Vanity House

Published on Jul 21, 2022


Vanity House 15

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Chapter 15


“I don't get why you are concerned with Vice,” Neiman stated.

We were running down a beach in the middle of the afternoon the day after I had the discussion with Roman. The summer heat was steaming down on us but I had so much energy I had to release. Luckily Neiman didn't mind being athletic and taking a job on Captiva's shore.

The shore wasn't the safest place to hang out due to the fact that all the other gays were around here. However this was the middle of the day. The bigger houses such as the Giselles and Dragons didn't have any issues with us but things were definitely on edge with the Crystals and the Havoks.

“I'm not concerned with Vice,” I said shaking my head, “I'm concerned with the house on a whole. I think it was bad timing for me to dump my feelings on him. It's like I unloaded on him or something.”

“I mean if he didn't turn you down then he must have no minded it at all.”

I shook my head.

The beach was long. A lot of girls seemed to be looking over at Neiman and I as we ran down the beach. We definitely seemed like an unlikely couple. It wasn't that though. There was attraction but of course I didn't pay them any mind. I knew most of these girls were probably just tourists looking at the sites.

“It was more frustration,” I stated remembering the conversation, “He knew I didn't have a plan and called me out on that shit. I looked dumb.”

“I didn't know you needed a plan to be in love.”
“Whoa! No one said the L word.”

“You still have that wall up,” Neiman laughed shaking his head and started to actually run backwards so he faced me, “That is why you are giving up on him.”

“I'm not giving up on Roman,” I replied, “I am just putting it on pause.”

He shook his head, “That's so dumb. You think Vice is going to sit around waiting until it is comfortable for you to steal his boyfriend away.”
He turned back around and laughed. I just shook my head in return. It was scary but he was right. Neiman actually had a lot of good advise when he finally got the nerve to open his mouth and say something.

We met Nima down the block. She had given Neiman a call while we were running and told us to meet her over at Irma's bar. I hated going to that bar. I had gone there twice and both times seemed to have a lot of issues. Still I rathered be the one issues that letting a pregnant Nima have issues.

When we got outside the bar she was sitting there on a patio in front of the bar. I thought she was drinking but as I got closer I saw it was only a glass of water on her hand. I could barely see her hidden behind her giant Jacki Onassis sunglasses and her yellow flow dress engulfed her. It was clear shew as beginning to realize that her figure was showing.

“Why the hell are you guys sweating?”

Neiman shook his head at his twin, “I told you that we were running.”

Nima just sighed, “I don't know why everyone is trying to be in competition with Roman. First Jamie tries to get rowdy like Roman and now you guys are trying to get his body. Just let Badass be Badass...”

“No one wants to be Roman,” I laughed.

“Especially if you were with Roman,” she sneered.

I sat down in the patio chair next to her. I was sweating a mess. The truth was I did realize that talking to someone with a hot body like Roman would possibly mean making sure that I kept my body at least in good condition. He had never made any comments that he didn't like my body but then Roman wasn't making a ton of compliments either. I was kind of confused on where him and I stood.

“Roman and AJ did not have sex,” I stated in third person, “Why does not one believe that...”

They looked at one another and then looked at me and then just started laughing.

Nima shook her head, “Like hell you didn't. You both were just sitting around grinding but naked with your ding-a-lings in one another. But it wasn't sex.”
I rolled my eyes. It still made me blush thinking about how they showed up at the door to find Roman and I naked in bed. Roman still swore we didn't have sex and I believed him. He had no reason to lie about that.

“Roman has a boyfriend...”

“Roman is starting to realize something,” Neiman budged in, “Giving a cheater another shot is is like giving him another bullet because he missed the first time.”

Nima shook her head, “This isn't about Roman. There is a reason I asked you guys to meet me here.”

“What's up?”

“Well we got Vice out of jail,” Nima stated.

I hadn't seen him in the house in the morning but then again I hadn't seen Roman either. I guess it would make sense that Vice was out of jail. I shook my head not knowing if I was happy or not.

“So Lombardi was just cool with dropping charges.”

Nima smiled.

“Here's the catch,” she stated slyly, “Jamie had to make a deal.”

“What sort of deal?”

Her face made a funny looking gesture. “Something small. Lombardi agreed to not press charges on Vice if you and Jamie went on a double date with him and XO.”

“You are kidding me,” I asked, “XO has been acting weird as hell! Like I don't want to go out with him.”

