soon after the first climax and never going sofe they were again displaying their manliness with their partners. This time it was slower and the aim was to bring their partners to the end with them. The men repeated their love making many times that night leaving them and their partners exhausted but satisfied.

The next morning at breakfast... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to donate to the site; comments welcomed -

Next: Chapter 2

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