Varsity Adventures

By moc.loa@2996nafdemrahc

Published on Jul 10, 2009


I do not know the sexuality of the featured celebrities or their personal lives; this is purely a work of my imagination. Something I dream will come true. But doubtful it will.

Italics-Singing (As Jayk is in a boy band)

My New Boyfriend

The excitement running through me was at an all time high. Jayk Purdy had JUST asked me to be his boyfriend, granted a secret one, but every relationship had its flaws. But none of that mattered, I knew I had him, and he had me. I couldn't believe how ecstatic I was.

We had a quick breakfast, and headed out. Jayk decided to leave the van for Bobby, so we grabbed a cab. No one was going to notice him, hopefully. The band admittedly, wasn't high up on the charts, but some people still may notice him, especially girls.

"Take us to the nearest mall, please." Jayk told the driver. He scooted down in the seat, his head directly on the seat; he looked to me and pleaded me to do the same. I was a sucker for his beautiful, brown eyes and his pouty lips. He held out his hand and I clasp mine with his. It felt right, our hands together, fingers entangled. He leaned over and kissed my lips, soft to the touch.

"So what're we going to do at the mall?" I asked.

"Hmmm well I was thinking we could do some window shopping, maybe some actual shopping. Then we can go get some lunch, your choice. Then we can catch a movie we both want to see. Then some more mall hopping, maybe hit an arcade or something, then a quick dinner before the show." He said with a smile on his face.

"What about the band?" I asked, "Won't they wonder what you're doing all day?"

"Already taken care of," he said, "I left them a note I was going to spend my day hanging with you, and we were going to hit some local stuff, just hang. Normal `guy' stuff." He laughed, and kissed my hand. I was a little sad I had to keep our relationship a secret. But if Jayk wanted to, I was going to respect it. I wasn't going to fuck this up.

"So shopping, eh?" I stated, "What are you going to get me?" I joked.

"For sure I'm going to get something special, for someone special." He said, kissing me yet again. I think he secretly knew how much it made me tingle inside. Something, that even though I wouldn't think of it, would give me the biggest hard on. A simple kiss made me weak in every part of my body, even my brain would go to mush. He looked directly in my eyes and said, "You're the most beautiful thing on this earth Daniel."

Part of me wanted to do the girly, `Awwwwww' but I resisted and said, "The same could be said for you, Jayk." The taxi had begun to slow down, so we got up from our hiding place. To cover our secret meeting I told the driver, "Dude, comfy seats. We needed the power nap. Thanks!" Jayk laughed and handed the fair to him and told him to keep the change. We got out and started our walk to the mall doors. It wasn't very crowded, but by the looks it was starting to. Jayk put on a pair of sunglasses to cover his face; he had the usual trucker had atop his gorgeous hair. So we were basically two random guys at the mall.

"So where do you want to go first?" he asked, looking at me with covered eyes.

"Hey, you wanted to shop, so you pick?" I told him, sticking out my tongue.

"Watch it, or I'll bite that sexy thing off." He said, winking, "All right, let's go to a shoe store. I want to get you some flip-flops." He had clearly noticed that I only wore them. "Although, I will probably get you something to wear during cold months, too."

"Babe, you don't have to. It's fine; I have stuff at the dorm." I told him. He just shook his head; I could tell he was as stubborn as I was, so I gave in to him. He smiled at me, so I fully caved. "Fine, one of each and that's it."

"We'll see," he said. He smiled again and stepped on the escalator. "While we're shopping, think of where you want to eat. I'm feeling pizza."

"Sounds great to me," I told him, then I leaned over to him to whisper, "but, I'd kind of like a taste of your sausage, too." I nibbled on his ear a bit, and leaned away.

"Ugh. You tease!" he said, glaring at me. "You are SO getting it tonight!"

"Why wait till tonight, let's find a place here," I said winking. "I'm sure the theater doesn't have cameras in the bathroom."

"Deal!" he said, excitedly.

"Some boys are just too easy." I said.

