Vegas Vacation

By Max K

Published on Jul 7, 2007


On the way back from Vegas, we stopped at festival in the canyon. Alex's brother in law was driving, his sister was sitting up front with him, and Alex and I had the back seat. We were both tired from the long night of fun that we had, and since we got to sleep so late, we were passed out in the back seat. Once in a while we would wake up, when we hit a bump in the road, or when Alex's sister said something to wake us up. At one point, I woke up because Alex has slouched over and instead of leaning on the window, was now leaning against me, his head being on my shoulder. I closed my eyes, and tried to fall asleep again, when I felt his hand on my crouch. My dick sprang up right away. The excitement was too much for me, since his sister and brother in law were right there, I tried to move his hand away slowly, without anyone noticing, but he wouldn't move.

"Leave it" he whispered, and squeezed tighter.

We sat there, me leaning on the window, with my hands in my lap, Alex leaning on me, with his hand squeezing my dick.

"We are here!" announced Alex's sister, and we both sat up. He smiled at me, and stretched. We got out of the car, to check into the local motel. Alex's sister and her husband got a room, and Alex and I got a room, that had one big bed.

"You guys going to be ok with this?" asked Alex's brother in law?

"Yeah, I guess we'll manage, right man?" asked Alex, innocently looking at me.

"Sure, drink enough, and I won't care where I pass out" I said casually.

They left us alone, to go unpack, and shower, and asked us to get ready, so we can all go to lunch. I saw them out and locked the door to turn around and see my new roommate standing there, in his wife beater, and nothing else.

"Damn man, that was quick!"

"I couldn't wait to let it breathe! He missed you" laughed Alex, swinging his dick around, which was rock hard now. "Come on, you must be hungry, eat something!"

I got on my knees, and went to town. I licked the head, and savored his balls, while slowly stroking his cock. Then I started sucking, first slowly, then picking up speed, until I had Alex moaning. Before long, he grabbed my head with two hands, and forced his dick down as far as he could, and blew a huge load down my throat. As I was swallowing gulp after gulp of stick and creamy jizz, there was a knock on the door.

I got up really quick, forcing down everything that was in my mouth, and Alex bolted for the bathroom. I straightened up, and opened the door.

"We decided to head to the lake first, then out to lunch, what do you guys think?" asked Alex's sister, who was standing at the door now.

"Um, sure, let me ask your bro. Hey Alex" I yelled to the bathroom, "wanna head to the lake first, before lunch?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!"

"Sounds like we're heading to the lake" I told his sister, "let me change into my swim trunks!"

"Great, I will see you guys soon. You got something in the corner of your mouth, probably drooled while sleeping" laughed Alex's sister, as she left. I quickly wiped the last bit of her brother's cum of my lip, and swallowed it, smiling to myself.

We got to the lake shortly, it was a beautiful hot day, but since it was a weekday, there weren't many people. We were all in the water soon, splashing, diving of each other's shoulders, swimming, and having a great time. Soon Alex's sister and her husband came out to lay out in the sun, and Alex and I were left alone in the water. He dove down, and yanked down my trunks. He came back up, staying close to me, and stroking my rock hard cock.

"I need to return the favor man" he smiled, checking the shore to make sure they were still laying down.

"Man, this is crazy, there's your family, and there some other people around."

"Come on, don't you want to blow a load?"

"Oh, do I, I am ready to explode! But don't you think it would be a waste to blow this load into the lake, and have it go to waste?" I winked at him.

"Mmm, you have a great point!!!" and Alex stopped.

I pulled up my trunks, and we waited a little bit, for my erection to die down, and then came out of the water.

"We are going to go walk around a bit" said Alex to his sister, as I grabbed the sunblock lotion and the towel, as if to dry.

