Vegas Vacation

By Max K

Published on Jul 9, 2007


Hope you liked the first 2 parts of my Vegas adventures, here's the last bit. It was sad finishing writing this down, cause as I wrote it, I relieved all the fun and excitement again. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I've never posted on nifty before, so hope my first time, wasn't a dud. :-)

Next morning I woke up first, and turned around to see Alex laying next to me, with his legs spread out, and his dick hanging limp. I bend down to see the butt plug still in place, with dry semen on the pink edges. I tried to move it, he stirred, and moaned in his sleep, and turned to the side. His sister called at that moment, letting us know they're getting ready for breakfast, and to meet them in half an hour. The phone call woke Alex up.

"I have such a hangover," he said laying in bed, not moving.

"I bet, you drank a lot yesterday! I hope you didn't mind, I kind of took advantage of the situation," I said, sitting down next to him, and gently slapping his ass.

"No, no, not at all, from what I remember, it was lots of fun, but I really need to get that thing out, and wash up!"

I helped him get up, and we walked towards the bathroom, with Alex's hand over my neck, as I was holding him up. He stood there, taking a piss, while I turned on the water, and waited for it to warm up, then I helped him into the shower, and got in behind him. He kind of just stood there, letting water run all over his body, cleaning of the sweat, and smell of sex mixed with smell of cum. I slowly lowered myself behind him, and pushed his legs gently apart, and pulled on the plug. He bent down, lower, to try to find a comfortable spot, and then, without warning, I just yanked it.

"Fuck!" Alex screamed, and even jumped up a little bit.

"Sorry man, but I figured this would be quicker."

I saw some liquid slowly start dripping down his pink stretched hole. I grabbed a sponge, and started gently cleaning it. Then got some soap, soaped it up real good, and washed it out. We were both wet now, so we helped each other showering, and even though towards the end we were both starting to get hard, we got out, dried up, and got ready to go eat.

Breakfast went by quick, with lots of talking, laughing, and eating of course. After that, we headed to the festival, while it still wasn't too hot. We saw a show, bought some souvenirs, and played a few games. Around 1pm, it was starting to get hot, and we headed back to the hotel, thanking whoever invented the car air conditioning system. Alex's sister and her husband were going to take a nap, and we decided to meet around 4pm, to head to the lake again, and then to dinner, and evening events at the festival. Alex and I decided we're going to borrow the car, and go exploring. We drove around for a bit, until we came to a dirt road, of the main road. Curious, we took it, and kept going down, with lots of twists and turns, wondering if we'll find our way back. Finally the road ended abruptly at a small lake. There was not a person in sight within miles. Alex turned off the car, and turned to me:

"Get out, and get ready," he said, smiling, and pulling out lube out of one pocket, and the butt plug out of the other.

"Oh, man, come one!" I tried to fight back.

"Hell no, I'm going to pay you back for last night! Get out!"

I got out of the car, and waited. He came out, and touched the hood, which was blazing hot. He looked around, smiled, opened the trunk, and produced some rope. Then he grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards some trees. He proceeded to tie my hands to 2 trees, within close distance to each other, so I stood there, with my hands spread out. He pulled down my shorts and boxers, and I waited, trying to see what he's doing. All of a sudden, with one hand pushing me down, he guided his hard dick with the other, right into my hole, without so much as a notice. I winced, and bit my lip, feeling tears swell up, and he didn't seem to care. He started pounding me, pulling me onto his dick by my hips, and then pulling me off it. I couldn't move, my dick was bouncing left and right, rock hard, my hands were starting to go numb. All of a sudden, without much effort, he lifted me up by my thighs and screamed, which echoed all over the canyon, as he blew his load. He put me down, finished filling my hole, and then quickly pulled his hard dick out, and replaced it with the butt plug, which he made sure went in as deep as it could.

"Did you like that?" he came around smiling at me, his dick hanging out, covered in my juices, and his cum.

"What do you think? Now untie me!"

"Not just yet!"

He lowered my head, and I took it as my cue to clean him up. So I sucked and I licked, until his cock was shining clean. Finally, just as I thought I was about to get my release, he stroked my cock gently with one hand, while producing a cock ring with another, which he proceeded to put on me. He then put on my boxers, and my shorts, and untied me.

"Now, you're not going to touch it, are you?" he smiled.

"Fuck man, I gotta cum, it's killing me!" I begged.

"Not yet, not just yet, lets go back to the motel."

By then it was 3:30pm, so when we got back to the motel, we saw Alex's sister telling us to get changed for the beach. We went into our room. I was trying my best to walk normal, which was hard seeing how I was full of sperm and had a butt plug and my cock was stiff as a board, and couldn't go down. In the room, I thought I would finally get my relief, but I found out quickly, I was wrong. Alex changed me from my boxers and shorts, into my swim trunks, not allowing me to touch myself. And so I went to the lake with a rock hard cock, wearing a cock ring, and an ass full of cum, held in by a butt plug.

I decided against swimming, and just laid out, obviously on my back, with a towel over me. The rest of them swam, and had a great time, but I saw Alex looking at me every now and then. Finally, when I thought he was distracted, I got up, grabbed my towel, and headed towards the secluded area where just yesterday we fucked our brains out. As I got to the familiar rock, and discovered some dried up semen, I heard foot steps, and turned around to find Alex, dripping wet, catching up to me.

"Dude, what do you think you're doing?" he came up to me really close.

"Come on, I can't take it anymore, I need to get rid of this!" I begged, pointing to my dick.

"Ok, ok, I'm going to help you relieve your stress now," and he grabbed my towel, spread it out on the rock, and laid me down.

He slowly pulled down my trunks, careful not to touch my dick. He then got on his knees, but moved lower, to face my hole, which was pulsating at this point. He licked around the plug for a bit, and then he pulled on it, slowly, back and forth, back and forth, until it slid out. Without wasting anytime, he started eating up his own juices which seemed to erupt from my hole, and which were burning hot. He drank and drank, and licked my hole clean, until there was nothing left. Alex got up, with the biggest grin on his face, covered in his own cum, as if to tell me 'See, I told you I'll help you out'.

But there was still a problem of my rock hard dick to be taken care of. He helped me up, and we walked over to a flat low laying rock, where he laid me down again, on my towel. He then slowly removed the cock ring, and before I knew it, he was lowering himself onto my rock hard cock. He had his back to me, and he started moving up and down, while I moaned in absolute pleasure, and squeezed his ass. It took no time at all for me to explode all that which was building up in me. As soon as I was done, Alex surprised me again by quickly standing up, and moving back more, until his hole was over my mouth. I realized quickly what he had in mind, and as my own cum was dripping out of his hole over me already, I moved closer, and started drinking it, and eating his juicy pink opening, while he bent down to clean my dick. We lay there, like that, with me eating him out, and smelling his body, and him playing with my dick, which has now gone limp, for a bit. Then proceeded to wash up, and join the rest of the party.

Dinner was fun, as usual, and the show in the evening was interesting. We left after the show was over, and drove to their house, which was about 3 hours away. We got back pretty late, but Alex's girlfriend (oh yeah, didn't I tell you? He is in a serious relationship, and I am seeing someone back home) was waiting to pick him up. He gave me a hug goodbye (and a little squeeze) and headed out. I left for New York the next morning. I don't know if we'll ever get this crazy, but this trip will be remembered always.

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