"Well we are with such a hottie like you!" he said. We reached the second floor of the mall and Jayk started to head left, I followed after him. It was hard to walk in these pants, I felt like my ass looked huge in these fucking pants.

"Hey I have a question." I told him.

"Shoot, baby." He replied.

"Does my ass look big in your pants?" I asked, walking a bit in front of him.

"Goddamn." He whispered.

I felt a little insecure; I couldn't really tell if that was a good or bad one. "What? What? Does it?"

"No, it looks fucking fantastic!" he said, slapping it. "Now turn here, we're at the shoe store." I was a bit concerned someone would've seen the playful ass slap, but everyone was too busy to see it. So I shrugged it off and went into the store after Jayk. He was in the men's section, looking at the flip- flops. "Baby, which do you like better, the blue ones or the red ones? The blue ones have white on them, but the red ones have black with them."

"Either one, I like both." I told him, smiling on the inside because he was so cute.

"Fine, I'll get both." He said, grabbing both. "Now what else do you want? Tennis shoes, skate shoes, or boots?"

"Uh, I hate boots, so choose out of the two." I told him, "Then I'll pick a pair of whichever you pick." He smiled, because I wasn't fighting his gift giving.

"Hmm. I think you'd look totally cute in skate shoes." He said, walking over to the skate shoes, me at his heels. He pointed to two he really liked. "I think you should get one of these." So I picked a pair of black shoes with red laces and striping. "My first choice!" he smiled.

I laughed, "I guess it's good we found each other," I told him. I wanted to kiss him, but I stopped myself. "Where to now?"

"Hmm, let's go look at phones. You need a new one." He said, remembering my very worn out phone.

"No! You are not getting me a new phone, Jayk!" I demanded, still he had his stubborn face on and shook his head. "I mean it!"

"Yes I am," he told me, "it's my special gift for my special someone." I was speechless, how could I say no to that?

"Fine," I said, pouting, "you can get me the phone." He smiled at this, "But. It has to be a Verizon, my dad is nice enough to pay for my phone bill while I'm in college. I'm not going to change carriers."

"Fair enough," he said, still beaming. "Now let's go." He paid for the shoes, and carried them. I tried to reach for them, but he stopped me. "No, I'm carrying them." I just sighed and kept walking, giving up on the fight he'd win. We stopped by a map to find where the nearest Verizon store was and headed off.

We walked and talked, he told me a lot of personal things about his childhood. So in turn, I told him of mine. It was great getting to know him on this level. We had so much fun, we laughed and we finally got to the store.

We walked around the store, looking at different phones. He wanted me to get the enVtouch. I had to admit I did want that phone, so I told him yes. He got the phone; we changed all my numbers over and left. I loved my new phone! "Thanks Jayk, this was very nice. I love my gift. I wish I could get you something." I said, with a glum look on my face.

"Daniel," he said, looking into my eyes, "you are a gift enough." A tear slowly rolled down my cheek, and I wiped it away. "Aw, don't cry beautiful."

I dried my tears, "So where do you want to go now?"

"I don't know about you, but how about we go get some pizza? I'm starved!" He said, rubbing his perfect stomach.

"All right, let's go get you some food." I said, placing a hand on his stomach, feeling his abs. "Damn, I love your body," I whispered. We walked back toward the food court which was on the first floor at the escalators where we first came in. So we were in for a walk again, no big deal though. I loved talking with him.

We finally arrived at the food court and Jayk ordered us a pizza, and we sat and ate. It was reaching about 12:30 when Jayk said, "How about a movie?"

"Sounds good! What do you want to see?" I asked. He sat a while, thinking. Silently mumbled to himself. "What have you seen?"

"I saw the new Terminator last week, have you seen it?" He asked with a sly smile on his face.

"Yeah, I did. I think I know what's on your mind. Half an hour of movie and I'll head to the bathroom.

You wait 5 minutes and go in. Got it? We'll have to go in separate though, you buy your ticket first, then I'll go." I told him, we had our plan, he went to go buy his ticket, then after he had his purchased I got in line. I waited a few minutes, purchased my ticket and went in the theater.