“Please...for the family?”

They were starting to throw this fafmily thing in my face a lot. The last thing I wanted to do was go out with XO especially after he allowed Marlon to kick me out of my OWN birthday party. It was ridiculous. He had helped vandalize my fucking house. Why was I going out with him?

Neiman shook his head, “Roman is going to bug.”

“He's not going to find out,” Nima replied.

Neiman shook his head, “I'm telling.”

I shook my head.

“Honestly Roman has a boyfriend. He has no place to be jealous of anything,” I stated and shook my head, “You know what a date is nothing serious. It's not like I have to marry the guy. I just wish you and Jamie would have asked me BEFORE agreeing to this.”

“Right...” she stated.

I knew she was blowing me off.

I hadn't realized she had some stuff with her until she dropped a bag on the table. It was a bag of clothing in the bag.

“I spent the morning going shopping for the date,” she stated, “It's actually tonight. Good luck baby bro.”

She got up off the table and gave me a kiss on the forehead. She played with Neiman's hair a little before leaving. It killed me because she knew I was going to go. I figured Jamie had set this thing up. Nima wasn't smart enough to make a deal like that.

Jamie may have still had feelings for Lombardi but I could have cared less about seeing XO again. It had become more of an annoyance seeing him around then anything at this point.

“I'm so telling Roman,” Neiman repeated, “You don't need to go.”

I shook my head, “It's nothing.”

“Nima is setting you up. That pregnancy is getting to her head. I can't believe she doesn't know who her baby's father is. I knew Nima was a little bisexual but to have a kid is crazy.”

“You don't want to know...”

I didn't know it had come out until Neiman actually turned back to me and gave me a short little look.

“Wait you know who got her pregnant?”

I shook my head, “No I was just saying it's probably embarrassing for her. We wouldn't want to know who her father was.”

I couldn't even lie with a straight face.

“You didn't say 'we', you said 'you' like you knew already.”

He had caught me in a lie. Neiman was smart. I could tell I wouldn't be able to lie myself out of this one. Still I couldn't let anyone know Nima's secret.

“Neiman do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Then please...I'm begging you. Please...leave this alone.”

He got quiet. I could tell he was thinking but he didn't ask me anything about it. I know I sounded suspicious as hell at that moment but I didn't know how else to deal with his inquiries.

This issue was a big issue. This issue was an issue that could tear apart EVERYTHING. The Vanity house was so fragile with Jory in the hospital right now. The last thing we needed was this coming out. This would completely tear everyone apart.

The truth couldn't come out now.

Nima had bought me a nice little outfit to wear. I wasn't surprised though. She was a very stylish girl. I had on a sexy egg white blazer that was trimmed with dark denim. She paired them with some Se7ven jeans and some fly blue and white Jeremy Scott sneakers that had wings on them. The overall outfit looked like she could have spent a ton on it. I was very happy. I had to agree to going out with more and more blind dates.

Lombardi and XO came and got us at 8 pm that night. Jamie was dressed similar to me with a matching blazer but his blazer was actually black. It was clear Nima had probably gotten our ouftits at the same place and at the same time. I thought it was cute to match with him honestly. I felt like we were in uniform or something going to war with the other house.

I got into the back of Lombardi's Audi and Jamie got into the front. As I got into the back I noticed XO. I wasn't surprised that he looked nice. He had on his clena cut look and seemed actually sharp as fuck.

“Hey you...” he stated as though we were on good terms or something, “You look sexy as hell man...damn...”

I smiled. I had to at least place polite.

“Thanks bra.”

I could have told him he looked more like Michael Ealy but I had told him that a million times already and that was the only compliment I usually had for him.

He kept tryigng to make conversation in the backseat of the car but I answered everything as short as possible. I was actually more interested to see the chemistry that Lombardi and Jamie had. They were making me and XO look like we just met today. Jamie was smiling more than I had ever saw him smile. His hand was cupped in Lombardi's hand. They were obviously flirting and Lombardi could hardly keep his eyes on the road as he drived.

The restaurant we went to was a classy restaurant in a nice part of the island. There was low music playing in the background. XO was really REALLY trying it. He was acting as though he hadn't spray painted the house I lived in just a few days ago.

It was actually making me sick as he pulled out my chair.

“Did I tell you how good you looked tonight?” he stated.

“Thanks sir. I'm a grown man though I can pull out my own chair.”