We headed off to try and find a deserted section, and pretty soon found a very secluded spot. We saw a huge rock, and walked up to it. I spread the towel on it, and leaned. Alex yanked down my trunks, and started slowly jerking. Then he took my cock into his mouth, as he massaged my tight hole with his finger, inserting first one, then two fingers into it. I was so hot at this point, that it didn't take long for me to blow my load into his mouth. He swallowed every last drop, and stood up smiling. Then he pulled me in, and for the first time we kissed. It was long, sloppy, and hot. He still had some of my cum in his mouth, and pretty soon I was testing my own juices. We were both hard now. He looked at me, and gently pushed me down. I laid with my back on the rock, as he lifted my legs onto his shoulders. He took some sunblock, and lubed up my hole. Then slowly he pushed his rock hard cock into my hole, which was on fire by now. Holding me by my thighs, he started slowly fucking me. His eyes were closed, and he was moaning. With each push I was sliding further on the rock. Pretty soon he was pounding me as hard as he could, the towel has slid off to the side. I was now naked on the rock, my eyes closed, my dick hard as a rock, screaming with every push. I tried to jerk myself off, but as soon as I touched it, it erupted all over my stomach, and Alex's chest, and that was all that he needed. He screamed, arched his back, and came. He came and came, and wouldn't stop. I felt my hole fill up with burning liquid, and then he fell on top of me, breathing very heavily. His cock was still hard, and wasn't softening. He slowly pulled it out, and it came out with a pop. A stream of cum flowed out of my stretched hole, and Alex, not wanting it go to waste, got down and drank every drop that came out, eating my hole clean. He then licked my cock, and my chest, until he got every drop of cum of me. He moved closer and closer, until he got to my lips, and again, there was a hot, wet kiss, with our juices being passed around. Alex rolled over next to me, and we lay there, for 10 minutes, too tired to do anything.

We finally got up, putting our swim trunks on, and headed into the lake. We spent 10-15 minutes cleaning ourselves up, and then headed back to where his sister was laying out. After getting some sun, we all headed back to the hotel, to get ready for dinner. Alex went into the shower first, then when he came out, it was my turn. Once I got out, he was standing in tight undies and buttoning his shirt, smiling at me.

"What? You're going to let me fuck that high, muscled ass of yours?" I smiled back.

"Well, not now, we're running late, but after dinner, it's all yours!" and with that he turned around, lowering his briefs. He had a small butt plug sticking out of his tight hole. "I'll loosen it up for you a little."

We headed out soon, with Alex twitching once in a while, as if he was trying to get rid of a wedgy. We got to the restaurant, and there was a long wait. Alex's brother in law suggested we wait at the bar, so we headed in, and got some drinks. Alex didn't want to sit on the stool, and he just stood there. At one point, his back was turned to me, as he was talking to his brother in law. My knee was right behind his ass, and I slowly pushed. I could see Alex tense up, and I smiled. Dinner went by quick with drinks, laughing, and Alex's frequent bathroom trips. We were all pretty drunk when we left, and it was really late, so we said our goodnights once we got to the motel. Alex staggered into the room, walking with his legs spread, and fell on the bed. I came over, and unbuttoned his pants, slowly pulling him down. I then took of his shirt, and socks, and he was laying there, in his black Calvin Klein briefs, breathing heavily. I slowly pulled down his briefs, to get a good view at his hard cock. He was just laying there, with his eyes closed, his chest going up and down. I took off my pants and my shirt, stroking my dick, looking at his hairless, tanned and muscled body. Then I slowly turned him over, moving him closer to the edge of the bed.

Now starring at me, was his smooth and round ass, with a small black butt-plug sticking out. I touched it slowly, he moaned. I moved it a bit, and he moved his ass in motion. I started slowly pulling it, I felt him stiffen, and lift his butt a bit, and then I just yanked. It came out with a loud pop, he screamed, and I was looking down a pink hole. I started licking the edges, sticking my tongue in it, then 1, 2, 3, and finally 4 fingers.

"Now, please" I heard Alex whisper.

I didn't need to be told again. I positioned myself behind him, and slowly entered. My dick slid right in, and I felt his hold tighten around the base of my cock. I skipped the slow start, and started pounding Alex, holding tight onto his hips. His hands were spread, grabbing onto the blanked, and squeezing it tight. I laid down on top of him, without reducing speed, kissing his neck, and his ear. I bit his shoulder as the moment came, and he lifted his head, as his hole tightened and held my dick, which started shooting deep inside his him. I emptied every drop of cum I had into his hole. I then grabbed the butt plug, that was still laying near me, slowly pulled out, and quickly stuck the butt plug in, licking around it, to cleanup any spillage. I turned Alex over, and saw that he was very hard. I lowered my mouth on his dick, and he came almost immediately. I sucked him dry, and when he let the last drop touch my lips, he was asleep. I covered him with a blanket, washed my face, and was soon asleep next to him.

The final part is coming up.

Next: Chapter 3

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