

Published on Apr 18, 1991





Brian Dern and Gene Saylor had both reached their goal, they were both chosen to be on Harbor High School's varsity football team. But when Brian saw that Gene's name was also on the list, he experienced a twinge of anxiety.

The relationship between them went way back into childhood. They lived in the same neighborhood, their parents played bridge together, and all during elementary school, Brian and Gene were inseparable - in fact some of the other kids thought they were brothers. This was not an unlikely conclusion to reach. Although Gene was blond and Brian had brown hair, they looked very much alike and dressed very much alike. They were best buddies.

In junior high, though, something happened that caused them to see less and less of each other. Their parents and friends were mystified, but neither of the boys would talk about it. What happened was that Brian had stolen a Playboy magazine from a liquor store and asked Gene to come over and look at it. Both boys of course got very hard, and Brian talked Gene into the idea of taking their cocks out and masturbating. They did, but afterwards felt very guilty. Their guilt eventually drove them apart, until they were only the most casual of friends.

Now Brian realized that he and Gene would be on the same team, which had not been the case in previous years. (Brian had started in the football program earlier than Gene and played junior varsity while Gene was still in Frosh/Soph football.) He wondered if, after all this time, their relationship could be mended.

At their first practice, Gene and Brian found themselves sitting next to one another on the bench. They started by discussing some new plays the coach had given them, then the imminent arrival of their varsity jackets, then the conversation turned to their girlfriends. Their eyes met, and an awkward silence ensued. It was Gene who finally spoke up.

"I've been thinking..." Another pause. "We were just little kids when...that....thing...happened..."

Brian looked around nervously.

Gene continued, his eyes on the ground. "What do you say we just pretend it never happened?"

Brian's heart swelled. He had been hoping for this for years. He tried to contain his emotion, but his voice cracked, "Yeah..." He cleared his throat. "Sounds O.K."

They looked at each other and smiled. A great weight had been lifted from them both.

In the coming weeks, they began hanging around together more and more. Some observant classmates noticed that Brian would occasionally show up in some of Gene's clothes and vice-versa. They began to look like brothers again. Both of them had very solid builds for high school students, they were the same height, and they wore exclusively Levi's corduroy jeans or 501's. They wore the same brand of T-shirt (J.C. Penney "polo" tees), sometimes alone, sometimes underneath button down shirts. They wore their hair the same, somewhat shorter than most of their classmates, but longer than most of the jocks. They were desired by every girl on campus (and some of the guys, too.)

Gene was going out with Denise Shaw, a very pretty brunette, whose look suggested innocence, but whose reputation did not. Brian was seeing Bonnie Hansen, a blond, who was attractive but not striking, a good student, and member of the marching band. It was Bonnie who first brought up the idea of a double date.

It was decided that they would all go to the Warner Drive-in on Saturday. Brian convinced Gene to borrow his dad's big Buick so there would be room to maneuver.

The Warner was showing a double feature - a 007-type spy movie and a B-grade sci-fi creature movie. Gene planned their arrival so he could watch the spy movie first, then turn his attention to Denise during the second movie. When he got there, Gene realized that, although taking the Buick was a good move, he would have to take the front seat and be in view of Brian and his date. He hoped he wouldn't embarrass himself by cumming in his pants the way Denise usually made him do in the drive-in.

During the first movie, both couples cuddled and kissed. The kissing became more intense during the movie's love scenes. At intermission, the girls were clamoring for some popcorn and something to drink. Brian and Gene headed for the snack bar, both with their hands stuffed deep in their pockets as they tried to conceal their hard-on bulges.

Once in the snack bar, Gene looked down at Brian's puffed fly and grinned. "You too, huh?" he asked.

Brian saw what he was looking at, noticed Gene's pose and grinned back. "Does Denise ever let you have any?" he asked quietly.

Gene didn't want to admit that their activity had never gotten past his ejaculating in his pants, so he said, "Yeah, sometimes. How about you and Bonnie?"

"Naw, she's too much of a goody-good."

Their popcorn and Cokes were delivered, and now they had to remove their hands from their pockets. The two football players walked back to the car with big, obvious, unyielding bulges in their Levis cords.

While the guys were gone, their dates were talking.

"Brian's a real hunk, huh?" Denise asked Bonnie.

"Yeah, I think so. But Gene's a real dreamboat... you're so lucky!"

"Have you ever done anything with Brian?"

"No, I'm saving myself," Bonnie said. Her eyes widened as she wondered aloud, "You've done it with Gene?"

"No, he never gets it out of his pants," Denise replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, usually he cums in his pants while we're making out." Seeing Bonnie's incredulous look, she continued, "Sometimes I...`help' him do it." Denise smiled a wicked grin and both girls began giggling.

The guys returned to their laughing dates. "What's so funny?" Brian asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just girl-talk," Bonnie responded.