Roman would have never pulled my chair out for me. He wasn't like that. Roman wasn't chivalrous and didn't have all these extra ass manners. He swore like a sailor and on his best day he had maybe Tupac's attitude of “FUCK YOU, PAY ME”.

“We'll be right back,” Lombardi stated grabbing XO, “We'll go get you guys some drinks from the bar so we don't have to wait on the waiter.”
I watched as him and Jamie kissed before he walked away. They kissed on the lips. I couldn't believe Jamie. I kind of understood now where Roman and the others were coming from. This cat had just attacked your home and you are sitting here WIFING him like his name was Wilma.

I waited until they walked clear across the crowded room before I leaned over to him to say something.

“Having fun with Lombardi?” I asked.

Jamie shook his head, “I'm making the best out of the night. You are barely talking to XO. It's like you want him to hate you or something.”

“First off the Crystals kicked us out of MY birthday party. They spray painted our house. XO left my uncle to die and ran away. I'm not forgiving him for no shit like that. Whatever history you and Lombardi have are...Jamie...Jamie...what the fuck I'm aren't even looking at me...”

Jamie was looking elsewhere.

He had a stunned face on.

“Did—did you tell Roman where we were...”

“Someone did.”

I turned to look where Jamie was looking. On the other side of the restaurant was Roman. He was actually sitting there with Vice. It kind of surprised me to see them sitting there. I figured Roman wouldn't be hanging out with him anymore for some reason. Vice was facing away from us but Roman was facing towards us.

His eyes darted to me. Our eyesight was in perfect views of one another. I knew he saw me. He even winked to let me know he saw me before he quickly turned to continue listening to whatever bullshit line that Vice was feeding him.

“Can we leave?” I asked.

Jamie was probably wondering the same thing. He shrugged. He looked really nervous with Roman being here. We actually both turned at the same time to see him looking back at us once again.

“He's going to make a fucking scene,” Jamie stated, “God damn I was hoping for a slow and easy night. Just don't lead him on. Ignore him ight? please?”

“That's easy for you to say. I don't like my date anymore.”

“Why not?” Jamie asked me, “XO is a good guy. He has his shit together. He doesn't have a boyfriend. He isn't your House Brother. We can help stop the drama around here. You talking to Roman is just not a good idea.”

He was preaching again. Jamie had this thing about preaching. I knew he had his best intentions in mind. Hell he was probably right. XO was the type of person that I should have liked. That was clear.

“They are coming back,” I said.

I felt like I was saved by the bell. I didn't want to defend my feelings to Jamie. He just didn't understand and he probably wouldn't. Shit, I didn't even understand this shit.

We both got quiet as Lombardi and XO came back to the table. Luckily they didn't seem to notice Roman who was all the way on the other side of the room.

Xo handed me a drink.

“Oh naw, I'm good bra...”

I learned my lesson from taking drinks from people. I knew it sounded weird as hell with Jamie and Lombardi looking on. It was clear that I had played him a little bit and truth be told I really didn't give a fuck. My thing was why was he so damn close to me? Why was he getting me a drink? Why was he giving me these eyes.

I didn't have time to be dealing with this dude.

“I hate it when you call me bra,” he said.

“What should I call you?”



“I'll pass,” I said shaking my head.

I was surprised that XO actually laughed it off. I could tell that I was making Lombardi a little uncomfortable and that I was embarrassing Jamie. I could tell by the death stare Jamie was giving me across the table that he wanted me to be nice to XO.

I sighed as XO decided to drink my drink and his drink. The last thing I needed was him to be drunk like he was on my birthday.

After ordering two more drinks he was definitely getting there.

His hand was actually riding up my thigh underneath the table as he talked to Lombardi from across the table. I had no idea what they were talking about. I was completely caught off balance.

“You got some sexy lips,” XO stated.

“Um thanks--”

I didn't even get to finish my thought before XO was over me. His tongue had entered my mouth as I was trying to thank him for the compliment. He held my hand still and his tongue went in my mouth quick. I hadn't noticed that on the other side of the bench Lombardi and Jamie were kissing too. Maybe that was what this was about.

He was holding my head in this crowded as restaurant kissing me like we were in some gay club or something. My face went red as our lips parted.

Roman had gotten up before when XO kissed me. It was all at the same time and I knew almost immediately the reason that he had gotten up. I could feel his tension as he stormed away. He was going to the bathroom.