I got a text as soon as I got into the building, it read "Drinks? Popcorn?" I sent a quick reply of "No, I'm stuffed. See you in there. ;-)" I got a reply back, "I'll get some stuff just in case, see ya baby." I made my way into the theater and picked out a good seat, making sure there was one beside me. Not many people were in the theater. A few families and some couples, and a few elderly men. I sat in a row that was completely empty.

I got settled in, relaxed and watched the previews. Jayk walked in with 2 drinks, a medium popcorn, and some candy. I just laughed to myself. He is such a goof, he got to the row I settled in and sat down beside me.

"I came prepared," he laughed, "I know you said you were stuffed, but after our workout you promised, we may need it."

"Good plan," I said, "because you WILL need it." I winked at him and took a drink, slowly sliding the straw in my mouth. I could see the bulge start to form in his tight jeans, I wanted to ditch the movie now and ride it, but I resisted. I figured I could get him really fired up so the sex would be more amazing than it already is.

He leaned over to my ear, and quietly whispered, "I'm going to fuck you so good baby." He sang it a bit, and nearly made me cum right there. It sent shivers to every part of my body. I let out a hushed moan. We both wanted to get to it, but we know we had to wait. So we sat back and watched the previews.

As planned, a half hour of the movie passed, and I left for the bathroom. Most movies were in session, so I knew everything would be clear. I walked through the lobby, and into the bathroom. I picked a stall and sent him a quick text of which stall I was in. I waited and wondered where he was, and then I heard the bathroom door open. I wasn't sure if it was Jayk or not. A knock came at the stall door; I noticed his shoes and opened the door to let him in.

"Hey sexy," he said, "Sorry it took so long, I told the managers that you were really sick and to hold people from coming in. So we have total privacy." He pulled me up into his embrace, locking lips at the same time. I parted my lips to allow his tongue into my mouth. It explored my oral cavity, massaging my own tongue. I ran my hands up his shirt, feeling his sculpted chest. His body sent so many emotions through me.

We broke our intense kiss to remove our shirts. Once off, we hung them over the stall, I knelt down and began to kiss his cock through his jeans. He moaned softly, and I unzipped his pants and unbuttoned them. He removed his shoes and socks, and removed his pants. I began to suck on his cock through his boxer-briefs. He moaned and ran his fingers through my hair. I began to slowly lick up and down his shaft, this drove him wild.

He could not stand it anymore; he picked me up, pulled off the remained of our clothes. He held me up against the stall wall, and slowly slid his dick into my awaiting hole. I moaned, throwing my head back.

"Oh god Jayk, give me more." I moaned. "Fuck me, baby." He didn't reply much to this, just a grunt erupted from him. He began to pick up his pace; it felt so great having his big dick go in and out of me. I moaned his name, I kissed his neck. I made my way up to his lips, again allowing his tongue to enter my mouth.

My hands were wrapped around his neck, so I made my exploration of his beautiful backside. I felt down his shoulder, and slowly went down his back. I reached his rock hard ass, squeezing it tight. I wanted to force him deeper into me, and I think he got this. He began to go deeper and deeper. We both began to sweat like we were in a sauna.

He finally hit the spot the put me over the edge, I began to shoot my warm cum all over his perfect body. This apparently put Jayk over the edge, he began to moan and shoot a hot load in my ass. He slowly lowered us onto the toilet.

"God damn, Daniel." He said, "Sex just keeps getting better with you. I can't believe I found such an amazing guy like you." He gently kissed my lips.

"I know, you're very lucky mister." I joked, "Now let's get you cleaned up. As much as I'd like to lick you clean, you'd still be a bit sticky." We gathered our clothes, I cleaned him off, and we exited the bathroom. Before we were completely out, he pulled me back in. "What?"

"Forget the movie, let's go back to the hotel and just be together." He said, with sincerity washing over his eyes.

"All right, let's go." I said, leaning up to kiss him. We walked out of the bathroom, went through a lobby. We got a cab and went back to the hotel.

The End.

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