"But you should try that, Bonnie," Denise hinted. Bonnie just smiled.

The couples polished off their snacks quickly, and soon the making out began in earnest.

Brian was trying to figure out what was going on in the front seat. He kept hearing Gene whisper things like, "Not tonight, O.K.?" and "Slow down!" and "Cut it out!" He figured out that Denise was giving Gene a hand-job in the front seat, but didn't fully understand why Gene was trying to stop her. Still, knowing that his buddy was "getting some" emboldened Brian. He didn't want to seem less of a stud than his friend. He leaned over Bonnie and moved his body on top of hers. It was very awkward until he got Bonnie to stretch out on the seat. Then he laid on top of her, and for the first time, Bonnie felt Brian's hardness rubbing against her.

Gene glanced back to see what all the commotion was and saw Brian laying on top of his date. He could see Brian's ass muscles through the fabric of his pants, working in a steady rhythm. He wondered if Brian had his cock out and was actually `doing it' in the back seat.

Gene had to bring his concentration back to what Denise was trying to do. Despite his repeated pleas, she kept playfully teasing and rubbing his trapped cock, making him leak globs of pre- cum into his shorts and pants. He prayed he would be able to hold his cum, and not have to embarrass himself in front of Brian. But Denise was very good at this, since she had made him cum enough times to know just how and where to rub his throbbing cock.

"Stop it!" Gene hissed through clenched teeth.

"Oh, you can't mean that. This is fun!" Denise whispered.

"Well then at least take it out."

It was when he heard that, Brian realized what was going on in the front seat. Gene was getting a hand job all right, but it was still in his pants. Brian's own cock leaked a big glob of juice in his shorts as he continued making out with Bonnie.

"No! Wait!" Gene's whispers were frantic, and his breathing was heavy.

Brian realized that Gene was getting ready to shoot off in his jeans. He looked up just in time to see it all.

Gene clutched Denise tightly. Brian saw Gene's face straining, almost in pain as he fought to hold back his load. Suddenly Gene let out a half-groan, half-sob, and his breaths took on the rhythm of the spurts of semen which began filling his shorts and pants.

He's really doing it!' Brian thought. Gene's creaming his jeans!' Brian had kept up the steady humping of his trapped hard-on against his date all through this, but was taken by surprize when he felt his own cock releasing big globs of hot, wet goo into his shorts! He immediately tried to stop the flow, but it was too late. He resigned himself to the feeling, but managed to keep his breathing under control while his cock continued to squirt.

Now both boys were caught up in orgasmic contractions. Wet, sticky semen filled the inside of their shorts, soaking through to make shiny, wet stains on the outsides of their pants.

Gene was mortified. He knew he had made so much noise while cumming that Brian had to know what happened. He was unaware that Brian had shared his orgasm in the back seat. He looked at the car's clock.

"Uh... (ahem)... Uh, I told Dad I'd have the car back at 11:00. Brian?"

Brian pulled himself off his date. "Yeah, that's cool," he said.

Everyone began rearranging clothing as Gene started the car.

Once the girls had been taken home, Gene felt as though he should say something about his "accident," especially since the car reeked of cum, but he couldn't think of what to say. After a long silence he said, "Well, I guess you know what happened..."

"Huh? Oh, yeah," Brian replied. He had been off in his own world, worrying about his own wet underwear.

"Man, I just couldn't help it, you know? I'm sorry if it ruined things for you and Bonnie."

Brian realized then that Gene didn't know that he had done the same thing. He decided to put his friend out of his misery. "Hey man, don't worry about it. I did it too."

"Naw man, you don't understand. I...I...shot off in my pants, man," Gene admitted.

"Yeah, I know. So did I"

Gene whipped his head around. "Huh?" he said. He looked down at Brian's pants. Brian was wearing dark blue corduroys, and the stain was not apparent, especially in the dark. "You're bullshitting, dude!" Gene challanged.

"No, really! Here...feel it...right there." Brian pointed to where his load had soaked through.

Tentatively, Gene reached down and touched his buddy's pants, something he hadn't done since junior high. His fingers landed on cold wetness. He kind of pinched the material and felt a sloshing, gooey mass underneath the fabric. Brian smiled.

"Well, I'll be damned," Gene said. "Now I don't feel so bad."

Brian glanced at Gene's pants. He was in faded tan corduroys, and the stain by his fly was very obvious - and very large. "Looks like you really did it," he commented.

"Yeah, Denise really knows how to get me hot," Gene admitted sheepishly.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with creaming in your jeans. Lots of guys do it," Brian said.

"Yeah seems like I can't hold back anymore. Every time I go out with a chick I come home with wet shorts."

"Well at least you get your nut. Just think about those nerds who can't even get a date."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Gene said as they pulled up to Brian's house. "See you Monday."