“Excuse me a minute,” I said.

I pushed XO as I moved past him. Truth was I wanted to knock the fuck out of XO. I couldn’t believe he had done that and I knew that it was because of him that Roman had stormed off.

I put myself in Roman’s shoes. If I had seen him kissing another dude after the conversation we had in his bedroom I would have thought he was some sort of slut or something. Why the hell was I even here? I didn’t get it.

I walked into the bathroom to see Roman hanging over the faucet. The water was running but he wasn’t using it. He was just kind of standing there.

Had he been waiting for me?

“What do you see in him?” he asked me.

I didn’t know completely how to respond. My mind sort of went black at the thought of it. I looked him in his eyes.

“You are out here with Vice,” I said, “Don’t try to turn this on me.”

Truth was I felt like I was the one trying to turn this on him. I felt guilty for kissing XO. I felt like I shouldn’t have but now it was just too late. He gave me that deep look and turned to me. He walked closer to me. He pressed up against me.

“You want me AJ?” he asked, “Be honest.

He had pressed up against me. His lips were inches away from me when he asked the question. I took a deep breath as I looked at him. It felt like my whole body was squirming underneath him.


He kissed me.

It was a deep long kiss. He dragged down my lips sucking on them slowly. My dick started to get hard from it. My body was shaking. He knew he was doing this to me. He smelled so good and he was so needy. He pressed me against the door of the bathroom. It was a small bathroom.

Who would get in?

He grabbed my head and put it up against the door. He started to lick at my neck slowly and then harder and harder. I could feel my body slipping into this coma like state. Roman kept kissing me.

“So then I’m yours,” he said and kiss me again, “Are you mine?”

His what? What was he saying? Whatever he meant it was exciting me. His right arm had pinned both my arms above my head. He was so strong he could keep me there without really struggling. His other arm started to dig at my dick. He pressed on it through the pants and slowly started to unbutton it. My body was shaking. I felt like I could nut at that very moment.

“You can’t…they are waiting for us…”

He grunted at that moment, “I don’t give a fuck about anybody but you yo.”

He had said it so aggressively that I think I believed it. It wasn’t just my body he was doing this to. He was now doing it to my heart. He kissed me and then immediately turned me over.

“What are you doing?”

“Shut up. You been teasin’ me baby. You know what I feel about you. You know what I think about your ass...”

He sqeezed my ass and pressed me with one hand against the wall. It was painful because my dick was hard and being pressed up against the door. I squirmed in pain a little bit as he pressed my dick up against the wall. Then he let go.

He had let me go to use both hands and separate my ass cheeks.

It was only a second before I could feel the cool wet tongue sweeping into my ass. I couldn’t believe this. Roman Badass was licking my ass right now. He was good at it too. His tongue twirled in between my asscheeks. I breathed heavy clutching for anything on the wall that I could get my hands on. I was screaming.

“FUCK! Oh god…Roman I can’t yo. That shit is too good…”

Just then there were a few knocks on the door.
‘ “Shh…”

He had grabbed me and swung me around violently kissing me as though telling me to shut up. As he did that I saw him turn the lock on the bathroom door locking it even as whoever it was was outside of the bathroom knocking to get in. He sucked on my tongue taking it completely in his mouth and bobbing up and down it.

That was when he took his shirt off. His abs were perfect and could still show even underneath all his sexy ass tattoos. I had never been so attracted to someone. His entire torso was covered in art. His arms were covered with tattoos sleeves. He looked at me with this sexy look and spread his arms apart in a welcoming way. He looked down and I saw what he was looking at. His dick had an imprint on the side of his pants.

“You said you wanted me…”

At that moment nothing else even mattered. The Vanities didn’t matter. XO didn’t matter. Vice didn’t matter. I walked over to him and knelt on my knees.

I stared up into him as I started to unbuckle his pants. He was still licking his lips almost like he had something sweet on them. He kept licking his lips and he whispered, “Damn baby…I’m so hard.”

I was hard too. When I unzipped his pants though I saw what he was talking about. His dick was fully erected and slapped me hard in the face. I looked at it for a while before taking the perfect head into my mouth and taking the shaft down my throat. I never really sucked a dick before but it was becoming natural. I just wanted it so bad.

“Oh damn baby…fuck…man---you are the shit. I’ve been waiting for this for mad long bra. Yeah take that dick. Damn yeah…lean back…”

I leaned back putting my hands behind me so that I didn’t fall. He started to fuck my mouth, thrusting his dick deep into my throat. He was gentle but he didn’t save any inches. He sent it deep into my throat each time. In the mirror I could see his ass as he facefucked me. I used one hand to squeeze his fat and yet firm ass. He had a track ass. It was muscly and big. It felt soft as I gripped onto the dimple and cheek.

I squeezed and vibrated my tongue…making him squirm a little.

“You trying to make me nut?” he asked looking down and smiling.

“Isn’t that the point?”

“Not yet…”

He picked me up. At first I thought he was just trying to stand me up but then I realized that he hoisted me up and used his arms to secure me. I didn’t know what was happening until it was actually happening. I was going to say something about me not being wet enough but for some reason as he lowered my ass down on his dick it was more then wet. I was actually surprised at how wet my ass was. I knew that I left his dick wet but I doubt I had made it as wet as this. It was almost like it knew what was going on.

“Oh shit…wait wait…no, don’t stop…” I said.

I couldn’t make up my mind as I felt his hands gripping onto my ass. I felt so light in his arms. I knew that there was pain. Hell he was probably fucking me too hard but I didn’t care. All I cared about was the expression on his face as he kept dropping me on his dick in the middle of the floor and then lifting me up to drop me hard again. His hips were thrusting upward with the motion. He was making sure I got all of his dick in me.

“Fuck you so tight…and you so wet nigga! OH god. Damn brah how are you so fucking tight? Ugh damn baby. You bout to make me nut…I didn’t know you was this tight.”

He didn’t nut right away though. I could tell he was trying his best to hold it back. He kept stopping between thrusts now and kissing me hard. He looked at me the whole time.

My voice squirmed, “Fuck…I love you!”

I was nutting. It was unexpected. I hadn’t even touched my dick the entire time but it had begun to spasm. The thick milky nut was shooting out of it. It shot all over Roman’s stomach. This seemed to send him over the edge.


His dick was still pile driving in me but I could feel the warmth in my ass as he started to nut. I could feel the nut oozing into me filling me up. At first I started to panic that I had just had unprotected sex. Biggie was the only person that had done it before. Roman doing it was different though. I wasn’t afraid. I didn’t honestly care and no matter how stupid and self-destructive it sounded I didn’t give a fuck.

Had I just told Roman I loved him?

He hadn’t said it back.

Still I was such a goddamn idiot for saying it.

He let me down on the kitchen sink and we just sat there for a minute letting the high go away. He left his dick in me for a while and when he pulled out the nut started dripping out of me with him. He had definitely got a lot in there.

It was strange though. He didn’t say anything as we cleaned up. The clean up was just silent and strange. It was so awkward. I didn’t know what was on his mind. Was he really feeling me just so he could know what the sex was like? Was he not impressed? Did he feel guilty for cheating on Vice?

Maybe I scared him off saying that I loved him.

I left the bathroom and started to walk back to the table. It wasn’t until I was almost there that I noticed that Roman was behind me. I could see Jamie’s eyes get wide as Roman walked up to the table with me. It was so goddamn strange.

Lombardi shook his head, “No wonder the line for the bathroom was so long…”

“Bro what are you doing here?” Jamie said.

“What it look like?” Roman said, “I’m taking AJ out of here. Now.”

“Wow…” XO stated breathing heavy.

“Anyone got something to fucking say?” Roman asked looking dead at XO when he said it. His eyes didn’t even leave XO.

XO didn’t do anything. I figured he wouldn’t. He just stared at the table. I didn’t know how I felt about this. It was weird still from what had just happened. I know I had been in the bathroom way too long. They must have gotten suspicious. I could tell Roman was on some sort of power or territorial type shit.

Jamie shook his head, “It’s up to AJ. AJ are you leaving?”


I mean you don’t let someone nut in your ass and then continue on a date with someone else. I figured that was just a no no.

It hadn't hit me until we had gotten in the car what had just happened. Roman was still being extra quiet. What was strange was that Roman didn't have a car. He had a motorcycle. We had hopped into Vice's car with him.

Vice had taken off driving but the awkwardness was clear. I looked at the two in the front seat as we continued to go.

That was when Vice turned to Roman, “You mind telling me why AJ Vanity is in the back of this car...and be real...”

Roman turned back to me, “Should I tell him or should you?”

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