"Yeah, thanks for driving!" Brian called as he walked to his door.

The following Saturday found both boys without a date. Since the movie at the Warner was one that both of them really wanted to see, they decided to go together in Brian's little sports car.

Partway through the movie there was a love scene. Brian noticed Gene moving and squirming in the passenger's seat and looked over just in time to see him adjusting a big lump in his faded 501's.

"Enjoying the movie?" Brian teased.

Gene looked over and saw Brian looking at his crotch. "Shutup," was all he could say, and he punched Brian in the arm.

Brian laughed. He could feel his own cock starting to throb and swell in his jeans. "Yeah, I wish Bonnie didn't have that band concert tonight."

"Yeah, I'd sure like to have Denise here, too."

"She'd only make you cream in your jeans," Brian taunted.

Gene retorted, "That's cool...lots of guys do it that way, DON'T THEY BRIAN!?"

Both boys laughed. The love scene was getting steamier, and both guys had full erections straining against their jeans.

"Has Bonnie made you cum in your pants a lot, Bri?" Gene wondered aloud.

"No, that was the first time with her. But other chicks have."

"How many times?"

"Hey, if I had a dollar for every time I've come home with jizzsoaked underpants, I'd be rich," Brian replied.

Gene chuckled. After a short silence, he continued, "It's really not such a bad feeling, you know?"

"No, it sure beats going home with blue balls."

"Have you it to yourself?" Gene asked tentatively.

"You mean have I ever jacked off? You KNOW about that."

"No, I mean...have you ever jacked off in your pants?"

"Yeah," Brian admitted. "A couple of times."

Inside, Gene breathed a sigh of relief. "Me too," he said. "I even did it in class a couple of times."

"Wow," his buddy breathed.

"I kinda like feeling my cock shoot off into my shorts, especially since I've been going out with Denise." Gene said.

"Yeah, I gotta admit, it felt pretty good last night when I was humping Bonnie."

Both boys were rock hard and leaking in their Levis.

"Hey man, we gotta either stop talking about this, or do something about it. Otherwise I'm gonna go home with blue balls tonight!" Brian said.

" around a little?" Gene asked quietly.

"You mean, like, pretend we're with our dates or something?"

"Yeah. I'll rub you in your pants and you rub mine," Gene suggested.

Without another word, each guy put his hand in his buddy's lap and began massaging. This went on for several minutes. Brian broke the silence.

"Hey, this feels pretty good."

"Yeah," Gene croaked.

"It's not the same as being with Bonnie though," Brian said. "You wanna try...well, you wanna like...kiss and stuff?"

Gene looked at Brian for the first time since they started their sex play. "I don't know, man. Isn't that kinda like...queer?"

"Well, hey. I know you're not queer and, you know I'm not. We're just pretending we're with our dates," Brian rationalized.

Gene thought about it for a while. Brian kept up a steady rhythm on his concealed hard-on, hoping Gene would get so aroused he'd agree.

Finally, Gene whispered, "O.K."

Slowly, the guys brought their faces together, their eyes open. Brian sensed the hand on his crotch was trembling. Gene closed his eyes and Brian moved the last few inches until their lips met. He felt Gene's cock throb HARD under the confines of his jeans. The first kiss was tentative, followed by another, and another, each increasing in intensity. The two high school varsity football players began passionately kissing, each rubbing the other's cock, right in the drive-in!

The tempo of their crotch rubbing increased. Both guys were drenching their shorts with pre-cum juice. Brian could feel the wetness soaking through the soft denim of Gene's pants. Their tongues intertwined as they got closer and closer to their now inevitable orgasms.

Gene pulled away. Eyes tightly shut, he clutched Brian to him and began murmuring, "No Denise, don't make me do it. Stop! I can't hold it!" He was deep in his fantasy. The sound of Brian's deep groan brought him back. "Brian... Ooooohhh, Brian.... yeah, make me do it...make me cream in my pants!"

Both guys went over the edge. The first spurts of hot semen sloshed into their shorts at the same moment. Clutching each other tightly, the two hunky teammates frantically rubbed each other's crotches as wad after wad of milky white liquid soaked their Levis. Wet, shiny stains spread quickly over the ends of their cock-bulges. Brian's orgasm lasted a little longer than Gene's, and Gene considerately milked his buddy's boner until he finished shooting in his pants.

Finally it was over. The guys were sweaty and exhausted. The windows of the small car were completely steamed over. Their 501 jeans were drenched with the results of their huge orgasms.

Brian wiped the inside of the windshield only to see the movie credits rolling up the screen. He turned to Gene. "You want to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, O.K."

They rode in silence back to Gene's house. As they pulled up, Gene looked into Brian's eyes and said, "I don't know if we should do this anymore."

After a second or two, Brian replied, "Yeah, you're right. We probably shouldn't."

(They did.)

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